
---一、基础医学词汇1.1 解剖学- Abdomen 腹部- Anterior 前部- Posterior 后部- Thorax 胸腔- Lungs 肺- Heart 心脏- Skull 颅骨- Brain 脑- Spine 脊柱- Vertebrae 椎骨- Hip 髋关节- Femur 股骨- Tibia 胫骨- Fibula 腓骨- Ankle 踝关节- Shoulder 肩关节- humerus 肱骨- Radius 桡骨- Ulna 尺骨- Wrist 手腕1.2 生理学- Respiration 呼吸- Circulation 循环- Digestion 消化- Metabolism 代谢- Nervous System 神经系统- Endocrine System 内分泌系统- Immune System 免疫系统- Reproduction 生殖- Urination 排尿- Excretion 排泄1.3 病理学- Cancer 癌症- Inflammation 炎症- Infection 感染- Allergy 过敏- Autoimmune Disease 自身免疫病- Genetic Disease 遗传病- Degenerative Disease 退行性疾病二、临床诊断词汇2.1 诊断方法- Physical Examination 体检- Laboratory Examination 实验室检查- Imaging Examination 影像学检查- Endoscopy 内镜检查- Biopsy 活检2.2 常见症状- Fever 发热- Pain 疼痛- Vomiting 呕吐- Diarrhea 腹泻- Fatigue 疲劳- Dizziness 头晕- Anxiety 焦虑- Depression 抑郁2.3 疾病名称- Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病- Myocardial Infarction 心肌梗死- Cerebrovascular Accident 脑卒中-肺炎 Pneumonia- Arthritis 关节炎- Cancer 癌症- Asthma 哮喘- Ulcer 溃疡---三、治疗词汇3.1 治疗方法- Drug Therapy 药物治疗- Surgery 手术- Radiation Therapy 放射治疗- Chemotherapy 化疗- Immunotherapy 免疫治疗- Physical Therapy 物理治疗3.2 药物名称- Aspirin 阿司匹林- Penicillin 青霉素- Insulin 胰岛素- Glucocorticoid 糖皮质激素- Antibiotics 抗生素- Anesthetics 麻醉剂---四、医学相关术语- ECG 心电图- MRI 磁共振成像- CT 计算机断层扫描- Ultrasound 超声波- Dialysis 透析- Transplantation 移植- Angioplasty 血管成形术- Stent 支架---结语本词汇表旨在为广大医学工作者提供一部实用的医学英语工具书,以便更好地进行国际交流和学术研究。

医学领域英语词汇全集以下是医学领域常用的英语词汇全集,供参考:1. Anatomy(解剖学)- Skeleton(骨骼)- Muscles(肌肉)- Organs(器官)- Nerves(神经)2. Physiology(生理学)- Circulatory system(循环系统)- Respiratory system(呼吸系统)- Digestive system(消化系统)- Endocrine system(内分泌系统)3. Diseases(疾病)- Cancer(癌症)- Diabetes(糖尿病)- Hypertension(高血压)- Influenza(流感)4. Medical Procedures(医疗程序)- Surgery(外科手术)- Radiology(放射学)- Physical therapy(物理疗法)- Chemotherapy(化疗)5. Medications(药物)- Antibiotics(抗生素)- Analgesics(止痛药)- Antidepressants(抗抑郁药)- Antihistamines(抗组胺药)6. Medical Equipment(医疗设备)- Stethoscope(听诊器)- X-ray machine(X光机)- Ultrasound machine(超声波机)- Blood pressure monitor(血压计)7. Medical Specialties(医学专业)- Cardiology(心脏病学)- Dermatology(皮肤病学)- Gynecology(妇科学)- Pediatrics(儿科学)8. Medical Ethics(医学伦理)- Informed consent(知情同意)- Confidentiality(保密性)- Patient autonomy(患者自主权)- Non-maleficence(不伤害原则)9. Medical Research(医学研究)- Clinical trials(临床试验)- Case studies(病例研究)- Epidemiology(流行病学)- Genetic research(遗传研究)以上是医学领域常用的英语词汇全集。

1. Anatomy (解剖学)The scientific study of the structure of organisms. (对生物结构的科学研究)2. Physiology (生理学)The branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts. (研究生物体及其各个器官正常功能的生物学领域)3. Pathology (病理学)The study of the essential nature of diseases and the structural and functional changes occurring in them. (研究疾病的本质以及在其发展过程中所发生的结构和功能变化)4. Diagnosis (诊断)The identification of the nature and cause of a certain disease or condition through examination and evaluation of medical signs and symptoms. (通过检查和评估医学体征和症状来确定某种疾病或病情的性质和原因)5. Treatment (治疗)The management and care of a patient with a medical condition, including the use of medicines, surgery, and other therapeutic methods. (对患有某种病症的患者进行管理和护理,包括使用药物、手术和其他治疗方法)6. Surgery (外科手术)The branch of medicine that uses operative procedures to treat injuries, diseases, and deformities. (通过手术方式治疗损伤、疾病和畸形的医学科目)7. Radiology (放射学)The branch of medicine that uses medical imaging and radiation to diagnose and treat diseases. (利用医学成像和辐射来诊断和治疗疾病的医学学科)8. Pharmacology (药理学)The study of drugs and their effects on living organisms. (研究药物及其对生物体的影响的学科)9. Rehabilitation (康复)The process of restoring a person's physical, mental, and social abilities after injury or illness. (在受伤或生病后恢复一个人的身体、精神和社交能力的过程)10. Pediatrics (儿科)The branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. (从事婴儿、儿童和青少年的医疗保健的学科)11. Obstetrics (产科)The branch of medicine that deals with childbirth and the care of women during pregnancy and after childbirth. (处理分娩、孕期和分娩后妇女保健的学科)12. Gynecology (妇科)The branch of medicine that deals with the female reproductive system and its diseases. (研究女性生殖系统及其疾病的学科)13. Neurology (神经学)The branch of medicine that deals with disorders of the nervous system. (研究神经系统疾病的学科)14. Cardiology (心脏病学)The branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of heart disorders. (研究和治疗心脏疾病的学科)15. Oncology (肿瘤学)The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. (研究肿瘤预防、诊断和治疗的学科)以上是一些常见的医学英语词汇及其解释,掌握这些词汇对于在医学领域工作或学习英语的医学专业人士来说至关重要。

