




huaqing pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of xi ' an. historically, the western zhou dynasty saw the construction of the li palace on the spot. in the qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name lishan tang (the lishan hot spring). the site was extended into a palace in the han dynasty, and renamed the li palace (the resort palace). in the tang dynasty, li shimin (emperor tai zong) ordered to construct the hot spring palace, and emperor xuan zong had a walled palace built around lishan mountain in the year of 747. it was known as the huaqing palace. it also had the name huaqing pool on account of its location on the hot springs. huaqing pool is located at the foot of the lishan mountain, a branch range of the qinling ranges, and stands 1,256 metres high. it is covered with pines and cypresses, looking very much like a like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. so it has the name of the lishan mountain (li means a black horse).

the tang dynasty emperor xuan zong and his favourite lady, yang gui fei used to make their home at frost drifting hall in winter days. when winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white. however, they came into thaw immediately in front of the hall. it owed a great deal to the luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring. this is the frost drifting hall that greets us today.

close by the frost drifting hall lies the nine dragon pool. according to legend, the central shaanxi plain was once stricken by a severe drought in the very remote past. thus, by the order of the jade emperor (the supreme deity of heaven), an old dragon came at the head of eight young ones, and made rain here. yet when the disaster was just abating, they lowered their guard so much that it became serious again. in a fit of anger, the jade emperor kept the young dragons under the jade cause way ( 玉

堤), with the morning glow pavilion and the sunset pavilion built at both ends of it respectively, to make the young dragons spout cleat water all day long to meet the needs of local irrigation. besides, he had the old dragon confined to the bottom of the roaring dragon waterside pavilion situated at the upper end of the jade causeway, and obliged him to exercise control over the young.

the nine-

bend corridor west of the nine dragon pool leads directly to the marble boat,

which resembles a dragon boat on the water surface. in the marble boat lies the nine dragon tang (the nine dragon hot spring where emperor xuan zong used to take baths). at the head of his court ladies and hundreds of his officials, he would come to the huanqing palace to spend his winter days in october of the lunar calendar and return to chang ' an city as the year drew to its close. the nine dragon hot spring was originally built with crystal jade, whose surface was decorated with the carvings of fish, dragons, birds and flowers. in it

【篇二:华清池英文导游词huaqing hot springs 】

huaqing hot springs:

from the name, we know that it is a place full of natural beauty and romance, and also there are interesting stories behind. hot spring is a cool place for a wonderful bath or shower, especial in winter times. well, the hot springs we are going to visit today are not merely hot springs, but also there are many historic things in it.it is a combination of natural beauty and cultural abundance.

the huaqing hot springs is located at the foot of lishan hill,30km east of the city of xian. because of the hot springs, it used to be a scenic spot and a place for relaxation in as early as the zhou dynasty, about 27 centuries ago. this place was a place favored by emperors and his concubines. in the history of china, there were many dynasties. and the tang dynasty was the peak of the feudal society ,and was considered to be the most flourishing episode of history. it was in the tang dynasty that the palace was built on the hot springs. talking about the huaqing hot springs, we must mention two names, emperor xuangzong and his favorite concubine yangguifei. xuangzong was a successful emperor. he brought the feudal society to the peak.during his throne, people led a peaceful and happy life,. they two love each other very much, and the place they always visited was the huaqing hot spring. in this beautiful place, they enjoyed their golden private time. during the winter, emperor xuangzong would leave the capital city changan and came to the hot springs with his sweetheart yangguifei. it was a paradise for them, a place full of romance and peace. besides the romance inside, you may wonder what are really in the hot spring.i will tell you however, due the time limit, i will not be able to tell you one by oen, instead, i will pick up some of them. the huaqing hot spring is mainly consisited of these elements as follows: the frost-drifting hall, the nine dragon pool, the five room hall, the remonstration pavilion, the beacon tower and the museum of imperial pools. i would like to pick up the frost-drifting hall, the nine-dragon pool and the beacon tower.

the frost-drifting hall is the very place where emperor xuanzong and his favorite concubine made their home. it was called frost-drifting because the steam from the hotsprings went up into the air and when it met the cold air, frost turned up, floating in the air.

as for the nine-dragon pool, there was a legend. the legend goes that long long time ago,cental shaanxi plain was serevely striken by a drought. knowing the fact, jade emperor order nine dragons, eight young ones and an senior one to make rain there. however, when the disaster did not abate, the dragons slacked off. jade emperor was very angry for this, out of anger, he kept the dragon underground to spout clear water all year around for irrigation.

well, the most exciting always comes when i talk about the beacon tower. what was a beacon tower anyway? a beacon tower was very important in times of wars because they served as messenge senders. and how did they work as messenge senders? ---burning wolf;s droppings.

why wolfs droppings,b

ut not that of the pigs? because when wolfs droppings were burnt, the smoke went straight up into the air, and people could see it from a long way off. there is a very interesting story in this place. and the story has a lot to do with a king and his concubine. it was said that king you in the zhou dynasty loved his concubine, baoshi, a lot. he loved her so much that he could sacrifice his everything, even his throne. however, one thing made the king very upset and anxious. the concubine, the beauty never smiled. king you did not know the reasons.

out of love, he decided to find sollutions to the problem at any cost. then one of his ministers proposed that the beacon be burnt. when the lady saw soldiers hurrying around with sweart all over their body, she would smile. the king adopt the proposal, and immediately put it into practitce. he ordered the beacon tower be burnt. when his people saw the heavey smoke in air, they picked up their helmet and weapons and rushed to the tower only to find that there was no danger at all, and they were totally fooled. the lady smiled, the king was very pleased, and he kept on using the same method. for the first several times, his people came to see what was happening. however, oneday, when enemies really came, the king burnt the beacon tower, however, this time no one came to rescue. the king was killed in desperation, and his regime disapeared. later, people produced a famous sayinga single smile cost a regime.



huaqing pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of

xi ' an. historically, the western zhou dynasty saw the construction of the li palace on the spot. in the qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name lishan tang (the lishan hot spring). the site was extended into a palace in the han dynasty, and renamed the li palace (the resort palace). in the tang dynasty, li shimin (emperor tai zong) ordered to construct the hot spring palace, and emperor xuan zong had a walled palace built around lishan mountain in the year of 747. it was known as the huaqing palace. it also had the name huaqing pool on account of its location on the hot springs. huaqing pool is located at the foot of the lishan mountain, a branch range of the qinling ranges, and stands 1,256 metres high. it is covered with pines and cypresses, looking very much like a like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. so it has the name of the lishan mountain (li means a black horse).

