



双重预防机制试题及答案一、选择题(共60题):1 .双重预防机制是指安全风险分级管控和()0A.隐患排查治理(正确答案)B.安全标准化C.质量管理体系2 .对于设备设施,宜采用()进行辨识。



A.车辆伤害B.其他爆炸C物体打击D.起重伤害(」—)46 .在变配电室进行操作时涉及主要事故类型为()。

A.触电3 案)B.高处坠落C.物体打击D.机械伤害47 .我们公司柴油罐安全附件不包括()oA.呼吸阀B.安全阀(正确答案)C.阻火器49 .按演练方案和计划定期开展演练属于()类管控措施。

A.工程技术B.维护保养C.人员操作D.应急措施(正优泠:50 .持防爆电工作业操作证上岗属于()类管控措施。

A.工程技术B.维护保养C.管理措施(北稀冷案)D.应急措施51 .按规定穿戴防静电工作服、防静电工作鞋属于()类管控措施。

A.工程技术B.维护保养C.人员操作D.个体防护(正确答父)52 .每日对备用机泵进行盘车属于()类管控措施。


A.验收人员(H —案)B.部门负责人C.安全环保部.在制定风险管控措施时应考虑()oA.经济性、实用性B必要性、可行性C.有针对性、可操作性(」1询答.公司双体系建设工作领导小组的组长为()oA.主要负责人(止确答窠)B.分管副总经理C.部门经理.以下隐患排查类型组织级别为班组级别的是()A.日常隐患排查(」1仙答案)B.综合性隐患排查C.专业性隐患排查D.节假日隐患排查58.隐患排查的要求不包括()oA.全面覆盖B.全员参与C.责任到部门(卜确答窠)59对于排查出的问题隐患应落实“五定”,“五定”指的是定整改措施、定责任、定()、定时限、定预案。





)1、船舶在出航和作业前的准备工作,应由 D 统一领导,按照《工程船舶船员职务规则》规定进行。

A、三副B、二副C、大副D、船长2、船舶在出航前应认真检查和测定各种航海仪器(包括电罗经、磁罗经、雷达、定位仪、测深仪、甚高频电台等)的 A 。

A、可靠性B、安全性C、美观性D、操控性3、船舶在出航前应备有充足的 A 、淡水、粮食及急救药物。

A、燃料B、工具C、配件D、缆绳4、当船舶进行特殊拖带作业、操纵能力受到限制(如拖带沉箱、拖带船舶长度过长),以及港区和狭窄水域内进行起重、打桩和抓泥等作业时,为保证安全,应通过主管施工部门提前向 D 部门报告,以便及时发布航行通告或航行警告,并采取相应措施,在未发布通告、航警前,不得盲目拖航及施工作业。

A、集团公司B、船舶公司C、主管船检D、主管海事5、港内拖带及系泊作业过程中备车回令后,值班人员应各就各位,全部解缆时应鸣笛 B 示意。

A、一长声B、一短声C、一长一短声D、一短一长声6、船舶靠泊作业时应考虑分、流的影响,控制船舶余速, A 停靠。

A、缓慢B、加速C、正车D、倒车7、除值班人员外,未得到 D 的允许,其他人员不得随意进入驾驶台。

A、大副B、二副C、三副D、驾驶员8、在收缆和靠泊前,至少提前 A 分钟通知机舱备车,停靠完毕后通知机舱,停用主机。

A、10B、15C、 20D、259、狭窄水道航行应靠近航道的右侧,与他船相对或追越航行应保持适当距离,以防船吸、岸推和意外,要使用 B ,以利应急操作和防止浪损。

