












关键词一带一路;跨文化商务交际;商务英语专业中图分类号:G642.4 文献标识码:B文章编号:1671-489X(2015)21-0092-021 引言“一带一路”作为一项浩大的世界工程,不仅需要互联互通、经贸合作等硬件支撑,也离不开文化交流、民心相通等软件助力,二者相辅相成,不可或缺。












①课本第三页1-Needs and Purposes for Communication•(1) survival (6) power•(2) cooperation (7)social needs•(3)personal needs (8) information•(4) relationships (9) making sense of world•(5) persuasion 劝说(10) self-expression用P4—P6 Survival、Co-operation、Personal needs. Relationships.persuasion……回答,不要求全部都写出来,但是至少要答四到五个,理解读懂还要有对这个词的解释②P6掌握交际的概念(Definition)•Communication refers to the act and process of sending and receiving messages among people.•Eg: buy computer via Internet•Communication—someone perceives behavior or its residue and attributes meaning to it.Communication has taken place regardless of whether that behavior is conscious or unconscious. Intentional or unintentional.③P10(很重要)交际的过程(the process)1. the components of communication•Message•Sender•Receiver•Channel•Noise•Feedback•Encoding/Decoding2. Models of communication•(1) the linear model•(2) the circular model•(3) the contextualized model④P14 交际的特征(Characteristics)里的黑体标题要看懂• 1. communication is dynamic 动态• 2. communication is irreversible不可撤销• 3. communication is symbolic符号性• 4. communication is systemic 系统性• 5. communication is self-reflective自我反映性• munication is interactive 交互性•7. communication is complex 复杂性⑤P22里的最后一段中影响跨文化交际的主要三个因素Language barriers,different values,different cultural patterns of behavior⑥ICC与ICBC的概念1. intercultural communication (ICC)•--interpersonal communication between members of different cultures.2. intercultural business communication (ICBC)•--communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture⑦P31课后练习中的Discussion Questions的前三个问题⑧P41 关于文化的概念在这页的第五段•Culture is the total accumulation(积累)of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions (习俗)and communication patterns(样式)that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.⑨P42 文化的特点还要解释四个到五个• 1. culture is not innate; it is learned (e.g. sneezing)• 2. culture is transmitted from generation to generation• 3. culture is selective• 4. the facets of culture are interrelated (e.g. women’s movement)• 5. culture is ethnocentric• 6. culture is subject to change⑩P46价值观的概念(definition of value)•One’s principles or standards, one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life • A broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others. (Hofstede P46)• A conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.⑾P45(重点)values from the core of culture• 1.values form the core of culture• 2. values are the deepest manifestations of culture and most difficult to understand by an outsider. (symbols-heroes-rituals-values, by Hofstede)⑿P48 价值观的分类• 1.universal values (e.g., happy life)• 2.cultural-specific values (e.g.. modesty for Chinese culture)• 3. peculiar expression or deviations of individuals within cultures (subjective culture)⒀P49 价值观是怎样形成的?how to get one’s value?• 1. from one’s family• 2.from school education teachers• 3. from one’s peers• 4. from society at large⒁P59(很重要)hofstede-Bond's Value Dimensions•Individualism vs. Collectivism (P.61)•Power Distance•Uncertainty Avoidance•Masculinity vs. Femininity回答这个题目时要说这个理论是谁写的,叫什么名字,理论是什么(从P60-64四个角度回答)还要解释,还要给例子,比如P62的图表。





关键词语言和格式跨文化交际能力中图分类号:G424 文献标识码:AInter-cultural Awareness Development in Teaching of Business-English WritingAbstract Traditional teaching of business English writing centers more around language and formatting, nevertheless paying not enough attention to the development of the students' intercultural communicational abilities. Through shifting our teaching focus and adopting new ways of teaching, not only can better teaching results be achieved, but also the students' intercultural communicational abilities required in the future work can be better cultivated.Key words language and format; inter-cultural awareness and capabilities作为商务英语专业在培养一般性复合人才商务英语方向课程上的一门核心课程,商务英语写作无疑体现了高等院校的专业课程设置同社会需求的紧密结合。