the tang dynasty emperor xuan zong and his favourite lady, yang gui fei used to make their home at frost drifting hall in winter days. when winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white. however, they came into thaw

immediately in front of the hall. it owed a great deal to the luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring. this is the frost drifting hall that greets us today. close by the frost drifting hall lies the nine dragon pool. according to legend, the central shaanxi plain was once stricken by a severe drought in the very remote past. thus, by the order of the jade emperor (the supreme deity of heaven), an old dragon came at the head of eight young ones, and made rain here. yet when the disaster was just abating, they lowered their guard so much that it became serious again. in a fit of anger, the jade emperor kept the

young dragons under the jade cause way ( 玉堤), with the

morning glow pavilion and the sunset pavilion built at both ends of it respectively, to make the young dragons spout cleat water all day long to meet the needs of local irrigation. besides, he had the old dragon confined to the bottom of the roaring dragon waterside

pavilion situated at the upper end of the jade causeway, and obliged him to exercise control over the young.

the nine-bend corridor west of the nine dragon pool leads directly to the marble boat, which resembles a dragon boat on the water surface. in the marble boat lies the nine dragon tang (the nine

dragon hot spring where emperor xuan zong used to take baths). at the head of his court ladies and hundreds of his officials, he would come to the huanqing palace to spend his winter days in october of the lunar calendar

and return to chang ' an city as the year drew to its close. the nine dragon hot spring was originally built with

crystal jade, whose surface was decorated with the carvings of fish, dragons, birds and flowers. in it twin lotus flowers also carved

with white jade could be seen as well. the spring water welled from the break of an earthen jar, and spouted up to the lotus flowers. hence the name lotus flower tang (the lotus flower hot spring).the gui fei bathing pool was where yang gui fei, emperor xuan zong ' s favorite lady, used to take bath. it was originally built

with white jade, and in its center a blooming flower spouted water like a spring. the pool looked very much like a chinese flowering crabapple; hence its name the chinese flowering crabapple hot spring or the lotus hot spring..

lady yang used to make a stay in this pavilion to see sights or to air her hair after a bath. therefore, it was named the hair airing pavilion. whether the sun was rising or setting, the pavilion was aglow with sunshine; hence the name the flying roseate pavilion.southwest of the gui fei bathing pool stands a brick-built pavilion. on its head three big chinese characters

CC ■■ ■| ”

“ xi jia lou ”

(fine sunset-bathed pavilion)are inscribed according to the model of the most celebrated according to the model of the most celebrated chinese calligrapher, yu you ren, here is the source of the spring water.

source of the spring water, which was discovered some 3,000 years ago, roughly in the western zhou dynasty. its water flow averages 25 tons per hour.

take up the steps east of the source of hot springs, you will gradually see the five-room pavilion where chiang kaishek made a temporary stay during the xi ' an incident. the xi ' an incident took place on december 12, 1936, and it is also known as the double twelfth incident. after the incident of september 18, 1936, the japanese imperialists seized the three provinces northeast of china, and intensified their invasion of north china. this was the very moment vital to the chinese nation. yet chiang kaichek persisted doggedly in carrying out his

reactionary policy “ domestic tranquility is a must for the

resistance against japanese invades, ” and commanded the

northeast army and northwest army, respectively headed by zhang xueliang and yang hucheng, to attack the shaanxi- gansu-ningxia border region.

inspired by our party 's policy “ let us stop the internal war and

unit to resist the japanese aggressors, ” those two genersal

made to chiang kaishek the proposal of forming a united front with the communist party for the resistance. not only did he reject the proposal, but flew to xi ' an to scheme the

“ suppression of the

communist party. ” and the slaughter of the patriotic y outh. out

of patriotism, zhang and yang started the famous xi ' an incident.

very early on the morning of december 12, 1936 the incident was impending. zhang xueliang, together with yang hucheng ordered a squad of bodyguards to surround the huaqing pool. they fought a fierce battle there, and wiped out chiang ' bodyguards in one

vigorous effort. the sound of firing came to chiang kaishek, and he was so terrified that he crept out of the window with his nightgown and slippers only. what ' s more, he hhuisrt

spinal bone, and lost one of his slippers while crossing over the back wall. he staggered up lishan mountain, and hid himself behind a stone in the crevice halfway on it. those brave soldiers began to search the mountain immediately when they rushed into the five-room pavilion to find that chiang ' s hat and clothes were still there and that his quilt remained warm. in the end they found chiang kaishek, and thus escorted him to xi ' an.

in order to avoid a civil war and try t establish a national united front for the resistance against japan, mao zedong on behalf of the c.c.p.c. insisted on a peaceful settlement of the incident.

therefore, a delegation headed by zhou enlai was sent to xi zhou enlai and

an. his suite did a large amount of work there, took everything possible into consideration, and ultimately forced chiang kaishek to accept the proposal by his two generals. on december 25, chiang was freed, and flew back to nanjing. the xi ' an incident was so peacefully settled.

the peaceful settlement of the incident put an end to the internal war which had lasted for ten years, and accelerated the formation and development of the national united front for the anti-japanese drive. moreover, it showed that the cooperative relationships between the communist and nationalists arrived at a new stage. it marked a great turning point in modern chinese history.

in the year of 1946 the kmt government had a “ national

rejuvenation pavilion ” built near the crevice where chiang kaishek had hidden himself in the incident. it was also called “ vital energy pavilion ” . after the national liberation it was

renamed “ catching

chiang pavilion ” . close by the pavilion stands a wooden board which carries a brief introduction to the xi ' an incident. iron chains and rings in the crevices east of the pavilion, by which visitors can climb up to take a look at chiang kaishek ' s shelter. up the winding path east of the five-room-pavilion you will catch sight of a bridge-like


华清池导游词解说华清池导游词 各位游客: 您可知天下温泉二千六,惟有华清为第一吗?举世闻名的华清池,位于陕西省临潼区(县)骊山北麓华清宫故址,西距西安30公里,东 与秦始皇兵马桶相毗邻,南依骊山,北临渭水。华清池的悠久历史 可以追溯到古老的原始社会,并以其天然温泉吸引了在陕西建都的 天子帝王,周、秦、汉、隋、唐历代封建统治者,都视这块风水宝 地为他们游宴享乐的行官别苑,或砌石起宇,兴建骊山汤,或周筑 罗城,大兴温泉宫华清池,现浴池面积约有3000平方米,可供400 余人同时沐浴。温泉水每小时流量110余吨,水温达43度。它既是 一座国内罕见的大型温泉池,又是可供游人游览的文物保护场所。 下面就请大家前去游览一番吧! 【杨贵妃雕塑与生平华清宫】 各位游客,现在我们来到了华清池的大门。进入门内,只见湖 中央有一尊雕塑。不用问,这就是此处的主人公杨贵妃了。此时此刻,她脱下外装,半披俗纱,足踩暖滑的骊山温泉水,正准备沐浴 呢!这座雕塑高3.3米,重5吨,是1991年9月,华清池向西安临 控首届石榴节献礼的项目,可以说她和《杨玉环奉诏温泉宫》壁画 一样,在突出华清宫文化内涵上起到了特定作用,成为大家观赏留 影的热点。 说起杨贵妃,还有一段著名的故事呢!杨贵妃名叫杨玉环,出生 在陕西华阴,后随父入川。父亲死后,她又到了河南,受到了都市 陶冶,学会了优雅的言语举止,17岁便长得如花似玉、美若天仙。 公元735年,她被唐玄宗册封为他的儿子寿王李瑁的妃子。5年后,由于唐玄宗的爱妃武惠妃病逝,后宫三千粉黛无一人今唐玄宗中意,他便下令在温泉宫召见杨玉环,这样便拉开了唐玄宗与杨玉环的爱 情罗曼史的序幕。公元745年,杨玉环被册封为贵妃,从此,唐玄 宗对杨贵妃的宠爱成为千古绝唱,甚至于两人终日厮守,置其他嫔 妃于不顾。册封第二年,扩建温泉宫时,唐玄宗专为杨贵妃建筑了 海棠宫。杨贵妃36岁生日时,唐玄宗为她举行了盛大的宴会进行祝寿,仅乐工就有120名,满朝文武百官都呼娘娘千岁万福。大家还 记得白居易的《长恨歌》,真可谓后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。直到安史之乱,唐玄宗偕杨贵妃逃至马嵬坡前,将士相逼,玄