医学专业英语词汇大全一、人体解剖学词汇1. 骨骼系统(Skeletal System)skull(颅骨)spine(脊柱)rib(肋骨)pelvis(骨盆)femur(股骨)tibia(胫骨)fibula(腓骨)2. 肌肉系统(Muscular System)biceps(二头肌)triceps(三头肌)deltoid(三角肌)quadriceps(四头肌)gluteus(臀大肌)rectus abdominis(腹直肌)3. 神经系统(Nervous System)brain(大脑)spinal cord(脊髓)neuron(神经元)synapse(突触)cerebellum(小脑)hypothalamus(下丘脑)4. 循环系统(Circulatory System) heart(心脏)artery(动脉)vein(静脉)capillary(毛细血管)blood(血液)plasma(血浆)5. 呼吸系统(Respiratory System) lung(肺)trachea(气管)bronchus(支气管)alveoli(肺泡)diaphragm(膈肌)二、临床医学词汇1. 疾病与症状diabetes(糖尿病)hypertension(高血压)asthma(哮喘)fever(发热)headache(头痛)nausea(恶心)2. 检查与诊断physical examination(体格检查)Xray(X光检查)CT scan(CT扫描)MRI(磁共振成像)biopsy(活检)diagnosis(诊断)3. 治疗与药物medication(药物治疗)surgery(手术治疗)vaccination(疫苗接种)antibiotic(抗生素)painkiller(止痛药)insulin(胰岛素)三、医学分支词汇1. 内科学(Internal Medicine) cardiology(心脏病学)gastroenterology(消化病学) nephrology(肾脏病学)endocrinology(内分泌学)hematology(血液病学)2. 外科学(Surgery)general surgery(普通外科) orthopedic surgery(骨科)neurosurgery(神经外科)plastic surgery(整形外科)cardiac surgery(心脏外科)3. 妇产科(Obstetrics and Gynecology)pregnancy(妊娠)childbirth(分娩)contraception(避孕)menopause(更年期)cervical cancer(宫颈癌)4. 儿科学(Pediatrics)immunization(免疫)growth chart(生长曲线)developmental milestones(发育里程碑)asthma in children(儿童哮喘)childhood obesity(儿童肥胖)本词汇大全旨在帮助医学专业人员和爱好者更好地掌握医学英语,提高专业英语水平。

(完整版)医学专业英语词汇医学专业英语词汇1. 基础词汇- Medicine - 医学- Clinic - 诊所- Doctor - 医生- Patient - 患者- Hospital - 医院- Health - 健康- Disease - 疾病- Treatment - 治疗- Symptom - 症状- Diagnosis - 诊断- Prescription - 处方- Surgery - 手术- Laboratory - 实验室- Research - 研究- University - 大学- Medical - 医疗的- Nurse - 护士- Pharmacist - 药剂师- Therapist - 治疗师- Vaccine - 疫苗- X-ray - X光片- HIV - 人类免疫缺陷病毒- Cancer - 癌症- Diabetes - 糖尿病- Heart - 心脏- Kidney - 肾脏- Liver - 肝脏2. 解剖学词汇- Anatomy - 解剖学- Skeleton - 骨骼- Muscle - 肌肉- Nervous system - 神经系统- Digestive system - 消化系统- Respiratory system - 呼吸系统- Circulatory system - 循环系统- Skeletal system - 骨骼系统- Muscular system - 肌肉系统- Nervous tissue - 神经组织- Respiratory tract - 呼吸道- Circulatory system - 循环系统- Digestive tract - 消化道- Central nervous system - 中枢神经系统- Peripheral nervous system - 外周神经系统- Endocrine system - 内分泌系统- Urinary system - 泌尿系统3. 疾病词汇- Infection - 感染- Allergy - 过敏- Fever - 发烧- Inflammation - 炎症- Pain - 疼痛- Cough - 咳嗽- Headache - 头痛- Fatigue - 疲劳- Depression - 抑郁症- High blood pressure - 高血压- Arthritis - 关节炎- Asthma - 哮喘- Alzheimer's disease - 阿尔茨海默病- Stroke - 中风- Multiple sclerosis - 多发性硬化症- Pneumonia - 肺炎- Cancer - 癌症- Diabetes - 糖尿病- Heart disease - 心脏病- Kidney disease - 肾脏疾病- Liver disease - 肝脏疾病- Sexually transmitted disease - 性传播疾病4. 检查和测试词汇- Blood test - 血液检查- Urine test - 尿液检查- X-ray - X光检查- Ultrasound - 超声波- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - 磁共振成像- ECG (Electrocardiogram) - 心电图- PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) - 正电子发射断层扫描- Colonoscopy - 结肠镜检查- Pap smear - 涂片检查- Biopsy - 活检- Lymph node biopsy - 淋巴结活检- Bone marrow biopsy - 骨髓活检5. 药物相关词汇- Medication - 药物- Drug - 药品- Prescription - 处方药- Over-the-counter (OTC) - 非处方药- Antibiotics - 抗生素- Analgesics - 镇痛药- Antidepressants - 抗抑郁药- Antipyretics - 退热药- Antihistamines - 抗组织胺药- Anticoagulants - 抗凝药- Opioids - 麻醉药- Diuretics - 利尿药- Antivirals - 抗病毒药- Anti-inflammatory - 抗炎药- Beta blockers - 贝塔受体阻滞剂- Statins - 他汀类药物- Vaccines - 疫苗- Insulin - 胰岛素- Cholesterol-lowering drugs - 降低胆固醇药物以上是医学专业英语词汇的一部分,希望对您的学习和工作有所帮助。

医学专业英语必备词汇1. Anatomy - 解剖学2. Physiology - 生理学3. Pathology - 病理学4. Pharmacology - 药理学5. Microbiology - 微生物学6. Immunology - 免疫学7. Radiology - 放射学8. Dermatology - 皮肤科学9. Cardiology - 心脏病学10. Gastroenterology - 肠胃病学11. Neurology - 神经病学12. Nephrology - 肾病学13. Hematology - 血液学14. Oncology - 肿瘤学15. Orthopedics - 骨科学16. Ophthalmology - 眼科学17. Obstetrics - 产科学18. Gynecology - 妇科学19. Pediatrics - 小儿科学20. Endocrinology - 内分泌学21. Psychiatry - 精神病学22. Surgery - 外科学23. Anesthesia - 麻醉学24. Radiography - X射线技术25. EKG (Electrocardiogram) - 心电图26. CT Scan (Computerized Tomography) - 计算机断层扫描27. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - 磁共振成像28. Ultrasound - 超声波29. Biopsy - 活检30. Diagnosis - 诊断31. Treatment - 治疗32. Prescription - 处方33. Medication - 药物34. Surgery - 手术35. Vaccine - 疫苗36. Epidemic - 流行病37. Pandemic - 大流行病38. Symptom - 症状39. Infection - 感染40. Contagious - 传染性的41. Immunity - 免疫力42. Antibiotic - 抗生素43. Antiviral - 抗病毒药物44. Antiseptic - 杀菌剂45. Anesthesia - 麻醉46. Sterilization - 灭菌47. Rehabilitation - 康复48. Prognosis - 预后49. Chronic - 慢性的50. Acute - 急性的。

医学英语专业词汇表医学英语专业词汇表Anatomy(解剖学)Abdomen(腹部)Bone(骨骼)Brain(大脑)Cardiovascular system(心血管系统) Digestive system(消化系统)Muscles(肌肉)Organs(器官)Skeleton(骨架)Skin(皮肤)1.Physiology(生理学)Autonomic nervous system(自主神经系统) Biochemical reactions(生化反应)Cell structure and function(细胞结构与功能) Endocrine system(内分泌系统)Energy metabolism(能量代谢)Fluid balance and circulation(水分平衡与循环) Immune system(免疫系统)Metabolism(新陈代谢)Nervous system(神经系统)Respiration(呼吸)Circulatory system(循环系统)1.Medical Terminology(医学术语)Adrenal gland(肾上腺)Arthritis(关节炎)Asthma(哮喘)Back pain(背痛)Blood pressure(血压)Cancer(癌症)Cardiovascular disease(心血管疾病)Diabetes mellitus(糖尿病)Ear infection(耳部感染)Fever(发热)Heart attack(心肌梗死)Heart disease(心脏病)Influenza(流感)Kidney stones(肾结石)这只是一个简短的医学英语专业词汇表,涵盖了一些基本的医学领域。

