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Parallelism or parataxis I came; I saw; I conquer. ( 我来了;我看见;我征服)
出自古罗马统治者Julius Caesar 之口。气势磅礴、铿锵有力的语言给后人留下了深刻印象。这个三项排比句生动形象地描述了这位统治者的勇气、傲气和霸气。
To that work I now turn, with all the authority of my office. I ask the Congress to join with me. But no president, no Congress, no government, can undertake this mission alone. (Bill Clinton)
This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. (Franklin D. Roosevelt) 罗斯福运用谓语三项式排比展望美国的发展,语气不断加强,话语鼓舞人心。汉语意思是:我们的国家过去经得起考验,今后还将经得起考验,美国将复兴,美国将繁荣。
Steadfast in our faith in the Almighty, we will advance toward a world where man's freedom is secure. To that end we will devote our strength, our resources, and our firmness of resolve. With God's help, the future of mankind will be assured in a world of justice, harmony, and peace. (Harry S. Truman) 这里杜鲁门运用宾语三项式排比号召美国人民为人类的自由而做出贡献,运用宾语三项式排比展望人类的未来。汉语意思是:为此目的,我们将贡献出我们的力量、财力及坚定决心。汉语意思是:在上帝的保佑下,人类的未来无疑将是个公正、和谐与和平的世界。
We are creating a nation once again vibrant, robust and alive. But there are many mountains yet to climb.(Ronald Reagan) 这里里根运用三项式定语排比来描述人们创造的美国“朝气蓬勃、精力旺盛、充满活力” 。文字简练生动,给人留下深刻的印象。We were in the midst of shock—but we acted. We acted quickly, boldly, decisively. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
罗斯福回顾八年前美国所处的状态,运用三个排比的状语阐述了美国人民的勇气和坚定。汉语意思是:“我们虽然处在惊恐之中——但是我们采取了行动,迅速、大胆、坚定地采取了行动。” America is ready to encourage, eager to initiate, anxious to participate in any seemly program likely to lessen the probability of war, and promote that brotherhood of mankind which must be God's highest conception of human. (Warren G. Harding)
哈定在演说中运用三个排比的表语清楚地表明了美国对减少战争爆发所持的态度和立场。汉语意思是:“美国随时鼓励、热情推动、积极参加任何有助于减少战争爆发可能性的计划,并促进上帝对人类关系的最高思想——四海之内皆兄弟。” With this, we can build a great cathedral of the spirit—each of us raising it one stone at a time, as he reaches out to his neighbor, helping ,caring, doing. (Richard Milhous Nixon) 尼克松用了三个现在分词的排比强调说明邻里之间应怎样相处。汉语意思是:“每当我们每一个人向他的邻人伸出手来,帮助他、照顾他、为他办事的时候,他也就是给这个精神大厦添了一块砖。”
Conceived in justice,written in liberty, bound in union, it (covenant) was meant one day to inspire the hopes of all mankind; and it binds us still. (Lyndon Baines Johnson) 约翰逊在此用了三个排比的过去分词短语阐明了公约的性质:公正、自由、联盟。汉语意思是:该公约立意公正,充满自由精神,并有联盟的约束。它的本意是有朝一日可以成为全人类的希望。直到今天仍然制约着我们。” We renew our pledge of support—to prevent it (the United Nations) from becoming merely a forum for invective—to strength its shield of the new and the weak—and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run. (John F. Kennedy) 这里肯尼迪用了三个动词不定式排比表达了美国对联合国的殷切希望。汉语意思是:“防止它变成一个只供抨击之用的讲台、强化它对新兴国家和弱小国家