218ON THE W AY 论 道区域治理面向生鲜电商的冷链物流运营策略和机制*上海工程技术大学管理学院 王磊,牛苛欣,周文静,初怡洁【摘要】随着国家经济发展迅速使人民的生活水平飞快的进步,食品保鲜被人们所逐步重视起来,所以冷链物流在这种情况下应运而生。
【关键词】生鲜电商;成本控制;冷链物流;层次分析法【基金项目】上海大学生国家级创新训练项目(项目编号:201910856017)【中图分类号】F274【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2096-4595(2019)43-0218-0003【作者简介】王 磊,生于1998年,本科,研究方向为供应链管理和运营管理。
AbstractVegetables and fruits is the relationship between human quality of life and health of important nutrition source. Due to the consumption of fruits and vegetables with fresh perishable and aging of biological characteristics, is the difficulty of circulation and risk great fresh merchandise. With the improvement of people's living standard, the demand for fruit and vegetables fresh, more stressed the number, variety and safety properties. Compared with other merchandise, vegetables and fruits has its unique characteristics, and that is there is a strong seasonal, regional and perishable, these properties on the fruit and vegetable storage, transportation, distribution and logistics all links made a special request, especially cold chain logistics of such a large block.At present our fruits and vegetables commercialized technologies backward, postharvest handling rate low. To change the national situation fruits and vegetables for the logistics behind, a comprehensive analysis of the current situation fruits and vegetables for a cold chain logistics in China and its problems, the experience of other countries for advanced technology and relevant experience, exploring the development of fruits and vegetables in the cold chain logistics, proposed to promote Chinese vegetables and fruits in the cold chain logistics development strategies, particularly on, joint distribution and third party logistics involved in fruit and vegetable cold chain operation conducted a feasibility analysis, developing fruits and vegetables in the cold chain logistics development of specific measures, and relevant policy measures.Key Words:Fruits and vegetables; cold chain logistics; third party logistics导言蔬菜水果(以下简称蔬果)是关系人类生活质量和健康的重要营养来源。
基于swot-aph模型我国生鲜食品冷链物流发展现状分析SWOT-APH模型将SWOT(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)模型与APH (Aggregated Preference Procedure)法相结合,用于评价企业的公司战略,其流程包括确定关键成功因素(KSF)、绘制基本格局图、分配权重、确定对策优先级等步骤。
现使用该模型对中国生鲜食品冷链物流发展现状进行分析:优势(Strengths):1. 国家政策支持:中国政府高度重视生鲜食品冷链物流发展,出台了一系列政策措施来支持这一行业的发展。
2. 市场需求潜力大:随着人们生活水平的提高以及健康意识的加强,对于生鲜食品的需求在持续上升,为生鲜食品冷链物流提供了广阔的市场需求。
3. 技术设备先进:冷链物流技术不断发展,现代化冷链技术设备越来越先进,能够确保产品的质量和安全性,加强了市场的竞争力。
劣势(Weaknesses):1. 配套设施不够完善:冷链物流行业基础设施建设尚不完善,部分地区的生鲜食品冷链物流体系整体水平还比较低。
2. 仓储及运输成本高:生鲜食品冷链物流系统的维护和使用成本比普通物流昂贵,并且由于生鲜食品的存储、运输等环节对温度、湿度有着严格的要求,加大了物流成本。
机会(Opportunities):1. 电商渠道快速增长:电商平台对生鲜食品外卖的需求量增加,拉动了生鲜食品冷链物流的发展。
2. 健康消费理念的推广:生鲜食品冷链物流能够保证食品的质量和安全性,符合消费者对于健康安全的需求和期望。
3. 供应链协同发展:冷链物流可以促进不同环节的协同发展,从而提高整个供应链的效率和效益。
威胁(Threats):1. 行业竞争激烈:当前生鲜食品冷链物流行业已经存在多个大型企业,竞争格局已经形成,未来市场竞争将会更为激烈。
2. 成本和效率压力:由于冷链物流成本较高,因此为了保持竞争优势,需要提高效率,否则面临市场淘汰的危险。
5第2卷 第33期基于冷链物流的生鲜电商发展模式研究与思考邓娟娟(武汉晴川学院 商学院,湖北 武汉 430204)摘要:随着电子商务的兴起,人们购买物品越来越便捷,甚至一些生鲜也开始了网购的方式,这也促使了生鲜电商的蓬勃发展。
关键词:冷链物流;生鲜电商;发展模式中图分类号:F273.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-6164(2020)33-0005-02随着人们生活节奏的加快和工作强度的加大,极大地促进了网购和物流的发展。
1 生鲜电商行业的现状分析1.1 我国电商模式下生鲜发展的现状网络全球化使我国的电子商务正在飞速的发展,使我国电商的交易额以及交易量每年呈上升趋势,商品的种类也丰富多彩。
据调查,我国生鲜电商交易规模从2013年的130亿元增长至2019年的2 554.5亿元。
The Cold Chain and its LogisticsAuthors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Theo Notteboom1. OverviewWhile Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separation of these same regions is still a very important reality. The greater the physical separation, the more likely freight can be damaged in one of the complex transport operations involved. Some goods can be damaged by shocks while others can be damaged by undue temperature variations. For a range of goods labeled as perishables, particularly food, their quality degrades with time since they maintain chemical reactions which rate can be mostly mitigated with lower temperatures. It takes time and coordination to efficiently move a shipment and every delay can have negative consequences, notably if this cargo is perishable. To ensure that cargo does not become damaged or compromised throughout this process, businesses in the pharmaceutical, medical and food industries are increasingly relying on the cold chain technology.The cold chain refers to the transportation of temperature sensitive products along a supply chain through thermal and refrigerated packaging methods and the logistical planning to protect the integrity of these shipments. Specialization has led many companies to not only rely on major shipping service providers such as the United Parcel Service (UPS) and FEDEX, but alsomore focused industry specialists that have developed a niche logistical expertise around the shipping of temperature sensitive products. The potential to understand local rules, customs and environmental conditions as well as an estimation of the length and time of a distribution route make them an important factor in global trade. As a result, the logistics industry is experiencing a growing level of specialization and segmentation of cold chain shipping in several potential niche markets within global commodity chains. Whole new segments of the distribution industry have been very active in taking advantage of the dual development of the spatial extension of supply chains supported by globalization and the significant variety of goods in circulation. From an economic development perspective, the cold chain enables many developing countries to take part in the global perishable products market. From a geographical perspective, the cold chain has the following impacts:Global. Specialization of agricultural functions permitting the transport of temperature sensitive food products to distant markets. Enables the distribution of vaccines and other pharmaceutical or biological products.Regional. Can support the specialization of functions and economies of scale, such as specialized laboratories.Local. Timely distribution to the final consumer, namely grocery stores and restaurants.2. Emergence of Cold Chain LogisticsWhile global commodity chains are fairly modern expansions in the transportation industry, the refrigerated movement of temperature sensitive goods is a practice that dates back to 1797 when British fishermen used natural ice to preserve their fish stock piles. This process was also seen in the late 1800s for the movement of food from rural areas to urban consumption markets, namely dairy products. Cold storage was also a key component of food trade between colonial powers and their colonies. For example, in the late 1870s and early 1880s, France was starting to receive large shipments of frozen meat and mutton carcasses from South America, while Great Britain imported frozen beef from Australia and pork and other meat from New Zealand. By 1910, 600,000 tons of frozen meat was being brought into Great Britain alone. The first reefer ship for the banana trade was introduced in 1903 by the United Food Company. This enabled the banana to move from an exotic fruit that had a small market because it arrived in markets too ripe, to one of the world's most consumed fruit. The temperature controlled movement of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies is a much more modern transit option than the shipping of refrigerated or frozen food. Since the 1950s, logistical third party companies began to emerge and institute new methods for successfully transporting these global commodities. Before their emergence, cold chain processes were mostly managed in house by the manufacturer. In the United States, Food and Drug Administration restrictions and accountability measures over the stability of the cold chain incited many of these companies to rely on specialty couriers rather thancompletely overhauling their supply chain facilities. A specialized industry was thus born. The value of the cold chain in the preservation of expensive vaccines and medical supplies was only beginning to be recognized when these logistical providers started to appear. As awareness began to grow, so did the need for efficient management of the cold chain.The reliance on the cold chain continues to gain importance. Within the pharmaceutical industry for instance, the testing, production and movement of drugs relies heavily on controlled and uncompromised transfer of shipments. A large portion of the pharmaceutical products that move along the cold chain are in the experiment or developmental phase. Clinical research and trials is a major part of the industry that costs millions of dollars, but one that also experiences a failure rate of around 80%. According to the Healthcare Distribution Management Association, of the close to 200 billion dollars in pharmaceutical distribution, about 10% are drugs that are temperature sensitive. This makes the cold chain responsible for transporting a near 20 billion dollar investment. If these shipments should experience any unanticipated exposure to variant temperature levels, they run the risk of becoming ineffective or even harmful to patients.Temperature control in the shipment of foodstuffs is a component of the industry that has continued to rise in necessity with international trade. As a growing number of countries focus their export economy around food and produce production, the need to keep these products fresh for extended periods of timehas gained in importance. Increasing income levels create a change in diet with amongst others a growing appetite for fresh fruit and higher value foodstuffs such as meat and fish. Persons with higher socioeconomic status and with more economic means are more likely to consume vegetables and fruit, particularly fresh, not only in higher quantities but also in greater variety. Consumers with increasing purchase power have become preoccupied with healthy eating, therefore producers and retailers have responded with an array of exotic fresh fruits originating from around the world.Any major grocery store around the world is likely to carry tangerines from South Africa, apples from New Zealand, bananas from Costa Rica and asparagus from Mexico. Thus, a cold chain industry has emerged to service these commodity chains. In 2002, an estimated 1200 billion dollars' worth of food was transported by a fleet of 400,000 refrigerated containers (Reefers). Alone, the United States imports about 30% of its fruits and vegetables and 20% of its food exports can be considered perishables. The uncompromised quality and safety of this food is often taken for granted, despite being the main reason behind the ability to sell the food. The cold chain serves the function of keeping food fresh for extended periods and eliminating doubts over the quality of the food products. In all the supply chains it is concerned with, cold chain logistics favor higher levels of integration since maintaining temperature integrity requires a higher level of control of all the processes involved. It may even incite third party logistics providers to acquire elements of the supply chainwhere time and other performance factors are the most important, even farming. This may involve the acquisition of produce farms (e.g. oranges) to insure supply reliability.3. Providing Temperature Controlled EnvironmentsThe success of industries that rely on the cold chain comes down to knowing how to ship a product with temperature control adapted to the shipping circumstances. Different products require different temperature level maintenance to ensure their integrity throughout the travel process. For instance, the most common temperature standards are "banana" (13 °C), "chill" (2 °C), "frozen" (-18 °C) and "deep frozen" (-29 °C). Staying within this temperature is vital to the integrity of a shipment along the supply chain and for perishables it enables to insure and optimal shelf life. Any divergence can result in irrevocable and expensive damage; a product can simply lose any market or useful value.Being able to ensure that a shipment will remain within a temperature range for an extended period of time comes down largely to the type of container that is used and the refrigeration method. Factors such as duration of transit, the size of the shipment and the ambient or outside temperatures experienced are important in deciding what type of packaging is required. They can range from small insulated boxes that require dry ice or gel packs, rolling containers, to a 53 footer reefer which has its own powered refrigeration unit. The major cold chain technologies involve:Dry ice. Solid carbon dioxide, is about -80°C and is capable of keeping a shipment frozen for an extended period of time. It is particularly used for the shipping of pharmaceuticals, dangerous goods and foodstuffs. Dry ice does not melt, instead it sublimates when it comes in contact with air.Gel packs. Large shares of pharmaceutical and medicinal shipments are classified as chilled products, which means they must be stored in a temperature range between 2 and 8°C. The common method to provide this temperature is to use gel packs, or packages that contain phase changing substances that can go from solid to liquid and vice versa to control an environment. Depending on the shipping requirements, these packs can either start off in a frozen or refrigerated state. Along the transit process they melt to liquids, while at the same time capturing escaping energy and maintaining an internal temperature.Eutectic plates. The principle is similar to gel packs. Instead, plates are filled with a liquid and can be reused many times.Liquid nitrogen. An especially cold substance, of about -196°C, used to keep packages frozen over a long period of time. Mainly used to transport biological cargo such as tissues and organs. It is considered as an hazardous substance for the purpose of transportation.Quilts. Insulated pieces that are placed over or around freight to act as buffer in temperature variations and to maintain the temperature relatively constant. Thus, frozen freight will remain frozen for a longer time period, often long enough not to justify the usage of more expensive refrigeration devices. Quilts can also beused to keep temperature sensitive freight at room temperature while outside conditions can substantially vary (e.g. during the summer or the winter). Reefers. Generic name for a temperature controlled container, which can be a van, small truck, a semi or a standard ISO container. These containers, which are insulated, are specially designed