
其它测试都差不多的,不论是2ROM 还是3ROM 的。
(1)用手机SD 卡刷机,较简单一点,国行7月新机刷机教程(超级简单)1)首先查看自己的机器是不是gen2版本的,如果是,则继续。
查看方法:下载PigFish.apk 软件,并安装到手机上(可以用豌豆荚安装,或者拷贝到tf卡用手机安装)安装完毕后,运行它,查看第一行文字,是否有GEN2字样,如果有,请继续往下。
2)下载并拷贝 recovery-clockwork- 到tf卡根目录下,更名为recovery.img(更名是非必须的)下载你喜欢的ROM,更名为update.zip,同样放到TF卡根目录下。
(recovery-clockwork 地址:/file/dn6wfxhw )3)下载z4root_130.apk 软件,安装到手机上,安装完毕后,运行它,选择获取临时root3)下载RecoveryManager_v0.34b.apk软件,安装到手机上。
运行它,选择Install Recovery选择步骤2TF卡中的recovery.img文件,点击它,选择OK。
TOA 800D系列混音放大器操作手册说明书

(8) Latest firmware version information [Update to] Displays the latest version information of the firmware to be updated to when the Firmware Update button (7) is clicked. It cannot be changed.
• Control of the unit (p. 10) • Firmware update to the latest version (p. 11) • Log file download (p. 12) • Configuration file download/upload (p. 13) • Log file conversion (binary format to text format) (p. 15)
(3) Operation result display field The operation result by this software is displayed.
(4) Power status indication [Power] Indicates the power status of the connected unit. The power status switches between ON and OFF each time the Power ON/OFF button (5) is clicked. ON: Power ON state OFF: Power OFF state
(13) Import log file name field Displays the file name selected with the Input log file selection button (12) in full path name format.

/file/f939b3ef0f# /file/f9412edca0# /file/f9c1969387# /file/f987e87dbb# /file/f9e529cd0#
/file/f9d8e24c67# /file/f935ff28dd# /file/f9375fe992# /file/f9f74119b1# /file/f9c3659076# /file/f98bc43f8f# /file/f9520abd7f# /file/f94afca674# /file/f94f75f6dc# /file/f9e04a46d7#
K500,K100PLUS K500_1.2.1.5.rar 备注:此表格里的固件,为现在机型最新固件,没有写到的型号,暂时没有新固件更新,谢谢大家! 驱动软件 upnp软件: 串口线驱动 8191无线网卡驱动 NFS驱动 TVersityProSetup_1_6_0_0.exe CH341SER(新驱动).rar realtek_RTL8191SU_10861.rar NFS软件.rar
更新日期 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-1-24 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-8-25 2010-1-20 2010-1-20 2010-8-25 2010-1-20 2010-1-24 2010-1-24 2010ile/f9e563e735# /file/f9dc3da809# /file/f988c30121#
/file/f948e5e76# /file/f98b0014a1# /file/f94cfded93# /file/f98b2b91fc#

2.解压固件及刷机工具2.1固件解压出来后是个IMG格式的压缩包2.2刷机工具解压出来后,将2918量产工具\驱动\xp文件拷至 C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers。
二、获取管理权限(ROOT)在网络上下个Root GingerBreak木蚂蚁ROOT软件,放在N12里,直接安装。
博世 安全系统-法拉登VIVIDIO应用程序 步骤配置 说明书

From Nuremberg BT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.2023Release LetterProduct: VIDEOJET decoder 7000 VJD-7513Version: Firmware 10.40.0055This letter contains latest information about the above-mentioned product.1. GeneralThis firmware release 10.40.0055 is a feature release based on FW 10.31.0005.Changes since last release FW 10.31.0005 are marked in blue.VIDEOJET decoder 7000 uses robust, fan-less technology designed for ambitious environmental conditions while providing maximum performance on minimum space in a nicely designed industrial housing.VIDEOJET decoder 7000 displays video from Standard Definition (SD), High Definition (HD), 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD), and Megapixel (MP) cameras and encoders using H.265, H.264 or MPEG-4 encoding at up to 60 frames per second over IP networks.VIDEOJET decoder 7000 is the successor of VIDEOJET decoder 8000 (VJD-8000, VJD-8000-N). It is using the same housing but comes with different video output interfaces and provides improved performance and functionality.Notes:•Firmware update may take several minutes due to a large cumulative Microsoft patch.•This firmware includes OpenSSL.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20232. Applicable products•VIDEOJET decoder 7000, VJD-75133. New Features•SRTP for encrypted multicast traffic is supported. This allows fully secured communication with and video streaming from CPP13 and CPP14 cameras in multicast environments.•SNMPv3 trap service has been added, including the support of SNMP-related RCP+ commands for configuration.• A JPEG snapshot is now possible from each of the displays, including JPEG quality settings parameter.•Display order can be re-arranged in case Windows display detection differs from mechanical order.