



14 目录第一章、基本概况了解 3一、认识 iDste 3二、 iDste 产品的型号定义及分类 3第二章、 iDste 智慧校园的主要解决方案 102.1、 iDste 公司产品解决方案的优势 102.2、 iDste 智能融合集控物联管理方案 102.3、 iDste 校园数字广播及集控平台二合一智能融合方案 142.4、 iDste 校园全数字高清业务、广播系统、远程管理平台三网合一融合系统2.5、 iDste 产品销售现场演示环节及销售工具准备 16第一章:基本概况了解一、认识iDste1、iDste 的中文标准读法及字母所代表的含义中文写法“艾迪思特”读法“ ai di si te ”英文字母含义“ I do something to educat ion ”的第一个字母的拼写。

中文意思“我为教育做点事” 。

2、iDste 品牌的历史、定位及使命iDste品牌注册使用始于2008年,以” iDste ”品牌注册的公司成立于2014年。


3、iDste 目前的产品及解决方案iDste目前具备NC BC BW KC BS、TM五大系列30多种产品。



4 、iDste 的核心理念“做最负责任的企业、制造最稳定的产品、提供最专业的服务”就是iDste 的核心理念。

5 、iDste 与合作伙伴合作的主体思想“真诚信任的可靠关系、富有激情的进取心、可持续的共赢格局”。

6 、iDste 产品及解决方案的优势是什么iDste 产品本身体现“高品质高度集成+工业嵌入式CPU主核心设计”;解决方案体现“高度数字业务融合” ;产品及解决方案体现“硬物联、软物联”的双重特色。



培训资料深圳市艾迪思特信息技术有限公司目录第一章、基本概况了解 (3)一、认识iDste (3)二、iDste产品的型号定义及分类 (3)第二章、iDste智慧校园的主要解决方案 (10)2.1、iDste公司产品解决方案的优势 (10)2.2、iDste智能融合集控物联管理方案 (10)2.3、iDste校园数字广播及集控平台二合一智能融合方案 (14)2.4、iDste校园全数字高清业务、广播系统、远程管理平台三网合一融合系统 (14)2.5、iDste产品销售现场演示环节及销售工具准备 (16)第一章:基本概况了解一、认识iDste1、iDste的中文标准读法及字母所代表的含义中文写法“艾迪思特”读法“ai di si te ”英文字母含义“I do s omething to education”的第一个字母的拼写。



iDste 成立之初就将自身定位为一个为教育信息化提供优质产品及解决方案的公司,将“为教育做点实事”作为公司的历史使命,通过自身努力及持续创新能力以期成为业界最有责任心、最具专业性的一流企业。








• Input device/输入设备
• Sensors/传感器输入 • Switches/开关输入
• Electronic Control Module or ECM/电子控 制模块
• microprocessor/ 微处理器 • Memory/存储器
• Output device/输出设备
• Actuators/执行器
• 传感器的电阻值范围在500到40千
• The resistance of sensors is inversely propertional to temperature,the change in resistance is not liner
• 传感器的电阻与温度成反比,这种变化 不是线性的
• 怠速有效传感器
• Single Pole-Single Throw Switch • 单刀单掷开关
• Single Pole-Double Throw Switch • 单刀双掷开关
• Double Pole-Single Throw Switch • 双刀单掷开关
• Combination sensors • 组合式传感器
• Fluid level sensors • 液位传感器
• Speed and position sensors • 速度及位置传感器
Temperature Sensors
• Include/包括:
Symbol of Switches 开关的符号