A、最大航速B、安全航速C、最小航速D、应急停车10、船舶在 B 过程中不准使用水桶从舷外直接取海水冲刷厕所和清洗甲板。

A、停泊B、长航C、锚泊D、靠船11、起锚作业过程中,当船锚离地时应及时报告驾驶台“锚已离地”,或 A 表示,然后立即降下锚球或关闭锚灯。



试题八1. 下列哪些是二副的基本职责?Ⅰ船舶坞修期间应会同船长、轮机长检查船体的水下部分及舵叶Ⅱ停泊时,主持安排驾驶员值班表,报大副批准后执行Ⅲ负责管理天文钟和船钟Ⅳ管理国旗、信号旗、号灯、号型A. Ⅰ~ⅣB. Ⅰ~ⅢC. Ⅱ~ⅣD. ⅠⅡⅣ2. 有关二副的基本职责下列哪些正确?Ⅰ主管航海仪器和航海图书资料Ⅱ协助船长做好航次计划Ⅲ主管货物装卸Ⅳ开航前备妥需用的航海图书资料A. Ⅰ~ⅣB. ⅠⅡⅣC. Ⅰ~ⅢD. Ⅱ~Ⅳ3. 船员职务规则规定,三副的基本职责应包括:Ⅰ负责配置救生衣,发现损坏及时修复、更新Ⅱ管理全船火警报警系统Ⅲ按时向大副提出所管设备的保养计划Ⅳ负责制定救生艇起落操作规程A. Ⅰ~ⅣB. Ⅰ~ⅢC. ⅠⅡⅣD. ⅡⅢⅣ4. 根据我国“海船船员值班规则”的规定,下列哪些是驾驶员的停泊值班职责?Ⅰ注意吃水和龙骨下的富裕水深Ⅱ在装货或压载时防止危险的纵倾和横倾Ⅲ掌握装卸进度,解决装卸中发生的问题Ⅳ装卸货物作业时应始终在现场监督指导A. Ⅰ~ⅣB. Ⅰ~ⅢC. ⅠⅡⅣD. ⅡⅢⅣ5. 下列哪些是港内值班时驾驶员的职责?Ⅰ发生应变情况时立即鸣放警报,如船长、大副都不在船时全权负责指挥在船人员抢救Ⅱ掌握船舶稳性,以便失火时向消防部门提供可喷洒在船的水量Ⅲ按船长或大副的指示通知机舱调整压载水Ⅳ监收淡水、物料,加油船来靠时通知机舱A. Ⅰ~ⅣB. Ⅰ~ⅢC. ⅠⅡⅣD. ⅡⅢⅣ6. 根据我国“海船船员值班规则”的规定, 港内值班时交班驾驶员应告知接班驾驶员下列哪些内容?Ⅰ船长命令、公司指示Ⅱ发生紧急情况时与港方联系的方法Ⅲ悬挂和显示的信号、号灯号型Ⅳ机舱值班人员的技术状况A. Ⅱ~ⅣB. Ⅰ~ⅣC. ⅠⅡⅣD. Ⅰ~Ⅲ7. 下列哪些是装卸危险货物时值班驾驶员的职责?Ⅰ防止货物毁损或外泄导致污染Ⅱ备妥消防和急救设备Ⅲ按规定采取一切安全防范措施Ⅳ与岸上人员保持通讯联络A. Ⅰ~ⅢB. Ⅱ~ⅣC. Ⅰ~ⅣD. ⅠⅡⅣ8. 船舶装卸货物时值班驾驶员的职责有:Ⅰ严格执行大副的配载计划Ⅱ装运重大件货物应注意甲板的安全负荷Ⅲ督促船员认真监舱Ⅳ装卸重大件、一级危险品或其他特殊货物时,应在现场监督指导A. Ⅱ~ⅣB. Ⅰ~ⅢC. Ⅰ~ⅣD. ⅠⅡⅣ9. 驾驶员在装卸货时的职责一般包括:Ⅰ装卸中根据大副的积载计划和要求,经常巡视装卸现场Ⅱ制止违章作业,掌握装卸进度,认真做好记录Ⅲ禁止任何人员在甲板上和货舱内吸烟Ⅳ装卸期间应注意保持良好的稳性及纵横倾A. Ⅰ~ⅢB. Ⅱ~ⅣC. Ⅰ~ⅣD. ⅠⅡⅣ10. 二副在开航前所做的航次计划至少包括下列哪些内容?Ⅰ各段航线的航程和预计到达各转向点的时间Ⅱ复杂航段的航法及避险手段Ⅲ预计航线上的载重线区带Ⅳ特殊航区的注意事项A. Ⅰ~ⅣB. Ⅰ~ⅢC. ⅠⅢⅣD. ⅠⅡⅣ11. 二副在开航前的准备工作应包括:Ⅰ备妥航次所需的海图并改正至最新Ⅱ制定好航次计划并报船长Ⅲ检查驾驶台探火系统是否正常Ⅳ提前检试航海仪器和声、光系统A. Ⅰ~ⅢB. Ⅱ~ⅣC. ⅠⅡⅣD. Ⅰ~Ⅳ12. 下列哪项不属于三副开航前的职责?A. 船员或船长如有变动,应编妥应变部署表和船员应变卡,经船长批准后执行B. 检查船员住所的救生衣、《训练手册》是否齐全C. 作好本航次计划,协助二副画好航线D. 及时向新来船员介绍应变岗位和具体职责13. 二副在航海图书资料管理方面的职责,下列哪项有误?A. 负责管理、填写“航海仪器和航海图书资料清册”B. 航次结束后,应立即擦去海图作业C. 需作为海事证明的海图作业,应交船长妥善保管备查D. 尽可能从船公司领取所需海图14. 根据航海仪器管理制度, 二副应做好下列哪些工作?Ⅰ非连续使用的仪器,如标准罗经等均应加盖防护罩Ⅱ磁罗经附近不准堆放任何铁质物品Ⅲ除进厂修理或养护维修需要外,停港期间不停止电罗经运转Ⅳ航行中利用各种条件核对仪器的误差并记录,如误差超出允许值应报告船长A. Ⅰ~ⅢB. Ⅱ~ⅣC. Ⅰ~ⅣD. ⅠⅢⅣ15. 三副应保持CO2气瓶______年秤重一次,若称重低于标准重量的______及时充装。



副科考试试题及答案考试题目:副科考试试题一、选择题1. 副科指的是以下哪个学科?A. 语文B. 数学C. 历史D. 物理2. 下列哪个是副科考试的评分标准?A. 笔迹工整B. 答案正确C. 表达清晰D. 时间控制合理3. 副科考试的时间通常设定为多久?A. 30分钟B. 1小时C. 2小时D. 3小时4. 副科考试通常采用什么形式的题目?A. 选择题B. 填空题C. 解答题D. 实践操作题5. 副科考试的主要目的是什么?A. 考察学生的副科知识掌握程度B. 考察学生的阅读能力C. 考察学生的写作能力D. 考察学生的创新能力二、填空题1. 副科考试时间一般由学校根据情况______。

2. 副科考试通常采用______形式的题目。

3. 副科考试的评分标准既包括答案的______,也包括表达的______。

三、解答题1. 请简要描述副科考试的主要目的及意义。












参考答案:一、选择题1. C. 历史2. A. 笔迹工整3. B. 1小时4. C. 解答题5. A. 考察学生的副科知识掌握程度二、填空题1. 安排2. 解答三、解答题1. 副科考试的主要目的是通过对学生的副科知识掌握程度的考察,评估学生在各个副科领域的学习成果。



副科级考试试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不属于公务员职业道德的基本内容?A. 忠诚于职守B. 公正廉洁C. 服务公众D. 个人利益至上2. 公文的密级分为几个等级?A. 两个B. 三个C. 四个D. 五个3. 下列关于行政许可的说法,哪一项是错误的?A. 行政许可是行政机关对特定事项的事先控制B. 行政许可可以不经过申请直接授予C. 行政许可是法律、法规、规章规定的一种管理手段D. 行政许可应当遵循公开、公平、公正的原则4. 以下哪项不是行政决策的基本程序?A. 信息收集B. 方案制定C. 执行监督D. 结果评估5. 行政监督的主要方式不包括以下哪一项?A. 行政复议B. 行政诉讼C. 行政处罚D. 行政监察6. 行政合同的主要特点不包括以下哪一项?A. 双方自愿B. 有偿性C. 强制性D. 合法性7. 行政责任的种类不包括以下哪一项?A. 行政纪律责任B. 行政法律责任C. 行政道德责任D. 行政赔偿责任8. 以下哪项不属于行政执行的原则?A. 合法性原则B. 效率性原则C. 公平性原则D. 自由裁量原则9. 行政复议机关应当自收到申请之日起多少日内作出复议决定?A. 15日B. 30日C. 60日D. 90日10. 行政诉讼的起诉期限是多久?A. 3个月B. 6个月C. 1年D. 2年二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些属于公务员的义务?A. 遵守宪法和法律B. 维护国家安全C. 参与政治活动D. 接受监督2. 公文处理的基本要求包括哪些?A. 及时B. 准确C. 完整D. 保密3. 行政许可的实施应当遵循哪些原则?A. 便民原则B. 效率原则C. 公平原则D. 公开原则4. 行政决策应当遵循哪些原则?A. 科学决策原则B. 民主决策原则C. 依法决策原则D. 利益最大化原则5. 行政监督的对象主要包括哪些?A. 行政机关B. 公务员C. 行政相对人D. 行政行为三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 公务员在执行职务时可以根据自己的判断自由裁量。



