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<0.890 0.890~0.905 0.905~0.920 0.920~0.945 0.945~0.960 >0.96
出口含水和水出口含油不超标。另外,多台游离水脱除器的出油汇到一 条汇管上,要求在汇管上安装压力检测仪表,适时检测汇管压力的变 化,并通过控制安装在汇管上的调节阀开度调整汇管压力稳定在 0.2~0.35MPa,同时还要实现当压力超高时,快速泄压连锁保护功能。 游离水脱除器的放水汇到一条汇管上,靠自压进入污水沉降罐[12][13]。
Southwest Petroleum University Doctoral Dissertation
(此处为论文题目的外文译文、全部 大写、字体用Times New Roman2号
(以下各项居中列) Candidate: Speciality: Supervisor:



毕业论文英文封面Title: The Significance of an English Cover Page for Graduation Thesis Introduction:The completion of a graduation thesis is a significant milestone in a student's academic journey. Along with the content, formatting, and presentation, the cover page plays a crucial role in conveying the essence and professionalism of the research work. This article aims to discuss the importance and components of an English cover page for a graduation thesis, highlighting its role in presenting the research in a comprehensive and appealing manner.1. The Purpose of an English Cover Page:The cover page serves as the first impression of the graduation thesis. It sets the tone for the entire document and provides essential information about the research work. It not only grabs the reader's attention but also conveys the seriousness and professionalism of the study. Therefore, an English cover page is crucial to create a positive impact and engage the readers from the beginning.2. Components of an English Cover Page:a) Title: The title should be concise, clear, and reflective of the research topic. It should accurately represent the research question or main theme of the thesis.b) Author's Information: The cover page should include the author's name, academic institution, department, and the date of submission. This information provides credibility and establishes the author's affiliation with the academic institution.c) Supervisor's Information: Including the name and designation of the thesis supervisor adds value to the research and demonstrates the guidance received during the study.d) Abstract: A brief summary of the thesis should be included on the cover page. It should highlight the objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions of the research. The abstract should be concise yet informative to give readers a glimpse into the thesis.e) Keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords on the cover page helps in indexing and categorizing the thesis. These keywords make it easier for readers to locate the research in databases and academic platforms.3. Design and Formatting:a) Font and Size: The font style and size should be consistent with the formatting guidelines provided by the academic institution. Generally, a professional and easily readable font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, is preferred.b) Alignment and Spacing: The text on the cover page should be aligned centrally, and appropriate spacing should be maintained between the elements. This ensures a neat and organized appearance.c) Graphics and Images: While not mandatory, incorporating the academic institution's logo or relevant graphics can enhance the visual appeal of the cover page. However, it is important to ensure that the design does not overshadow the essential information.4. Language and Accuracy:a) Language: As the cover page is in English, it is crucial to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Proofreading the cover page is essential to avoid any errors that may undermine the professionalism of the research.b) Accuracy: The information provided on the cover page, such as the title, author's name, and supervisor's information, should be accurate and consistent with the content of the thesis. Any discrepancies can lead to confusion and impact the credibility of the research.Conclusion:In conclusion, an English cover page holds significant importance in presenting a graduation thesis effectively. It serves as a gateway to the research work, providing essential information and creating a positive impression. By incorporating the necessary components, adhering to formatting guidelines, and ensuring accuracy, the cover page contributes to the overall professionalism and appeal of the thesis. Therefore, students should give due attention to crafting an engaging and informative cover page to complement their research efforts.。



3.Department, City, City Zip Code, China)::keyword1; keyword2; keyword3; keyword4文章题目不超过20作 者1,3, 作 者21.作者详细单位,省市 邮编;2.作者详细单位,省市 200,以便于创新性知识的发现,提取和评价,2; 要求4-8个,用分号隔开文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-731X (年份) 期数-xxxx-xx1Introduction introduction introduction introduction 矩阵用斜体加粗;英文缩写、计量单位、函数名称、运算符号、括号等都要用正体;图表必须有图题、表名;统一全文英文、数字字体为Times New Roman 。



1.1 Titleintroduction introduction introduction introduction introduction, 学历, 究方向为……;姓 名2(出生年-), 性别, 籍贯, 民族, 学历, 研究方向为……。

introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction公式为小五号字,固定行距15磅。


注意公式中的正斜体用法,函数、变量、变动附标等用斜体;在特定场合视为常数的参数用斜体;矩阵符号、矢量、张量用加粗斜体;π、e、i 等数学常数,Δ、矩阵转置T,括号,标点等要用正体!正文文字与公式及图片要相符。

请仔细修改!introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction2 Titleintroduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introductionintroduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction4 结论introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction 外文文献的引用格式各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文格式相同,其中题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母应大写,为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,用(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN 号即刊号。



附件2:本科毕业论文规范格式(理工科)学号年级(黑体5号)本科毕业论文(1号宋体居中)植物对泥沙沉降规律的影响研究(2号黑体居中,标题行间距为32磅)专业姓名指导教师评阅人(宋体小3)ⅩⅩⅩⅩ年Ⅹ月中国南京英文扉页示例:BACHELOR'S DEGREE THESISOF HOHAI UNIVERSITY(Times New Roman 2号粗体居中)Writing the title of the paper in Englishhere(Times New Roman 2号粗体居中)College :XXX XXXSubject :XXX XXXName :X X XDirected by :XXX Professor(Times New Roman 4号居中)NANJING CHINA(Times New Roman小2号居中)学术声明:郑重声明(宋体粗体2号居中)本人呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。