跨文化商务交际Intercultural Business Communication窦卫霖编著前言一个企业的成功,不仅取决于它的生产能力,而且取决于它的文化能力;在国际商务活动中,还取决于它的跨文化交际能力。















【2018最新】浅析跨文化交际中的商务礼仪差异,毕业论文-精选word文档 (20页)

【2018最新】浅析跨文化交际中的商务礼仪差异,毕业论文-精选word文档 (20页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 浅析跨文化交际中的商务礼仪差异,毕业论文篇一:国际商务礼仪中的文化差异分析国际商务礼仪中的文化差异分析金融0902 严薇 0120915940826摘要:随着经济全球化进程的加速,国与国之间、公司与公司之间的跨国、跨文化的商务活动越来越频繁,不同地区、不同国家的文化往往存在差异,影响着人们的思维方式、价值观念,增加了国际商务交际活动的复杂性。














窦卫霖跨⽂化商务交际教案讲稿1教案⾸页3. The Scope and Classification of Communication4. The Process of Communication1) A basic communication model consists of these components: the sender and receiver, the medium or channal, messages, noise, feedback, encoding and decoding.e.g. “That’s all for today. See you all next week.”I(sender) put into words(encoding) my meanings that “class is over”(messge) and speak the words(channel) in the hope that the words will be suitably understood(decoding) by the students(receiver). 2) Models of Communication ① Linear Model Aristotle --- speaker→speach→audience→effect Occasion Lasswell --- 5-W modelWho say what in what channal to whom with what effect. ② Contextualized ModelContext: the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings and what is meant by this is actually quite complicated. There is physical context, social context and cultural context.10 mins: Group study20 mins: ExplanationII. Business Communication1. Defining Business CommunicationBusiness communication is the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages within (and across the boundaries of) a system of interrelated and interdependent people working to accomplish common tasks and goals.2. Internal and External Communication(1) Internal communication refers to the communication taking place within a given organization through such written or oral channels as memos, reports, proposals, meetings, oral presentations, speeches, and person-to-person and telephone conversationsInternal communication includes: downward/ upward/ horizontal communication.(2) External communication refers to the communication between the organization and the outside institutions and people---the general public, customers, vendors and other businesses, and government officials.3. Formal and Informal Communication(1) Formal communication which refers to such communicative activities as business letter, speech, talk, a product presentation and so on.(2) Informal communication, also called grapevine, exists in almost all organizations and at all levels. It has a small number of activists guiding and influencing the informal communication.Assignment:1. Preview Part 3.2. Review the terms and key points in this part.5 mins: Explanation10 mins: Group study5 mins教案⾸页教学⽅法Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form. 15 mins: Warm up15 mins: Group study10 mins: Explanation3. Characteristics of CultureC ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birthC ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to truly 10 mins: Group study20 mins: Explanationunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and theeasiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider. II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happilyC ultural-specific valuesP eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to yourbusiness work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6) 5 mins: Explanation10 mins: Group study5 mins教案⾸页教学⽅法Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form. 15 mins: Warm up15 mins: Group study10 mins: Explanation。