医院药学副高试题及答案一、单选题(每题1分,共20分)1. 以下哪个药物属于β-内酰胺类抗生素?A. 阿莫西林B. 红霉素C. 甲硝唑D. 阿昔洛韦答案:A2. 药物的半衰期是指:A. 药物在体内的浓度达到最大值的时间B. 药物在体内的浓度下降到初始浓度一半的时间C. 药物在体内的总清除时间D. 药物在体内的吸收时间答案:B3. 以下哪个药物具有抗凝作用?A. 阿司匹林B. 胰岛素C. 地塞米松D. 布洛芬答案:A4. 药物的生物等效性是指:A. 药物的化学结构相同B. 药物的药效相同C. 药物的吸收速度和程度相同D. 药物的副作用相同答案:C5. 以下哪个药物属于非甾体抗炎药?A. 阿司匹林B. 地塞米松C. 布地奈德D. 泼尼松答案:A6. 药物的最小有效剂量是指:A. 产生治疗效果的最小剂量B. 产生副作用的最小剂量C. 药物的半衰期D. 药物的致死剂量答案:A7. 以下哪个药物属于抗抑郁药?A. 帕罗西汀B. 阿莫西林C. 地塞米松D. 阿昔洛韦答案:A8. 药物的不良反应是指:A. 药物的副作用B. 药物的毒性作用C. 药物的治疗效果D. 药物的过敏反应答案:A9. 以下哪个药物属于抗高血压药?A. 阿莫西林B. 阿司匹林C. 洛卡特普D. 布洛芬答案:C10. 药物的药动学是指:A. 药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄过程B. 药物的制备工艺C. 药物的化学结构D. 药物的药理作用答案:A二、多选题(每题2分,共20分)11. 以下哪些药物属于抗心律失常药?(多选)A. 地高辛B. 阿莫西林C. 普罗帕酮D. 阿司匹林答案:A C12. 药物的给药途径包括哪些?(多选)A. 口服B. 注射C. 吸入D. 外用答案:A B C D13. 以下哪些药物属于抗肿瘤药?(多选)A. 紫杉醇B. 阿司匹林C. 顺铂D. 阿莫西林答案:A C14. 药物的代谢途径主要包括哪些?(多选)A. 肝脏代谢B. 肾脏排泄C. 肺部呼吸D. 肠道吸收答案:A B C15. 以下哪些药物属于抗精神病药?(多选)A. 氯氮平B. 阿莫西林C. 奥氮平D. 阿司匹林答案:A C三、判断题(每题1分,共20分)16. 药物的剂量与疗效成正比。












一、英语副科考试试题1. What is the past tense of "eat"?A. eatedB. ateC. eatD. eaten答案:B. ate2. How many syllables are there in the word "elephant"?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5答案:B. 33. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: She is good ____ playing the piano.A. atB. onC. withD. in答案:A. at二、数学副科考试试题1. What is the area of a triangle with base 6 cm and height 4 cm?A. 8 cm²B. 12 cm²C. 16 cm²D. 24 cm²答案:B. 12 cm²2. Simplify the expression: 3(2x + 4) - 5xA. x + 12B. 6x + 12C. x + 6D. 6x - 123. Solve the equation: 2x + 5 = 15A. x = 5B. x = 10C. x = 7D. x = 9答案:A. x = 5三、历史副科考试试题1. Who was the first President of the United States?A. John AdamsB. Thomas JeffersonC. George WashingtonD. Abraham Lincoln答案:C. George Washington2. When did the French Revolution begin?A. 1776B. 1789C. 1812D. 19143. What was the name of the ship that Christopher Columbus sailed to America?A. Santa MariaB. MayflowerC. TitanicD. Endurance答案:A. Santa Maria通过以上试题及答案的介绍,希望能够帮助大家更好地备战副科考试,取得优异的成绩。



三副英语评估试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is NOT a type of fruit?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Orange2. The word "unique" is the ______ of "unusual."A. oppositeB. synonymC. antonymD. homonym3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses:The sun ______ in the east and sets in the west.A. risesB. roseC. raiseD. raised4. What is the past tense of "build"?A. builtB. buildingC. buildsD. builded5. The phrase "at the same time" means ______.A. simultaneouslyB. laterC. earlierD. finally6. Which sentence is grammatically correct?A. She don't like to watch TV.B. She doesn't like to watch TV.C. She don't likes watching TV.D. She doesn't likes to watch TV.7. The word "bicycle" has ______ syllables.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five8. What is the comparative form of "big"?A. biggerB. biglyC. bignessD. bignesses9. The idiom "break the ice" means to ______.A. physically break a piece of iceB. make a hole in the iceC. start a conversationD. cool down a heated argument10. The preposition "through" is used to indicate ______.A. aboveB. belowC. acrossD. inside二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The ______ (形容词比较级) of "happy" is "happier."12. The word "photograph" contains ______ (数字) letters.13. The phrase "take a rain check" means to ______ (推迟接受邀请).14. "The ______ (名词复数) of the world" refers to the continents.15. "To ______ (动词原形) a promise" means to fail to keep it.16. "A piece of cake" is an idiom that means something is______ (容易).17. The past tense of "begin" is "began," which is an example of ______ (不规则动词).18. The word "geography" is related to the study of ______(地理).19. "To ______ (动词原形) a book" means to write or composeit.20. "The ______ (名词所有格) of the company" refers to its ownership.三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Read the following passage and answer the questions.Passage:In a small village, there lived a wise old man who was known for his ability to solve any problem. One day, a young boy approached him with a puzzle. The boy said, "Old man, I havea box with three compartments. Each compartment can hold only one type of fruit. I have three fruits: an apple, a banana, and an orange. How should I arrange them?"The old man thought for a moment and then replied, "Place the apple in the first compartment, the banana in the second, and the orange in the third. This way, each type of fruit will have its own space."The boy was delighted with the solution and thanked the old man. He then asked another question, "What is the secret to a long and happy life?" The old man smiled and said, "The secret is to live in the present, to learn from the past, and to hope for the future."21. What was the young boy's puzzle about?A. Arranging fruits in a boxB. Solving a math problemC. Deciding what to eatD. Planting a fruit tree22. How many compartments were there in the box?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four23. According to the old man's advice, where should the banana be placed?A. In the first compartmentB. In the second compartmentC. In the third compartmentD. It doesn't matter24. What did the boy ask the old man after solving the puzzle?A. How to make moneyB. The secret to a long and happy lifeC. How to become wiseD. How to live forever25. What is the secret to a long。