•The default layout is depending on the display number to simplify the identification of display order. The number of video windows per display increases as square of the display number.•The web interface of the decoder has been updated to the latest style guide and re-structured to ease usage for installation, licensing, and integration purposes.o The new web pages provide links to documentation and include a live preview.o Maintenance log file creation and download is supported by a workflow mechanism.o A keyboard emulator supports initial setup for IP Matrix even without keyboard connected.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20234. Changes•The Video SDK as one of the core components for the decoder firmware has been updated to latest version 6.40, providing a great number of improvements and fixes, mainly aroundONVIF and RTSP support, increasing the overall robustness.•An issue is fixed for banner upload when banners are activated.•An issue is fixed for zooming out in client dewarping mode of panoramic camera streams.•An issue is fixed where client dewarping was not working on line 1 of a panoramic camera in onboard dewarping mode. Onboard dewarping is only available for lines 2 and higher, line 1 always provides the full warped image circle.•An issue with DNS server configuration is fixed.•An issue is fixed where CPP13 and CPP14 cameras were not correctly connected in camera sequences.•Maintenance log file download is improved, supported by the new web interface structure.•An issue is fixed where daylight saving time was incorrectly reflected in time zone offset calculation.5. System RequirementsFor configuration purposes:•Configuration Manager 7.61 or newerFor operation purposes:•Bosch Video Management System 12.0 or higherNote that not all features may be supported by BVMS yet.Please refer to BVMS release notes.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20236. Restrictions; Known Issues•Connecting encrypted streams without proper signalling may result in crashing the software decoder instance, resulting in black video displayed.•Alarms will not be signaled with a red border around the cameo if connection was established using CONNECT_PRIMITIVE.•Using CONNECT_PRIMITIVE via TCP is not possible.•CONNECT_PRIMITIVE does not support "first available" feature.•Audio may remain audible despite layout change to other than single view.•RCP+ command CONF_ALARM_CONNECT_TO_IP is not supported.•Alarm connection does not support audio, nor does it include metadata.•Maximum password length is 19 characters.•With “Reconnect last devices” active camera connections are stored and automatically reconnected after reboot. To avoid deadlock in case of an overload situation the automaticreconnect will be deactivated after the decoder was forced into reboot for ten times within 10 minutes.•Monitors may be swapped after update. Swap back is possible using Configuration Manager.•IP Matrix pre-requisites for multi-decoder clustering:o Fixed IP addresses must be assigned; DHCP configuration is not functional.o Passwords for service level must be same on all clustered decoders.o Passwords for user level must be same on all clustered decoders.•After removing a slave decoder from the IP Matrix master, both decoders must be restarted.•Camera sequences are paused when picture-in-picture mode is activated.•Time related settings may appear in Configuration Manager only with delay or after a reboot.•Monitors connected to the Display Port via USB-C may not always be detected during booting.In this case, unplug and reconnect the adapter or cable to the monitor. If only one monitor isused it is recommended to connect to the direct HDMI output.•Log file download stability may be affected by workload of decoder. As a workaround, the download may need to be repeated, or the workload of the decoder may need to be reduced (disconnect all camera streams).•Time zone configuration is only supported via TIME_ZONE_STRING.•The KBD-DIGITAL keyboard is locked automatically during start-up of the decoder, or with re-connect. It will be unlocked after entering the PIN but the lock screen will remain until the next action on the keyboard.