Running Hours 1075 hrs
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980 hrs ↓
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-Motor Starts -Module Hours -Compressor Outlet -Dp Air Filter -Oil Pressure -Intercooler -Compressor Outlet -Element 1 Outlet
3.4 在运行中
3.5 检查显示屏
3.6 手动加卸载/加载
3.7 停机
3.8 停止使用
4.1 空压机的预防性的保养计划
4.2 电机的油脂
4.3 油的要求
4 4 8 9 11 14 16
18 18 24 25 29 33
34 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 40
41 41 42 42
-Element 2 Outlet -Element 2 Inlet -Cooling Water In -LP Cooling Water Out -Cooling Water Out -Oil Temperature -Emergency Stop -Remote Start/Stop
电机起动次数 控制器运行时间 空压机出气压力 空气过滤器压降 中冷却器温度 空压机出气温度
Compressor Outlet 6.4 bar
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Mainscreen Help Extra
1.1 安全图标............................................................................5 1.2 一般安全措施........................................................................5 1.3 安装过程中的安全措施................................................................5 1.4 操作过程中的安全措施................................................................6 1.5 保养或维修过程中的安全措施..........................................................7
2.1 简介................................................................................9 2.2 气流...............................................................................13 2.3 冷凝水排卸系统.....................................................................17 2.4 润滑油系统.........................................................................18 2.5 冷却系统...........................................................................19 2.6 空气干燥机(FULL-FEATURE 机型)......................................................19 2.7 电气系统...........................................................................20
SCROLL COMPRESSORSSF 1-6 (1.5-5.5 kW/2-7.5 hp) / SF+ 2-22 (2.2-22 kW/3-30 hp)PURE OIL-FREE AIRAs there is no metal-to-metal contact between the compression scrolls, there is no need for oil lubrication in the compression chamber. T herefore, the scroll compression principle guarantees high-quality, oil-free air. As a result, the SF compressor isoil-free in every way.ENERGY EFFICIENCYThe SF scroll compressors, standard equipped with IE3 Premium efficiency motors, are suited for sensitive applications which require flexibility and energy efficiency. Unloaded power consumption is eliminated thanks to the simple start/stop control. Advanced scroll technology guarantees an optimal free air delivery and low duty cycle applications.EXTREMEL Y LOW NOISE LEVELThe slow speed of the scroll compression elements ensures that the SF scroll compressors are extremely quiet. Sound levels are as low as 53 dB(a), making the SF the perfect choice for your sensitive working environment.SIMPLICITY AND RELIABILITYThe SF scroll compressors stand for simplicity and reliability. The compressor has a minimal number of moving parts, ensuring a long operating life with limited service interventions. With their integrated design, Atlas Copco’s SF scroll compressors have a minimal footprint and offereasy serviceability.PROVEN PEACE OF MINDFor over sixty years, Atlas Copco has been leading the industry in oil-free compressed air technology, drawing on vast experience and continuous technological innovations. Y ou can rest assured at all times: severe certification and testing procedures are conducted to ensure air is supplied to thehighest standards of quality control.SF 1-6/SF+ 2-6: EFFICIENT, SILENT & COMPACT The SF 1-6/SF+ 2-6 is a complete package uniting the element, drive motor, aftercooler and starter in a super silent acoustic enclosure to be installed directly into your work environment. It is also available as a Full Feature unit with integrated refrigerant air dryer. Three receiver mounting options are available: with an extended canopy that includes three integrated 10 liter galvanized air receivers or mounted on an internally coated 270 liter (72 gallon) or 500 liter (132 gallon) horizontal receiver.High efficiency paper cartridge air inlet filter, eliminating dust andparticles down to 1 µm.1Automatic stop when the required working pressure is reached,avoiding unnecessary energy costs.2High efficiency scroll elementAir-cooled scroll compressor element offeringproven durability and reliability in operation,in addition to solid efficiency.3IP55 Class F/IE3 motorTotally enclosed air-cooled IP55 Class F motor,complying with IE3 & Nema Premiumefficiency standards.4Compact & optimized integrated refrigerant dryer,ensuring the delivery of dry air, preventing rust andcorrosion in your compressed air network.511043Plug and play solution, lower installation costs with 30l, 270l and 500l tank-mounted options.7® (SF +)Monitoring features include warning indications, maintenance scheduling and online visualization of running conditions.8The new compact vertical setup enables easy access for maintenance, improves cooling allowing lower working temperatures and provides vibration damping.9SF-Skid/T • Suitable for installation at the point of use or for integration into an existing airnetwork: designed with simplicity in mind.Cooler & piping• An oversized cooler improves the performance of the unit.• The use of aluminum pipes and thevertically oversized check valve improve reliability over lifetime and assure the high quality of your compressed air.10A sound insulated canopy makes extremely low noise levels as lowas 53 dB(A) possible, allowing to install the unit closer to the point of use.68296SF + 8-22: MODULAR & FLEXIBLESF + 8-22 multi-scroll units bring in the benefits and flexibility of a modular system utilizing two to four compressor modules integrated into one canopy. The Elektronikon ® continuously monitors the status of each element and starts and stops the compression elements, thereby ensuring that the compressed air output matches the air demand. Moreover, the perfect air quality and user-friendliness of these units guarantee a superior production process.High efficiency paper cartridge air inlet filter eliminating dust and particles down to 1µm.1Air-cooled scroll compressor elements with 8 and 10 bar variants, offering proven durability and reliability in operation, in addition to superior efficiency.3Totally enclosed & air-cooled IP55 Class F motors, complying with IE3 Premium efficiency standards.2Compact & optimized integrated refrigerantdryer ensuring the delivery of dry air, preventing rust and corrosion in the installed compressed air network.4Thanks to the low-noise scroll element, optimized super-silent fan and sound-insulated canopy, best in class noise levels possible are achieved.576452Elektronikon While running the VFT algorithm, the Elektronikon ® Mk5 6The air cooler is finetuned for improved performance, while the use of aluminum & stainless steel pipes improve reliability over lifetime and assure the high quality of compressed air.7Outstanding user-friendly design, with safety in operation & ease of serviceability in mind.8SF Duplex• Duplex set-up with two cubicles, one/two main modules and one/two modules as back-up.• Elektronikon ® regulates each set of compressor modules via an integrated central control system.• Enclosed in sound-insulated bodywork.381CLASS 0: THE INDUSTRY STANDARD Oil-free air is used in all kinds of industries where air quality is paramount for the end product and production process. These applications include food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical and petrochemical processing, fermentation, wastewater treatment, pneumatic conveying, non-woven textile manufacturing and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities of oil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage, resulting in product recalls and loss of reputation.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered thedevelopment of oil-free air technology, resulting in a range of air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure, oil-free air.Through continuous research and development, Atlas Copcoachieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as thefirst manufacturer to be awarded ISO 8573-1 Class 0 certification. Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renowned TÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors and blowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, allpossible oil forms were measured across a range of temperaturesand pressures. T he TÜV found no traces of oil at all in the output air stream. T hus Atlas Copco is the first compressor and blower manufacturer to receive Class 0 certification, according to ISO8573-1 Class 0 Ed. 3 2010 specifications.concentration in total oil content).ADVANCED SCROLL TECHNOLOGYSolid efficiency is a distinctive advantage of the Atlas Copco SF series, thanks to the unique working principle of scroll technology. Air compression is achieved by the interaction of a fixed and orbiting scroll. Air at inlet pressure enters the compression chamber at the exterior side of the scroll element. Once air is drawn in, the orbiting scroll seals off the inlet port. As the scroll continues to orbit, the air is progressively compressed into an increasingly smaller ‘pocket’. A continuous flow of compressed air leaves the scroll element through a discharge port in the center of the fixed scroll. T his process is continuously repeated, resulting in the delivery of pulse-free compressed air.Variable flow technology (VFT)All SF + 8-22 multi-scroll compressors areequipped with the unique VFT control system, which provides maximum flexibility of air delivery. T he VFT system, included in the Elektronikon ® controller, automatically starts and stops the scroll elements to exactly match the demands of your compressed air system. The Elektronikon ® control algorithm ensures that the system pressure is kept within a very narrow pressure band which optimizes the compressor’s efficiency and guarantees a very stable system pressure. T he Elektronikon ® also gives an instant read out of all operational data and continuously scans and monitors the operation of the SF.Cooling fan Suction chamber Suction opening Delivery opening Fixed scroll Orbiting scrollFail-safe temperature sensor for unit protectionCompression chamber1234567812345678WORKPLACE AIR SYSTEM™ COMPRESSORS: THE SOUND OF SILENCEAtlas Copco WorkPlace Air System™ compressors are much more than low noise air compressors with integrated air treatment equipment. To help you save energy and costs, they are designed to give the most efficient source of compressed air within a production environment.Quiet and compactA low noise level enables the compressor tobe installed close to the compressed airapplication, minimizing the size of the airdistribution system and reducing pressureloss and the potential for leakage.Cost-savingAs the air treatment is completely integrated, the installation costs are substantially reduced, making multiple compressor installations practical and financially viable.Supreme energy efficiency To ensure maximum energy efficiency, Atlas Copco offers both traditional on/off regulating systems where the air demand is constant.Peace of mindWith the SF, Atlas Copco does not justoffer the most reliable and efficientcompressors. From air qualitysolutions to a complete pipinginstallation, Atlas Copco can takeresponsibility of your entirecompressed air system to provide youwith best-in-class air. Choose from awide range of Atlas Copco after salesproducts and services that will haveyour SF performing at its best foryears to come. Qualified Atlas Copcosupport is available in over180 countries.A solution that fitsThanks to the broad range of Atlas Copco air treatment technology, you can select the most efficient system to meet your specific compressed air requirements.A STEP AHEAD IN MONITORING AND CONTROLSThe next-generation Elektronikon® operating system offers a wide variety of control and monitoring features that allow you to increase your compressor’s efficiency and reliability. To maximize energy efficiency, the Elektronikon® controls the main drive motor and regulates system pressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band. The SF+ 2-6 are equipped with a standard Elektronikon® controller, while the SF+ 8-22 come with the advanced Elektronikon® Graphic.SMARTLink• Remote monitoring system that helps you optimize yourcompressed air system and save energy and costs.• Provides a complete insight in your compressed air network.• Anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.Improved user-friendliness• 3.5-inch high-definition color display with clearpictograms and extra 4th LED indicator for service.• Graphical display of key parameters (day, week,month) and 32 language settings.• Internet-based compressor visualization usinga simple Ethernet connection.• Graphical indication Serviceplan, remote control andconnectivity functions.• Software upgrade available to control up to 6compressors by installing the optional integratedcompressor controller.Online & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the newElektronikon® controller. Monitoring features include warningindications, compressor shut-down and maintenancescheduling. T he Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allowsfingertip monitoring of your compressed air system throughyour own secured network.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS* Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C, Latest Edition.** Mean noise level measured at a distance of 1 m according to ISO 2151, tolerance 3 dB(a).Weights of the pack & floor-mounted units are shown in the chart.2043 x 600 x 115480.4 x 23.6 x 45.4LWH• : Optional- : Not availableCOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITYWe stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity./sf2935 0844 48 © 2014, A t l a s C o p c o A i r p o w e r N V , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e o r o b l i g a t i o n . R e a d a l l s a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e m a n u a l b e f o r e u s a g e .Certi cate Number 。
Atlas Copco ZR ZT-使用说明书
名称 "增加" "后退" "取消" "删除" "帮助" "限值" "加载" "主显示屏" "菜单" "菜单" "修改" "程序" "重置" "返回" "卸载" "额外"
功能 用于添加压缩机起动/停机命令(天/小时) 用于返回至以前显示的选项或菜单 用于在设定参数时取消设定的值 用于删除压缩机起动/停机命令 用于查找阿特拉斯·科普柯互联网地址 用于显示可设定的设置值的限值 用于手动加载压缩机 用于从某个菜单返回至主屏幕 用于从主屏幕开始以访问子菜单 用于从子菜单开始以返回上一菜单 用于修改可设定的设置值 用于设定修改的设置值 用于复位定时器或信息 用于返回至以前显示的选项或菜单 用于手动卸载压缩机 用于查找电脑控制器的模块配置
"保养" "存储数据" "卸载"/"加载"
修改下列设定值: • 参数(例如,加载和卸载压力) • 保护(例如,温度停机标准) • 保养计划(保养计划的定时器) • 时钟功能(压缩机自动起动/停机/压力带命令) • 配置(时间、日期、显示语言,...)
