pH 和 ORP 控制器 变送器 说明书
1.3 安全说明 pH/ORP 变送器必须由熟悉这类工作有资格的工作人员来安装和操作。
有问题的变送器不能被安装也不能投入使用。 pH/ORP 变送器必须工作在规定的工作条件下(参见第 8 项)。 pH/ORP 变送器不能由客户自行打开修理。 改装过的 pH/ORP 变送器是不能使用的。生产商/供应商不承担任何因未经许可私 自改动仪表而造成损坏的责任。由客户完全承担由此带来的风险。
2 产品描述
2.1 仪表描述
EUTECH 仪器有限公司的 pH/ORP 变送器是用来测量 pH 或 ORP 和温度值。pH 或 ORP 测量 值可以用比例或极限点的方式来控制。
该款变送器有两个版本,一种是表盘安装方式另一种是壁挂式安装方式。变送器可被用 于水处理中作为监测仪、电解净水、化工流程、食品流程、净水或污水控制和中和过程。
10.3 返修
10.4 产品返修指南
11 附件
11.1 附件 1 – Pt 100 / Pt 1000 选择
11.2 附件 2 – pH 缓冲溶液对应温度值
11.3 附录 3 – 迟滞宽度
11.4 附录 4 – 控制动作
11.5 附录 5 – 显示菜单中的缩写词
• 清洗继电器。 • 锁定功能可固定住 0/4—20mA 输出电流并且可以释放继电器。 • LED 指示可以从远处清楚地知道仪表的控制激活状态。 • 抗电磁干扰。 • 防紫外线、背光液晶显示。
2.2 测量和控制系统
典型的测量系统有以下部分组成: • pH/ORP 在线变送器。 • pH/ORP 复合电极合并或独立的温度传感器 Pt100/Pt1000。 • 合适的 pH/ORP 测量电缆线。 • 浸入式、流通式或流程配件有或没有接地电极。 • 终端的控制部件,如泵或阀。 • 记录仪
PH-620工业PH/ORP控制器用户手册烟台凯米斯仪器有限公司TEL: +86 535 8381357FAX: +86 535 2945018ADDR:山东招远市普照路68号目录1.用户须知 (2)2.概述 (2)3.技术性能 (3)4.前面板说明 (3)5.仪器操作 (4)6.仪器安装 (9)7.后面板接线图 (10)8.PH电极的几种常见的安装方式 (11)9.PH电极使用保养 (11) 1 -1.用户须知●使用时请遵守本说明书之操作规程及注意事项。
其他的附加装置和特点:易读数的中文大屏幕多参数同时显示、诸如隔离式PH 4~20mA输出电流(选配)、温度电流输出(选配)、485通信接口(选配)。
3.技术性能●测量范围:pH :0.00~14.00 pH●分辨率:0.01pH;●级别:0.05级●稳定性:≤0.03pH/24h;●校正时可调范围:零点±1.45Ph 斜率80% ~100%●pH标准液: B1(中国) 6.86/4.01/9.18;B2(美国) 4.00/7.00/10.01●控制范围:0~14.00pH ●温度补偿:0~100.0℃,●信号输出:PH 4~20mA对应0~14PH可编程温度4~20mA对应0~100.0℃(选配)●485信号输出(选配)●控制接口:ON/OFF继电器接点●继电器承受负载:MAX 220VAC/12VDC 2A;MAX 125VAC/28VDC 5A●信号输出负载:≤500Ω;讯号输入阻抗:≥1×1012Ω4.前面板说明1:ESC为退出键(直接退回主界面) 2: MENU 菜单键3:DOWN数值减少键 4:UP数值增加键5: ENTER确认键5.仪器操作注意:在确保探棒、电源、温补以及其它接线端子正确接线后,方可通电操作。
第一章概述pHG-2091系列微电脑工业控制仪表是用于测试溶液pH值的精密仪表,其功能全.性能稳定.操作简便等特点,使其成为工业企业测试和控制pH 领域的理想仪表。
pHG-2091系列仪表采用带背景光LCD显示,具备错误指示;自动温度补偿;双点校正;隔离式4~20 mA电流输出;双组继电器控制,迟滞量可调,高低点报警指示;断电记忆,无需后备电池,数据仍可保存十年以上。
第二章技术参数1.测量范围:0.00~14.00pH2.分辨率:0.01pH3.级别:0.05级4.稳定性:±0.05pH/24h5.校正时可调范围:零点±1.45pH斜率80% ~100%6.pH标准液:6.86/4.01/9.187.控制范围:0~14.00pH8.温度补偿:0~99.9℃9.信号输出:4~20mA10.控制接口:ON/OFF继电器接点11.继电器承受负载:MAX220VAC 2AMAX125VAC/28VDC 5A12.继电器迟滞量:0.1~1.00自由调整13.信号输出负载:≤500Ω14.讯号输入阻抗:≥1×1012Ω15.工作电压:AC220V±22V50/60Hz16.外形尺寸: 96×96×115 mm17.开孔尺寸: 91×91mm18.重量: 1.0Kg19.仪器的工作条件:①环境温度: 0 ~40℃②空气相对湿度:≤90%③除地球磁场外周围无强磁场干扰第三章仪器安装与接线开孔尺寸在仪表柜或安装面板上开出一个矩形切口(见图1)。
图2前面板说明图31.Hi:高点报警指示灯2.Lo:低点报警指示灯3.↑键:增加数值4.↓键:减少数值5. SET键:菜单选择6.CAL/ENT键:确定操作后面板说明图41. Ref.:参比电极电极负2.空3. NC:高点继电器常开端4. HCOM:高点继电器公共端5. NO:高点继电器常闭端6. NC:低点继电器常开端7.LCOM:低点继电器公共端8.NO:低点继电器常闭端9.TEMP:温度补偿10.TEMP:温度补偿11.4 ~ 20 mA + 12.4 ~ 20 mA –13.空 14.220V AC15.0V AC 16.接地第四章仪器校正1.校正仪器之前,请检查仪器接线是否正确。
6715 pH ORP 控制器使用说明书
使用说明书MODEL 6715 pH/ORP 控制器JENCO上海任氏电子有限公司- 1 -- 2 -准备仪器:此仪器要求放置在可控的环境场所中,远离阳光直晒和避免放置在潮湿的,易腐蚀的环境中。