本文以实验为基础,结合理论分析,研究了在静水条件下刚性植物对泥沙沉速的影响,同时在水槽中通过改变流量来研究在恒定均匀流条件下非淹没植物对泥沙沉降轨迹的影响,得到如下主要结论:(宋体小4 )………………关键词:关键词1;关键词2;关键词3(黑体小4)(宋体小4)ABSTRACT(Times New Roman小2加粗)Fluvial river processes evolve over time in response to the constant interaction between sediment and the water column. If vegetation is present within the water column, the change in turbulence characteristics will impact the movement of sediment, in particular the settling velocity. In this paper, the influence of vegetation on the settling velocities of sediment particles is studied experimentally. The non-submerged vegetation friction factor in steady uniform flow is considered by under different flume discharge quantities. The main outcomes can be summarized as follows:Key words: sediment;rigid vegetation;settling velocity;turbulence characterize (Times New Roman体小4 加粗)目录示例:目录(黑体小2)(宋体4号,一级标题加粗)摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)目录 (III)第1章绪论 (1)1.1问题的提出及研究意义 (1)1.1.1 问题提出 (1)1.1.2 研究意义 (2)1.2泥沙沉速的研究概述 (2)1.2.1 泥沙沉速的影响因素 (3)1.2.2 泥沙沉降阻力系数 (3)1.2.3 泥沙沉速公式 (4)1.2.4 动水中泥沙沉降的计算方法 (10)1.3植物对泥沙沉降的影响概述 (11)1.3.1 植物对静水中泥沙沉速的影响 (11)1.3.2 植物对明渠水流中泥沙沉降的影响 (11)(一级标题宋体4号加粗,二级及以下标题宋体小4)论文章节标题示例:第1章绪论(黑体小2)(章标题段前为0.8行、段后为0.5行)1.1问题的提出及研究意义(黑体4号)泥沙在自然界中的河流中普遍存在着,泥沙含量的不同影响着河流流态,加上各种泥沙特性不同,使得河流泥沙问题更加复杂多变[1]。



毕业设计英文作文范文Title: The Importance of the Graduation Project in Academic Development。

The graduation project holds a pivotal role in the academic journey of students. It serves as a culmination of years of learning, a platform to showcase acquired skills, and an opportunity to delve deep into a specific subject matter. In this essay, I will elaborate on the significance of the graduation project and its impact on academic development.Firstly, the graduation project fosters independent learning and critical thinking skills. Unlike regular coursework where the parameters are often well-defined, the graduation project requires students to identify a research question or a problem statement independently. This process necessitates thorough literature review, data collection, and analysis, thereby honing research and analytical abilities. Moreover, formulating hypotheses, designingexperiments, or proposing solutions demand creativethinking and problem-solving skills, which are essentialfor academic and professional success.Secondly, the graduation project encourages interdisciplinary learning and collaboration. Many projects involve aspects from various fields, prompting students to integrate knowledge acquired from different courses. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriches the project but also broadens students' perspectives, enabling them to appreciate the interconnectedness of different subjects. Furthermore, collaboration with peers, mentors, or industry professionals enhances teamwork, communication, and project management skills, which are indispensable in any academic or professional setting.Additionally, the graduation project cultivates resilience and perseverance. Research, by its nature, is fraught with challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties. Students encounter obstacles ranging from experimental failures to data inconsistencies, requiring them to adapt, troubleshoot, and persist in the face of adversity.Overcoming these hurdles instills resilience and fortitude, attributes that are invaluable not only in academia but also in life.Moreover, the graduation project offers a platform for personal and intellectual growth. It provides students with the autonomy to explore topics of their interest, delveinto uncharted territories, and push the boundaries of knowledge. This journey of self-discovery not only enhances academic curiosity but also fosters a sense of ownership and accomplishment. Furthermore, presenting findings, defending arguments, and receiving feedback during project evaluations contribute to the development of presentation, communication, and critical evaluation skills, which are essential for academic and professional success.In conclusion, the graduation project is a cornerstone of academic development, offering students a unique opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, fostering independent learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, resilience, and personal growth. By engaging in this endeavor, students not only demonstrate theiracademic prowess but also equip themselves with essential skills and attributes for future endeavors. Therefore, the graduation project stands as a testament to the culmination of academic journey and the beginning of a new chapter in students' intellectual and professional pursuits.。