•Certificates used with the decoder must not have any Windows policies defined.•DNS resolution is not implemented yet, thus time server entry only works with IP addresses.•Dewarping zoom does not work correctly for panoramic cameras in on-board dewarping mode for camera line 1.•Overload messages and traps may appear too sensitive in cases where display refresh rates are lower than video stream frame rates.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237. Previous Revisions7.1. New Features with 10.31.0005•Support for HOST_NAME to get and set the device’s hostname; only supported in extended configuration mode.•Support for DNS_SERVER_IP_STRING to get and set primary and secondary DNS server IPv4 addresses.7.2. Changes with 10.31.0005•Optimized transparent data processing time to allow adequate transparent data pass-through for serial PTZ keyboard.•An issue is fixed to apply e-PTZ presets correctly in camera sequences.•Feature loss due to suppressing encrypted UDP multicast connections for Bosch IP cameras with firmware 8 and higher, and fall back to TCP, tunneled via HTTPS control connection.(This feature will be added again with FW 10.40.)From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.3. New Features with 10.30.0005•The default setting for Automatic IPv4 address assignment is set to “DHCP plus Link-Local”.Though this might seem a small change, it may have an impact:The former default IP address will virtually become obsolete.Instead, the camera will assign itself an auto-IP address out of the range to169.254.254.255 as long as there is no other IP address assigned by a DHCP server.(https:///wiki/Link-local_address)The advantage is that there are no more duplicate IP addresses, which is consideredprohibited in a network.•Network authentication 802.1x with EAP/TLS has been added.Please note that the server certificate needs to get the usages ‘Trust’ and ‘EAP_TLS_Trusted’ assigned.The client certificate will get the necessary usages assigned automatically.•The possibility of large banner overlays has been introduced.o Banners can be uploaded as images that can be displayed over three areas: top, center and bottom. The images are scaled to fill the area and cropped wherenecessary.o Banners can be sequenced with a configurable dwell time.o Configuration Manager 7.60 is supporting this with upload and banner sequence configuration, including banner previews.•Set and recall prepositions for moving cameras (AUTODOME, MIC) as well as for ONVIF PTZ cameras via keyboard has been added to the IP Matrix functionality.•Images can be uploaded to the decoder for two purposes, using Configuration Manager. The images shall be in JPG format and must be named as follows:o‘monitor background’ image, shown as background of an empty video window: ‘Logo.jpg’o‘’no camera’ image, shown on connection failure: ‘NoCamLogo.jpg’7.4. Changes with 10.30.0005•An issue was fixed where uploading a new video loss image did not break the software seal.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.5. Changes with 10.23.0002• A security vulnerability has been fixed where a crafted configuration packet sent by an authenticated administrative user can be used to execute arbitrary commands in systemcontext (CVE-2021-23862).For more details refer to our Security Advisory BOSCH-SA-043434-BT, published at ourSecurity Advisory web pagehttps:///xc/en/support/product-security/security-advisories.htmlor visit our PSIRT website at https://.7.6. New Features with 10.22.0038•APIPA (link-local address, Auto-IP) is used instead of a default IP address when DHCP is on and no DHCP server responded.•Transparent data pass-through for serial PTZ keyboard (SERIAL_PORT_APP_VAL and TRANSFER_TRNSPARENT_DATA) has been added.•Support of RCP+ via CGI (including WRITE commands) has been added.•HTTP digest authentication is supported for RCP+ via CGI.•Display orientation can be changed per line via RCP+.•RCP+ WRITE command MONITOR_NAME now supported for custom monitor names.•Updated RCP+ documentation is now available via the VIDEOJET decoder webpage.•Download of screen and tile snapshots via snap.jpg is now supported (requires at least user privileges).