3.9 控制程序
功能 为便于设定和控制,已在电脑控制器中执行菜单驱动型控制程序。
Atlas Copco Z压缩机系列产品说明书
Oil-free rotary screw compressorsZR/ZT 110-275 (FF) & ZR/ZT 132-315 VSD (FF)Setting the standard in energy efficiency, safety and reliability The shortest route to superior productivity is to minimize operational cost while maintaining an uninterrupted supply of the right quality of air. The Atlas Copco Z compressor series is focused on effectively saving energy, ensuring product safety –only oil-free machines exclude contamination risks for 100% – and guaranteeing the utmost reliability around the clock. And not just today, but day after day, year after year,with minimal maintenance cost, few service interventions and long overhaul intervals.Highest reliabilityFor 60 years, Atlas Copco Z compressors have set the benchmark for durability. T hey are built using long-standing internal engineering practices, and are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000& OHSAS 18001. T he high-end ZR/ZT uses time-provenstate-of-the-art screw technology, cooling and pulsation dampers and provides you with the highest reliability. 100% oil-free compressed airThe ZR/ZT offers you 100% pure, clean air that complies with ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) certification. T his means zero riskof contamination; zero risk of damaged products; zero risk of losses from operational downtime; and zero risk of damaging your company’s hard-won professional reputation. Maximum energy efficiencyThe ZR/ZT’s superior oil-free screw elements provide the optimum combination of high Free Air Delivery (FAD) with the lowest energy consumption. Ample sized cooling, low pressure drops and an extremely efficient drive train result in the highest compressor package efficiency.The most complete packageWith the ZR/ZT compressor, Atlas Copco provides a superior solution without hidden costs. T he totally integrated,ready-to-use package includes internal piping, coolers, motor, lubrication and control system. T he Full Feature version even integrates an IMD adsorption dryer for an impeccable end product. Installation is fault-free, commissioning time is low and no external instrument air is required. Y ou simply plug and run. Global presence - local serviceOur aftermarket product portfolio is designed to add maximum value for our customers by ensuring the optimum availability and reliability of their compressed air equipment with the lowest possible operating costs. We deliver this complete service guarantee through our extensive service organization,maintaining our position as leader in compressed air.100% certified oil-free airAtlas Copco is renowned for designing and manufacturing some of the most durable oil-free screw compressors. T he ZR/ZT high-end rotary screw compressor comes out of this strong tradition.Ideal for industries where high-quality oil-free air is key, the ZR/ZT offers the highest reliability and safety in combination with low energy costs.Food & beverage• 100% pure, clean, oil-free air for all kinds of applications(e.g. fermentation, packaging, aeration, transportation,filling & capping, cleaning, instrument air).• ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) certification to avoidcompromising the purity of your end productand ensure zero risk of contamination.T extiles• Easy and quick installation.• A completely, fully integrated, ready-to-use solution.Oil & gas• Years of experience in providing compressed airfor the oil & gas industry.• 100% oil-free compressed air for control/instrumentair or buffer air.• Strong global support network to provide 24/7 assistance.Power plants• Ideal for applications such as flue gas desulphurization,oxidation air, and fluidized beds.• Continuous operation.Class 0:the industry standardOil-free air is used in all kinds of industries whereair quality is paramount for the end product and production process. T hese applications includefood and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical, semiconductor and electronics,the medical sector, automotive paint spraying, textile and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities of oil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil-free air technology, resulting in a rangeof air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure, clean air. Through continuous research and development, Atlas Copco achieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purityas the first manufacturer to be awarded CLASS 0 certification. Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renownedTÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors and blowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range of temperatures and pressures. T he TÜV found no traces of oil at all in the outputair stream.concentration in total oil content).321High efficiency coolers and water separator• Corrosion resistant stainless steel tubing*.• Highly reliable robot welding; no leakages*.• Aluminium star insert increases heat transfer*.• Water separator with labyrinth design to efficiently separate the condensate from the compressed air.• Low moisture carry-over protects downstream equipment.3World-class oil-free compression element• Unique Z seal design guarantees 100% certified oil-free air.• Atlas Copco superior rotor coating for high efficiency and durability.• Cooling jackets.2Throttle valve with load/unload regulation• No external air supply required.• Mechanical interlock of inlet and blow-off valve.• Low unload power.1* Only for ZR water-cooled versions.45AirWaterOilMotor• IP55 T EFC protection against dust and humidity.• High efficiency fixed speed IE3 motor (equal to NEMA Premium).4Advanced Elektronikon ®• Large 5.7” sized color display available in 31 languages for optimal ease of use.• Controls the main drive motor and regulates system pressure to maximize energy efficiency.5Water-cooled ZR Pack123Silenced canopy• Base frame with forklift slot.• Fully packaged, easy to install.• Easy ducting.1Efficient intake air filtration• 2-stage dust removal system (99.9% for 3 micron).• Low pressure drop.• Efficient protection of the compressor.• Minimum intake losses.2High-efficiency motor + VSD• TEFC IP55 motor protects against dust and chemicals.• Continuous operation under severe ambient temperature conditions.• Full regulation between 30 to 100% of the maximum capacity.34Full Feature: IMD adsorption dryer• Eliminates the moisture before it enters the air net.• Ensuring a reliable process and a top quality end product.• No external energy is needed to dry the air, resulting in high energy savings and no compressed air losses.• Minimal pressure drop.4Air outAir-cooled ZT Full FeatureAirWaterOilVSD: driving down energy costsOver 80% of a compressor’s lifecycle cost is taken up by the energy it consumes. Moreover, the generation of compressed air can account for more than 40% of a plant’s total electricity bill. T o cut your energy costs, Atlas Copco pioneered Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology in the compressed air industry. VSD leads to major energy savings, while protecting the environment for future generations. T hanks to continual investments in this technology, Atlas Copco offers the widest range of integrated VSD compressorson the market.EnergyEnergy savings with VSD Investment MaintenanceEnergy savings of up to 35%Atlas Copco's VSD technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. This results in large energy savings of up to 35%. The Life Cycle Cost of a compressor can be cut by an average of 22%. In addition, lowered system pressure with VSD minimizes energy use across your production dramatically.T otal compressor lifecycle costVSD?1The Elektronikon® controls both the compressor and the integrated converter, ensuring maximum machine safety within parameters.2Flexible pressure selection from 4 to 10.4 bar with VSD reduces electricity costs.3Specific converter and motor design (with protected bearings) for the highest efficiency acrossthe speed range.4Electric motor specifically designed for low operating speeds with clear attention to motor cooling andcompressor cooling requirements.5All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are EMC tested and certified. Compressor operation does notinfluence external sources and vice versa.6Mechanical enhancements ensure that all components operate below critical vibration levels throughout theentire compressor speed range.7 A highly efficient frequency converter in a cubicleensures stable operation in high ambient temperatures up to 50°C/122°F (standard up to 40°C/104°F).8No ‘speed windows’ that can jeopardize the energy savings and the stable net pressure. T urndown capability of the compressor is maximized to 70-75%.9Net pressure band is maintained within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.Monitoring and control:how to get the most from the leastThe Elektronikon ® unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Intelligence is part of the package• High resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions. • Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data. • Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and maintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.• Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically and reliably to your compressed air needs.• Built-in remote control and notifications functions provided as standard, including simple to use Ethernet based communication.• Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.Online & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the new Elektronikon ® controller. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down andmaintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of your compressed air system through your own secured network.• A remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save you energy and cost.• It offers you a complete insight in your compressed air network and anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.*Please contact your local sales representative for more information.SMART LINK *:Data monitoring programProtecting your productionUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.Increase production reliabilityLow quality air heightens the risk of corrosion, which can lower the life span of production equipment. T he air treatment solutions produce clean air that enhances your system’s reliability, avoiding costly downtime and production delays.Safeguard production qualityCompressed air coming into contact with your final products should not affect their quality. Atlas Copco provides clean,dry air to protect your production and reputation in the market.Supreme energy and cost savingsAtlas Copco’s quality air solutions stand for substantial energy savings all day, every day. T aking technology to a new level,these products achieve maximum cost savings.Proven peace of mindBuilding on know-how and years of experience, the entire Atlas Copco quality air range is produced in-house and tested using the most stringent methods in the industry.A dryer solution for every needUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.BD/BD +-70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°FHeat reactivated adsorption dryer• Use of electrical heaters for regenerating the desiccant• Limited pressure drop• Variants without loss of compressed airFD/FD +(VSD)+3°C/+20°C +37°F/+68°FRefrigerant dryer• Use of cooling circuit for cooling down compressed air • Guaranteed pressure dew points• Lowest energy consumption in all operating conditions • Air and water cooled variantsMD-20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FMDG-40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FRotary drum heat of compression dryers• Use of freely available heat of compression • Negligible power consumption• Variants with extra heat augmentation for lower dew pointsND-40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FDryers overviewD e w p o i n t (°C )D e w p o i n t (°F )Flow (l/s)Flow (cfm)+3+37-20-4-40-40-70-94To further protect your investment, equipment and processes, Atlas Copco presents a full line-up of innovative quality air solutions to suit the high quality requirements of your specific application.45213A complete Full Feature packageAtlas Copco’s Full Feature concept stands for a compact, all-in-one quality air solution. Integrating the IMD dryer and its Variable Speed Drive on VSD models, this integrated package offers the