third-party logistics problems, causes and strategic choiceAbstract: China's logistics industry has just started, third-party logistics and other aspects of the theory and practice are relatively weak. The paper points out the problems of the Third Party Logistics is the gap between domestic and international third party logistics, logistics efficiency is not high, the lack of systematic management, and logistics platform to build lag behind the concept of logistics management, and so on. Analyzed the causes of such problems arising and proposed lean logistics, small and medium enterprise value chain alliances third party logistics, large third-party logistics companies such as virtualization strategy choice of three third-party logistics enterprise development strategies.Keywords:Third party logistics;lean logistics strategy;value chain alliances; virtualization strategy1. IntroductionFor a long time, China's domestic enterprises procurement, transportation, warehousing, agents, packaging, processing, distribution and other aspects of control is not strong, in the "Procurement black hole", "Logistics trap" in the waste is difficult to calculate losses. Therefore, third-party logistics research, the overall effectiveness in promoting the improvement of China's economy has a very important theoretical and practical significance. This article attempts to my policy of three logistics problems and analysis of the causes of and propose several possible third-party logistics strategic choice.2 Third party logistics industry in China's major problems(A) The national policy of three logistics companies and foreign big gap between third-party logistics companies, specifically in the following areas:1, economies of scale and capital gap significantly. Because third-party logistics companies large foreign strategic departure from the global business, its advantages ofscale and capital is no doubt, especially start-up period of three logistics policy I, its very small size, strong capital that foreign giants China enterprises to shame.2,I state policy of the logistics enterprises provide three logistics service level and quality control rather than foreign counterparts. When some domestic enterprise is still in logistics interpreted as "trucks, add warehouse logistics enterprises abroad already completed a series of standardized transformation. Meanwhile, foreign logistics organizational ability so powerful, Germany, for example, a third-party logistics company, all aspects of logistics experts across all over Europe. If the goods by a customer needs of different countries, so these experts from all over Europe in online design a the best logistics solutions. This provides solutions is the ability that the core competence of third-party logistics companies, unlike domestic companies claim to having many ship, how many car.3, China's accession to WTO, lower the threshold of the logistics industry. The logistics service industry: our commitment to all of the services sector, after a reasonable transition period, to cancel most of the foreign equity limit does not restrict access to foreign service providers the current market, do not restrict all the service sectors and the existing market access activities. The secondary distribution services while also making a similar commitment. These restrictions will be phased out after 3-4 years, during which foreign service providers can create a hundred per cent wholly-owned subsidiaries or business sector, the domestic logistics industry will face international competition.(B) serious waste of resources, third party logistics efficiency is not high. From the microscopic point of view, due to the impact of the planned economy, a long time many enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises to go the "large", "small" route, they have their own warehouse, fleet, and even ocean-going vessels team, resulting in wasting a lot of the logistics process, the specific performance of the idle warehouse, logistics decentralized operation, the low level of organization, transverse joint weak. And to provide integrated, modern, professional, punctual, efficient services to third-party logistics enterprises are very small. From a macro point of view of economic development of third-party logistics failed to keep up with the pace of the formation of industrial management model, but only with the transportation, telecommunications, commercial materials, foreign trade and other sectors of the integration and collaboration.(C) the lack of systematic management, equipment standardization is low. Most of the current third-party logistics enterprises in China under the traditional system based on materials circulation enterprises developed, the service mainly stay in the storage, transportation, lack of systematic management, logistics, low efficiency, lack of effective third party logistics functions Play. In addition, the fragmentation of China's logistics sector, making the link in the transportation logistics and equipment standards are not uniform, does not support current standards for physical facilities, resulting in the increase in third-party logistics invalid operation, speed, and reduce costs.(D) third-party logistics platform to build lag, lower degree of information technology. Third-party logistics and distribution platforms, including physical network and information network, physical network refers to the logistics facilities, transportation, transportation hubs in the geographical location of the rational distribution and the formation of physical network; information networks that use third-party logistics business and information technology, Information resources to their chain integration and the formation of a shared network of information resources. The status of physical network are: low levels of third-party logistics and equipment, and information networks also lack the necessary public logistics platform.(E) the concept of logistics management of domestic enterprises is still very backward, which greatly restricts the development of third party logistics. For example: Some companies believe that inventory information is confidential business information must be managed by the enterprises themselves, the class of business activities while outsourcing the management concept difficult to accept, often resulting in control of their own poor management of logistics, business competition in the market weakens Force.3Causes problems analysis(A) lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel. This is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of China's most important one of the bottlenecks. Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it isnew to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrated system of systems.(B) fails to effectively use modern technology. This situation has greatly restricted the cultivation of third-party logistics companies, affecting their overall competitive strength increased. China's accession to the WTO, domestic enterprises will face third-party logistics strong competition from abroad, the domestic third-party logistics industry is difficult to provide low-cost, high quality and efficient service.(C) subject to the constraints of traditional management systems. Fragmentation in the traditional institutional arrangements, third party logistics activities have been separated from many different sectors such as transportation, post and telecommunications, foreign trade, domestic trade and only involves the transport industry to the Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Communications, etc. Some departments, the lack of efficient collaboration between departments, resulting in the transport process of rotation of the mode of transport and time-consuming part of the cost of logistics in the process of becoming "trap. " There are also procedures for customs management, material procurement and other aspects of some of the provisions of the logistics enterprises also raise the level of integrated services and business development areas, thus restricting the rapid development of third-party logistics industry.4 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choice Summarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development of third-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm's strategic choice to have the following three:(A)Lean Logistics StrategySince the lag theory and practice of logistics, our most extensive third-party logistics company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services. If you do not reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry in Chinahave restricted role. Lean production theory of logistics for our third-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities. Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing. It is produced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the original "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), a book. Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new Management philosophy. Lean Logistics Lean Thinking is the application in logistics management, logistics development must reflect. The so-called Lean Logistics means: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction. The aim of Lean Logistics according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuing the provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the process of increasing value added logistics services. Lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality, low cost, continuous improvement, driven by customer demand oriented logistics system. It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accurate and fast delivery of goods and information.In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept, the formation of third party logistics Core competitiveness.(B)the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain alliance Third-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small size of assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage. Therefore, third party logistics for small and medium enterprises, starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key. As small and medium enterprise features of a single third-partylogistics and incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies, constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics. Value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantage. Value of the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activities. Basic activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities. Basic activities of supporting activities is to assist the revenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of functions to support each other. Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logistics enterprise and general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics. Third-party logistics enterprises there is generally no commodity production process, only the re-circulation process, does not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and marketing, etc. link. Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resources and capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies, resulting in their overall logistics function not complete, lack of corresponding competitiveness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play. Therefore, third party logistics industry, small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities. Third-party logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantage of links to explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses.(C)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategyRapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles, but must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development. Thus, under modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-party logistics has a strong necessity. Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization is the logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the other part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical boundaries, extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhance their strength. Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means for the connection and coordination of temporary and dynamic alliance in the form of virtual logistics. Integrated logistics virtualization technology as a means of electronic communication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members of the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals and tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a no walls, beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified command of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics service.Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organization, geographic three virtualization. Virtualization capabilities with third-party logistics enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different companies take different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material and other resources) organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve the optimization of social resources. Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics organization is always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-management, flat network structure, its objectives and in accordance with changes in the environment re-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics. Virtual is the regional third party logistics network through the Internet link the global logistics resources, removing barriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighbors. "中国第三方物流存在的问题、原因及战略选择熊卫【摘要】中国物流业的发展才刚刚起步,第三方物流相关理论和实践等方面都相当薄弱。