to allow temperature controlled air circulation maintained by an attached and independent refrigeration plant. The term increasingly apply to refrigerated forty foot ISO containers.Perishable or temperature sensitive items are carried in refrigerated containers (called "reefers"), that account for a growing share of the refrigerated cargo being transported around the world. While in 1980 33% of the refrigerated transport capacity in maritime shipping was containerized, this share rapidly climbed to 47% in 1990, 68% in 2000 and 90% in 2010. About 1.69 million TEUs of reefers were being used by 2009. All reefers are painted white to increase the albedo (share of the incident light being reflected; high albedo implies less solar energy absorbed by the surface) with the dominant size being 40 high-cube footers (45R1 being the size and type code). For instance a low albedo container can have its internal temperature increase to 50 °C when the external temperature reaches 25 °C on a sunny day while a high albedo container see its internal temperature increase to only 38 °C under the same conditions.The refrigeration unit of a reefer requires an electric power source during transportation and at a container yard. Regular containerships have 10 to 20% oftheir slots adapted to carry reefers, with some ships having up to 25% of their slots being dedicated. It is important to underline that the refrigeration units are designed to maintain the temperature within a prefixed range, not to cool it down. This implies that the shipment must be brought to the required temperature before being loaded into a reefer, which requires specialized warehousing and loading / unloading facilities. A new generation of reefers is coming online, which are equipped with an array of sensors monitoring effectively the temperature and shutting the cooling plant when unnecessary. This enables to improve the reliability of temperature control and well as extend the autonomy of the reefer.The growth of the intermodal transportation of reefers has increasingly required transport terminals, namely ports, to dedicate a part of their storage yards to reefers. This accounts between 1% to 5% of the total terminal capacity, but can be higher for transshipment hubs. The stacking requirements simply involve having an adjacent power outlet, but the task is more labor intensive as each container must be plugged and unplugged manually and the temperature to be monitored regularly as it is the responsibility of the terminal operator to insure that the reefers keep their temperature within preset ranges. This may also forbid the usage of an overhead gantry crane implying that the reefer stacking area can be serviced by different equipment. Even if reefers involve higher terminal costs, they are very profitable due to the high value commodities they transport.4. The Setting and Organization of Cold ChainsMoving a shipment across the supply chain without suffering any setbacks or temperature anomalies requires the establishment of a comprehensive logistical process the maintain the shipment integrity. This process concerns several phases ranging from the preparation of the shipments to final verification of the integrity of the shipment at the delivery point:Shipment preparation. When a temperature sensitive product is being moved, it is vital to first assess its characteristics. A key issue concerns the temperature conditioning of the shipment, which should be already at the desired temperature. Cold chain devices are commonly designed to keep a temperature constant, but not to bring a shipment to this temperature, so they would be unable to perform adequately if a shipment is not prepared and conditioned. Other concerns include the destination of the shipment and the weather conditions for those regions, such as if the shipment will be exposed to extreme cold or heat along the transport route.Modal choice. Several key factors play into how the shipment will be moved. Distance between the origin and the final destination (which often includes a set of intermediary locations), the size and weight of the shipment, the required exterior temperature environment and any time restrictions of the product all effect the available transportation options. Short distances can be handled with a van or truck, while a longer trip may require an airplane or a container ship. Custom procedures. If the freight crosses boundaries, custom procedures can become very important, since cold chain products tend to be time sensitive andmore subject to inspection than regular freight (e.g. pharmaceuticals and biological samples). The difficulty of this task differs depending on the nation (or economic bloc) and the gateway since there are variations in procedures and delays.The "Last Mile". The last stage is the actual delivery of the shipment to its destination, which in logistics is often known as the “last mile”. Key considerations when arranging a final delivery concern not only the destination, but the timing. Trucks and vans, the primary modes of transportation for this stage, must meet the specifications necessary to transfer the cold chain shipment. Also important is the final transfer of the shipment into the storage facilities as there is potential for a breach of integrity.Integrity and quality assurance. After the shipment has been delivered, any temperature recording devices or known temperature anomalies must be recorded and made known. This is the step of the logistical process that creates trust and accountability, particularly if liability for a damaged shipment is incurred. If problems or anomalies that compromise a shipment do occur, an effort must be made to identify the source and find corrective actions. Therefore, the setting and operation of cold chains is dependent on the concerned supply chains since each cargo unit to be carried has different requirements in terms of demand, load integrity and transport integrity.5. Food TransportationThere is a variety of methods for the transport of food products with the banana accounting for the world's most significant commodity transported in the food cold chain with 20% of all seaborne reefers trade. Land, sea and air modes all have different structures for keeping food fresh throughout the transport chain. Innovations in packaging, fruit and vegetable coatings, bioengineering (controlled ripening), and other techniques reducing the deterioration of food products have helped shippers extend the reach of perishable products. For food products such as fruits and vegetables, time has a direct impact on their shelf life and therefore on the potential revenue a consignment may generate. Concomitantly, new transport technologies have permitted the shipment of perishable products over longer distances. For instance, improved roads and intermodal connections along the African coast reduced transport time for food to European markets from 10 days to 4 days.Certain domestic or transnational supply chains may only require one transportation mode, but many times ground shipments are one link in a combination of transport modes. This makes intermodal transfer critical for the cold chain. Intermodal shipments typically use either 20 or 40 footers refrigerated containers that are capable of holding up to 26 tons of food. The container makes loading and unloading periods shorter and less susceptible to experiencing damage. The environments in these containers are currently controlled electronically by either plugging into a generator or power source on the ship or truck, but early food shipments would cycle air from stores of wet ordry ice to keep the food refrigerated. The efficiency of cold chain logistics permitted the consolidation of cold storage facilities.Moving away from ice refrigeration has allowed for much greater distances to be traveled and has greatly increased the size of the global food market, enabling many developing countries to capture new opportunities. Another efficient mode for transporting foodstuffs is air travel. While this is a preferred form of travel for highly perishable and valuable goods due to its ability to move much faster over longer distances, it does lack the environment control and transfer ease of the ground and sea transports. Also, during the flight the cargo is stored in a 15°C – 20°C environment, but close to 80% of the time the package is exposed to exterior weather while waiting to be loaded onto the plane or being moved to and from the airfield. This is troubling considering the value of the food and the importance placed behind quality and freshness. In order for this form of food transport to experience growth among market users, more uncompromising strategies and regulations will have to be embraced and enacted.Food transportation is an industry that has fully adapted to the cold chain and can, despite the problems with air transport, be considered the most resilient, particularly since a large majority of food products have a better tolerance to temporary variations of transport temperatures. As a result, small errors can be compounded without the concern of irreversible damage. For instance, for the transportation of produces, for every hour of delay in the pre-cooling of shipments, an equivalent one day loss of shelf life must be accounted. The usageof refrigerated containers has particularly helped, since they account for more than 50% of all the refrigerated cargo transported in the world. Source loading can be an important factor extending the shelf life of a cold chain product since it is loaded in a reefer directly at the place of production without additional handling. For instance, source loading into a reefer can expand the shelf life of chilled meat by about 25 days (from 30-35 days to 55-60 days) from conventional methods and thus considerably expand the market potential of the product.The efficiency and reliability of temperature controlled transportation has reached a point which allows the food industry to take advantage of global seasonable variations, meaning that during the winter the southern hemisphere can export perishable goods to the northern hemisphere while an opposite trade, generally of smaller scale, takes place during the summer. Countries such as Chile have substantially benefited from this and have developed an active agricultural and food transformation industry mainly servicing the North American market during the winter, but also with several niche markets such as wine. A similar issue concerns some African countries such as Kenya that have developed a fresh produce and flower industries catering the European market. The fast food industry is also an active user of cold chain logistics as every outlet can be considered as a factory, with dozens of workers with schedules and shifts, inventory management and the supply chain of components (many ofwhich are temperature sensitive), and which are assembly lines producing quality-controlled and high-volume products.。
电商环境下的生鲜产品冷链物流运作模式分析—以盒马鲜生为例Analysis on operation mode of cold chain logistics of fresh products in e-commerce environment -- a case study of boxma fresh products内容摘要基于消费水平的提高,便捷,多频次、小批量的“足不出户”的网上购物方式更受人们的欢迎,由此导致生鲜产品电子交易消费额度逐年提高,因而促使生鲜电商不断地发展壮大。
关键词:生鲜电商;冷链物流;物流运作模式AbstractBased on the improvement of consumption level, the convenient, multi-frequency and small-batch online shopping method of "staying at home" is more popular among people. As a result, the consumption amount of electronic transaction of fresh products is increased year by year, thus promoting the continuous development and growth of fresh e-commerce.However, fresh e-commerce relies on cold chain logistics to operate. Therefore, this paper takes boxma fresh as an example to study its cold chain logistics operation mode, analyzes the problems found in its mode, and finally proposes solutions to improve cold chain logistics.Key word: Fresh E-commerce; Cold Chain Logistics ;Logistics Operation Mode目录1 绪论 (1)1.1研究背景 (1)1.2研究意义 (1)1.3文献综述 (1)1.4研究思路 (2)2 冷链物流基本概述 (3)2.1生鲜产品的概念 (3)2.2冷链物流的概念 (3)2.3冷链物流的发展现状及存在问题 (3)2.4电商环境下冷链物流的运作模式 (5)3 盒马鲜生的生鲜产品冷链物流运作模式分析 (7)3.1盒马鲜生概况 (7)3.2盒马鲜生物流运作模式 (7)3.2.1 现状 (7)3.2.2 特点 (8)3.3盒马鲜生物流存在的问题 (9)3.3.1 专业人员的缺失 (9)3.3.2 冷链物流成本高 (9)3.3.3 冷链物流体系不完善 (10)3.3.4 法律体系不完善,卫生要求不达标 (10)4 盒马鲜生冷链物流改进措施 (12)4.1建立完善冷链物流体系 (12)4.2降低冷链物流成本 (12)4.3加强人才培养 (13)4.4辅助相关部门完善冷链物流法律相关标准 (13)5 结语 (15)参考文献 (16)致谢............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