highest quality air at the lowest possible cost.Protect your compressed air systemA dry compressed air system is essential to maintain the reliability of production processes and the quality of the end products. Untreated air can cause corrosion in the pipe work, premature failure of pneumatic equipment and product spoilage.IMD adsorption dryerThe IMD adsorption dryer eliminates the moisture before it enters the air net,ensuring a reliable process and an impeccable end product. As no external energy is needed to dry the air, large savings are obtained. T he pressure drop through the dryer is minimal, which again cuts down the operating cost.The IMD drying principle1 Hot unsaturated air2 Hot saturated air3 Cold saturated air4 Dry air5 Drying sectionOptimize your systemWith the ZR/ZT , Atlas Copco provides an all-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. T o further optimize your ZR/ZT’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Engineered solutionsAtlas Copco recognizes the need to combine our serially produced compressors and dryers with thespecifications and standards applied by major companies for equipment purchases. Strategically located departments within the Atlas Copco Group take care of the design and manufacturing of customized equipment to operate at extreme temperatures, often in remote locations.Innovative technologyAll equipment is covered by our manufacturer warranty.The reliability, longevity and performance of our equipment will not be compromised. A global aftermarket operation employing 360 field service engineers in 160 countries ensures reliablemaintenance by Atlas Copco as part of a local service operation.Innovative engineeringEach project is unique and by entering into partnership with our customers, we can appreciate the challenge at hand, ask the relevant questions and design the best engineered solutionfor all your needs.Options• : Optional- : Not available(*) Maximum intake/cooling air temperature is 50°C/122 °F for HAT versions.Please note the availability of the option depends on the chosen configuration.ZR 110-275 (FF)(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions:- Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F.FAD is measured at the following working pressures: Fixed speed:- 7/7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar.- 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar.- 13 bar version at 12 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.(3) Not available as FF variant.CABZT 110-275 (FF)(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions: - Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi). - Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F .FAD is measured at the following working pressures:Fixed speed:- 7/7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar. - 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar. - 13 bar version at 12 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.(1) For the working pressure of the FF variant, please consult Atlas Copco.(2) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions:- Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F.FAD is measured at the following working pressures: Fixed speed:- 7/7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar.- 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar.- 13 bar version at 12 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(3) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.ZR 132-315 VSD (FF) (50/60 Hz)(1) For the working pressure of the FF variant, pleaseconsult Atlas Copco.(2) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions: - Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi). - Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F .FAD is measured at the following working pressures:Fixed speed:- 7/7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar. - 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar. - 13 bar version at 12 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(3) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.ZT 132-315 VSD (FF) (50/60 Hz)DimensionsCABCOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0538 14 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。
Atlas Copco ZH+ 和 ZH 中心式压缩机系列说明书
Oil-free centrifugalcompressorsZH+ & ZH 355-900 (355-900 kW/500-1200 hp) ZH+ & ZH 630-1600 (630-1600 kW/900-2250 hp) ZH1000-3150 (1000-3150 kW/1400-4350 hp)ZH+ & ZH range: high efficiency& reliabilityEngineered using innovative in-house technology, the ZH+ and ZH range captures years of experience in advanced compressed air solutions to save energy and guarantee reliability of oil-free air supply in multiple environments.Driving down energy costsSuperior oil-free turbo air ends provide the optimum combination of a high flow with low energy consumption. Ample sized cooling, low pressure drops and an efficientdrive train result in high compressor package efficiency. Further energy savings are possible with Atlas Copco’sheat of compression MD, ND and XD dryers.Assuring your peace of mindFrom the factory to the field, Atlas Copco has the expertise and products, service and support to meet customer demands. Through interaction and dedicated service during all stages of the process, Atlas Copco has accomplished a broad customer base around the world. Hundreds of thousands of unfailing running hours give proof of our long-term local and global service and support commitment to engineering companies and contractors as well as end customers.Keeping your production upand runningZH+ & ZH compressors are built using strict codes of Quality Control, and are designed, manufactured and tested in ISO 9001 accredited production facilities. T hey use Atlas Copco’s proven, superior turbo technology and over-sized cooling for the highest efficiency and reliability, AGMA class A4/ISO 1328 class 4 gears for low noise and vibrations, high-grade stainless steel coolers for very long lifetime, and an integrated lubrication system.The result is the highest reliability you need.Proven turbo powerYour application deserves a reliable supply of oil-free compressed air at the lowest energy cost. Atlas Copco has been building oil-free centrifugal compressors for process and plant air applications for decades.Electronics• Clean, dry, high-quality air (Class 0) is essential, producedwith optimal energy efficiency.• Applications include the removal of microscopic debris fromthe surfaces of computer chips and computer boards.T extiles• Class 0 certified air quality for the highly sensitiveproduction processes in the textile industry.• Applications include spinning, weaving, dyeing,texturizing, winding and coning.Metal manufacturing• Reliable compressors are essential for your demandingmetal manufacturing applications.• Atlas Copco provides a complete, ready-to-use solutionincluding all components and options with low service cost.Food & beverage• Your reputation is at stake so you can’t afford to compromiseon product quality.• Applications: Instrument air, cleaning air, food storage,cooling and spraying, filling and capping.Current ISO 8573-1 (2010) classes (the five main classes and the associated maximum concentration in total oil content).Class 0: the industry standardOil-free air is used in all kinds of industries where air quality is paramount for the end product and production process. T hese applications include food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging, chemical and petrochemical processing, semiconductor and electronics manufacturing, the medical sector, automotive paint spraying,textile manufacturing and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities of oil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered thedevelopment of oil-free air technology, resulting in a range of air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure, clean air. Through continuous research and development, Atlas Copcoachieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certification.Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renowned TÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors andblowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range oftemperatures and pressures. T he T ÜV found no traces of oil at all in the output air stream. T hus Atlas Copco is not only the first compressor and blower manufacturer to receive CLASS 0certification, but also exceeds ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 specifications.ZH+11593Mounted cooling water manifold• Cooling water distribution to intercoolers, aftercooler and oil cooler.• Individual adjustment of flow through intercoolers and aftercooler.4Small footprint• Lowest footprint on the market in their range.• Saves valuable and often expensive floor space in a facility.5Sound attenuating enclosureEnsures optimal working conditions for everyone in the immediate environment6Completely packaged solution• All-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design.• Includes internal piping, coolers, motor, lubrication, inlet guide vanes and control system.• Installation is fault-free, and commissioning is quick. • Optional features for customization to a specific production environment.1Efficient inlet silencer and filter• Inlet filter is combined with a silencer to reduce noise level and protect the compression stage.• Handy pressure drop indication on the control panel.2Integrated blow-off valve and silencer• No external air, no additional piping and no additional mounting required.• Auto-dual and Constant Pressure Control modes for cost-efficient response to variable air demands.3ZH8 4710261198710 1Energy saving inlet guide vanes• Smart and efficient capacity control.• Adjustable inlet guide vanes save up to9% energy at reduced air demand.• Reliable servo-motor based actuator for accuratealignment with the variable air demand.7Easily accessible gearbox• Horizontally-split, easing access to gearsand high/low speed bearings.• Short inspection and maintenance times.8High efficiency intercoolersand aftercoolers• Low air approach temperature and pressure drop.• For higher reliability and easier maintenance, the coolersare separated from the compressor core unit.• Stainless steel tubes and full epoxy coating insidecooler shells increase corrosion resistance.9Complete oil system with oilreservoir, breathing system andauxiliary oil pump• Fully equipped oil reservoir with temperature sensorand level sight glass.• Main shaft driven oil pump, supported by auxiliaryoil pump during start-up and coast-down.• Flexible connections to maximize leak tightness.10Motor• High-efficiency main motor.• Available in IP23 & IP55 versions.1111510Plug-and-play packaged solution• All-in-one solution: fault-free installation, easy commissioning and quick start-up.• Includes core compressor and integrated air inlet system, coolers, blow-off valve and silencer, drive motor, complete lub oil system and control system.1Efficient inlet filter and silencer• Protects the compression stages and reduces the noise level.• Pressure drop indication on the control panel to monitor best performance.2On skid blow-off valve and silencer• No additional piping or mounting, no external air required.• Auto-dual and Constant Pressure Control modes for cost-efficient variable compressed air demands.3Easy to connect cooling water manifold• One connection serves intercoolers, aftercooler, oil cooler and main motor.• Individual flow adjustment for intercoolers and aftercooler.4Small footprint• Highest ratio flow/footprint on the market.• Saves valuable space in a facility.• Easy upgrade of existing installations.598763124Sound attenuating enclosureReduces noise related stress on anyone working in the immediate environment6Intelligent InletGuide Vanes controls• Accurate servo-motor-driven positioning ensures stable behavior even under agile compressed air demands and large turndowns.• Reliable, smart and efficient capacity control saving up to 9% energy at reduced compressed air demand.7Easy preventive maintenance access• Horizontally-split gearbox, with quick access to major rotating components.• Short inspection and maintenance times.8Compact state-of-the-art coolers• Separately mounted for increased reliability and easier maintenance.• Epoxy coated air path for increased corrosion resistance.• Stainless steel tubing for straightforward cleaning.