第三章二副面试问题及参考答案1. what are your responsibilities as a second officer?The second officer is the navigational officer and sometimes also medical officer on board. Besides, the second officer shall assist the chief officer. His duties may include the following:(1)navigation watch keeping (from 1200 to 1600,and from 0000 to 0400);(2)chart and navigational publicationcorrections;(3)passage plan making;(4)usually working as the designatedcommunications officer;(5)maintenance of communication equipment,instruments and spare parts on board the ship;(6)care of all the basic navigation equipment andinstruments, including magnetic compasses, gyrocompasses, gyro repeaters, time changes, depth sounders and course recorder.(7)Maitenance of inventories of the stationery;(8)Medical duties, and other duties designatedby the master or chief officer.(9)Some other work designated by master or chiefofficer.4. please briefly describle the procedure of dealing with navigational warnings.Firstly, I shall register the navigational warnings in the register book and record the warning number in the card. Secondly, I shall select the charts that are affected by the warnings. Then I shall use pens, scissors and glues to fix permanent notices. I shall also use pencils to fix temporary and preliminary notices. The charts are to be corrected according to all the concerned warnings. When I correct the chart, I shall frequently consult the geographical index.5. can you describe the charts correction procedure?Please refer to the same question for the master.Firstly, the second officer has to make sure that he has received the latest Notice to Mariner and that he has to write the notice request on time. The master shall make emergency request if the latest is not received.Secondly, the second officer has to record the notice to mariner on the correction logs on time according to the chronogical order.Thirdly, when correcting the chart, he has to make sure that the last small correction has been made on the chart.Erasure should never be made when deleting in formation crossed throuth. Instead, series of short double strokes should be used while correction fluid should not be used.Always insert information before you delete any information.6. who should draft the passage plan on board? What are included in passage plan? When you make the passage plan, what information do you need?Usually,the passage plan should be prepared by the second officer and approved by the master. During passage, when an error or mistake is found about the passage plan, it should be reported to the master first and corrected afterwards by the second officer. But during voyage the passage plan cannot be changed without the master’s approved.The passage plan should include such information as way points, the distance between way point, courses, current, tide, weather conditions and means of communications, means of fixing position and interval and so on.Besides, the following information and publications are necessary in making the passage plan: sailing directions, pilot book, port entry guidance, tide table’s local area warning, warning from the NAVAREA areas, list of light and radio signals, admiralty notice to mariner, sea chart and catalogue of admiralty charts and other publications.7.what is the scope the passage plan cover? If you miss one ore two big or small scale charts for next voyage, can the ship give sea going or not?The passage plan should cover the sailing route from berth to berth. Lack of information for some areas may lead to some serious accidents.The ship cannot go if one or two charts are not available.8. if the signal of “three red lights vertically aligned” is found on boarda ship during night voyage, what do you think is wrong with the ship? If a motor ship is mpving under the way, but not under command, what kind of signals shoud she use? On what occasion do you display two black balls during the day?The vessel is constrained by her draught. It is very hard for her to maneuver. Our vessel should give a wide and take actions to keep away from her.The motor ship should use not-under-control lights, i.e., two red lights vertically aligned during night time, and two black balls vertically aligned during day time.We shall display two black balls when our vessel cannot get out the way of another.9. please describle how you take care of the magnetic compass.The liquid magnetic compass should be regularly checked for air bubbles and it shoud always be covered when it is not in use. The deviation of the compass should be checked and observed during every watch.10. how to you set and adjust gyrocompass?The second officer should frequently check the gyrocompass, error. Actually, gyrocompass accuracy should be checked at least once a day at sea and at anchor, and for each course steered. During the watch, the simultaneous check should be made at least hourly. If there is any significant deviation error, the second officer should report it to the master and record in the compass record book and deck logbook. The electronic devices should be kept away from the compasses in a reasonable distance. The chief officer or other designated officers should test the error in the morning and evening.11.what are your responsibilities as the second officer while the vessel is in port?My responsibilities are to keep good watch, to ensure the safety of life, the ship and the cargo and to maintain good wooking orders on the vessel.During my watch I should be aware of the draft, under keel clearance, the state of ship, the mooring conditions so as to avoid dangerous listing, trim or hull stress during cargo operation. I should also make sure that de-ballasting causes no marine pollution. I should watch and supervise the loading process and report any incident or accident to the chief officer.12. please tell me the difference between the great circle line and rhomb line?In theory, the great circle line is the shortest distance between two places, while the rhomb line is longer than the great circle line. However, it is very hard for a vessel just to take the circle line or rhomb line.13. during cargo loading, if you find cargo damages in holds, what should you do?I should record them in writing or even photograph the damages andreport the situations to the chief officer immediately. The chief officer should report it to the tallyman and ask them to replace the cargo, if possible. At the same time, the officer on duty should make the on-the-spot record.If the damages are realy very serous, we should report to the master and ask for his instructions.14. when you usually do the chart work? When you are keeping watch, canyou do the chart work?Whenever I receive the notice to mariner, I will do the correction and drawing as soon as possible.Generally, I should not do the chart work when am keeping watch.Doing chart work during watch keeping can give rise to some potential danger to the maneuvering of the vessel.15. what is the maximum blood alcohol concentraition (BAC) rate on board?According to the STCW code, the BAC shall not be more than 0.08% by weight at any time when being tested. Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch. Besides, when bunkering, loading and unloading, mooring and unmooring, 4 hours before and after port all, the sailor on board cannot have any alcoholic before and after port all, the sailor on board cannot have any alcoholic drinks.16. please tell me your duties as the medical officer.I am responsible for maintaining the medical inventory. I shouldkeep a good record of the use of different medicines and make sure that the aide are at proper locations. I should also be careful with the medicine locker. The expired medicines should be replaced on time. When some important medicines are out of stock, I should report to the master and make requisition for supply.17. when do you call the master to the bridge?In the following situations, according to the SMS manual, I will have to call the master to the bridge:(1)when the visibility is lower than the onementioned in the master,s standing order;(2)breakdown of the main engine, steering gear,gyro-compass or any other critical equipment related to the safety ofthe vessel;(3)when the ship,s position and sounding areunusual or strange;(4)when the navigational marks or sounding do notappear as expected;(5)when heavy weather is encountered;(6)whenthe ship is behaving in an unusual way;(7)when marine pollution is seen or suspected;(8)when distress message is received or accidentobserved;(9)any other situation when the officers are inobserved;(10)whenever the ship is in danger;18.when RADAR and ARPAR are in use, do they relieve your duty of lookoutas a watch-keeper?No, these apparatuses do not relieve the watch officer of his duty to maintain a proper lookout at all times. This is very important to the manuvering of the vessel. Accidents often arise because of the officers’ complete dependence on the RADAR,ARPAR, GPS and other equipment, especially in hazardous areas, such as the coast and port areas, low visibility area, restricted areas and heavy weather regions. All in all, the rules and regulation of the COLREG 1972 must be strictly obeyed.19. what do you know about EC and ECDIS ?EC means electrionic chart, and ECDIS means electronic chart and information system. This system usees the computer technology to provide chart details on a visual display unit, combined with an automatic indication of ship’s position,and possibly a radar image, and a navigation aide. This kind of chart needs basic computer operation skills and automation knowledge.20. can you tell me the main contents of a typical admiralty notice to mariner?How did you get the notice to mariner on your last vessel?The admiralty notice to mariners is a maritime publication issued by the hydrographic department of the united kingdom. They include admiralty nitices, Australian and new Zealand notices. They are published on a weekly basis.There is also an annual summary version.The admiralty noyice to mariner includes 6 sections. Section one, explanatory notes and indexes to section two. Admiralty notices to mariners-corrections to charts. Section three, reprints of radio navigational warnings. Section four, corrections to admiralty sailing directions. Section five, corrections to admiralty list of radio signals.On my last ship, the ship owner provided us with the notice to mariners in every major port. If they failed to give u s the notice, we’ll sendthem a request for this.21.it is very important to get rid of the outated charts and other SMS documentson board. Why?It is very important to keep the latest revised charts(also some other ISM documents on board)in the deck and engine room, and keep away those out – of – dated charts because after a period of time, you will not be able to know what documents are the newest ones. The mixture of the old and new documents on board can easily give rise to some problems for the safety of he vessel. So it is very important to do away with the obsoletedocuments as soon as possible.22.how do you maintain the clocks?I am responsible for the vessel clocks except for those in theengine room. Before getting underway, clocks shall be compared and synchronized, and the synchronization record shall be entered into the deck logbook.23.under what situations do you call the engine room when you are on duty?(1)whenever it is necessary to make sure thatengine room and bridge clocks are synchronized;(2)at least one hour before starting or endinga sea passage;(3)as soon as it appears that engine operationmaneuvers may be required, with one hour’s notice if possible;(4)whenever the ship machinery operation may beaffected by weather or other condition changes, such as shallow water approach, concentration of marine lifeor seaweed, ice in water, or change of trim or draft due to ballasting shifting;(5)one hour before inert gas system operation isrequired (for tanker);(6)one hour before steam is required on deck;(7)whenever the temperature falls to 2 degreecentigrade to provent damage to equipment;(8)at least one hour before the standby generatoris required;(9)whenever the gargo pumps are used;(10)one hour prior to getting underway.24.what should you do first after you join avessel?Firstly, I shall familiarize myself with the familiarization booklet, the must lists and emergency card in my cabin. Second, I shall report to the master and get familiar with other officers and crew on board the vessel.Third, with accompaniment of the relieved second officer, I shall discuss immediately with the master on any unsatisfactions, including equipment malfunctions. I shall also take over all the documents the second officer should take care of. A good handover with the relieved second officer is the most important thing for me.25.when do you have to change from the automatic steering to manual steering?The steering mode should be change from automatic to manual mode under the following circumstances: (1) in any emergency situations; (2) in diminishing and restricted visibility, as defined by the master; (3) when the ship’s steering in shallow water; (4) when the master thinks necessary.When the steering mode is changed, the watch officers shall supervise the process.26.if ship collision happens when you are on duty, what procedure should you follow?I should follow the emergency checklist.Firstly, I will sound the alarm for emergency;Secondly, I will inform the master immediately;Thirdly, I will inform the engine room and propare engine standby;After ship collision, all the tanks should be sound be and the ship owner, manager should be informed of the accident. The accident report should also be sent to the all concerned parties and the coast country. And all the above actions, ship’s position, times, etc. should be recorded properly. 27.before the ship sails to a new port, if you do not have one or two necessarycharts, what should you possibly do?If possible, I will ask for help from the master. If the master cannot help,I may ask for help from the vessels sailing in the same area. Anyway, I willtry to solve the problem before the vessel sails to the port.28.what is safety speed during sailing? What factors should you consider in decidingthe speed of a vessel during sailing in the sea?The safe speed is the speed at which the vessel can take proper and effective actions to be stopped in a safe distance. The following factors should be taken into account to achieve safe speed: visibility, number of ships in the area, the ship’s maneuverability, wind force, sea tide and and current, background lights, draught and available depth of water, proximity of navigational hadards, standart and operation of technical equipment on board, ice conditon and so on.29.when navigation in a crossing situation, as master or duty officer, whatanti-collision measures should be taken? When the vessels are proceed on head-on condition, what anti-collision rule should be observed? When a power-driven ship and sailing meet in the sea, what anti-collision rule should be observed?When to power-driven ships are crossing, the ship which has the other ship on her own starboard side shall keep out of way. To do this, this ship can either alter course to starboard side or slow down her speed in order to avoid collision.When to power-driven ships are meeting head-on situation or near head-on situation, each ship shall alter course to starboard so that they can pass on the port siode of each other at a safe distance.When a ship sails at a higher speed overtakes another ship, the ship shall sails at higher speed or shall alter its course to avoid collision.A power-driven ship shall keep out of the way of a sailing ship. This canbe done either altering its course or speed up to avoid collision.30.you are the watch officer at another on an8000-ton ship which is about 400 feet long. If the weather becomes foggy and foggy, what precautions should you take?I should station a man forward with orders to ring the ship’s bellrapidly for about 5 seconds every minutes and another man aft to sound the gong likewise. Ship’s whistle or siren would be ready for use in case of necessity to give warning of my position to a veseel approaching. The signals for this warning shall be 3 blasts in succession.31.when should a turnover(handover)of watch be deferred or postpond?Usually, under the following situations, the turnover can be deferred or even postond: (1) if the officer on watch has reasion to believe that the relieving officer is obiously not able to carry out his duties effectively; (2) when bridge maneuver us taking place, turnover of watch must be defeered until the action is completed and the ship is in a safe condition for the relief of the watch to take place.32.under what conditions should you as officeron watch change the ship’s speed?Refer to the questions and reference answers for the chief officer.33.what actions should be taken when restrictedvisibility is encountered or expected?