教案首页Review the terms in the previous part:DialectArgotBrandingLinguisticsPolitenessMulti-lingualismInterpretationSimutaneousⅣ. Discourse Pattern Across Cultures1. Cultural Thought Patterns (CTPs)(1) The first represents English language group, typifying the linear logical development of the English paragraph that begins with a topic statement, then develops that topic with related ideas supporting it, and at last makes a conclusion of the whole essay. Thus, English paragraph development is characterized by linearity, directness, clarity and logic.(2) The second diagram is the representation of Semitic language group, which is composed of a series of forward-moving, zigzagged lines signifying parallelistic movements,(3) The third is the representation of the Oriental language group including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thailand, and so on.(4) The fourth is the representation of “Romance”language group which is characterized as a digressive, back-and-forth zigzag, It means that “Romance”languages show "much greater freedom to digress or to introduce extraneous material" that is unrelated to English natives" eyes.(5) The last diagram represents "Russian" language group, which is similar to those of "Romance" languages since it allows for more digression from the topic than docs English, but the “Russian” diagram consists of dotted lines instead of solid lines, which signifies the higher tolerance for subordination in “Russian”教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesWatch a video clip of Charlie Chaplin and discuss what nonverbal means of communication we have.I. The Basics of Nonverbal Communication1. Defining Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver. (by Samovar & Porter )Simply speaking, it refers to communication without the use of words.2. Comparing Verbal and Nonverbal Communication(1) Similarities:Both use symbols, are products of an individual, and require that someone else attach meaning to these symbols. Both are coding systems that we learn and pass on as part of the cultural experience.(2) Differences:•Structured, linguistic and clear vs. unstructured, nonlinguistic and ambiguous. •Conscious vs. subcouscious (nonverbal behavior is, by and large, subcouscious.)•Discontinuous vs. continuous (in verbal communication, you take turns at talking, while nonverbal communication can go on all the time.)•Acquired and controllable vs. natural and uncontrollable (verbal communication is acquired, while much nonverbal communication is natural) •Nonverbal communication is more universal than verbal.•Nonverbal messages can be more emotional in their appeal and impact than verbal ones.3. Functions of Nonverbal Communication•Replacing•Regulating•Conveying•Modifying•Repeating•Complementing•ContradictingII. Cultural Impact on Nonverbal CommunicationCultural differences in salient areas of nonverbal communication in six groups:(1) Kinesics (body movement)(2) Oculesics (eye contact)(3) Haptics (touching)(4) Olfacitics (smelling)(5) Paralanguage(6) Proxemics (spatial language)(7) Chronemics (temporal language)1. Body MovementBody movement (the technical word is Kinetics) is not confined to hand or oral gestures. It covers a much larger area, referring to any little movement of any port of the body.(1) Posture:Posture, the way people hold their bodies when they sit, stand or walk, can send positive or negative nonverbal messages.Postural cues constitute very effective signs of a person’s inner state as wel l as his or her behavioral expectations of others.When people are interacting in intercultural environment, sharp differences can be seen in terms of what postures are taken and what meanings they convey.e.g. Crossing legs:‐U. S.: normal to cross legs while seated; women cross at the ankle and men cross with ankle on the knee.‐Middle East: crossing the leg with ankle on the knee is inappropriate.‐Ghana & Turkey: extremely offensive.‐Thailand: the bottoms of the feet are the lowest part of the body, they should never be pointed in the direction of another person.‐U. S. & Britain: lean back in chairs and put feet on desk to convey a relaxed, informal attitude.‐Middle East, Swiss and Germany: putting feet on desk is rude.‐Japan: sit quietly.*People’s social status, religious practices, feelings of submissiveness, desires to maintain social distance.‐Confident people: relaxed posture, stand erect with shoulders back and head up and walk with assurance.‐Lack of assurance and confidence: walk with stooped shoulders and a slow, hesitating gait.‐Goal oriented: walking rapidly and swinging the arms.‐A preoccupied walk: hands clasped behind and head lowered, thoughtful.e.g. Bowing in Japan:‐The person who occupies the lower station begins the bow, and the bow must be deeper than the other person's.‐The superior determines when the bowing is to end.‐People of equal rank begin the bow in the same manner and end at the same time.(2) Gesture:Gestures are another aspect of body language. Gestures can beHand gesture:The thumbs-up sign Thumb downThe OK sign / The ring gestureThe V signThe single finger beckon The vertical horns gestureGood luck signThe middle finger The ear-tugThe eyelid-pull Shoulder shrug Arms folded Hands in pocket(s) Hands on hipsNose blowing Snapping the fingers of both hands。



