


I. Listening Comprehension (25%)

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. An artist. B. A carpenter. C. A house painter. D.

A salesman.

2. A. On a train. B. In a car. C. On a plane. D. On a bus.

3. A. She looks good in blue. B. She never wears sweaters.

C. She might prefer another color.

D. She enjoys receiving gifts.

4. A. Someone painted it for her. B. She finally had time to paint it.

C. She decided to paint it later.

D. Some friends will help her to paint it.

5. A. Today’s seminar was informative.

B. Another seminar will take place the following week.

C. Next week’s seminar is on a different topic.

D. There will be two seminars next week.

6. A. It’s dull. B. It’s fun. C. It’s simple. D. It’s


7. A. $3.75. B. $3.85. C. $3.55. D. $3.65.

8. A. At a shoe store. B. At a bookstore.

C. At the airport.

D. At a gift shop.

9. A. They stay closed until summer comes.

B. They cater chiefly to tourists.

C. They are busy all the year round.

D. They provide quality service to their customers.

10. A. Her mild temper. B. Her broad knowledge.

C. Her teaching style.

D. Her detailed answers.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked to questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. Diet. B. Sleep. C. Space. D. Stress.

12. A. They tend to reproduce more. B. They may show more signs of violence.

C. They can eat and sleep better.

D. They may commit suicide.

13. A. Rats can populate rapidly.

B. Population explosion can lead to violence.

C. Overcrowdedness may have the same effects on man.

D. It is a natural law that animals live and die.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.

14. A. Crimes committed by young people.

B. Crimes committed by needy people.

C. Influence on young people.

D. Stealing and violence.

15. A. They are usually poor and in need.

B. They do not have as much freedom or money as they want.

C. They live in an environment where everybody knows each other.

D. They are not satisfied with the adult world.

16. A. The family and the school. B. The adults and the mass media.

C. They society and the young people.

D. The young people themselves. Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear a longer conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to answer the following questions.

17. A. Because he was late.

B. Because he was tired.

C. Because he was given away.

D. Because he was fed up.

18. A. In a flea market. B. At a supermarket.

C. In a company.

D. In a garage.

19. A. He picked the bottles on shelves.

B. He put the labels on goods.

C. He lifted heavy boxes.

D. He put hundreds of bottles and tins.

20. A. The supermarket was open until 9 p.m.

B. The supermarket was open from Monday to Friday.

C. The supermarket was open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

D. The supermarket was open till 1 or 2 a.m.

II. Grammar and vocabulary (20%)

Section A

Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper from of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.

"Have you gotten married?" "Have you received a salary raise??" "Have you bought a house???"

Are you familiar with these questions starting with "have you" ?

If your answer is yes and you are getting sick of answering these questions, you probably have become a member of the "home-fear group".

The "home-fear group" refers to _____21_____ feeling anxious about returning

home during the Spring Festival. They have deep concerns about going back home for such factors as heavy economic pressure, high costs of the festival, the troubles of buying tickets, the long distance of the journey and exposure of private matters _____22_____(involve) family or love life.

Now, a special song has been tailor-made for this group.

The seven-minute song utilizes a choir style and rap. The beginning of the song ______23_____(sing) by the choir, which involves a family scene _____24______ a recently returned young adult is asked a series of questions by family members. After the "question attack" from relatives, the young man decides to reflect _____25_____ his past and also defend himself through rap.

According to the official Weibo account of Shanghai Rainbow Indoor Chorus, this is more than just a funny song, but a useful guide for young people. A careful listen to some of the lyrics will inspire you on ______26_______ to wisely answer many ’Spring Festival-specific’questions.

"It is a very interesting yet brainwashing song, truly describing the ______27______(satisfactory) situation quite a few young Chinese people have been trapped in," Sina Weibo user Santilin Clouds said.

According to a survey recently conducted among 1,918 young people by the research center at China Youth Daily, an overwhelming 86.4 percent of interviewees think it is necessary ____28______ (return) to their homeland during the Spring Festival, ___29____ _______ they are afraid of losing face for an average life or career.

"Indeed, we _____30______ not be that good but we will work hard in the future.

That’s enough! After all, the essence of spending the Spring Festival is reunion not compression," the song echoes the theme at the ending.