华清池的导游词范文3篇 华清池导游词一: 大家好,我是李爱玲,可以叫我李导。我们临潼是著名旅游景点,有世界八大奇迹之一的兵马俑、华清池、骊山……我来给大家重点介绍一下华清池。 华清池南依骊山,北临渭水。大家请看前方山峦,由于从远处看,尤如一匹青苍色的骏马,因此得名“骊山”。“周幽王峰火戏诸侯,褒姒一笑值千金”的典故就出自这里。而华清池是唐玄宗与杨贵妃爱情罗曼史的历史见证。伟大诗人白居易有一首诗叫《长恨歌》,是专门为华清池写的,“七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时。在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。”描写了唐玄宗与杨贵妃爱情,而华清池就是为杨贵妃洗澡而建的。华清池的水是纯天然温泉水,滋养皮肤,欢迎各位游客来这里洗澡。每年的五月到十月,大型的歌舞剧《长恨歌》每晚为大家表演。欢迎大家前来观看。 华清池不仅在中国古代史上享有盛名,中国近代史上震惊中外的“西安事变”也发生在这里。我们现在就来看一看西安事变的旧址——环园。最著名的是五间厅,它是西安事变的重要遗址。 今天就介绍到这里,谢谢大家的聆听! 华清池导游词二: 各位旅客: 大家好!这是西安的著名的景点——华清池。这里是杨

贵妃与李隆基的浴池。下面,我带大家去看一看,对了,我姓王,大家叫我小王就行了。 进了门,大家看,这便是那俩人住的房子,周边有四个大缸,都是用来灭火的。现在请大家和我一起去泉眼那儿看一看。(到了泉眼)大家请看一下,这便是泉眼,这里长年是43℃的温度。华清池共有五处洗浴点,分别是星辰汤、莲花汤、海棠汤、太子汤和尚食汤,星辰汤是专供唐太宗沐浴的,海棠汤是唐玄宗送给杨贵妃的礼物,莲花汤是唐玄宗与杨贵妃共同洗浴的场所,下面我们去太子汤、尚食汤。(在半路上)这里有一棵老石榴树,大家可以摸一摸。一摸是好运、两摸是财运、三摸是桃花运哟!(到了太子汤)大家来看,这便是太子李世民洗浴的地方,(到了尚食汤)大家看,这是厨师们洗浴的地方,大家注意到旁边有一排小孔了吗?知道那是起什么作用的吗?因为脚在温水池中浸泡时间长了,容易脚麻麻的,那时用手抠一抠脚才好受,但是唐太宗对御师们下命令说:你们的手是用来给我做饭的,脚麻的时候往那一排小孔里蹭一蹭就行了! 下面大家自我游览看一看,16时50分回到车上,OK? 华清池导游词三: 游客朋友们: 大家好!我是今天陪大家一同走进被誉为“天下第一汤”的华清池参观游览导游员张咪。“长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开,一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。”这首诗大家都熟悉吧!


华清池导游词 华清池导游词导游词中要提醒旅游者注意自己携带的东西,保管好自己随身的物品,这是导游词最重要的组成部分。 华清池导游词篇一: 大家好。欢迎来华清池参观,我是导游--,很高兴能为大家服务。华清池是我省仅有的三处五A级景区之一,曾是皇家园林,这里山美、水美,美女杨玉环与唐玄宗流传了千年的爱情故事更美。 游览之前我先给大家简介一下华清池。 华清池,位于陕西省临潼区骊山北麓华清宫的故址,西距西安30公里,东与秦始皇兵马桶相毗邻,南依骊山,北临渭水。大家请看前方山峦,由于从远处看,尤如一匹青苍色的骏马,因此得名”骊山”.”周幽王峰火戏诸侯,褒姒一笑值千金”的典故就出自这里。每当夕阳西下,骊山在斜阳的影子中,好像披上了艳丽的红装。”入暮晴霞红一片,疑是烽火自西来”,令人误以为当年烽火还在燃烧,故有”骊山晚照”之称,是关中八景之一。 华清池是历代帝王游幸之地,相传周幽王曾在这里修建骊宫。秦始皇时,以石筑室为宇,改名‘骊山汤’。汉武帝时,在秦汤基础上休修葺扩建为离宫。隋文帝重加修饰,”列植松柏数千株”.唐太宗诏令在这里营建宫殿楼阁,取名”汤泉宫”,后高宗改名”温泉宫”.唐玄宗时再次扩建,并正式定名华清宫。今天的华清池是在清代基础上经多次修缮扩建及发掘复原唐遗址后形成的,占地85560平方米,但也仅为唐华清宫的十分之一,分为东区、中区和西区。 好了,各位游客,现在我们一边一向前走一欣赏。我们面前的这片碧波荡漾的水面叫做九龙湖,有5300平方米。何以”九龙”为名呢?其实这个湖分成上下两池,中有九龙长堤东西横贯。堤壁间有八龙吐水,与大龙头合为九龙之数,体现了皇帝的九五之尊。长堤西边有座龙石舫,用小石拱桥相连,形似渡口。两只龙头高高扬起,犹如一座华丽的龙舟,正欲破浪前行。与其相连的是九曲回廊,好像龙身。九龙池的北岸,是九龙宫的主体建筑”飞霜殿” .殿前各有一对石狮和石牛。登上飞霜殿的回廊,东西眺望”沉香殿”、”宜春殿”,更觉飞霜殿的回廊富丽堂皇,端庄大度。此殿因相传为唐玄宗和杨贵妃的寝殿而建。当冬天雪花飞舞时,独此殿前雪为霜,故名”飞霜殿”. 现在呢,这里已经成为了贵宾接