以下是一些常用的医学专业英语词汇,供参考:1. Anatomy(解剖学): The study of the structure and organization of the human body.2. Physiology(生理学): The study of how the body functions and the processes that occur within it.3. Pathology(病理学): The study of diseases and the changes that occur in the body as a result of illness.4. Pharmacology(药理学): The study of drugs and their effects on the body.5. Diagnosis(诊断): The identification of a disease or condition based on symptoms, medical tests, and patient history.6. Treatment(治疗): The medical care provided to a patient to improve their health or alleviate symptoms.7. Surgery(外科手术): The branch of medicine that involves using manual or instrumental techniques to treat diseases or injuries through operative procedures.8. Radiology(放射学): The use of medical imaging techniques, such as X-rays or MRI, to diagnose and treat diseases.9. Pediatrics(儿科学): The branch of medicine that focuses on the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents.10. Obstetrics and Gynecology(产科学和妇科学): The branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the female reproductive system.以上是一些医学专业英语词汇的简要介绍,希望对你的医学研究有所帮助。

- diagnosis : 诊断
- symptom: 症状
- treatment: 治疗
- medication: 药物
- surgery: 手术
- anesthesia: 麻醉
- prescription: 处方
- laboratory: 实验室
- patient: 患者
- doctor: 医生
- nurse: 护士
- specialist: 专家
- consultation: 会诊
- medical history: 病史
- examination: 检查
- prognosis: 预后
- infection: 感染
- fever: 发烧
- pain: 疼痛
- blood pressure: 血压
- cholesterol: 胆固醇
- diabetes: 糖尿病
- heart disease: 心脏病
- cancer: 癌症
- stroke: 中风
- allergies: 过敏症
- immunization: 免疫接种
- ultrasound: 超声波
- X-ray: X射线
- CT scan: 计算机断层扫描
- MRI: 磁共振成像
- laboratory test: 实验室检测

精选医学专业英语词汇大全1. Anatomy (解剖学)- Abdomen: 腹部- Brain: 大脑- Heart: 心脏- Kidney: 肾脏- Liver: 肝脏- Lungs: 肺- Stomach: 胃- Spine: 脊柱2. Physiology (生理学)- Blood pressure: 血压- Digestion: 消化- Respiration: 呼吸- Circulation: 循环- Metabolism: 新陈代谢- Hormones: 激素- Nervous system: 神经系统- Immune system: 免疫系统3. Diseases and Conditions (疾病与病况) - Diabetes: 糖尿病- Cancer: 癌症- Asthma: 哮喘- Hypertension: 高血压- Arthritis: 关节炎- Depression: 抑郁症- Obesity: 肥胖症- Pneumonia: 肺炎4. Medical Procedures (医疗程序)- Surgery: 手术- X-ray: X射线- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): 磁共振成像- Blood test: 血液检查- Vaccination: 疫苗接种- Dialysis: 透析- Chemotherapy: 化疗5. Medical Specialties (医学专科) - Cardiology: 心脏病学- Dermatology: 皮肤科- Gastroenterology: 胃肠病学- Neurology: 神经学- Psychiatry: 精神病学- Obstetrics and Gynecology: 妇产科- Orthopedics: 骨科- Pediatrics: 儿科6. Medical Instruments (医疗器械) - Stethoscope: 听诊器- Thermometer: 温度计- Sphygmomanometer: 血压计- Scalpel: 解剖刀- Syringe: 注射器- Electrocardiograph: 心电图仪- Ultrasound machine: 超声波机- Endoscope: 内窥镜以上是一份精选医学专业英语词汇大全,涵盖了解剖学、生理学、疾病与病况、医疗程序、医学专科和医疗器械等方面的词汇。