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Food prices are soaring to record levels, threatening many developing countries with mass hunger and political instability(不稳定). Finance ministers of the Group of 20 leading economies discussed the problem at a meeting in Paris last week, but for all of their ____31_____ concern, most are already breaking their promises to help. After the last _____32____ price increase in 2008, the G-20 promised to invest $22 billion over three years to help poor countries boost food production. To date, the World Bank fund that is supposed to administer this money has received less than $400 million.

Food prices are now higher than their 2008 peak, driven by rising ____33_____ in developing countries and unstable weather, including drought in Russia and Ukraine and a dry spell in North China that threatens the crop of the world’s largest wheat producer. The World Bank says the increase has pushed 44 million

people into extreme poverty just since June.

In 2008, 30 countries had food riots(暴动). That has not happened, at least not yet. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization warns that Mozambique, Uganda, Mali, Niger and Somalia are extremely vulnerable to ____34_____ because of rising prices, along with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in Asia, and Haiti, Guatemala, Bolivia and Honduras in Latin America.

____35_____ government policies could make matters worse. Some countries are stockpiling food according to the policies. When India did that last year, food ended up rotting in storages. Others are ____36_____ agricultural export bans, which discourages investment in production. The world’s wealthier nations must press them to rethink these polices and back that up with real help.

The Obama administration has proposed worthy ____37_____, but even when Democrats controlled Congress it had a hard time getting the money. The administration promised $3.5 billion to the G-20 effort. So far, it has ____38_____ only $66.6 million to the World Bank fund. It is now asking for $408 million for the fund---part of a $1.64 billion request for its Feed the Future initiative, which _____39_____ to strengthen poor countries’food production capabilities. However, the continuing resolution passed by the House now cuts $800 million out of the food aid budget --- bringing it down to about $1 billion, roughly where it was in 2001.

The White House needs to push back hard. This isn’t a question of ____40____. It is an issue of life or death for millions of people. And the hard truth is that if the

United States doesn’t keep its word, no one else will.

III. Reading Comprehension (45%)

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The people of the Makah Nation have lived on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula for thousands of years. They call themselves Kwi-dich-cha-at, which ____41____ “people who live by the rocks and seagulls.”The shorter name of Makah, bestowed on them by neighboring Native American peoples, means “generous with food.”

Before the white settlers arrived in the American Northwest, the Makah hunted gray and humpback whales from canoes made from the western red cedar tree. Whales ____42____ meat, blubber, and bone for food, oil, and utensils. The Makah enjoyed a lively trade in whale products with other Native Americans and later with an intensity and efficiency that quickly ____43____ the numbers of these creatures. The Makah relationship to the whales, on the other hand, was as much ____44____ as material. Whales and whaling were ___45_____ in their songs and dances. Images of whales were ____46____ into blankets and baskets and carved in stone and wood. By the 1920s, with local whales on the brink of ___47_____, the Makah stopped hunting them altogether.

Through ___48___ conservation measures, whales returned to the waters off the Olympic Peninsula soon. In the 1970s, archeologists discovered many objects that confirmed the long and significant relationship between the Makah and whales. This awareness ____49____ a cultural resurgence(复兴) that included a focus on traditional foods and the health problems some linked to changes in the Makah diet, particularly the ____50____ from it of sea mammal meat.

Eventually, the Makah decided to resume hunting whales. Although their plans faced strong opposition from different groups, they cited an 1885 treaty signed with the U.S. government that ___51____ the fight to continue this practice. After years of planning, the Makah ___52_____ the first hunt for the late fall of 1998. They succeeded in bringing in a gray whale about six months later. Today the Makah hunt whales in the ____53____ way---from large seagoing canoes, using harpoons. Divers enter the water and tie the killed whale’s jaws shut to prevent the animal from sinking. The whales are finally towed to shore and cut into pieces ____54____ traditional rituals. The blubber and meat is distributed among Makah families. No part of the whale can be sold ___55____, although artifacts that Makah carvers make from bones are often available for purchase.