(1) call or notify the master; (2)switch on the navigationallights;(3) switch on and sound fog signal; (4) switch on ARPA and rdar; (5) shift to manual steering for maneuver; (6) post additional lookout; (7) inform and advise engine room for any emergency maneuvers.34.what precautionary measures are to be done 12hours before arrival at or departure from any port?I shall test the following before entering or getting underway: (1)primary and secondary steering gear; (2) internal control communications and control alarm; (3) standby and emergency generator; (4) storage batteries for emergency lighting; (5) main propulsion ahead and astern.35.what should you do in case of steeringfailure?When there is a steering failure, I shall report to the master immediately, so that be may take whatever actions are required. At the same time, provide no further incidents occur, hoist the signals for a vessel not under command. At the same time, inform the engine room and determine the time necessary for repairs, if possible, so that the necessary preparations can be made on the bridge.36.when is great circle sailing mostadvantageous? Please explain briefly.Thye shortest distance between two meridians is the arc of the great circle contained between these two poits. The advantages of using the great circle sailing are most obvious in high latitudes, where there is a largedifference of longitude between the points of departure and destination.37.how do you do the chart work?The chart work must be so detailed that the master or relieving officer can easily and quikly find out the ship’s last known position and from that they can determine its present position. Detailed chart work includes course line, DR position marked with time and distance, observed position with time and distance plus the position fixing method.Special notes like when the master should be informed and when to slow down, etc. are also needed in some dangerous areas.38.if a man is overboard, what actions should you take immediately?I should throw him a lifebuoy and follow the emergency procedure. That is to say, I should sound the alarm, inform the master and the engine room, make the Williamson turn and keep constant lookout.39.what is confine waters? What factor should you take into account when you make passage plan in the confined waters?Confined waters means an area of the sea where the width of the safely navigable waterway is not more than about 2 miles, such as a strait, considering the draft of the vessel and water depth.For navigation in confined waters, I shall consider the following maters in planning a passage:(1)presence/absence of special navigationalrules and items to report.(2)Information on the sailing directions, coastpilot, and so on.(3)The draft of the vessel and the navigable ofthe sea.(4)The effect of sinkage of the hull (squat) andkeeping enough under keel clearance.(5)Tides, and a tidal current.(6)Weather conditions and counter-measuresagainst restricted visibility.(7)Use of navigation aids to give a sign, andsetting of parallel index (line for avoiding danger).(8)Passing time of danger points(daylight/night-time)?(9)The degree of congested water-traffic,crowded area with fishing boats, and counter-measures for the above mentioned.(10)The vessel’s maneuvering ability.(11)Necessary/lack of necessity for adjustment ofthe vessel’s speed.40.what is safety speed during sailing? What factors should you consider in deciding the speed of a vessel during sailingin the sea?The safe speed is the speed at which the vessel can take proper and effective actions to be stopped in a safe distance. The following factors should be taken into account to achieve safe speed: visibility, number of ships in the area, the ship’s man euverability, wind force, sea tide and current, background lights, draught and available depth of water, proximity of navigational hazards, standard and operation of technical equipment on board, ice condition and so on.41.when navigating in a crossing situation, as master or duty officer, what anti-cillision measures should be taken? When the vessels are proceed on head-on condition, what anti-collision rule should be observed? When a power-driven ship and sailing meet in the sea, what anti-cillision rule should be observed?When two power-driven ships are crossing, the ship which has the other ship on own starboard side shall keep out of way. To do this, this ship can either alter course to starboard side or slow down her speed in order to avoid colloision.When two power-driven ships are meeting head-on situation or near head-on situation, each ship shall alter course to starboard so that they can pass on the port side of each other at a safe distance.When a ship sails at a higher alter its course to avoid collision.A power-driven ship shall keep out of the way of a sailing ship. This can be done either altering its course or speed up to avoid collision.42.what is ISM code? How many chapters are there in ISM code now? what is DOC and SMC ?ISM means international management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention. It is made by the IMO.The ISM code (as amended) includes 16 chapters falling into two parts: implementation (part one ), and verification and certifiction (part two). The 16 chapters are: general, safety and environment protection policy, company responsibilities and authority, designated person(s), master’s responsibilities and authorirty, resources and personel, development of plans for shipboard operation, emergency preparedness, reports and analysis of non-conformity, accidents and hazardous occurrences, mantenance of the ship and equipment, documentation, company verification, review and evaluation, certification and verification, and forms of certificates. The last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM code.SMS means safety management system, and this system is made based on the 16 elements of ISM code, which is a compulsory part SOLAS74. the ship-owner or mangaer cannot get document of compliance (DOC) and SMC without audited safety management certificate (SMC) BY CLASS DESIGNATED BY THE FLAG REGISTRY ADMINISTRATION.43.in case of loss of bridge control, what immediate actions do you take?In case of the vessel fall into of bridge control result from trouble in the main engine, steering gear, etc., the officer of the watch shall immediately take the following measures:Stopping engine (in case trouble of steering engine);Alerting other vessels sailing nearly;(by means of lights for “not under command”, whistle or VHF);reporting to the master (chief engineer);confirming the vessel position;estimating the drifting direction and speed.44.can you name some publications on board the ship?。