•Firmware update on-screen countdown dialog now shows a heartbeat whenever a single update step takes longer.•Support of CONNECT_URL read queries to get current video connection details, including current digital and dewarping zoom settings, has been added.•Support of various digital and dewarping zoom persistence modes(DIGITAL_ZOOM_PERSISTENCE_MODE) has been added.•Support of SYSTEM_DATETIME_V2 to read/write UTC system time has been added.•Support for new Sentinel RMS licenses has been added. Legacy licenses can now also be based on new installation code (lock code from Sentinel RMS).From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.7. Changes with 10.22.0038•IP Matrix initialization is now working also for camera lines larger than 1.•RCP+ response for query on connected cameras is now working correctly.•URL extension for camera configuration in IP Matrix is no longer truncated.•An issue with an unexpected application restart has been fixed.•The DECODER_GROUP command is no longer supported when decoder IP address is not static. This disables the whole IP matrix configuration pages in Configuration Manager until a static IP is configured in the decoder’s network settings.•Improvements were made for log export via webpage and via Configuration Manager.•KBD-DIGITAL keyboard PIN is now used immediately without application restart.•KBD-DIGITAL keyboard PIN is now required whenever keyboard is attached and at application start.•Display orientation is now working for further monitor types.•Support of further USB to serial COM port adapters for KBD-DIGITAL keyboard connectivity.o Current: Prolific PL2303 [hardware ID USB\VID_067B&PID_2303]o New: Prolific PL2303GT [hardware ID USB\VID_067B&PID_23C3]o New: ATEN UC232A [hardware ID USB\VID_0557&PID_2008]o New: Unitek Y-108 [hardware ID FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001]o CableCreation CD0489 (PL2303) [hardware ID USB\VID_067B&PID_2303] is compatible to the already supported Prolific PL2303 adapter.Please note that the KBD-DIGITAL keyboard connectivity requires continuous maintenance, since new or not listed USB-to-serial COM port adapters typically require the installation of a suitable driver on the VIDEOJET decoder and an adaption of the hardware ID filter in thekeyboard detection software module. Newer USB adapters may require a firmware update to become supported.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.8. New Features with 10.01.0036Security• A protected configuration mode has been implemented, allowing too enable SSD encryption (BitLocker) and too disable USB ports, e.g. for installation of the decoder in public areas.•The configuration of the decoder can be protected by Software Sealing, similar to IP cameras.•The latest Microsoft Windows security updates have been included.Miscellaneous• A dewarped cutout from panoramic cameras can be defined with PTZ coordinates.• A new way to control and integrate the decoder into a management system has been added by a JSON RPC API. This allows to send commands and retrieve status information via JSON remote procedure calls. The API documentation is added to the distribution package.• A video output capture service (VOCS) has been implemented which could be activated via a license, applicable per display output. This service captures the memory of the video outputand encodes it into a camera-like video stream, which can be recorded via Video StreamingGateway (VSG) onto iSCSI storage.• A time server can be added to synchronize the decoder.•Decoder log file can be downloaded via Configuration Manager. This is especially recommended when download of the log file is not working correctly via web browser.7.9. Changes with 10.01.0036•Upload of background image and connection loss image to the decoder and reverting them to default is now also possible with service password set. The former restriction is obsolete.•Various minor bug fixes.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.10. New Features with 9.60.0017IP Matrix enhancements•KBD-DIGITAL is supported in addition to KBD-UNIVERSAL XF.This keyboard requires a serial-to-USB adapter to connect to the decoder.Both keyboards can be mixed in a clustered multi-decoder IP Matrix, one keyboard perdecoder.