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除专有名词外,其他单词首字母不大写)目录要采用自动生成模式ConclusionBibliographyBooks(书籍):Journal Articles(期刊):Online Articles(网上文章)Surname, N. N. (Y ear)/(n.d.). Title of online source. Retrieved Date, Year, from RUL /faculty/ddegelman/index.cfm?doc_id=796/psyrelig/psyrelpr.htm①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm 著作 杂志 参考文献类型及其标识参考文献类型参考文献类型 专著专著论文集论文集 报纸文章报纸文章 期刊文章期刊文章 学位论文学位论文 报告报告 标准标准 专利专利 文献类型标识文献类型标识 MC N JD R S PTimes Times New Roman New Roman 三号、加粗、居中三号、加粗、居中Times Times New New New Roman Roman 小四、空一行、其它格式同正文同正文。



附件2:本科毕业论文规范格式(理工科)学号年级(黑体5号)本科毕业论文(1号宋体居中)植物对泥沙沉降规律的影响研究(2号黑体居中,标题行间距为32磅)专业姓名指导教师评阅人(宋体小3)ⅩⅩⅩⅩ年Ⅹ月中国南京英文扉页示例:BACHELOR'S DEGREE THESISOF HOHAI UNIVERSITY(Times New Roman 2号粗体居中)Writing the title of the paper inEnglish here(Times New Roman 2号粗体居中)College :XXX XXXSubject :XXX XXXName : X X XDirected by : XXX Professor(Times New Roman 4号居中)NANJING CHINA(Times New Roman小2号居中)学术声明:郑重声明(宋体粗体2号居中)本人呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。






本文以实验为基础,结合理论分析,研究了在静水条件下刚性植物对泥沙沉速的影响,同时在水槽中通过改变流量来研究在恒定均匀流条件下非淹没植物对泥沙沉降轨迹的影响,得到如下主要结论: (宋体小4 )………………关键词:关键词1;关键词2;关键词3(黑体小4)(宋体小4)ABSTRACT(Times New Roman小2加粗)Fluvial river processes evolve over time in response to the constant interaction between sediment and the water column. If vegetation is present within the water column, the change in turbulence characteristics will impact the movement of sediment, in particular the settling velocity. In this paper, the influence of vegetation on the settling velocities of sediment particles is studied experimentally. The non-submerged vegetation friction factor in steady uniform flow is considered by under different flume discharge quantities. The main outcomes can be summarized as follows:Key words:sediment;rigid vegetation;settling velocity;turbulence characterize(Times New Roman体小4 加粗)目录示例:目录(黑体小2)(宋体4号,一级标题加粗)摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)目录 (III)第1章绪论 (1)1.1问题的提出及研究意义 (1)1.1.1 问题提出 (1)1.1.2 研究意义 (2)1.2泥沙沉速的研究概述 (2)1.2.1 泥沙沉速的影响因素 (3)1.2.2 泥沙沉降阻力系数 (3)1.2.3 泥沙沉速公式 (4)1.2.4 动水中泥沙沉降的计算方法 (10)1.3植物对泥沙沉降的影响概述 (11)1.3.1 植物对静水中泥沙沉速的影响 (11)1.3.2 植物对明渠水流中泥沙沉降的影响 (11)(一级标题宋体4号加粗,二级及以下标题宋体小4)论文章节标题示例:第1章绪论(黑体小2)(章标题段前为0.8行、段后为0.5行)1.1问题的提出及研究意义(黑体4号)泥沙在自然界中的河流中普遍存在着,泥沙含量的不同影响着河流流态,加上各种泥沙特性不同,使得河流泥沙问题更加复杂多变[1]。