ITT 环境、安全和健康 (EHS) 方针手册To insure that the fonts are viewable in Chinese Character you mustinstall the fonts to your PC.目录1.方针o ITT 的任务和原则( 新 ) P-12.计划o ESH 自我评估( 原 M-6.0)............ PL-1o ESH 项目评审( 原 M-4.0)............ PL-2o法规和方针跟踪( 原 M-8.0)............ PL-3o财产移交、合资企业及其他管理方面的要求( 原 M-14.0)...........PL-4o评估并降低物理和化学暴露( 原 S-1.0)........... PL-5o ESH 资源需求评估( 原 M-15.0).......... PL-6o地区 ESH 委员会( 新 )................ PL-73.实施和运行o管理层职责( 原 M-1.0)........... I-1o ESH 总监的职责( 原 M-2.0)........... I-2o文件控制( 新 )................ I-3o员工培训( 原 M-10.0).......... I-4o合同商、咨询顾问和供应商的选择和管理( 原 M-12.0).......... I-5 o车辆安全( 原 M-13.0).......... I-6o废弃物管理( 原 E-2.0)........... I-7o大气排放管理( 原 E-3.0)........... I-8o废水管理( 原 E-4.0)........... I-9o饮用水管理( 原 E-5.0)........... I-10o能源和自然资源管理( 新 )............... I-11o应急准备和响应( 原 S-2.0).......... I-12o健康方案( 原 H-1.0).......... I-13o个人防护用品 (PPE) ( 原 S-3.0).......... I-14o应急洗眼器和喷淋装置( 原 S-4.0).......... I-15o有限空间进入( 原 S-5.0).......... I-16o电气安全( 原 S-6.0).......... I-17o上锁和挂牌( 原 S-7.0)........... I-18o物料处理设备( 原 S-8.0)........... I-19o防火与保护( 原S-9.0 & S-10.0)........... I-20o生命安全( 原 S-11.0).......... I-21o压缩气体的储存和处理( 原 S-12.0).......... I-22o压力容器的操作和维护( 原 S-13.0).......... I-23o人机工效学( 原 S-14.0).......... I-24o机械防护( 新 )........... I-25o危险物质管理( 原 E-1.0)........... I-264.检查和纠正措施o ESH 量化管理方案( 原 M-7.0)........... C-1o ESH 绩效和管理系统审核方案( 原 M-5.0)........... C-2o职业伤亡和职业病的预防和报告( 原 M-16.0).......... C-3o政府机构的法规检查( 原 M-9.0)........... C-4o记录保持( 原 M-3.0)........... C-5o有关潜在 ESH 危害的报告和解决( 原 M-11.0).......... C-6 •附录•索引•术语ESH 项目评审 (ESHPR) 检查清单•ESH 协调员的工作描述 ( 样本 )•ESH 总监的工作描述 ( 样本 )!"#$%#&'()*+,-./0123 4 5678%9:;<=>? @AB 0CD9EFG%HI<J B KL MN O %PQ' @ARSTU%!"VWX'YZ [4.M % \]YZ^_M `8abc!"adefg^_YZhijk lk%VmUno12fg>?() *+0pqbrstuB vwx `8%yz{!"%U|}~A 4MN ; x !" %Hl % ,- < tu#$% !"¡ST%¢£¤I@¥h¦uT%n§n¨ © ª«%¬­®-a¯°tu[4 Un±²³´®FQn§n¨ µ: ¶%v·¸¹º´®A»¼½¹8 ¾B¿%78 ¬­¥vUÀ9 %UÀ ÁÂ*+@:;,-Ã%78 1Äfg ÅÆ ¶b ¶= PÇ!"# $%& '("#) *+,-. /0-123 4 -156723 89:;<= '("#> ?=@A BC>8 DE F GHIJKL 4 FMN ?=@A O P-.Q"R S<T OUVWXYZO[O\>8 ]BC4^_`Tab_` '("#c<I?=@ARd efg)J4Bh'("# i >jkl mnopqr s6tu vwTDExy zhpq fgM xy{| }~g T >8DE tu s6 O[O\ WX}j L 9¡O\ ¢£ ¤¥¦§¨ ©ª« ¬T ­M®¯°Q^±²T³??<´µ ¶·T¸¹ "º>» M T¼½¾¿ÀÁÂ= BCj Ã<LG¢£T ½ ¤ Ä%& LGT ½ ¤ '("# ÅÆ ÇÈÉ RdTÊHËÌ B Í iÎÏÐ Ñ T ?=@AÒÓ ÔÕÖÓ× k ÇÈ ÉÒÓ4 ب!"# $% &' ()(*+,-./0 1234 ! 567089 :;<=&'>? @ &ABC>? @ DEFGHIJ0 KGLMNOP+QRSTUVWXY Z[@.#\]^ _'` \] 70 XYab cdef \]^;ghijklab 12m n5op\]^ qr ef 12m stu vwx yz{| G} ~ lcd . 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GHIJ D 3K LMNOPQRSHI 7TUVWXY Z[A \] ^_`Dabc>de7fghiaj dek lmnoabHIpq: KIEr stuQuvwxyz&{cst :| }~ z&hhir n& #$ T : & u ;& [A ]#$ Q&7¡:¢-#$ £¤ 7¥¦ §¨©ª«}¬­> ®¯°1±² ³ z´& µk& ³¶ st k³·¸¹Iº»9st ¼½¾¿#$st;À & ÁÂÃįA]ÅÆ& Çst #$8È[A#$stÉÊË&,h ÈÌ Á !" stpqÊËT ÍÎÏÐÑ ÎÒ Ó st 78ÔÕ¸ ;ÀÖÐÑÁ c>³ ×Ø7>?ÙÚÛÜÝÞßst #$ àá;âHI #$Á ¥¦ ãä!" åvæ¬ çQ K#$ çHIÇèé #$ I: êëì íî ïÖ-Fðñ ÛÜ> òóôõÛ^ö #$ Ig÷ øùúûüý78ßwhi§¨<=þ@ a ÿ#$2-Ü&stÛÜð #$[AäL\] ×k 2-HI êëì ïy &st ÈÌXº §¨©WX D环境安全和健康方针废物管理替代: E-2.0 (1996-5)页码: 1/2方针每个单位必须建立有效方案对非危险废物和危险废物进行管理适用范围:本方针适用于产生废物的所有单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的原则即减少废物安全且负责地处置这些废物消除或者最小化ITT工业集团操作过程中产生的废物基本要素在有废物产生的地方必须建立并实施书面的废物废物管理计划该计划应包括一个用于统计由单位产生的所有需最终处理的危险废物以及物料的系统实施废物最少化和对环境影响最小化的策略根据适用的ESH量化管理要求进行全过程跟踪设置并明确规定废物存储区域该区域应有适当的围堵设施以防潜在的泼溅和泄漏适当的保护设施以防因天气火源和物理造成的伤害记录对所有现有的使用再循环和重新利用选择的分析记录将处置作为最后考虑建立程序确保废物管理活动及时性以及符合适用的法律法规和最佳操作(最佳操作是指废物处置以最佳实用的方法进行使对环境的影响以及对ITT工业集团将来潜在的风险能够最小化)建立程序以确保所有接触废物尤其是危险废物的单位人员与承包商雇员都能够按照相关法律和法规要求进行作业建立程序按照相关的法律法规来管理所有特殊的危险组分(例如多氯联苯(PCBs)石棉铅电池和激光)责任:单位管理层负责实施本方针环境安全和健康方针大气排放管理替代: E-3.0 (1996-5)页码: 1/1方针: 每个单位必须建立一个程序以确保生产操作过程中产生的大气排放影响最小化并遵循相关的当地地区州的以及联邦环境法律法规和ITT工业集团方针要求进行管理适用范围:本方针适用于所有产生大气排放物的单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的原则即消除或者最小化从生产操作中产生的环境污染基本要素:每个单位必须识别出所有生产操作中产生的大气排放潜在危害包括直接排放和无组织排放工艺泄漏和其他任何对大气造成污染的释放必须建立一个书面的计划其中包括对排放至大气的所有潜在危险排放物建立一个详细目录包括成分危险级别(例如易燃的腐蚀性的)排放率位置(工厂布置图)排放点和相关的工序及操作验证大气排放都已按照相关法律法规或指南的要求进行控制一个减少大气排放尤其是对人类健康或环境有害的大气排放策略识别出需要许可证的大气排放源并建立程序以获取这些许可证保持其更新以及确保符合所有的许可条件建立预防因失误而造成的大气排放的措施建立程序使人员能够对事故性排放作出恰当的反应程序应包括紧急停工防止扩散撤离和通告建立一套程序在安装大气排放装置前检查拟建的大气排放源以确保排放达到最小化并取得了适合的许可作为分析的一部分允许大气排放的替代品同样要进行评估责任单位管理层负责实施本方针注意需要书面程序以符合本方针环境安全和健康方针废水管理替代: E-4.0 (1996-5)页码: 1/2方针: 每个单位必须建立一个方案以确保对生产操作中排放废水的管理必须遵循所有适用的当地地区州以及国家的法律法规和ITT工业集团方针适用范围:本方针适用于所有单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的原则即消除或者最小化从生产操作中产生的环境污染基本要素:一个有效的废水管理方案必须包括下列要素识别出包括生产废水冷却水雨水径流和生活污水在内的单位所有活动中产生的废水识别出废水的成分排放率位置排放点或者是否与其他地表水混合以及总排口等情况根据适用的法律法规和ITT工业集团方针制定控制和确保对排放的控制的有效实行的程序制定降低每一废水源的废水总量和污染物浓度的计划制定程序以识别出需要获得许可证才能排放的废水(在许可证获取之前)制定许可证的获取程序许可证必须保持更新并确保单位排放遵循许可规定制定当生产工艺取消增加或者改变时的方案更新程序制定防止可预见的废水污染的计划制定事故性释放或者排放的响应计划包括围堵程序应急相应负责人员应急响应设备和材料以及要求的报告程序责任:单位管理层负责实施本方针注意需要书面程序以符合本方针环境安全和健康方针饮用水管理替代: E-5.0 (1996-5)页码: 1/1方针:每个单位必须确保提供员工使用安全清洁和充足的饮用水适用范围:本方针适用于所有单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的原则即采取适当行动确保员工安全基本要素:以下是确保遵循本方针的必备要素提供的饮用水必须符合有关法律法规的要求饮用水必须通过有资质的实验室通过适当的质量控制和质量保证手段对其中的细菌金属和其他有害物质进行监测(注意如果饮用水由当地的市政提供则单位可以不需要进行样品监测但必须得到有关的分析结果)必须采用适当的方法对饮用水的运输工具(例如水池和抽水泵)进行检查以确保其不是潜在的健康危害源当饮用水和生产用水由同一系统提供时饮用水的供水系统必须是隔离的以防污染必须提供保护设施如真空阀双重止回阀(防止回流装置)或者其他适合的装置或者系统(例如分离的饮用水和生产水供应回路)必须建立一个紧急计划即使现有饮用水系统出现某种不安全因素而不能使用时单位仍然能够保证安全和充足的饮用水供应责任: 