《华清池讲解词》 华清池讲解词(1): 华清池 长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。这座美丽的骊山,它是一座真山。骊山的峰顶有一个烽火台,当年周幽王烽火戏诸侯就是在那里点的这把烽火。 美人一笑倾天下的故事,大家都明白了。还有一个传说,女娲娘娘补天,当时的工作地点就在 我们骊山。山顶上有一个老母殿,那就是女娲娘娘的庙。我们的华清池就在骊山的脚下。骊山 晚照红满天这是长安八景之一。 进了华清池的西门就进了芙蓉园,美丽的芙蓉园还有已经复原的长生殿。七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时。在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。我们在这个复原的长生殿里能够看一下 华清宫的模型,十分之壮观,当时大唐王朝的华清宫是此刻华清池的十倍。为什么要在那里建 华清宫呢?第一,那里风景秀丽;第二,那里有温泉水,温泉水终年43度。每一年到了秋天,皇帝带着三宫六院七十二嫔妃,移驾到那里,来年穿暖花开,又会回到大唐长安。很多历史大 事件都在那里发生。长生殿里有很多文物,还有一个蜡像组合,那就是万国朝圣。我们来到九 龙湖,九龙湖的北面有一个殿,叫飞霜殿。它是杨玉环和唐明皇休息的寝宫。九龙湖有一个龙 石舫,它像一艘船,两个龙头即将起航。长廊还有两个亭子。把九龙湖游完之后,我们要看一 下浴汤。先看杨玉环沐浴的地方,也叫贵妃池。形似海棠花,于是又叫海棠汤。春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂。侍儿扶起娇无力,始是新承恩泽时。的故事就发生在那里。唐玄宗李隆 基沐浴的莲花汤规模很大,原先有许多时刻,被打掉了,只留下了莲花。因此,誉为莲花汤。 院子里还有一个太子汤,即皇帝儿子洗澡的地方。到了星辰汤,能够看到唐太宗李世民沐浴的 地方,旁边还有李世民的更衣室。 再看一下,大臣宫女沐浴的尚食汤。 看完汤池之后,进环园。首先看到一个荷花河,一个门卫房,这是一个老门卫房,是给蒋 介石做门卫的门卫房。原先不叫门卫也不叫收发室叫启程室。这边我们还能够看一下,老佛爷 沐浴的地方,1900年八国联军进北京,慈禧老佛爷和光绪皇帝逃难到西安,游览华清池,就 住在五间厅,以前在这洗过澡。梅兰芳也在这洗过澡。1936年12月,蒋介石为了剿共,也 住在五间厅,当时也在那里洗澡。我们看一下这五间厅,它是由五间房子构成,这五间房子很 不简单。康熙大帝西巡时便住在那里,老佛爷光绪帝也住在那里,蒋介石也把这作为自我的行园。1936年12月12号,爆发了震惊中外的西安事变。张学良和杨虎城对蒋介石实行兵谏。东北军五点钟由西安到那里,枪声一响,蒋介石衣服还来不及穿整齐,跌跌撞撞的来到半山之中。大家抬头往上看,那儿有一个亭子。原先没有亭子,是一个小山窝,有个大石头,叫虎斑石。蒋介石就躲在那里。搜山部队到八点钟才把蒋介石抓住,之后,把他囚在新城的黄楼。1946年,胡宗南为了讨好蒋介石,派工兵部队修了这座亭子,当时把这个亭子命名为委员长 蒙难之处,蒋介石不高兴,又改为正气亭,新中国成立之后,叫捉蒋亭,但来大陆参观的台湾 游客较多,他们不愿看到这样的字。所以,之后就改 为兵谏亭。出了环园以后,我们能够看到周恩来当年沐浴的地方,60年代,周恩来陪着 尼泊尔的贵宾游览华清池,当时,我们的周总理就在那里沐浴。这个地方还有一个梨园遗址, 唐玄宗还开创了我国历史上第一所皇家音乐艺术学校――梨园,把梨园作为音乐、舞蹈、戏剧 活动的中心,且以教习和演奏法曲为重点,并结合诸多音乐名师和舞蹈家,它也因此被尊奉为 中国戏曲艺术的鼻祖。


陕西的华清池导游词 女士们、先生们: 大家好!现在我们来到了著名的皇家园林——华清池。这里山清水秀,风景迷人,历史悠久。华清池作为历代帝王的离宫别苑和游览胜地,已经有近3000年的历史了。相传周幽王曾在这里建造骊宫;秦始皇时砌石起宇,改名为“骊山汤”;盛唐时期的唐玄宗李隆基又加宫殿大加扩建,起名为“冬宫”。每年冬天十月李隆基带杨玉环来华清宫避寒,直到第二年春天才回到都城长安。目前,华清宫占地面积130亩,仅相当于唐代的核心部分。按它的区域划分,大致可分为三个区:东边是沐浴区,西边的风景名胜区,南边是文物保护区。 大家现在所处的就是华清宫的风景名胜区。眼前的湖叫做“九龙湖”,为什么叫它九龙湖呢?大家看远处的长堤下有八条小龙,再往上看,还有一条老龙,关于这九条龙有一个传说,据说在大禹治水时期,关中发生了大旱,玉帝便派八条小龙为人间普降甘露。当旱情刚刚缓解后,众小龙贪玩,导致旱情再度加剧。玉帝一怒之下将八条小龙压在长堤之下,长堤两边各压晨旭亭和晚霞亭;将老龙压在龙吟榭下,让他监视着八条小龙终日口吐清泉,为民灌田。我们都知道“骊山晚照”是关中八景之一,每当夕阳西下,晚霞亭上的琉璃瓦在落日的余晖下闪闪发光,异常美丽。由于九龙湖的面积比较小,所以皇帝不可能在上面划船,因此他修建了一个石船停靠在岸边,叫做“石龙

舫”,在上面举行歌舞表演和宴饮活动。 李隆基和杨玉环在华清宫里整整呆了13个冬天,他们居住的地方就是我们身后这座非常雄伟的仿唐建筑飞霜殿。为什么叫飞霜殿呢?因为每年冬天的时候,雪花漫天飞舞,银装素裹,唯有飞霜殿前落的是白霜,这是因为殿前的九龙湖整日热气腾腾,气温较高;又因为天子的寝室里有御寒设施,使室内的温度较高,不积雪,只化为白霜。现在飞霜殿里唐代的遗物已荡然无存,已经改为接待外国元首和重要领导的接待室了。 看完飞霜殿后,请大家转过身来看我们对面这座苍翠的山。这座山的名字叫“骊山”。骊山的得名有两个原因:第一,从远处看这座山像一匹青黑色的骏马。古代的黑马称为“骊”,因此它取名叫“骊山”;第二个原因是,当时在这座山脚下是骊戎国的所在地,所以它得名“骊山”。骊山主要由三个峰组成:第一峰,也就是最高峰,它是烽火台的所在地。在那里,曾发生过“褒姒一笑失天下”的故事;第二座峰,也就是骊山索道通往的地方,那是骊山老母殿所在地。骊山老母就是捏黄土造人,炼五彩石补苍天的神话人物——女娲。人们为了纪念她,专门修了老母殿,把她工蜂在里面;第三峰,是朝元阁遗址,也就是老君殿。当年就是在老君殿中出土了珍贵的道教雕塑老子像。唐代的时候道教非常兴盛,原因是道教的始祖是老子,俗姓李,唐代的皇帝都姓李,他们认为老子是他们的远祖,自己是老子的后裔,因此在第三峰修建了老子庙,便于供奉和祭祀。 “悠悠弯汤六千年,周秦汉唐多骊宫,李堂天宝称鼎盛,五代宋