• Compact and efficient design with low approach temperature and pressure drop.9On board full oil lubrication system• Includes oil reservoir with heater, temperature monitoring and level sight glass.• Main shaft driven oil pump, supported by auxiliary oil pump during start-up and coast-down.• Breather system preventing oil fumes.• Flexible leak free connections.10Silent care-free high efficiency main motor• Air and water-cooled (IP55) variant.• Simplifies on-site installation (no need for cooling air ducts).• Low noise emission.1192Standardized solution• All-in-one solution: fault-free installation, easy commissioning, and quick start-up.• Includes internal piping, core, coolers, inlet guide vanes, complete lubrication oil system and control system.1Blow-off valve• Reliable servo-motor or pneumatic actuator.• Auto-dual and Constant Pressure Control modes for cost-efficient variable compressed air demands.Easy to connect cooling water manifold (optional)• One connection distributes water to intercoolers, aftercooler, oil cooler.• Individual adjustment of flow through intercoolers and aftercooler.3Small footprint• Lowest footprint on the market in this range.• Saves valuable space in a facility.427563Energy saving inlet guide vaneswith intelligent controls• Reliable, smart and efficient capacity control saving upto 9% energy at reduced compressed air demand.• Reliable servo-motor actuator for accurate alignmentwith the variable air demand and large turndowns.5Easily accessible gearbox• For easier removable and maintenance, the compressorcore is separated from cooler and subframe.• Horizontally-split gearbox with quick access to gears,bearings, air/oil seals.• Short inspection and maintenance times.6Compact state-of-the-art coolers• Compact and efficient design with low approachtemperature and pressure drop.• Stainless steel tubes and full epoxy coating insidecooler shells increase corrosion resistance.• For higher reliability and easier maintenance, the coolersare separated from the compressor core unit.7On-board full oil lubrication system• Includes oil reservoir with heater, temperaturemonitoring and level sight glass.• Main shaft driven oil pump, supported by auxiliaryoil pump during start-up and coast-down.• Breather system preventing oil fumes.• Flexible connection to maximize leak tightness.8Broad selection of motors• Variety of motor choices (IP55, IP23, air or water-cooled).• Highest level efficiency.9Proven turbo technologyEasily accessible gearboxIndividually designed impellers• Dedicated impeller design for each power and pressure variant.• Backward leaning impeller design for greater operating flexibility and maximized turndown ratio.Oil and air seals• Reliable long service life.• Minimized compressed air leakage to atmosphere.• No external instrument air required for "Class 0" certification.Reliable horizontally split bearings• Flexible pad bearings and combined radial bearing/thrust bearing for extended lifetime, high reliability and stability, easy inspection.Bull gear & high speed pinions• AGMA Q-13/ISO 1328-2 grade 4 quality gears for longerlifetime, minimized mechanical losses and lower noise levels. • Full interchangeability of individual components.The magic formula: turbo + screwObtain the most efficient compressor solution for your high capacity application in the market by combining the advanced turbo technology of the ZH + with the regulating capabilities of the ZR screw compressor with Variable Speed Drive (VSD). Eliminating costly blow-off in all operating conditions, this combination is ideal to achieve the highest return on investment while enjoying the benefits of the ZH + turbo and ZR screw technology.Reduced blow-offWhile turbo compressors are very efficient in turndown, a lot of energy is wasted during blow-off by expanding part of thecompressed air into the blow-off valve and silencer. By combining two turbo compressors in an erratically varying air demand, the expensive blow-off is reduced but not completely eliminated.Eliminated blow-offAtlas Copco's unique Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. When combining the ZH + turbo compressor and the ZR screw compressor with VSD, the highest efficiency is achieved by completely eliminating blow-off.Find out how much you can saveAtlas Copco can help you map the load/air demand profile of your current compressor and blower installation and indicate potential energy savings with VSD compressors and blowers. For more information, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative.Operation without blow-offOperation with blow-offHours of operationHours of operationMonitoring and control:how to get the most from the leastThe Elektronikon ® unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.• High resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions.• Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data.• Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and maintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.• Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically and reliably to your compressed air needs.• Built in remote control and notifications functionsprovided as standard, including simple to use Ethernet based communication.• Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.Intelligence is part of the packageOnline & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the Elektronikon ® unit controller. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down andmaintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of your compressed air system through your own secured network.Full optimization - ES system controllerImprove product quality every minute that your facility is in operation.Atlas Copco's ES system controllers offer a convenient way to achieveoptimized performance from your low pressure equipment through a single centralized point of monitoring and control. With the ES system controller watching over your compressors and compressed air network, you will have a highly dependable and energy efficient solution working with your facility to manage operating costs.Dual pressure set-point and Delayed Second StopWithout DSSWith DSS• A remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and saves you energy and cost.• It offers you a complete insight in your compressed air network and anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.*Please contact your local sales representative for more information.SMART LINK *: Data Monitoring ProgramSaved energyMost production processes create fluctuating levels of demand which, in turn, can create energy waste in low use periods. Using the graphic Elektronikon ® unit controller, you can manually or automatically create two different system pressure bands to optimize energy use and reduce costs at low use times. In addition, the sophisticated Delayed Second Stop (DSS) runs the drive motor only when needed. As the desired system pressure is maintained while the drive motor’s run time is minimized, energy consumption is kept to a minimum.CommunicatesStoresProtectsMeasuresControlsA dryer solution for every needUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.BD-70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°FFD/FD +(VSD)+3°C/+20°C +37°F/+68°FMD-20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FXD-S -20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FHeat reactivated adsorption dryerRefrigerant dryer• Use of electrical heaters for regenerating the desiccant.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants without loss of compressed air.• Use of cooling circuit for cooling down compressed air.• Guaranteed pressure dew points.• Lowest energy consumption in all operating conditions.• Air and water cooled variants.Rotary drum heat of compression dryersHeat of compression reactivated adsorption dryers• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Negligible power consumption.• Variants with extra heat augmentation for lower dew points.• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants for dew point suppression and guaranteed dew point.• Variants without loss of compressed air.ND -40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FXD-G -70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°FEngineered solutionsAtlas Copco recognizes the need to combine our serially produced compressors and dryers with the specifications and standards applied by major companies for equipment purchases. Strategically located departments within the Atlas Copco Group take care of the design and manufacturing of customized equipment to operate at extreme temperatures, often in remote locations.Innovative technologyAs original manufacturer of the equipment, Atlas Copco understands all performance capabilities and ensures that the equipment operates within them. All equipment is covered by our manufacturer warranty. T he reliability, longevity and performance of our equipment will not be compromised.A global aftermarket operation employing 360 field service engineers in 160 countries ensures reliable maintenanceby Atlas Copco as part of a local service operation. Innovative systemsWe are fully aware that project management can be complex. We have developed an Internet based application called IC³ which is shared by all Atlas Copco sites worldwide, to give a transparent view of data and drawings and to easily contribute to the project if required.Innovative engineeringEach project is unique and by entering into partnership with our customers, we can appreciate the challenge at hand, ask the relevant questions and design the best engineered solutionfor all your needs.Optimize your systemWith the ZH + & ZH, we provide an all-in-one solution incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. T o further optimize your ZH + or ZH’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Additional features & optionsStandard scope of supply• : Optional- : Not available: Standard(1) Included on ZH 1000-3150 range.(2) Optional on ZH 1000-3150 range.Weight & dimensionsT echnical specifications 50 Hz2 stage variantFree Air Delivery according to ASME PTC10 and ISO 5389.Reference conditions: - Inlet pressure 1 bar(a)- Inlet temperature 35°C (95°F) - Humidity 60%- Cooling water temperature 26.7°C (80°F)3 stage variantFree Air Delivery according to ASME PTC10 and ISO 5389. Reference conditions:- Inlet pressure 1 bar(a)- Inlet temperature 35°C (95°F)- Humidity 60%- Cooling water temperature 26.7°C (80°F)2 stage variantFree Air Delivery according to ASME PTC10 and ISO 5389. Reference conditions:- Inlet pressure 1 bar(a)- Inlet temperature 35°C (95°F)- Humidity 60%- Cooling water temperature 26.7°C (80°F)3 stage variantFree Air Delivery according to ASME PTC10 and ISO 5389. Reference conditions:- Inlet pressure 1 bar(a)- Inlet temperature 35°C (95°F)- Humidity 60%- Cooling water temperature 26.7°C (80°F)COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0634 13 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。
阿特拉斯无油螺杆压缩机(ZR75-8.6)标准操作程序 -
标准操作程序/Standard Operation Procedure页码/Page No.:1 of 4 文件名称/Document Name:阿特拉斯无油螺杆压缩机(ZR75-8.6)标准操作Atlas No Oil Screw Compressor (ZR75-8.6) Standard Operation版本号/Version :01 生效日期/ Effective Date :(YY-MM-DD)审批记录及颁发Approval Record And Promulgate目录Directory Ⅰ. 目的Purpose 2 Ⅱ. 范围Scope2 Ⅲ. 职责Responsibility 2 Ⅳ. 参考 Reference 2 Ⅴ. 术语 Glossary 2 Ⅵ. 程序Procedure 2 Ⅶ. 附录Appendix3 Ⅷ. 相关文件Related Documents 3 Ⅸ. 记录Record4 Ⅹ. 变更历史Change History4部门/Department 姓名/Name签名/Signature日期/Date起草/Prepared by EHS 及公用工程部 余鹏 审核/Reviewed by EHS 及公用工程部罗永华 批准/Approved by生产管理负责人郭文辉 质量管理负责人王 锐颁发/IssueEHS 及公用工程部分发/Distribution QA 部、制造部、各个生产线、EHS 及公用工程部、动力运行班标准操作程序/Standard Operation Procedure页码/Page No.:2 of 4文件名称/Document Name:阿特拉斯无油螺杆压缩机(ZR75-8.6)标准操作Atlas No Oil Screw Compressor (ZR75-8.6) Standard Operation 版本号/Version:01生效日期/ Effective Date:(YY-MM-DD)Ⅰ. 目的Purpose建立阿特拉斯无油螺杆压缩机(ZR75-8.6)标准操作程序。
