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Now it is over to you … engage and be active 现在请积极参与
(Cleeves Diamond 1999)
Features that will influence learning (- ive) 影响学习的因素
• Requiring use of a limited set of the senses 需要的视角单一 • An uninviting atmosphere or a threatening one creating pressure and stress 气氛沉闷、压抑 气氛沉闷、 • Setting monotonous or repetitive tasks with demands not linked to capabilities 作业重复单调,无需太多技能 作业重复单调, • Isolating learners from one another (physically and/or socially) 学生相互隔离 • Promoting an uneven profile of skills and interests between the mental, aesthetic, social and emotional 使学生的心智、审美、 使学生的心智、审美、社交和心理技能发展不全面 • Encouraging learners to be passive, dependent and docile. 鼓励学生被动、 鼓励学生被动、依赖和顺从
Robust assessment 有效的评价…wk.baidu.com
Assessment for Learning is对学习的评价应该 … 对学习的评价应该
• Accurate assessment (knowing standards) 准确(熟悉标准) 准确 Fair assessment (valid methods) 公正(使用有效的方法) 公正 Reliable assessment (judgements are consistent) 可靠(结论应前后一致) 可靠 Useful assessment (identifying how to progress) 有用(明确如何推进) 有用 Focused assessment (identifying blocks in a student’s progress) 重点突出(找出学生的学习障碍) 重点突出 Continuity of assessment (each assessment stage is clear) 连续 (每个评价阶段非常清楚)
Features that will influence learning 影响学习的因素
Stimulating all the senses 刺激所有 所有感官 所有 Atmosphere free from undue pressure and stress, but with a degree of pleasurable interest 环境没有过多的压力,却有些许趣味性。 没有过多的压力, 趣味性。 没有过多的压力 趣味性 Series of novel changes that are neither too hard or easy 一系列难易适度的新奇变化 新奇变化 Encourages social interaction for some activities 鼓励某些活动中的社会交往 社会交往。 社会交往 Promotes the development of skills and interests that are mental, aesthetic, social and emotional 鼓励培养 培养心智、审美、社会和情感方面的技能和兴趣 技能和兴趣。 培养 技能和兴趣 Encourages the learner to be an active participant 鼓励学习者积极参与 积极参与。 积极参与
应该是有效进行教学设计的一部分。 2.… should focus on how students learn 应把重点放在学生的学习方法上。 3.… should be recognised as central to practice 应视为教学实践的重要环节。 4.… should be sensitive and constructive because any assessment has an emotional impact 任何评价都对情感有影响,因此评价应谨慎和有建设性。 5.…should take account of learner motivation 应考虑学生的学习动机。 6.…should promote commitment to learning goals and a shared understanding of the criteria by which they are assessed 应有助于实现教学目标,并使师生都理解评价他们的标准。 7. Learners should receive constructive guidance about how to improve 学习者应得到有关如何改进的建设性指导。 8. … develops learners' capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflective and self-managing 培养学生的自我评价能力,使其能自我反思和自我管理。
Autobiographical Lenses 自身的角度
Peer Lenses 同行的角度
Client/learner Lenses 客户/学生的角度 学生的角度
Theoretical Lenses理论角度 理
Assessment definitions评价的定义 评价的定义 Summative assessment 是对学习的评价 Formative assessment
Application to your setting 应用到自己的工作环境
In transfering Student Centred Learning to your setting what might be the barriers to success? 在本单位采用以学生为中心的教学法 以学生为中心的教学法有何障碍? 以学生为中心的教学法 Competence? 能力? To much of a shift in practice? 教学方法变动太大? Too radical? 过于激进? Therefore-why not start small – engage agents of change (students?) 那为何不进行小幅度的变化呢? Build/contribute to a culture of change 建设/催生一种求变的文化 Make clear the expectations of you as teacher 明确自己作为教师的期待 As you prepare your ‘activities’ think about…准备活动时,请思考: • What will your ‘activities’ look like? 你的活动会是什么样子? • This ‘activity package’ should be easy to transfer to your setting 这个“活动包”应该易于在自己的单位实施。

This is assessment of learning
This is assessment for learning. 是为学习进行的评价 为
Assessment for Learning 为学习的评价…
Some principles 原则 1.… should be part of effective planning of teaching and learning
Viewing experiences through从不同镜头看
Brookfield’s Lenses
(Brookfield, S. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass )

Assessment评价 …feedback反馈 …
To be useful to learners, assessment should lead to feedback: 要对学生有用,评价须能产生反馈。 Feedback can be 反馈的形式:
– Oral 口头的 – Written 书面的 – Non verbal 非言语的