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– it influences the ethical standards within a corporation, as well as managerial behavior.
• As for corporate/organizational culture, Edgar Schein distinguishes between assumptions, values, and artifacts. • Assumptions lie at the core of an organization’s culture. They are what the members of an organization take for granted and what they believe to be reality. They therefore influence what they think and how they behave.
• 目前在中国企业进行海外扩张的过程中,被并购企 业所在国的员工、媒体、投资者甚至是工会仍然对 中国企业持一种怀疑的态度和偏见。低价格的产品 和低效率的企业往往还是中国企业在海外的形象。 • 在这样的印象下,被并购企业普通员工担心自己的 就业,管理人员担心自己的职位,投资者担心自己 的回报。由于他们普遍对中国企业文化的认同度低 ,而他们往往会对自身文化的认同度高,其结果往 往是合资企业双方处于“独立”的各持己见状态。 这样会使双方在业务及组织上的整合都受到阻碍, 整合的难度将大幅度增加。中国企业管理者自身也 欠缺国际企业尤其是跨文化管理方面的经验,因此 ,他们的跨国经营面临着许多难题,跨国经营之路 非常曲折。
• At a somewhat more conscious level, organization members hold values, which are the standards and goals to which they attribute intrinsic worth. • Artifacts are the tangible and surface manifestations of a culture, such as an organization’s physical décor and dress code, its ceremonies, its stories and myths, its traditions, rewards, and punishment.
Chapter 7 Intercultural Business Activities
Intercultural Business Management
Introductory Case
• 中国公司走出国门已有不短的时间了,在适应与 国内情况迥然不同的环境和挑战方面许多公司仍 面临着困难。截至2004年11月的数据,中国约8.89 亿美元海外投资的半数左右都投向了南美洲。 • 中国企业在南美洲的境遇也许很有代表性。有一 家当地的媒体是这样评价中国公司的:在整个南 美洲,中国的经理人员已经因他们惯于将中国来 的员工与当地员工隔绝开来的做法而出了名。他 们另一个广为人知的特点是,不能与当地的企业 和有关部门有效地合作。由于不习惯面对当地的 工会,中国公司对当地工人提出的各种要求也往 往反应迟缓。被中国人视为体现了纪律和节俭的 行为,在当地人看来是傲慢和吝啬的表现。
Intercultural Management
• Intercultural management means the process of achieving a certain goal by people from different cultures. • Due to the striking differences among cultures, it is necessary for managers to consider culturally appropriate methods in conducting intercultural management. • A critical skill for managing people and processes in other countries is cultural savvy, that is, a working knowledge of the cultural variables affecting management decisions.
• 一个企业的文化体现在其价值体系、信仰、准则 、理想、神话和宗教仪式之中,它可以激发人们 ,使之成为效率和效益不竭的价值源泉。跨文化 管理中,不同的的民族文化与企业文化相互交织 ,构成了新企业独具特色的多元文化。对于企业 来说,它既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。 • 跨国公司并购中国国有企业,由于东西方文化的 巨大差异,必然会出现文化融合的问题,如果整 合得不好,必然影响并购效果。这可以从德国博 西华公司收购安徽扬子电冰箱厂案例中看出。虽 然这一跨国并购失败的原因很多,包括并购过程 中的信息不对称、技术差异等,但并购双方文化 方面的冲突无疑是一个重要的影响因素。
Google Corporate Culture
在Google,工作就是生活,Google公司充满了浪 漫、天真和散漫自由的文化,而恰恰是这种自由畅快的企 业文化造就了它无穷的创造力。
Google员工不必时刻西装笔挺,可以穿着拖鞋去上 班。人们可以选择在自己的“时区”里工作,或者像喜鹊 一样清晨五点就开始忙碌,或者像夜猫子一样整晚不睡、 白天休息。
Google规定员工可以拿出20%的上班时间做自己工 作之外的事情。结果在私人时间,大家反而创意勃发,有 很多产品就是在这20%的时间内做出来的,当然创意必 须卖给Google。
Google Corporate Culture (Cont.)
Google员工可骑乘电动滑板车往来于办公室之间,也 可以带着心爱的狗儿来上班,只要宠物不乱跑、不大叫就都 可以带到公司来。如果工作累了,还可以带宠物到外面的草 地 上 一 起 享 受 一 下 阳 光 和 运 动 。 工 作 时 间 可 以 随 时洗澡 、 健身、 打甚至游泳 ,到处可见 免费的食物和饮料等等。 公司还发给每位员工一定资金,让他们 按个人喜好来装饰自己工作间。
• Corporate Culture
– the total sum of the values, customs, traditions and meanings that make a company unique.
– often called "the character of an organization" since it embodies the vision of the company’s founders.
Effective Intபைடு நூலகம்rcultural Mgt
• To manage a diversified workforce, international managers should • foster a kind of organizational culture that is open, inclusive, and multifold. • organize some intercultural training programs and help employees understand corporate cultures better • develop strong culture sensitivity through cultural awareness and competency training programs • set up a special workgroup to focus on cultural differences and encourage communication of employees from different cultural backgrounds
• 德方入主扬子冰箱厂之后,双方文化背景上的差 异开始凸显出来,扬子冰箱厂与博西华的管理层 之间实在没有多少“共享的价值。德方管理层具 有较高的素养,他们追求在员工之间建立机械似 的联系。从组织结构到规章制度,全部照搬德国 企业严谨、甚至刻板的那一套。而扬子冰箱厂的 核心管理层几乎全部是早年靠大干快上,从基层 选拔的。他们当中没有几个人真正受过高等教育 。此外,由于扬子冰箱厂早期的发展几乎是爆炸 式的,因此其管理极为粗放、管理层极为自负。 德方开始或许不愿意对原有管理层大动干戈,但 后来发展到不重组企业就无法运作的地步。这一 点可能是双方都始料未及的。
Intercultural Business Negotiation
Intercultural Negotiation
• Negotiation:Two or more parties with common (and conflicting) interests enter into a process of interaction with the goal of reaching an agreement (preferably of mutual benefit) • Intercultural negotiation involves discussions of common and conflicting interests between persons of different cultural backgrounds who work to reach an agreement of mutual benefit.
Cultural Factors in Management
• Cultural factors often play a crucial part in the performance of international businesses. • It’s therefore, of vital importance to have a clear idea about various cultural factors, for example, organizational culture and national culture, how these cultures can be diagnosed, and what problems are likely to arise when different cultures collide. • In fact, such factors should be kept in mind by those who are responsible for international biz management so that they can cope with their daily management successfully and avoid cultural shock.
Definition of Organizational Culture
• Culture presents itself on different levels. • At the highest level is the culture of a national or regional society. • The way in which attitudes are expressed within specific organization is described as a corporate or organizational culture. • Corporate culture manifests itself in various ways. From the architecture and decor of the building to what people wear, the overall environment of the company is often readily apparent.