连接电极和温度探棒,如果不用6715A ATC探棒, 则ATC插座上必须安装温度模拟电阻器。
注意:此仪器没有单独的ON/OFF开关,插上插头接通电源机器即可正常工作.- 3 -面板介绍:上面是pH和ORP的显示区域。
确认pH的设定开关不在- 4 -“SET”的位置上。
- 5 -同样的方法,滑动“ORP/SET”开关和调节“SET”旋钮之后,看显示调节“SET”旋钮至需要的mV设定点,完成设定把开关返回到ORP位置。
控制器动作:仪器的底部有两个标有pH OUTLET和ORP OUTLET的插座,分别对应于pH 和ORP的两个继电器控制。
当前面板上的LED红色灯亮时,每个插座将有220VAC电源 2A电流存在,请谨慎使用。
pH ORP控制器 CT-6659 使用手册说明书
pH/ORP控制器使用手册CT-6659Http s://目录一、概述 (3)二、仪器安装及外形尺寸 (3)三、电气连接 (4)四、面板介绍 (6)五、面板显示及操作 (6)六、仪表标定 (8)七、保养 (10)八、技术参数 (11)一、概述pH/ORP CT-6659 控制器是一款基于单片机设计,用于酸碱度测量的精密仪表。
二、仪器安装及外形尺寸pH/ORP CT-6659控制器采用抽屉式结构,控制器的电路板安装在塑料框架上,整个塑料框架可以很方便地装入塑料机箱中和从塑料机箱中取出,这使得在修理仪表时不必拆卸仪表的外部连线,只需将整个仪表机芯取出换即可,维修维护更加方便。
pH/ORP CT-6659酸碱度控制器采用屏式安装方式,安装时,将仪表从安装屏前面推入安装口,从安装屏后将仪表用专用安装夹具装配好,用螺丝刀将紧固螺杆旋紧。
2.1 仪器外形尺寸图2.2 仪器安装及开孔尺寸图如果需在同一面板上安装多个仪表,仪表间须保留最小间隙,如下图所示。
+.05-.00三、电气连接3.1 底部接线端子1、输入信号线应远离仪器电源线,动力电源线和负载线以避免产生杂讯干扰。
3.2 pH/ORP CT-6659 电气接线图3.3 接线端子说明四、面板介绍五、面板显示及操作5.1 面板简介仪表面板上有两排显示器,上行显示器主要用来显示测量值及各种参数代码(简称主屏),下排显示器主要用来显示设定值、温度值、参数值及报警代码(简称副屏)。
温 控 器 说 明 书 - PH控制器
温控器面板介绍①温度值显示区②温度值减键▼③加热指示灯④Set 键⑤ON/OFF开关⑥温度值加键▲⑦℉指示灯⑧S设定温度值指示灯温控器面板图⑨℃指示灯技术参数功能介绍一、温度设定值当按下“set”按键时,显示屏上显示上次设定的温度值(出厂默认设定温度值为:20℃),并且温度值设定指示灯点亮,显示符号“s”。
上海三信仪表厂 PG-100 型 智能数显 pH(ORP)控制器 说明书
PG-100型智能数显pH(ORP)控制器使用说明书上海三信仪表厂目 录一.概述 2页二.主要技术指标 2页三.仪表安装 3页1.测量系统配套图2.仪表外形及开孔尺寸3.接线端子图四.面板说明 4页1.面板图2.面板说明五.操作使用步骤 6页1.工作方式2.开机自检3.四种显示模式(1)测量模式(2)设定模式(3)参数模式(4)校准模式(5)几点说明4.校准和测量六.其他注意事项 10页七.重要提示 10页八.仪器保证事项 11页一.概述本产品是测量工业酸度和氧化还原电位二用的智能化仪表,采用开关电源和SMT表面贴装技术,使仪器具有功能强、性能可靠,使用简单和体积小等优点。
二.主要技术指标1. 输入形式:0~5V.DC;1~5V.DC;0~10mA.DC;4~20mA.DC。
2. 测量范围:0~14.00pH,0~1400mV。
3. 分辨率:0.01pH,1mV。
4. 精确度:pH:±0.05pH±1个字,mV:±0.15%F.S±1个字。
5. 输出形式:0~10V.DC;4~20mA.DC。
6. 报警功能:二路报警输出,可任意设置成上限报警或下限报警,不灵敏区域可任意调节。
7. 控制功能:一路开关量控制,正反作用可以任选,不灵敏区域可任意调节。
8. 控制动作:ON/OFF控制。
9. 校正功能:pH4.00、6.86或pH6.86、9.18二种任选。
三. 仪表安装1. 测量系统配套图建议:仪器最好有其专用的电源回路,由于仪表在90~260V 范围内都能工作,建议采用隔离变压器提供-交流110V 电源,使仪器工作更稳定,更安全。
PHCN-961 962系列pH控制器和传感器说明书
The PHCN-961/962 series of pH controller and transmitter provides a reliable method of monitoring and controlling pH in water treatment, electrolytic water cleaning, chemical industry, food process, cleaning water or wastewater treatment, and neutralization processes.
ORP submersible electrode
Required mounting assembly for ORE-6510 and PHE-6510
Submersible pH electrode
Buffer solution, pH 4.00, 475 ml bottle
Buffer solution, pH 7.00, 475 ml bottle
The PHCN-961/962 is a basic pH or ORP controller, it includes a NEMA 4X (IP65) enclosure, digital display, two separate set points for high and low alarms, adjust dead bands, three 1 amp SSR. Accepts one pH or ORP electrode input through supplied pH transmitter.