河北科技师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译商业智能在打造无缝冷链物流中的应用院(系、部)名称:商务管理系专业名称:物流管理学生姓名:宋国栋学生学号:9116100407指导教师:李丽杰2013年12月15日河北科技师范学院教务处制Applications of business intelligence in making cold chains seamlessAzimuddin KhanAbstractDue to intense competition, it has become inevitable for business organisations world over to become efficient and cost effective. Seamless cold chain infrastructure is critical for the success of cold chain business. Concurrent growth in demand for products such as fresh agricultural produce, frozen food, photographic films, chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs has lead to the necessity of managing cold chains intelligently. The managers of cold chains at strategic and functional level need actionable information for making their organisations agile. In the recent times, the concept of business intelligence has gained momentum and found application in diverse areas. In this paper, authors have made an effort to develop a framework of BI system for cold chains and highlighted the application areas of business intelligence for cold chains including a case study of cold chain business.Keywords: cold chains; business intelligence; BI; analytics; supply chain;1.IntroductionIndia falls short of 10 million tons cold storage facilities for storing agriculture-based produce, it has nearly 21.7 million tons of such storage facilities against required 31 million tons, and as a result 40% of produce is lost in fields after post-harvesting(KPMG-ASSOCHAM, 2009). India is a populous country and resource utilisation is always a major concern, to meet the demand. The demand for perishable food stuff, i.e., farm produce like fruits, vegetables and milk products, meat, fish, frozen food, photographic films, chemicals, and pharmaceutical drugs is increasing world over. This has also increased concerns regarding food hygiene and safety during storage and transportation to end point.The cold chains are providing integration of farm, processing, warehousing, distribution and retail business. Discrepancies in cold chain management can render products unfit for use so much so that consumption of these can even pose a threat to life. According to Bourlakis and Weightman (2004),the cold chains are vital. Effective management of cold chains is crucial for maintaining the safety, sanctity of food, and profitability of business.Technology finds significant application in facilitating processes related to warehouse, inventory, transportation, and distribution. These processes generate huge volumes of data. Such large volumes of data need to be analysed, streamlined and channelised in an intelligent manner to make organisation agile (Khan and Saxena, 2010). The sensible extract of information aids in prudent decision-making and contributes to value proposition for business by making them more competitive with proper utilisation of business intelligence (BI).In this backdrop, an attempt has been made to understand the concept of BI with reference to cold chains, development of framework for implementation of BI solution, identifying the application areas of BI for cold chains. To date, there have been few academic studies on the use of BI solutionsin cold chains, yet, ractitioners and researchers are interested in understanding the concept for improving performance and profits using BI. An attempt has also been made to understand the cold chain business through a case study of cold chain company.2. Concept of BITechnology has empowered cold chain business to access huge volume of data, which plays a critical role in planning and controlling of cold chain activities like warehousing management, transportation, distribution operation, freight management and of course the compliance management.In the year 1989, Howard Dresner, a research scholar at Garter Group (an IT research and advisory firm in Connecticut) popularised the term BI with a set of methods and concepts to improve business decision-making by using data resources. Simon and Shaffer (2001) stated that the period from 1990 to 1999 was a remarkable decade in which many core computing and communication technologies and developments from the prior decade came together and transformed the method of business. In 1990s, technology led to the birth and widespread acceptance of applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM). Due to failure of distributed database management system, organisations pursued data warehousing, where data would be consolidated from many distributed and heterogeneous stores of data. Organisations that built and deployed data warehouses typically focused their usage on the informational/analytical side to generate reports, analyse trends, and so on.McDonald et al. (2002) stated that “once the data warehouse has been constructed, the stage is set for effective business intelligence”. A data warehouse provid es the supportinfrastructure for BI. BI is built on the foundation of data warehouse. Kalakota and Robinson (2001) define BI “as a group of applications that enable both the active and passive delivery of information or rather turn raw data into actionable intelligence. Data and information are collected from large databases to answer to mission-critical questions asked by its managers”. Gangadharan and Swami (2004) stated that BI is the result of in-depth analysis of detailed business data, including database and application technologies, as well as analysis practice. According to Moss and Hoberman (2004), the processes, technologies, and tools needed to turn data into information, information into knowledge and knowledge into plans, drive profitable business action. BI encompasses data warehousing, business analytics tools and content/knowledge management.Turban et al. (2007) infersthat “organizations are being compelled to capture, understand and harness their data to support decision making in order to improve business operations. Business cycle times are now extremely compressed; faster, more informed, and better decision-making is therefore a competitive imperative”. BI starts with day to day information that organisations need to run the business and assist to take correct decision based on facts at right time and at right place through out the life of business by doing analytics. This is a modern mantra for modern approaches to BI.As per Cody et al. (2002), BI and knowledge management technologies have been used in improving the quantitative and qualitative value of the knowledge available todecision-makers. BI has applied the functionality, scalability, and reliability of modern database management systems to build ever-larger data warehouses, and to utilise BI tools to extract business analytics from the vast amount of available enterprise data. BI systems facilitate the decision-makers to correct their intuition by taking advantage of analytical tools, which can test and verify intuition before applying it to the decision-making process. Decision-maker can also use predictive models to improve their decision-making. The current state of decision-making is forcing companies, to reap the real benefits of BI. BI solution can turn dynamic, detail data into information, and make it available in real-time to thedecision-makers. Actionable information must be accessible on-demand when it is required. It provides trends and patterns that might otherwise go undetected and unseen bydecision-makers.3. Framework for implementation of BI in cold chainsThe BI can be built with the use of technology through BI system, refining the processes and BI tools for analytics. BI can be applied at all three levels in the cold chains, i.e., strategic, tactical and operational. A framework has been proposed in Figure 1. The framework includes four basic components which are existing IT setup, Transformation tools, data warehousing and various BI tools for analytics.3.1 Existing IT setup for data collectionIn an organisation, online transaction processing system and other enterprise application generate huge volume of data. These data are stored in databases. These databases along with application software, present the business information to the business user through IT infrastructure including PC, Notebook, Tablet, Smart Phone and networks. All the applications for running cold chain business including warehouse management, logistic management, network planning, RFID tracking and monitoring, CRM, inventory management, quality assurance, HR application, order management and data management generate huge volume of data with different database at different location. There are certain external information, and data about the financial and market information which are taken from research organisations, government, regulatory bodies and company’s websites, audio, video, spatial and supplier data. Data can also come from e-mail, voice application, images, spatial data taken from satellite and regulatory compliance (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)/ISO 22000 norms) (Keener, 2007). Cold chain business has to heavily rely on radio frequency identification (RFID) tags attached to items, cases or pallets, monitor and log the environment temperature at predefined intervals duringtransportation or product lifecycle. The recorded data can be read and analysedin real time for better analytics.3.2 Data transformation toolsThe objective of this stage is to define and design data management strategy to ensure that organisation has right information and uses it properly. The greatest challenge is to collect the clean data, that too from various sources so that BI solution delivers the correct actionable information to management at different levels. The organisation should concentrate on quality of data, and investment must be made to ensure high levels of data quality. The duplicate data should be unified as it comes from various sources. The data coming from transaction system is atomic level data and should be recorded in detailed form. It is necessary to first clean and validate it using business rules through data cleansing tools. Transformation procedure defines business logic which maps data from its source to destination. Extract, transfer and load (ETL)tools are very helpful to reduce the development time, manage the flow of data from source to destination and upload data to tables of data warehouse.3.3 Data warehousing and data martInmon (1995) defined a “data warehouse as a centralized repository (collection of resources that can be accessed to retrieve information) of an organization’s electronically stored data, designed to facilitate reporting and analysis”. Kimball and Ross (2002) have given another approach where data marts are first created to provide reporting and analytical capabilities for specific business processes. Data marts contain, primarily, dimensions and facts. Facts cancontain either atomic data and, if necessary, summarised data. The single data mart can be build for specific business area such as sales or production. These data marts can eventually beintegrated to create a comprehensive data warehouse. The data warehouse is a play ground for analytics and it provides retrieval of data without slowing down operational systems.3.4 BI tools for analyticsThere are many categories of tools available in the BI market. BI vendors are now also consolidating tools in every category to provide complete BI solution to companies. However, some organisations still prefer to have best of breed strategy in which they select BI tools in each category from different vendors. The various categories are query and reporting, online analytical processing, dashboards and scorecards, performance management, predictive analytics and data mining and advanced visualisation.BI can derive better return on investment (ROI) from complex integrated cold chain management software and other operational systems implemented by unlocking the wealth of information stored in these systems.4.Application areas of BI for cold chainsThe cold chain business is constantly searching for cost effective methods to remain competitive in fast changing world where margins are thin, customer expectation is very high, regulatory compliances are mandatory, and product life is very short. Companies in cold chain are working hard to adopt the information technology to get the rich insight into the hidden trends through cold chain analytics. The BI system provides reports, analyses, and monitors the vast corporate data. It also helps companies to reduce supply chain production cost,improve efficiencies, accuracy, increase revenue and performance. The cold chain analytics also provides the details to reduce waste, produce fresher, higher quality products, and enhance the economic value generated from perishable food industry by giving 360-degree overview of financial and operational results. As per suggested framework, various BI tools can be utilised to generate various analytics in following areas of cold chain business.4.1 Supply chain intelligenceSupply chain intelligence allows cold chains to evaluate supplier performance to negotiate prices, ensure timely deliveries and maintain high standard of quality by analysing the demand patterns, supply networks, operations and customer service requirements.Wal-Mart has set the standard of supply chain analytics. With the analytics driven intelligence, supply chain disruption can be reduced to better manage suppliers. Commodity classification provides information regarding procurement data from various sources within or outside company and classify the spend information into meaningful categories to understand true volumes per commodity. This can be used to develop the sourcing strategies. Spend analysis provides a dynamic ranking system for identifying and prioritising the most valuable suppliers. Demand driven forecasting allows planning of future requirements and management of supply chain by using statistical models. Scenario planning and what if analysis reduces the finished goods inventory and stockouts. The complete process of optimisation of plans and procedures creates an everlasting and sustainable competitive advantage for the organisation throughout a supply chain despite the risks associatedso commonly with unbounded challenges.4.2 Transportation analyticsIncreasing fuel costs, international expansion, and global competition has forced to useBI to streamline operations, distribution, and fleet management. BI optimises service and ensures consistent on-time performance for cold chains. Customers are demanding more services at lower prices, making operational efficiency improvements a requirement for maintaining acceptable profitability. The process of getting products delivered from one place to another on time, efficiently, and at the lowest costwithout losing life are main objectives of cold chains. The temperature conditions at origin and destination, seasonal temperature, load configurations, transport routes and modes, total duration of transit, duration and location of handling and stopover points are very important factors for temperature sensitive transportation. In thisextremely competitive business, one late delivery or losing quality of products can miss revenue opportunities and a lost customerforever. BI tools can help gain insight into the complex process of transportation by providing carrier performance evaluation, mode-cost analysis, supplier compliance analysis, carrier relationship management, capacity planning, cycle time analysis, routing and scheduling, truck and driver performance analysis, and root cause and claims analysis.4.3 Warehouse analyticsWarehouse management provides the ability to know the location of stock, time of requirement, and transporting it correctly in the shortest time. BI provides inventory analysis, warehouse performance analysis based on picking accuracy, shipping accuracy, lines per hour, overtime hours and on time shipments, picking analysis to improve warehouse efficiency and layout design, and warehouse space utilisation analysis for getting cost per unit of space over a period of time.4.4 Inventory analysisInventory optimisation analysis enables to reduce the over capacity and ensure sufficient supplies, monitor carrying cost for obsolete and slow moving items and usage across location and time. These analyses provides inventory carrying costs, inventory turns, order fulfilment lead time, percentage of backorders, average item inventory, finished goods on hands, etc. The intelligent analytics provides improved quality, reduces spoilage, and lowers rejections to make the customer or retailer more satisfied.4.5 Quality life cycle analysis4.6 Asset maintenance analytics4.7 Customer intelligence4.8 Financial analytics4.9 Customer profitability analysis6 Conclusions5.ConclusionsLike every other business, cold chain business has also become fiercely competitive. In order to stay ahead, and remain competitive, the cold chains should implement BI solution. Huge volume of data generation from existing applications like warehouse management, logistics management, inventory management, RFID tracking and monitoring, order management, quality assurance, CRM, and supply chain management has given an opportunity to manager to take smart decision based on analytics rather than intuition. The suggested framework will guide cold chains to streamline their operation. BI solution implementation requires basic operational system in place. With rapid development of information technology, communication system and reduction of cost of smart phones has opened the new doors for cold chains to provide the mobile BI to their executives. There are some new trends like BI search, BI gadgets, and query as web service will make a lot of difference in future BI and those who implement BI solutions intelligently will definite have an edge over others.