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• On May 5, Zhang Jie and • 5月5日,张杰和谢娜 Xie Na registered .This 结婚登记结婚,这份 love lasted four years 持续了4年多的姐弟恋 and end with happiness. 终于修成正果。对于 All their fans expressed their wishes to the couple. 两人结婚的消息双方 的粉丝都送上了祝福, One of their fans said in 有一位网友在微博留 weblog: “Tomorrow is 言说:“5月6日就是 Na’s birthday; the news 谢娜的生日了,这真 that she is going to marry 是一个大的惊喜啊。 is a big surprise to us, 你们幸福就好,祝福 best wishes.” 你们!”
TuesdayΒιβλιοθήκη •On May 4 , Guangdong Experimental High School held “youth ceremony ” . More than 600 grade • 5月4日,广东实验中学举办 [əuθ] two students took an oath ( [ uθ] “青年礼”。初二年级600多 n. , 约). Most parents were 名学生进行了宣誓,所有父母 invited to attend the ceremony. One 应邀到场。其中昨隆重的算是 of the most solemn was regarded as “跪父母,接家书”的仪式。 rites( n.仪 the rites( [raits] n.仪 ) of “kneeling parents , accepting a • 校长郑炽钦说:“下跪是中国 letter ”. The headmaster Zheng 最高的礼节,自古就有跪天跪 Chiqin said:”Kneel down is the n.礼仪 礼仪, highest etiquette (['etiket] n.礼仪,地跪父母的传统,在’青年礼” 礼节; 礼节; 袭,规矩, 规) in China ,and there is a kneeling days 上让学生跪接家书是想通过这 种形式表达对父母的感激之情, kneeling to kneel parents tradition . At“youth ceremony”, 同时,家长可以通过这种形式 kneeling to pick up a letter not 加强与孩子的沟通与交流。” only can express the gratefulness for parents but also can strengthen the communication between parents and children.”
5月2日,一组关于 “五道杠”少年的 照片在网络迅速走 红,该少年名叫黄 艺博,现在是武汉 市少先队总队长。 据说,他两岁看 《新闻联播》,七 岁读《人民日报》、 《参考消息》,并 已发表1000多篇文 章。
• Foreign ministry spokesman Jiang Yu on Tuesday regular press • 外交部发言人姜瑜在周二 conference said the mainland would like joint effort with the 例行记者会就拉登被击毙 表态称, 表态称,中方愿意本着 United States under the principle ‘equality cooperation, “平等合作、双向互利” 平等合作、双向互利” two-way and mutual benefit 的原则与美方共同努力, 的原则与美方共同努力, ‘ and push China-America anti- 推动中美反恐合作不断地 terrorism go to a deeper stage, 深入, support the peace and stability 深入,共同维护世界的和 平与稳定。 平与稳定。 of world together . • “Terrorism is the enemy of • 在被问及中方是否相信巴 international society, and China 基斯坦政府所说的不知道 has always opposed to all forms 本.拉登在伊斯兰堡附近 of terrorism. Pakistan’s anti姜瑜说: terrorist determination is firm, 时,姜瑜说:“恐怖主义 是国际社会的公敌, and the Pakistan government has 是国际社会的公敌,中国 made an important contribution 历来反对一切形式的恐怖 to the international anti主义, 主义,巴基斯坦的反恐决 terrorism struggle.” when she 心是坚定的, was asked whether China believe 心是坚定的,并为国际反 恐斗争做出了重要的贡献。 恐斗争做出了重要的贡献。 the statement that Pakistan’s government don’t know bin laden in Islamabad.
5月6日上午8点,苹果 行货ipad2正式登陆中 国内地市场。来自渠 道商的消息显示,此 房登陆的行货只有WFI 版,16G、32G、64G价 格可能为3688元、 4488元、5288元,比 第一代ipad上市之初 的价格便宜300元。苹 果特定经销网络覆盖 北京、上海、黑龙江、 内蒙古、云南、四川 等26个省市。其中, 在北京就有36家之多
• At 8:00 AM on May 6, Apple • licensed ipad2 official visit China mainland market. The news comes form channels dealer suggest that the line goods of this only licensed WFI version. The 16G、32G、64G price may be 3688yuan、4488yuan、5288yuan , which are cheaper 300yuan than the first generation. The apple particular distribution network covers almost 26 cities in China, Such as Beijing, Shanghai, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Sichuan, especially in Beijing, there are as many as 36 point-ofsales.
On may 2, a set of photograph about “five gang” on the network rapidly popular. The youth named Huang Yibo, who now is the captain of Wuhan Young pioneers. It is said that he watched CCTV NEWS at the age of 2 and read 《people’s daily》、《reference news》 at the age of 7, and has published more than 1000 articles.
On May 7, Los Angeles • Times reported that the Lakers was defeated by the Bulls 92 to 98 again. But it didn’t change Kobe’s faith, he said with firm and smile:” I may be sick, I may be crazy, but I still believe firmly that we can win the Department of Class Race, I may be nuts, I believe that we will win the next one, and now return to Los Angeles to pursue the next victory.”
5月7日,洛杉矶时报消 息称,西部半决赛湖人 92:98再败一场,但科 比的信念依然不改,带 着坚定的笑容说:“我 也许是头脑发热,我也 许很疯狂,但我依然坚 信我们能赢下系类赛骂 我也许是疯子,我相信 下一场我们会赢,回到 洛杉矶再追求下一场胜 利。”
It is all known that the second • Sunday in May each year is Mother’s 每年的五月第二个星期日是 母亲节, 母亲节,这天子女们可以大 Day. Children can openly express their gratitude for mother on May 8 大方方的表达对母亲的感激 this year. There are many ways to 之情。一朵康乃馨、一杯茶、 之情。一朵康乃馨、一杯茶、 express the feeling, for example, a 一顿饭等等。许多网友在微 一顿饭等等。 carnation, a cup of tea, a meal and 博留言说到:“妈妈,这些 soon on. Ales many user (['ju:zə] n. 博留言说到: 妈妈, 年让你受苦了, ; 户; 计 机 ) said in 年让你受苦了,你为我付出 了很多很多但是我却回报给 microblog :“ I know you have suffered many hardships and 你的很少很少, 你的很少很少,我知道一句 difficulties, and given us as more as “我爱你妈妈”是不能表达 我爱你妈妈” possible. But I actually return to 我对你的爱, 我对你的爱,但是我还是想 you very little. I know that the 妈妈,您辛苦了! 说‘妈妈,您辛苦了!’, words “I love you mom” can’t express my love for you , but I still 祝全天下已经成为和即将成 want to say “mom, I love you” . The 为母亲的人节日快乐。‘好 为母亲的人节日快乐。 statement y gives not only to the 了,我想知道你们在母亲节 person who is a mother but those who 的时候都做了什么? 的时候都做了什么? will soon become a mother.” Well, what were you do on Mother’s Day ?