教案首页3. The Scope and Classification of Communication4. The Process of Communication1) A basic communication model consists of these components: the sender and receiver, the medium or channal, messages, noise, feedback, encoding and decoding.e.g. “That’s all for today. See you all next week.”I(sender) put into words(encoding) my meani ngs that “class is over”(messge) and speak the words(channel) in the hope that the words will be suitably understood(decoding) by the students(receiver).2) Models of Communication① Linear ModelAristotle --- speaker→speach→audience→effectOccasionLasswell --- 5-W modelWho say what in what channal to whom with what effect.② Contextualized ModelContext: the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings and what is meant by this is actually quite complicated. There is physical context, social context and cultural context.II. Business Communication1. Defining Business CommunicationBusiness communication is the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages within (and across the boundaries of) a system of interrelated and interdependent people working to accomplish common tasks and goals.2. Internal and External Communication(1) Internal communication refers to the communication taking place within a given organization through such written or oral channels as memos, reports, proposals, meetings, oral presentations, speeches, and person-to-person and telephone conversationsInternal communication includes: downward/ upward/ horizontal communication.(2) External communication refers to the communication between the organization and the outside institutions and people---the general public, customers, vendors and other businesses, and government officials.3. Formal and Informal Communication(1) Formal communication which refers to such communicative activities as business letter, speech, talk, a product presentation and so on.(2) Informal communication, also called grapevine, exists in almost all organizations and at all levels. It has a small number of activists guiding and influencing the informal communication.Assignment:1. Preview Part 3.2. Review the terms and key points in this part.教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)。



教案首页3. The Scope and Classification of Communication4. The Process of Communication1) A basic communication model consists of these components: the sender and receiver, the medium or channal, messages, noise, feedback, encoding and decoding.e.g. “That’s all for today. See you all next week.”I(sender) put into words(encoding) my meani ngs that “class is over”(messge) and speak the words(channel) in the hope that the words will be suitably understood(decoding) by the students(receiver).2) Models of Communication① Linear ModelAristotle --- speaker→speach→audience→effectOccasionLasswell --- 5-W modelWho say what in what channal to whom with what effect.② Contextualized ModelContext: the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings and what is meant by this is actually quite complicated. There is physical context, social context and cultural context.II. Business Communication1. Defining Business CommunicationBusiness communication is the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages within (and across the boundaries of) a system of interrelated and interdependent people working to accomplish common tasks and goals.2. Internal and External Communication(1) Internal communication refers to the communication taking place within a given organization through such written or oral channels as memos, reports, proposals, meetings, oral presentations, speeches, and person-to-person and telephone conversationsInternal communication includes: downward/ upward/ horizontal communication.(2) External communication refers to the communication between the organization and the outside institutions and people---the general public, customers, vendors and other businesses, and government officials.3. Formal and Informal Communication(1) Formal communication which refers to such communicative activities as business letter, speech, talk, a product presentation and so on.(2) Informal communication, also called grapevine, exists in almost all organizations and at all levels. It has a small number of activists guiding and influencing the informal communication.Assignment:1. Preview Part 3.2. Review the terms and key points in this part.教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)。

《跨文化交际》 考试大纲

《跨文化交际》 考试大纲

《跨文化交际》考试大纲一、课程基本作息:课程编码:课程类型:专业方向课所属教研室:外语专业教研室学时及学分:34 学时;2学分考核对象:英语专业二、课程教学目的及任务:《跨文化交际》课程是英语专业的一门专业核心必修课程。