41.A. guides B. ignores C. means D. admires

42.A. provided B. separated C. consumed D. wasted

43.A. decreased B. increased C. counted D. divided

44.A. artificial B. theoretical C. spiritual D. physical

45.A. issues B. versions C. subjects D. requests

46.A. put B. transferred C. printed D. woven

47.A. extinction B. collapse C. destruction D. disaster

48.A. simple B. moderate C. aggressive D. temporary

49.A. contributed to B. added to C. referred to D. responded to

50.A. abundance B. disappearance C. diversity D. familiarity

51.A. demanded B. avoided C. retained D. guaranteed

52.A. scheduled B. continued C. stopped D. described

53.A. convenient B. traditional C. practical D. proper

54.A. in accordance with B. as a result of

C. in place of

D. at the cost of

55. A. globally B. secretly C. commercially D. cheaply

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


In December 2008, Caroline Kennedy —daughter of the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy—sat down, as a frontrunner for the Senate seat in New York, for a televised interview that helped decide the future of her campaign. The result was a disaster.

Her performance wasn’t well received, in part because her speech was full of filler words—“ums,”“ahs”and “you knows.”One listener counted 27 “ums”and 38 “you knows”in the space of five minutes. A few weeks after the interview, Kennedy ended her Senate campaign.

Filler words may seem natural in everyday speech, but they can be deadly in formal presentations. “Using excessive fillers is the most annoying speech habit,”said Susan Ward, a speech specialist. “They take your listener’s attention away often to the point that he doesn’t hear anything you say. Your message is entirely lost.”

Many speakers are afraid of pause. They believe their audience will think they are inarticulate(不善于表达)if they pause to think of what to say next, so they use filler words to avoid the silence. However, a pause is actually more impressive than a filler word. Listeners know that the speaker is thinking, trying to find the right word. Sometimes a pause can actually improve a speech, as when an actor uses a dramatic pause to hold the attention of his audience. A speaker shouldn’t be afraid to pause occasionally during a speech; it shows self-confidence.

It takes some work to cut out filler words. You can begin by taking a few seconds to think about what you want to say the next time you are asked a question. This pause will help you begin powerfully, and it will help you avoid using a filler word.

The same public speaking technique applies when you are shifting from one idea to another. While you may be tempted to fill the silence between ideas with a

filler word, remember to allow yourself to pause and think about what you want to say next.

If you need help to overcome your “um”problem, consider asking a family member or a friend to point out when you use filler words. You also could record an upcoming presentation and then watch yourself in action. You may be amazed at how often you say “um”or “uh”!

Although we live in a fast-paced society that seemingly demands instant answers, we must use the pause to our advantage. Finally, we should only speak when we are ready.

56. In the first two paragraphs of the article the writer intends to ______.

A. introduce Caroline Kennedy to readers

B. explain what filler words are

C. illustrate how deadly filler words can be in the public speech

D. remind readers that they should count filler words used in public speeches

57. The reason why filler words are considered annoying by speech specialist is that ______.

A. they prevent the listener focusing on what the speaker is saying.

B. they convey the speaker’s superiority to the listener.

C. they mean the speaker is not articulate at all.

D. they make the speaker appear self-confident.

58. When used properly, pauses in speeches can actually ______.

A. help the speaker calm down

B. hold the attention of the audience

C. show the speaker’s anxiety

D. help the audience relax

59. Which of the following is NOT suggested as a way to get rid of filler words?

A. T o have mental training in order to think faster.

B. To watch a recording of your own speech.

C. T o ask someone else to point out when you use filler words.

D. T o practice thinking for a moment before answering a question.


Scholarship Application Tips in 2013 for college students

?Before you apply

1. Work hard to get good grades. Don’t sweat about one bad grade, but always strive to do your best.

2. Get involved, and stay involved, in out-of-class activities. Sports, clubs, drama, bands and orchestras —these often count toward a student’s overall scholarship application evaluation. The same goes for paid (or unpaid) work experience.

3. Begin your scholarship research early —by your sophomore(大学二年级) or junior year of high school, if possible. Make special note of application deadlines, as they can vary from late summer to late spring.

4. Apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible(符合条件的) for —several

smaller scholarships can add up to a lot of money.

?During the application process

1. Read the supplementary materials that come with scholarship application forms to better understand the program’s focus (community service, subject interest). Try to answer the questions with the focus area in mind.

2. Answer questions as they are asked. Don’t go off topic.

3. If there is a financial section to the application, make sure you get accurate and complete information from all appropriate sources to ensure your eligibility.

