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▪ B. 6-2 圣诞晚会 At the Christmas Party Vocabulary work & Text for Interpretation
▪ C. 6-3 开幕祝词 An Opening Speech Vocabulary work & Text for Interpretation
The very common way adopted is to interpret the senses.
明月当空: moon-lit ( sense: the moon is lit in the sky) 尽兴尽致:sense:enjoy every minute of … 良辰佳时:sense: wonderful time 万事如意: 10,000 actually is a unreliable figure, it means all.
▪ 汉英两种语言,汉语重“意和”,英语重“形和”。
▪ 汉语在结构上无焦点,各分句以意相连,各语法成分隐含在词语铺排 的线形流程中。
▪ 英语句型呈空间立体布局。其句式以SV为主干构成全局中心,动 词变化涵盖了大部分结构信息。
▪ 汉译英的过程,就是一个化整为零的过程,即将汉语“隐性”的语义 关 系化为英语“显形”的外形结构。在此过程中,我们需要精确透彻地 分 析原文逻辑关系,找准语义中心;并把SV主干定在原文语义中心上; 然后将原汉语次要部分割分句按英语的各种语法手段分别有机地挂连 在SV主干上,完成全句的空间搭架。
汉语中“四字格”短语如何翻译? ▪ 明月当空 全体同仁 远道而来 美酒佳肴 ▪ 才华横溢 无所拘束 良辰佳时 尽兴尽致 ▪ 辉煌业绩 万事如意
Question: How to interpret Chinese phrases with four characters?
Four-character Chinese phrases are highly succinct and they entail the abundant sense of emotional, thinking, comparative, etc. So it is hard to interpret them word to word between Chinese and English.
Chinese Language focuses on: Sense Sentences Invisible focuses on: Structure SVO; SOV; VSO, VOS, OVS, OSV Visible structure
Eg. “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎” Sense: 有来自远方的朋友是多么高兴啊! It is such delightful to have friends coming from afar!
▪ D. 6-4 展望未来 Looking Ahead Vocabulary work & Text for Interpretation
▪ 1. Stereotyped expressions interpreting. ▪ 2. Interpreting Chinese phrases of four-character. ▪ 3. Brief introduction to Interpreting School. ▪ 4. Problems students meet with expressing in target languages.
Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches
Chinese-English Interpretation
Teaching contents
▪ A. 6-1 新春联欢 Celebrating the Spring Festival Vocabulary work & Text for Interpretation
sense: I wish you all the best. May all our wishes be fulfilled. May all our wishes come true. May everything go well with you.
3. What’s the difference of Chinese language and English language in structure?
▪ 3. What’s the difference of Chinese language and English language in structure?
1. What are the characteristics of the ceremonial speeches?
The speaker likes to speak in the ceremony occasions by a very polite and gentle way. There are always some stereotyped expressions in the speech, especially in the beginning part and the ending part. eg.
Listen to the recordings Questions:
▪ 1. What are the characteristics of the ceremonial speeches?
▪ 2. How to interpret Chinese phrases of four-character?
我很高兴和荣幸的邀请到…… 请允许我代表… 向…表示最诚挚的谢意/
最良好的祝愿/ 最衷心的祝福。 我非常高兴有机会/借此机会向…表示最诚挚的谢意/ 最良好的祝愿/ 最衷心的祝福。
祝你万事如意! 为了阁下的健康和幸福,干杯!
2. How to interpret Chinese phrases of four-character?