•Playback from local recording is supported.Permission is configured via Configuration Manager for the whole IP Matrix, valid for all users.•Buttons for next and previous camera have been added to the KBD-UXF functions.•Audio can be switched on or off via keyboard.•Camera channels can be extended via license up to 64 cameras per decoder unit.Note:IP Matrix manual is now separated intoo One configuration manual for IP Matrixo One operation manual for IP Matrix using KBD-UXFo One operation manual for IP Matrix using KBD-DIGITALSecurity•The latest Microsoft Windows security updates have been included.Miscellaneous•Background image and connection loss image can be uploaded to the decoder, replacing the default images. Reverting them to default is done by uploading an empty image.Note: Upload is only possible in conjunction with an empty service password.7.11. Changes with 9.60.0017•Temperature control margin increased to improve maximum performance at the specified maximum temperature, covering component tolerances, and to ensure that all productsadhere fully to their specification.•Various minor bug fixes.Security SystemsFromNuremberg BT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.202311BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany 7.12. Features with initial release 9.51• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 displays video from Standard Definition (SD), High Definition (HD),4K Ultra High Definition (UHD), and Megapixel (MP) cameras and encoders using H.264 or MPEG -4 encoding at up to 60 frames per second over IP networks.• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 provides an HDMI and a DisplayPort (via USB-C connector) output, both capable of driving up to 4K UHD displays simultaneously.• Display settings are automatically discovered and set for optimal display performance. • Monitor layouts can be switched independently for each display.• Upright monitors (portrait mode) are supported.• Video window (cameo) aspect ratio can be set to 16:9, 9:16, 3:4, or 1:1.• Active camera connections and layout are stored and automatically reconnected after reboot if configured. To avoid deadlock in case of an overload situation the automatic reconnect will be deactivated after VIDEOJET decoder 7000 was forced into reboot for 3 times within 10 minutes.• Video smoothing can be configured.• RTSP connections are supported, enabling connectivity to 3rd party and ONVIF cameras. • Discovery port is configurable.• Cameo distance is configurable.• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 supports IP Matrix application as built-in feature.• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 is able to display VCA metadata.• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 provides bi-directional G.711 audio for the video stream shown in single view on the first monitor.• Configuration is done using the Configuration Manager.• The number of decoders presented in capabilities is configurable to regulate the consumption of VMS licenses. Default value is 30.• System access is password-protected with two levels.• The system firmware can be upgraded remotely.• System API is compatible to predecessor VIDEOJET decoder 8000 for easy plug-and-play integration.• Operating temperature iso 0 °C to +50 °C (+32 °F to +122 °F) ambient temperature, with airflow o 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to +104 °F) ambient temperature, still airFor detailed functional description of inherited firmware features, please refer to the VIDEOJET decoder 8000 firmware 9.51 release notes.For detailed technical specification, please refer to the datasheet.。
蓝光播放机 BDP-3110 固件升级程序的操作说明

问:当 USB 插入机器,在 D 步骤 13 时没有出现 UPDATE 怎么办? 答: 这有可能是 USB 中的升级文件存在着问题。 请先确认按照 C 步骤正确创建了升级用 USB。 然后按照 D 步骤确认升级文件的正确性。 如果确认无误,请按照更新步骤再次尝试升级。 如果发现升级文件存在问题或者再次尝试升级失败, 请重新下载升级程序,按照升级程序的操作说明重新进行升级。 如有疑问,也可联络先锋客户服务中心进行相关咨询。
问:更新程序经过 60 分钟后,蓝光播放机还是没有完成升级,没有转至待机模式怎么办? 答: 重新插拔电源线并开启蓝光播放机电源,确认蓝光播放机是否能够正常启动。 如果能够正常启动,请按照更新步骤,插入 USB,重新进行升级。 假若机器不能正常启动,或者无法重新升级程序的话,蓝光播放机就需要进行维修。 当发生这种情况时,请联络先锋客户服务中心。