4. Take your time. Write down everything you can think of for each question, then set the application aside for a day so you can look everything over again before you send it off.

5. Don’t wait until the last minute to complete your application, especially if you are applying online. Computer systems can get blocked with the large volume of applicants hoping to submit (上交)their qualifications during the last few days and hours before a deadline.

6. If a third party has to complete part of your application, such as providing a letter of recommendation, make sure you ask them early on and remind them as often as necessary to ensure they provide you with the necessary materials.

7. Last but not least, review your application with your parents to make sure you haven’t left out any important details.

Good luck to the students applying for the 2013 scholarship programs!

60. Before you apply for a scholarship, it’s best to ______.

A. pay more attention to grades than after class activities

B. focus on only one scholarship application

C. get as much work experience as possible

D. begin your preparation as early as possible

61. The underlined phrase “sweat about”most probably means ______.

A. worry about

B. feel surprised at

C. think of

D. be crazy about

62. The author suggests that applicants should ______.

A. focus on the subject you are interested in

B. double-check their application with their parents

C. make up financial situation to ensure eligibility

D. avoid submitting the application online


While still catching-up to men in some fields of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. “Women are most likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men,”according to Dr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York’s Veteran’s Administration Hospital.

Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the

trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.

Adding to a woman’s increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased “opportunities”for stress. “It’s not necessarily that women don’t cope as well. It’s just that they have so much more to cope with,”says Dr. Yehuda. “Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men’s,”she observes, “it’s just that they’re dealing with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner.”

Dr. Yehuda notes another difference between the sexes. “I think that the kinds of things that women are exposed to tend to be in more of a long-term or repeated nature. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. Men are exposed to more acts of random physical violence. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals. The wear-and-tear that comes from these longer relationships can be quite devastating.”

Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college. “I struggled a lot to get the college degree. I was living in so much frustration that that was my escape, to go to school, and get ahead and do better.”Later, her marriage ended and she became a single mother. “It’s the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to paycheck.”

Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. Alvarez’s experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to handle stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.

63. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?

A. Women are biologically more vulnerable to stress.

B. Women are still suffering much stress caused by men.

C. Women are more experienced than men in coping with stress.

D. Men and women show different tendencies when faced with stress.

64. Dr. Yehuda’s research suggests that women_____________________

A. need extra doses of chemicals to handle stress.

B. have limited capacity for tolerating stress.

C. are more capable of avoiding stress.

D. are exposed to more stress.

65. According to Paragraph 4, the stress women confront tends to be

A. domestic and temporary.

B. irregular and violent.

C. durable and frequent.

D. trivial and random.

66. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Strain of Stress: No Way Out?

B. Responses to Stress: Gender Difference

C. Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say

D. Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress

Section C

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Today’s workplace is unique in history. Never before have we seen people working together who represent such different backgrounds and experiences. This difference of age, race, gender, and work style makes it very difficult to organize and run a company.

_____________67____________Increasingly, managers are discovering that age differences among workers are a major cause of concern.

This has been an important realization. The management difficulties and challenges have led some experts to study intergenerational differences for an understanding of problems in the workplace. What they have discovered is interesting and may provide ways of improving working conditions in companies that employ individuals from different generations.

The first thing to realize, they say, is that differences of opinion about the importance of work and how to get work done are not a coincidence. _____________68____________In fact, if employers do not pay attention to these differences, it is possible that anger will build up between people of different age groups and lead to difficulties in the company.

Resentment (仇恨) between members of different generations, if not attended to, can lead to extreme anger and unhappiness and even lasting enmity if people are not careful. ____________69_____________ It is natural for individuals from the same generation to form alliances(联盟), to come together for protection. Different generations represent different experiences in life, and these lead naturally to different opinions about oneself and one’s approaches to work.

If you were raised in a time of plenty, when products were readily available and relatively inexpensive, you would believe that prosperity is natural and expectable. If, on the other hand, you were raised in a time of scarcity, you would always be careful not to waste things for fear you would not have enough. You would make angry people who seem to believe that problems will always solve themselves. __________70_______________ It is difficult, in such circumstances, to achieve a happy, agreeable atmosphere in the workplace.