单位管理层负责实施本方针环境安全和健康方针能源和自然资源管理替代:页码: 1/2方针: 每个单位必须建立实施和记录有效的关于能源和自然资源持续利用的方案适用范围: 本方针适用于所有单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的原则即减少能源和自然资源消耗基本要素以下要素在每个单位中必须到位以确保能源和自然资源的有效利用建立系统用于电能天然气石油水及其他自然资源的消耗的计量和设定减量目标(参考ESH方针C-1, ESH 量化管理方案)实施电能消耗最小化与最优化政策(例如节能的设备和照明系统自动断电装置可编程自动调温器传感器控制照明传感器优化的工艺和操作以及压缩空气管理等)实施供热和冷却系统最优化的政策(例如建筑和结构绝缘的改善热量恢复系统和传感器控制等)实施水资源消耗的最小化和最优化政策(例如消耗控制工艺改进水处理/过滤以及循环使用系统)建立程序确保大量消耗能源和自然资源的设备被列入定期保养和检查方案之中应确立一种适当的机制以确保单位所有人员能够及时了解最近的发展技术和标准情况在美国的工厂会评估参加USEPA绿色照明计划USEPA/DOE能源之星建筑计划以及US DOE机动车挑战等项目建立对新生产工艺重大项目及收购的能源评估以将能源消耗减为最低责任单位管理层负责实施本方针环境安全和健康方针应急准备和响应编号:I-12生效日期: 2001-1替代: S-2.0 (1996-5)页码:1/2方针:每个单位必须建立一套处理紧急事件的程序使潜在的受伤财产和环境损害生产破坏和其他商业功能破坏减至最低适用范围本方针适用于所有单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的原则即采取适当行动以确保员工和社区安全基本要素:一个有效的紧急准备和响应方案必须包括以下要素 必须建立一个书面的紧急响应计划(ERP)并定期检查更新计划中应包括下列要素•识别出潜在的紧急状况包括种类特征和对单位和当地社区的影响(火灾紧急医疗救援救援行动自然灾害能源损耗化学品释放等)• 建立疏散程序应急演习和救援全体员工的方法• 评估单位和当地紧急响应机构对每个可能发生的紧急情况作出的反应及其控制能力在评估中发现的任何不足都应建立相应的补充程序•建立处理有关公用工程停止供应的紧急事件处理程序以确保生命通信消防安全系统没有受到威胁紧急关闭能在安全的条件下完成• 建立对所有紧急报警和反应装置的检查测试和保养程序• 建立在紧急事件中保护员工建筑和财产的保安程序• 建立说明危险物质释放的程序其中应包括• 事件说明• 安全容器的使用• 周围区域影响评估• 清理记录和适当报告• 向操作管理层和法律机构的必要通报• 建立在下班时间和劳动力减少情况下紧急响应程序以确保紧急反应及保护与正常工作时相当•建立与相关方包括政府机构和公众在内的交流程序(即紧急交流计划)•建立评审紧急情况及后续响应识别直接原因和根本原因以及是否必须实施额外防护措施的程序•建立评估响应有效性以及公司员工和环境所受影响的程序应建立合适的紧急响应组织其中应包括•选择一个紧急响应协调员(ERC)建立一个指定组长和明确的组织结构的紧急响应小组(ERT)•确定每个小组的角色和职责及其小组成员和候补成员(注意ERC和组长可以相同)注意所有紧急响应成员必须接受足够的培训从而能够在每个可能的紧急情况中执行分配的角色和职责(例如有效空间救援灭火器使用急救CPR或者泄漏响应等)责任单位管理层负责实施本方针环境安全和健康方针健康方案编号: I-13生效日期: 2001-1替代: H-1.0 (1996-5)页码: 1/2方针:每个单位必须建立并保持一个综合性的健康方案使员工在因工受伤或生病时能够获得治疗适用范围:本方针适用于所有单位及附属于其的作业目的本方针体现了ITT 工业集团的原则即采取适当的行动确保员工安全基本要素: 以下是一个综合性健康方案所应包括的要素根据公司的大小生产操作情况和潜在ESH 危险状况确定健康方案的范围 选择合适的保健方案保健方案可以是在现场的全职的医疗机构可以是部分在现场仅有部分人员的医疗机构或者指定的现场外的医疗服务 根据ESH 方针--PL-5 评估并降低暴露在物理和化学介质下的影响采用适当的方法进行工业卫生监测根据适用的法律法规和方针为员工保持一份保密的医疗记录 根据适用的法规提供上岗前的和定期的医疗检查 确保向员工提供保健服务的人员受到与其职责相关的适当的培训 发展和建立紧急事件以及因工受伤和生病的医疗管理程序 当医务治疗点距离现场超过10分钟路程时应对足够多的人员进行培训以确保在任何一个10人以上的工作班次都能够执行立即的适当管理下的急救措施急救培训应包括• 紧急响应原则• 基本急救方法• 心肺复苏救援 (CPR)• 自动电器去纤颤器 (AEDs)(如果有条件的话)• 急救供给品的管理• 血液传播病菌指派有体力能力的员工提供急救帮助他们作为经过培训的救援者的任命应包括在员工个人档案中责任单位管理层负责实施本方针注意需要书面程序以符合本方针环境安全和健康方针(PPE)替代: S-3.0 (1996-5)页码: 1 / 1方针:所有单位必须建立选择采购保养更换和使用个人防护用品的程序适用范围:本方针适用于全球所有单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的准则即采取适当的行动以确保员工客户和其他相关方的安全基本要素:单位必须有书面的PPE程序以满足下列要求所有的PPE必须设计得当质量可靠可提供适当防护所有的PPE必须符合公认权威机构的技术要求以及法规要求必须根据有害物最大暴露水平来选择PPE 同时考虑保护系数制造商的建议和技术要求发放PPE前必须进行危害评估以确定该危害的性质和程度接触此危害的潜在可能以及所需保护的适当种类和水平必须对员工进行培训以保证需要使用PPE的员工了解PPE的正确使用符合性存放保管维护及其局限性责任: 单位管理层负责本方针的施行环境安全和健康方针淋装置替代: S-4.0 (1996-5)页码: 1 / 2方针:所有单位必须建立程序以确保备有应急洗眼器和/或喷淋装置以减少因事故接触有害物质时对员工的伤害适用范围:本方针适用于全球所有存在因意外而接触有害物质可能性的单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的准则即采取适当的行动以确保员工的安全基本要素:本程序必须包括下列要素应急洗眼器和喷淋装置必须靠近可能发生危险的地方不超过100英尺即30.5米或少于10秒的步程新建项目的洗眼器和喷淋装置距危险发生地距离必须小于50英尺15米洗眼器和喷淋装置必须有显著标志易于识别位于照明充足处不受可能的危险并可随时取用当腐蚀性液体超过5盎司150毫升或有溅出危险时必须同时安装洗眼器和喷淋装置员工必须接受有关洗眼器和喷淋装置位置使用以及紧急情况下所应遵守的正确程序的培训洗眼器必须至少能够持续提供流量为0.4加仑/分钟的饮用水或适宜的溶液15分钟注有些化学品需要更长时间的清洗向医生咨询在清洗站可补充使用个人洗眼瓶但绝不能替代洗眼器应急洗眼器和喷淋装置一旦启动必须能够提供无须手动的操作除非特意关闭应急洗眼器和喷淋装置必须加以保护免受天气影响以确保其正常使用随时可提供温水应定期检查如每月以确保其性能良好需要时应急洗眼器和喷淋装置应配有警报当启动时可发出通知责任: 单位管理层负责本方针的施行环境安全和健康方针进入有限空间替代: S-5.0 (1996-5)页码: 1 / 1方针:所有单位必须识别有限空间执行程序以确保相关人员得到充分保护适用范围:本方针适用于全球所有存在有限空间的单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的原则即教育激发所有员工使他们具有环境责任感并以安全方式工作基本要素:该程序必须包括下列技术说明和部分所有有限空间及存在于其中的任何危险或潜在的危险状况的识别文件接受与其工作相关的工作中可能遇到的危险的培训以及监测设备的使用有限空间气体适用的接触限值和设备操作的培训的员工通风气体测试现场监护人员和救援以及有限空间疏散和分类的规定入口处有适当的标签如危险有限空间不得进入以提醒员工潜在的危险防止未经授权的进入确保在紧急情况下有充足反应时间在有限空间中作业人员安全的应急程序参考ESH方针I-12紧急准备和响应告知承包商所有的有限空间及与其相关的危险性的程序如果承包商需要从事进入有限空间的工作单位的ESH协调人必须确认该承包商在开始工作之前执行了有限空间进入程序责任: 单位管理层负责本方针的施行环境安全和健康方针电气安全替代: S-6.0 (1996-5)页码: 1 / 1方针:所有单位必须建立程序以保护其员工免受电气作业或使用电动设备所造成的伤害适用范围: 本方针适用于全球所有单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的准则即采取所有适当的行动以确保员工的安全基本要素:电气安全程序中必须包括下列要素指定的合格人选全权负责单位的配电工作配电系统及其相关设备的检查和维护程序到位检查必须有记录文件检查频率必须符合适当的法律和生产商的建议适用时检查程序必须包括红外测试所有的线路和电气设备符合适用的规范法律法规和良好的操作方法指定合格的人员进行电气系统和设备作业定期进行安全作业技术培训并记入文件所有潜在接触动力设备或部件的作业只能由经过特殊培训的人员进行必须保存该类培训的书面文件电动式手动工具双层绝缘或接地所有的回路和开关使用准确清楚的标签和永久标识以识别所涉及的设备或区域所有潮湿环境中的电气设备装有接地故障断路装置GFCI不得与接地故障断流器(GFI)混淆后者用于保护设备而不是人员使用永久性标识根据电压和电流给电气面板主开关和变压器加标签必须根据其区域所受限制安装电气设备并且与实际的或潜在的危害相应如防爆装置只有没有固定线路时并短时使用时才可使用外接电线电线应无破损没有缠绊危险责任: 单位管理层负责本方针的施行环境安全和健康方针上锁/挂牌替代: S-7.0 (1996-5)页码: 1 / 2方针:所有单位必须建立与机械设备有关的工作维护活动时通过上锁/挂牌程序来控制危险能量的程序适用范围: 本方针适用于全球所有单位目的:本方针体现了ITT工业集团的原则即教育激发所有员工使他们具有环境责任感并以安全方式工作基本要素:危险能量控制程序中必须包括下列要素如果存在下列任一情况时在维护过程中需要使用上锁/挂牌设备的书面程序•关闭后仍可能存储或残留的能量•多种可识别的能量来源•因进行服务或维护而对其他员工产生危害•以前因设备意外启动而造成的事件或事故•需要一种以上上锁设备•上锁设备并非由从事该工作的人员单独控制确保所有新机械设备的设计中包括上锁/挂牌要求的程序参见ESH方针PL-2 ESH项目评审识别所有能量来源例如水压电气体机械化学以及热力和其它与上锁/挂牌过程有关的安全要求的程序通知所有受上锁/挂牌影响的员工的方法确保每一锁和挂牌发放至个人并只能在工作结束后由其主人移除的程序说明上锁不可行的程序例如必须点动对准或调节组件时确保所有承包商知道并遵守上锁/挂牌程序要求以及法规和单位要求的程序参见ESH方针 I-5承包商顾问和供应商的选择确保输送有毒致冷腐蚀性或易燃特品或高温高压液体的管线和泵系统加上双锁并在作业前排空的程序在授权从事需要上锁/挂牌工作之前员工接受综合培训至少每年复训一次授权员工在工作之前接受的关于针对机械要求的培训以及年度复训当授权的员工每年进行上锁/挂牌的频率少于一次时在该作业前其必须接受被作业机械上锁/挂牌的培训表明授权使用上锁/挂牌员工的能力上锁/挂牌有效性定期至少每年书面评估记录责任: 单位管理层负责本方针的施行。