摘要随着全球竞争的加剧,企业如何控制成本,使企业运营变得更加高效越来越成为世界上所有企业不得不面对的课题。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:我国农产品电子商务物流存在问题的探索文献、资料英文题目:_______________________ 文献、资料来源:__________________________ 文献、资料发表(出版)日期:_______________ 院(部):_________________________________ 专业:___________________________________ 班级:____________________________________ 姓名:____________________________________ 学号:____________________________________指导教师:翻译日期: 2017. 02. 14毕业论文外文文献翻译夕卜文题目:Agricultural e-commerce logistics problems 出处:Modern economic information:MCB UP Ltd译文:Agr icultural e-commerce logistics problemsAbstractChina is an agricultural country,but agricultural development is relatively backward,low efficiency of the circulation of agricultural products. Relative industrial logistics,lagging in agricultural product logistics in our country,this phenomenon hindered the development of rural economy. In this paper,aimed at the increasingly prominent problem,seek the solution, increase the added value of agricultural products,cut down the cost of circulation,improve the efficiency of circulation,reduce the unnecessary loss,so as to promote the healthy development of the national economyKey words: agricultural products; E-commerce logistics; countermeasuresOne, current situation of the development of electronic business logistics of agricultural productsChina’s agricultural e-commerce logistics development lags behind. Experts according to the latest statistics, China’s grain production losses from 12% to 15% of total grain output, such as can save 50% of the loss, can consume 20 million population 4 years,equivalent to develop millions of hectares of invisible grain Our country road decay of fruits and vegetables in the delivery of 37000 tons a year,can feed 200 million people’s life. In addition, the agricult ural product market construction,the cultivation of logistics subject still nots allow to ignore problems,these problems seriously affects the development of modern e-commerce of agricultural products logistics industry in our countryTwo, the main problems of agricultural e-commerce logisticsAt present our country agricultural product electronic commerce implementation to flow on the Internet,there is no an effective social logistics distribution system to the physical transfer of providing low-cost, timely,right amount transfer service, the main problem is the shipping cost is too high, too slow, and so on. According to related survey, agricultural e-commerce really have few of logistics distribution system, like Chinese rice network,beidahuang agricultural products e-commerce trading platform and other large company also cooperate with other logistics companies for logistics distribution or just establish their own logistics system,has not yet formed perfect agricultural products logistics distribution system,thus,developing agricultural e-commerce logistics system is yet to be.Three,solution for modern agricultural e-commerce logistics 1.To strengthen the construction of agricultural products logistics laws and regulations systemFor the government to perfect the policies and measures in the farm product logistics management, agricultural products logistics development cannot leave the governments macroeconomic regulation and control policy support and the protection of the laws and regulations. Especially in cold chain logistics every link of market main body behavior for the establishment of the legal system.2.Construction of rural logistics infrastructure, speed up the informationalization of the logistics of agricultural productsBe improved in recent years,China’s logistics infrastructure construction, but mainly concentrated in large and medium-sized cities,in the service of logistics industry, compared with the requirements of the development of modern logistics industry, e-commerce logistics of agricultural products, agricultural products wholesale market construction, warehousing, transportation conditions and tools,and related standard system construction, the construction of infrastructure such as logistics technology should be further strengthened. This includes the agricultural product logistics base,fresh, cold storage, such as construction,including highway,railway, aviation, navigation and other transport conditions improve, also including the communication network information infrastructure construction, etc.3.The integration of resources, reduce logistics cost and strengthening the construction of agricultural products logisticsdistribution center system proposal to build the national comprehensive transportation hub and logistics center. Developing agricultural e-commerce logistics and distribution is the key. First to establish a greater range of agricultural products green channel,reduction related fees. Secondly to support a number of agricultural products circulation enterprises,areas and on the policies and funding to support. Once again to choose a suitable location,the establishment of logistics distribution center of agricultural products. After a careful study of agricultural products packaging technology,improve the quality of the packing of the agricultural products,especially to improve the degree of fresh agricultural products.4.Develop the third party logistics development,and promote logistics outsourcingWhen agricultural enterprise itself distribution ability is weak,can choose a professional third-party logistics companies to participate in the distribution of theagricultural products,agricultural products logistics is a complete packaging,equipment and technology of system engineering. Due to the characteristics of fresh agricultural products,the traditional agricultural products distribution form in our country is getting more and more not adapt to the requirements in the form of the modern logistics of agricultural products,therefore, the professional logistics operation in such a way that is given priority to with integrated logistics agent of third party logistics operation mode become inevitable trend. According to the actual situation,the third party logistics enterprise can consider to choose to integrate existing resources,become an independent logistics operation department at low temperature.anize agricultural production,the planning of agricultural products logistics park, the development of agricultural products supermarket chainto establish agricultural products logistics park, the development of supermarket chain,to achieve unity of the nation’s farm products "green channel1,,as the country from circulation field support the development of agriculture is an important policy measures. Through ’’company + intermediaries + leading enterprises” or "farmers + + market intermediary organizations, implement agricultural products marketing scale,seriation, intensive,reduce the number of farmers to enter the market transaction cost, improve the efficiency of circulation of agricultural products and benefits.6.Increasing agricultural products logistics technology innovation and personnel trainingFirst of all, according to China’s agricultural products logistics development level,innovation key preservation technique,which should be solved. The innovation of the technology of fresh agricultural products logistics,to the packaging technology research of agricultural products and agricultural products logistics of frozen preservation technology. The main purpose is to protect the product use value, to prevent pollution or rot. Should be according to the characteristics of different agricultural products continuously improve the packing,the standardization ofagricultural products packaging,gift development, seriation.Second, the development of the logistics of agricultural products, the cultivation of the talent is very important,must pay attention to the professional talents in the logistics of agricultural products. By conducting large logistics is related to the vocational education and training to spread knowledge of logistics; Through qualifications authentication to motivate the people involved in the logistics industry, so as to improve the overall quality of staff. Can only be fundamentally improve the talent reserves,speed up the development of electronic business logistics,speed up the electronic commerce logistics in the application of agricultural products logistics.In short, e-commerce logistics in our country is developing rapidly,but it is mainly used for industrial and commercial,ignored the agriculture,leading to not sell or sell not good prices of agricultural products,and the city’s customers can’t buy suitable agricultural products, which harm the healthy and harmonious development of the national economy. Therefore must vigorously develop agricultural products logistics industry,increased investment in agricultural products logistics technology, the application of advanced science and technology to the agricultural products logistics system, agricultural effi ciency and farmers’ income. In view of this, the article puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, hope to provide agricultural e-commerce logistics development theory significance and practical value, promote the harmonious and healthy development of national economy.原文:我国农产品电子商务物流存在问题的探索我国是个农业大国,但农业发展相对落后,农产品流通的效率较低。
本文以盒马鲜生为例,结合物流发展现状,运用SWOT 分析其存在的物流问题,利用所遇到的挑战和机遇,尝试探求其发展趋势和方向,并对盒马鲜生的发展提出了相应的启示与建议。
关键词:生鲜产品;电子商务;物流发展;冷链物流Analysis and solution of logistics difficulties of fresh e-commerce -- take fresh hema as an exampleAbstractWith the advent of the era of big data, the traditional retail industry is also gradually developing into new retail, and China's retail industry is facing new opportunities for transformation. Despite the rapid development of fresh electricity in China, most fresh electricity enterprises still face many difficulties. Taking fresh hema as an example, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the logistics development, makes use of the challenges and opportunities encountered, tries to explore its development trend and direction, and puts forward corresponding enlightenment and Suggestions for the development of fresh hema.Key words Fresh products; The electronic commerce; Logistics development; Cold chain logistics目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 盒马鲜生背景介绍 (1)1.2.1 业务模式 (1)第2章盒马鲜生的发展现状 (3)2.1 盒马鲜生成功的构成因素 (3)2.1.1 移动互联网新物种 (3)2.1.2 生鲜标准化程度高 (3)2.2 盒马鲜生的特点 (3)2.2.1 高效的生鲜配送 (3)2.2.2 物流系统的高智能化 (3)第3章我国生鲜电商物流发展 (5)3.1 SWOT分析 (5)3.1.1 优势(Strength) (5)3.1.2 劣势(Weakness) (5)3.1.3 机遇(opportunity) (6)3.1.4 挑战(Threal) (6)3.2 生鲜电商物流难点 (7)3.3 冷链物流的难点 (8)3.4 解决方案 (8)结论 (10)致谢 (11)参考文献 (12)第1章绪论1.1 引言当前,由于云计算、物联网、人工智能等互联网创新技术的飞速发展以及消费升级、消费者需求多样化的影响,电商模式也不断推陈出新。
有关冷链物流的英文文献Title: Literature Review on Cold Chain LogisticsAbstract: Cold chain logistics is an essential aspect of the supply chain for perishable goods. This paper provides a literature review on cold chain logistics, including its definition, importance, challenges, and solutions. The review also covers the latest trends and technologies in the field, such as Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and artificial intelligence.Introduction: Cold chain logistics refers to the transportation and storage of temperature-sensitive products, such as food, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals, in a controlled environment. The goal is to maintain the product quality and safety from the point of origin to the point of consumption. Cold chain logistics is critical for ensuring the availability and accessibility of perishable goods, particularly in the healthcare and food industries.Importance: Cold chain logistics plays a vital role in reducing food waste, improving food safety, and increasing access to healthcare products. It enables the transportation and storage of perishable goods over long distances and across borders, opening up new markets andopportunities for businesses. Cold chain logistics is also essential in emergency situations, such as natural disasters or disease outbreaks, where timely delivery of vaccines and medical supplies can save lives.Challenges: Cold chain logistics faces various challenges, such as infrastructure limitations, lack of standardization, and high costs. The complexity of the supply chain, coupled with the need for temperature monitoring and control, requires significant coordination and collaboration among different stakeholders. The risk of product spoilage or contamination also poses a significant challenge.Solutions: To address these challenges, various solutions have been proposed, such as investing in infrastructure and technology, adopting industry standards, and improving supply chain visibility and transparency. The emergence of new technologies, such as IoT, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, has also provided opportunities for innovation and optimization in cold chain logistics.Conclusion: Cold chain logistics is a critical component of the supply chain for perishable goods. It is essential for ensuring product quality and safety, reducing waste, and increasing accessibility to healthcare products. However, cold chain logistics faces various challenges, whichrequire collaboration and innovation from different stakeholders. The latest trends and technologies offer new opportunities for optimization and improvement in cold chain logistics.。