四、教材和主要参考资料:教材:《跨文化交际实用教程》胡超主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2006.6主要参考资料:《跨文化交际》Samovar主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2000.08《跨文化交际概论》胡文仲主编,外语教学与研究出版社,1999.11《跨文化交际学》唐德根,中南大学出版社,2000.04《跨文化交际》顾曰国,外语教学与研究出版社,2009.09《新编跨文化交际英语教程(修订版) 》许力生、吴丽萍,上海外语教育出版社,2013.04《跨文化商务交际(第2版)》窦卫霖,高等教育出版社,2011.05《跨文化交际视听说》樊葳葳,《大学英语选修课/学科课程系列教材》项目组高等教育出版社2009.03《翻译与跨文化交际》陈建平、何其莘、仲伟合、许钧,外语教学与研究出版社 2012.09五、考试内容和要求:Unit 11. The elements of culture2. The characteristics of culture3. The elements of intercultural communicationUnit21. Form of address2. Greetings3. Initiating conversation and conversation topic4. Visiting5. PartingUnit 31. Compliments and compliment responses2. Social functions of compliments3. Differences between Chinese and English compliments4. Common response formulas of English and Chinese compliments5. Cultural assumption6. Expressions of gratitude and apology in English and ChineseUnit 41. Culturally loaded words2. Cultural reflections on proverbs3. Taboos4. Differences in cultural thought patternUnit 51. Nonverbal communication, its understanding status2. Nonverbal communication, its study areas3. Cultural differences in nonverbal communication4. Time language5. Space language6. Body language7. ParalanguageUnit 61. Sex and Gender2. Feminine and Masculine communication cultures3. Understand cross-gender communication4. Six principles for effective cross-gender communicationUnit 71. Cultural variations in conducting business2. Cultural variation in selecting negotiators3. Cultural variations in decision-makingUnit 81. Humor as a pathway to intercultural communication competence2. Converting enthymeme into syllogism3. Locating Analogous cultural contexts4. The metastep5. SummaryUnit 91. Eastern and western world views2. A synthesis3. Complementarity4. Toward Intercultural personhood考试方式及试卷结构:1、平时成绩:占总评成绩的60%。



河南工程学院本科课程教学大纲课程名称:_____ 跨文化交际_________ 课程编码:__________________________ 适用专业:_____ 英语语言文学________ 学制:________ 4 ____ 年____________ 所属系部:________ 外语系______________ 制订日期:_2012—年_4—月_15 日河南工程学院教务处编制二0—二年四月十日河南工程学院跨文化交际课程教学大纲课程中英文名称:跨文化交际,In tercultural Commu nicati on课程编码:课程性质:专业必修课适用专业:英语本科学时数:_32_;其中:讲课学时:_16_ ;实验学时:_16_ ;学分数:2_ ;编写人:_靳爱心审定人:_屈平一、课程简介(一)课程性质与任务《跨文化交际》是英语本科专业的一门核心课程,专业必修课,第3学期开设,32学时,2学分。