阿特拉斯螺杆空压机说明书一. 控制屏(图1.1)电脑显示屏/按钮/键代号名称功能1 停机按钮按此键停止空气压缩机,显示屏退出.空压机将空载运行大约30秒后停机.2 启动按钮按此按键启动空压机.显示屏显示调节器的运行状态.显示屏退出(如果空压机手动调为空载时)3 显示器显示出空压机的运转状态,协助需求或故障4 翻业按键在显示屏上翻页5 横移按键用水平箭头选择显示参数,只有向右的箭头对应的参数才能修改6 LED上的电压显示开关开启时的电压7 LED总报警当维护器警告或停机警告条件存在时或传感器不受控制时报警灯亮8 LED总在传感器的停机功能消失或紧急停机后的情况下报警灯会闪烁.9 功能键控制并执行程序.S3 紧急停机按钮在紧急情况下立即停止空压机,在修复后.将此按钮拔出.10 报警符号11 自动运行符号12 电源指示灯(1.1)二. 功能键使用的功能键:手动调节空压机的负荷调出或设定程序重新设定电动机的过负荷,停机,维护器信息或紧急停机.进入调节器所收集的数据.功能键都根据显示菜单的不同而不同.实际上都缩写并显示有关键的最底部一行,普通的缩写如下:缩写名称功能Add 增加指令用来增加空压机的自动启动/停机(日期)Back 返回指令返回到的选择或菜单Canc 取消当设定参数有误时.用来取消已设定的数dle 删除用来删除空压机的自动启动/停机时间Help 帮助帮助寻找Atlas Copco的内部地址Lim 上下限显示允许设定的上下极限数据Load 负载手动操作空压机负载Main 回到主目录从任一画面回到主目录Menu 菜单从主画面开始可进入子目录Menu 菜单从任一子目录返回到先前的目录Mod 修改修改设定参数Prog 编写输入将新的设定数据编写输入Rset 重新设定重新设定计时器及信息Rtrn 回归回归到前一页或前一目录Unld 空载手动操作空压机空载Xtra 额外的找寻调节器的构造模式三. 控制程序的功能程序/功能说明主屏幕简单地显示空压机的运转状态,是进入所有功能画面的出入口状态数据调出空压机的维护功能状况:停机.停机警告,维修期限快到的警告以及警告的数据,也可重新设定停机参数,马达超载和维修条件的数据.测量数据可调出:实际测量数据,还有如马达的超负荷保护这样一些输入数据计数器可调出:运行时间,带负荷运转小时数,马达开启次数,电脑运行时间数,负荷循环次数.试验试验显示屏修改设定修改以下设定:参数(如空载和负载时的压力)保护(如停机温度)维护计划.维护器调出维护计划并重新设定计时器已存数据调出上次关机,紧急停机时已存的数据1.5.2 主屏幕当开启电源开关时,主屏幕自动简单地显示空压机的操作状况.Delivery Air(输送空气)Bar(压力) 7.0 ↓Auto Loaded(自动负载)Menu(菜单) Unld(空载)F1 F2 F3如果功能键或↓几分钟不用的话显示屏就自动返回到主屏幕.无论在哪个子目录,只要按:Main就会返回到主目录.1.5.3 调出其他子菜单.从主目录开始: 用↓可快速浏览空压机的实际状态(见1.5.4节) .按Menu键(F1),供选择的数据就会跟在水平箭头后面:也可按横向移动箭头5来选择这个菜单或用↓来翻页到带有水平箭头的子目录为止,然后按水平键来选择这个菜单.1.5.4 迅速查看空压机的实际状态步骤1.从主目录开始(见1.5.2节),按↓键,就会显示相似下面的一个画面:Auto Operation(自动运转)Local Control(负荷控制)Tiner Active(激活计时器)Main (主画面) Help Xtra ↓F1 F2 F3图1.11所示为空压机实际状态显示第一行指出调节器的运行是自动还是手动的:<Auto Operation>表示调节器自动调节空压机的运转.如:Local(负载),Unlocal(空载),根据程序参数Sotp(停机)和 Restart(重启).<Man Operation>表示手动操作,如果在主屏幕上按了”Unload”键后调节器的自动压力控制就被打断了.第二行指出调节器是现场控制方式(Local control)还是远程控制方式(Remote control): <Local control>表示Start/Stop,load/unload(即开启/停止,负载/空载)的按钮是激活状态,可直接按.<Remote control>表示功能键是远方控制的,就地操作无效.第三行表示为计时器的开机停机命令是否在激活状态,见(1.15.13)2. 按↓键可以获得其它数据(如空压机的实际运行条件)1.5.5 状态数据菜单状态数据子目录给出了有关空压机保护功能的状态信息(如停机 .停机警告,维护器警告和一般警告)以及重新设定停止,马达超载和服务条件.步骤:从主屏幕开始(见1.5.2)按Menu(F1),用水平箭头选择状态数据.按横向移动键(LED中的5)无信息存在在这种情况下,LED的7不存在,显示屏的信息表明所有条件正常(Fig1.12)All conditionsAre OKMenuF1 F2 F3图1.12状态数据屏的实例1.5.5.2 有停机信息存在在空压机停止时,LED中7会闪光.如果是由于空压机的出口温度过高导致的停机,就会显示以下屏幕: Element outletC 122Shd Max 120Menu** **RsetF1 F2 F3图1.13状态数据屏的实例1. 指示器(**)会闪光.屏幕显示传感器(空压机的出口)的实际可读温度(122℃),及空压机停机(Shd)设定(120℃).2. 可以继续翻页到其它菜单,检查其它参数值.当返回到数据菜单时,可供选择的(“Shutdowns”会闪光,按横向移动键5返回到停机屏幕来选择(“Shutdowns”).重新设定停机参数1. 关闭电源开关后处理问题,在修复完毕并且停机显示消失后,开启电源开关,按Rset(重新设定)键.2. 按Menu和 Main键返回主屏幕并按I键重新启动空压机.马达超载之重设1. 关闭电源开关并处理问题,过负荷继电器(F2)冷却后会自动重新设定,但冷却风扇的断路器(Q15)必须重置.开启电源开关,按Rset(重新设定)键.2. 按Menu和Main键返回主屏幕并重启空压机.存在停机警告信息1.如有停机警告出现,LED上的7灯亮,会出现类似下面的屏幕:Delivery airBar 7.0*Shutd Warn*Menu** **UnldF1 F2 F3图1.14停机报警的实例2指示器(**)闪光和信息*Shutd Warn*会交替出现,无论空压机是空载还是带负载运行.3. 按Menu和横向移动键5来选择状态数据菜单:保护(Protection)会闪光.4. 按横向移动键5来选择报警闪光项.屏幕显示如下:Element outletC 116Shdw Max 110Menu** **F1 F2 F3图1.15停机报警的实例屏幕上说明空压机温度太高(116℃),参照第六节修复问题.5. 如有需要,按O键直到空压机停止为止.6. 关闭电源开关,检查并修复空压机.7. 当报警条件除去时,报警信号也会消失.出现维护器报警信号1.LED上的7灯亮,会出现类似下面的屏幕,如图1.16所示:Delivery airBar 7.0*Serv Requir*Menu** **UnldF1 F2 F3图1.16报警屏幕的实例2指示器(**)闪光和维护器报警信号会交替出现,无论空压机是空载运行还是带负荷运行.3. 按Menu和横向移动键5来选择状态菜单:维护器项(Service),闪光4. 翻页并按横向移动键5来选择下面二报警闪光项:<Inputs>:如果维护器超出了预设的报警标准(如油分的最高压力露点).见8.2节.<Plans>:如果维护计划时间间隔超限.5. 停止空压机并关闭电源6. 如果维护器信息为上述的<Inputs>(油分故障):就更换分离器.开启电源,翻到状态数据菜单的<Inputs>并按Rset键,重新设定维护信息.7. 如果维护器信息为上述的<Plans>:执行有关指示计划的维修动作,重新设定1.5.15节里记述的有关计划的计时器. 出现报警信号及处理1. LED上的7灯亮,在屏幕上会出现一个报警信息.2. 指示器(**)闪光和服务报警信号会交替出现,无论空压机是空载运行还是负荷运行.此警告指出:空压机的冷却水,冷却水的出口温度超过了设计报警温度.内置干燥机(配有干燥机的空压机),露点温度超出了报警温度.3. 停机4. 关闭电源,检查并修复空压机.1.5.6 测量数据菜单功能:按Menu(F1) 按↓到 Measured data 画面按横向移动箭头5激活菜单Delivery airBar 7.0Menu ↓F1 F2 F3图1.17状态数据屏的实例2按↓可见一组实际测量数据(见图1.9)3. 如果有一个传感器连接到了停机,维护器或报警功能上面的话,只要按横向移动箭头5就可以调出与其有关的实际测量数据.1.5.7 计数器菜单功能: 允许操作员调出:运行时间带负荷时间马达启动次数电脑运行时间步骤1. 从主屏幕开始(见1.5.2) 按Menu(F1)按↓到Counters画面按横向移动箭头5激活此菜单2. 按↓就可见到上面提到的数据.(也可见图1.9)1.5.8 试验菜单功能可修改图1.9提到的许多数据.步骤1. 从主屏幕开始(见1.5.2) 按Menu(F1)按↓到Modify setting画面,按横向移动箭头5激活菜单2. 水平箭头将指向Display test选项.3. 按→←第一条(负载压力)及它的设定都会出现4. 使用↓翻到水平箭头指向的已修改的参数. 空/负载上下限压力修改压力段如果合适的话,操作员可以随空/负载压力的不同而设定二个压力段(1段和2段).1段的设定指示为:<Loading pressure>及<Unloading pressure>,2段的设定指示为:<Loading pressure2>及<Unloading pressure2>.例如:1 段压力设定:Loading pressur: 6.4barUnloading pressur: 7.0bar2 段压力设定:Loading pressur: 4.0barUnloading pressur: 6.0bar步骤1. 负载压力参数的设定1) 参照上节选择负载压力参数:Loading pressBar 6.0Menu Mod ↓F1 F2 F3图1.18为修改参数菜单3).Lim(F2)键可查看参数的上下限,用↓或↑调整压力参数值.4).按Prong(F1)编写输入新设定值,或按Canc(F3)取消修改操作.2. 修改空载压力的设定同上.3. 如果需要修改空/负载压力段2的话,则重复上述步骤..1.5.11 修改保护设定功能1. 修改保护设定停机保护(<Shd>)由于出口温度的问题停机警告(<Shdw>)由于出口温度的问题警告(<Warn>),如:冷却水回路或露点警告维护器报警(<Serv>),如:DP油分故障(最大压力降)2. 检查空压机的一些情况,如:马达超载通讯的状态.图1.9所示的参数表.注意:有些参数不能修改步骤1. 从主屏幕开始(见1.5.2)按Menu(F1)按↓到Modify setting画面,按横向移动箭头5激活此菜单2. 用↓翻页,水平箭头将指向Protection选项.3. 按→←第一条(Delivery air)及它的值都会出现.4. 使用↓翻到水平箭头指向的已修改的参数. 温度上下限之设定修改1.参阅上节选择出口温度参数(Element outet):Element OutletC 94 →Shd Max 120Menu Mod ↓F1 F2 F3图1.20为修改参数菜单2.上屏幕显示的是正常温度94℃及停机温度120℃.按MOD(F2),数字120闪动,如图1.21所示: Element OutletC 120(闪动)Prog Lim Canc ↓F1 F2 F3图1.21为修改参数菜单3. Lim(F2)键可查看参数的上下限。
一. 控制屏(图1.1)电脑显示屏/按钮/键代号名称功能1 停机按钮按此键停止空气压缩机,显示屏退出.空压机将空载运行大约30秒后停机.2 启动按钮按此按键启动空压机.显示屏显示调节器的运行状态.显示屏退出(如果空压机手动调为空载时)3 显示器显示出空压机的运转状态,协助需求或故障4 翻业按键在显示屏上翻页5 横移按键用水平箭头选择显示参数,只有向右的箭头对应的参数才能修改6 LED上的电压显示开关开启时的电压7 LED总报警当维护器警告或停机警告条件存在时或传感器不受控制时报警灯亮8 LED总在传感器的停机功能消失或紧急停机后的情况下报警灯会闪烁.9 功能键控制并执行程序.S3 紧急停机按钮在紧急情况下立即停止空压机,在修复后.将此按钮拔出.10 报警符号11 自动运行符号12 电源指示灯(1.1)二. 功能键使用的功能键:手动调节空压机的负荷调出或设定程序重新设定电动机的过负荷,停机,维护器信息或紧急停机.进入调节器所收集的数据.功能键都根据显示菜单的不同而不同.实际上都缩写并显示有关键的最底部一行,普通的缩写如下:缩写名称功能Add 增加指令用来增加空压机的自动启动/停机(日期)Back 返回指令返回到的选择或菜单Canc 取消当设定参数有误时.用来取消已设定的数dle 删除用来删除空压机的自动启动/停机时间Help 帮助帮助寻找Atlas Copco的内部地址Lim 上下限显示允许设定的上下极限数据Load 负载手动操作空压机负载Main 回到主目录从任一画面回到主目录Menu 菜单从主画面开始可进入子目录Menu 菜单从任一子目录返回到先前的目录Mod 修改修改设定参数Prog 编写输入将新的设定数据编写输入Rset 重新设定重新设定计时器及信息Rtrn 回归回归到前一页或前一目录Unld 空载手动操作空压机空载Xtra 额外的找寻调节器的构造模式三. 控制程序的功能程序/功能说明主屏幕简单地显示空压机的运转状态,是进入所有功能画面的出入口状态数据调出空压机的维护功能状况:停机.停机警告,维修期限快到的警告以及警告的数据,也可重新设定停机参数,马达超载和维修条件的数据.测量数据可调出:实际测量数据,还有如马达的超负荷保护这样一些输入数据计数器可调出:运行时间,带负荷运转小时数,马达开启次数,电脑运行时间数,负荷循环次数. 试验试验显示屏修改设定修改以下设定:参数(如空载和负载时的压力)保护(如停机温度)维护计划.维护器调出维护计划并重新设定计时器已存数据调出上次关机,紧急停机时已存的数据1.5.2 主屏幕当开启电源开关时,主屏幕自动简单地显示空压机的操作状况.Delivery Air(输送空气)Bar(压力) 7.0 ↓Auto Loaded(自动负载)Menu(菜单) Unld(空载)F1 F2 F3如果功能键或↓几分钟不用的话显示屏就自动返回到主屏幕.无论在哪个子目录,只要按:Main就会返回到主目录.1.5.3 调出其他子菜单.从主目录开始: 用↓可快速浏览空压机的实际状态(见1.5.4节) .按Menu键(F1),供选择的数据就会跟在水平箭头后面:也可按横向移动箭头5来选择这个菜单或用↓来翻页到带有水平箭头的子目录为止,然后按水平键来选择这个菜单.1.5.4 迅速查看空压机的实际状态步骤1.从主目录开始(见1.5.2节),按↓键,就会显示相似下面的一个画面:Auto Operation(自动运转)Local Control(负荷控制)Tiner Active(激活计时器)Main (主画面) Help Xtra ↓F1 F2 F3图1.11所示为空压机实际状态显示第一行指出调节器的运行是自动还是手动的:<Auto Operation>表示调节器自动调节空压机的运转.如:Local(负载),Unlocal(空载),根据程序参数Sotp(停机)和 Restart(重启).<Man Operation>表示手动操作,如果在主屏幕上按了”Unload”键后调节器的自动压力控制就被打断了.第二行指出调节器是现场控制方式(Local control)还是远程控制方式(Remote control): <Local control>表示Start/Stop,load/unload(即开启/停止,负载/空载)的按钮是激活状态,可直接按.<Remote control>表示功能键是远方控制的,就地操作无效.第三行表示为计时器的开机停机命令是否在激活状态,见(1.15.13)2. 按↓键可以获得其它数据(如空压机的实际运行条件)1.5.5 状态数据菜单状态数据子目录给出了有关空压机保护功能的状态信息(如停机 .停机警告,维护器警告和一般警告)以及重新设定停止,马达超载和服务条件.步骤:从主屏幕开始(见1.5.2)按Menu(F1),用水平箭头选择状态数据.按横向移动键(LED中的5)无信息存在在这种情况下,LED的7不存在,显示屏的信息表明所有条件正常(Fig1.12)All conditionsAre OKMenuF1 F2 F3图1.12状态数据屏的实例1.5.5.2 有停机信息存在在空压机停止时,LED中7会闪光.如果是由于空压机的出口温度过高导致的停机,就会显示以下屏幕:Element outletC 122Shd Max 120Menu** **RsetF1 F2 F3图1.13状态数据屏的实例1. 指示器(**)会闪光.屏幕显示传感器(空压机的出口)的实际可读温度(122℃),及空压机停机(Shd)设定(120℃).2. 可以继续翻页到其它菜单,检查其它参数值.当返回到数据菜单时,可供选择的(“Shutdowns”会闪光,按横向移动键5返回到停机屏幕来选择(“Shutdowns”).重新设定停机参数1. 关闭电源开关后处理问题,在修复完毕并且停机显示消失后,开启电源开关,按Rset(重新设定)键.2. 按Menu和 Main键返回主屏幕并按I键重新启动空压机.马达超载之重设1. 关闭电源开关并处理问题,过负荷继电器(F2)冷却后会自动重新设定,但冷却风扇的断路器(Q15)必须重置.开启电源开关,按Rset(重新设定)键.2. 按Menu和Main键返回主屏幕并重启空压机.存在停机警告信息1.如有停机警告出现,LED上的7灯亮,会出现类似下面的屏幕:Delivery airBar 7.0*Shutd Warn*Menu** **UnldF1 F2 F3图1.14停机报警的实例2指示器(**)闪光和信息*Shutd Warn*会交替出现,无论空压机是空载还是带负载运行.3. 按Menu和横向移动键5来选择状态数据菜单:保护(Protection)会闪光.4. 按横向移动键5来选择报警闪光项.屏幕显示如下:Element outletC 116Shdw Max 110Menu** **F1 F2 F3图1.15停机报警的实例屏幕上说明空压机温度太高(116℃),参照第六节修复问题.5. 如有需要,按O键直到空压机停止为止.6. 关闭电源开关,检查并修复空压机.7. 当报警条件除去时,报警信号也会消失.出现维护器报警信号1.LED上的7灯亮,会出现类似下面的屏幕,如图1.16所示:Delivery airBar 7.0*Serv Requir*Menu** **UnldF1 F2 F3图1.16报警屏幕的实例2指示器(**)闪光和维护器报警信号会交替出现,无论空压机是空载运行还是带负荷运行.3. 按Menu和横向移动键5来选择状态菜单:维护器项(Service),闪光4. 翻页并按横向移动键5来选择下面二报警闪光项:<Inputs>:如果维护器超出了预设的报警标准(如油分的最高压力露点).见8.2节.<Plans>:如果维护计划时间间隔超限.5. 停止空压机并关闭电源6. 如果维护器信息为上述的<Inputs>(油分故障):就更换分离器.开启电源,翻到状态数据菜单的<Inputs>并按Rset键,重新设定维护信息.7. 如果维护器信息为上述的<Plans>:执行有关指示计划的维修动作,重新设定1.5.15节里记述的有关计划的计时器. 出现报警信号及处理1. LED上的7灯亮,在屏幕上会出现一个报警信息.2. 指示器(**)闪光和服务报警信号会交替出现,无论空压机是空载运行还是负荷运行.此警告指出:空压机的冷却水,冷却水的出口温度超过了设计报警温度.内置干燥机(配有干燥机的空压机),露点温度超出了报警温度.3. 停机4. 关闭电源,检查并修复空压机.1.5.6 测量数据菜单功能:按Menu(F1) 按↓到 Measured data 画面按横向移动箭头5激活菜单Delivery airBar 7.0Menu ↓F1 F2 F3图1.17状态数据屏的实例2按↓可见一组实际测量数据(见图1.9)3. 如果有一个传感器连接到了停机,维护器或报警功能上面的话,只要按横向移动箭头5就可以调出与其有关的实际测量数据.1.5.7 计数器菜单功能: 允许操作员调出:运行时间带负荷时间马达启动次数电脑运行时间步骤1. 从主屏幕开始(见1.5.2) 按Menu(F1)按↓到Counters画面按横向移动箭头5激活此菜单2. 按↓就可见到上面提到的数据.(也可见图1.9)1.5.8 试验菜单功能可修改图1.9提到的许多数据.步骤1. 从主屏幕开始(见1.5.2) 按Menu(F1)按↓到Modify setting画面,按横向移动箭头5激活菜单2. 水平箭头将指向Display test选项.3. 按→←第一条(负载压力)及它的设定都会出现4. 使用↓翻到水平箭头指向的已修改的参数. 空/负载上下限压力修改压力段如果合适的话,操作员可以随空/负载压力的不同而设定二个压力段(1段和2段).1段的设定指示为:<Loading pressure>及<Unloading pressure>,2段的设定指示为:<Loading pressure2>及<Unloading pressure2>.例如:1 段压力设定:Loading pressur: 6.4barUnloading pressur: 7.0bar2 段压力设定:Loading pressur: 4.0barUnloading pressur: 6.0bar步骤1. 负载压力参数的设定1) 参照上节选择负载压力参数:Loading pressBar 6.0Menu Mod ↓F1 F2 F3图1.18为修改参数菜单3).Lim(F2)键可查看参数的上下限,用↓或↑调整压力参数值.4).按Prong(F1)编写输入新设定值,或按Canc(F3)取消修改操作.2. 修改空载压力的设定同上.3. 如果需要修改空/负载压力段2的话,则重复上述步骤..1.5.11 修改保护设定功能1. 修改保护设定停机保护(<Shd>)由于出口温度的问题停机警告(<Shdw>)由于出口温度的问题警告(<Warn>),如:冷却水回路或露点警告维护器报警(<Serv>),如:DP油分故障(最大压力降)2. 检查空压机的一些情况,如:马达超载通讯的状态.图1.9所示的参数表.注意:有些参数不能修改步骤1. 从主屏幕开始(见1.5.2)按Menu(F1)按↓到Modify setting画面,按横向移动箭头5激活此菜单2. 用↓翻页,水平箭头将指向Protection选项.3. 按→←第一条(Delivery air)及它的值都会出现.4. 使用↓翻到水平箭头指向的已修改的参数. 温度上下限之设定修改1.参阅上节选择出口温度参数(Element outet):Element OutletC 94 →Shd Max 120Menu Mod ↓F1 F2 F3图1.20为修改参数菜单2.上屏幕显示的是正常温度94℃及停机温度120℃.按MOD(F2),数字120闪动,如图1.21所示:Element OutletC 120(闪动)Prog Lim Canc ↓F1 F2 F3图1.21为修改参数菜单3. Lim(F2)键可查看参数的上下限。
关于阿特拉斯空气压缩机的开关机操作,有些操作人员估计会不屑一顾,开关机有什么可讲 的,很简单的事情啊,其实不然,如果没有按照规定进行开关机的检查,也会有可能发生故 障,所以不要贪图省事,开机及关机前的检查还是必要的。
1 、开机前检查事项 (1) 检查冷凝循环水压力 (2) 检查机器内油位是否正常(橙色为高位,运行绿区为正常,红区为低位需补专用油)有没有油 的跑、冒、滴、漏的现象
(3) 供气管道的手动阀门都在开启状态 (4) 机器排污阀门都在关闭状态 (5) 过滤器的排污有自动排污阀的阀门应开启 (6) 不带自动排污阀的阀门应关闭; (7) 电源送到空压机后,检查空压机本身的电脑控制显示器内的状态参数,压力,温度都为正 常,与实际相符,没有报警。报警消除后才可开机
(3) 观察仪表指示灯是否正常,压力是否正常,是否有异常声响,如有异常声响,应按紧急停机 按钮,停机进行检查。
(4) 运行过程中排水温度不超过40℃ (5) 通常低压出口温度不超过100℃,高压出口温度不超过155℃。 (6) 检查最大工作压力;出口压力;空气过滤器的压降;油压;中冷压力;出口温度;压缩机机头的温度; 冷却水温度;油温;驱动电动机过载保护的状态(正常或否) 接下来我们再来讲一下关机作业的步骤
2、开机步骤 (1)检查水路/气路/油路,是否有泄漏,检查高压是否具备合闸条件 (2)接通电源,并检查电源指示灯是否亮起,检查控制面板,查看是否满足开启条件 (3)按起动按钮运行指示灯亮起;(延时20S后空压机自动加载)或按启动按钮后手动卸载压缩机,开 始辅助油泵和油加热器加热,温度加热至38摄氏度或38摄氏度以上,时间为2至3分钟(非常规开 启时需先检查电脑控制显示器是否设置为本地控制,若不是先转换为本地控制) (4)大约2分钟后,待运行参数正常后.压缩机将可以手动加载运行。 (5)由本地控制转换为局域网控制 3、开机后注意事项 (1) 开机十分种后,应该注意温度变化,温升不应太快,机器温度应保持稳定。(最佳温度70— 85oC) (2) 正常开机十分钟后,应观察油位是否在二红线之间,最好在上红线,但不能低于下红线。如 油位过低,应及时补充加油
工作行为规范系列压缩机操作说明(2)(标准、完整、实用、可修改)・I.FS-QG-80572编号:阿特拉斯固定式无油螺杆压缩机操作说明(2)Atlas fixed oil-free screw compressor operating instructions说明:为规范化、制度化和统一化作业行为,使人员管理工作有章可循,提高工作效率和责任感、归属感,特此编写。
4、排气压力达到预设的卸载压力(显示屏上有显示)时,压缩机自动卸载,如果手动卸载按功能键(Unload),如需恢复自动状态,按(Load )。
,电磁阀(丫1 )不起作用。
Atlas Copco ZE 3S 低压无油压缩机产品说明书
Low pressure oil-free rotary screw compressorsZE 3S37-90 kW / 50-120 hpProviding ruggedperformance at thelowest operationalcostAs in many production processes, low pressure compressed air isessential to keep the production going. Atlas Copco's NEW dedicatedrange of low pressure compressors offers rugged performance andprovides 100% certified oil-free air for a broad spectrum of pneumaticconveying industrial applications.ZE 3S37-90 kW / 50-120 hp – insert tablesProtecting your reputation andproductionIn virtually any application, oil contamination of the air supplycauses serious productivity issues and increased costs. Being thefirst manufacturer to receive ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010)certification for its oil-free air compressors, Atlas Copco has set astandard in air purity. Focusing on the protection of criticalapplications as well as today's increasing quality demands, AtlasCopco offers TUV-certified 100% oil-free air.Keeping your process up and runningEspecially in a harsh and dusty environment, a reliable supply ofcompressed air is critical to ensure process continuity. Everycompressor is desgined, manufactured and tested to comply withISO9001 certification. The latest innovation of screw elementdesign, the robust gearbox and totally enclosed IP55 motor isbuilt to ensure continuous operation and outstanding reliabilityeven in the dustiest, hottest and most humid environment.Easy installation and versatilityWe can deliver the compressor according to your need. Do youwant to have your own starter? No problem. Do you need aready-to-use-machine? Sure. All as standard. Designed and builtfor easy integration in your existing compressed air network or asnew installations.Assuring your peace of mindThrough continuous investment in our competent, committed andefficient service organization, Atlas Copco ensures superiorcustomer value by maximizing productivity. With a presence inover 170 countries, we offer professional and timely servicethrough interaction and involvement. Uptime is guaranteed bydedicated technicians and 24/7 availability.3•Lowest energy cost, representing up to 80% of the compressor life cycle cost.