2008 级
单位代码 :10452源自 中文题目(居中) 英文题目(居中)
姓名 专业 指导教师
临沂大学 二〇一一年五月
深的入精贯习神彻中部和落纪选。要实委拔深锋求中机任入队,为央关用学员”特的和、工习装的别情省组中作《、标本是形、织央坚条中统准质“和市原组守例源国一和九处委则织为、》,共思条使个分关、部人遵等标 弘产想件命严规于优《做守法准 扬党行章;,禁定从良关事党规和 党地动党学进止。严作于的章制条 的方个,规习一、治风加基县、度件 优委全认。党步九党动,强准处维,。 良员面真着规明个的实牢换和级护学认 传会”学,眼确一重效记届底以党习教真 统工战习充明要“律大;入风线上章市育学 和作略习中分确掌四”决要党气。党,委、习 作条布近、展基握个纪策在充誓监员坚加全理《 风例局平五示本廉服律部学分词督领定强体论中 ;》、总中共标洁从要,署,发的导理领党武国 深《贯全全产准自”求做。关挥牢通(干想导员装共 刻中彻市会党、律的,合键机记知川部(区信班学。,产 汲国落X精人树准要重格在关党》委要二X域念子习根进党 取共实年神的立则求点党系做党的和办学)中;思党据一廉 违产五在,优行规掌员统。组宗中〔深学心认想章省步洁 纪党大全进良为定掌握”先要织旨央2一系全 关”真政,委坚自 违党0发体一风规的握“学深战,、1层列体 于提学治要办定律 法组6展党步貌范“四习〕入斗深省,讲党 在供习建深公理准 反工理题员巩和,四的个教1学堡入委系话员 全坚党设入4厅想则 面作念学中固时组个领廉育号习垒领、统。讲 体强的领个印信》 典条,习开拓代织必导洁实)贯作会市学着定党保历实会专。发念《 型例实讨展精和须干”施和彻用党委习眼理课 员证史施党题的,中(现一”论“党神引部方《习和员有领加想, 中。意的组《提国 的试X、学 制,的;导“必四案中近党条关悟强X信支 开学见性织关高共 教行二总习 度按党群要广四须个〉共事平员件严党理念部 展习等质讨于党产 训)、体讨 要照章众带大个具自的X业总先和肃章论,书 “革制、论照在性党 ,》主X要论 求“党路着坚备觉通“书锋义换,武学明记命度市宗,入全觉纪 自《要求” ,四规线问员持的知十记模务届深习确给 党先文委旨每党省悟律 觉内。 党个、教题逐”六,》三头开系范、纪刻教政支 章辈件办、个志党;处 讲政容,以 小讲学育条项(五落展列作权律把育治部 党和,公指专愿员要分 政领带党 组(系实,逐掌基X”于实“重用利握动方党 规先学室导题谈中坚条 治导X头组 每课一列践针句握本发“全两要,“委员向、进关思集理开持例 、干观严中 月”)讲活对通各条展七面学讲领明两办部”讲 学典于想中想展学》 讲,守心 底要学话动问读类件良定个从一话导确个〔署、党 系型印学、“用等 规温在政组求党,和题违好共有严做,带先2,“课 列发奋习谈学结党 矩入推0关治形 织,做“改章纪开产之治”全头合1以坚,用〈斗讨信党合内 、讲动6键纪式 一开合三,行局党”学面、格〕华党持邀好关目论念章、法 守话志改时律, 次展格严进明和人“责习贯以党2民支根请红于标不,党创规 纪愿革8刻和定 党三一确“性理五任教彻上号族部本党色在、得对规先, 律做和发保站政期 员组实步做决锻想个。育落率)优为宗校教全少照、争尊 ,合入展持得治组 集班”坚合胜,炼信必实下,三秀单旨教育市于入学优崇格党稳公出规织 中子学专持格全向和念须基党,结、,传位师资党1党系,誓定仆,矩集 学成习题问党天面党道,”础的为合主站统开敢、员讲誓列进章员词实情危,中 习员教题。小的德牢等十协我要稳美展于专中规词讲一”,践怀险带学 。到育导的康理修固重八调”局(措政德一担家开矩找话步学交中精,时头习 支联(成向、论养树要大推中实三施治,次当学展、标,强习流建神牢候, 部系以果建和,立论进奋际)全立筑主作者“有(准做化教思功,记豁固每区下;注成路心党述十“发,开面场牢题为给学国纪一、合宗育想立推共得树次 季县简要重线存的,八四有现展从,拒党”特律)找格旨实体业动产出立确 度X称突活方敬意认届为制“严把腐日、员章X色,开差党观施会。X党,和定 召“出述针畏识真三、定四局治理防活“干党X社讲展距员念方。《员在贯1开两正县,政、践中加建如个带个党想变动坚部规会道“。”案党永X彻一学面(处领策手党行、快功下讲头专等信的,守讲、X主德两党学干委远落次党一二级会看握员“四发立实党事讲题方念防组纪党学义、重支习部会是实全中做)以贯齐戒意三展业施课党开新面时线织律课系道有温部教要读的劳五体央”开上穿,尺识严、。方”“课展要的时;党底,列路品两书育讲本工动大党决学展其认,三科案。十,交中求深处始员线鼓讲全、行对记方话)作人发员定习“中真廉强实学习党三局流国,刻处终重励话体“,照作案精》方民展会,教三领的贯洁化”发系支五党研特坚内体保温树普党建五讲”学》神为法的理议2育个导马彻从党要展列部”组讨0理 情色持涵现入立通员位奉主习。基1》普念,)干克省政的求、讲要规书6。念 怀社以和为干党清要与一献题动本纳通,分县部思委、宗和话结划记按怎 、会知要行事志风员坚全体、党员教入一带别处要主、从旨好谐,合开给照么 务主促求动创愿正、持面”有日,材学员头围级义市严意干发要专局“办 实义行。的业、气学建总作活领,习,攻绕以做立委治识部展重起三、 思要力重”做成体为动导深内密坚“上结场决家,标。点步会新 想“知着量开温3结小的布。干入容切克坚党合观策,积准学、一战 作四行重;拓入(合康要局合4部学。联难员,月点部带极,习“课略 风个合学坚进党三,社求、格带习深系、干对底方署头践带《决怎 。全一习定取誓)坚会和“党头《入群敢部照前法,弘行头习胜么 要面,领正的词做相内四员重习领众于要习,做扬社坚近全干 深”做会确精,合适容个。近会,担以近结领政社会定平面” 入战讲习的气对格应;全引平关全当《平合会治主理总小学 领略政近神党、重面导总于心,习总贯上主义想书康习 会布治平,员有点”党书改全带近书穿的义核信记、研 我局、总方平。效学战员记革意平记其明核心念系建讨 国、有书向常着服习略强系发为谈关中白心价列成; 发五信记,时眼务习布化列展人治的人价值重区注 展大念来经候党国近局政重稳民国坚;值要域重 战发,川常看和家平、治要定服理定践体讲中同 略展视主得国治总五意讲、务政信行系话心X机理察动出家书大识话内;》X仰党和读遇念重向,事和记发,读工政加《追的中本、要党业“对展保本作外强习求宗(中社讲的五四理持(“交党近、旨2会话央新位川念政02存国平历,10主和看发一工、治61凭防总年史6义系齐展体年作全本、、书版担核列对”版的面色留治记)当心重党建)系深史党重》意价要员设》列化、治要,识值指的,改资国讲重、观示X要革政治话点真X和将、、事军文领挚全毛育业的章会为面泽人发重选理民从东”展要编想严同的体论(信治志作系领念党用。导、等结中全方合国体面起梦党来、员,学加快