iDste AU-323
iDste AU-323
iDste KC-601
iDste融合音视频终端及业务支撑管理系统成功于2013年5月部署及安装于深圳实验学校高中部多媒体教室及外围操场、 食堂等地。全面为学校提供从教室多媒体设备集控到IP数字广播系统,校园电视台高清直转播系统在内的多项数字化业 务支撑及数据共享服务。深圳实验学校高中部为全国知名学校,信息化应用和管理理念超前,该校信息中心杨继新主任 仍给出了这样的评价“iDste融合系统的部署正在为学校提供非常有效的管理手段和高效稳定的数字音视频业务,随着
☆简单中控、做工粗燥。 ☆信号切换电路简单。 ☆没有任何业务功能 ☆没有电源智能管理 ☆没有专门接口设计
I do something to education
深圳第二高级中学现建有教 学教室及功能课室120间,为深 圳市高标准建设示范校,2012年 暑期对全校教室进行改造,安装 iDste融合信息终端,该终端利 用现TCP/IP网络就可将分布在教 室的设备物联起来并且在一套系 统内实现校园数字广播、电
教设备智能管理、空调远 程智能集控等业务。充分发挥



培训资料深圳市艾迪思特信息技术有限公司目录第一章、基本概况了解 (3)一、认识iDste (3)二、iDste产品的型号定义及分类 (3)第二章、iDste智慧校园的主要解决方案 (10)2.1、iDste公司产品解决方案的优势 (10)2.2、iDste智能融合集控物联管理方案 (10)2.3、iDste校园数字广播及集控平台二合一智能融合方案 (14)2.4、iDste校园全数字高清业务、广播系统、远程管理平台三网合一融合系统 (14)2.5、iDste产品销售现场演示环节及销售工具准备 (16)第一章:基本概况了解一、认识iDste1、iDste的中文标准读法及字母所代表的含义中文写法“艾迪思特”读法“ai di si te ”英文字母含义“I do something to education”的第一个字母的拼写。



iDste 成立之初就将自身定位为一个为教育信息化提供优质产品及解决方案的公司,将“为教育做点实事”作为公司的历史使命,通过自身努力及持续创新能力以期成为业界最有责任心、最具专业性的一流企业。