pH Controller
All Models
pH ORP-5500 系列 酸碱度 氧化还原电位变送控制器说明书
pH/ORP-5500系列酸碱度/氧化还原电位变送控制器前 言感谢您使用科瑞达制造的pH/ORP-5500系列酸碱度/氧化还原电位变送控制器!安装前请详细阅读本说明书,正确的传感器安装和参数设置会最大限度发挥产品的性能和优势,为你带来很好的使用体验。
2. 不论你从何渠道购买本产品,制造商对售出仪器承诺终身技术维护之服务。
目 录一、概述 (1)1.1 工作原理 (1)1.2 适用领域 (1)1.3 系列分类 (2)1.4 技术指标 (3)二、安装指导 (3)2.1 仪表安装 (5)2.2 电气连接 (5)2.3 毫安变送接线图 (7)2.4 继电器控制连接 (7)2.5 控制方式 (8)2.6 传感器的外形尺寸及安装 (8)2.6.1 传感器的安装方式 (9)2.6.2 传感器的安装要求 (10)三、调试 (11)3.1 测量模式 (12)3.1.1 常态显示 (12)3.1.2 暂态显示 (13)3.2 设置模式 (13)3.2.1 功能选择 (13)3.2.2 4mA对应值设置 (13)3.2.3 20mA对应值设置 (13)3.2.4 报警值上限设置 (14)3.2.5 报警值下限设置 (14)3.2.6 报警回差设置 (14)3.2.7 温度设置 (14)3.3 传感器配套标定 (14)3.3.1 标定 (14)3.3.2 缓冲液标定 (15)3.3.3 离线标定 (15)四、维护保养 (16)4.1 传感器维护保养 (16)4.2 传感器使用注意事项 (17)五、故障排除 (17)六、成套清单 (17)七、定货须知 (18)7.1 配套传感器选型 (18)7.2 流通装置选型 (18)八、批准证书 (19)1一、概述pH/ORP-5500系列酸碱度/氧化还原电位变送控制器是一款通用型、高性价比的仪表,配套pH/ORP-1220A 系列两复合分体传感器使用,整机具有测量精度高,抗干扰,安装方便,操作简单的特点。
联测仪表 pH ORP控制器 SIN-PH6.3 使用说明书
本手册内容如因功能升级等有修改时,恕不通知。 本手册内容我们力求正确无误,如果您发现有误,请与我们联
本手册内容严禁转载、复制。 本产品禁止使用在防爆场合。
U-SIN-PH6.3-CN7 第七 版 2022 年 4 月
(-2000~+2000)mV(可定制) pH:±0.02pH ORP:±1mV ≥1012Ω NTC10K:(-10~60)℃精度±0.3℃,(60~130)℃精度±2℃ PT1000:精度±0.3℃ 范围:(-10~130)℃ 手动/自动 隔离式,(4~20)mA 可设定对应 pH/ORP 测量范围,最 大负载 750Ω,输出精度±0.2%FS 隔离式,RS485 输出,Modbus-RTU 通讯协议 2 路,容量 AC250V/3A (10%~85%)RH(无结露) (0~60)℃ AC:220V±10%,50HZ/60HZ DC:24V±20%,输入功率≥6W 温度:(-15 ~ 65)℃ 相对湿度:(5%~95%)RH(无结露) 海拔高度:<2000m
为本产品及其控制系统安装防雷装置,或为本产品及其控制系统设 计安装单独的安全保护电路时,需要借助其他的设备来实现。
如需更换产品的零部件,请使用本公司指定的型号规格。 本产品不适用于直接关系到人身安全的系统。如核动力设备、使用
放射能的设备、铁路系统、航空机器、船舶设备、航空设备和医疗 器械等。如有应用,用户有责任使用额外的设备或系统确保人身安 全。 请勿改造本产品。
第一章 产品概述
第一章 产品概述
本产品是自主研发的用于在线监测 pH/ORP 值的仪表,通过 RS485 或电流变送输出到监控室进行记录保存。
当 OUT2 指示灯亮时,后盖 LOW 中的 A、B 处于负载状态。A、C 开路。 8、当 OUT2 指示灯不亮时,后盖 LOW 中的 A、C 处于短路状态。A、B 开路。
本产品为液晶显示,各项操作都具有中文提示,使您能更方便快 捷的使用。
在使用前,请仔细阅读此说明书,然后按照说明书所授方法使用, 以免造成不必要的损坏。
我公司销售的达中牌工业用在线 pH/ORP 控制器,在新开箱后, 应有如下配件,请用户查收。如遇缺损,请速与我公司联系。
1 达中牌工业在线 pH/ORP 控制仪主机 1 台 2 产品说明书 1 份 3 标准测试液 3 包 4 玻璃电极 1 根、支架 1 副 、
⒂ 确认键及电极校正键 后面板说明
T1 PT100
43m1m“-”J520Gm01m24“492k-Z(1)g2L3-”3060@k%3-g“/1”7mD2%BJ/Tg0d1-ZP318¬-A_2"o70)Xc0?y258z6n”217 NE)
PH4 点或 PH9 点校正: 1. 将清洗后的电极放入 pH4 邻苯二甲酸氢钾溶液中,(或 pH9 四硼
酸钠溶液,视用户选用)待 pH 计显示值稳定。 2. 持续按住 CAL/ENT 键三秒钟,显示屏(4)显示‘校正中,请稍等’,
PHCN-410 420 425系列微处理器基础pH控制器说明书
Low Cost, Microprocessor Based pH ControllersSpecificationspH Range:0.00 to 14.00 pH pH Resolution: 0.01 pH Accuracy:±0.01 pHTemperature:0 to 100°C (32 to 212ºF), automatic or manualTemperature Compensation: 100 ohm Pt RTD for ATC Display:0.8" LED or LCD four digit displayControl: 4 Mechanical relays (except PHCN-410 which has 2 mechanical relays)Two 10 amp. 120 Vac SPDT mechanical relays for High and Low Setpoints (included in PHCN-410)Two 5 amp 120 Vac SPST mechanical relays for Hi-Hi and Low-Low Setpoints (all models except PHCN-410)Setpoint Hysteresis:0.1 pH (fixed)Operating Temperature: 5 to 50°C (32 to 122ºF)Power: 110/220 Vac 50/60 Hz Dimensions: 1⁄4DIN Weight: 0.9 kg (1.98 lb)The PHCN-410 and PHCN-420 and PHCN-425 Series of microprocessor based controllers are low cost 1⁄4DIN panel mount units which can be used in a variety of laboratory or industrial applications. These units feature automatic or manual temperature compensation, autocalibration forbuffers 4, 7 and 10, two to four relays,LED or LCD displays and optional analog outputs. The units arecompatible with a wide range of pH electrodes. Choose the system that best fits your application needs.PHCN-410$280Basic UnitߜModels Available with 2 to 4 Control RelaysߜOptional Analog Outputs for Recording ߜChoice of LED or LCD DisplayPHCN-410, $280, shown withPHE-6510, $115, and PHEH-65-10,submersible pH electrode, $44, sold separately, see page D-50 for details.Shownsmaller than actual size.Ordering Examples:PHCN-410,pH controller with 4 to 20 mA and dual relay outputs, $280. PHCN-420, pH controller with 4 relays, $295.OnlyD-27For Sales & ServiceCANADA Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY, Germany************FRANCE, France088-466-342BENELUX Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
PHCN-201 工业pH仪表与电子 Mini面板装置pH控制器说明书
PHE-1411 pH electrode sold separately, $60. Shown smaller than actual size.