三副考试试题三副考试试题第一副试题:人生选择1. 你认为人生最重要的是什么?为什么?2. 当面临重大决策时,你会如何权衡利弊?3. 你如何平衡个人发展和家庭责任?第二副试题:环境保护1. 你认为环境保护的重要性在于什么?2. 个人行为对环境保护有何影响?3. 你认为政府在环境保护方面应承担怎样的责任?第三副试题:教育体制1. 你认为传统教育体制中存在的问题是什么?2. 你认为教育应该如何改革以适应现代社会的需求?3. 你认为学校和家庭在教育中应扮演怎样的角色?在现代社会中,人们面临着许多重大的选择和挑战。



























(10分)⑴ ,江春入旧年。


(2分)⑶友人便怒曰:(《陈太丘与友期行》) (2分)。




(4分)⑴那是雨,是使人j ìng m ì( )、使人怀想、使人动情的秋雨啊!⑵看着三轮车,也绝没有想到那竟是永远的ju é bi é ( )。

⑶这是荒园,r én j ì h ǎn zh ì( ),所以不相宜,只好来捕鸟。

⑷不少的人对工作不负责任,ni ān q īng p à zh òng ( )。

3、下列句子中加点的词语使用不.恰当..的一项是( )(3分) A 、静默..的山,流动的水,一动一静,构成一幅美妙和谐的风景画。

B 、大家认为他提出的这条建议很有价值,都随声附和....表示赞成。

C 、害怕攀登高峰的人,永远只能在山下徘徊..。

D 、南方的冬天是响晴..的。

4、下列对病句的修改不.正确..的一项是( )(3分) A 、这次比赛的获胜,将决定着我们能否进入决赛阶段。

(将“获胜”改为“胜负”)B 、只要和学生进行心灵的沟通,教师才能拨动学生心灵深处的琴弦。

(“只要”改为“只有”)C 、改革开放以来,东莞取得了在经济改革方面巨大的成就。

(“取得了”和“在经济改革方面”互换位置)D 、天气慢慢炎热起来,同学们切忌不要下河游泳。





竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除二副英文面试问题和答案篇一:二副英语面试试题南京远洋运输股份有限公司海监室船员面试应答题(英语部分)(二副)1.whatisdpinismcodedpstandsfordesignatedperson(s).his(their)responsibi lityincludesmonitoringsafety,pollutionpreventionasp ectsonthebehalfofshipowner.2.ifoneofcrewonboardisseriouslyill,whomwillyouconta ctwithmanymethods.oneofthemethodsistocontactwiththeshipow ner,andobtaintheinstructionsfromtheshipowner,oryouc anasktheagentfromthenearestharbourtoarrangehospitaladmission.3.howoftenwillyouperformafirefightingdrillwhocontro lsonthespotonceamonth.thec/otakeschargeofthedrillonthespot.ift hedrilloccursintheengineroom,c/etakeschargeofthedri llonthespot.4.howmanymaritimepublicationsareavailableforyourves selwhotakescareofthemmanypublicationsareavailablefo rourvessel.suchasporttoentry,admiraltysailingdirect ions,admiraltylistoflight,admiralitylistofRadiosign als,admiraltytidetables,annualsummaryofadmiraltynot icetomariners.thesecondofficertakescareofthem.inadd ition,chiefengineerkeepsequipmentspecificationsandp ublicationsforengineerdepartment.5.howtoperformmaster’sinspectionifpossible,mastermustinspectthevesseldaily.theinspe ctiveplacesincludes:messroom,galleytobevisiteddaily ;storeroomreefercompartments,washrooms,toilet,accommodationtobesightedatleastaweekinordertokeepastanda rdsanitationandcleanliness.6.ifthemasterwerenotonboard,whowouldassumehisrespon sibilitiesaccordingtosmsandcommonpractice,seniordeckofficer(c /o)willtakeovertheresponsibilities.7.whatismaintaskforsecondofficerheisresponsibleforensuringallcharts,publicationsreq uiredforintendedvoyageareavailable,andkeptcorrected ;heisunderthedirectionofthemasterwithlayingoffcours esandpreparationofthepassageplan.Fixdailynoonpositi onreporttothemasterandc/e;heisresponsibleformaintai ningofnavigationwatchonthebridgeatperiodsof0000—0400and1200—1600hours,heisresponsibleforcorrectoperationofallna vigationequipmentandcorrectmaintenanceinclosecooper ationwiththeelectricengineer;heisresponsibleformoor ingorunmooring,heisresponsiblefordutiesasdirectedby c/o;heisresponsibleforwindingorcheckingallchronometersandclocks.keepgoodcareofallopticalinstrumentsonb oard,sextants,binoculars,azimuthringsetc..heisrespo nsibleforkeepingdecklogbook,abstractlog,chronometer slogandRecordbooksofallnavigationalequipment;heisre sponsibleforkeepingabookcontainedallnavigationwarni ng;8.supposedyoutransittheenglishchannelandyoumeetship ontheoppositecourse,whichactionwouldyoutakewhatsoun dwillyouusetowarnhowfarwillyouusesignalhowfarwillyo utakeactionquicklydeterminewhichshipisstrand-onvesselandwhichv esselisgive-awayvessel,iwillsoundsingaltowarntheves sel,thebestdistanceisnolessthan4nmile.篇二:船长大副英文面试问题及参考答案船长/大副英文面试问题及参考答案船长是船上最重要的职位,也是各方面要求最高的职位。



副主任护理学考试历年试题(带答案)一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是护理程序的步骤?A. 评估B. 计划C. 实施D. 研究答案:D2. 下列哪项不是护理诊断的类型?A. 健康问题B. 潜在问题C. 危险因素D. 护理诊断答案:D3. 下列哪项不是患者权利?A. 接受护理的权利B. 知情同意的权利C. 隐私保护的权利D. 护理师选择的权利答案:D4. 下列哪项不是护理伦理的基本原则?A. 尊重B. 不伤害C. 行善D. 公正答案:C5. 下列哪项不是护理质量管理的目的是?A. 提高患者满意度B. 提高护理质量C. 降低医疗纠纷D. 提高护士工作满意度答案:D6. 下列哪项不是压疮的预防措施?A. 保持皮肤干燥B. 定期翻身C. 使用气垫床D. 给予高蛋白饮食答案:D7. 下列哪项不是糖尿病的并发症?A. 视网膜病变B. 肾病C. 神经病变D. 骨折答案:D8. 下列哪项不是心绞痛的典型表现?A. 胸痛B. 放射性痛C. 呼吸困难D. 出汗答案:C9. 下列哪项不是感染控制的措施?A. 手卫生B. 消毒C. 隔离D. 提高患者免疫力答案:D10. 下列哪项不是危重患者的护理要点?A. 监测生命体征B. 维持水电解质平衡C. 保持呼吸道通畅D. 给予高热量饮食答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 护理程序的步骤包括:A. 评估B. 计划C. 实施D. 评价E. 研究答案:ABCDE2. 护理诊断的类型包括:A. 健康问题B. 潜在问题C. 危险因素D. 护理诊断E. 患者需求答案:ABCD3. 患者权利包括:A. 接受护理的权利B. 知情同意的权利C. 隐私保护的权利D. 护理师选择的权利E. 参与医疗决策的权利答案:ABCE4. 护理伦理的基本原则包括:A. 尊重B. 不伤害C. 行善D. 公正E. 信任答案:ABCD5. 护理质量管理的目的包括:A. 提高患者满意度B. 提高护理质量C. 降低医疗纠纷D. 提高护士工作满意度E. 提高医疗安全答案:ABCDE6. 压疮的预防措施包括:A. 保持皮肤干燥B. 定期翻身C. 使用气垫床D. 给予高蛋白饮食E. 避免局部受压答案:ABCE7. 糖尿病的并发症包括:A. 视网膜病变B. 肾病C. 神经病变D. 骨折E. 心血管疾病答案:ABCE8. 心绞痛的典型表现包括:A. 胸痛B. 放射性痛C. 呼吸困难D. 出汗E. 恶心呕吐答案:ABDE9. 感染控制的措施包括:A. 手卫生B. 消毒C. 隔离D. 提高患者免疫力E. 监测感染情况答案:ABCE10. 危重患者的护理要点包括:A. 监测生命体征B. 维持水电解质平衡C. 保持呼吸道通畅D. 给予高热量饮食E. 及时处理并发症答案:ABCE。