Turn over*P46431A0116*P46431A©2016 Pearson Education Ltd.1/1/1/1/1/1Instructions• Use black ink or ball-point pen.•Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name,centre number and candidate number.• Answer all questions.•A nswer the questions in the spaces provided– there may be more space than you need.Information•The total mark for this paper is 48.•The marks for each question are shown in brackets– use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.•Q uality of written communication will be assessed in your response toQuestion 2– y ou should take particular care with your spelling, punctuation and grammar,as well as the clarity of expression.•Copies of the Edexcel Anthology for International GCSE and Certificate inEnglish Language and Literature may not be brought into the examination.• Dictionaries may not be used in the examination.Advice•Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.•Try to answer every question.•Check your answers if you have time at the end.2*P46431A0216*Question 1: ReadingYou should spend about 45 minutes on this question.Remind yourself of A Hero from the Edexcel Anthology and then answer Question 1.A HeroFor Swami events took an unexpected turn. Father looked over the newspaper he wasreading under the hall lamp and said, “Swami, listen to this: ‘News is to hand of thebravery of a village lad who, while returning home by the jungle path, came face to facewith a tiger…’” The paragraph described the fight the boy had with the tiger and his flight up a tree, where he stayed for half a day till some people came that way and killed thetiger.After reading it through, Father looked at Swami fixedly and asked, “What do you say tothat?”Swami said, “I think he must have been a very strong and grown-up person, not at all aboy. How could a boy fight a tiger?”“You think you are wiser than the newspaper?” Father sneered. “A man may have thestrength of an elephant and yet be a coward: whereas another may have the strength ofa straw, but if he has courage he can do anything. Courage is everything, strength andage are not important.”Swami disputed the theory. “How can it be, Father? Suppose I have all the courage, whatcan I do if a tiger should attack me?”“Leave alone strength, can you prove you have courage? Let me see if you can sleepalone tonight in my office room.”A frightful proposition, Swami thought. He had always slept beside his granny in thepassage, and any change in this arrangement kept him trembling and awake all night.He hoped at first that his father was only joking. He mumbled weakly, “Yes,” and triedto change the subject; he said very loudly and with a great deal of enthusiasm, “We aregoing to admit even elders in our cricket club hereafter. We are buying brand-new batsand balls. Our captain has asked me to tell you…”“We’ll see about it later,” Father cut in. “You must sleep alone hereafter.” Swami realizedthat the matter had gone beyond his control: from a challenge it had become a plaincommand; he knew his father’s tenacity at such moments.“From the first of next month I’ll sleep alone, Father.”“No, you must do it now. It is disgraceful sleeping beside granny or mother like a baby.You are in the second form and I don’t at all like the way you are being brought up,” hesaid, and looked at his wife, who was rocking the cradle. “Why do you look at me whileyou say it?” she asked. “I hardly know anything about the boy.”“No, no, I don’t mean you,” father said.“If you mean that your mother is spoiling him, tell her so; and don’t look at me,” she said,and turned away.5101520253035DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA3*P46431A0316*Turn overSwami’s father sat gloomily gazing at the newspaper on his lap. Swami rose silently and tiptoed away to his bed in the passage. Granny was sitting up in her bed, and remarked, “Boy, are you already feeling sleepy? Don’t you want a story?” Swami made wild gesticulations to silence his granny, but that good lady saw nothing. So Swami threw himself on his bed and pulled the blanket over his face.Granny said, “Don’t cover your face. Are you really very sleepy?” Swami leant over and whispered, “Please, please, shut up, granny. Don’t talk to me, and don’t let anyone call me even if the house is on fire. If I don’t sleep at once I shall perhaps die – ” He turned over, curled, and snored under the blanket till he found his blanket pulled away.Presently Father came and stood over him. “Swami, get up,” he said. He looked like an apparition in the semi-darkness of the passage, which was lit by a cone of light from the hall. Swami stirred and groaned as if in sleep. Father said, “Get up, Swami.” Grannypleaded, “Why do you disturb him?”“Get up, Swami,” he said for the fourth time, and Swami got up. Father rolled up his bed,took it under his arm, and said, “Come with me.” Swami looked at his granny, hesitatedfor a moment, and followed his father into the office room. On the way he threw a lookof appeal at his mother and she said, “Why do you take him to the office room? He cansleep in the hall, I think.”“I don’t think so,” Father said, and Swami slunk behind him with bowed head.“Let me sleep in the hall, Father,” Swami pleaded. “Your office room is very dusty andthere may be scorpions behind your law books.”“There are no scorpions, little fellow. Sleep on the bench if you like.”“Can I have a lamp burning in the room?”“No. You must learn not to be afraid of darkness. It is only a question of habit. You mustcultivate good habits.”“Will you at least leave the door open?”“All right. But promise you will not roll up your bed and go to your granny’s side at night.If you do it, mind you, I will make you the laughing-stock of your school.”Swami felt cut off from humanity. He was pained and angry. He didn’t like the strain ofcruelty he saw in his father’s nature. He hated the newspaper for printing the tiger’s story. He wished that the tiger hadn’t spared the boy, who didn’t appear to be a boy after all,but a monster….As the night advanced and the silence in the house deepened, his heart beat faster. Heremembered all the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life. How often hadhis chum Mani seen the devil in the banyan tree at his street-end. And what about poorMunisami’s father, who spat out blood because the devil near the river’s edge slappedhis cheek when he was returning home late one night. And so on and on his thoughtscontinued. He was faint with fear. A ray of light from the street lamp strayed in andcast shadows on the wall. Through the stillness all kinds of noises reached his ears –the ticking of the clock, rustle of trees, snoring sounds, and some vague night insectshumming. He covered himself so completely that he could hardly breathe. Every moment he expected the devils to come up to carry him away; there was the instance of his oldfriend in the fourth class who suddenly disappeared and was said to have been carried 4045505560657075D O N O T W R I TE I N T H I S A R E A D O N O T W R I T E I N T H I S A R E A D O N O T W R I T E I N T H I S A R E A4*P46431A0416*off by a ghost to Siam or Nepal …Swami hurriedly got up and spread his bed under the bench and crouched there. Itseemed to be a much safer place, more compact and reassuring. He shut his eyes tightand encased himself in his blanket once again and unknown to himself fell asleep, andin sleep was racked with nightmares. A tiger was chasing him. His feet stuck to theground. He desperately tried to escape but his feet would not move; the tiger was at hisback, and he could hear its claws scratch the ground … scratch, scratch, and then a lightthud…. Swami tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids would not open and the nightmarecontinued. It threatened to continue forever. Swami groaned in despair.With a desperate effort he opened his eyes. He put his hand out to feel his granny’spresence at his side, as was his habit, but he only touched the wooden leg of the bench.And his lonely state came back to him. He sweated with fright. And now what was thisrustling? He moved to the edge of the bench and stared into the darkness. Somethingwas moving down. He lay gazing at it in horror. His end had come. He realized that thedevil would presently pull him out and tear him, and so why should he wait? As it camenearer he crawled out from under the bench, hugged it with all his might, and used histeeth on it like a mortal weapon …“Aiyo! Something has bitten me,” went forth an agonized, thundering cry and wasfollowed by a heavy tumbling and falling amidst furniture. In a moment Father, cook, and a servant came in, carrying light.And all three of them fell on the burglar who lay amidst the furniture with a bleedingankle ….Congratulations were showered on Swami next day. His classmates looked at him withrespect, and his teacher patted his back. The headmaster said that he was a true scout.Swami had bitten into the flesh of one of the most notorious housebreakers of thedistrict and the police were grateful to him for it.The Inspector said, “Why don’t you join the police when you are grown up?”Swami said for the sake of politeness, “Certainly, yes,” though he had quite made up hismind to be an engine driver, a railway guard, or a bus conductor later in life.When he returned home from the club that night, Father asked, “Where is the boy?”“He is asleep.”“Already!”“He didn’t have a wink of sleep the whole of last night,” said his mother.“Where is he sleeping?”“In his usual place,” Mother said casually. “He went to bed at seven-thirty.”“Sleeping beside his granny again!” Father said. “No wonder he wanted to be asleepbefore I could return home – clever boy!”Mother lost her temper. “You let him sleep where he likes. You needn’t risk his lifeagain. …” Father mumbled as he went in to change: “All right, molly-coddle and spoil him as much as you like. Only don’t blame me afterwards. …”80859095100105110115DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREADO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA5*P46431A0516*Turn overSwami, following the whole conversation from under the blanket, felt tremendouslyrelieved to hear that his father was giving him up.R. K. Narayan 1 How does the writer present the character of Swami? In your answer, you should write about: • Swami’s thoughts and actions • his relationships with his father, mother and grandmother • the reactions to his heroic act • the use of language.You should refer closely to the text to support your answer. You may use briefquotations.(24)....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................120 D O N O T W R I T E I N T H I S A R E AD O N O T W R I TE I N T H I S A R E AD O N O T W R I TE I N T H I S A R E A6*P46431A0616*............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 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NOT WRITE IN THIS AREADO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREADO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA7*P46431A0716*Turn over......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................D O N O T W R I TE I N T H I S A R E AD O N O T W R I TE I N T H I S A R E AD O N O T W R I TE I N T H I S A R E A。



ICTI 培训手册培训内容ü 解释一些要留意ICTI CARE 的要求ü 指出一些常見的商业行为守则问题ü 不会将ICTI CARE 的要求遂一讲解ü 不会特别讲解中国法例培训资料ü 国际玩具业协会商业行为守则(香港玩具协会出版) ü 培训手册背景ü 初版在20xx 年制定ü 现版本为20xx 年6月8日修订版ü 承诺玩具工厂的运作符合法律法规,安全及健康的要求Caring 关爱社群Awareness 知情觉物Responsibility 责任承担Ethics 商业操守工作时间2.1 工厂要有相关的法律厂要制定工作时间政策或程序文件ü每周工作天數ü每周正间/ 时数 ü 每日及每周最高加班小时 2.2 工厂需要公开标示正常开工时数 ü 工人在被审核面谈时要能清楚说出 2.3 工时卡/ 手写工时记录需签名确认;如果工厂采用电子卡则不需要工人签名。

2.4 工人一定要有自由班与否ü审核时审核员会和工人面谈加以证实ü提议不加班通知制度/记录 2.5 ICT I 现时接受每周6天工作 如果工厂有综合工时批接受:ü每天最多工作时数–12 小时ü每周最多工作时数–66 小况)ü每周最多工作时数–72 小时(旺季或特别情况–每年最多17周)况下,工厂可将一天的工作时间在正常工作时间开始内的16小时中调在调动前的一天通知工人ü要确保工人在调动后最小有8小时休息下一天工作ü提议工厂用书面记錄调动的原因,以便可以提供给审的买家作参考 2.7 工厂应尽可能安排每七天有一天休息 在特殊情况下,ICT工人最多可连续工作xxx x自愿在工作天加班。

提议工厂在这些情况下用加班原因及受影响工人的人数 工厂需要制定病假程序 2.9 食饭时间最短时,如果食饭时间有张贴及工人清楚ICT I 目前接受工人可以不打卡工薪酬 工作时间2.1 工厂要有相关的法律法规存档厂要制定工作时间政策或程序文件ü 每周工作天數ü 每周正常工作时间/ 时数 ü 每日及每周最高加班小时2.2 工厂需要公开标示正常开工时间/工作时数ü 工人在被审核面谈时要能清楚说出2.3 工时卡/ 手写工时记录需要有工人签名确认;如果工厂采用电子卡则不需要工人签名。


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Edexcel INSET培训07-08技术支持指南说明书