applications where space or costs are a
major concern. Thanks to its compact
Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data Loggers Plug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485, Ehernet and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers
to adjust the setpoint from 0 to 14 pH
or to calibrate meter at any point on
the scale, simply turn the relevant
trimmer right on the front panel. The controller is easy to use and to install. Any combination pH electrode with a BNC connector can be hooked up to the meter. The meters are available in three models to best suit your application. You can choose from the 100 to 110 V or the 220 to 240 V operated model. For those who prefer to operate at low voltage, there is also the 12 Vdc version
3675 pH ORP 控制器 使用说明书
使用说明书MODEL 3675pH / ORP控制器JENCO ELECTRONICS,LTD.1敬告读者一) 请在使用本仪器前,详细阅读本说明书。
二) 仪器超过一年必须送计量部门或有资格的单位复检合格后方可使用,若不合格可将仪器寄回本公司维修、调试合格后方可使用(需酌情收费)。
具有0~100o C自动温补功能。
技术性能1. 测量范围:pH 0~14.00pH、m V ±1999mV2. 分辨率:0.01 pH 、1 m V3. 精确度:±0.05 pH、±0.5%(FS)4. 稳定性:≤0.02 pH/24h5. 控制范围:0~14.00pH、±1999mV6. 温度补偿:0~100o C7. 输出信号:4~20m A的隔离保护输出38. 控制输出方式:ON/OFF继电器输出接点9. 继电器承受负载:Max 交流230V 2.5A10. 上下限控制点的设定误差:pH ±0.1 pH、m V±10m V11. 电流输出负载:允许最大负载为450Ω12. 对地电压绝缘度:最小负载为500VDC13. 讯号输入阻抗:≥1*1012Ω14. 工作电压:230V AC±15%、50Hz±1Hz15. 尺寸:96*96*119mm16. 开孔尺寸:1/4DIN(92*92mm)17. 仪器的工作条件:1) 环境温度:5~45o C2) 空气相对湿度:≤85%3) 除地球磁场外周围无强磁场干扰。
43675 pH/ORP面板说明图一51. LCD液晶显示幕3676为红色LED显示幕2. pH/mV 低值设定显示压键使用时压下按键可显示设定值3. pH/mV低值动作红色指示灯到达设定点LED亮继电器动作4. pH/mV低值设定改变调整钮改变设定调整用5. pH 标准点调整钮6.86标准液校正使用6. pH 斜率补偿调整钮 4.00标准液校正使用7. pH/mV高值设定显示压键使用时压下按键可显示设定值8. pH/mV高值动作红色指示灯到达设定点LED亮继电器动作9. pH/mV高值设定改变调整钮改变设定调整用63675 控制器背面配线图图二71.pH/ORP 电极讯号输入端子2.pH 温度补偿输入端子3.隔离保护式4~20mA输出端子4.参比点输入端子5.接地线端子6.交流电源输入端子7.pH/mV高值控制继电器输出端子 8.pH/mV低值控制继电器输出端子8安装步骤本仪器适合嵌装式安装。
注:通过按“ ”可以选择进入“电极类型”或者“温度补偿”参数设置,按“”进入。
7. 控制参数界面:
pH:2.00 pH
ORP:-1999~- 10mV
pH:3.00 pH
pH:0.00 pH
Lutron电子pH控制器 监控器 PPH-2108 说明书
PH CONTROLLER/MONITOR Model : PPH-2108ISO-9001, CE, IEC1010FEATURES* 0 to 14 pH x 0.01 pH.* ATC ( automatic temperature compensation ).* Control setting, Alarm setting.* Control relay output, alarm relay output.* Power : 90 ACV to 264 ACV, 50/60 Hz.* RS-232 computer interface.* DIN size : 96 x 48 mm. Depth : 107 mm.* Optional pH electrode, ATC probe.LUTRON ELECTRONICPH CONTROLLER/MONITORModel : PPH-2108FEATURES*Professional pH and Temp. measurement monitor and Sampling Time Approx. 1 second.controller.Relay outputs Number 2 relays*pH range : 0 to 14 pH x 0.01 pH.Function Relay 1 :*pH function with high input impedance avoids measuring pH control relay.error.Relay 2 :*Optional Temp. probe ( ATC probe, Automatic Temp.Temperature control relay. Compensation probe ) is available for pH measurement Max load 1 ACA/250 ACV compensation and the Temp. measurement. 1 DCA/24 DCV*Wide manual temperature compensation for pH function, Setting value 1. High limit value setting.adjustment can be easily operated by push button on 2. Low limit value setting.the front panel. 3. Hysteresis value setting.*pH calibration is easily to be done by push button on the 4. Temp. Offset value setting.front panel.* 1, 2, 3 Setting for pH and Temp. function.*Build in pH control relay and the Temp. control relay.External DC 12 V, 50 mA max.*Relay will be make action ( On/Off ) when the reading Power Supplyvalue reach high limit or low limit value.Data Output RS 232 PC serial interface.*Temperature Offset value setting.Operating 0 to 50 .℃*Hysteresis value setting for high and low alarm.Temperature* Meter℃℉Operating Less than 80% R.H.*, temp. unit setting with default.*Large red LED display, high brightness and easy to read.Humidity* Meter*RS232 computer interface, send out the pH and the Power Supply90 to 260 ACV, 50/60 Hz.temperature data at the same time.Power Approx. 4.7 VA/AC 110V.*Optional pH electrode.Consumption Approx. 5.3 VA/AC 220V.*Optional Temperature probe ( ATC probe ).Weight384 g/ 0.84 LB.* Meter only.*Optional data acquisition software.Dimension DIN size : 96 x 48 mm.*Optional GSM controller.Depth : 110 mm.*Microprocessor circuit ensures high accuracy and Accessories Instruction manual..............................1 PC provides special functions and features.Included Case holder with screw.........................2 PCs *Standard 96 X 48 mm DIN case.Optional PH electrodes :*Wide applications: water conditioning, aquariums,Accessories * Industrial in line pH electrode, PE-21 beverage, fish hatcheries, food processing, * General purpose PH electrode, PE-03 photography, laboratory, paper industry, plating PH buffer solution :industry, quality control, school & college.* pH 7 buffer solution, PH-07, PH-07A.* pH 7 buffer solution, PH-04, PH-04A. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS*Temp. probe ( ATC probe ), TP-07A Display 4 digits red LED, digit size : 14 mm.*Data Acquisition software,Circuit Custom chip of microprocessor LSI SW-U801-WIN.circuit.*RS232 cable, UPCB-02.Range PH0 to 14 PH*USB cable, USB-01.Temp. -30 to 100 ℃*GSM controller, GSM-889.Display Unit pH pH*Interface cable ( cable between meter℃℉to GSM-889 ), GMCB-89.Temp. ,pH Input10^12 ohm℃Impedance ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (23 ±5 )℃Temperature Manual-30 to 100 , be adjusted byCompensation push button on front panel.pH ( meter only )for pH Automatic With the optional Temp.measurement( ATC )probe ( TP-07A )Range Resolution Accuracy℃0 to 14 PH 0.01 PH±(0.02 PH + 2 d)0 to 65 .pH PH7, PH4, and PH10, 3 points calibrationCalibration ensure the best linearity and accuracy.TemperaturepH Optional,( used optional Temp. probe, TP-07 A)Electrode Any PH electrode with BNC connector.Temp. Probe Optional, 0 to 65 , TP-07A℃Measurement Range Resolution Accuracy℃℃℃0.8 . ATC Probe℃0 to 65℃℃0 to 65Probe Calibration Can set the meter's total operation period to℉℉ 1.5 .℉℉℉32 to 149Period Setting warn the user to make the new calibration for℉32 to 149* PCPS function the pH electrode.* Appearance and specifications listed in this brochure are subject to change without notice.0702-PPH-2108。
