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21. There was _____ time when everything to do with ____nature could keep Anne spellbound.

A. a, the

B. the, a

C. a, /

D. the , the

22. As soon as she saw her boyfriend,she ________ crying.

A. burst into

B. broke out

C. broke into D.burst out

23. The boss insisted that every minute ______ made full use of ______ the work well.

A. be; to do

B. was; doing

C. be ; doing

D. was ; to do

24.—It is the first time I ______ my first picture with my own hands.

—It's time that you ______ a picture for me.

A.took; took B.have taken; took C.took; have taken D. have taken; have taken 25. It’s time you changed your attitude ___________ women now, Tom; they hold up half the sky,

you know.

A. towards

B. from

C. with

D. in

26. Even on a cold day,he prefers ________out to play football ________ at home.

A. going;rather stay

B. going;to staying

C. to go;rather than staying

D. to go;rather than to stay

27. —When you for the United States?

—This afternoon. My plane at 3:15.

A. do; leave; takes off

B. are; leaving; is taking off

C. do ; leave; is taking off

D. are; leaving; takes off

28.You couldn’t imagine what difficulty the US government had _______ a law to protect its

citizen’s privacy.

A. passing

B. passed

C. to pass

D. pass

29..I reall y don’t know _________ I had my money stolen.

A. when was it that

B. that it was when

C. where it was that

D. it was where that

30. The car was not seriously _____ in the accident and it won’t cost much to get it repaired.

A. destroyed

B. ruined

C. damaged

D. hurt

31. ______ to get a ticket for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, George has been standing in a queue for

two days.

A. Determining

B. Being determined

C. To determine

D. Determined

32. —Has the boss agreed to improve our working conditions?

—No. The only thing he _____ is money.

A. cares for

B. cares about

C. takes care of

D. comes up with

33. My little sister ______ me into buying the Five Friendlies (奥运福娃).

A. wanted

B. advised

C. persuaded

D. told

34. If a person has not had enough sleep,his cation will give him ____ during the day.

A. away

B. off

C. in

D. out

35.---Do you mind if I open the window?

--- __________. I feel a bit cold.

A. Of course not.

B. You'd better not.

C. Go ahead.

D. Why not?



I can never remember feeling good about myself. From the time I was a little child I always felt nobody 36 me-not my parents, my brothers, my sisters, nobody. I never had any friends __37 I could tell everything to. I liked to 38 friends, but nobody seemed to care for me.

I also had a lot of problems with my 39 . Until grade nine I was 40 than everybody else. My classmates always called me names like Pole(竹竿) or Long-legs. I felt the others were 41 me.

Things 42 even worse at home. The only way I could 43 my problems when I was a little child was to cry a lot. My mother didn't quite 44 my feelings and the 45 annoyed(使生气) her and made her nervous.

Nobody in the family 46 made an effort to understand me or even to talk to me. My family isn't exactly 47 you'd call warm. There's never any expression of 48. I'm sixteen and I 49 remember my mother or father ever 50 us.

Things started getting really 51 in high school. I changed schools. In the old school 52 I
