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1.会计Accounting: Is an information system that indentifies ,records ,and

communicates relevant, reliable ,and comparable information about an organization’s business activities that can be expressed in monetary terms.(会计是一个信息系统,用以确认,记录和披露企业可以用货币计量的经营活动的,可靠的可比的信息)

2.资产assets:Assets are resources with future benefits that are owned or

controlled by a company.(资产是由公司拥有和控制的未来能给企业带来经济利益的资源)

3.权责发生制accrual basis of accounting: Means that revenues, expenses and

other changes in assets, liabilities, and owners’equity are accounted for in the period in which the economic event takes place, not necessarily when the cash inflows and outflows take place.(收入,费用,资产和负债和所有者权益的变动应记录于交易发生的时期而不是相关的现金流入和流出的时期)

4.总账账户control accounts: Grouped according to the elements of financial

statement, the general ledger holds the individual control accounts.

5.负债Liabilities are defined as “ probable future sacrifices of economic benefits

arising from present obligations of a particular entity to transfer assets or provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past transactions or events.”(负债是指企业由过去的交易和事项引起的现行义务,即在未来向企业提供资产和服务,该义务的履行将导致企业经济利益的流出)

6.利润表income statement :An income statement is a financial statement showing

the results of operations for a business by matching revenue and related expenses for a particular accounting period .It shows the net income or net loss.(利润表是财务报表的一种,通过将收入和费用配比反映一个企业一定时期的经营成果即净利润或净亏损)

7.费用Expense: Generally speaking, expenses are costs that are charged against ,

revenue and that are related to the entity’s basic business.(一般来说,费用就是企业与主要经营活动收入相配比的那部分成本)

8.资产负债表balance sheet is a financial statement which shows the financial

position of a business entity by summarizing the assets ,liabilities and owners’equality at a specific date.(资产负债表是用来列示公司的资产,负债和所有者权益,反映企业财务状况的报表)

9.永续盘存制perpetual inventory system:Is a system of accounting for

merchandise that provides a continuous record showing the quantity and cost of all goods on hand.(永续盘存制就是对库存商品进行连续性记录以反映特有商品数量和金额的方法)

10.无形资产Intangible assets :Intangible assets form a sub-section of this group

and are further defined as identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance.(是指企业的过去的活动形成的,由企业控制的,预期会给企业带来经济利益的资源)


1.State the steps of establishing internal control over cash(简述建立现金内部控


Separate the function of handling cash from the maintenance of accounting records (将现金收付与记账职务分离)

(1)Prepare an immediate control listing of cash receipts at the time and place that the

money is received(在收到现金的当时当地编制一份现金收入控制清单)(2)Require that all cash receipts be deposited daily in the bank(每日都要将现金收


(3)Make all payments by check(所有的付款都以支票形式通过银行支付)

(4)Separate the function of approving expenditures from the function of signing


2.What are the quality chatacteristics of accounting information(会计信息质量特征):Relevance(相关性),reliability(可靠性),


3.Describe the steps(procedures) of accounting cycle(描述会计循环的步骤)

(1)identify transactions or events to be recorded(确认需要记录的交易或事项)

(2)journalize transactions and events(将交易或事项登记到日记账)

(3)posting from journal to ledger(从日记账过入)

(4)prepare unadjusted trial balance(编制调整前余额试算表)

(5)journalize and post adjusting journal entries(将调整分录计入日记账并过入分类


(6)prepare adjusted trial balance(编制调整后余额试算表)

(7)prepare financial statements(编制财务报表)

(8)journalize and post closing entries(将结账分录计入日记账并过账)

(9)prepare post-closing trial balance(编制结账后余额试算表)

4.Briefly state the four assumptions and explain(简述四个会计假设)Separate entity(会计主体假设),going concern(持续经营假设)

.,time-period(会计分期假设),monetary unit(货币计量假设)

5.Briefly state the classification investment in securities(简述有价证券的列报)Trading securities(交易性证券),held-to-maturity securities(持有至到期投资),available-for-sale securities(可供出售的金融资产),long-term investment in equity securities(长期股权投资)

6.What are the accounting elements(会计要素)

Assets(资产),liabilities(负债),owners’ equity(所有者权益),revenues(收入),expenses(费用),income(利润)



The balance of A/R is $300000, Allowance for Doubtful Debt is $400 at end of 2007.The company use the percent of account received method to estimate the bad debts expense, The percentage is 0.3%, At 2008 The balance of A/R is $500000, Allowance for Doubtful Debt is $1650.Do adjusting entry for 2007 and 2008.(计算及分录)

①The bad debts expense is 300000*0.3%=900

Allowance for Doubtful Debt is 400 应计提的坏账=900-400=500

Dr: Bad Debts Expense 500

Cr: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 500

②The bad debts expense is 500000*0.3%=1500

Allowance for Doubtful Debt is 1650