第II 卷

I.Summary (10%)

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the


2015年七宝中学自招试卷 1、已知:2x =-是220x ax b ++=的一个根,求22 a b +的最小值 【答案】2 【解析】2x =-Q 是220x ax b ++=的一个根,4220a b ∴-+=2a b ∴=+()2 22222244a b b b b b ∴+=++=++ ()22122b =++≥,所以最小值为2 2、已知正方形ABCD 的边长为6,E 为AD 的中点,F 为DC 的中点,AF ,BE 的交点为P ,求PC 【答案】 【解析】如图,延长BC ,AF 交于G ,Q 四边形ABCD 是正方形,∴AB AD CD BC ===,90BAE D ∠=∠=?,Q E 、F 分别为AD 、CD 的中点,∴12AE AD =,12DF CD =,∴AE DF =,在ADF V 与BAE V 中AD AB BAE D AE DF =??∠=∠??=? ,∴ADF V ?BAE V ,∴DAF ABE ∠=∠,Q 90ABE AEB ∠+∠=?,∴90DAF AEB ∠+∠=?∴90APE ∠=?Q BPG APE ∠=∠∴90BPG ∠=?在ADF V 与CGF V 中90AFD GFC DCG D CF DF ∠=∠??∠=∠=???=? ,∴ADF V ?CGF V ,∴CG AD =,∴CG BC =,∴162 PC BG ==,

3、已知:12320151,,,,1a a a a -≤???≤,求122320151a a a a a a ++???+的最小值。 【答案】2015- 【解析】令11a =-,21a =,31a =-,41a =……20141a =,20151a =-,所以每一项都是1-,可得最小值为2015- 4、已知:[]x 为不大于x 的最大整数,在1,2,3,,2015???中,有______个数满足 2 9x x -= 【答案】40 【解析】Q 29x x -=且x 在1,2,3,,2015???,∴9x ≥,当916x ≤<时,3x ?=?,29x =,则18x =(舍);当1625x ≤<时,4x ?=?,2 16x =,则25x =(舍);当2536x ≤<时,5x ?=?,225x =,则34x =;当3649x ≤<时,6x ?=?,236x =,则45x =;当4964x ≤<时,7x ?=?,2 49x =,则58x =,……在后面()221n x n ≤<+中,每组都有一个数满足题意,Q 224419362015202545=≤<=,∴共有445140-+=个数满足2 9x x ?-=? 5、已知221x y +=222144122x x y y xy x y -+++-+-的值 【答案】3


2017七宝中学自招考试英语题库 1 Choice: 1. From what I heard about their hotel and the terrible weather, they_______their holiday at all. A. would have enjoyed B. shouldn't have enjoyed C. needn't have enjoyed D. can't have enjoyed 2. I tried to call at your home last week but your dog simply ______not let me come through the gate. A. could B. would C. might D. should 3. Here is my MP3 player! It's strange. I don't remember leaving it here, but I suppose I ________so. A. can do B. must have done C. need have done D. should have done 4. You __________Jeanne at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night. A. mustn't have seen B. can't have seen C. shouldn't have seen D. wouldn't have seen 5. The boss_______the worker how to do it, or the accident couldn't have happened. A. can't have told B. ought to tell C. couldn't have been told D. mustn't have told 6. Haven't we told you that you_______ have 25 dollars if you have fixed our computer? A. shall B. would C. should D could 7. —There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. —It ____________a comfortable journey. A. can't be B. shouldn't be C. must have been D. couldn't have been 8. ________this letter _________now? A. Need ... typed B. Does ... need to be typed C. Need ... to be typed D. Does ... need be typed 9. Even if you don't like the work, you_________ it.


2018-2019年最新上海市七宝中学自主招生 语文模拟精品试卷 (第一套) (满分:100分考试时间:90分钟) 一、语文基础知识(18分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()A.连累(lěi) 角(ju?)色河间相(xiàng) 冠冕(miǎn)堂皇B专横(hang) 忖(cǔn)度涮(shuàn) 羊肉妄加揣(chuāi)测 C.笑靥(ya) 顷(qīng)刻汗涔(c?n)涔休戚(qì)相关 D慨叹(kǎi) 俨(yǎn)然刽子手(kuàì) 刎(wěn)颈之交 2、下列各项中字形全对的是() A、橘子州偌大急躁光阴荏苒 B、蒙敝犄角慰籍书生意气 C、敷衍磕绊笔竿艰难跋涉 D、翱翔斑斓屏蔽自怨自艾 3、依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当 ..的一项是() ⑴虽然他尽了最大的努力,还是没能住对方凌厉的攻势,痛失奖杯。 ⑵那些见利忘义,损人利己的人,不仅为正人君子所,还很可能滑向犯罪的深渊。 ⑶我认为,真正的阅读有灵魂的参与,它是一种个人化的精神行为。 A.遏制不耻必需 B.遏止不耻 必需 C.遏制不齿必须 D.遏止不齿 必须 4、下列句中加点的成语,使用恰当的一句是() A、故宫博物院的珍宝馆里,陈列着各种奇珍异宝、古玩文物,令人应接不暇。