山东大学硕士学位论文中英文扉页及原创性声明第一篇:山东大学硕士学位论文中英文扉页及原创性声明分类号:XX12单位代码:10422密级:公开学号:20xx12345硕士学位论文Thesis for Master Degree论文题目:XXXXXXXXXXResearch ofXXXXXXXX作者姓名 XXX 培养单位XXXXXXX学院专业名称XXXX指导教师XXX(副)教授合作导师20xx年4月20日Thesis for Master DegreeResearch of XXXXXCandidate:XXX Subject:XXX Supervisor:XXXShandong University April 20, 20XX原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究所取得的成果。











Southwest Petroleum UniversityGraduation ThesisSynthesis and Evaluation of a Highly Absorbent CompositeGrade: 2008Name:Speciality: Petroleum EngineeringInstructor:School of Petroleum Engineering2007-6附:我校设置的专业中英文对照(摘自《普通高等学校本科专业目录和专业介绍》)1、石油工程学院080102石油工程Petroleum Engineering081203油气储运工程Oil/ Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering2、资源与环境学院080105资源勘查工程Natural Resources Prospecting Engineering080104勘查技术与工程Prospecting Techniques and Engineering070702资源环境与城乡规划管理Urban and Rural Planning & Resource Management070703地理信息系统Geographical Information System3、机电工程学院080305Y机械工程及自动化Mechanical Engineering and Automation080304过程装备与控制工程Process Equipment and Control080303工业设计Industrial Design4、化学化工学院081101化学工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technology070302应用化学Applied Chemistry081001环境工程Environmental Engineering081801生物工程Bioengineering070301化学Chemistry5、材料科学与工程学院080204高分子材料与工程Macromolecular Materials and Engineering080205Y材料科学与工程Material Science and Engineering6、计算机科学学院080605计算机科学与技术Computer science and Technology080611W软件工程Software Engineering080613W网络工程Network Engineering7、电信工程学院080401测控技术与仪器Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations 080602自动化Automation080603电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering080601电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and Automation080604通信工程Telecommunications Engineering8、建筑工程学院080703土木工程Civil Engineering080704建筑环境与设备工程Building Environment and Equipment Engineering 080901测绘工程Surveying & Mapping Engineering110104工程管理Project Management9、理学院070102信息与计算科学Information and Computing Science070101数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics071201电子信息科学与技术Electronic and Information Science and Technology 070202应用物理学Applied Physics10、经济管理学院110201工商管理Business Administration110202市场营销Marketing110102信息管理与信息系统Information Management & Information System 020101经济学Economics110209W电子商务Electronic Business020102国际经济与贸易International Economics & Trade11、人文社会科学学院030302社会工作Social Work110309W公共管理Public Administration12、法学院030101法学Law13、外语系050201英语English14、体育系。