医学英语的一些词汇学习资料常见的医学专业英语词汇应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling 理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology 细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology医学专业英语词汇学习-外科护理常用英语伤口护理 wound management伤口 wound一、伤口的性质 nature of wound bed1、健康肉芽形成 healthy granulation2、上皮形成 epithelization3、腐肉 slough4、黑色或棕色坏死组织 black/brown necrotic tissue5、其他(具体说明) specify二、渗出液 extravasate1、容量 volume 1)较少 slight 2)中等 moderate 3)大量 large2、性质 type 1)血清的 serous 2)血污的 blood stained 3)脓性的purulent3、气味 odour 1)没有 none 2)温和的 mild 3)刺激的 offensive三、伤口周边 wound margin1、颜色 colour2、水肿的 dropsical四、伤口深度 wound depth五、红斑 erythema1、呈现 present2、离伤口的最远距离 max, distance from wound六、周围皮肤的性质 general condition of surrounding skin1、干燥 dry2、湿疹 eczema七、疼痛程度 pain1、没有 0 none 温和 1 mild 中等 2 moderate 严重 3 severe2、间歇的 intermittent 恒定不变的 constant 换药时 at dressing change八、感染 infection1、疑似 suspected2、伤口拭子送检 wound swab sent3、确诊病菌感染 confirmed医学英语—常用护理词汇Nursing processes 护理过程assessment 估计nursing diagnosis 护理诊断planning 计划intervention (implementation, management) 措施(实施、管理) evaluation 评价Daily care of the patient 对病人的日常护理morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care 晨(晚)间护理bedmaking 整理床铺oral hygiene (mouth care) 口腔卫生brushing the teeth 刷牙flossing the teeth 清牙垢denture care 清洗假牙bathing 洗澡cleanliness and skin care 清洁与皮肤护理perineal care 洗会阴hair 梳头shaving 刮脸Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚changing hospital gowns 更换住院服装massage 按摩bedsore care 褥疮护理Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature量口腔(直肠、腋下)体温taking a radial pulse 测量桡动脉脉搏counting respirations 计呼吸次数measuring (taking) blood pressure 量血压Catheterization 导管插入术 cardiac catheterization 心导管插入术laryngeal catheterization喉插管术retro-urethral catheterization 逆行导尿管插入术urethral catheterization 尿道导管插入术Clean techniques, medical asepsis 消毒灭菌asepsis 无菌(法)integral asepsis 完全无菌disinfection 消毒concomitant (concurrent) disinfection 随时消毒,即时消毒steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒terminal disinfection 终末消毒disinfection by ultraviolet light 紫外线消毒Sterilization 灭菌,消毒chemical sterilization 化学灭菌法fractional sterilization 间歇灭菌法intermittent sterilization 间歇灭菌法mechanical sterilization 器械灭菌法Decompression 减压(术)oardiac decompression 心减压术cerebral decompression 脑减压术orbital decompression 眼眶减压术decompression of decompression 心包减压术gastro-intestinal decompression 胃肠减压术decompression of rectum 直肠减压术decompression of spinal cord 脊髓减压术Dialysis透析peritoneal dialysis腹膜透析hemodialysis 血液透析Drainage 引流、导液aspiration (suction) drainage 吸引导液(引流)closed drainage 关闭引流法negative pressure drainage 负压吸引法open drainage 开放引流法postural drainage 体位引流法vaginal drainage 阴道引流法vesicocelomic drainage 膀胱腹腔引流Drainage 灌肠barium enema钡灌肠blind enema肛管排气法contrast enema对比灌肠glycerin enema甘油灌肠high (low) enema 高(低)位灌肠magnesium sulfate enema 硫酸镁灌肠retention (non-retention) enema 保留(无保留)灌肠soapsuds enema 肥皂水灌肠turpentine enema 松节油灌肠Feeding 饲,喂养Forced (forcible) feeding 强制喂养intubtaion (tube) feeding 管饲法nasal feeding 鼻饲法rectal feeding 直肠营养法Heat and clod applications 冷、热敷 applying hot compresses 热敷applying hot soaks 湿热敷assisting the patient to take a sitz bath 帮病人坐浴applying hot water bottles 用热水瓶applying an ice bag (collar0 用冰袋applying cold compresses 冷敷giving a cold (an alcohol) sponge bath 冷水(酒精)擦浴Infusion 输入,注入glucose infusion 葡萄糖液输注glucose-saline infusion 葡萄糖-盐水输注saline infusion 盐水输注Injection 注射endermic (intracutaneous) injection 皮内注射hypertonic saline injection 高渗盐水注射hypodermic injection 皮下注射intramuscular injection 肌内注射intraocular injection 眼球注射intrapleural injection 胸膜腔注射intrauterine injection 子宫内注射nasal injection 鼻内注射peritoneal injection 腹膜腔注射rectal injection 直肠注射subconjunctival injection 结膜下注射urethral injection 尿道注射vaginal injection 阴道注射Irrigation 冲洗vaginal irrigation 阴道冲洗bladder irrigation 膀胱冲洗continuous irrigation 连续冲洗法mediate irrigation 间接冲洗法Isolation 隔离、分离strict isolation 严密隔离contact isolation 接触隔离respiratory isolation 呼吸隔离drainage (secretion) precautions 引流预防措施enteric precautions 肠道预防措施blood (body fluid) precautions 血液(体液)预防措施protective isolation 保护性隔离Lavage 灌洗blood (systemic) lavage 血液毒素清洗法ether lavage (腹腔内)乙醚洗法gastric lavage 洗胃intestinal lavage 洗肠peritoneal lavage 腹膜腔灌洗pleural lavage 胸膜腔灌洗Medication 药疗,投药,给药 endermic medication 皮内透药法hypodermatic medication 皮下投药法intramuscular medication 肌肉投药法ionic medication 离子透药疗法nasal medication 鼻内投药法oral medication 口服法rectal medication 直肠投药法sublingual medication 舌下投药法transduodenal medication 十二指肠内投药法vaginal medication 阴道投药法Suctioning 吸气引液upper airway suctioning 上呼吸道抽吸法nasogastric suctioning 鼻胃抽吸wound suctioning 伤口吸引Transfusion 输血arterial transfusion 动脉输血blood transfusion 输血direct (immediate ) transfusion 直接输血drip transfusion 滴注输(血)液indirect transfusion 间接输血plasma transfusion 输血浆serum transfusion 输血清venous transfusion 静脉输血,静脉输液Diet nursing 伙食护理 absolute diet (fasting) 禁食balanced diet 均衡伙食convalescent diet 恢复期饮食diabetic diet 糖尿病饮食eucaloric diet 适当热量饮食fat-free diet 无脂饮食salt-free diet 无盐饮食fever diet 热病饮食full diet 全食,普通饮食half diet 半食high caloric diet 高热量饮食high-carbohydrate diet 高糖类饮食high-protein (protein rich) diet 高蛋白饮食invalid diet 病弱者饮食light diet 易消化饮食liquid diet 流质饮食high fat diet 高脂饮食low fat diet 低脂饮食low caloric diet 低热量饮食low-protein diet 低蛋白饮食low-residue diet 低渣饮食nourishing diet 滋补饮食obesity diet 肥胖病饮食prenatal diet 孕期饮食regimen diet 规定食谱smooth (soft) diet 细软饮食Preparing the patient for the surgery 为病人手术前做准备s having the patient‘s skin (skin prep) 备皮医.学anesthesia 麻醉Postoperative care 手术后护理coughing and deep-breathing exercises 咳嗽呼吸练习applying elastic stockings 穿弹性袜applying elastic bandages 用弹性绷带Emergency care (first aid) 急救护理cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺循环复苏术mouth-to-mouth(mouth-to-nose,mouth-to-stoma) resuscitation口对口(口对鼻,口对颈部小口)循环复苏术emergency care for fainting (shock, stroke) victims昏厥(休克、中风)患者急救emergency care used to control hemorrhage 止血急救emergency care given to help a patient who is vomiting呕吐患者急救emergency care for a patient during a seizure 癫痫发作急救hospice care 临终护理postmortem care 死后护理医学英语词汇学习资料。

接下来为大家整理了医学专业必备英语词汇,希望对你有帮助哦!医学专业必备英语词汇一:医学生物学Medical Biology医学遗传学Medical Genetics系统解剖学Systematic Anatomy组织学与胚胎学Histology and Embryology人体生理学Human Physiology生物化学Biochemistry药理学Pharmacology病理生理学Pathophysiology病理学Pathology医学免疫学Medical Immunology医学微生物学Microbiology人体寄生虫学Human Parasitology流行病学Epidemiology卫生学Hygiene局部解剖学Regional Anatomy法医学Forensic Medicine实验诊断学Laboratory Diagnosis诊断学Diagnostics内科学Internal Medicine外科学Surgery妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecology儿科学Pediatrics神经病学Neurology精神病学Psychiatry康复医学Rehabilitation Medicine中医学Chinese Traditional Medicine皮肤与性病学Dermatology and Venerology 传染病学Infectious Diseases核医学Atomic Medicine口腔解剖生理学Oral Anatomy and Physiology 口腔组织病理学Oral Histology and Pathology 口腔粘膜病学Diseases of the Oral Mucosa牙体牙髓病学Cariology And Endodontics牙周病学Periodontics口腔正畸学Orthodontics口腔修复学Prosthodontics口腔颌面外科学Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery口腔预防医学及儿童口腔医学PDPD麻醉解剖学Anesthesia Anatomy麻醉物理学Anaesthetic Physics临床麻醉学Clinical Anaesthesiology重症监护Intensive Care Therapy疼痛诊疗学Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain麻醉设备学Anesthesia Equipment医学影像学Medical Imaging影像物理学Physics of Medicine Imaging医学专业必备英语词汇二:生物药剂学与药物动力学Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics生药学Pharmacognosy天然药物化学Natural Medicine Chemistry药剂学Pharmaceutics药事管理学The Science of Pharmacy Administration护理学基础Fundamental Nursing儿科护理学Paediatric nursing内科护理学Medical Nursing外科护理学Surgical Nursing护理管理学Science of Nursing Management护理心理学Nursing Psychology急诊护理学Emergency Nursing医用物理学Medical Physics数学Mathematics体育Physical Education计算机Computer Science毛泽东思想概论Essentials of Mao Zedong Thought 邓小平理论Deng Xiao Ping Theory政治经济学Political Economy马克思主义哲学Marxism Philosophy法律基础Basis of Law医学伦理学Medicine Ethics医学心理学Medical Psychology市场营销Marketing会计学Accounting影像设备学Medical Imaging Equipment医用电子学Medical Electronics超声诊断Ultrasonic Diagnosis眼科学Ophthalmology基础眼科学Fundamental Ophthalmology临床眼科学Clinical Ophthalmology眼科手术学Ophthalmic Operative Surgery 眼科诊断学Ophthalmologic Diagnostics 耳鼻咽喉科学Otorhinolaryngology无机化学Inorganic Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry仪器分析Instrumental Analysis药物化学Medicinal Chemistry药物分析Pharmaceutical Analysis。