生鲜电商营销外文文献生鲜电商营销的外文文献有很多,以下是一些可供参考的文献:1. "The rise of fresh food e-commerce: Understanding customer preferences and behaviors" by Smith, A. and Saka, M. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 46, 2018, Pages .2. "Marketing strategy for fresh food e-commerce: Challenges and opportunities" by Kim, H. and Lee, H. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Volume 45, Issue 7, 2017, Pages .3. "The impact of marketing mix on customer satisfaction and loyalty in fresh food e-commerce" by Zhou, J., Zhang, H., and Chen, Y. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 41, 2018, Pages .4. "Exploring the factors influencing customer satisfaction in fresh food e-commerce: A literature review" by Wu, J., Li, H., and Chen, L. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Volume 46, Issue 10, 2018, Pages .5. "The role of trust in the success of fresh food e-commerce: A literature review" by Lee, K., Lim, H., and Lee, H. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Volume 44, Issue 5, 2016, Pages .这些文献提供了关于生鲜电商营销的最新研究成果和理论观点,涵盖了客户偏好、行为、营销策略、客户满意度和信任等方面。
1. 引进优秀的跨境生鲜电商平台模式。
以生鲜电商平台Ocean Family为例,通过在产地建立合作伙伴,并以专业的冷链物流配送方式,保证了商品新鲜度和安全,降低了物流成本,提高了服务效率。
2. 加强大数据应用。
3. 发扬内部优势。
V aleria Sodano(2004)在对目前生鲜电商和冷链物流现状研究的基础上,提出生鲜电商的发展冷链物流将会起到主要赋能作用,而第三方物流公司将会是生鲜电商冷链物流的主要竞争者。
冷链物流外文参考文献The Cold Chain and its LogisticsAuthors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Theo Notteboom 1. Overview While Globalization has made the relative distance between regionsof the world much smaller, the physical separation of these same regions is still a very important reality. The greater the physical separation, the more likely freight can be damaged in one of the complex transport operations involved. Some goods can be damaged by shocks while others can be damaged by undue temperature variations. For a range of goods labeled as perishables, particularly food, their quality degrades with time since they maintain chemical reactions which rate can be mostly mitigated with lower temperatures. It takes time and coordination to efficiently move a shipment and every delay can have negative consequences, notably if this cargo is perishable. To ensure that cargo does not become damaged or compromised throughout this process, businesses in the pharmaceutical, medical and food industries are increasingly relying on the cold chain technology.The cold chain refers to the transportation of temperature sensitive products along a supply chain through thermal and refrigerated packaging methods and the logistical planning to protect the integrity of these shipments.Specialization has led many companies to not only rely on major shipping service providers such as the United Parcel Service (UPS) andFEDEX, but also more focused industry specialists that have developed a niche logistical expertise around the shipping of temperature sensitive products. The potential to understand local rules, customs and environmental conditions as well as an estimation of the length and time of a distribution route make them an important factor in global trade. As a result, the logistics industry is experiencing a growing level of specialization and segmentation of cold chain shipping in several potential niche markets within global commodity chains. Whole new segments of the distribution industry have been very active in taking advantage of the dual development of the spatial extension of supply chains supported by globalization and the significant variety of goods in circulation. From an economic development perspective, the cold chain enables many developing countries to take part in the global perishable products market. From a geographical perspective, the cold chain has the following impacts:, Global. Specialization of agricultural functions permitting the transport of temperaturesensitive food products to distant markets. Enables the distribution of vaccines and otherpharmaceutical or biological products., Regional. Can support the specialization of functions and economies of scale, such asspecialized laboratories., Local. Timely distribution to the final consumer, namely grocery stores and restaurants. 2. Emergence of Cold Chain Logistics While global commodity chains are fairly modern expansions in the transportation industry, the refrigerated movement of temperature sensitive goods is a practice that dates back to 1797 when British fishermen used natural ice to preserve their fish stock piles. This process was also seen in the late 1800s for the movement of food from rural areas to urban consumption markets, namely dairy products. Cold storage was also a key component of food trade between colonial powers and their colonies. For example, in the late 1870s and early 1880s, France was starting to receive large shipments of frozen meat and mutton carcasses from South America, while Great Britain imported frozen beef from Australia and pork and other meat from New Zealand. By 1910,600,000 tons of frozen meat was being brought into Great Britain alone. The first reefer ship for the banana trade was introduced in 1903 by the United Food Company. This enabled the banana to move from an exoticfruit that had a small market because it arrived in markets too ripe, to one of the world's most consumed fruit. The temperature controlled movement of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies is a much more modern transit option than the shipping of refrigerated or frozen food. Since the 1950s, logistical third party companies began to emerge andinstitute new methods for successfully transporting these global commodities. Before their emergence, cold chain processes weremostly managed in house by the manufacturer. In the United States, Food and Drug Administration restrictions and accountability measures over the stability of the cold chain incited many of these companies to rely on specialty couriers rather than completely overhauling their supply chain facilities. A specialized industry was thus born. The value of the cold chain in the preservation of expensive vaccines and medical supplies was only beginning to be recognized when these logistical providers started to appear. As awareness began to grow, so did the need for efficient management of the cold chain. The reliance on the cold chain continues to gain importance. Within the pharmaceutical industry for instance, the testing, production and movement of drugs relies heavily on controlled and uncompromised transfer of shipments. A large portion of the pharmaceutical products that move along the cold chain are in the experiment or developmental phase. Clinical research andtrials is a major part of the industry that costs millions of dollars, but one that also experiences a failure rate of around 80%. According to the Healthcare Distribution Management Association, of the close to 200 billion dollars in pharmaceutical distribution, about 10% are drugs that are temperature sensitive. This makes the cold chain responsible for transporting a near 20 billion dollar investment. If these shipments should experience any unanticipated exposure to variant temperature levels, they run the risk of becoming ineffective or even harmful to patients.Temperature control in the shipment of foodstuffs is a component of the industry that has continued to rise in necessity with international trade. As a growing number of countries focus their export economy around food and produce production, the need to keep these products fresh for extended periods of time has gained in importance. Increasing income levels create a change in diet with amongst others a growing appetite for fresh fruit and higher value foodstuffs such as meat and fish. Persons with higher socioeconomic status and with more economic means are more likely to consume vegetables and fruit, particularly fresh, not only in higher quantities but also in greater variety. Consumers with increasing purchase power have become preoccupied with healthy eating, therefore producers and retailers have responded with an array of exotic fresh fruits originating from around the world.Any major grocery store around the world is likely to carry tangerines from South Africa, apples from New Zealand, bananas from Costa Rica and asparagus from Mexico. Thus, a cold chain industry has emerged to service these commodity chains. In 2002, an estimated 1200 billion dollars' worth of food was transported by a fleet of 400,000 refrigerated containers (Reefers). Alone, the United States imports about 30% of its fruits and vegetables and 20% of its food exports can be considered perishables. The uncompromised quality and safety of this food is often taken for granted, despite being the main reason behind the ability to sell the food. The cold chain serves the function of keeping food fresh for extended periods and eliminating doubts over thequality of the food products. In all the supply chains it is concerned with, cold chain logistics favor higher levels of integration since maintaining temperature integrity requires a higher level of control of all the processes involved. It may even incite third party logistics providers to acquire elements of the supply chain where time and other performance factors are the most important, even farming. This may involve the acquisition of produce farms (e.g. oranges) to insure supply reliability.3. Providing Temperature Controlled EnvironmentsThe success of industries that rely on the cold chain comes down to knowing how to ship a product with temperature control adapted to the shipping circumstances. Different products require different temperature level maintenance to ensure their integrity throughout the travel process. For instance, the most common temperature standards are "banana" (13 ?C), "chill" (2 ?C), "frozen" (-18 ?C) and "deep frozen" (-29 ?C). Staying within this temperature is vital to the integrity of a shipment along the supply chain and for perishables it enables to insure and optimal shelf life. Any divergence can result in irrevocable and expensive damage; a product can simply lose any market or useful value.Being able to ensure that a shipment will remain within a temperature range for an extended period of time comes down largely to the type of container that is used and the refrigeration method. Factors such as duration of transit, the size of the shipment and the ambient or outside temperatures experienced are important in deciding what type ofpackaging is required. They can range from small insulated boxes that require dry ice or gel packs, rollingcontainers, to a 53 footer reefer which has its own powered refrigeration unit. The major coldchain technologies involve:, Dry ice. Solid carbon dioxide, is about -80?C and is capable of keeping a shipment frozen for an extended period of time. It is particularly used for the shipping of pharmaceuticals, dangerous goods and foodstuffs. Dry ice does not melt, instead it sublimates when it comes in contact with air., Gel packs. Large shares of pharmaceutical and medicinal shipments are classified as chilled products, which means they must be stored in a temperature range between 2 and 8?C. The common method to provide this temperature is to use gel packs, or packages that contain phase changing substances that can go from solid to liquid and vice versa to control an environment. Depending on the shipping requirements, these packs can either start off in a frozen or refrigerated state. Along the transit process they melt to liquids, while at the same time capturing escaping energy and maintaining an internal temperature. , Eutectic plates. The principle is similar to gel packs. Instead, plates are filled with a liquid and can be reused many times., Liquid nitrogen. An especially cold substance, of about -196?C, used to keep packages frozen over a long period of time. Mainly used totransport biological cargo such as tissues and organs. It is consideredas an hazardous substance for the purpose of transportation., Quilts. Insulated pieces that are placed over or around freight to act as buffer in temperature variations and to maintain the temperature relatively constant. Thus, frozen freight will remain frozen for alonger time period, often long enough not to justify the usage of more expensive refrigeration devices. Quilts can also be used to keep temperature sensitive freight at room temperature while outsideconditions can substantially vary (e.g. during the summer or the winter)., Reefers. Generic name for a temperature controlled container,which can be a van, small truck, a semi or a standard ISO container. These containers, which are insulated, arespecially designed to allow temperature controlled air circulation maintained by anattached and independent refrigeration plant. The term increasingly apply to refrigeratedforty foot ISO containers.Perishable or temperature sensitive items are carried inrefrigerated containers (called "reefers"), that account for a growing share of the refrigerated cargo being transported around the world.While in 1980 33% of the refrigerated transport capacity in maritime shipping was containerized, this share rapidly climbed to 47% in 1990, 68% in 2000 and 90% in 2010. About 1.69 million TEUs of reefers werebeing used by 2009. All reefers are painted white to increase the albedo(share of the incident light being reflected; high albedo implies less solar energy absorbed by the surface) with the dominant size being 40 high-cube footers (45R1 being the size and type code). For instance alow albedo container can have its internal temperature increase to 50 ?C when the external temperature reaches 25 ?C on a sunny day while a high albedo container see its internal temperature increase to only 38 ?C under the same conditions.The refrigeration unit of a reefer requires an electric power source during transportation and at a container yard. Regular containerships have 10 to 20% of their slots adapted to carry reefers, with some ships having up to 25% of their slots being dedicated. It is important to underline that the refrigeration units are designed to maintain the temperature within a prefixed range, not to cool it down. This implies that the shipment must be brought to the required temperature before being loaded into a reefer, which requires specialized warehousing and loading / unloading facilities. A new generation of reefers is coming online, which are equipped with an array of sensors monitoringeffectively the temperature and shutting the cooling plant