PHCN-201 小型工业pH控制器说明书
Mini regulador de pH de montaje sobre panel de la línea de instrumentación y dispositivosEl PHCN-201 es un regulador de pH fácil de operar especialmente diseñado para aplicaciones donde el espacio o el coste son de gran importancia. Gracias a su tamaño compacto de solo 8 x 5 cm (3 x 2"), el PHCN-201 puede montarse en espacios reducidos y junto a tanques o cubas. El bajo coste del medidor también hace posible el control automático de procesos que hasta el momento solo se mantenían de forma manual, lo que supone un ahorro significativo de tiempo y dinero. Las medidas aparecen en grandes dígitos en el LCD y las luces LED indican el estado exacto del regulador, incluso a distancia. El PHCN-201 también dispone de un relé bidireccional. A través de un sencillo caballete de conexión al dorso del medidor, el operador puede seleccionar la dosificación ácida, lo que significa que el relé se activa con mediciones superiores al punto de referencia, o la dosificación alcalina, con el relé cerrado cuando se realizan mediciones por debajo del punto de referencia. Para ajustar el punto de referencia de pH 0 a 14 o calibrar el medidor en cualquier punto de la escala, simplemente accione el compensador correspondiente directamente en el panel frontal. El regulador es fácil de usar e instalar. Cualquier combinación de electrodo de pH con un conector BNC puede acoplarse al medidor. Hay tres modelos de medidores disponibles para una mejor adaptación a su aplicación. Puede elegir el modelo de 100 a 110 V o el modelo de 220 a 240 V . Para quienes prefieran trabajar a baja tensión, existe la versión de 12 Vcc, que incluye el transformador en el bajo coste del medidor.Especificaciones Rango: pH 0,0 a 14,0Resolución: pH 0,1Precisión (@ 20 °C/68 °F): pH ±0,2Calibración: Ajustable a 1 punto con compensador Punto de referencia: Ajustable de pH 0,0 a 14,0 con compensador Control de relé: 2 amperios @ 220 Vca Dosificación alcalina o ácida seleccionable Ácida: Se activa cuando la lectura es superior al punto de referencia Alcalina: Se activa cuando la lectura es inferior al punto de referencia Alimentación: 110/115 V; 50 a 60 Hz 12 Vcc externa (opcional) 220/240 V; 50 a 60 Hz (opcional)Entorno: de 0 a 50 °C (de 32 a 122 °F); HR máx. del 95%Dimensiones: 79 x 49 x 95 mm (3,1 x 1,9 x 3,7")Peso: 150 g (5,3 onzas)PHCN-201U seleccionable por el usuario U Calibración simple de un puntoU Tamaño reducido para facilitar la instalaciónU Elija entre los modelos de 100 a 240 V o de 12 Vcc de baja tensión U Práctico y cómodo El electrodo de pH PHE-1411, que se vende por separado, se muestra en un tamaño inferior al pleto de serie con manual del operador Añada “-12VCC ” o “-240VCA ” para requisitos opcionales de alimentación, sin cargo adicional.Ejemplo de pedido: PHCN-201, regulador de pH, PHE-7351-15,electrodo de pH, PHA-4, solución tampón 4,01, PHA-7, solución tampón 7,01.D-26I NSTRUMENTACIÓN Y D ISPOSITIVOS E LECTRÓNICOS D E pH I NDUSTRIAL。
C2000 C2100 ORP pH 控制器所有者指南说明书
C2000/C2100 ORP/pH Controllers 120V/240VIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION When installing and using this electrical equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following:READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS.Installation of this equipment should be performed by a licensed electrician and conform to all National Electric Code (NEC), state and local codes.Installations in Canada must complyto CEC requirements.WARNING:To reduce the risk of electrical shock:•Turn off or disconnect the power source before installing,opening the door, or adjusting the internal workings ofthe controller.•Install all electrical equipment at least 10 feet (3 m) frominside wall of pool or spa.•Connect this device only to a grounding-type receptacleprotected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).•Do not use an extension cord, connect the controllerdirectly into the outlet.Do not bury the cord. WARNING:To reduce risk of injury, do not permit children to use this product unless they are closely supervised at all times.For proper operation, it is imperative that the system has proper flow past the sensors when the pool filtration system is running. When automating a body of water, size the feeders so desired levels can be attained in short operating cycles.If feeders are unable to keep up with demand within a short time frame, automation becomes ineffective.While the system is feeding, inaccurate sanitizer/pH levels may be displayed because the system is still circulating the chemical.Observe precautions for electrostaticsensitive devices.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.Table of ContentsSpecificationsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Feed Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Flow Cell/Flow Switch Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Adding a Second Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 System Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Controller Display Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Display Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Navigating the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Setup Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Watermatic #1 Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 ORP Setup Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 PH Setup Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Standby Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Command Center Setup Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Cleaning the Sensor Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Checking the ORP Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Checking the pH Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Winterizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29SpecificationspH Control Range:7.0 to 8.0ORP Control Range:200 to 900Input Power:•120 VAC 50/60 Hz auto-switching whensupplied with 3-wire grounded powercord;GFCI source required.