西安华清池导游词介绍5篇 唐华清宫,是唐代封建帝王游幸的别宫。后也称“华清池”,位于陕西省西安市临潼区。包括原骊山国家森林公园,与颐和园、圆明园、承德避暑山庄并称为中国四大皇家园林。 下面是关于西安华清池导游词介绍5篇,希望对你有所帮助。 各位游客,此刻咱们来到了华清池的大门。进入门内,只见湖中央有一尊雕塑。不用问,这就是此处的主人公杨贵妃了。此时此刻,她脱下外装,半披俗纱,足踩暖滑的骊山温泉水,正准备沐浴呢!这座雕塑高3。3米,重5吨,是1991年9月,华清池向西安临 控首届石榴节献礼的项目,能够说她和《杨玉环奉诏温泉宫》壁画一样,在突出华清宫文 化上起到了特定作用,成为大家观赏留影的热点。 说起杨贵妃,还有一段著名的故事呢!杨贵妃名叫杨玉环,出生在陕西华阴,后随父 入川。父亲死后,她又到了河南,受到了都市陶冶,学习并领悟了优雅的言语举止,17 岁便长得如花似玉、美若天仙。公元735年,她被唐玄宗册封为他的儿子寿王李瑁的妃子。5年后,由于唐玄宗的爱妃武惠妃病逝,后宫三千粉黛无一人今唐玄宗中意,他便下令在 温泉宫召见杨玉环,这样便拉开了唐玄宗与杨玉环的感情罗曼史的序幕。 公元745年,杨玉环被册封为贵妃,从此,唐玄宗对杨贵妃的宠爱成为千古绝唱,甚至于两人终日厮守,置其他嫔妃于不顾。册封第二年,扩建温泉宫时,唐玄宗专为杨贵妃 建筑了海棠宫。杨贵妃36岁生日时,唐玄宗为她举行了盛大的宴会进行祝寿,仅乐工就 有120名,满朝文武百官都呼娘娘千岁万福。 大家还记得白居易的《长恨歌》,真可谓“后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身”。直到 安史之乱,唐玄宗偕杨贵妃逃至马嵬坡前,将士相逼,玄宗不得不赐死杨贵妃,其时杨贵 妃才38岁。据史载,天宝年间,也就是公元742年至756年的14年间,唐玄宗偕杨贵 妃驾临华清宫达43次之多,可见华清池的出名和唐玄宗、杨贵妃的“长恨歌”有千丝万缕 的关联。 咱们此刻游览的正是驰名中外的华清宫。那里是它的正门,名叫津阳门,俗称东门。 大家能够看到,这个门是一字排开的五间仿唐建筑,房檐下悬挂的是“华清池”金字匾额, 是一代文豪郭沫若先生所写。作为皇室别宫的唐华清宫,是和骊山秀岭合为一体的,其规 模远比眼前的华清池要大得多。眼前的华清池是1959年国庆10周年前夕,以唐华清宫 为蓝本并根据华清池所处地域的具体条件设计修建的,但它只相当于唐华清宫的核心部分,占地85560平方米,是唐华清宫的十分之一。郭沫若在游华清池诗中写道:“华清池水色 青苍,此目规模越盛唐。”指的就是这新建的核心部分。 华清池导游词范文精选导游词分享


大雁塔英文导游词3篇 大雁塔英文导游词3篇 大雁塔英文导游词范文1: Yong hui in the tang dnast three ears attahed to the hart to rite. The emperor tang planning FuTu total 45 zhangs b xuan zang, ith enormous projet to ahievement, and unilling to mage toil, iting ourt grant funding 2-foot-tall toer built in the temple est uan five laer. Wild goose pagoda, this toer due later in hangan jianfu temple built a small ild goose pagoda, the temple toer as alled ild goose pagoda, jianfu temple toer as alled the small ild goose pagoda, has spread so far. Imitation of the estern regions of great ild goose pagoda Su slope shape, all brik surfae soil ore, not limbing, eah laer sarira. Master xuan zang personall presided over a toer, built in to ears. For brik topsoil heart, ind and rain erosion, more than 50 ears after the toer graduall ollapse. Wu zetian hangan ears repair again for ild goose pagoda. Later in a large earthquake happened in xi an region, the ild goose pagoda toer fell, the toer shatter. said the seond tablet quiet st. 大雁塔英文导游词范文2: Wele to here, let me to introdue for everbod!


陕西西安华清池英文导游词 Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xi’an. Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the spot. In the Qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name Lishan Tang (the Lishan Hot Spring). The site was extended into a palace in the Han dynasty, and renamed the Li Palace (the Resort Palace). In the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin (Emperor Tai Zong) ordered to construct the Hot Spring Palace, and Emperor Xuan Zong had a walled palace built around Lishan Mountain in the year of 747. It was known as the Huaqing Palace. It also had the name Huaqing Pool on account of its location on the hot springs. Huaqing Pool is located at the foot of the Lishan Mountain, a branch range of the Qinling Ranges, and stands 1,256 metres high. It is covered with pines and cypresses, looking very much like a like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. So it has the name of the Lishan Mountain (Li means a black horse). The Tang dynasty Emperor Xuan Zong and his favourite lady, Yang Gui Fei used to make their home at Frost Drifting


华清池导游词_西安华清池导游词 华清池作为一座拥有了几千年历史的中国古典园林,从它最初的萌芽雏形开始,历经了发展、成熟、破败、复建、毁坏、重建等等一系列的螺旋式的历史过程,这 一切造就了这座古老园子浑厚的历史文化。本文是学习啦小编整理的华清池导游词,仅供参考。 华清池导游词篇1女士们、先生们: 大家好!现在我们来到了著名的皇家园林华清池。这里山清水秀,风景迷人,历史悠久。华清池作为历代帝王的离宫别苑和游览胜地,已经有近3000年的历史了。相传周幽王曾在这里建造骊宫;秦始皇时砌石起宇,改 名为骊山汤;盛唐时期的唐玄宗李隆基又加宫殿大加扩建,起名为冬宫。每年冬天十月李隆基带杨玉环来华清宫避寒,直到第二年春天才回到都城长安。目前,华清宫占地面积 130亩,仅相当于唐代的核心部分。按它的区域划分,大致可分为三个区:东边是沐浴区,西边的风景名胜区,南边是文物保护区。 大家现在所处的就是华清宫的风景名胜区。眼前的湖叫做九龙湖,为什么叫它九龙湖呢?大家看远处的长