医学英语翻译一、常用医学词汇翻译1. Symptom(症状)2. Disease(疾病)3. Diagnosis(诊断)4. Treatment(治疗)5. Medication(药物治疗)6. Surgery(手术)7. Recovery(康复)8. Prevention(预防)9. Vaccine(疫苗)10. Infection(感染)二、人体部位与系统词汇翻译1. Brain(大脑)2. Heart(心脏)3. Lung(肺)4. Liver(肝脏)5. Kidney(肾脏)6. Skeleton(骨骼)7. Muscular System(肌肉系统)8. Nervous System(神经系统)9. Immune System(免疫系统)10. Circulatory System(循环系统)三、医学检查与测试词汇翻译1. Blood Test(血液检查)2. Xray(X光检查)3. CT Scan(计算机断层扫描)4. MRI(磁共振成像)5. Ultrasound(超声波检查)6. Biopsy(活组织检查)7. ECG/EKG(心电图)8. Endoscopy(内窥镜检查)9. Lumbar Puncture(腰椎穿刺)10. Colonoscopy(结肠镜检查)四、临床医学专业术语翻译1. Acute(急性的)2. Chronic(慢性的)3. Terminal(晚期的)4. Remission(缓解)5. Complication(并发症)6. Side Effect(副作用)7. Allergy(过敏)8. Intensive Care Unit(重症监护室)9. Ambulance(救护车)10. Organ Donation(器官捐赠)五、药物治疗相关词汇翻译1. Prescription(处方)2. Pharmacy(药房)3. Dosage(剂量)4. Pill(药片)5. Injection(注射)6. Intravenous(静脉注射)7. Topical(局部应用的)8. Analgesic(镇痛药)9. Antibiotic(抗生素)10. Antiviral(抗病毒药物)(文档将持续更新,敬请期待后续内容)六、医疗程序与手术术语翻译1. Appendectomy(阑尾切除术)2. Cesarean Section(剖宫产)3. Lithotripsy(碎石术)4. Transplantation(移植手术)5. Bypass Surgery(旁路手术)6. Hip Replacement(髋关节置换术)7. Lasik Surgery(激光矫正视力手术)8. Radiation Therapy(放射治疗)9. Chemotherapy(化学治疗)10. Dialysis(透析)七、医疗设备与器械词汇翻译1. Stethoscope(听诊器)2. Scalpel(手术刀)3. Syringe(注射器)4. Defibrillator(除颤器)5. Ventilator(呼吸机)6. Monitor(监护仪)7. Catheter(导管)8. Gurney(轮床)9. Incubator(孵化器)10. Endoscope(内窥镜)八、健康与营养相关词汇翻译1. Nutrition(营养)2. Diet(饮食)3. Vitamin(维生素)4. Mineral(矿物质)5. Calorie(卡路里)6. Obesity(肥胖)7. Malnutrition(营养不良)8. Fitness(健康)9. Exercise(锻炼)10. Hydration(水分补充)九、心理健康与精神病学词汇翻译1. Psychology(心理学)2. Psychiatrist(精神科医生)3. Therapist(治疗师)4. Anxiety(焦虑)5. Depression(抑郁)6. Schizophrenia(精神分裂症)7. Bipolar Disorder(双相情感障碍)8. PTSD(创伤后应激障碍)9. Psychotherapy(心理治疗)10. Cognitive Behavior Therapy(认知行为疗法)十、公共卫生与流行病学词汇翻译1. Public Health(公共卫生)2. Epidemiology(流行病学)3. Outbreak(爆发)4. Pandemic(大流行)5. Quarantine(隔离)6. Influenza(流感)7. HIV/DS(人类免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病)8. Tuberculosis(结核病)9. Sanitation(卫生)10. Vaccine Preventable Diseases(可通过疫苗预防的疾病)(文档将持续更新,敬请期待后续内容)十一、医疗伦理与法律词汇翻译1. Medical Ethics(医疗伦理)2. Informed Consent(知情同意)3. Confidentiality(保密性)4. Malpractice(医疗过失)5. Patient's Rights(患者权利)6. HIPAA(健康保险便携与责任法案)7. Do No Harm(不伤害原则)8. EndofLife Care(临终关怀)9. Euthanasia(安乐死)10. Bioethics(生物伦理学)十二、医学术语与缩写翻译1. BMI (Body Mass Index)(身体质量指数)2. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)(心肺复苏)3. ECG (Electrocardiogram)(心电图)4. EEG (Electroencephalogram)(脑电图)5. IV (Intravenous)(静脉注射)6. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)(磁共振成像)7. NGO (NonGovernmental Organization)(非政府组织)8. RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)(核糖核酸)9. STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)(性传播疾病)10. WHO (World Health Organization)(世界卫生组织)十三、医学研究与学术词汇翻译1. Clinical Trial(临床试验)2. Research Protocol(研究方案)3. Randomized Control Trial(随机对照试验)4. Placebo(安慰剂)5. Peer Review(同行评审)6. Grant Funding(资助基金)7. Hypothesis(假设)8. Data Analysis(数据分析)9. Publish(发表)10. Citation(引用)十四、中医与替代医学词汇翻译1. Traditional Chinese Medicine(中医)2. Acupuncture(针灸)3. Herbal Medicine(草药医学)4. Qi(气)5. Meridian(经络)6. Homeopathy(顺势疗法)7. Naturopathy(自然疗法)8. Ayurveda(阿育吠陀医学)9. Chiropractic(脊椎按摩疗法)10. Reiki(灵气疗法)十五、医疗管理与政策词汇翻译1. Health Insurance(健康保险)2. Health Policy(健康政策)3. Healthcare System(医疗体系)4. Primary Care(初级护理)5. Specialist(专家)6. Telemedicine(远程医疗)7. Health Economics(卫生经济学)8. Health Education(健康教育)9. Hospital Administration(医院管理)10. Medical Tourism(医疗旅游)(文档将持续更新,敬请期待后续内容)。

