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Module 12 A holiday

Unit 1 I went to Los Angeles two years ago



1. 掌握单词和短语:spend, hope, on holiday, clock, do some shopping , newspaper, tomorrow, gran

2. 掌握句型:How long did it take to get there? How long did you spend there?

能力目标:能在实际情境中用一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情。情感目标:通过体验和分享旅行的快乐, 培养对不同文化的兴趣, 及热爱生活、享受生活的乐观态度。



PartI: Leading in

T :Do you like journey? Where do you want to go? Do you want to travel in the USA?

Here are some places in the USA.

PartII: Listening practice

小听力:Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer. ( 1.Where did Betty go on holiday?

A. A.California


C.Los Angeles ( 2.How long did it take her to get there?

A.nine hours

B. two years

C. nine o’clock

( 3. What did Betty see in Hollywood?

A.the movies

B.the movie stars

C.the homes of the movie stars

2. How long did you spend there?

spend 是动词, 意为花费, 主语是 ____或者 _______, 一般的用法:sb. spend some time / some money _______ sth. 和 sb. spend some time / some money ______ sth. 如:1 我花了一个小时做作业。 _________________________ 2 这本书花了他十元钱。__________________________ spend 和 take 都可以当花费,你能区别它们吗?

3. 当你在文章中看到它们时,记着把它们写下来。

write them down when you see them in the passage. remember 意为“ 记着,记住,记起” ,其反义词为

你知道 remember to do sth. 与 remember doing sth.的区别么?

Part V. Speaking

Task1. Read the dialogue loudly. (大声读对话

Task2. Read the dialogue in pairs.(分角色朗读对话

Part VI. 课堂达标。


就划线部分提问 ______________your aunt and uncle_________you?

2. It took her nine hours to get there.(改为同义句

She________nine hours________there.

3. I swam in that river five years ago.( 变为一般疑问句

_________you________in that river five years ago?


1. 到达那里花了多长时间? ______did it take__________there?

2. 我们在飞机场接她。 We met her_____________________.

3. 最后我们在那里游了很长时间。 Finally we _______a lot there. PartVII. Homework:

Finish the exercises in the workbook 课本 P132, 3.

Module 12 A holiday

Unit 2 We didn’t see the queen.



1. 熟记短语:take a taxi, be tired, go for a walk, a Chinese restaurant, do some shopping, come back to, say hello to

2. 继续学习并理解一般过去时的意义及用法。


1. 能读懂描述旅行经历的短文 , 掌握整体理解技能。

2. 能向同学描述自己的假期旅行。


通过分享旅行的快乐 , 培养热爱生活 , 享受生活的乐观态度。



PartI: Leading in

T: From the last lesson, we have known that Betty has been to Los Angeles on holiday and had a good time there. Today let's know about her grandma's holiday journey to London. Do you know London? What's it famous for?

PartII: Reading practice

Task1. Read the email and put these places in the correct order. (Activity1

Task2. Read the email again and check the true sentences. (Activity2

Task3. Read again, complete the diary. (Activity3.

PartIII. 合作探究 (先自主完成,后小组合作,交流学习成果, 共同释疑

1. I hope you’re well.