•240 VAC 50/60 Hz capable. Controller Power: 1 amp, internally fused.Output Power:•120 VAC 50/60 Hz auto-switching whensupplied with 3-wire grounded powercord;GFCI source required.•240 VAC 50/60 Hz capable.•8A fuse for 120V, 4A fuse for 240V.• 3 HP (High power - line voltage) and2 LP (Low power - 24V) built-in relays Display:Graphic, LCD, menu-drivenOperating T emp:40 - 120°FSensors:pH:glass combination with 10' cableORP:platinum combination w/ 10' cable Inputs:•Polaris CPC cable with 9-pin connectorORP & pH sensors:BNC connectorLevel detection:allows feeding, normallyclosed.Flow detection;allows feeding,normally closedOutputs:•ORP Feeder - High Voltage120 VAC 50/60 Hz (with 120V input)240 VAC 50/60 Hz;(with 240V input)8A on-board fuse for 120, 4A fuse for240, normally OFF.•ORP Feeder – Low Voltage, 24V•pH Feeder – High Voltage,120 VAC 50/60 Hz (with 120V input)240 VAC 50/60 Hz;(with 240V input)8A on-board fuse for 120, 4A fuse for240, normally OFF.•pH Feeder – Low Voltage, 24V•RS232 for dataSystem SetupDo not add chemicals to the feeders until completing the following start-up operations.e a DPD test kit to test the water, then manually adjustand balance the pool to acceptable ranges.It may takeseveral hours for the levels to stabilize.2.With the controller power OFF, turn on the filter pumpand check for leaks in the system and flow throughthe flow cell.3.Plug in or supply power to the controller.The C2000 displaywill illuminate showing the Setup screen or, if a C2100 isinstalled with an Eos system, the Watermatic Control screen will become available on the Eos display.To adjust the brightness or contrast of the display, pressthe left and right arrow keys simultaneously to open theCommand Center Setup screen.Review the ControllerDisplay Overview section and adjust settings as necessary.4.T o set up the system:•Get familiar with the screen displays and navigatingthe system.•Complete controller configurationOverfeedSets a maximum time for the ORP to reach the set point.If the set point is not reached, the feeder shuts-down and an alert is ed only when Feed Time = Continuous, it replaces the Delay Time option on the display.SetpointSets the desired level of ORP.Set between 200 and 900 in increments of 10.The default is 650.The controller displays direct ORP readings and the control is based on this, not the parts per million (ppm).While ORP indicates the effectiveness of the sanitizer, it does not directly correlate to a ppm e a DPD test kit to measure the free chlorine.If more or less sanitizer is needed, adjust the set point up or down accordingly.Also note the ORP reading is not linear.An adjustment from 700 to 750 could increase the sanitizer level by several ppm.The World Health Organization recommends an ORP at or above 650.High AlertSpecifies the high end of the acceptable ORP range.Set between 650 and 950, in increments of 10, at least 100 greater than the set point (if set point 850, High Alert = 950).The default of 900 should be appropriate for most applications.Low AlertSpecifies the low end of the acceptable ORP range.Set between 100 and 640, in increments of 10, at least 100 below the set point.The default of 100 is usually appropriate.Wait for pHY es = ORP will not feed at the same time as the pH.The pH will always feed first.Preventing simultaneous feeding effectively reduces current draw on the GFCI circuit.No = ORP can feed at same time as pH.Default = Y es.Stop for pHY es = ORP will not feed if the pH is out of range.If the pH goes back in range, the alert clears itself and ORP can feed.No = ORP is allowed to feed regardless of pH.Default = Y es.Next CleaningSets a date (month and day) for the next sensor cleaning.Simply a reminder display.Default = OFF.Feed TimeDesignates how long the feeder is activated.Delay TimeSets the amount time between feeding.Not shown when “Continuous”feed is selected.OverfeedUsed only with “Continuous”feed.if the pH does not reach the set point within the specified time, the feeder shuts-down and an alert is signaled.SetpointSet between 7.0 and 8.2 in increments of 0.1 pH.Default is 7.5. High AlertSpecifies the high end of the acceptable pH range.Set between 7.5 and 8.4 pH, in increments of 0.1 pH,at least 0.4 greater than the set point (if Setpoint 8.0, High Alert = 8.4).The default of 8.4 will be appropriate for most applications.Low AlertSpecifies the low end of the acceptable pH range.Set between 6.8 and 7.4 pH, in increments 0.1 pH, at least 0.4 less than the set point (if Setpoint 7.2, Low Alert = 6.8).The default of 6.8 will usually be appropriate.Next CleaningSets a date (month and day) for next sensor cleaning.Simply a reminder display, the factory default setting is OFF.Next CalibrationSets a date (month and day) for next sensor calibration.Simply a reminder display, the factory default setting is OFF. CalibrationAllows user to adjust the pH sensor reading to match the actual pH of the water.Always use water from the sample port of the flow cell to obtain the pH reading for calibration.Since the pH sensor can drift slightly over time and the calibration will offset this drift, calibrate the sensor at least once a month.Cursor ControlItem SelectMaintenanceCleaning the Sensor TipsClean sensors once a month to ensure accurate readings.When dirty, the sensors can read a lower than actual sanitizer/pH level and can cause too much sanitizer/pH to be dispensed.Note:A sensor tip coated with calcium scale will not look dirty. To clean the sensor tip.1.T urn off the controller.Turn off the filtration system or closethe valves to isolate the flow cell.2.Loosen the compression-fitting nut and remove the sensorfrom the flow cell assembly.3.Swirl the tip for five seconds in muriatic acid (diluted 5 to 1)or white vinegar, and rinse it in water.Do not touch, wipe or brush the end of the sensor.For commercial pools and spas, every third cleaning, swirl the sensor tip in a solution of liquid soap and water.Rinse with water.4.Reposition the sensor in the flow cell assembly and