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2.The protective practice about children

In the film, DaTong leaves his little son alone at home ,which is a crime. But in China it is not.From this we can realise that American protective measures for children are more complete than Chinese.

文化差异融合之难在这部影片中 发挥了极致,但笔者在此想强调的 是文化差异之间的鸿沟也并不是 不可以逾越。 就像影片中美国人 最终懂得了刮痧的原理,理解了血 浓于水的亲情,在冷冰冰的法律外 找到人性的至善一样,只要努力, 总会找到中西文化的融合点。
Literature Review

郑晓龙2001年的影视作品《刮痧》,由梁家辉和 蒋雯丽主演,在以美国为背景的环境中,以中医 疗法“刮痧”为线索,讲述的是由于刮痧这一传 统的中医疗法不为美国人所理解和认同给一个中 国家庭带来的悲剧故事。影片反映了亲情至上的 中国文化和只相信客观事实的美国法律之间的冲 突,令人深思……
跨文化交际中的文化差异与融 合
----电 影《刮痧》 • • 制作人: 任远远 张帆 张春艳 杨欣怡
பைடு நூலகம்
Research Perspective
从《刮痧》这部电影中反映出 来的中西方文化差异与融合。
Research Questions
1.Culture 2.The protective practice about children 3.Friendship 4.Education 5.Temper
(3)Actually, Datong was not the person who gave the little boy Gua Sha treatment. It’s his father. But Datong decided to be a scapegoat. This was a culture difference. In Chinese traditional culture, law is not important than affection. Though we also praise those people who put righteousness above family loyalty, nobody wants that happen to themselves. Chinese think that being a scapegoat for family members especially for father or mother is a responsibility.
他人与自己的关系亲疏而或多或少地给予方便。但许大同 的那个老板加朋友的人不是如此,当他以为许大同虐待小 孩时,不再帮其辩护。这是个对事不对人的态度。他从许 父口中得知刮痧是一种中医治疗法时,不辞辛苦千里迢迢 来到中国求证,为许大同一家的重新团圆和完整付出了不 小的努力。这友谊难道不值得珍惜吗?
Effects of cultural intergration process on intercultural communication
• 使我们认识到在不同文化交流过程中,交 际双方要尊重对方的文化习俗,特别是对 于那些与自己文化习俗不相同的地方要持 宽容的态度,消除民族偏见和打破文化定 型,坚持文化平等的原则,互相尊重,克服民 族中心主义。积极参与中西方文化交流, 建立相互间的信任,避免自我文化的优越 感,尽量理解对方的文化,努力消除对异质 文化的隔膜 。
4.About Education
中西方“道歉”理论差异和西方的“己所欲 施于人”与中国“己所不欲勿施于人 ”的 差异 When comes to the (1)
enducation, what filled up our mind is only chinese traditional cultural viewpoint. At the very beginning of this movie, little Denis fought with Polo at Da Tong’s celebration, Da Tong asked Denis to appologize to Polo, but Denis refused, then he hit Denis. Afterwards, he told his boss that he hit his own son just for showing respect to his boss, and this really let his boss difficult to understand. 如右边视频所 示:

(2)In the court,DaTong gives some examples such as “七经八脉” to explain GuaSha is a treatment rather than ill-treatment.However the lawyers and the judge all feel confused.

Film Synopsis

The Gua Sha Treatment is designed to discuss the culture differences. We can know that from Datong, the name of the leading man. Datong is a classical Chinese term. It refers to a utopian vision of the world in which everyone and everything is at peace. While life always plays jokes on people, Datong’s peaceful life didn’t last long. He was accused of abusing his son because of the bruises from Gua Sha.
3.About Friendship ----美国法制与中国人治的冲突
(1)In the film, DaTong’boss was ging to help him ,but when he sees the pictures of hurt Denis,he chooses to keep silent.DaTong is so dissatisfied with his boss that he resigns, just leaving a word“道不同不相 为谋”.如右边视频所示:
欲出发,一个是从己所欲出发。这就让两个地 域的人有了完全不同的观念。在影片中,护士 发现小丹尼斯背上的刮痧所致的伤痕时,马上 报案,其他人也为了小孩生活在自己认为的虐 待环境中而不惜出庭作证,连许大同的老板兼 朋友那个人同样出席,因为他们认为这是为了 小孩好。想想咱们中国,会为了他人家庭因教 育小孩不当而出庭作证吗?会为了这种不利己 得罪人的事挺身而出吗?
5.About Temper
中国人的“暴躁”与美国人的“冷静”对比 影片中,在法庭上那个儿童权利保护中心的 律师为了赢得官司,任意曲解名著《西游记》 中孙悟空的精神实质,终于激怒了许大同而 让这事走向了诉讼。这充分体现了中国的暴 躁正好掉进了美国的冷静陷阱里这一事实。

• In the film, the Americans finnally understand Gua Sha and the deep love among this family. We can feel warm outside of the cold law. Everyone was touched by the picture of Da Tong’s happy family back.
Process of Cultural Intergration

1.About Culture The differences betweet family and medical treatments in culture. (1) “打是亲,骂是爱”is our traditional viewpoint which dates to 5000 years ago. Only native people in China can understand its real meaning.In the film,DaTong’s little son Denis,who grows up in America,can not understand it so that he always fights with his classmates.