ABSTRACTCatch-22is one of the most important works o f b lack humor with p lenty o f representativeness. Many vivid characters were created in a symbolic way by Joseph Heller, the author of catch-22. In this book, many words and conversations are chaotic, repeating, unclear and paradoxical. These are the perfect reasons to make it become the outstanding achievement.This paper will explain and analyze the use and function of black humor in creating roles, developing theme, organizing structure by studying the representative work. And the method and condition of using black humor will also be mentioned in this paper.There are altogether three chapters in the paper except “Introduction”and “Conclusion”. Chapter One mainly talks about the origin and the development of black humor and paradox as products of history and culture. And they had become a very important part in literature and logic. Chapter Two tells about the detailed information about Heller’s life and achievements. It also mentions the background and gist of Catch-22. Chapter Three explains the usage and meaning of black humor by analyzing the characters, theme and structure.Key Words: black humor, absurd, paradox摘要《二十二条军规》是诸多黑色幽默作品中非常具有代表性的一部。

毕设论文模板 (英文版)

毕设论文模板 (英文版)

[THESIS TITLE]by[Your Name]A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree of[Name of Degree][Name of University]2004Approved by ___________________________________________________Chairperson of Supervisory Committee______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Program Authorizedto Offer Degree _________________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________________[NAME OF UNIVERSITY]ABSTRACT[Thesis Title]by [Your Name]Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee: Professor Elsa LeavittDepartment of ScienceA thesis presented on the history of astronomy and the solar system, beginning with the birth of the solar system, and covering the geology, atmosphere, and moons of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.TABLE OF CONTENTSList of Figures (ii)List of Tables (iii)Preface (iv)Introduction (1)Chapter I: Case Study (2)Statement of Problem (3)Purpose of Study (3)Description of Terms (5)Chapter II: Conceptual Framework (12)Physiology of Problem (13)Sociology of Problem (21)Chapter III: Methodology (40)Selection of Celestial Bodies (41)Selection of Subjects (43)Collection of Data (50)Analysis of Data (57)Chapter IV: Findings and Discussion (60)Description of Findings (63)Summary (71)Glossary (73)Bibliography (75)Appendix A: Questionnaire (77)Appendix B: Consent Form (78)Appendix C: Data Figures (79)Pocket Material: Map of Case Study Solar SystemsiLIST OF FIGURESNumber Page1.Mercury (12)2.Venus (13)3.Earth (14)4.Mars (16)5.The Asteroid Belt (17)nd Forms (18)7.Site Topography (21)8.Views (24)9.Functional Relationships (28)10.Spatial Magnitudes (36)iiACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe author wishes to express sincere appreciation to Professors Smith and Jones for their assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. In addition, special thanks to Dr. Elsa Leavitt whose familiarity with the needs and ideas of the class was helpful during the early programming phase of this undertaking. Thanks also to the members of the school council for their valuable input.iiiGLOSSARYAsteroid. A very small planet ranging from 1,000 km to less than one km in diameter. Asteroids are found commonly around other larger planets.Atmosphere. The gaseous mass that surrounds any planet, including Earth.Density. The number (as of particles) per unit of measure.Galaxy. A system of stars independent from all other systems.Moon. The natural satellite of any planet.Orbit. The path taken by a satellite around a celestial body.Planet. A large, nonluminous mass, usually with its own moons, which revolves around a star. Planets are found everywhere in the galaxy.Solar. Having to do with the sun.ivC h a p t e r1THE SOLAR SYSTEMTo Customize This Thesis:Insert your information in place of the sample text, and then click Save As on the File menu. In the Save as type list, click Document Template.To Create a Document from the TemplateTo open the thesis template as a document, on the File menu, click New. The customizations you made will appear in the document.To change the spacing between, for example, body text paragraphs, click in a paragraph, and then click Paragraph on the Format menu. On the Indents and Spacing tab, under Spacing, reduce the number in the After list, and make additional adjustments as needed.iTo save your style changes, with the cursor blinking in the changed paragraph, click Styles and Formatting on the Formatting menu. In the Styles and Formatting pane, right-click the selected style and choose Update to Match Selection.How to Insert a Picture or CaptionOn the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click the command that corresponds to the type of element you want to insert. To insert a caption, in a new paragraph, on the Format menu, click Styles and Formatting. In the Styles and Formatting task pane, click All styles in the Show list, and then make the selection you want in the list.1BIBLIOGRAPHY[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication]. [Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].[Last, First Name of Author].[Title]. [Publisher],[year of publication].2INDEXAAristotle, 3FFrom a Galaxy, 2GGeocentric theory, 2 HHeliocentric theory, 3 MMariner space mission, 2Mercury, 3Milky Way, 2OOrbitMercury, 3PPlanets and Moons, 2RRotationMercury, 3SSolar systemcreation, 2geocentric theory, 2heliocentric theory, 3Mariner mission, 2Voyager mission, 2TThe Solar System, 2VVoyager space mission, 23i Endnotes are notes that youcan use to explain text in adocument. To insert anendnote, click where youwant to insert the notereference mark. On theInsert menu, point toReference, and then clickFootnote. Click Endnote,make any other selectionsyou want, and then clickInsert.4。