when unnecessary. This enables to improve the reliability of temperature control and well as extend the autonomy of the reefer.The growth of the intermodal transportation of reefers hasincreasingly required transport terminals, namely ports, to dedicate a part of their storage yards to reefers. This accounts between 1% to 5%of the total terminal capacity, but can be higher for transshipment hubs.The stacking requirements simply involve having an adjacent power outlet, but the task is more labor intensive as each container must be plugged and unplugged manually and thetemperature to be monitored regularly as it is the responsibility of the terminal operator to insure that the reefers keep their temperature within preset ranges. This may also forbid the usage of an overhead gantry crane implying that the reefer stacking area can be serviced by different equipment. Even if reefers involve higher terminal costs, they are very profitable due to the high value commodities they transport.4. The Setting and Organization of Cold ChainsMoving a shipment across the supply chain without suffering any setbacks or temperature anomalies requires the establishment of a comprehensive logistical process the maintain the shipment integrity. This process concerns several phases ranging from the preparation of the shipments to final verification of the integrity of the shipment at the delivery point:, Shipment preparation. When a temperature sensitive product isbeing moved, it is vitalto first assess its characteristics. A key issue concerns the temperature conditioning of theshipment, which should be already at the desired temperature. Cold chain devices arecommonly designed to keep a temperature constant, but not to bring a shipment to thistemperature, so they would be unable to perform adequately if a shipment is not preparedand conditioned. Other concerns include the destination of the shipment and the weatherconditions for those regions, such as if the shipment will be exposed to extreme cold orheat along the transport route., Modal choice. Several key factors play into how the shipment will be moved. Distancebetween the origin and the final destination (which often includes a set of intermediarylocations), the size and weight of the shipment, the required exterior temperatureenvironment and any time restrictions of the product all effect the available transportationoptions. Short distances can be handled with a van or truck, while a longer trip mayrequire an airplane or a container ship., Custom procedures. If the freight crosses boundaries, custom procedures can becomevery important, since cold chain products tend to be time sensitive and more subject toinspection than regular freight (e.g. pharmaceuticals and biological samples). Thedifficulty of this task differs depending on the nation (or economic bloc) and the gatewaysince there are variations in procedures and delays., The "Last Mile". The last stage is the actual delivery of the shipment to its destination,which in logistics is often known as the “last mile”. Key considerations when arranging afinal delivery concern not only the destination, but the timing. Trucks and vans, theprimary modes of transportation for this stage, must meet the specifications necessary totransfer the cold chain shipment. Also important is the final transfer of the shipment intothe storage facilities as there is potential for a breach of integrity., Integrity and quality assurance. After the shipment has been delivered, anytemperature recording devices or known temperature anomalies must be recorded andmade known. This is the step of the logistical process that creates trust and accountability,particularly if liability for a damaged shipment is incurred. If problems or anomalies thatcompromise a shipment do occur, an effort must be made to identify the source and findcorrective actions.Therefore, the setting and operation of cold chains is dependent on the concerned supply chains since each cargo unit to be carried has different requirements in terms of demand, load integrity and transport integrity.5. Food TransportationThere is a variety of methods for the transport of food productswith the banana accounting for the world's most significant commodity transported in the food cold chain with 20% of all seaborne reefers trade. Land, sea and air modes all have different structures for keeping food fresh throughout the transport chain. Innovations in packaging,fruit and vegetable coatings, bioengineering (controlled ripening), and other techniques reducing the deterioration of food products have helped shippers extend the reach of perishable products. For food products such as fruits and vegetables, time has a direct impact on their shelf life and therefore on the potential revenue a consignment may generate. Concomitantly, new transport technologies have permitted the shipment of perishable products over longer distances. For instance, improved roads and intermodal connections along the African coast reduced transport time for food to European markets from 10 days to 4 days.Certain domestic or transnational supply chains may only require one transportation mode, but many times ground shipments are one link in a combination of transport modes. This makes intermodal transfer critical for the cold chain. Intermodal shipments typically use either 20 or 40 footers refrigerated containers that are capable of holding up to 26 tons of food. The container makes loading and unloading periods shorter and less susceptible to experiencing damage. The environments in these containers are currently controlled electronically by either plugging into a generator or power source on the ship or truck, but early food shipments would cycle air from stores of wet or dry ice to keep the food refrigerated. The efficiency of cold chain logistics permitted the consolidation of cold storage facilities. Moving away from ice refrigeration has allowed for much greater distances to be traveled and has greatly increased the size of the global food market, enabling many developing countries to capture new opportunities. Another efficient mode for transporting foodstuffs is air travel. While this is a preferred form of travel for highly perishable and valuable goods due to its ability to move much faster over longer distances, it does lack the environment control and transfer ease of the ground and sea transports. Also, during the flight the cargo is stored in a 15?C – 20?C environment, but close to 80% of the time the package is exposed to exterior weather while waiting to be loaded onto the plane or being moved to and from the airfield. This is troubling considering the value of the food and the importance placed behind quality and freshness. Inorder for this form of food transport to experience growth among market users, more uncompromising strategies and regulations will have to be embraced and enacted. Food transportation is an industry that has fully adapted to the cold chain and can, despite the problems with air transport, be considered the most resilient, particularly since a large majority of food products have a better tolerance to temporaryvariations of transport temperatures. As a result, small errors can be compounded without the concern of irreversible damage. For instance, for the transportation of produces, for every hour of delay in the pre-cooling of shipments, an equivalent one day loss of shelf life must be accounted. The usage of refrigerated containers has particularly helped, since they account for more than 50% of allthe refrigerated cargo transported in the world. Source loading can be an important factor extending the shelf life of a cold chain product since it is loaded in a reefer directly at the place of production without additional handling. For instance, source loading into a reefer can expand the shelf life of chilled meat by about 25 days (from 30-35 days to 55-60 days) from conventional methods and thus considerably expand the market potential of the product. The efficiency andreliability of temperature controlled transportation has reached a point which allows the food industry to take advantage of global seasonable variations, meaning that during the winter the southern hemisphere can export perishable goods to the northern hemisphere while an opposite trade, generally of smaller scale, takes place during the summer.Countries such as Chile have substantially benefited from this and have developed an active agricultural and food transformation industry mainly servicing the North American market during the winter, but also with several niche markets such as wine. A similar issue concerns some African countries such as Kenya that have developed a fresh produce and flower industries catering the European market. The fast food industry is also an active user of cold chain logistics as every outlet can be considered as a factory, with dozens of workers with schedules and shifts, inventory management and the supply chain of components (many of which are temperature sensitive), and which are assembly lines producing quality-controlled and high-volume products.。
文献出处:Croxton K し The research of fresh food e-commerce logistics distribution modefJ]. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2017, 1(2): 13-24.原文The research of fresh food e-commerce logistics distribution modeCroxton K LAbstractWith the development of electronic commerce enterprise, from the Internet shopping has been gradually deep into the people’s life, so that people want to buy on the Internet to be assured that there is an increasing demand or iresh agricultural products. This rare agricultural socialization trend of consumption also offers fresh electronic commerce development opportunities, but now is the actual situation of fresh electronic commerce development is not very optimistic. For fresh food e-commerce,due to the particularity of fresh products, it requires the logistics distribution can be according to the requirements of the customer at the right time to provide enough fresh products,it is for the logistics service quality and time putforward higher requirements,delivery is not yet mature,distribution costsare high,low efficiency and service level is often difficult to guarantee,fresh products logistics distribution is a bottlenecK in the development of them.Keywords: fresh food e-commerce,distribution pattern,cold chain logistics, and risk control 1 IntroductionFarmers1 markets and supermarkets is the traditional channels of city residents to buy fresh agricultural products, but with the development of social economy speed boost, the rhythm of people’s life in the city than ever also had obvious increase,’’workers•’ due to the limitation of workinghours, often the problem is there are very few time at a farmers’ market or supermarket to buy fresh produce,even after work at farmers’ markets or supermarkets to buy the fresh agricultural products, can buy goods is not fresh. With the development of electronic commerce enterprise, from the Internet shopping has been gradually deep into the people's life, so that people want to buy on the Internet to be assured that there is an increasing demand of fresh agricultural products,especially for "workers' this is more urgent demand.B2C,C2C e-commerce business now more concentrated in the electronic products, clothing and completely processed food, for the present stage of basic logistics service can satisfy the requirements of web site with the customer.This article is mainly in the electronic commerce logistics distribution mode of fresh research aspects,based on fresh from the actual situation of electronic commerce and the close analysis of key element fresh food e-commerce,summarizes three different with general distribution mode of fresh food e-commerce logistics distribution mode, the characteristics of the pattern design is by fresh good cooperation from the electronic commerce information online and offline business, to reduce the fresh raw e-commerce product line the difficulty of the logistics distribution,thus make the enterprise to offline logistics cost is high,the efficiency is not high to makea good deal with the problem of.2 Literature reviewResearch of fresh agricultural products safety, F.S chwagele (2005) about the European fresh agricultural products traceability for the development of history,Europe for fresh food formulated laws and regulations, food companies are required to have their own traceability system, to ensure transparency in the whole process of the food productionchain,can verify,is produced in Europe after the outbreak of a series of food safety accidents; Lists the Europe now use traceability technology,such as coding system EAN UCC (2002) - AIDC barcode, electronic data management system and RFID.K.E^ Belk, J.A. Scanga et al. (2005) to trace the history of the development of the American food, they think that the United States than in Europe and Japan in terms of food traceability backward,at the same time points out that the Carrefour and other large retail enterprises in the application of RFID technology played an important role, mainly adopts monomer great significance by IAID and group recognition AGID two methods on the meat recognition.Research of fresh agricultural products supply chain knowledge, RD abbene, P.G ay and N.S acco (2008) argue that produce raw materials from leave growers or meat slaughterhouse to the terminal consumer impact on the cost and quality of this process play a key role, so it is necessary for fresh agricultural products supply chain to do enough research. Omar Ahumada, J.R ene Villaobos (2009) argue that due to a series of public health problems, the supply chain of agricultural products will face more strict rules and close monitoring. In fresh agricultural products distribution,Ana Osvald,Lidija Zadnik Stirn (2008) of fresh vegetables distribution path optimization algorithm has made the research of vehicle,and according to the workingtime window,distribution vehicle travel time and vegetables perishablecharacteristics the impact on the cost distribution path model is put forward- Omar Ahumada, J.R ene Villaobos (2009) studied the fresh crop at harvest and distribution of two link planning problem,the model put forward by them to provide planted with maximum benefits.For research of Cold Chain logistics,Americans Albert,Braille (Albert Barrier) and the British J.A. laidi qi (J.A.R uddich) at the endof the 19th century has elaborated on the Cold Chain (Cold Chain) point of view. But,until 