B、任何研究工作都必须从积累资料做起,如果不掌握第一手资料,研究工作只能是空中楼阁 ....。 C、电影中几处看来是闲笔,实际上却是独树一帜之处。 D、这部精彩的电视剧播出时,几乎万人空巷,人们在家里守着荧屏,街上显得静悄悄的。 5、下列句子中,没有语病的一项是() A 大学毕业选择工作那年,我瞒着父母和姑姑毅然去了西藏支援边疆教育。 B北京奥运会火炬接力的主题是?和谐之旅?,它向世界表达了中国人民对内致力于构建和谐社会,对外努力建设和平繁荣的美好世界。 C他不仅是社会的一员,同时还是宇宙的一员。他是社会组织的公民,同时还是孟子所说的?天民?。 D科学家们推测,65000万年前,一颗小行星撞击地球后,引起了一次强力爆炸,形成了一个170公里大小的陨石坑。 6.下面一组句子排列顺序恰当的一项是() ①破晓或入暮,山上只有一片微光,一片柔静,一片宁谧。②山是不动的,那是光线加强了,是早晨来到了山中。 ③小屋在山的怀抱中,犹如在花蕊中一般,慢慢地花蕊绽开了一些,好像山后退了一些。④当花瓣微微收拢,那就是夜晚来临了。 ⑤小屋的光线既富于科学的时间性,也富于浪漫的文学性。 A.①③②④⑤B.①④③②⑤ C.⑤③② ①④D.⑤③②④① 二、阅读下面古诗文,完成7—14题。(24分,7—12每题2分) 勾践自会稽归七年,拊循其士民,欲用以报吴。大夫逄同谏曰:?今夫吴兵加齐、晋,怨深于楚﹑越,名高天下,实害周室,德少而功多,必淫自矜。为越计,莫若结齐,亲楚,附晋,以厚吴。吴之志广,必轻战。是我连其权,三国伐之,越承其弊,可克.也。?勾践曰:?善。? 其后四年。吴士民罢弊,轻锐尽死于齐﹑晋。而越大破吴,因而留围之三年,吴师败,越遂复栖.吴王于姑苏之山。吴王使公孙雄肉袒膝行而前,请成越王曰:?孤臣夫差敢布腹心,异日尝得罪于会稽,夫差不敢逆命,得与君王成以归。今君王举玉趾而诛孤臣,孤臣惟命是听,意者亦欲如会稽之赦孤臣之罪乎??勾践不忍,欲许之。



2017七宝中学自招考试英语题库1 Choice: 1. From what I heard about their hotel and the terrible weather, they_______their holiday at all. A. would have enjoyed B. shouldn't have enjoyed C. needn't have enjoyed D. can't have enjoyed 2. I tried to call at your home last week but your dog simply ______not let me come through the gate. A. could B. would C. might D. should 3. Here is my MP3 player! It's strange. I don't remember leaving it here, but I suppose I ________so. A. can do B. must have done C. need have done D. should have done 4. You __________Jeanne at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night. A. mustn't have seen B. can't have seen C. shouldn't have seen D. wouldn't have seen 5. The boss_______the worker how to do it, or the accident couldn't have happened. A. can't have told B. ought to tell C. couldn't have been told D. mustn't have told 6. Haven't we told you that you_______ have 25 dollars if you have fixed our computer? A. shall B. would C. should D could 7. —There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. —It ____________a comfortable journey. A. can't be B. shouldn't be C. must have been D. couldn't have been