堤下有八条小龙,再往上看,还有一条老龙,关于这九条龙有一个传说,据说在大禹治水时期,关中发生了大旱,玉帝便派八条小龙为人间普降甘露。当旱情刚刚缓解后,众小龙贪玩,导致旱情再度加剧。玉帝一怒之下将八条小龙压在长堤之下,长堤两边各压晨旭亭和晚霞亭;将老龙压在龙吟榭下,让他监视着八条小龙终日口吐清泉,为民灌田。我们都知道骊山晚照是关中八景之一,每当夕阳西下,晚霞亭上的琉璃瓦在落日的余晖下闪闪发光,异常美丽。由于九龙湖的面积比较小,所以皇帝不可能在上面划船,因此他修建了一个石船停靠在岸边,叫做石龙舫,在上面举行歌舞表演和宴饮活动。 李隆基和杨玉环在华清宫里整整呆了13个冬天,他们居住的地方就是我们身后这座非常雄伟的仿唐建筑飞霜殿。为什么叫飞霜殿呢?因为每年冬天的时候,雪花漫天飞舞,银装素裹,唯有飞霜殿前落的是白霜,这是因为殿前的九龙湖整日热气腾腾,气温较高;又因为天子的寝室里有御寒设施,使室内的温度较高,不积雪,只化为白霜。现在飞霜殿里唐代的遗物已荡然无存,已经改为接待外国元首和重要领导的接待室了。 看完飞霜殿后,请大家转过身来看我们对面这座苍


华清池中英文导游词 【篇一:华清池导游词】 各位游客: 大家好,我是大家的导游员xx。首先呢,我要代表热情的西安人民 欢迎您到我们古都西安来旅游。今天,我要带领大家去一个拥有着 深厚文化底蕴且风景优美的5a级景区参观游览。希望各位玩的愉快!。 大家可曾听说过这样一句话:“天下温泉二千六,惟有华清数第一呢?”我们今天要参观的就举世闻名唐代皇家园林及御汤遗址——华 清池。它位于西安市临潼区骊山脚下,唐华清宫故址内。东距西安 市区30公里。华清池的悠久历史可以追溯到古老的原始社会它有着6000年温泉利用史,并以其天然温泉吸引了在陕西建都的历代帝王 在此修建离宫别苑再造就它3000年皇家园林史。西周曾在这里建过“骊宫”,后经历了秦时的“骊山汤”,汉代的“离宫”,唐太宗李世民 的“汤泉宫”以及唐高宗李治的“温泉宫”。到了唐代第七位皇帝唐玄 宗李隆基时,在公元747年再次扩建,取“温泉瑟涌而自浪,华清荡 邪而难尧”的诗意赐名华清宫。后又因多有温泉汤池又名华清池,一 直沿用至今。 各位游客,我们现在所站的位置是华清池的东门也是它的正门,叫 做津阳门。房檐下悬挂的是“华清池”金字匾额,是一代文豪郭沫若 先生所写。今天华清池是以唐华清宫为蓝本设计修建的,占地 85560 平方米,是唐华清宫的十分之一。整个景区分为东区,中区和西区。【九龙湖】 现在我们从西门进入华清池。眼前看到这个湖叫九龙湖也叫九龙池,湖面为5300平方米。这里有晨旭亭,晚霞亭和龙吟榭。这是1959 年只用了48天就修建完工了,在当时可谓是神速,为了迎合唐玄宗 的御汤九龙殿故而取名九龙湖。 大家请注意看,湖中矗立着一尊体态丰腴的女子的雕像。那就是杨 贵妃。整个雕像是以贵妃出浴的神态雕塑而成,这让我们不由的想 到了唐代大诗人白居易的那首《长恨歌》中描述的“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂;侍儿扶起娇无力,始是新承恩泽时”大家一会可以 与这位唐代美人合影留念。 【杨贵妃生平——飞霜殿】


西安华清池景区导游讲解词解说华清池讲解词 女士们、先生们: 大家好!现在我们来到了著名的皇家园林——华清池。这里山清水秀,风景迷人,历史悠久。华清池作为历代帝王的离宫别苑和游览胜地,已经有近3000年的历史了。相传周幽王曾在这里建造骊宫;秦始皇时砌石起宇,改名为“骊山汤”;盛唐时期的唐玄宗李隆基又加宫殿大加扩建,起名为“冬宫”。每年冬天十月李隆基带杨玉环来华清宫避寒,直到第二年春天才回到都城长安。目前,华清宫占地面积130亩,仅相当于唐代的核心部分。按它的区域划分,大致可分为三个区:东边是沐浴区,西边的风景名胜区,南边是文物保护区。 大家现在所处的就是华清宫的风景名胜区。眼前的湖叫做“九龙湖”,为什么叫它九龙湖呢?大家看远处的长堤下有八条小龙,再往上看,还有一条老龙,关于这九条龙有一个传说,据说在大禹治水时期,关中发生了大旱,玉帝便派八条小龙为人间普降甘露。当旱情刚刚缓解后,众小龙贪玩,导致旱情再度加剧。玉帝一怒之下将八条小龙压在长堤之下,长堤两边各压晨旭亭和晚霞亭;将老龙压在龙吟榭下,让他监视着八条小龙终日口吐清泉,为民灌田。我们都知道“骊山晚照”是关中八景之一,每当夕阳西下,晚霞亭上的琉璃瓦在落日的余晖下闪闪发光,异常美丽。由于九龙湖的面积比较小,所以皇帝不可能在上面划船,因此他

修建了一个石船停靠在岸边,叫做“石龙舫”,在上面举行歌舞表演和宴饮活动。 李隆基和杨玉环在华清宫里整整呆了13个冬天,他们居住的地方就是我们身后这座非常雄伟的仿唐建筑飞霜殿。为什么叫飞霜殿呢?因为每年冬天的时候,雪花漫天飞舞,银装素裹,唯有飞霜殿前落的是白霜,这是因为殿前的九龙湖整日热气腾腾,气温较高;又因为天子的寝室里有御寒设施,使室内的温度较高,不积雪,只化为白霜。现在飞霜殿里唐代的遗物已荡然无存,已经改为接待外国元首和重要领导的接待室了。 看完飞霜殿后,请大家转过身来看我们对面这座苍翠的山。这座山的名字叫“骊山”。骊山的得名有两个原因:第一,从远处看这座山像一匹青黑色的骏马。古代的黑马称为“骊”,因此它取名叫“骊山”;第二个原因是,当时在这座山脚下是骊戎国的所在地,所以它得名“骊山”。骊山主要由三个峰组成:第一峰,也就是最高峰,它是烽火台的所在地。在那里,曾发生过“褒姒一笑失天下”的故事;第二座峰,也就是骊山索道通往的地方,那是骊山老母殿所在地。骊山老母就是捏黄土造人,炼五彩石补苍天的神话人物——女娲。人们为了纪念她,专门修了老母殿,把她工蜂在里面;第三峰,是朝元阁遗址,也就是老君殿。当年就是在老君殿中出土了珍贵的道教雕塑老子像。唐代的时候道教非常兴盛,原因是道教的始祖是老子,俗姓李,唐代的皇帝都姓李,他们认为老子是他们的远祖,自己是老子的后裔,因此在第三峰修建了老子庙,便于供奉和祭祀。 “悠悠弯汤六千年,周秦汉唐多骊宫,李堂天宝称鼎盛,五