1940,cold chain point of view to the attention of the world.C-D Tarantilis (2002), such as the problem of distribution route between the fresh meat in multiple warehouse was studied,and the random search heuristic algorithm and threshold accepting algorithm to solve this problem, this problem has a lot to the benefits of economic benefits to the enterprise. Kuala Lumpur ikar etc. (2006) put forward during the cold-chain food sales and storage of food cold chain management quality has a great influence.R.M ontanari (2008) analyzed the impact of supply chain under the condition of perishable food quality,time, temperature control is a key issue, starting from the point of view of technology and management were put forward to solve the problem.Andrej Ovca etc. (2009) put forward the consumer need for perishable food from procurement to use the entire cold chain maintenance of cognitive deficiencies.Chaug - Ing Hsu (2011) developed a kind of temperature distribution of equipment model, using replaceable cool storage technology incubator to meet the needs of distribution network.2The analysis of fresh food e-commerce distribution factor2.1Frozen technicalFresh raw products in e-commerce logistics distribution of cooling fresh is fresh food e-commerce is very important link, fresh products in sales in the whole process of the entire cold chain is the necessary measures of keeping fresh of fresh products,fresh products cold chain in the whole process of the freezing technology includes two parts: one is the refrigeration; 2 it is fresh. Refrigeration is in raw products raw materials get to maintain product freshness after cooling process. Fresh products of refrigeration can be divided for refrigerated and frozen. Fresh on theapplication of the freezing technology, e-commerce is to control the quality of the good fresh product,also control the cost of logistics distribution.Refrigeration technology in fresh it is very important to the operation of e-commerce,fresh food e-commerce enterprise shall,on the basis of existing facilities development suited to their own refrigeration technology, such as fresh direct against their goods for distribution in car special renovation,so as to achieve the goal of economical and practical•2.2Distribution networkDue to the diversity of fresh food,a lot of fresh food is a regional restriction; second,cold-chain distribution network radius cannottoo big; otherwise the cost is too high. Fresh products because of the high requirements for delivery and save the characteristics of short time, the traditional logistics network layout of general goods in a certain extent, not only can't satisfy people's needs, but also can cause a lot of resources allocation is not reasonable. Fresh distribution network of e-commerce involved have fresh product base,production and processing base,refrigerated warehouse,logistics center and distribution center, if use thethird party logistics enterprise distribution, distribution network involves a fresh product base, production and processing base,refrigerated warehouse, third party logistics of the logistics center and distribution center. Cold-chain logistics network in each node, if can effective work in the entire network layout,will improve on the efficiency of cold chain logistics has a lot of help, cold-chain logistics network layout model is roughly divided into single economies of cold-chain logistics network,the area of cold-chain logistics network and cross-regional cold-chain logistics network.2.3Information systemFresh e-commerce logistics information system, it is fresh online operation and offline operation and efficient electricity with indispensable link, to ensure that the line of the cold chain run efficiently, in addition to cold storage facilities and advanced technology,also need to haveadvanced cold-chain information system for effective management. By computer hardware, computer software and information resources together,through the man-machine combination is known as the information system to handle the flow of information system, on the basis of the functions and features of logistics, the computer network technology, electronic data interchange (edit) technology and the information system applied to each link of logistics operation.Fresh e-commerce logistics distribution use of modern information technology has the following kinds: technology,electronic commerce is in the Internet open network environment,based on browser/server application,realize consumer online shopping, onlinetransactions between merchants and online electronic payment of a new type of commercial operation mode. Supply chain management system, electronic order system, intelligent transportation systems, EPC system and bar code technology are fresh,common technology in e-commerce application. Supply chain management system, based on supply chain management thoughts as the instruction, will link each entity in the supply chain business through information,logistics,information flow,document flow, business flow and cash flow) of communication to achieve seamless connection system model. Intelligent transportation system,vehicle information, the road map and a fixed input of user informationintegration of computer algorithm, by using computer technology, sensortechnology, artificial intelligence and other advanced technology effectively to integrate comprehensive application in the transport of goods, thusforming an accurate and efficient automatic transport system.3The problems of fresh food e-commerce logistics distributionFresh e-commerce distribution problem involves mainly by coldchain logistics, as a result of the limitation of hardware and software aspects overall situation,main problems are as follows:(1)The construction of infrastructure. Low temperaturelogistics now,refrigerated facilities is a lot of mechanical, refrigeration technology is relatively backward, the hardware facilities of lagging behindand modernization level of a serious shortage of professional cold chainvehicle, in ordinary loss is very big, in the process of transportation and delivery used logistics costs alone accounted for seventy percent of the cost of perishable goods,some infrastructure construction will not be able to provide security for the cold chain of food circulation system.(2)Frozen processing capacity is limited. Frozen processing is the main equipment of air cooler, frozen carcass meat, for example, in the air cooler is to together for frozen carcass meat flesh andbones, causing completely unnecessary waste, and the efficiency is not high. Although individual frozen processing have installed between advancedcontact plate freezer, but is still a far cry from what to popularize and apply.(3)Transport facilities, loss are big. Transport infrastructure development, both railway and highway, whether on theproportion of vehicles or cold chain on the traffic. On the cold chain transport, railway cold-chain transport accounted for twenty percent of totalfood cold-chain transport and a half, but for railway freight volume is less than 1%.(4)The frozen storage and economic development does not match. Frozen storage of all aspects of the conditions are not enough to support the rapid development of cold chain logistics. Especially theconstruction of cold storage,both from layout of cold storage and cold storage capacity,is not conducive to the rapid development of cold chainstorage. Cold storage more focused on the layout of the city, the origin of a serious shortage of cold storage; Common cold storage capacity can f t meet the requirements of cold chain now. Cold storage refrigeration technology and,on the other hand,to the temperature control and monitoring technology in cold storage are comparatively large difference with international standards,the improvement of the need to a great extent.(5)The cold chain logistics management lags behind. Cold-chain logistics needs through strict management to achieve theenterprise's management goal,but now management, due to lack of correct understanding of cold chain logistics, cold chain often appear in the ’’chain” phenomenon: broken from farm to the wholesale,fresh fruits and vegetables often railed to do preliminary cold treatment; In primary processing and sorting area without cryogenic environment.译文生鲜电子商务物流配送模式研究Croxton K L摘要伴随着电子商务企业的发展,从网络上购物的方式己经逐渐的深入到/居民的生活中,以至于人们希望在网络上能够购买到放心的生鲜农产品的需求越来越大。
冷链物流外文翻译文献综述(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)(AbstractQuality control and monitoring of perishable goods during transportation and delivery services is an increasing concern for producers, suppliers, transport decision makers and consumers. The major challenge is to ensure a continuou s …cold chain‟ from producer to consumer in order to guaranty prime condition of goods. In this framework, the suitability of ZigBee protocol for monitoring refrigerated transportation has been proposed by several authors. However, up to date there was not any experimental work performed under real conditions. Thus, the main objective of our experiment was to test wireless sensor motes based in the ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 protocol during a real shipment. The experiment was conducted in a refrigerated truck traveling through two countries (Spain and France) which means a journey of 1,051 kilometers. The paper illustrates the great potential of this type of motes, providing information about several parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, door openings and truck stops. Psychrometric charts have also been developed for improving the knowledge about water loss and condensation on the product during shipments.1. IntroductionPerishable food products such as vegetables, fruit, meat or fish require refrigerated transportation. For all these products, Temperature (T) is the most important factor for extending shelf life, being essential to ensure that temperatures along the cold chain are adequate. However, local temperature deviations can be present in almost any transport situation. Reports from the literature indicate gradients of 5 °C or more, when deviations of only a few degrees can lead to spoiled goods and thousands of Euros in damages. A recent study shows that refrigerated shipments rise above the optimum temperature in 30% of trips from the supplier to the distribution centre, and in 15% of trips from the distribution centre to the stores. Roy et al. analyzed the supply of fresh tomato in Japan and quantified product losses of 5% during transportation and distribution. Thermal variations during transoceanic shipments have also been studied. The results showed that there was a significant temperature variability both spatially across the width of the container as well as temporally along the trip, and that it was out of the specification more than 30% of the time. In those experiments monitoring was achieved by means of the installation of hundreds of wired sensors in a single container, which makes this system architecture commercially unfeasible.Transport is often done by refrigerated road vehicles and containers equipped with embedded cooling systems. In such environments, temperatures rise very quickly if a reefer unit fails. Commercial systems are presently available for monitoring containers and trucks, but they do not give complete information about the cargo, because they typically measure only temperature and at just one point.Apart from temperature, water loss is one of the main causes of deterioration that reduces the marketability of perishable food products. Transpiration is the loss of moisture from living tissues. Most weight loss of stored fruit is caused by this process. Relative humidity (RH), T of the product, T of the surrounding atmosphere, and air velocity all affect the amount of water lost in food commodities. Free water or condensation is also a problem as it encourages microbial infection and growth, and it can also reduce the strength of packagingmaterials.Parties involved need better quality assurance methods to satisfy customer demands and to create a competitive point of difference. Successful transport in food logistics calls for automated and efficient monitoring and control of shipments. The challenge is to ensure a continuous …cold chain‟ from producer to consumer in order to guaranty prime condition of goods .The use of wireless sensors in refrigerated vehicles was proposed by Qingshan et al. as a new way of monitoring. Specialized WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) monitoring devices promise to revolutionize the shipping and handling of a wide range of perishable products giving suppliers and distributors continuous and accurate readings throughout the distribution process. In this framework, ZigBee was developed as a very promising WSN protocol due to its low energy consumption and advanced network capabilities. Its potential for monitoring the cold chain has been addressed by several authors but without real experimentation, only theoretical approaches. For this reason, in our work real experimentation with the aim of exploring the limits of this technology was a priority.The main objective of this project is to explore the potential of wireless ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 motes for their application in commercial refrigerated shipments by road. A secondary objective was to improve the knowledge about the conditions that affect the perishable food products during transportation, through the study of relevant parameters like temperature, relative humidity, light, shocking and psychrometric properties.2. Materials and Methods2.1. ZigBee MotesFour ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 motes (transmitters) and one base station (receiver) were used. All of them were manufactured by Crossbow. The motes consist of a microcontroller board (Micaz) together with an independent transducer board (MTS400) attached by means of a 52 pin connector. The Micaz mote hosts an Atmel ATMEGA103/128L CPU running the Tiny Operating System (TinyOS) that enables it to execute programs developed using the nesC language. The Micaz has a radio device Chipcon CC2420 2.4 GHz 250 Kbps IEEE 802.15.4. Power is supplied by two AA lithium batteries.The transducer board hosts a variety of sensors: T and RH (Sensirion SHT11), T and barometric pressure (Intersema MS5534B), light intensity (TAOS TSL2550D) and a two-axis accelerometer (ADXL202JE). A laptop computer is used as the receiver, and communicates with the nodes through a