(二)课程教学目的及要求在教学过程中,要体现出"浅easy、宽wide、精elite 、新new、用useful ”的教学思想。



英语本科专业学生学习本课程后,应达到下列基本要求:1 •掌握文化、交际和跨文化交际的定义和特征。

2 •了解影响跨文化交际活动的各种因素。

3 •了解跨文化交际的途径以及跨文化交际学的研究方法等。

4. 对语言与跨文化研究的有关理论有初步的了解;5 •通过对中西文化的异同的比较,提高跨文化交际意识和跨文化交际能力。



①课本第三页1-Needs and Purposes for Communication•(1) survival (6) power•(2) cooperation (7)social needs•(3)personal needs (8) information•(4) relationships (9) making sense of world•(5) persuasion 劝说(10) self-expression用P4—P6 Survival、Co-operation、Personal needs. Relationships.persuasion……回答,不要求全部都写出来,但是至少要答四到五个,理解读懂还要有对这个词的解释②P6掌握交际的概念(Definition)•Communication refers to the act and process of sending and receiving messages among people.•Eg: buy computer via Internet•Communication—someone perceives behavior or its residue and attributes meaning to it.Communication has taken place regardless of whether that behavior is conscious or unconscious. Intentional or unintentional.③P10(很重要)交际的过程(the process)1. the components of communication•Message•Sender•Receiver•Channel•Noise•Feedback•Encoding/Decoding2. Models of communication•(1) the linear model•(2) the circular model•(3) the contextualized model④P14 交际的特征(Characteristics)里的黑体标题要看懂• 1. communication is dynamic 动态• 2. communication is irreversible不可撤销• 3. communication is symbolic符号性• 4. communication is systemic 系统性• 5. communication is self-reflective自我反映性• munication is interactive 交互性•7. communication is complex 复杂性⑤P22里的最后一段中影响跨文化交际的主要三个因素Language barriers,different values,different cultural patterns of behavior⑥ICC与ICBC的概念1. intercultural communication (ICC)•--interpersonal communication between members of different cultures.2. intercultural business communication (ICBC)•--communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture⑦P31课后练习中的Discussion Questions的前三个问题⑧P41 关于文化的概念在这页的第五段•Culture is the total accumulation(积累)of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions (习俗)and communication patterns(样式)that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.⑨P42 文化的特点还要解释四个到五个• 1. culture is not innate; it is learned (e.g. sneezing)• 2. culture is transmitted from generation to generation• 3. culture is selective• 4. the facets of culture are interrelated (e.g. women’s movement)• 5. culture is ethnocentric• 6. culture is subject to change⑩P46价值观的概念(definition of value)•One’s principles or standards, one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life • A broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others. (Hofstede P46)• A conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.⑾P45(重点)values from the core of culture• 1.values form the core of culture• 2. values are the deepest manifestations of culture and most difficult to understand by an outsider. (symbols-heroes-rituals-values, by Hofstede)⑿P48 价值观的分类• 1.universal values (e.g., happy life)• 2.cultural-specific values (e.g.. modesty for Chinese culture)• 3. peculiar expression or deviations of individuals within cultures (subjective culture)⒀P49 价值观是怎样形成的?how to get one’s value?• 1. from one’s family• 2.from school education teachers• 3. from one’s peers• 4. from society at large⒁P59(很重要)hofstede-Bond's Value Dimensions•Individualism vs. Collectivism (P.61)•Power Distance•Uncertainty Avoidance•Masculinity vs. Femininity回答这个题目时要说这个理论是谁写的,叫什么名字,理论是什么(从P60-64四个角度回答)还要解释,还要给例子,比如P62的图表。





参加人员有英国华威大学Helen Spencer-Oatey教授、美国纽约城市大学Michael Goodman教授、德国Konstanz 应用科学大学Peter Franklin教授、英国SSCI期刊《语言与跨文化交际》主编Malcolm MacDonald 教授、香港理工大学吴东英教授、对外经济贸易大学王立非、张佐成教授等等人。

英国华威大学Helen Spencer-Oatey教授对跨文化商务交际能力进行了探讨,Michael Goodman教授讨论了公司企业面临的交际问题,Peter Franklin教授介绍了如何进行跨文化交际能力的测定,Malcolm MacDonald教授的报告针对跨文化交际全球议程展开,吴东英教授介绍了她对中国媒体和企业话语的全球化本地视野的观点,王立非教授介绍了跨文化商务交际理论与多媒体课程开发,张佐成教授介绍了他对商务话语和商务英语的理解。









1.《跨文化管理》(瑞士)施奈德,(法)巴尔索克斯著;石永恒主译. 北京:经济管理出
版社,2001. (Hofstede’ theory)
2.《东西方文化差异与对外交流》庄恩平著. 上海:华东理工大学出版社,1997.
3.《跨文化商务沟通案例教程》庄恩平著. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,200
4.《跨文化商务交流案例分析》窦卫霖著. 北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2007.
登著;关世杰主译. 北京:新华出版社,2002. (Trompenaars’s theory)
6.《文化的冲突与共融》(英)刘易斯著;关世杰主译. 北京:新华出版社,2002.
7.《跨文化管理》陈晓萍. 北京:清华大学出版社,2005.
8.《跨文化商务沟通》郁文蕾. 上海:华东理工大学出版社,2009.
9.《国际企业管理:文化、战略与行为=International management:culture,strategy and
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1.中西思维方式差异对语言的影响 [J], 胡胜高
2.论英汉思维方式差异对语言表达的影响 [J], 武雪丽
3.浅议中西文化在思维方式上的差异及其对汉英语言的影响 [J], 王红
4.汉英民族思维方式差异及其对语言的影响 [J], 刘爱勤
5.英汉思维方式及语言结构差异对翻译过程的影响 [J], 范园;帅嵩;马敖