•Minimized downtime and maintenance cost thanks to innovative single stage screw compressor technology.Pneumatic conveying•On site compressor with higher unloading capacity than a truck mounted blower •Low noise emission•No risk for product contamination•Easy connection and faster unloading compared to truck unloaded installationsBulk transportationZE 3S 37-90 kW / 50-120 hp – insert tables•Higher pressure ratio for mold cooling•100% Class 0 certified oil-free air resulting in the highest air quality•Low energy consumption required for continuous operationGlass•Lowest energy cost, representing up to 80% of the compressor life cycle cost•24/7 uniterrupted pollution control thanks to proven reliable designFlue gas desulphurization5Oil-free air is used in all kinds of industries where air quality is paramount for the end product and production process. These applications include food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging, chemical and petrochemical processing, semiconductor and electronics manufacturing, the medical sector, automotive paint spraying, textile manufacturing and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities of oil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage.Class 0: Oil-free airOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil free air technology, resulting in a range of air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure, clean air. With our CLASS 0 products, no oil is added during the compression process, and thus provides you with 100% pure, clean air when the atmosphere doesn't contain any oil particles. Through continuous research and development, Atlas Copco achieved a new milestone,setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certification.First in oil-free air technologyAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renowned TÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors and ing the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range of temperatures and pressures. The TÜV found no traces of oil at all in the output air stream. Thus Atlas Copco is not only the first compressor and blower manufacturer to receive CLASS 0 certification, but also exceeds ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 specifications.Eliminating any riskZE 3S 37-90 kW / 50-120 hp – insert tables•Inlet filter is combined with a silencer to reduce noise level andprotect the compression stage.•Handy pressure drop indication on the control panel.•Long lifetime extends the service interval.•Cooling jackets improve reliability and efficiency by ensuring rotor clearances always to the absolute minimum•Efficient shaft sealing eliminates the risk of oil leakage, reduces wear and guarantees 100% oil-free air•High performance coated screw rotors for increased efficiency, longer lifetime and protection against corrosion •Minimized transmission losses, noise and vibration levels •Prolonged element lifetime thanks to AGMA Q13/DIN Class 5 gears in the main drive•Directly driven by the gearbox•Oil injection nozzles spray the optimal amount anf temperature of filtered oil to each bearing/gear•Discharge pulsation damper attenuates dynamic pulsation levels in the air flow to the minimum1. Process air filter2. Equiped with the best Atlas Copco oil-free screw element3. High precision gearbox drivesystem4. Integrated oil pump5. Silencer7•IP55 TEFC protection against dust and humidity •Highly efficient motors according to IE3/NEMA Premium •Dry motor coupling requires no lubrication and eliminates service requirements•Optimal cooling in wide temperature operation range •Easy and quick cleaning possibility in harsh environment•Available for built in YD starter and several options •One integrated control system for compressor•Overall system performance status with pro-active service indications, alarms and safety shutdowns•Remote control and monitoring is possible with Profibus, Modbus and TCP/IP•Several built-in energy saving algorithms•Multi-language•Inlet baffle silencing with minimum pressure drop and high sound absorption characteristics•Sealed canopy panels and doors6. High efficient totally enclosed motor7. Oil cooler8. Electrical cubicle 9. Advanced Elektronikon®unit controller10. Silent canopyZE 3S37-90 kW / 50-120 hp – insert tablesInstallation flexibilityY ou will really like to install and work with our ZE 3S compressor, designed to fit into your process wherever you want.Installation flexibilityForget the difficulites of the old machines replacement. We make your life easier,replacing the outdated technology with our latest technology machines and with the smallest footprint. Building new installations with very small footprint makes you save space and thus investment cost.The smallest footprint in the flow and pressure rangeNo need for a dedicated compressor room, no need for excessively long piping… Y ou can install the ZE 3Scompressor wherever you want to use the bolt-on outdoor-kit.Outdoor operation9Atlas Copco's VSD technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. This results in large energy savings of up to 35%. The Life Cycle Cost of a compressor can be cut by an average of 22%. In addition, lowered system pressure with VSD minimizes energy use across your production dramatically.What is unique about the integrated Atlas Copco VSD?•The Elektronikon®controls both the compressor and the integrated converter, ensuring maximum machine safety within parameters.•Flexible pressure selection with VSD reduces electricity costs.•Specific converter and motor design (with protected bearings) for the highest efficiency across the speed range.•Electric motor specifically designed for low operating speeds with clear attention to motor cooling and compressor cooling requirements.•All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are EMC tested and certified. Compressor operation does not influence external sources and vice versa.•Mechanical enhancements ensure that all components operate below critical vibration levels throughout the entire compressor speed range.•A highly efficient frequency converter in a cubicle ensures stable operation in high ambient temperatures up to 50°C/122°F•No ‘speed windows’ that can jeopardize the energy savings and the stable net pressure. Turndown capability of the compressor is maximized to 70-75%.•Net pressure band is maintained within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.Energy savings up to 35% ZE 3S37-90 kW / 50-120 hp – insert tables•Air intake with noise attenuating baffle system.•Air is filtered prior to entering the oil-free screw compressor element.•Internal compression in the oil-free screw element.•Discharge silencer reduces the pressure pulsation levels to the minimum.•Safety valve to protect the unit from over pressure.•Check valve is protecting backflow from the pressure network.•Air delivery to the system.Process flow•Integrated oil pump, mounted on the gearbox hence directly driven.•Oil suction from carter, integrated in the gearbox.•Bypass valve decides the exact amount of oil flow that is required for bearing- and gear cooling and lubrication.•Than oil is first pumped through the oil cooler.•Filtered cool oil is distributed to individually tuned oil nozzles per bearing and/or gear in oil-free screw compressor element and gearbox and in the cooling jacket of the element.•Internal drains recover all oil in the carter (in the gearbox).Oil flow•One cooling fan pulls fresh air from the back side of the unit.•That fresh air is pushed through the oil cooler, taking away the heat of the oil.•In parallel, the motor cooling fan also pulls fresh air from the backside of the unit. The motor fan-cowl ensures that air flows over the motor cooling fins.•The cubicle is cooled with fresh air taken-in from the atmosphere through filters in the front door.•Cubicle fans push the hot air out of the cubicle, in the canopy.•The hot canopy air (oil cooling heat, motor cooling heat and cubicle heat) can leave the canopy through a roof-top grating. A noise attenuating baffle is installed.Cooling flowThe Elektronikon ®unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Elektronikon ®MK5 TouchThe full color touch display gives you an easy-to-understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions.•Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data.•Monitoring of the equipment running conditions andmaintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.•Operation of the equipment to deliver reliable compressed air specified to your compressed air needs.•Built- in remote control and notification functions provided as standard, including simple- to-use integrated webpage.•Integrated SMART LINK•Built- in remote control and notifications functions provided as standard, including simple-to-use integrated webpage.•Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.Intelligence is part of the packageMonitor your machines over the ethernet with the Elektronikon ®unit controller and the SMART LINK service. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down, sensor trending and maintenance scheduling.Online & mobile monitoringDual set-point and automatic stopMost production processes create fluctuating levels of demand which, in turn, can create energy waste in low use periods. By using the Elektronikon®controller, you can manually or automatically switch between two different setpoints to optimize energy use and reduce costs at low usetimes. In addition, the sophisticated algorithm runs the drive motor only when needed. As the desired setpoint is maintained while the drive motor’s running time is minimized, energy consumption is kept to a minimum.SMARTLINKMonitor your compressed air installation with SMARTLINKKnowing the status of your compressed air equipment at all times is the surest way to achieve optimal efficiency and maximum availability.Go for energy efficiencyCustomized reports on the energy efficiency of your compressor room.Increase uptimeAll components are replaced on time, ensuring maximum uptime.Save moneyEarly warnings avoid breakdowns and production loss.Evolving towards compressed air managementSMARTLINK ServiceA mouse-click reveals the online service log. Get quotes for parts and additional service quickly and easily.SMARTLINK UptimeSMARTLINK Uptime additionally sends you an e-mail or text message whenever a warning requires your attention.SMARTLINK EnergySMARTLINK Energy gives you customized reports on the energy efficiency of your compressor room, in compliance with ISO 50001.•Save costs - Optimal maintenance will reduce the operational cost of your compressor system.•Increase operational efficiency - Our maintenance expertise makes your life easier when it comes to resource management.•High uptime and performance - Specialist service keeps your equipment running and protect your investment.Reduce your total cost of ownership and benefit fromoptimal performanceGenuine Parts, designed and produced to the exact specifications of your compressors, delivered right where and when you need them.•All parts, one package - Always have the needed part for your service intervention at hand.•Save money - A Service Kit costs less than the sum of its components if ordered separately•Less administration - Every Service Kit has a single part number,allowing you to create a simple purchase order which can be easily followed-up.Compressor parts at your doorstep:our Parts PlanAvoid financial surprises. Our Fixed Price Services combine the expertise of factory-trained technicians with the quality of our genuine compressor parts.•The best compressor parts - The unrivalled quality of our genuine parts results in optimal uptime, energy consumption and reliability.•An expert maintenance plan - Rely on the expertise of factory-trained Atlas Copco technicians.•Clear and easy - Tailored to your installation, site conditions, and production planning, every Fixed Price Service has a clear scope and price.Fixed Price Services: best compressorparts & maintenanceRely on trained Atlas Copco technicians and the unrivalled quality of our genuine parts.•Service reports - We help you achieving maximum energyefficiency by keeping you up to date of the status of your system.