2017七宝中学自招考试英语题库1 Choice: 1. From what I heard about their hotel and the terrible weather, they_______their holiday at all. A. would have enjoyed B. shouldn't have enjoyed C. needn't have enjoyed D. can't have enjoyed 2. I tried to call at your home last week but your dog simply ______not let me come through the gate. A. could B. would C. might D. should 3. Here is my MP3 player! It's strange. I don't remember leaving it here, but I suppose I ________so. A. can do B. must have done C. need have done D. should have done 4. You __________Jeanne at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night. A. mustn't have seen B. can't have seen C. shouldn't have seen D. wouldn't have seen 5. The boss_______the worker how to do it, or the accident couldn't have happened. A. can't have told B. ought to tell C. couldn't have been told D. mustn't have told 6. Haven't we told you that you_______ have 25 dollars if you have fixed our computer A. shall B. would C. should D could 7. —There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. —It ____________a comfortable journey. A. can't be B. shouldn't be C. must have been D. couldn't have been 8. ________this letter _________now A. Need ... typed B. Does ... need to be typed


七宝中学2018-2019年自主招生考试 英语模拟试卷 本试题分试题卷和答题卡两部分。试题卷共8页。满分150分,考试时间100分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上,并认真核对。 2.1-50题使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上,非选择题用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔书写在答题卡的对应位置。在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 3.考试结束后,将试题卷,答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共100 分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分60分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 从( A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. He was told that ____10:00 bus would take him to Mianyang in time to reach ____Nanshan High school. A. the; / B. the; a C. a; the D. /; the 2. Mother was so angry at all I was doing ____she walked out. A. which B. what C. that D. as 3. ---Who is late for class again? --- ____you ask? Tim, of course. A. Can B. Would C. Could D. Need 4. The traffic in the city was ____today, so as you guess, Mary got home far earlier than usual. A. heavy B. light C. weak D. scare 5. When she was awake, she found that she was standing on____seemed to be a piece of stone. A. that B. which C. what D. it 6. It is difficult for most of us to eat better, exercise more, and sleep enough, ____we know we should. A. as if B. even though C. unless D. before 7. Starting a business is one thing, while keeping it running smoothly is quite____. A. the other B. another C. neither D. others 8. Let’s learn to use the problem we are facing____a stepping stone to future success. A. to B. for C. as D. by 9. Grandma found it increasingly difficult to read, for her eyesight was beginning to____. A. disappear B. fall C. fail D. damage 10.---I hear you are working at the Smith’s. ---Yes, I _____ there for about three months. A. worked B. have been working C. was working D. am working 11.On the wall ____many pictures Mary drew during her childhood.




2017七宝中学自招考试英语题库1 Choice: 1. From what I heard about their hotel and the terrible weather, they_______their holiday at all. A. would have enjoyed B. shouldn't have enjoyed C. needn't have enjoyed D. can't have enjoyed 2. I tried to call at your home last week but your dog simply ______not let me come through the gate. A. could B. would C. might D. should 3. Here is my MP3 player! It's strange. I don't remember leaving it here, but I suppose I ________so. A. can do B. must have done C. need have done D. should have done 4. You __________Jeanne at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night. A. mustn't have seen B. can't have seen C. shouldn't have seen D. wouldn't have seen 5. The boss_______the worker how to do it, or the accident couldn't have happened. A. can't have told B. ought to tell C. couldn't have been told D. mustn't have told 6. Haven't we told you that you_______ have 25 dollars if you have fixed our computer? A. shall B. would C. should D could 7. —There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. —It ____________a comfortable journey. A. can't be B. shouldn't be C. must have been D. couldn't have been 8. ________this letter _________now? A. Need ... typed B. Does ... need to be typed C. Need ... to be typed D. Does ... need be typed 9. Even if you don't like the work, you_________ it.


2017七宝中学自招考试英语题库1 heard about their hotel and the terrible weather, B. shouldn 1 t have enjoyed C. needn ? t have enjoyed D. can't have enjoyed not let me come through the gate. A. could B. would C. might D. should 3. Here is my MP3 player! It's strange. I don't remember leaving it here, but I suppose I so. A. can do B. must have done C. need have done D. should have done 4. You Jeanne at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night. A. mustn ? t have seen B. can't have seen Choice: they their holiday at all. 2. I tried to call at your home last week but your dog simply From what I A. would have enjoyed C. shouldn ,t have seen D. wouldn t have seen

5.The boss the worker how to do it, or the accident couldn't have happened. B. ought to tell C. couldn t have been told D. mustn t have told 6.Haven t we told you that you have 25 dollars if you have fixed our computer A. shall B. would C. should D could 7.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. —It a comfortable journey. A. can't be B. shouldn' t be C. must have been D. couldn't have been 8.this letter now A. Need . . ? typed B. Does . . ? need to be typed C. Need .?? to be typed D. Does .. . need be typed 9.Even if you don't like the work, you it.