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①课本第三页 1-Needs and Purposes for Communication•(1) survival (6) power•(2) cooperation (7)social needs •(3)personal needs (8) information•(4) relationships (9) making sense of world•(5) persuasion 劝说 (10) self-expression用P4—P6 Survival、Co-operation、Personal needs. ……回答,不要求全部都写出来,但是至少要答四到五个,理解读懂还要有对这个词的解释②P6掌握交际的概念(Definition)•Communication refers to the act and process of sending and receiving messages among people.•Eg: buy computer via Internet•Communication—someone perceives behavior or its residue and attributes meaning to it. Communication has taken placeregardless of whether that behavior is conscious orunconscious. Intentional or unintentional.③P10(很重要)交际的过程(the process)1. the components of communication•Message•Sender•Receiver•Channel•Noise•Feedback•Encoding/Decoding2. Models of communication•(1) the linear model•(2) the circular model•(3) the contextualized model④P14 交际的特征(Characteristics)里的黑体标题要看懂• 1. communication is dynamic 动态• 2. communication is irreversible不可撤销• 3. communication is symbolic符号性• 4. communication is systemic 系统性• 5. communication is self-reflective自我反映性• is interactive 交互性•7. communication is complex 复杂性⑤P22里的最后一段中影响跨文化交际的主要三个因素Language barriers,different values,different cultural patternsof behavior⑥ICC与ICBC的概念1. intercultural communication (ICC)•--interpersonal communication between members of different cultures.2. intercultural business communication (ICBC)•--communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture⑦P31课后练习中的Discussion Questions的前三个问题⑧P41 关于文化的概念在这页的第五段•Culture is the total accumulation(积累) of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions(习俗) and communication patterns(样式) that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.⑨P42 文化的特点还要解释四个到五个• 1. culture is not innate; it is learned . sneezing)• 2. culture is transmitted from generation to generation • 3. culture is selective• 4. the facets of culture are interrelated . women’s movement)• 5. culture is ethnocentric• 6. culture is subject to change⑩P46价值观的概念(definition of value)•One’s principles or standards, one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life• A broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others. (Hofstede P46)• A conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.⑾P45(重点)values from the core of culture• form the core of culture• 2. values are the deepest manifestations of culture and most difficult to understand by an outsider.(symbols-heroes-rituals-values, by Hofstede)⑿P48 价值观的分类• values ., happy life)• values .. modesty for Chinese culture)• 3. peculiar expression or deviations of individuals within cultures (subjective culture)⒀P49 价值观是怎样形成的how to get one’s value• 1. from one’s family• school education teachers• 3. from one’s peers• 4. from society at large⒁P59(很重要) hofstede-Bond's Value Dimensions• Individualism vs. Collectivism•Power Distance•Uncertainty Avoidance•Masculinity vs. Femininity回答这个题目时要说这个理论是谁写的,叫什么名字,理论是什么(从P60-64四个角度回答)还要解释,还要给例子,比如P62的图表。

这样才能得高分⒂P80课后练习第一大题的前三个问题⒃P222 商务礼仪的重要性从这页的第二段前四句回答• 1. to increase the quality of life in the workplace• 2. to contribute to optimum employee moral• establish the company image• play a major role in generating profit⒄P223Defining Business Etiquette and Protocol(礼仪指的是什么。

礼节指怎样做)具体分析•Etiquette refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations.•Protocol: customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic etiquette and courtesies expected in official dealing with persons in various cultures.Chaney and Martin(2002)Difference between etiquette and protocol•Protocol is what to do in a given situation.•Etiquette is how to do it and how to do it gracefully.⒅P225(很重要)Cultural differences in business etiquette and protocol 文化在这两者中的不一样会解释,举例子说明• 1. initial business relationship• 2. Social entertainment• 3. Gift giving etiquette• dress• schedule• use of humor⒆P254课后练习第一大题的 1 2 3 5⒇写作注意格式,格式占一半分January 一月 July 七月February 二月August 八月March 三月September 九月April 四月October 十月May 五月November 十一月June 六月December 十二月。