•Prevent breakdown - If our technicians spot an additional developing problem, they will propose a solution.•Top-priority emergency call out system - If an urgent repair is needed, you get priority assistance.Preventive Maintenance Plan for optimal compressor uptimeWe take care of all your compressor maintenance, upgrades,repairs and even breakdowns at an all-inclusive price.•Complete compressor care - On-time maintenance by expert service engineers, genuine parts, proactive upgrades and compressor overhauls.•Total risk coverage - This means we take care of all yourcompressor repairs and even breakdowns, without extra charges.•Ultimate efficiency - Fitting the latest drive line components gives you high standards of compressor efficiency and reliability.Complete compressor care with our Total Responsibility PlanZE 3S VSD (No-Starter)331.521.8995585470275771.7525.491554047027577229845495470275772.2532.678046047027577ZE 3S VSD 37 kW No-Starter2.536.37204254652757737501.521.81180695470275771.7525.41090645470275772291010595470275772.2532.694055547027577ZE 3S VSD 45 kW No-Starter2.536.3875515465275774560135030001.521.81385815470275781.7525.41295765470275782291205710470275782.2532.6113066547027578ZE 3S VSD 55 kW No-Starter2.536.310556204652757855751.7525.41650970470275782291560920470275782.2532.6147586547027578ZE 3S VSD 75 kW No-Starter2.536.31370805465275781.521.8164096546527578751001.7525.41640965465275782291640965465275782.2532.6164096546527578ZE 3S VSD 90 kW No-Starter2.536.316409654652757890120160035251500/1850 x 1250 x 172059/73 x 49x 68ZE 3S - 50 Hz (Plug & Play and No-starter)31.521.8955560771.7525.486050577229.063037077229.070041077229.0775455772.2532.6625370772.2532.6700410772.2532.6770455772.536.362537077ZE 3S 37 kW2.536.36954107737501.521.81065625771.7525.4106062577229.0950560772.2532.685550577 ZE 3S 45 kW2.536.3855500774560135030001.521.81175695781.7525.4117569078229.01170690782.2532.6105562078ZE 3S 55 kW2.536.310506207855751.521.81450850781.7525.4144585078229.01440845782.2532.6143584578ZE 3S 75 kW2.536.3128075578751001.521.81595940781.7525.4159093578229.01585930782.2532.6158093078 ZE 3S 90 kW2.536.315759307890120160035251500/1850 x 1250 x 172059/73 x 49 x 68ZE 3S - 60 Hz (Plug & Play and No-starter)31.521.8950560771.7525.486050577229.077045577ZE 3S 37 kW2.2532.67704557737501.521.81160680771.7525.4104561577229.0945555772.2532.685550077 ZE 3S 45 kW2.536.3850500774560135030001.521.81285755781.7525.4128075578229.01150680782.2532.6104061078ZE 3S 55 kW2.536.310356107855751.521.81560920781.7525.4155591578229.01410830782.2532.6141083078 ZE 3S 75 kW2.536.3127075078229.01550915782.2532.6154591078 ZE 3S 90 kW2.536.315459107890120160035251500/1850 x 1250 x 172059/73 x 49 x 68(1)Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009)Reference conditions:- Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature 20°C (68°F).(2)A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station, Lp WSA (re 20 μPa) dB (with uncertainty 3 dB). Values determined according to noise level test code ISO 2151 and noise measurement standard ISO 9614.(3)L' = length of the unit including motor-backpackZE 3S - 50Hz (without motor)31.521.81450850-751001.521.81595940-1.7525.41590935-2291585930-2.2532.61580930-ZE 3S 37 kW2.536.31575930-90120110024251500/1850 x 1250 x 172059/73 x 49 x 68ZE 3S - 60Hz (without motor)31.521.81560920-1.7525.41555915-75100 229.01550915-2.2532.61545910-ZE 3S 37 kW2.536.31545910-90120110024251500/1850 x 1250 x 172059/73 x 49 x 68(4)Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009) Reference conditions:- Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature 20°C (68°F).(5)L' = length of the unit including motor-backpackAir inlet filter✓Coated screw element with cooling jacket✓Air circuitCheck valve✓Discharge pulsation damper✓Outlet air flange DN125 DIN&ANSI✓Supplied oil-filled✓Completely pre-piped oil circuit✓Integrated oil pump✓Oil circuitOil cooler✓Oil filter✓Built-in oil breather system✓Motor IE3/NEMA3 induction motor, TEFC IP55✓No starter included✓Elektronikon® Touch controller with SMARTLINK✓CubicleSensors air & oil pressure & temperature✓LAN or Internet control/monitoring✓Sound attenuating canopy✓BodyworkFrame with forklift/pallet-jack slots✓Mechanical approval ASME or CE approval✓Blow-down valve✓VSD enabled motor✓YD starter✓Test certificate✓Witness test✓Wooden case packing✓Full option motor (anti-condensation heaters & PT1000's)✓Oversized motor✓No motor✓Outdoor canopy✓Separate air intake✓Heavy duty inlet filter✓SPM monitoring✓Winterization✓COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards theenvironment and the people around us. We make performance standthe test of time. This is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。
Atlas Copco 滚动式无油压缩机产品介绍说明书
COMPRESORES SCROLLSF 1-6 (1,5-5,5 kW/2-7,5 CV) / SF+ 2-22 (2,2-22 kW/3-30 CV)AIRE PURO Y EXENTO DE ACEITEAl no existir ningún contacto de metal con metal entre las espirales de compresión, no hay necesidad de lubricación con aceite en la cámara de compresión. De este modo, el principio de compresión scroll garantiza un aire de alta calidad exento de aceite. En otras palabras, el compresor SF es exento de aceite en todos los sentidos.EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICALos compresores scroll SF, equipados de serie con motores IE3 de alto rendimiento, resultan ideales para aplicaciones sensibles que requieren flexibilidad y eficiencia energética. El sencillo control de arranque/parada permite eliminar el consumo de energía en descarga. La avanzada tecnología scroll garantiza un aire libre suministrado óptimo para ciclos de trabajo cortos.NIVEL SONORO EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE BAJOLa reducida velocidad de los elementos de compresión scroll garantiza que los compresores scroll SF sean extremadamente silenciosos. Con unos niveles sonoros de tan solo 53 dB(a),los SF son la opción perfecta para entornos de trabajo sensibles.SEN CILLEZ Y FIABILIDADLos compresores scroll SF destacan por su sencillez y fiabilidad. Incorporan un número mínimo de piezas móviles, lo que garantiza una prolongada vida útil con unas limitadas intervenciones de servicio. Gracias a su diseño integrado,los compresores scroll ocupan un espacio mínimo y ofrecen una gran sencillez de mantenimiento.TRANQUILIDAD DEMOSTRADAGracias a su dilatada experiencia y continuas innovaciones tecnológicas, Atlas Copco es líder de la industria en tecnología de aire comprimido exento de aceite desde hace más de sesenta años. Puede sentirse tranquilo en todo momento: se llevan a cabo estrictos procedimientos de certificación y prueba para garantizar que el aire suministrado cumpla las normas másexigentes de control de calidad.110438296Depósito integradoSolución lista para usar, menores costes de instalación gracias a las opcionesde instalación sobre depósito de 30, 270 y 500 litros.7Elektronikon® (SF+)Las funciones de monitorización incluyen indicaciones de aviso, programas demantenimiento y visualización en línea de las condiciones de funcionamiento.8Diseño innovadorLa nueva configuración compacta vertical permite un fácil acceso para laslabores de mantenimiento, mejora la refrigeración, lo que se traduce en unasmenores temperaturas de trabajo, y amortigua las vibraciones.9SF-Skid/T• Se pueden instalar en el punto de usoo integrar en una red de aire existente:diseñado pensando en la sencillez.Refrigerador y tuberías• Un refrigerador sobredimensionadomejora el rendimiento de la unidad.• El uso de tuberías de aluminio y la válvulaantirretorno vertical sobredimensionadamejoran la fiabilidad durante toda la vidaútil de la unidad y garantizan una altacalidad del aire comprimido.10Filtro de aspiración de aireFiltro de aspiración de aire con cartucho de papel de gran rendimientoque elimina polvo y partículas de hasta 1 µm.1Regulación automáticaParada automática cuando se alcanza la presión de trabajo requerida,con lo que se evitan costes de energía innecesarios.2Elemento scroll dealta eficienciaElemento de compresión scroll refrigerado por aireque ofrece una durabilidad y fiabilidad demostradas,además de una extraordinaria eficiencia.Motor IP55 Clase F/IE3Motor IP55 Clase F refrigerado por aire totalmente cerradoque cumple las normas IE3 y Nema de alta eficiencia.Secador frigoríficoSecador frigorífico integrado, compacto y optimizadoque garantiza un suministro de aire seco, evitando asíóxido y corrosión en su red de aire comprimido.5Carrocería silenciosaCarrocería insonorizada que limita los niveles sonoros a sólo 53 dB(A), lo quepermite instalar la unidad cerca del punto de uso.6452381Elemento scroll de altaeficienciaElementos de compresión scroll refrigerados poraire con variantes de 8 y 10 bares que ofrecenuna durabilidad y fiabilidad demostradas,además de una extraordinaria eficiencia.3T ubos y refrigerador optimizadosEl refrigerador de aire está ajustado para un rendimiento mejorado,mientras que el uso de tubos de aluminio y acero inoxidable mejorala fiabilidad durante la vida útil y garantiza una alta calidad delaire comprimido.cumplen las normas IE3 de alta eficiencia.Diseño inteligenteIncreíble diseño de fácil manejo centrado en un funcionamientoseguro y una sencillez de las tareas de servicio.8Secador frigoríficoSecador frigorífico integrado, compacto yoptimizado que garantiza un suministro de aireseco, evitando así óxido y corrosión en la red deaire comprimido instalada.4SF Duplex• Configuración duplex con dosarmarios, uno/dos módulosprincipales y uno/dos módulosde reserva.• Elektronikon® regula cada juegode módulos compresoresmediante un sistema de controlcentral integrado.• Alojado enunacarrocería insonorizada.Carrocería silenciosaGracias al elemento scroll con bajo nivel sonor, el ventiladoroptimizado super silencioso y la carrocería con aislamientosonoro, se consiguen los mejores niveles de ruido posibles.5123456784 módulos3 módulos2 módulos1 móduloTECNOLOGÍA SCROLL AVANZADALa eficiencia sólida es una ventaja distintiva de la serie Atlas Copco SF , gracias a su exclusivo principio de trabajo de tecnología scroll. La compresión del aire se realiza por la interacción de una espiral fija y otra móvil. El aire a la presión de aspiración entra en la cámara de compresión en el lado exterior del elemento scroll. Una vez aspirado el aire, la espiral móvil obtura la lumbrera de aspiración. A medida que la espiral continúa su giro, el aire se comprime progresivamente en un volumen cada vez más pequeño. Del elemento scroll sale un flujo continuo de aire comprimido, a través de una lumbrera de descarga en el centro de la espiral fija. Este proceso se repite continuamente, generando un suministro de aire comprimido sin pulsaciones.T ecnología de caudal variable (VFT)Todos los compresores multiscroll SF + 8-22 están equipadas con el exclusivo sistema de control VFT , que proporciona la máxima flexibilidad para el suministro de aire. El sistema VFT , incluido en el controlador Elektronikon ®, arranca y detiene de forma automática los elementos scroll paraadaptarse exactamente a las demandas del sistema de aire comprimido. El algoritmo de control del Elektronikon ® garantiza que lapresión del sistema permanezca dentro de una banda muy estrecha.Compresores WorkPlace Air System™: el sonido del silencioLos compresores WorkPlace Air System™ de Atlas Copco son mucho más que compresores de aire silenciosos con equipo detratamiento del aire integrado. Para ayudarle a ahorrar energía y costes, están diseñados para proporcionar la más eficaz fuente de aire comprimido en un entorno de producción.Ventilador de refrigeración Cámara de aspiración Lumbrera de aspiración Lumbrera de descarga Espiral fija Espiral móvilSensor de temperatura a prueba de fallos para proteger la unidad Cámara de compresión12345678Clases ISO 8573-1(2010) actuales (las cinco clases principales y la concentración máxima asociada en contenido de aceite total).CLASE 0: LA NORMA DE LA INDUSTRIAEl aire exento de aceite se emplea en todo tipo de industrias donde la calidad del aire es vital para el producto final y para el proceso de producción. Estas aplicaciones incluyen la elaboración de alimentos y bebidas, fabricación de productos farmacéuticos, procesos químicos y petroquímicos, fermentación, tratamiento de aguas residuales,transporte neumático, fabricación de textiles no tejidos y muchas más. En estos ambientes críticos, la contaminación, incluso por mínimas cantidades de aceite, puede dar lugar a costosos