turn onthe controller.5.Allow the controller to operate for a few minutes to get anaccurate reading.Adjust the setting if necessary.Checking the ORP SensorThe ORP sensor should be checked every six months or anytime the feeder oversanitizes the water.1.Clean the sensor tip.2.Put the sensor in a clean glass of tap water.This shouldgive a reading of between 200 and 400.Adding a pinch ofDichlor or T richlor should cause the ORP level to jumpto between 750 and 800.If Dichlor or Trichlor are notavailable and a sanitizer with a high pH such as calciumhypochlorite or liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) is used, the ORP level may only rise to between 650 and 750.3.If the sensor does not respond as indicated, the sensorshould be replaced.Checking the pH SensorThe pH sensor should be checked every six months or anytime the pH goes out of range.1.Clean the sensor.2.Place the sensor in a clean glass of tap water.Add a smallamount of acid to the glass.The pH reading should drop.Place the sensor in any solution with a pH above 7.5.ThepH reading should rise.3.If the sensor does not respond as indicated, the sensorshould be replaced.WinterizingIf the system is located in colder climates, it is important to winterize the system.1.T urn off the main power to the controller.2.Gently remove the sensors from the flow cell assembly andstore them in a protective cap or bottle filled with a liquidsolution of one teaspoon salt and three teaspoons water.Mix the solution thoroughly and make sure it completely covers the tip of the sensors.Store the sensors in a warm place.Do not expose sensors to freezing temperatures.3.Drain the water from the flow cell/flow switch assembly.WarrantyPolaris Watermatic C2000/C2100 ORP/pH ControllerThis limited warranty is extended to the original consumer purchaser of this Polaris Watermatic Controller manufactured by Polaris Pool Systems, Inc.("Polaris"), 2620 Commerce Way, Vista, CA 92081-8438, USA.Polaris warrants the Watermatic Controller, including all parts and components thereof, to be free of defects in material and workmanship.For questions regarding your Polaris Watermatic Controller, please call or write us.Be sure to provide the serial number of your unit.The warranty commences on the date of installation of the controller and shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase as established by proof of purchase or two (2) years from the date of manufacture of the controller as established by the serial number, whichever is earlier.This limited warranty does not apply if the failure is caused or contributed by any of the following:improper handling, improper storage, abuse, unsuitable application of the unit, lack of reasonable and necessary maintenance, winter freezing or repairs made or attempted by other than Polaris or one of its Authorized Service Centers.Polaris will repair or replace, at its option, a unit, part or component proved to be defective within the warranty period and under the conditions of the warranty. Unless local repair is authorized, the consumer must deliveror ship the unit or the warranted parts or components, freight prepaid to the nearest Polaris Authorized Service Center or return it freight prepaid (after proper authorization) to the plant of manufacture.Authorization to return a unit to the plant of manufacture must be obtained from the Polaris Customer Service Department.For your convenience, please check with your dealer for the local procedure before exercising this warranty.If further directions or instructions should be required, contact the Customer Service Department at 1-800-822-7933 (USA and Canada only) or 760-599-9600.Be sure to insure shipments against loss or damage during transit.Polaris is not responsible for the cost of removal of the unit, damages occurring during removal or due to removal, any other expenses incurred in shipping the unit or parts to or from the factory or its Authorized Service Centers, or the installation of the repaired or replacement unit.The consumer must bear these expenses.This warranty does not cover repair of a unit except at our factory or a Polaris Authorized Service Center.REP AIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH OTHER WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY MAY BE IMPOSED BY STA TE CONSUMER LAW.ANY SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTY IMPOSED BY ST ATE CONSUMER LAW IS LIMITED INDURA TION TO ONE (1) YEAR FROM DATE OF PURCHASE. IN NO EVENT SHALL POLARIS BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENT AL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NA TURE OR KIND OR FOR DAMAGES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE POLARIS WATERMA TIC CONTROLLER.THE ONL Y REMEDY PROVIDED TO YOU UNDER AN APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTY AND THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE SHALL BE THE REMEDIES EXPRESSL Y PROVIDED FOR UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights.Y ou may also have other rights that may vary from state to state.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.This limited warranty is valid only in the United Statesof America and Canada, and it does not apply to Polaris Watermatic Controllers sold or installed in any other country.AppendixFeed Times and Delay TimesThe default feeding mode for the controller is continuous feed. However, when the ORP or pH feeder type is specified during setup, the Feed Time and Delay Time defaults change to the feeder specific defaults listed below.The listed options are also available and the ORP and pH sides of the controller can be modified independently.After allowing the system to run for a few days, adjust the ORP and/or pH settings as needed.Lengthen the feed cycle if the water is undersanitized or shorten it if the water is oversanitized. Shorten the delay time if the feeder cannot keep up with demand. Granular FeederFeed Time Delay Time Overfeed(Min.)