自考英语二试题及答案云南自考英语二试题及答案(云南)一、选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. The novel is believed to be ________ inspiration for the movie.A) aB) anC) theD) /答案:B2. She is ________ honest person and never tells lies.A) aB) anC) theD) /答案:A3. He has been ________ teacher for more than 20 years.A) aB) anC) theD) /答案:A4. The ________ of the meeting was to discuss the new project.A) reasonB) purposeC) causeD) effect答案:B5. Despite the heavy rain, they continued ________ their journey.A) withB) onC) inD) at答案:A6. The company is considering ________ a new marketing strategy.A) to adoptB) adoptingC) adoptedD) having adopted答案:B7. She is ________ to the idea of traveling alone.A) opposedB) favorableC) indifferentD) reluctant答案:A8. The ________ of the old building was completed last month.A) renovationB) removalC) constructionD) destruction答案:A9. He was so ________ in the book that he didn't hear the doorbell.A) absorbedB) distractedC) boredD) annoyed答案:A10. The ________ of the experiment was a success.A) executionB) performanceC) operationD) procedure答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共20分)11. The ________ of the company's profits has been a topic of concern among the shareholders.答案:decline12. She has a ________ for languages and can speak five different ones fluently.答案:talent13. The ________ of the old bridge was a significant event in the town's history.答案:collapse14. He is ________ to his work and spends long hours in the lab.答案:dedicated15. The ________ of the new policy will be felt by all the employees.答案:implementation16. The ________ of the ancient city has attracted many tourists.答案:preservation17. The ________ of the project was delayed due to bad weather.答案:completion18. She is a ________ of classical music and often attends the symphony.答案:enthusiast19. The ________ of the company's success is largely attributed to its innovative approach.答案:ascendancy20. The ________ of the old factory site has been a controversial issue in the community.答案:development三、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)[文章略]21. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The importance of environmental protection.B) The economic benefits of tourism.C) The impact of tourism on local culture.D) The challenges of sustainable development.答案:C22. According to the passage, what is one negative effect of tourism?A) It promotes cultural exchange.B) It can lead to overcrowding.C) It helps preserve local traditions.D) It encourages local businesses.答案:B23. What does the author suggest as a solution to theproblems caused by tourism?A) Strict regulations on tourist numbers.B) Increased funding for cultural preservation.C) Promotion of local arts and crafts.D) Encouragement of off-season travel.答案:A24-30. [后续问题及答案略]四、作文(共30分)31. Write an essay on the topic: "The Role of Technology in Education."[作文内容略]答案解析:选择题部分主要考察了冠词、介词、动词时态和语态、形容词和副词的用法等基础知识点。



药二试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是药物的副作用?A. 治疗作用B. 毒性反应C. 过敏反应D. 继发反应答案:A2. 药物的半衰期是指:A. 药物在体内达到最大浓度所需的时间B. 药物在体内消除一半所需的时间C. 药物在体内达到稳态所需的时间D. 药物在体内完全消除所需的时间答案:B3. 下列关于药物剂量的说法,错误的是:A. 药物剂量越大,疗效越好B. 药物剂量需要根据个体差异进行调整C. 药物剂量过大可能导致毒性反应D. 药物剂量过小可能导致疗效不佳答案:A4. 药物的生物利用度是指:A. 药物在体内的分布情况B. 药物在体内的代谢情况C. 药物从给药部位进入血液循环的量D. 药物的半衰期答案:C5. 下列哪项不是药物相互作用的结果?A. 疗效增强B. 毒性增加C. 药物失效D. 药物的半衰期延长答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 药物的____是指药物在体内达到最大浓度所需的时间。

答案:达峰时间2. 药物的____是指药物在体内完全消除所需的时间。

答案:消除期3. 药物的____是指药物在体内达到稳态所需的时间。

答案:稳态时间4. 药物的____是指药物从给药部位进入血液循环的量。

答案:生物利用度5. 药物的____是指药物在体内消除一半所需的时间。

答案:半衰期三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请简述药物副作用的定义及其可能产生的后果。



2. 请简述药物剂量调整的原则。























一、代数题1. 某数的一半加上20等于这个数的三分之一,求这个数是多少?解析:设这个数为x,根据题意可以得到方程:1/2x + 20 = 1/3x。

将方程两边同乘以6,得到3x + 120 = 2x,再将2x移到等号左边,得到x = -120。


2. 如果a + b = 5,a - b = 3,求a和b的值。

解析:将两个方程相加,得到2a = 8,所以a = 4。

将a的值代入第一个方程,得到4 + b = 5,所以b = 1。


二、几何题1. 已知三角形ABC中,AB = AC,角BAC = 40°,角ABC = 70°,求角BCA的度数。

解析:由已知条件可知,角ABC = 70°,角BAC = 40°,所以角BCA = 180° - 70° - 40° = 70°。


2. 在正方形ABCD中,E是边BC的中点,F是边CD上的一点,且EF与AD垂直相交于点G,若AB = 6cm,求EF的长度。

解析:由题意可知,正方形ABCD的边长为6cm,边BC的中点为E,所以BE = EC = 3cm。

又因为EF与AD垂直相交于点G,所以AG = GD = 3cm。

根据勾股定理可得,EF的长度为√(AG² + GE²) = √(3² + 3²) = √(18) = 3√2 cm。

所以EF的长度为3√2 cm。

三、概率题1. 一枚硬币抛掷3次,求至少出现一次正面的概率。


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12.如何识别英版通告是该年度的最后一期?答:在每年最后一期英版通告封面的右上角注有FINAL EDITION字样。
















































