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unit8 colors教学案例


unit 8 colors (第三课时 )


1 、知识目标:

能听、说、认读 5种表示颜色的英语单词(red 、yellow 、blue、black 、green),并能用英语“ colors”这一话题进行简单的交流:what color is it?it’s___ . 2 、技能目标:

( 1)、能在实践中熟练应用所学的颜色。

( 2)、在活动中体验互帮互助的乐趣,培养学生的想象力及细心观察周围事物的能力。

3 、情感目标:



( 1)、掌握 red、 yellow、 blue、 green、 black的读法。( 2)、有关颜色的对话:what color is it?it’s___ .熟练应用。




step 1. greetings: (5分钟)

s: good morning ,ms nancy!

t: good morning, boys and girls! how are you, today?

s: i am fine, thank you.

t: which color do you like ?

s: i like__.(抽查提问几个小朋友)

t: great! thank you . sit down, please.

step2 :warming — up(3分钟)

t:now, let’s do a little warm-up. you can find some colors in it.ok?

s: ok!

t: greet light, go! ready go!(师生齐做律动)

t: wow! you are so great! now, let’s do it faster and fasrter. ok? (师生慢慢加快速度做律动)

t: __ is the first! give ma five! ever body sits down, please.

step 3 : review words.(7分钟)

t: 现在请小朋友们想一想,刚才你听到了几种三色,分别是什么?ok, jerry. you, please.(小朋友说出哪个单词,就把相应的单词卡片

贴在白板上,并带领小朋友读单词三遍。) thank you. sit down, please.小朋友们再想一想,我们还学过那些关于颜色的单词呢?(生:blue and black)(把孩子们说出的单词卡片贴在白板上) do you want to play a game with them? (s:yes.) 现在我们来一个跳单词的游戏。看ms nancy的魔术手指,它会跳舞,你们想不想和


面。比如当它跳到blue的时候,你们要说(生:yellow)great! let’s start. ready go! (游戏开始)

t: our boys are very good!congratulations to you! 我们的小美

女们你们需要回答ms nancy 几个问题。what’s this? (girls: it’s red )(多提问几次,并板书句子:it’s_.) step 4: sentences.(10分钟) 1、 t:look!what’s this? (生:瓶子)你们能猜出来它是什么颜色的么?(生:无色的/白色的)。now, let’s shake it. what color is it? ( s: red) follow me. it’s red. (s: it’s red.)

2、t:(举起另一个瓶子)who wants try? i will choose the first one.其他小朋友和ms nancy一起说:shake!(等被挑选的小朋友

完成后) what color is it? ( s: it’s green.)(挑选提问几个小朋友)

3、t:小朋友们有谁知道ms nancy刚才说的次数最多的句子是什么?(生齐声说:what color is it?)(板书句子:what color is it?)那么有谁能猜出它是什么意思呢?(生齐声说:它是什么颜色的?)great! you are so clever! follow me. what color is it?

4、t: now, i need three students. who wants try?( 挑选三位不经常发言的小朋友) let’s say: shake!(三位小朋友全部完成后)现在我

们大家一起问***、***和*** what color is it? very done! give me five! thank you, and go back to your seat!

5、小朋友们看一下我们漂亮的教室里是不是也有这些颜色?谁想成为小老师,来带领大家找颜色?第一个回答正确的小朋友可以被邀请做下一位小老师。who wants try?(可以进行三或四次)

step 5: story. (10分钟)

1、t:不止ms nancy 有带魔法的东西,我们的好朋友teddy也有一个有带魔法的宝贝。look! what’s this? ( 生:眼镜)对了,这是一副被施了魔法的眼镜,当你说出它的咒语,就会通过它看周围的环境会发生颜色的变化。你们想不想知道咒语是什么?(生:想)咒语就是:what color is it? follow me. (s: what color is it?) 今天teddy就和puppy一起带着它的神奇眼镜去海滩了,他们会发生什么有趣的事情呢?请小朋友打开课本33页。(所有人打开课本)第一次teddy通过眼镜看海滩,what color is it?(s:it’s red.)第二次呢?what color is it(s:it’s blue.)

第三次呢?what color is it? (s:it’s green.)接下来是puppy带上眼镜。what color is it?(s:it’s black.)

2、 t:now,who wants to be teddy and puppy? 你就可以带上这幅充满魔力的眼镜。(挑选三至四组小演员,并给与评价和鼓励。)

3、 t:现在请小朋友和你的同桌一起来读这个小故事,左边的小朋友扮teddy,右



step6: the end. (5分钟)

1、 t:do you like this story? (s: yes.)那你们回家可以讲给爸爸妈妈听。里面最主要句子是?(生:what color is it? it’s ___.)

2、 t:listen!(放音乐)do you like this song? (生:喜欢,很好听。)那你们回家看子好好学习下,下节课我们正式学习,看哪个小朋友最先学会,好不好?

3、 t:class is over! see you! (s: see you ms nancy!)




教学内容:chapter 6: what color is this?