华清池 导游词

各位游客: 大家好,我是大家的导游员xx。首先呢,我要代表热情的西安人民欢迎您到我们古都西安来旅游。今天,我要带领大家去一个拥有着深厚文化底蕴且风景优美的5A级景区参观游览。希望各位玩的愉快!。 大家可曾听说过这样一句话:“天下温泉二千六,惟有华清数第一呢?”我们今天要参观的就举世闻名唐代皇家园林及御汤遗址——华清池。它位于西安市临潼区骊山脚下,唐华清宫故址内。东距西安市区30公里。华清池的悠久历史可以追溯到古老的原始社会它有着6000年温泉利用史,并以其天然温泉吸引了在陕西建都的历代帝王在此修建离宫别苑再造就它3000年皇家园林史。西周曾在这里建过“骊宫”,后经历了秦时的“骊山汤”,汉代的“离宫”,唐太宗李世民的“汤泉宫”以及唐高宗李治的“温泉宫”。到了唐代第七位皇帝唐玄宗李隆基时,在公元747年再次扩建,取“温泉瑟涌而自浪,华清荡邪而难尧”的诗意赐名华清宫。后又因多有温泉汤池又名华清池,一直沿用至今。 各位游客,我们现在所站的位置是华清池的东门也是它的正门,叫做津阳门。房檐下悬挂的是“华清池”金字匾额,是一代文豪郭沫若先生所写。今天华清池是以唐华清宫为蓝本设计修建的,占地85560平方米,是唐华清宫的十分之一。整个景区分为东区,中区和西区。【九龙湖】 现在我们从西门进入华清池。眼前看到这个湖叫九龙湖也叫九龙池,湖面为5300平方米。这里有晨旭亭,晚霞亭和龙吟榭。这是1959年只用了48天就修建完工了,在当时可谓是神速,为了迎合唐玄宗的御汤九龙殿故而取名九龙湖。 大家请注意看,湖中矗立着一尊体态丰腴的女子的雕像。那就是杨贵妃。整个雕像是以贵妃出浴的神态雕塑而成,这让我们不由的想到了唐代大诗人白居易的那首《长恨歌》中描述的“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂;侍儿扶起娇无力,始是新承恩泽时”大家一会可以与这位唐代美人合影留念。 【杨贵妃生平——飞霜殿】 华清池是唐玄宗和杨贵妃爱情罗曼史的历史见证。这段爱情悲歌因白居易的《长恨歌》名扬天下。杨贵妃原名杨玉环,为中国古代四大美女之一。有羞花之美誉。公元737年,唐玄宗的宠妃武惠妃去世,玄宗悼惜不已,整日闷闷不乐,洞知玄宗心思的高力士便暗搜外宫,


陕西西安华清池英文导游词 huaqing pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of xi’an. historically, the western zhou dynasty saw the construction of the li palace on the spot. in the qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name lishan tang (the lishan hot spring). the site was extended into a palace in the han dynasty, and renamed the li palace (the resort palace). in the tang dynasty, li shimin (emperor tai zong) ordered to construct the hot spring palace, and emperor xuan zong had a walled palace built around lishan mountain in the year of 747. it was known as the huaqing palace. it also had the name huaqing pool on account of its location on the hot springs. huaqing pool is located at the foot of the lishan mountain, a branch range of the qinling ranges, and stands 1,256 metres high. it is covered with pines and cypresses, looking very much like a like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. so it has the name of the lishan mountain (li means a black horse). the tang dynasty emperor xuan zong and his favourite lady, yang gui fei used to make their home at frost drifting hall in


陕西华清池导游词5篇 唐华清宫,是唐代封建帝王游幸的别宫。后也称华清池,位于陕西省西安市临潼区。包括原骊山国家森林公园,与颐和园、圆明园、承德避暑山庄并称为中国四大皇家园林。下面是小编收集整理的陕西华清池导游词5篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 陕西华清池导游词5篇(一) 各位游客: 您可知天下温泉二千六,惟有华清为第一吗?举世闻名的华清池,位于陕西省临潼区骊山北麓华清宫故址,西距西安30公里,东与秦始皇兵马桶相毗邻,南依骊山,北临渭水。华清池的悠久历史可以追溯到古老的原始社会,并以其天然温泉吸引了在陕西建都的天子帝王,周、秦、汉、隋、唐历代封建统治者,都视这块风水宝地为他们游宴享乐的行官别苑,或砌石起宇,兴建骊山汤,或周筑罗城,大兴温泉宫华清池,现浴池面积约有3000平方米,可供400余人同时沐浴。温泉水每小时流量110余吨,水温达43度。它既是一座国内罕见的大 型温泉池,又是可供游人游览的文物保护场所。下面就请大家前去游览一番吧!

各位游客,现在我们来到了华清池的大门。进入门内,只见湖中央有一尊雕塑。不用问,这就是此处的主人公杨贵妃了。此时此刻,她脱下外装,半披俗纱,足踩暖滑的骊山温泉水,正准备沐浴呢!这座雕塑高 3.3米,重5吨,是1991年9月,华清池向西安临控首届石榴节献礼的项目,可以说她和《杨玉环奉诏温泉宫》壁画一样,在突出华清宫文化内涵上起到了特定作用,成为大家观赏留影的热点。 说起杨贵妃,还有一段著名的故事呢!杨贵妃名叫杨玉环,出生在陕西华阴,后随父入川。父亲死后,她又到了河南,受到了都市陶冶,学会了优雅的言语举止,17岁便长得如花似玉、美若天仙。公元735年,她被唐玄宗册封为他的儿子寿王李瑁的妃子。5年后,由于唐玄宗的爱妃武惠妃病逝,后宫三千粉黛无一人今唐玄宗中意,他便下令在温泉宫召见杨玉环,这样便拉开了唐玄宗与杨玉环的爱情罗曼史的序幕。公元745年,杨玉环被册封为贵妃,从此,唐玄宗对杨贵妃的宠爱成为千古绝唱,甚至于两人终日厮守,置其他嫔妃于不顾。册封第二年,扩建温泉宫时,唐玄宗专为杨贵妃建筑了海


西安华清池英文导游词 篇一:陕西西安华清池英文导游词 陕西西安华清池英文导游词 HuaqingPoolissituatedabout35kilometreseastofthecityofXi’an.Historically,thewesternzhoudynastysawtheconstructionoftheLiPalaceo nthespot.intheQindynastyapoolwasbuiltwithstones,andwasgiventhenameL ishanTang(theLishanHotSpring).ThesitewasextendedintoapalaceintheHan dynasty,andrenamedtheLiPalace(theResortPalace).intheTangdynasty,LiSh imin(EmperorTaizong)orderedtoconstructtheHotSpringPalace,andEmpero rXuanzonghadawalledpalacebuiltaroundLishanmountainintheyearof747.it wasknownastheHuaqingPalace.italsohadthenameHuaqingPoolonaccounto fitslocationonthehotsprings. HuaqingPoolislocatedatthefootoftheLishanmountain,abranchrangeoftheQi nlingRanges,andstands1,256metreshigh.itiscoveredwithpinesandcypresse s,lookingverymuchlikealikeadarkgreengallopinghorsefromalongdistance. SoithasthenameoftheLishanmountain(Limeansablackhorse). TheTangdynastyEmperorXuanzongandhisfavouritelady,YangGuiFeiusedt omaketheirhomeatFrostdriftingHallinwinterdays.whenwintercame,snowfl akeswerefloatingintheair,andeverythinginsightwaswhite.However,theyca meintothawimmediatelyinfrontofthehall.itowedagreatdealtothelukewarmv