(Min.) Options 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Sec. 1 – 99OffDefaults 5 Sec.10 min OffLiquid Feeder(Use for Ozone Generators)Feed Time Delay Time Overfeed(Min.)(Min.) Options Continuous Off 1 - 995, 10, 15, 20, 30 Sec. 1 - 99Off1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15 Min.Defaults10 Min.10 min OffErosion FeederFeed Time Delay Time Overfeed(Min.)(Min.) Options:Continuous Off 1 - 995, 10, 15, 20, 30 Sec. 1 - 99Off1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15 Min.Default 10 Min.10 min OffErosion LP = Low power (24V) solenoidErosion HP = High power (line voltage) solenoidAlerts and AlarmsThe following alert conditions will sound the audible alarm:•WM 1 High PH Alert•WM 1 Low PH Alert•WM 1 High ORP Alert•WM 1 Low ORP Alert•WM 1 PH Overfeed•WM 1 ORP Overfeed•WM 1 Feeder Empty (if Level Switch is selected.) Each of these alerts are also present on the second controller (Watermatic #2 or WM 2) if one is added to the system.The following alert conditions will not sound the Alarm:•WM 1 No Flow•WM 1 2-Minute Flow Delay•WM 1 Clean PH Sensor•WM 1 Cal PH Sensor•WM 1 Clean ORP SensorAgain, these alerts are present on the additional controller (Watermatic #2 or WM 2) if it is added to the systemSalt ChlorinatorFeed TimeDelay Time Overfeed (Min.)(Hrs.)Options ContinuousOff Off, 4, 8,12, 24 hrs Defaults Continuous Off 12 hrs。
图 3-2 pH 在线测量电极安装示意图 常见的沉入式安装方法如下: 1、将电极缆线从护套管底部往上穿入,至保护帽端。电极和护 套管内壁采用 3/4″NPT 密封连接。现场连接时必须缠绕四氟带密封件 (俗称生料带),一般需要十五圈以上,以获得更好的防水效果。 2、本仪器采用的电极缆线为 RG58 信号屏蔽线,结构示意见图 3-3。电极缆线和延长缆线在保护帽内的接线端子上连接,见图 3-4。 注意应剥除透明信号轴线外包裹的黑色导电橡胶薄层。
七、电极保养说明································································· 16
-1999~1999 mV -10~120℃
0.01 pH
2、请选择通风良好的位置安装控制器,并避免仪表直接受到阳 光照射。
3、在所有接线完成前,请勿给控制器通电,以免发生意外。 4、电极信号的传输须采用高绝缘特殊同轴缆线,不可随便用一 般电线代替,否则将产生错误的测量结果。 5、请尽量避免使用三相电源,以免造成电源干扰(若有电源突 波干扰现象发生,可将控制器用的电源与动力装置电源分开,或在 所有动力装置的电源端接突波吸收器来消除突波,如搅拌机等)。 6、控制器内部为小电流继电器,若要控制较大动力的装置时, 请外接电流容量较大的继电器,以免烧坏主机内部继电器。 7、控制器和动力装置的接线见图 2················································· 8
5.1 按键面板及说明·······································································8 5.2 界面说明···················································································8
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PH控制器说明书工业pH/ORP测试仪pH/ORP Testing Instrument使用说明书Instruction Manual用户须知:●请在使用本仪器前,详细阅读本说明书。
●本仪器只有一个电极输入端,在选择pH模式时应安装pH电极, ORP模式时应安装ORP电极。
根据水工业的环境和特点结合国际供电标准,考虑了特殊环境的电气设计规范,增加了220V AC以及安全的低电压24V AC,24V DC供电选择。
本产品的主要特点:✧出厂标准配置中文界面,语言化菜单,可中英切换✧可进行pH/ORP的测量、上下限控制、电流输出、数字通讯✧可设置成温度自动补偿或手动补偿✧pH高限报警,低限报警双路继电器,迟滞量可自由调整✧仪表模式隔离变送端口,最大环路电阻大于300Ω✧声讯报警可开关功能,通过界面选项设定开或关✧液晶背光可选择节能模式,定时自动关闭✧高性能CPU,良好的电磁兼容性能✧密码管理功能,防止非专业人员的误操作二、主要技术指标:测量范围: pH(0 – 14 pH) ;ORP( -1900 - +1900 mV)准确度:+ 0.02 pH; + 1 mV分辨率:0.01pH; 1mV稳定性:≤ 0.02 pH/24小时; ≤ 3 mV/24小时pH标准溶液:4.01/6.86/9.18显示方式:128 * 64点阵LCD温度补偿:0–100 ℃手动/自动(NTC10K)信号输出: 4-20mA隔离保护输出最大环路电阻300Ω报警输出:高低限报警触点各一组(3A/250 V AC),常开触点继电器供电电源:AC 220V±10% 50Hz电源消耗:≤3W环境条件:(1)温度0~ 60 ℃(2)湿度≤85%RH 外形尺寸:96×96×110mm(高×宽×深)开孔尺寸:92×92mm(高×宽)三.固定支架安装将控制器从面板前放入,再装上下两个固定夹,用螺丝批锁紧即可固定。
图1 固定支架安装四.接线位置图:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910111213141516 REFTEMPTEMPINPUTAB+-LOHINCNCNL图2 后端子图五.接线说明:电极测量端(透明线)拧到INPUT旁边铜柱上1.TEMP1:温补接口2.TEMP2:温补接口3.REF:参比电极(黑色)接口4.NC:未定义5.A:485通讯接口6.B:485通讯接口7.mA+: 4~20mA输出端+8.mA-: 4~20mA输出端-9.LO:低报常开触点110.LO:低报常开触点211.HI:高报常开触点112.HI:高报常开触点213.NC:未定义14.NC:未定义15.N:220V电源接口16.L:220V电源接口六、测量电极安装1、安装方法及注意事项:图3(常见几种安装方法)为保证电极在管路上正确测量出pH值,应避免测量池间出现气泡而造成数据失准,请严格按下图安装:图4(管道安装注意事项)注:(1)电极应安装在主管路的旁路中,前端应安装阀门,控制流速,流量应尽量小,一般只要出水口有稳定的水溶液滴出即可。
2、电极信号线延长及缩短注意事项:电缆线结构解剖图(不带温补):【1】电极线之外皮(黑色) 【2】电极线网线(R E F)【3】黑色导电橡胶(黑色) 【4】白色保护管(白色)【5】中心线(INPUT)注:现场如出现电极信号线太长需要剪断,剪短后一定要拨掉3号导电橡胶披。
否者易造成5号电极测量线和2号电极参比线短路,无法测量!!!需要延长的请于供应商联系!!!七、正确设置:1.屏幕软键盘功能介绍:2.软键提示按键功能功能描述ESC返回键测量状态下查看相关参数设置;“设置菜单”相关的上下层界面之间返回上层界面右位移键循环选择参数的数位上位移键选择相关子菜单;改变选定的参数位数值大小及参数转换 确认键测量状态下进入主菜单;确认选定子菜单;确认选项和参数3. 主界面显示:注:主界面通过“ ”可切换到浏览界面,无需进入“菜单设置”界面便可浏览设置参数。
4. 浏览界面显示:注:浏览界面通过“ ”可以轮询查看参数状态,通过“ ”可以切换回主界面。
5. 主菜单界面显示:显示单位 电流变送值 温度显示值 主测量显示值 pH 7.0025.0℃12.00mA pH 参数状态 参数项 软件盘 ESC 25.0℃高吸合值:温度补偿:高断开值:ESC 自 动10.00 pH 09.00 pH ESC 设置菜单1.测量参数2.控制参数3.变送参数4.密码更改5.通讯设置6.背光设置7.报警声讯8.出厂参数9.电极校准6. 测量参数界面:序号 菜单名称菜单内容介绍1测量参数 1.可进行电极类型PH/ORP 转换、温补模式的设定;如手动,输入被测溶液温度值 2 控制参数 设置pH 超限的或ORP 超限的控制3 变送参数 设置pH 和ORP 变送量的起始范围迁移4 密码更改 重新设置登录密码5 通讯设置 设置通讯波特率和仪表地址6 背光设置 设定背光常开或延时关闭7 报警声讯 设定蜂鸣器的开启或关闭8 出厂参数 将仪表的参数恢复到出厂前的参数状态9 电极校正此项菜单只有电极类型选pH 时才开放在主显示界面下,按“ ”键进入用户登陆界面,输入密码后进入“设置菜单”界面,该界面的菜单说明如下表:测量参数电极类型OKESC温度补偿注:通过按“ ”可以选择进入“电极类型”或者“温度补偿”参数设置,按“ ”进入。
7. 控制参数界面:注:通过“ ”可以选择进入“高报设置”或者“低报设置”参数界面,按“ ”进入后 再进行报警值的设置。
8. 变送参数界面:控制参数 高报设置OKESC 低报设置00.00OKCAL4mA 对应值pH14.00OKCAL20mA 对应值pH09.00OKCAL高报断开值pH10.00OKCAL高报吸合值pH注:通过“ ”和“ ”输入参数,按“ ”保存。
9. 密码更改界面:注:首先输入旧密码,如果输入正确则可以进入输入“新密码”界面,密码更改后按“ ”保存。
10. 背光设置界面:注:首先选择背光“延时关闭”还是“保持开启”,如果选择“延时关闭”则要输入“延时时间”。
11. 报警声讯界面:注:选择报警时声音“开启”或者“关闭”,选择后按“ ”保存。
旧密码000OK0CAL背光设置延时关闭OKESC保持开启报警声讯声音开启OKESC声音关闭新密码000OK0CAL延时时间00S 6OKCAL12.出厂参数默认值:注:此部分操作详见“仪器的标定”部分。
14. 继电器报警: 继电器大于(或小于)报警吸合值动作,低于(或大于)断开限值释放,继电器动作图如下:回差区释放点继电器在驱动电感性负载时,请加装中间继电器,以免触点开断时被电感反电势击穿电离,烧损触点。
八、维护保养:1. P H 部分 1) 仪器的保养:➢ 仪器的输入端(测量电极插口)必须保持干燥清洁,防止灰尘及水汽侵入。
➢ 应避免将电极长期浸在蛋白质溶液和酸性氟化物溶液中,避免与有机硅油接触。
➢ 电极长期使用后,如发现斜率略有降低,可将电极下端浸泡在4%HF 溶液(氢氟酸)中3~5秒,然后用蒸馏水洗净,再用0.1mol/L盐酸浸泡,使电极复新。
➢配好4.00pH、6.86pH、9.18pH 三种标准溶液。
➢通过菜单进入电极校准界面,屏幕显示“4.00pH 校准”,中部显示电极输出的mV电压值,待mV稳定后按“确认键OK”则进行标定,标定完毕提示成功。
➢重复上述两步骤,分别标定6.86pH、和9.18pH 两点。
PH标准缓冲溶液标准值2.O RP部分1)O RP标准液的配制方法:➢86mV:标准7.00pH缓冲液中加入稍过量醌氢醌。
➢256 mV:标准4.00pH缓冲液中加入稍过量醌氢醌。
➢标准液的保存时间为3天2)O RP电极检测:➢ORP电极不似PH电极需要标准液校正,但要用mV标准液来检查ORP电极,最重要的目的是看电极是否有效。
➢看显示值是否接近mV标准液,如果误差在正负35mV之内,电极可以正常使用,否则就要换电极九、4-20mA电流输出计算公式1. PH电流输出计算公式:➢机器出厂时将输出电流定义为:0 pH为4 mA 对应值;14 pH为20 mA 对应值➢I = ( D - 4 mA对应值)× ( 16 / (20 mA 对应值 - 4 mA对应值) ) + 4.00➢I = ( D - 0 )× ( 16 / 14 ) + 4.00➢注:I为输出电流值,4 mA≤I≤20 mA➢D为仪器显示pH值,0.00pH≤D≤14.00pH 2. ORP电流输出计算公式:➢机器出厂时将输出电流定义为:-2000mV为4 mA对应值;+2000mV为20 mA 对应值➢I = ( D - 4 mA对应值)× ( 16 / (20 mA 对应值 - 4 mA对应值) ) + 4.00➢I = ( D – (-2000) )× ( 16 / (+2000 –(-2000)) ) + 4.00➢I = ( D + 2000 )× ( 16 / 4000) ) + 4.00➢注:I为输出电流值,4 mA≤I≤20 mA➢D为仪器显示ORP值,-2000mV≤D≤+2000mV十、故障判断及排除:1、控制器无显示?答:电源未接通或保险熔断。