冲刺17年自主招生之 2016年七宝中学综合素养调研测试 一、 填空题(每题5分,共40分) 1. A B ,则__________.A B += 2. 设x y ,为实数,则代数式22 245425x xy y x y ++-++的最小值为___________. 3. 方程:3456x x x x ++=的解有_____________个. 4. 已知两质数p q ,之和为2019,则()()1 1q p p q -->的值为______________. 5. 在直角三角形ABC 中,CD CE ,分别是斜边AB 上的高,中线,()33BC a AC a ==>,, 若1 tan 3DCE ∠=,则a =___________. 6. 在平面直角坐标系内,已知四个定点()()()()30110313A B C D ---,,,,, ,,及一个动点P ,则PA PB PC PD +++∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣的最小值为______________. 7. 已知函数()()()()2222 22228.f x x a x a g x x a x a =-++=-+--+, 设()()()1max{}H x f x g x =,,()()()2min{}max{}H x f x g x p q =,,,表示p q ,中的较 大值,min{}p q ,表示p q ,中的较小值,记()1H x 得最小值()2A H x ,得最大值为B , 则______________.A B -= 8. 不等式()() 2 1430x x x +-+>有多重解法,其中有一种方法如下,在同一直角坐标系中做出11y x =+和2 243y x x =-+的图像然后进行求解,请类比求解以下问题: 设a b , 为整数,若对任意0x ≤,都有()() 2220ax x b ++≤成立, 则_____________.a b += B


七宝中学自招考试英语题库1 Choice: 1. From what I heard about their hotel and the terrible weather,they_______their holiday at all. A. would have enjoyed B. shouldn't have enjoyed C. needn't have enjoyed D. can't have enjoyed 2. I tried to call at your home last week but your dog simply ______not let me come through the gate. A. could B. would C. might D. should 3. Here is my MP3 player!It's strange. I don't remember leaving it here,but I suppose I ________so. A. can do B. must have done C. need have done D. should have done 4. You __________Jeanne at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night. A. mustn't have seen B. can't have seen C. shouldn't have seen D. wouldn't have seen 5. The boss_______the worker how to do it,or the accident couldn't have happened. A. can't have told B. ought to tell C. couldn't have been told D. mustn't have told 6. Haven't we told you that you_______ have 25 dollars if you have fixed our computer? A. shall B. would C. should D could 7. —There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. —It ____________a comfortable journey.


重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(1) (2) 重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(2) (49) 重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(3) (88) 重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(4) (126) 重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(5) (167) 重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(6) (204)

绝密★启用前 重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(1) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 一.选择题(共10小题,满分20分,每小题2分) 1.(2分)如图所示,一个小物体沿光滑斜面由A点上方从静止开始下滑,在它通过的路径AE分成相等的四段,v1、v2分别表示通过AB段、BC段的平均速度,v表示BE段的平均速度,则v1、v2与v的关系是() A.v1<v2<v B.v1=v2<v C.v1=v2>v D.v1<v<v2 2.(2分)养鱼的水族箱里在安装“循环、过滤、加氧三合一”水泵,水泵,如图所示。水泵工作时,水从管甲处吸入,在管乙处快速喷出,而管乙侧壁上有孔通过软塑料管丙与外部空气相通。从管乙处喷出的水流中,就混有大量气泡,增加水中氧气含量。关于这一生活中的现象,下列说法正确的是() A.管乙内水的流速大,压强大 B.大气压强大于管乙内液体压强,空气被压入水流 C.气泡在水中上升的过程中,气泡内部压强不变 D.气泡在水中上升的过程中,气泡所受浮力不变 3.(2分)小明同学家住5楼一天,他提着装有30个鸡蛋的塑料袋从1楼走到