陕西华清池导游词 华清池亦名华清宫,位于西安城东,骊山北麓,距历史文化名城西安30公里,自古就是游览沐浴胜地,是全国第一批重点风景名胜区,1997年国务院公布华清宫遗址为全国第四批重点文物保护单位。下面是小编收集整理的陕西华清池导游词范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 陕西华清池导游词(一) 大家好!我是导游员XX,欢迎大家跟随我一同走进被誉为天下第一汤的华清池参观游览。长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开,一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。这首诗大家都熟悉吧!我们今天要参观的就是李杨爱情的见证地---华清池。华清池呢,位于西安以东30公里处的骊山脚下,坐落在唐华清宫遗址之上,南依骊山,北临渭水,内有自然造化的天然温泉,景色优美,是国家级风景名胜区、全国重点文物保护单位、以及国家5A级景区。 华清池自古以来就是我国著名的沐浴游览圣地,并且享有天下第一温泉的美誉。据史料记载,华清池已经有6000年的温泉使用史和3000年的皇家园林建筑史。西周曾在这个地方建立骊宫,秦时改名为骊山汤,汉代扩建为汉骊宫,唐太宗李世民的汤泉宫,唐高宗李治的温泉宫,那么到了唐代第七位皇帝,唐玄宗李隆基的时候,他大兴土木,再次扩建,新宫落成,命名华清宫,又因其以宫内的温泉而著名,故名华清池。正如我们刚才所说的那样,华清池是坐落于骊山脚下。骊山是秦岭的一条支脉,海拔1300米左右,满山的松柏,青

翠欲滴,远远望去就有如一匹黑色的骏马。古代又称黑马为骊,故此得名。 接下来,我们进入的是华清池的西区。西区是一个以九龙湖为主的游览区域湖的面积为5300平方米分为上下两池因湖堤上有9个龙头而得名体现了帝王的九五之尊。处于九龙湖北面的这座主体建筑,就是飞霜殿了。飞霜殿在唐代时唐玄宗李隆基与杨贵妃的寝殿也是他们爱情罗曼史的见证地。当时在殿前的汤池之中,整日是雾气升腾。每当冬季,大雪降临,宫内到处玉龙飞舞,银装素裹,但唯独飞霜殿前落雪为霜,故此得名飞霜殿。杨贵妃原名杨玉环,生于公元718年,陕西华阴人。她天资聪颖,通音律,善歌舞,被誉为中国古代四大美女之一。17岁时便长的如花似玉,美若天仙,被唐玄宗册封给他的第十八个儿子,寿王李瑁作为妃子,自唐玄宗的爱妃武惠病逝后,玄宗整日闷闷不乐,洞悉了玄宗心思的高力士便安排当时22岁的杨玉环晋见玄宗,于开元二十八年740年,在温泉宫召见杨玉环,这一看,可不得了,唐玄宗对杨玉环那是一见钟情,从此就拉开了他们二人的爱情罗曼史序幕。为了避人耳目,唐玄宗西安让杨玉环做了女道,赐其名为太真,杨玉环就以太真的身份伴随在玄宗左右,直到公元745年,玄宗才册封杨玉环为贵妃,当时玄宗61岁,杨贵妃27岁。因唐玄宗通音律,杨贵妃善歌舞,两人情投意合,使得玄宗对杨贵妃宠爱有加,可谓是后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。相传农历七月七日,两人曾在骊山半山腰的长生殿前,对天发下了,在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。的山盟海誓。直到公元755年


华清池导游词稿 引导语:华清池是位于唐华清宫遗址之上的一座皇家宫苑,西距西安30公里, 南依骊山,北面渭水。因其亘古不变的温泉、唐明皇与杨贵妃的爱情故事、西安事变发生地以及丰厚的人文历史而成为著名的文化旅游景区,全国重点文物保护单位,国家首批5A级旅游示范景区。下面是小编为大家收集的华清池导游词稿,供大家参考。 【华清池导游词稿一】女士们、先生们大家好! 今天我将带领大家游览驰名中外的皇家园林——华清池。 华清池位于西安市临潼区骊山脚下。骊山是秦岭的一条支脉,它的得名说法甚多:一说其满山松柏,青翠欲滴,远远望去,就像是一匹青苍色的骏马,故名骊山。一说这里曾是古丽戎国所在地,所以叫骊山。骊山自然景观秀丽多姿,“入目晴霞红一片,尚疑烽火自西来”就是著名的关中八景之一骊山晚照。 华清池是历代帝王游幸之地,相传周幽王曾在这里修建骊宫。秦始皇时,以石筑室为宇,因此改名:“骊山汤”。汉武帝时,在秦汤基础之上修葺扩建为离宫。隋文帝时重加修饰,列植松柏数千株。到了唐代,唐太宗诏令在这里营建宫殿楼阁,取名“汤泉宫”。唐高宗改名“温泉宫”。唐玄宗再次扩建,取“温泉毖涌而自浪,华清荡邪而难老”的诗意,

把骊山宫殿正式定名为“华清宫”。又因,此处以温泉为特征,所以又称华清池,这一名称沿用至今。今天的华清池是在清代建筑基础上经多次修缮、扩建及发掘复原唐代遗址后形成的,是唐华清宫的十分之一,分为东区、中区和西区。1956年郭沫若先生游览华清池后感慨万分,挥笔写下了:“华清池水色青苍,此日规模越盛唐。”恰如其分的道出了华清池的风貌与发展。 我们现在看到的一号厅房为侍从室,二号厅房为会议房,三号厅房为蒋介石的办公室,四号厅房为蒋介石的卧室,五号厅房是蒋介石的秘书办公室。东边的三间厅,是蒋介石贴身侍卫蒋孝先等人住宿的地方和无线电通讯班所在地。1946年,国民党政府在蒋介石当年藏身的虎斑石处修了“民族复兴亭”,又叫“正气亭”,解放后改为“捉蒋亭”,现在又改称“兵谏亭”。时至今日,近70年的漫漫岁月正在一天天的消除人们的记忆,但华清池五间厅却时时刻刻地向游人诉说着事变的原委和历史意义。 从五间厅出来,我们现在看到的仿唐建筑是梨园。是唐玄宗和杨贵妃在华清宫内教习梨园弟子的地方,唐代梨园本部在西安城北边,而这里是随驾梨园。我们知道,唐玄宗和杨贵妃的爱情能成为千古绝唱,是因为他们有着对音乐舞蹈共同的爱好,据说杨贵妃擅长霓裳羽衣舞,如白居易所写“此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻。”现在,这里每天定时举