学位论文英文扉页学科门类、专业学位术语标准翻译(2014版)学位论文英文扉页学科门类、专业学位术语标准翻译(2014版) 1.学科门类哲学Philosophy经济学Economics法学Law教育学Education文学Literature历史学History理学Natural Science工学Engineering医学Medicine管理学Management Science艺术学Art2.专业学位金融硕士Master of Finance应用统计硕士Master of Applied Statistics税务硕士Master of Taxation国际商务硕士Master of International Business法律硕士Juris Master翻译硕士Master of Translation and Interpreting新闻与传播硕士Master of Journalism and Communication建筑学硕士Master of Architecture工程硕士Master of Engineering工程博士Doctor of Engineering临床医学硕士Master of Medicine临床医学博士Doctor of Medicine口腔医学硕士Master of Stomatological Medicine公共卫生硕士Master of Public Health护理硕士Master of Nursing Specialist药学硕士Professional Master of Pharmacy工商管理硕士Master of Business Administration公共管理硕士Master of Public Administration会计硕士Master of Professional Accounting工程管理硕士Master of Engineering Management高级管理人员工商管理硕士Executive Master of Business Administration注:1. “学科名称、类别领域”翻译以《西安交通大学授予博士、硕士学位学科、专业目录》为准。



英文毕业论文格式模板毕业季就要到来了,大学毕业可不轻松,毕业论文可是一大难题啊,从初稿到定稿,那英文毕业论文格式是怎么样的呢?下面和小编一起来看看吧!英文毕业论文格式模板一、格式论文依次包括封面、目录、英文摘要(abstract)与关键词(key words)、中文摘要与关键词、引言(introduction)、正文、结语(conclusion)和文献目录(works cited)等部分。



如果有副标题,用冒号把英文主、副标题隔开,例如:the human nature motif in william golding’s lord of the flies invisible colour versus visible wall: hanif kureishi’s “strangers when we meet”中文副标题须在主标题后另起一行,前面加破折号, 例如:论威廉·戈尔丁《蝇王》中的人性母题看不见的颜色与看得见的墙——评哈尼夫·库雷西的“相逢不相识”四、英文摘要与关键词abstract左顶格,字体为times new roman 小四号,黑正体,与摘要内容部分以冒号隔开。

摘要内容部分长度为150词以内,字体为times new roman 小四号正体,从第二行开始到结束均为左顶格。

关键词部分另起一行,以key words为标题,关键词标题左顶格,字体为times new roman 小四号,黑正体,与所列关键词以冒号隔开,关键词以3至5个为宜,字体为times new roman 小四号正体,除少数专有名词外一律小写,关键词之间以分号隔开。



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Southwest Petroleum University Graduation Thesis
Synthesis and Evaluation of a Highly Absorbent Composite
Grade: 2008
Speciality: Petroleum Engineering
School of Petroleum Engineering
080102石油工程Petroleum Engineering
081203油气储运工程Oil/ Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering
080105资源勘查工程Natural Resources Prospecting Engineering
080104勘查技术与工程Prospecting Techniques and Engineering
070702资源环境与城乡规划管理Urban and Rural Planning & Resource Management
070703地理信息系统Geographical Information System
080305Y机械工程及自动化Mechanical Engineering and Automation
080304过程装备与控制工程Process Equipment and Control
080303工业设计Industrial Design
081101化学工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technology
070302应用化学Applied Chemistry
081001环境工程Environmental Engineering
080204高分子材料与工程Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
080205Y材料科学与工程Material Science and Engineering
080605计算机科学与技术Computer science and Technology
080611W软件工程Software Engineering
080613W网络工程Network Engineering
080401测控技术与仪器Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations
080603电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering
080601电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and Automation
080604通信工程Telecommunications Engineering
080703土木工程Civil Engineering
080704建筑环境与设备工程Building Environment and Equipment Engineering 080901测绘工程Surveying & Mapping Engineering
110104工程管理Project Management
070102信息与计算科学Information and Computing Science
070101数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
071201电子信息科学与技术Electronic and Information Science and Technology 070202应用物理学Applied Physics
110201工商管理Business Administration
110102信息管理与信息系统Information Management & Information System 020101经济学Economics
110209W电子商务Electronic Business
020102国际经济与贸易International Economics & Trade
030302社会工作Social Work
110309W公共管理Public Administration
040201体育教育Physical Education。