Edexcel INSET培训07-08技术支持指南说明书

Assessment Criteria Unit 6: Technical SupportCandidate 6956Strand aMark Band 1 Mark Band 2 Mark Band 3The learner:•successfully installs one hardware and one software upgrade, with extensive prompting •carries out some limited testing of the system, but not sufficient to guarantee that it works correctly.Whilst working on the upgrade, thelearner adheres to relevant standard wayof working, but needs frequent prompting. The learner:•successfully installs one hardware and onesoftware upgrade, with only limited prompting• carries out adequate testing of the system toensure that it works correctly.Whilst working on the upgrade, the learneradheres to relevant standard way ofworking, with only occasional prompting.The learner:•successfully installs one hardware and onesoftware upgrade, independently• carries out extensive testing of the systemto ensure that it works correctly and tooptimise its performance.Whilst working on the upgrade, the learneradheres to relevant standard way ofworking, independently.(0 — 5)(6 — 8)(9 — 10) Comments: The candidate has provided evidence of successfully installing one item of software (WinCleaner One Click) and installing additional RAM, there is, however, no check for compatibility of the new RAM with the current system. The evidence is well annotated through a pdf presentation with notes and the upgrades are shown to be working. There is ample evidence of testing the software upgrade and the evidence clearly indicates it has been successfully installed. The candidate has produced a test plan for the hardware update, thoroughly tested the newly installed software and produced a rationale of why the upgrades were undertaken. There is a brief comment to suggest that the upgrades were carried out on the system built in unit 4. There should be some indication of this being undertaken (page 101 of the unit specification).Good photographic evidence of installing the additional RAM has been produced. There is clear reference to working safely; the candidate has commented regarding isolating the computer from the mains and use of anti-static wrist band. The testing is thorough and the confirmation of SWOW allows this candidate to attain marks in mark band 2. More explicit evidence of optimising performance would have placed this candidate in mark band 3.Mark awarded 8Strand bMark Band 1 Mark Band 2 Mark Band 3The learner produces an on-screen technical support manual that gives brief instructions for carrying out some routine maintenance and troubleshooting, but omits some essential information. The learner produces a clearly presented, on-screen technical support manual that givesdetailed instructions for carrying out routinemaintenance and troubleshooting.The learner produces a clearly presented, on-screen technical support manual that givescomplete and easy to follow instructions forcarrying out routine maintenance andtroubleshooting, enabling someone else tomaintain the system without furtherassistance.(0 - 8)(9 - 12)(13 - 15)Comments: The candidate has produced a well presented and detailed technical manual which is in a format suitable for on-screen display. However, the manual needs to be easy to read on screen which should involve good navigation so that the reader can locate the information required quickly and easily. Whilst there is a link to each major section and it contains sufficient information relating to routine maintenance i.e. Defrag, backup and restore, the manual does not have an index to all the topics without having to explore each section to see what they contain. Trouble shooting is also included together with suggestions of the less obvious solutions to routine maintenance which might be required to be undertaken. The candidate has attempted to include many of the sections indicated in 6.1 and 6.2 of the unit specification.Each item is introduced and for many of the routines there are screen shots which help the reader follow the instructions. There is a maintenance schedule included together with internet connectivity and security issues.The candidate has presented a manual which can be read on screen with sufficient audience awareness to meet the requirements of the top of Mark Band 2.Although the manual is well presented, to access mark band 3, the reader must be able to locate the information required quickly and easily and there should be a recommended procedure for recording any maintenance work carried out. The candidate has suggested that all work undertaken be recorded but has not produced any details relating to a procedure for recording this work.Mark Awarded 12.Strand cMark Band 1 Mark Band 2 Mark Band 3The presentation includes:• a brief description of the key features of at least four web-based tools for collaborativeworking• a description of the capabilities andlimitations of each tool, but with little or nocomparison• a demonstration of aspects of the setup and use of a web-based tool, but not detailedenough to give a clear picture of what isinvolved. The presentation includes:• a detailed description — supported byexamples — of the key features of at leastfour web-based tools for collaborative working• a detailed description and comparison of thecapabilities and limitations of each tool• a clear demonstration of the setup and use ofa web-based tool, giving an accurate pictureof what is involved.The presentation includes:• a comprehensive description — supportedby a range of well-chosen examples — ofthe key features of at least four web-basedtools for• collaborative working• a detailed description and comparison ofthe capabilities and limitations of each tool,assessing their suitability for particulartasks•an effective demonstration of the setup anduse of a web-based tool, giving a full andaccurate picture of what is involved.(0 - 8)(9 - 11)(12 - 15)Comments: A series of good explanations with comparisons of four tools used for collaborative working with well chosen examples and comprehensive descriptions of the capabilities and limitations of each tool, assessing their suitability for particular tasks. Setting up and managing a ‘Sharepoint’ site has been fully and carefully explained. The candidate has used a range of well-chosen examples to illustrate the key features of each chosen web-based too which is sufficient for the bottom of mark band 3.l There is possibly too much text on some of the slides which could distract from the primary purpose of the presentation which is to illustrate the functions of the software. It is not really designed to be delivered to an audience it lends itself more to be read on-screen. The slides should be designed to convey key messages only; the details should appear in the speaker notes and/or handouts. This combination should then enable the audience to make an informed decision based upon the presentation. Holistically there is enough technical evidence within the presentation to meet the requirements of mark band 3 but the construction of the actual presentation stops the awarding of high marks in this band.Mark Awarded 12.Strand dMark Band 1 Mark Band 2 Mark Band 3The report:•identifies some of the communication needs of a small business (SME)• makes some recommendations, for internet connectivity, security procedures, an internet access policy and use of email• is written in simple, non-technical language. The report:•describes most of the communication needsof a small business (SME)• makes detailed recommendations, with somejustification, for internet connectivity, securityprocedures, an internet access policy and useof email• is clearly presented in simple, non-technicallanguage.The report:•describes all the communication needs ofa small business (SME), both current andfuture• makes detailed and appropriaterecommendations, with full justification,for internet connectivity, securityprocedures, an internet access policy anduse of email•is effectively presented in simple, non-technical language, demonstrating fullawareness of audience and purpose.(0 - 10)(11 - 15)(16 - 20) Comments: The candidate has produced a very well detailed report in simple non-technical language which investigates many of the communications options available to an SME. Within the report, the candidate discusses the communication needs in specific terms and includes sensible recommendations for the four elements which need to be covered.The candidate has covered all the requirements of Mark Band 2 and has included both current and future needs but has not submitted the additional evidence of fully justifying each recommendation in order to move into Mark Band 3.Mark Awarded 15Overall CommentsThe eportfolio is relatively easy to access. The candidate has used folders and a sensible link (index.htm) to start the eportfolio. The Index page contains the links to supporting evidence but it is sometimes difficult to return to the main index from some of the sections.The candidate is clearly working at AS level for this qualification with much of the evidence being of a high standard.The end mark reflects a candidate working at the A/B grade boundary area and is clearly capable of achieving a higher grade A mark. Note – the boundaries can change each year at Awarding.Overall Mark Awarded 47/60。



I-DEAS訓練課程講義第壹章啟動 I-DEAS啟動 I-DEAS,必須定義事先給定 4組資料設定Project (專案):在新工作來臨時,就需定義一個專案名稱,其中內含儲存標準零件庫儲存標準零件庫(Catalog) ,公用資料庫(Library) 與模型檔案的區域。

Model File (工程圖檔):是建立在專案底下的一個個人工作檔案,可用來指定檔案為存放路徑與檔名設定的位置。

Application (應用):是在I-DEAS內選定所使用的模組。


Task (工作):在所選定的其中某項模組中,再選取其中的工作項目,如在設計模組中,又含實體、組裝、機構…等。

1 - 1I-DEAS 訓練課程講義I-DEAS 使用者介面◎ 圖示面板 (Icon Panel)分為四個主要區域:下拉式功能表、工作圖示區、應用 圖示區及共用圖示區。