综合性字汇Contraceptive避孕的Contraindication 禁忌症Biology 生物学Hyperemesis 剧吐Polydipsia剧渴Homosexual 同性的Heterosexual 异性的Inject 注射Lipoma 脂肪瘤Lipoid 脂肪样的Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症Malformaiton 畸形Malaise 不适Necrosis坏死Nocturia 夜尿症Ployuria 多尿Narcotics 麻醉药Hyperplasia 增殖Dysplasia 发育不良Dyspepsia 消化不良Prognosis 预後Antipyretic 解热剂Hydrophobia 恐水症Photophobia 畏光Antibiotic 抗生素Syndrome 症候群Hydrotherapy 水疗法Perforation 穿孔Percussion叩诊Visceralgia脏器痛二、妇产科常用字汇Genital 生殖的Gynecology 妇科Menstruation 月经Menopause 更年期Menorrhagia经血过多Amenorrhea 无月经Dysmenorrhea经痛Menarche初经Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂Cervicitis子宫颈炎Perineum会阴Endometriosis子宫内膜异位Ovary 卵巢Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿Ovulation排卵Vaginitis阴道炎Colposcopy 阴道镜检法Galactocele乳腺囊肿Mammography 乳房X光摄影术Infertility 不孕症InVitro Fertilization 体外受精Amnion 羊膜Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞Hydramnion 羊水过多Anterpartal 产前的Antepartum 分娩前Chorionic Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称Artificial Insemination 人工受精Engagement 进入产位Estrogen动情基素Colostrum 初乳Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕Corpus Luteum 黄体Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩Venereal Disease 性病Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎Laparoscope 腹腔镜Embryo 胚胎Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕Primipara 初产妇Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中Multipara 经产妇Parity 经产Placenta Previa前置胎盘Postpartum 产後Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症Adolescence青春期Basal Body Temperature 基础体温Cesarean Section 剖腹产Expected Date of Confinement 预产期Fallopian Tube 输卵管Forceps 产钳incoherent 语无伦次thought Withdrawal 思想退缩irrelevant 答非所问delusion 妄想delusion of persecution 被害妄想delusion of grandeur 夸大妄想Phobia 恐惧症acrophobia 惧高症algophobia 惧痛症sexual drive 性欲illusion 错觉hallucination 幻觉auditory hallucination 听幻觉disoreinatation 失去定向力amnesia记忆丧失症confabulation 虚谈症orientation 定向力judgement 判断力derealization 失真感insight病识感no insight 无病识感intellectual insight 理性的病识感true emotional insight 真正具有情绪性病识感心理学名词free association 自由联想dream analysis 梦的解析ego 自我id 原我super ego 超我ego boundary 自我界限libido 原欲scapegoat 代罪羔羊internal conflict 内在冲突conscious 意识unconscious 潜意识preconscious前意识transference 情感转移depersonalization 人格解体derealization 脱离现实neurosis神经精神病Psychosis神经病Pleasure Principle 享乐原则Reality Principle 现实原则Moral Principle 道德原则Predisposing Factors 潜在因素Precipitating Factors 诱发因素Defense Mechanism 防卫机转compensation 补偿作用conversion 转化作用denial 否认作用displacement 转移作用dissociation 解离作用fantasy 幻想作用identification 认同作用introjection 内射作用projection 外射作用retionalization 合理化作用reaction formation 反向作用degression 退化作用repression 潜抑作用suppression 压抑作用restitution 归还作用sublimation 升华作用substitution 取代作用symbolism 象徵作用undoing 抵销作用distortion 曲解作用isolation 隔离作用。