tiempos de parada de la producción y deterioro del producto, lo que se traducirá en llamadas a revisión y pérdida de reputación.Los primeros en tecnología de aire exento de aceiteDurante los últimos sesenta años, Atlas Copco ha capitaneado eldesarrollo de la tecnología de aire exento de aceite, creando una gama de compresores y soplantes que suministran aire puro 100% exento de aceite. Mediante una investigación y desarrollo continuos, Atlas Copco marcó un nuevo hito al establecer las pautas sobre pureza del aire como primer fabricante en recibir la certificación ISO 8573-1 Clase 0.Eliminando cualquier riesgoComo líder del sector comprometido a dar respuesta a las necesidades de los clientes más exigentes, Atlas Copco solicitó al prestigioso instituto T ÜV que realizase una prueba de tipo de su gama de compresores y soplantes exentos de aceite. Empleando lasmetodologías de ensayo más rigurosas, se midieron todas las formas posibles de aceite en un rango de temperaturas y presiones. T ÜV no encontró absolutamente rastro alguno de aceite en el flujo de aire de salida. De este modo, Atlas Copco fue el primer fabricante de compresores y soplantes que recibió la certificación de Clase 0, de acuerdo con las especificaciones ISO 8573-1 Clase 0, ed. 3, 2010.Monitorización y controlEl regulador Elektronikon ® de última generación ofrece una amplia variedad de funciones de control ymonitorización que le permiten mejorar la eficiencia y fiabilidad de su compresor. Para optimizar la eficiencia energética, el Elektronikon ® controla el motor de accionamiento principal y regula la presión del sistema con una banda de presión estrecha y predefinida. Los SF + 2-6 están equipados con un controlador Elektronikon ®, mientras que los SF + 8-22 vienen con el avanzado Elektronikon ® Graphic.Mayor sencillez de uso• Pantalla de 3,5" en color de alta definición con unos pictogramas claros y un cuarto indicador LED extra para servicio.• Display gráfico de los parámetros clave (día, semana, mes) y 32 ajustes de idioma.• Visualización de los compresores basada en Internet mediante una sencilla conexión Ethernet.• Indicación gráfica del plan de servicio, control remoto y funciones de conectividad.• Actualización de software disponible para controlar hasta 6 compresores instalando el controlador integrado opcional.DIMENSIONESLAHL AHL AHL AH•: Opcional- : No disponibleESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICAS* Rendimiento de la unidad medido de acuerdo con ISO 1217, anexo C, última edición.** Nivel sonoro medio medido a una distancia de 1 m de acuerdo con ISO 2151; tolerancia 3 dB(a).En la tabla se muestra el peso de las unidades Pack y las unidades montadas sobre bancada.COMPROMETIDOS CON UNA PRODUCTIVIDAD RESPONSABLESomos conscientes de las responsabilidades que tenemos con nuestros clientes, el medio ambiente y las personas que nos rodean. Nuestra labor resiste el paso del tiempo. Esto es lo que llamamos Productividad Responsable./sf2935 4844 48 © 2014, A t l a s C o p c o A i r p o w e r N V , B él g i c a . R e s e r v a d o s t o L e a t o d a s l a s i n s t r u c c i o n e s d e s e g u r i d a d d e l m a n u a l a n t e s d e l u s o .。
Atlas Copco LZ-3 高性能无油压缩机产品说明书
COMPRESSEURS A PISTONS EXEMPTS D’HUILE LZLa solution« zéro compromis »HAUTES PERFORMANCESLes compresseurs à pistons ont toujours été des offres convaincantes : solides, nécessitant peu d’entretien et peu d’énergie. Cependant, cette solution robuste est typiquement accompagnée de niveaux sonores élevés et d’options de gestion et de contrôle limitées. Ces quelques faiblesses sont éliminées avec la nouvelle série de compresseurs à pistons exempts d’huile LZ qui reste la solution la plus complète et la plus performante du marché en répondant à de nombreux besoins en air comprimé propre.100%AIR PROPRELorsqu’un air propre est requis, la solution« technique sans huile »ne suffit pas. Lubrifié etfiltré, elle ne peut pas vous garantir l’élimination detoutes les émanations d’huile, d’aérosols et autrescontaminants. Avec leur nouvelle architecture d’avant-garde, les compresseurs exempts d’huile de la sérieLZ d’Atlas Copco fournissent un air 100% propre.FIABILITE DE PREMIERE CLASSEAvec une durée opérationnelle de 16 000 heures, lescompresseurs LZ sont des compagnons à long terme.T echnologie de compression et composants de hautequalité viennent confirmer la fiabilité de cette sériequi n’utilise aucune huile et ne nécessite que peud’entretien.HAUTE EFFICACITEL’énergie utilisée est importante, car elle constituele coût le plus élevé du fonctionnement d’uncompresseur. L’ensemble moto-compresseur àentrainement direct de la série LZ est composé d’uncertain nombre de nouveautés (moteur à un palier,régulation Marche-Arrêt, etc.) permettant de diminuerla consommation énergétique au strict minimum.PEU BRUY ANTGrâce aux matériaux utilisés et au capotd’insonorisation, les compresseurs de la série LZsontdiscrets : les 67 dB(A) qu’offrent cette nouvellesérie conviennent aux environnements sensibles aubruit.CONTROLE AVANCEAssociant les fonctions de surveillance et de contrôleles plus avancées, le module de gestion Elektronikon®d’Atlas Copco offre une grand simplicité d’utilisationet de dialogue à la série LZ. Performance et fiabilitédes compresseurs sont maximisées.LZCompresseurs àpistons‘zéro compromis’Fiabilité•inoxydable.•heures•Faibles coûts d’entretienEconomies d’énergie• Comparé à un entraînement parcourroies, l’entraînement direct permet de réaliser des économies d’énergie substantielles.• La régulation « marche-arrêt » supprime toute consommation électrique durant le cycle de décharge.• Moteur à un palier pour diminuer la friction mécanique.Flexibilité• Différentes puissances (7 et 20 ch.), plage de pressions (4 à 10 bars) et de tensions d’alimentation (230/400/460V).• Disponible sur châssis insonorisé et sur réservoir avec ou sans sécheur (pour le LZ 7/10).Contrôle total• Deux plages de pression programmables • Contrôle à distance • Report d’alarmes• Fonction « économiseur » intégrée • Algorithme intégré pour contrôle du cycle de refroidissement et du taux de charge• Journal d’entretien• Pression, température et surveillance service.100%E U R O P E E NL e s c o m p re s s e ursL Z d ’A tl a s C o p coo n t été d év e lo pp ése t c o n çu s e n I tali ed a n s le c e n tr e dec o m p éte n c ede sp is to n sFonctionnement en continuJusqu’à 20% du temps de fonctionnement d’un compresseur lubrifié est consacré au refroidissement. La technologie exempte d’huilecomplétée du nouveau système de refroidissement des LZ autorisent un fonctionnement en continu.Air de qualité• Air 100% propre et certifié de classe 0 suivant l’ISO 8573-1 ed 3 2010. Approuvé TÜV.• Air sec et filtré avec la version avec sécheur sur réservoir.BESOIN D’AZOTE ? AJOUTEZ LE LZEtes-vous un utilisateur fréquent et/ou un producteur d’azote ? Pour votre système de production d’azote, la série LZ d’Atlas Copcoreste la solution économique haute performance car contrairement aux compresseurs lubrifiés, les compresseurs exempts d’huilede la série LZ ne nécessitent pas de matériel de filtration et de déshuileur supplémentaire.Ils offrent un encombrement au sol plus réduit, un entretien plus faible et un temps d’arrêt minimal. Produisant un air totalement exemptd’huile, ils ne compromettent pas l’absorbant du générateur d’azote ce qui permet à votre système de durer plus longtemps.’Systèmes traditionnels de production d’azote :Systèmes de production d’azote alimentés par des compresseurs LZ:*BM: Sur châssis– T M : Sur réservoir –FF : Avec sécheur sur réservoir.**Tension : 400 50Hz – 230/380/460 60Hz.***Performance du bloc mesurée selon ISO 1217, Ed.3, Annexe C-2009.****Niveau sonore moyen mesuré selon ISO 2151/Pneurop/Cagi PN8NTC2; tolérance 3 dB(A).CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUESPERFORMANCESCONDITIONS DE RÉFÉRENCEDIMENSIONSSur châssis :LZ 7/10 - LZ 15/20Sur réservoir : LZ 7/10 Avec sécheur sur réservoir :LZ 7/10• Investissement plus faible• Coûts d’entretien réduits • Durée de vie dugénérateuraccrueGénérateur d’azoteGénérateur d’azoteAU SERVICE D’UNEPRODUCTIVITE RESPONSABLENous nous engageons en faveur de nos clients, de l’environnement et de nos ressources humaines. Les performances de nos équipements résistent à l’épreuve du temps. C’est ce que nous appelons la productivité responsables.2935 2805 44 © 2015, Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgique. T ous droits réservés. Lesconceptions et caractéristiques peuvent être modifiées sans préavis ou obligation.Lisez toutes les consignes de sécurité du guide avant l’utilisation.。
一般预防措施 1. 操作员必须遵循安全操作准则,并遵守当地所有相关的工作安全要求及规定。 2. 如果以下任何说明不符合当地法规,以两者中更严格的那项规定为准。 3. 安装、操作、保养和维修工作只能由经过授权认可的训练有素的专业人员执行。 4. 在执行任何保养、维修工作、调整或其它任何非常规检查之前,请停止运行装置。 此外,必须 打开和锁定电源隔离开关。
操作过程中的预防措施 1. 打开远程控制机器电源的人员应采取足够的预防措施,以确保没有人员在检查或操作该机器。 因此,应当在远程起动设备上粘贴相应的通知。 2. 请勿在存在易燃或毒烟、蒸汽或颗粒的地方操作装置。 3. 请勿低于或高于额定限值运行机器。 4. 操作过程中保持箱体的所有门及面板都关闭。 只能在执行常规检查等操作时,才能将这些门打 开一会儿。 打开机门时,如果适用请戴好护耳器。 5. 呆在声压级达到或超过 90 分贝 (A) 的环境或房屋内的人员应当佩戴护耳器。 6. 请定期检查: • 所有保护装置和紧固件均安装到位,并已旋紧 • 所有软管和(或)管道均状况良好、安全可靠并且无磨损 • 没有泄漏 • 所有电引线均安全有序 7. 请勿拆卸或改装安全装置。
1.1 安全图标............................................................................4 1.2 安装过程中的安全措施................................................................4 1.3 操作过程中的安全措施 ...............................................................5 1.4 保养或维修过程中的安全措施 .........................................................6
阿特拉斯·科普柯 ZE 3S 低压无油螺杆式压缩机说明书
低压无油螺杆式压缩机ZE 3S37-90 kW / 50-120 hp以较低的运营成本提供坚固耐用的产品性能在许多生产工艺中,低压压缩空气是保证持续生产的必要因素。
阿特拉斯·科普柯的新型专用低压压缩机系列具有坚固耐用性,能为各行各业的气力输送应用提供 100% 符合认证标准的无油空气。
ZE 3S37-90 kW / 50-120 hp保护您产品的品质在几乎任何应用中,气源中的油污染都会导致严重的生产率问题并增加成本。
作为首家获得 ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) 无油空压机认证的制造商,阿特拉斯·科普柯在空气纯度方面树立了标杆。
阿特拉斯·科普柯专注于保护关键应用并满足当今日益提高的空气质量需求,供应通过 TUV 认证的 100% 无油空气。
每台压缩机均按 ISO9001 认证标准进行设计、制造和测试。
这些压缩机采用最新设计的螺杆主机、坚固耐用的齿轮箱和全封闭式 IP55 电动机,确保能在多尘、高温和潮湿的环境中可靠地持续运行。
我们在 170 多个国家和地区设有办事处,可通过互动和参与的方式始终提供专业、及时的服务。
3•较低的能耗成本(在压缩机生命周期中,能耗成本在总成本中占比可达 80%)。
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2.1 简介................................................................................9 2.2 气流...............................................................................13 2.3 冷凝水排卸系统.....................................................................17 2.4 润滑油系统.........................................................................18 2.5 冷却系统...........................................................................19 2.6 空气干燥机(FULL-FEATURE 机型)......................................................19 2.7 电气系统...........................................................................20
2010 - 02 编号 2991 7089 61
1.1 安全图标............................................................................5 1.2 一般安全措施........................................................................5 1.3 安装过程中的安全措施................................................................5 1.4 操作过程中的安全措施................................................................6 1.5 保养或维修过程中的安全措施.......................................................n® Graphic 控制器...............................................22
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11
ELEKTRONIKON® GRAPHIC 控制器............................................................22 控制面板...........................................................................24 所用图标...........................................................................25 主屏幕.............................................................................28 查阅菜单...........................................................................30 输入菜单...........................................................................31 输出菜单...........................................................................32 计数器.............................................................................34 保养菜单...........................................................................35 设置点菜单.........................................................................39 事件历史记录菜单...................................................................41
ZR 30, ZR 37, ZR 45, ZT 15, ZT 18, ZT 22, ZT 30, ZT 37, ZT 45
自以下序列号向前: API 785 000
版权声明 未经许可,禁止使用或复制本手册中所含的全部或任何一部分内容。 这尤其适用于商标、机型命名、零件号和图形。 本使用说明书适用于 CE 机器和未标记 CE 的机器。 符合声明中指明,本使用说明书符合 适用欧盟标准规定的说明要求。
阿特拉斯·科普柯 Oil-free rotary tooth compressors
ZR 30, ZR 37, ZR 45, ZT 15, ZT 18, ZT 22, ZT 30, ZT 37, ZT 45
阿特拉斯·科普柯 Oil-free rotary tooth compressors