◎ 使用繪圖視窗產生選取與修改圖素:當需要顯示重疊或與突出式功能表時, 將會顯示在此視窗內。

◎ 提示視窗如何完成一程序或工作的資訊,您也可以在命令行中輸入資料以回 復提示。

1 - 2I-DEAS訓練課程講義滑鼠按鈕操作表*通常如果您能看到某個圖景,您就可以選到它。



使用功能鍵控制動態視角(Dynamic Viewing)利用Keyboard(鍵盤)上的F1,F2,F3配合滑鼠使用,可產生任何動態的視角。

Pan 平移Zoom縮放Rotate 旋轉F1 F2 F31 - 3I-DEAS訓練課程講義使用不同的檢視模式多種檢視的模式供選擇:❑線架構顯示,用線框架構來展現幾何外形。




易迪思(中国)培训手册 2022说明书

易迪思(中国)培训手册 2022说明书

易迪思培训手册2022 Eddic·Training BrochureBusiness Training Choose Eddic 商业培训选择易迪思Since 2003易迪思(中国)培训中心是中国领先的人才培养及管理咨询服务供应商,为企业提供项目咨询、人才测评、工作坊、内训课、公开课、在线知识付费课程等专业化高端学习服务。


公司始创于 2003 年,商务总部设立在天津,教研中心总部设立在北京。


金牌讲师均为英美管理协会会员、顶级全球 500 强企业中高层管理者、清华大学研究学者等。

易迪思结合近 20 年培训服务的经验,针对企业的管理实际不断总结,形成了独具特色的课程体系和咨询辅导系统。

通过与国内外优秀企业、机构交流合作,开展标杆学习、主题论坛、沙龙交流等特色服务,为企业管理者、学员搭建一个多样化的学习平台,累计为4000 余家企业提供定制化学习方案。

秉承“增值课程、创新服务”的理念,易迪思在培训咨询领域的出色表现获得了业界的广泛关注和一致赞誉,被众多知名企业评为“年度最佳培训供应商”,并获得“2011 年度中国企业培训行业标杆品牌”、“最受企业欢迎的专业培训机构”和“2014 中国人才-年度最佳培训机构”等称号。


About us关于易迪思易迪思天津培训中心创立,发展为 ORACLE 中国培训合作伙伴。

易迪思上海、广州、深圳培训中心创立,组织架构完善为2B 企业学习发展事业部、2C 个人学习发展事业部。


同时为及时满足 2B2C 学员的线上学习需要,2B2C 线上训练营产品及时迭代发布。

Primary ITO培训手册说明书

Primary ITO培训手册说明书

TRAINING HANDBOOK4 231. You have agreed to learn the skills required for the job, and participate in thetraining and assessment for the programme, to the best of your ability.2. Your employer has agreed to provide training at work, and to allow you toattend off-job training or to study by distance. Your employer has also agreed to make time available for formal assessment of your skills.3. Your Training Adviser has committed to coordinate your enrolment and tosupport you and your employer. Your Training Adviser will be there to help you succeed.4throughout, with goal setting and reviewing.Your Training Plan and Goals will be kept up to date with you. Make sure you understand the requirements of your Training Plan and what you need to successfully complete it.There is a code of good practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships, whichyour Training Adviser will have gone through with you. Copies are on the TEC website: /assets/Publications-and-others/The-code-of-good-practice-for-new-zealand-apprenticeships.pdfBe determined!Have the intention to complete your programme. You will achieve your qualification if you are motivated to learn, professional, consistent and proud of your work.5• If you are a self-employed contractor, you must be under an arrangement with an organisation in the nature of employment (e.g. an exclusivecontract of service).• If you are a volunteer, you must be in an arrangement in the nature of employment with your host non-profit organisation.• If you are an Apprentice, you need to stay employed in the occupation for which you are training.• If you are a migrant on a work visa, all dates and details must be current.In the event that your job changes, your employer changes, or you leave work – get in touch with us as soon as you can! You may be able to change your programme or transfer your Training Agreement to a new employer.Let us know if you start training with another provider – or are receiving any other government funding for training – this may also affect your eligibility to train through the update your information.6Primary ITO monitors work visas and will contact you to ensure that a renewal process is underway and/or check on your intention to remain in New Zealand.If your visa expires before you complete your programme, your TrainingAgreement will cease. If you are waiting for a renewal, you Training Agreement could be put on hold – talk to your Training Adviser.Visa renewal applicationsTalk to your Training Adviser or call the Regional Coordinator in your area if you need supporting evidence for a renewal application. We can help as follows:• If you have completed your programme and are waiting on a certificate for the qualification, Primary ITO can supply a letter for Immigration NZ. The letter will state that the programme has been completed in our system and is either printed or currently awaiting results verification by NZQA.• If you have not yet completed your programme, we can give you a copy ofyour NZQA Record of Achievement, which will show the unit standards youhave been awarded.• If you are working towards a Level 3 qualification in Agriculture we can supplya letter on your progress, if your enrolment is current and all fees have beenpaid.Please be aware that unit standard results will not be entered into our system or reported to NZQA if your visa has expired.8for and you must complete all the assessments in this time.Programme completionYour programme will be completed once the training requirements have been met and the graduate outcomes are achieved. On completion, you will receive your New Zealand Certificate which will be sent to you at no additional cost.If you are an Apprentice, you will graduate at Level 4 after completing at least120 credits. Your apprenticeship programme may also include a Level 3 New Zealand Certificate.• Learning resources/workbooks• Mentoring• Assessments• Workplace visits• Progress reporting.9Invoices are issued to the person who has agreed to be invoiced for the training on the programme enrolment form.How to pay• Direct debitComplete a direct debit authority (available from your Training Adviserand the Primary ITO website). A one-off $50.00 administration fee ispayable in addition to training fees.• Internet bankingPrimary ITO account: ASB 12-3192-0044043-01.Complete the fields as follows:• ChequeMust be made payable to Primary ITO and handed to a Training Adviseror mailed to: Primary ITOFinance TeamPO Box 10-383The TerraceWellington 6143• Credit CardCredit Card/Farmlands Card/CRT Card/RD-1 Card/Ruralco Card(previously called ATS) your Training Adviser will take your details.10recovery action may be taken. Please get in touch if you are experiencingdifficulties.Results are not reported to NZQA and further enrolments are not accepted until fees are paid.the influence of drugs or alcohol will result in you being removed from theprogramme.Safety at Work Act (2015). Your employer is required to have adequate health and safety procedures and policies in place in the workplace, and to tell you about them.12You can withdraw from your programme if your personal circumstances change. Please talk to your Training Adviser about your reasons. There may be a way we can help you continue or we can put your training on hold for a while.TransfersYour Training Adviser may recommend that you transfer from one programmeto another. Fees may be transferred for approved programme transfers.RefundsIf you withdraw during the first 60 days of your programme, a refund will be made to the person who paid the invoice:• Within 30 days of invoice: 100%, less $50 administrative fee and cost of resources (if applicable).• Between 31 and 60 days from invoice: 50%, less $50 administrative fee and cost of resources (if applicable).• Over 60 days from date of invoice: no refund.Primary ITO reserves the right to cancel programmes from offer. If a programmeis cancelled, you will be notified as soon as possible and fees will be refunded in full, or transferred to another programme.13Additional supportThis page has a background colour which is not white.Many people find reading black text on a white background difficult. If you are one of these people, talk to your Training Adviser as we can print your resources with the background colour of your choice.If you find reading, writing, spelling, or maths hard – let us know.We want you to succeed so setting you up for success is important to us. We can help you on your training pathway. We can support your training with one-on-one mentoring, study groups, and support if you have a learning difference such as dyslexia.MentorsOur mentors are caring community people, most often with industryknowledge, who want to help you succeed in your career. They will work one-on-one with you to help you complete your written work.DyslexiaOur dyslexia support involves a free screening to assess what areas you willneed support with. We can help you to access technology and also advise on apps that can help you with the reading and writing aspect of training and life in general. Finding out that you have dyslexia and that there are tools to help, can be very empowering.1415Literacy assessmentWe may also ask you to do a literacy and numeracy assessment if you haven’t already completed one. This helps us to provide some early support in yourtraining journey if you need it. You are likely to receive this assessment by email.Most of your training will take place at work. Your employer or supervisor will explain and demonstrate the skills required, ensure your work is up to standard, and that you master the skills you need to complete your training programme.Industry training has a practical focus with study required to back it up. Some programmes have an evidence portfolio that you will need to complete. There may also be worksheets or assessment materials that you need to complete for your programme.Your employer/supervisor is your verifierYour employer/supervisor will be a workplace verifier, which means that they will assist in the assessment of your skills and behaviour. This may involvequestioning and observing you while you perform specific activities at work, and linking these activities to the requirements of the programme.Your employer/supervisor will work with the Primary ITO Assessor to ensure they have an accurate picture of your skills and behaviour, over a period of time.Assessors are not beside you during your day to day work so it’s important they can rely on your verifier.16An Assessor is the final decision-maker about whether or not you havecompetently completed an assessment. They will work closely with your verifier to plan how the assessment process will work (who, what, where, when) and the quality, type and amount of evidence required for assessment. Your on-job Assessor will be a Primary ITO Training Adviser, or a subject specialist registered with the Primary ITO to conduct assessments.Off-job training and assessmentMost programmes also have off-job training. This could be day courses or night classes, industry events or seminars.If your programme has off-job assessment it will be carried out by education providers. Their assessment processes will vary according to the primaryindustry and programme; and may include written and verbal tasks,demonstrations, workshops and presentations.Please note: your workbooks or workplace examples used in training sessions will only be used for learning and assessment. Assessments may be held by a provider for moderation purposes for up to two years before secure disposal.Academic honestyThe work you provide for assessment must be your own work and not copied from a book, website, study guide, or from another trainee’s work.18accordance with the Privacy Act 1993 and the Education Act 1989.Data sharingThe information collected on the Training Agreement is disclosed togovernment agencies and outside organisations as follows:• TEC for statistical and reporting purposes• NZQA for recording achievement• Ministry of Education for the National Student Index• Immigration NZ for the Visa View database• Industry bodies for statistical and reporting purposes• Research companies acting on Primary ITO’s behalf.StoragePrimary ITO holds your personal data securely in the trainee management system; this will include your programme enrolment, finance records and assessment results.ResultsPrimary ITO shares your assessment results and information about your progress with your employer.MarketingYour personal details may be used in external publications to celebrate graduation and other successes.20employer, where deemed necessary by Primary ITO.purpose of assessment and moderation.Samples of trainee work may be held by the ITO for moderation purposes for upto five years before secure disposal.21Our training programmes are developed with industry representatives called Industry Partner Groups (IPGs) and lead to NZQA-approved qualifications.dedicated to helping you achieve your goal of completing your qualification.22Pleaseemailus:*********************.nzifyouhaveanysuggestionsthatyou feel would be useful.Feedback on your training experiencePleaseemailus:******************.nzappropriate to speak with them, the next line of contact is the Field Delivery Manager – they can be contacted using the Primary ITO’s number 0800 20 80 20. Primary ITO will ensure that complaints are resolved in a fair, simple, fast, and efficient way.All written complaints are maintained in a Register, with any personal information included subject to the rights contained in the Privacy Act 1993 (such as yourright to access and request a correction of personal information).23***********************.nz25 February 2022 v1.1Pan611P01。