(word完整版)医学专业英语词汇一、内科常用字汇心血管系统The Cardiovascular SystemAcute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)急性心机梗塞Electrocardiogram (DCG)心电图Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 高血压性心脏血管疾病Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病Hemangioma 血管瘤Vasodilatation 血管扩张Arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化Hypertension 高血压Hypertrophy 肥大Hypotension 低血压Varicose veins 静脉曲张血液及淋巴系统The Hemic and Lymphatic System Adenitis 腺炎Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病Leukocyte 白血球Leukocytopenia白血球减少Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 全身性红斑性狼疮Splenomegaly 脾肿大Anemia贫血Aseptic 无菌的Septicemia败血症Hemostasis 止血Transfusion输血呼吸系统The Respiratory SystemPulmonary embolism 肺栓塞Mucosa 黏膜Exhale呼吸Apnea窒息Tachypnea呼吸急促Pneumonia肺炎Bronchitis支气管炎Lung Empyema 肺积脓消化系统The Digestive SystemShort of breath 呼吸短促Dysphasia说话困难Aphasia 失语症Aphonia失声Dysphagia 吞咽困难Gingivitis 齿龈炎Pharyngitis 咽炎Laryngitis 喉炎Esophagoscopy 食道镜检查Esophagus stricture 食道狭窄Abdominocentesis腹部穿刺术Gastric cancer 胃癌Gastritis 胃炎Gastroenteritis胃肠炎Gastrorrhagia胃出血Pyloric obstruction 幽门阻塞Duodenal Ulcer 十二指肠溃疡Peritonitis 腹膜炎Enterorrhagia 肠出血Enterorrhexis 肠破裂Appendicitis 阑尾炎Colon cancer结肠癌Proctoscopy 直肠镜检查Rectal cancer 直肠癌Anal Fistual 肛门廔管External hemorrhoid 外痔Internal hemorrhoid 内痔Excretion 排泄Hepatitis肝炎Hepatomegaly 肝肿大Gall Stone 胆结石Cholelithiasis 胆石症Liver Cirrhosis 肝硬化Ascites腹水内分泌系统The Endocrine System Glycemia糖血症Goiter 甲状腺肿Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病Diabetes Insipidus尿崩症Bromidrosis汗臭症Pituitary Tumor 脑下垂体肿瘤神经系统The Nervous SystemCerebral Arteriosclerosis 脑动脉硬化Cerebral Hemorrhage 脑出血Cerebral Edema 脑水肿Cerebra Palsy脑性麻痹Cerebral Thrombosis 脑栓塞Cranial Neruritis 脑神经炎Intracranial Hemorrhage 颅内出血Encephalitis 脑炎Electromyography 肌电图Neuritis神经炎Epilepsy 癜痫Trigeminal Neuralgia 三叉神经痛Rachitis 痀偻症Rachioscoliiosis脊柱侧弯Spondylitis 脊椎炎Quadriplegia 四肢麻痹Paraplegia 下半身瘫痪Immediately loss of consciousness 立即丧失意识(word完整版)医学专业英语词汇Eye opening睁眼反应Verbal response 语言反应Motor response 运动反应Corneal reflex 角膜反射Plantar reflex 膝反射Sciatica坐骨神经痛Chorea 舞蹈症Muscle atrophy 肌萎缩Migraine 偏头痛Parkinson's Disease 巴金森式症Brain Swelling 脑肿胀brain Concussion 脑震荡brain Anoxia脑缺氧症brain Death 脑死肌肉骨骼系统The Musculoskeletal SystemAnterior Cruciate Ligament 前十字韧带Rheumatoid Arthritis 类风湿性关节炎Arthrosclerosis关节硬化Degenerated Joint Disease变性关节炎Clavicle Fracture 锁骨骨折Pelvic Fracture 骨盆骨折Plastic Paris Cast 整形硬石膏Matastatic Lesion转移性损害Osteoporosis骨质疏松症Amputation 截肢Bone graft 骨移植Hallux Valgus大拇指外翻Prosthesis Replacement 人工弥补置换术Range of Motion 运动范围Varus 内翻Chondromalacia软骨软化症泌尿及男性生殖系统The Urinary and Male Reproductive SystemCystitis 膀胱炎Circumcision包皮环割术Cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查Hydronephrosis肾水肿Renal Stone 肾结石Acute Renal Failure 急性肾衰竭Cryptorchidism 隐睾症Spermatogenesis精子生成Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 良性摄护腺肥大Ureteral stenosis 输尿管狭窄Dysuria 排尿困难Hematuria血尿Uremia尿毒症Urinary Tract Infection 尿路感染Vasoligation 输精管结扎Impotence 阳萎特殊感觉器官The Organs of Special Senses Audiometer 听力计Otitis耳炎Otorrhea耳漏Tympanitis中耳炎Tympanotomy 鼓膜穿破术Nasitis鼻炎Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma鼻咽癌Rhinorrhea 鼻溢Intraocular Foreign Body 眼内异物Intraocular pressure 眼内压Oculus Uterque 双眼Oculus Sinister 左眼Oculus Dexter 右眼Extraocular Muscle 眼外肌Ophthalmologist 眼科医师Diplopia 复视Myopia 近视Blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂Corneitis 角膜炎Pupil Size Anisocoria瞳孔大小不等Retinopexy 视网膜固定术Retinal Detachment 视网膜剥落Visual field 视野Vocal nodular 声带结节Dermatologist 皮肤科医师Dermatitis皮肤炎Cataract白内障Glaucoma青光眼综合性字汇Contraceptive避孕的Contraindication 禁忌症Biology 生物学Hyperemesis 剧吐Polydipsia剧渴Homosexual 同性的Heterosexual 异性的Inject 注射Lipoma 脂肪瘤Lipoid 脂肪样的Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症Malformaiton 畸形Malaise 不适Necrosis坏死Nocturia 夜尿症Ployuria 多尿Narcotics 麻醉药(word完整版)医学专业英语词汇Hyperplasia 增殖Dysplasia 发育不良Dyspepsia 消化不良Prognosis 预後Antipyretic 解热剂Hydrophobia 恐水症Photophobia 畏光Antibiotic 抗生素Syndrome 症候群Hydrotherapy 水疗法Perforation 穿孔Percussion叩诊Visceralgia脏器痛二、妇产科常用字汇Genital 生殖的Gynecology 妇科Menstruation 月经Menopause 更年期Menorrhagia经血过多Amenorrhea 无月经Dysmenorrhea经痛Menarche初经Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂Cervicitis子宫颈炎Perineum会阴Endometriosis子宫内膜异位Ovary 卵巢Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿Ovulation排卵Vaginitis阴道炎Colposcopy 阴道镜检法Galactocele乳腺囊肿Mammography 乳房X光摄影术Infertility 不孕症InVitro Fertilization 体外受精Amnion 羊膜Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞Hydramnion 羊水过多Anterpartal 产前的Antepartum 分娩前Chorionic Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称Artificial Insemination 人工受精Engagement 进入产位Estrogen动情基素Colostrum 初乳Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕Corpus Luteum 黄体Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩Venereal Disease 性病Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎Laparoscope 腹腔镜Embryo 胚胎Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕Primipara 初产妇Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中Multipara 经产妇Parity 经产Placenta Previa前置胎盘Postpartum 产後Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症Adolescence青春期Basal Body Temperature 基础体温Cesarean Section 剖腹产Expected Date of Confinement 预产期Fallopian Tube 输卵管Forceps 产钳Hydatidiform Mole 水囊状胎块Labor Pain阵痛Painless Labor 无痛分娩Molding胎头变形Normal Spontaneous Delivery 正常自然生产Papanicolaou Smear 子宫颈抹片检查Premature Rupture of Membrance 早期破水Progesterone黄体素Stillbrith死产Suture 缝合Stump残物Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血三、小儿科常用字汇Apnea呼吸暂停Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血Arterio Venous Malformation 动静脉畸形Bronchial Asthma支气管性气喘Bronchitis支气管炎Cephalopematoma头血肿Erythema红斑Hypospadia尿道下裂Dehydration 脱水Hydrocephalus水脑Hydrocele 阴囊积水Polydactylia多指畸形(word完整版)医学专业英语词汇Pyoderma脓皮症Sepsis 败血症Tonsillitis扁桃腺炎Encephalitis脑炎Gastroenteritis肠胃炎Necrotizing Enterocolitis坏死性小肠结肠炎Malignant恶性的Congenital Malformation 先天性畸形Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息Cleft Palate 颚裂Diarrhea腹泻Dental Caries 龋齿Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹Torticollis斜颈Vaccine疫苗Incubator 保温箱Cleft lip 兔唇Chicken pox 水痘Club foot 畸足Diphtheria白喉Dengue fever 登革热Eczema湿疹Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒German Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹Giant baby巨婴Gonorrhea 淋病Hepatitis B B型肝炎Hand-foot—mouth disease 手足口病Jaundice 黄疸Mongolian spots 蒙古斑Mumps 腮腺炎Respiratory arrest呼吸停止Roseola infantum幼儿玫瑰疹Vomiting呕吐四、精神科常用字汇Mental retardation 智能不足autism自闭症dement 痴呆症alzheimer's dementia阿尔茲海默式形痴呆症alcoholism 酒瘾substances Intoxication 物质中毒alcohol Intoxication 酒精中毒amphetamine Intoxication 安非他命中毒schizophrenia精神分裂病delusional Disorder 妄想性病患Major Depressive Disorder重郁症疾患phobia畏惧症obsessive-Compulsive Disorder强迫性病患pedophilia恋童癖exhibitionism 暴露狂Transvestic Fetishism扮异性恋物癖Gender Identity Disorders 性别认同疾患Anorexia Nervosa心因性厌食症Bulimia Nervosa心因性暴食症临床症状blunted affect 感情迟钝silly Laughter 傻笑apathy冷漠irritable 易怒的euphoria欣快感depression 忧郁ambivalence感情矛盾Flat Affect感情平淡suicide attempt 自杀企图queer behavior 怪异行为bizarre behavior 特异行为hypertalkative 多话hypotalkative 少话mutistic不语hyperactivity 活动过多hypoactivity 活动过少compulsive behavior 强迫行为verbigeration 重复语言catelepsy 僵直negativism阻抗行动Mannerism作态行为destrctive behavior 破坏行为autistic thinking 自闭性思考poverty of speech 言语贫乏flight of ideas 意念飞跃loosening of association 思考连结松散illogical thinking 不合逻辑思考pressure speech 言语急迫thought blocking 思考中断incoherent 语无伦次thought Withdrawal 思想退缩irrelevant 答非所问delusion 妄想delusion of persecution 被害妄想delusion of grandeur 夸大妄想Phobia 恐惧症acrophobia 惧高症algophobia 惧痛症sexual drive 性欲illusion 错觉(word完整版)医学专业英语词汇hallucination 幻觉auditory hallucination 听幻觉disoreinatation 失去定向力amnesia记忆丧失症confabulation 虚谈症orientation 定向力judgement 判断力derealization 失真感insight病识感no insight 无病识感intellectual insight 理性的病识感true emotional insight 真正具有情绪性病识感心理学名词free association 自由联想dream analysis 梦的解析ego 自我id 原我super ego 超我ego boundary 自我界限libido 原欲scapegoat 代罪羔羊internal conflict 内在冲突conscious 意识unconscious 潜意识preconscious前意识transference 情感转移depersonalization 人格解体derealization 脱离现实neurosis神经精神病Psychosis神经病Pleasure Principle 享乐原则Reality Principle 现实原则Moral Principle 道德原则Predisposing Factors 潜在因素Precipitating Factors 诱发因素Defense Mechanism 防卫机转compensation 补偿作用conversion 转化作用denial 否认作用displacement 转移作用dissociation 解离作用fantasy 幻想作用identification 认同作用introjection 内射作用projection 外射作用retionalization 合理化作用reaction formation 反向作用degression 退化作用repression 潜抑作用suppression 压抑作用restitution 归还作用sublimation 升华作用substitution 取代作用symbolism 象徵作用undoing 抵销作用distortion 曲解作用isolation 隔离作用Cognitive behavioral Therapy认知行为治疗Empathy 同理心Resistance阻抗testing out behavior 试探行为self—awareness自我了解separation anxiety 分离焦虑reinforcement 增强原则catharsis 情绪宣泄confrontation 面质listen 倾听restraint 约束physical restraint 身体的约束chemical 药物的约束五、各科常用缩写AAAD against-advice discharge 自动出院A abdomen 腹部ADL activities of daily life 日常生活活动A/G albumin /globulin ration 白蛋白/蛋球白比例AK above knee 膝上B。