Micaz mounted on the MIB520 ZigBee/USB gateway board.Each Sensirion SHT11 is individually calibrated in a precision humidity chamber. The calibration coefficients are used internally during measurements to calibrate the signals from the sensors. The accuracies for T and RH are ±0.5 °C (at 25 °C) and ±3.5% respectively.The Intersema MS5534B is a SMD-hybrid device that includes a piezoresistive pressure sensor and an ADC-Interface IC. It provides a 16 bit data word from a pressure and T (−40 to +125°C) dependent voltage. Additionally the module contains six readable coefficients for a highly accurate software calibration of the sensor.The TSL2550 is a digital-output light sensor with a two-wire, SMBus serial interface. It combines two photodiodes and an analog-to digital converter (ADC) on a single CMOS integrated circuit to provide light measurements over a 12-bit dynamic range. The ADXL202E measures accelerations with a full-scale range of ±2 g. The ADXL202E can measure both dynamic acceleration (e.g., vibration) and static acceleration (e.g., gravity).2.2. Experimental Set UpThe experiment was conducted in a refrigerated truck traveling during 23 h 41 m 21 s from Murcia (Spain) to Avignon (France), a distance of 1,051 km. The truck transported approx.14,000 kg of lettuce var. Little Gem in 28 pallets of 1,000 × 1,200 mm . The lettuce was packed in cardboard boxes with openings for air circulation.The length of the semi-trailer was 15 m with a Carrier Vector 1800 refrigeration unit mounted to the front of the semi-trailer. For this shipment the set point was 0 °C.The truck was outfitted with the wireless system, covering different heights and lengths from the cooling equipment, which was at the front of the semi-trailer. Four motes were mounted with the cargo (see Figure 1): mote 1 was at the bottom of the pallets in the front side of the semi-trailer, mote 2 was in the middle of the semi-trailer, mote 3 was in the rear at the top of the pallet, and mote 4 was located as shown in Figure 1, about a third of the distance between the front and the rear of the trailer. Motes 1, 2 and 3 were inside the boxes beside the lettuce. The program installed in the motes collects data from all the sensors at a fixed sample rate (7.2 s), with each transmission referred to as a “packet”. The RF power in the Micaz can be set from −24 dBm to 0 dBm. D uring the experiment, the RF power was set to the maximum, 0dBm (1mW approximately).2.3. Data AnalysisA specialized MATLAB program has been developed for assessing the percentage of lost packets (%) in transmission, by means of computing the number of multiple sending failures for a given sample rate (SR). A multiple failure of m messages occurs whenever the elapsed time between two messages lies between 1.5 ×m ×SR and 2.5 ×m ×SR. For example, with a sample rate of 11 s, a single failure (m = 1) occurs whenever the time period between consecutives packets is longer than 16.5 s (1.5 × 1 × 11) and shorter than 27.5 s (2.5 × 1 × 11). The total number of lost packets is computed based on the frequency of each failure type. Accordingly, the total percentage of lost packets is calculated as the ratio between the total number of lost packets and the number of sent packets.The standard error (SE) associated to the ratio of lost packets is computed based on a binomial distribution as expressed in Equation 1, where n is the total number of packets sent,and p is the ratio of lost packets in the experiment.2.4. Analysis of VarianceFactorial Analysis of Variance (ANOV A) was performed in order to evaluate the effect of the type of sensor in the registered measurements, including T (by means of Sensirion and Intersema), RH, barometric pressure, light intensity and acceleration module. ANOV A allows partitioning of the observed variance into components due to different explanatory variables. The STATISTICA software (StatSoft, Inc.) was used for this purpose [14]. The Fishers‟s F ratio compares the variance within sample groups (“inherent variance”) with the variance between groups (factors). We use this statistic for knowing which factor has more influence in the variability of the measurements.2.5. Psychrometric DataPsychrometry studies the thermodynamic properties of moist air and the use of these properties to analyze conditions and processes involving moist air. Psychrometric chartsshow a graphical representation of the relationship between T, RH and water vapor pressure in moist air. They can be used for the detection of water loss and condensation over the product.In our study, the ASAE standard D271.2 was used for computing the psychrometric properties of air. Equations 2–5 and Table 1 enable the calculation of all psychrometric data of air whenever two independent psychrometric properties of an air-water vapour mixture are known in addition to the atmospheric pressure:where Ps stands for saturation vapor pressure (Pa), T is the temperature (K), Pv is the vapor pressure (Pa), H the absolute humidity (g/kg dry air), Patm is atmospheric pressure (Pa) and A, B, C, D, E, F, G and R are a series of coefficients used to compute Ps, according to Equation 3.3.Results and Discussion3.1. Reliability of TransmissionSignal propagation through the lettuce lead to absorption of radio signals, resulting in great attenuations in RF signal strength and link quality at the receiver. During the experiment, only motes 3 and 4 were able to transmit to the coordinator. No signals were received from mote number 1, at the bottom of the first pallet, and number 2, in the middle of the pallet. Mote 3 was closer to the coordinator than mote 4, but mote 3 was surrounded by lettuce which blocks the RF signal. However between mote 4 and the coordinator there was free space for transmission. Thus, the maximum ratio of lost packets found was 100% for two of the motes and the minimum 4.5% ± 0.1%, for mote 4.Similar ratios were reported by several authors who performed experiments with WSN under real conditions, like for example in monitoring vineyards. Also, Baggio and Haneveld, after one year of experimentation in a potato field using motes operating at the band of 868/916MHz, reported that 98% of data packets were lost. However, during the second year the total amount of data gathered was 51%, which represents a clear improvement. Ipema et al. monitored cows with Crossbow motes, and found that the base station directly received less than 50% of temperature measurements stored in the mote buffer. Nadimi et al., who also monitored cows with this type of motes, showed packet loss rates of about 25% for wireless sensor data from cows in a pasture even the distance to the receiver (gateway) was less than 12.5 m away.Radio propagation can be influenced by two main factors: the properties of propagation media and the heterogeneous properties of devices. In a commercial shipment, if the motes are embedded within the cargo, a significant portion of the Fresnel zone is obstructed. This is a big challenge in our application. Changing the motes‟ location, for example the one at the bottom of the pallets (mote 1, at the front of the semitrailer) or the one in the middle of the compartment (mote 2), might have yielded in better data reception rates but would have resulted in a loss of spatial information near the floor or at mid-height. The sensors should be as close as possible to the products transported; otherwise the measurements would not give precise information. Thus, one solution, if the same motes are to be used, could be to includeintermediates motes that allow peer to peer communication to the base station. Another solution could be to use lower frequencies; however this is not possible using ZigBee, because the only radio frequency band available for ZigBee worldwide is the 2.4 GHz one. The other ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) bands (868 MHz and 915 MHz) differ from USA to Europe. Other options include developing motes with more RF power that can achieve longer radio ranges. The transmission could also be improved by optimizing antenna orientation, shape and configuration. The standard antenna mounted in the Micaz is a 3 cm long 1/2 wavelength dipole antenna. The communications could be enhanced using ceramic collinear antennas or with use of a simple reflecting screen to supplement a primary antenna, which can provide a 9dB improvement. Link asymmetry and an irregular radio range can be caused by the antenna position. In a real environment, the pattern of radio transmitted at the antenna is neither a circular nor a spherical shape. Radio irregularity affects the motes performance and degrades their ability to maintain connection to other nodes in the network. However, in our experiment Micaz motes were deployed in its best position according to a recent study. Another issue is the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), it should be recorded in further experiments in order to detect network problems and estimate the radio link quality. RSSI is a way for the radio to report the strength of the radio signal that it is receiving from the transmitting unit.Sample rates configured in the motes were very short in order to get the maximum amount of data about the ambient conditions. In practice, a reduction in the sampling frequency of recording and transmission should be configured in order to extend battery life. According to Thiemjarus and Yang this also provides opportunities for data reduction at the mote level. It is expected that future wireless sensor motes will have on-board features to analyze recorded data and detect certain deviations. The level of a deviation determines whether the recording or transmitting frequency should be adapted .One important feature in the motes came from the miniaturized sensors mounted on the motes that allow, in a small space (2.5 ×5 ×5 cm), to provide data not just about temperature, but also RH, acceleration and light, according to the proposal of Wang and Li. Those variables were also measured and analyzed.3.2. Transport ConditionsFor the analysis of T conditions, the average value of the two sensors mounted in each mote is considered. The set-point of the transport trailer‟s cooling system was 0 °C, but the average temperature registered during the shipment was 5.33 °C, with a maximum of 8.52 °C and a minimum of −3.0 °C. On average, 98% of the time the temperature was outside of the industry recommended range (set-point ± 0.5 °C).Figure 2 shows the temperature fluctuations registered during the shipment, where four different markers are used corresponding to two T sensors per mote. There are large differences between the temperatures recorded with each sensor on the same mote even thought individual calibration curves were used. The SHT11 measures consistently higher temperatures than the Intersema. This behaviour could be due to the closer location of the SHT11 to the microcontroller, causing sensor self-heating effects.In other studies, like for example Tanner and Amos, it was observed that the cargo was within the industry recommended T interval for approximately 58% of the shipment duration. Rodriguez-Bermejo et pared two different cooling modes in a 20‟ reefer container. For modulated cooling the percentage of time within the recommendation ranged between 44% and 52% of the shipment duration, whereas for off/on control cooling it ranged between 9.6% and 0%. In those experiments, lower percentages of time within industry recommended intervals are found for high T set points.The analysis of variance of the T data shows that the variability in temperature depended both in the type of sensor and on the mote used. The interaction between these two factors also has an impact on the T measurements. The critical value of F at 95% probability level is much lower than the observed values of F, which means that the null hypothesis is false. The mote is the factor that has most influence on the variability of the measurements (highest Fishers‟s F); this fact seems to be due to the location of the node. Mote 4 is closer to the cooling equipment which results in lower temperature measurements.The node is a very significant factor in the measurements registered. In the case of RH, pressure, light and acceleration, the node location has great influence in data variability . However, node location has more impact on the measured RH than on the other variables.Inside the semi-trailer RH ranged from 55 to 95% (see Figure 3). The optimal RH forlettuce is 95%. Humidity was always higher at mote 4 (at the top middle of the semi-trailer; average RH 74.9%) than at mote 3 (located at the rear; average RH 62.1%).摘要生产商、供应商、运输决策者和消费者越来越关心易腐货物在运输和交付服务中对质量的掌握和把控。
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At present,the food is as high as 3000 billion dollars,but about 20%of the food waste is caused by the cold chain logistics problems。
Fresh farmers such as fruits The loss rate of products accounts for 25%—30%。
At present,due to the late start of refrigeration technology in China,there is no According to the corresponding basic support,China's current cold chain logistics has great defects,such as cold storage and refrigerated trucks Insufficient,unprofessional and other problems。
In fact,China pays great attention to the transportation of fresh agricultural products,and there are relatively A complete transportation channel for agricultural products。
At the same time,China has vigorously promoted the construction of cold chain logistics system。
However,there are still many problems that lead to unsalable and damage of fresh agricultural products。
The reason is that the country In some regions,the construction of cold chain logistics is basically a zero start,which not only does not form the necessary chains and regulations There are no corresponding docking and development ideas。
In addition,the cold chain logistics process is also lack of design Many unscientific points。
For example,the transportation equipment
of most fresh agricultural products is not refrigerated trucks,but social cold chain goods The flow resources are relatively scattered and the degree of organization is low;The equipment is generally poor;The number of cold storage is small and the configuration is low。
This There are also some deep—seated problems:enterprise managers have outdated management methods and lack of professionals。
Choose different cold chain transportation modes according to different types of agricultural products。
Establish and improve a good cold chain logistics plan。