I-DEAS训练课程讲义第壹章启动 I-DEAS启动 I-DEAS,必须定义事先给定 4组数据设定Project (专案):在新工作来临时,就需定义一个项目名称,其中内含储存标准零件库储存标准零件库(Catalog) ,公用数据库(Library) 与模型文件案的区域。

Model File (工程图文件):是建立在项目底下的一个个人工作档案,可用来指定档案为存放路径与文件名设定的位置。

Application (应用):是在I-DEAS内选定所使用的模块。


Task (工作):在所选定的其中某项模块中,再选取其中的工作项目,如在设计模块中,又含实体、组装、机构…等。

1 - 1I-DEAS 训练课程讲义I-DEAS使用者接口◎图示面板 (Icon Panel)分为四个主要区域:下拉式菜单、工作图标区、应用图标区及共享图标区。



I-DEAS 训练课程讲义鼠标按钮操作表按钮操作用途■□□左键 (左键) 快按选择图像,窗体及选格项,选取图样Shift键及按此钮多重选取图素或取消已选择图素按着并拖动跳出更多选择图像选取屏幕上方块区域的项目(不用于选取图型)按多下〝避走〞零件树状建构阶层,如:第一选取边或面,第二选取整个零件,第三选取特征。

选择时出现反白,特征边缘出现黄框或零件出现白边框Control键及按此钮关闭动态图形指针□■□中键(中键) 按一下作用如(Return)键,用于采纳默认值或终止操作□□■右键(右键) 接着,拖动选择其它的辅助菜单单*通常如果您能看到某个图景,您就可以选到它。



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培训资料深圳市艾迪思特信息技术有限公司目录第一章、基本概况了解3一、认识iDste3二、iDste产品的型号定义及分类3第二章、iDste智慧校园的主要解决方案102.1、iDste公司产品解决方案的优势102.2、iDste智能融合集控物联管理方案102.3、iDste校园数字广播及集控平台二合一智能融合方案142.4、iDste校园全数字高清业务、广播系统、远程管理平台三网合一融合系统142.5、iDste产品销售现场演示环节及销售工具准备16第一章:基本概况了解一、认识iDste1、iDste的中文标准读法及字母所代表的含义中文写法“艾迪思特”读法“ai di si te ”英文字母含义“I do something to educat ion”的第一个字母的拼写。











二、iDste产品的型号定义及分类1、iDste NC系列产品含义及型号分布NC的含义:Net control的缩写,意为网络控制。


NC-01系列:A:集成数字功放;B:集成数字广播业务功能;M:集成麦克风接收及支持无线物联模块的接入;P:集成大功率数字功放,目前生产需要定制;H: 注意:iDste-H系列产品从硬件上已全部集成大功率(100W*2)数字功放、千兆口交换机、无线麦克风接收器、无线物联模块的接入等硬件设备;举例1:iDste NC-01H:具备大功率数字功放+千兆交换机+无线物联+无线麦克风接收等功能;举例2:NC-01AB 意为该设备集成数字功放并具备支持数字广播的业务功能;思考一:iDste-01HB该如何定义其功能?NC-02系列:全部支持集成数字广播及高清视频推送数字业务功能。

A:集成数字功放;M:集成麦克风接收及支持无线物联模块的接入;H: 注意:iDste-H系列产品从硬件上已全部集成大功率(100W*2)数字功放、千兆口交换机、无线麦克风接收器、无线物联模块的接入等硬件设备;举例1:NC-02M 意为该设备具备数字IP广播+高清视频推送+网络集控+支持无线麦克风+支持本品牌无线物联模块接入等功能。

思考二:iDste NC-02H的具体功能描述?NC-A系列的产品接口图:NC-A系列NC-H系列的产品接口图:NC-H系列2、iDste TM系列产品的型号定义及分类iDste TM系列产品全部集成工业电脑、大功率数字功放、千兆交换机、无线麦克风接收器、无线物联模块的接入等硬件设备(功能),全部具备网络集控功能,设备全称为智能教学一体机。





举例:iDste TM-01AB硬件设备上全部集成数字功放、千兆交换机、无线麦克风接收器、无线物联模块的接入,并且具备支持数字IP广播的业务功能。

思考一:请详细描述iDste TM-02A具体功能,适合安装的形式。





3、iDste周边产品的型号及定义⑴、iDste BC系列iDste BC系列智能终端包含 BC-01、BC-02、BC-03三种型号。








附:产品接口说明图思考一:BC-03能否当做广播解码终端使用?⑵、iDste BW系列BW-801:为机柜式网络音频编码终端,该音频编码终端可将模拟音频和SD卡中MP3文件通过编码后输出到网络,通过网络传输到指定的智能终端(包含具备音频解码功能的所有同品牌智能终端)播放。


















第二章:iDste智慧校园的主要解决方案2.1 iDste公司产品解决方案的优势iDste融合系统以数字化校园为基础,以先进技术充分整合智慧校园必须的基础系统及设备,从硬件集成到信息化管理,从单纯的业务系统到校园多业务、多角度、全方位数字应用与传输的全面融合。