一、医学专业词汇1. Anatomy 解剖学Anatomy is the study of the structure of organisms, including humans.2. Physiology 生理学Physiology is the study of the functions and processes of living organisms.3. Pathology 病理学Pathology is the study of diseases and their effects on the body.4. Pharmacology 药理学Pharmacology is the study of drugs, their properties, and their effects on the body.5. Microbiology 微生物学Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses.6. Immunology 免疫学Immunology is the study of the immune system, including how it functions and how it responds to pathogens.7. Neurology 神经学Neurology is the study of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.8. Cardiology 心脏病学Cardiology is the study of the heart and heart diseases.9. Dermatology 皮肤病学Dermatology is the study of the skin and skin diseases.10. Radiology 放射学Radiology is the branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques, such as X-rays and ultrasounds, to diagnose and treat diseases.二、英语知识点1. Medical Abbreviations 医学缩写Medical professionals often use abbreviations to save time and space when documenting patient information. Common medical abbreviations include "BP" for blood pressure, "HR" for heart rate, and "CPR" for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.2. Medical Terminology 医学术语Medical terminology consists of words and phrases that are used to describe medical conditions, procedures, and anatomy. For example, "anemia" is a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells, and "appendectomy" refers to the surgical removal of the appendix.3. Prefixes and Suffixes 前缀和后缀Medical terminology often includes prefixes and suffixes, which can change or modify the meaning of a word. For example, the prefix "hypo-" means low or below normal, as in "hypothyroidism," which is a condition characterized by an underactive thyroid gland.4. Medical Instruments 医疗器械Medical instruments are tools that are used by healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat patients. Common medical instruments include stethoscopes, syringes, and surgical scalpels.5. Body Systems 人体系统The human body can be divided into different systems, such as the circulatory system, respiratory system, and skeletal system. Understanding the functions and interactions of these systems is crucial in the study of medicine.总结:通过掌握以上的医学专业词汇和英语知识点,高中生可以建立起在医学领域中使用英语的基础。

医学专业英语词汇1. Anatomy(解剖学)- The study of the structure of the human body.Anatomy(解剖学)- The study of the structure of the human body.2. Physiology(生理学)- The study of how the body functions.Physiology(生理学)- The study of how the body functions.3. Pathology(病理学)- The study of diseases and their effects on the body.Pathology(病理学)- The study of diseases and their effects on the body.4. Pharmacology(药理学)- The study of how drugs interact with the body.Pharmacology(药理学)- The study of how drugs interact with the body.5. Diagnosis(诊断)- The identification of a disease or condition.Diagnosis(诊断)- The identification of a disease or condition.6. Symptom(症状)- An indication of a disease or condition experienced by a patient.Symptom(症状)- An indication of a disease or condition experienced by a patient.7. Treatment(治疗)- The management or care provided to a patient to improve their condition.Treatment(治疗)- The management or care provided to a patient to improve their condition.8. Surgery(外科手术)- The medical specialty that involves operative procedures on the body.Surgery(外科手术)- The medical specialty that involves operative procedures on the body.9. Radiology(放射学)- The branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.Radiology (放射学)- The branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.10. Obstetrics(产科学)- The branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.Obstetrics(产科学)- The branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.这些词汇只是医学专业英语词汇的一小部分,但对于医学研究和实践非常重要。
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• In the blood bank, a patient’s blood type is determined and the blood is tested against potential donor blood to make sure that there will be no problems with a transfusion.
• Chemotherapy:化疗 [ˌki:məʊˈθerəpi]
Prior to the development of automated laboratory instrumentation, practitioners performed laboratory tests manually, one test at a time. Today, laboratory instruments in chemistry and hematology are designed to perform up to 60 tests in just a few minutes. Automated:自动化
• Organism:微生物 • antimicrobial agents:抗菌剂,抗菌素
Cultures for fungal and yeast infections as well as for the organisms responsible for tuberculosis are also performed in some laboratories. Examination of stool specimens for the presence of parasites is a routine test in many laboratories.
• Hemoglobin n. 血红蛋白 • Erythrocyte n. 红细胞 • Platelet n.血小板 • Plasma n.浆,血浆
• The morphology of each cell type is described. This information will help diagnose anemia, leukemia or other diseases involving the blood cells.
date collection:数据(收集)采集 patient reporting:病人报告
• Nevertheless, a practitioner is still needed to monitor the instrument and to review and validate the results.
• Hemostasis • Urinalysis • Serology • Immunology • Virology • Parasitology • Mycology • Erythrocyte • Platelet • Plasma
n. 止血(法) n.尿分析(法)
n.血清学 n.免疫学
n. 病毒学 n.寄生虫学 n. 真菌学,霉菌学
• Morphology n. 形态学
In hemostasis, the plasma is tested to detect problems with clotting and bleeding. In patients with diseases such as hemophilia, there is a defect in one of the plasma constituents that allows blood to clot. Tests done in the hemostasis laboratory can help detect this defect.
In microbiology, the identification of many organisms is performed by automated equipment. Most laboratories are now equipped with complex instruments that are interfaced with laboratory information systems (LIS) for date collection and patient reporting.
n. 血红蛋白
• Hematology
n. 血液学
• Swab
n. 药签
• Anticoagulant n. 抗凝(血)药,抗凝的
• Therapy
n. 治疗,疗法
• Maintenance • Manual • Protocol • Phlebotomist • Cytotechnologist • Histology • Malignancy • Inflammatory • Biopsy
• Monitor:监控 • Validate: 校正
• A risk factor in the profession is that laboratory personnel are also exposed to many hazardsacids, noxious odors and blood-borne pathogens such as hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Culture:培养 Stool:粪便
In serology, the serum is tested for the presence of antibodies to specific viral, fungal or bacterial agents. Results from tests such as the rubella or hepatitis tests determine whether a patient currently has a specific disease or is immune to it.
Hemophilia n.血友病 constituents:组分,成分
Clotting: 凝血
The chemistry section is responsible for performing tests that determine levels of blood constituents such as glucose or protein, detect elevations in enzyme characteristic of heartattacks or liver disease or measure ions such as sodium and potassium that control the electrolyte balance in the body.
n. 红细胞 n. 血小板 n. 浆,血浆
• Morphology • Hemophilia • Electrolyte • Medium • Fungal • Rubella • Sodium • Potassium • Potassemia • Antimicrobial
n. 形态学 n. 血友病
• Transfusion:输血 • Blood type:blood group,血型
• In addition, specific blood components such as platelet are prepared for transfusion to patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and require these cells to prevent uncontrolled bleeding.
• Electrolyte n.电解质 • Sodium n.钠 • Potassium n. 钾 • Glucose :葡萄糖 • Protein:蛋白质 • Enzyme:酶
Often urinalysis is also performed in chemistry section. Results of urinalysis may suggest the presence of a urinary tract infection, kidney dmay include virology, parasitology, mycology and/or mycobacteriology, although these areas are explained in detail in chapter ш, the general testing performed in each is described here.
Virology n. 病 毒 学
Parasitology n. 寄 生 虫 学
Mycology n.真菌学,霉菌学
• In the hematology section, blood from the patient is tested for the amount of hemoglobin and the number of leucocyte, erythrocyte and platelet.
n. 电解质 n. 介质,培养基
n. 真菌的,霉菌的 n.风疹
n. 钠 n. 钾
n. 高钾血(症) n.抗微生物的/抗菌的(药)
• Stool
n. 粪便
• Hepatitis
n. 肝炎
• Pathogen
n. 病原体,致病菌
• Mycobacteriology
n. 分支杆菌学
• Hemoglobin
• Media: 培养基,介质 • Urine:尿样
• In addition to identification of these organisms, the microbiology laboratory also identifies which antimicrobial agents might be useful in fighting the infection.