V01.06 如果固件版本还未更新到以上版本,请先确认 USB 内的文件是否正确,然后再次执行步骤 D。
如果客户固件是以上版本,说明升级成功。 蓝光播放机可以使用。
问:在升级的过程中电源线断电,或因停电而导致蓝光播放机供电停止怎么办? 答: 首先重新开启蓝光播放机电源,确认蓝光播放机是否能够正常启动。 如果可以正常启动,请查看 USB 升级是否能继续进行。 如果可以继续进行,等待升级完毕。 如果不能继续进行,请关闭蓝光播放机,并拔出 USB 设备。 然后请按照更新步骤,插入 USB,重新进行升级。 假若机器不能正常启动,或者无法重新升级程序的话,蓝光播放机就需要进行维修。 当发生这种情况时,请联络先锋客户服务中心。
蓝光播放机 BDP-3110 固件升级程序的操作说明
注意: 先锋固件程序及其对应软件下载只适用于中国大陆地区,并且只供指定型号使用,更新前请确认 固件程序及软件是否适用于指定地区及型号,如使用不正确或不适当固件程序及软件,先锋电子 (中国)投资有限公司恕不负责。

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Apple所有产品固件官方下载链接地址整理汇总(更新4.1)iPhone 4iphone(4.2.1/8C148)iPhone3,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipswiPhone 4(4.1/8B117)iPhone3,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw iPhone 4(4.0.2/8A400) iPhone3,1_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw iPhone 4(4.0.1/8A306) iPhone3,1_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw iPhone 4(4.0/8A293) iPhone3,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipswipadipad (4.2.1/8C148) iPad1,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipswipad (3.2.2/7B500) iPad1,1_3.2.2_7B500_Restore.ipswipad (3.2.1/7B405) iPad1,1_3.2.1_7B405_Restore.ipsw ipad (3.2/7B367) iPad1,1_3.2_7B367_Restore.ipswiPhone 3GSiPhone 3GS(4.2.1/8C148)iPhone2,1_4.2.1_8C148a_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(4.1/8B117)iPhone2,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(4.0.12/8A400) iPhone2,1_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(4.0.1/8A306) iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(4.0/8A293) iPhone2,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(3.1.3/7E18) iPhone2,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(3.1.2/7D11) iPhone2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(3.1/7C144) iPhone2,1_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(3.0.1/7A400) iPhone2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3GS(3.0/7A341) iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipswiPhone 3GiPhone 3G(4.2.1/8C148) iPhone1,2_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(4.1/8B117) iPhone1,2_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipswiPhone 3G(4.0.2/8A400) iPhone1,2_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(4.0/8A293) iPhone1,2_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(3.1.3/7E18) iPhone1,2_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(3.1.2/7D11) iPhone1,2_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(3.1/7C144) iPhone1,2_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(3.0.1/7A400) iPhone1,2_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(3.0/7A341) iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(2.2.1/5H11) iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(2.2/5G77) iPhone1,2_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(2.1/5F136) iPhone1,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(2.0.2/5C1) iPhone1,2_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(2.0.1/5B108) iPhone1,2_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G(2.0/5A347) iPhone1,2_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipswiPhoneiPhone(3.1.3/7E18) iPhone1,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw iPhone(3.1.2/7D11) iPhone1,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipswiPhone(3.1/7C144) iPhone1,1_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw iPhone(3.0.1/7A400) iPhone1,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw iPhone(3.0/7A341) iPhone1,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipswiPhone(2.2.1/5H11) iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipswiPhone(2.2/5G77) iPhone1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipswiPhone(2.1/5F136) iPhone1,1_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipswiPhone(2.0.2/5C1) iPhone1,1_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw iPhone(2.0.1/5B108) iPhone1,1_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw iPhone(2.0/5A347) iPhone1,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw iPhone(1.1.4/4A102) iPhone1,1_1.1.4_4A102_Restore.ipsw iPhone(1.1.3/4A93) iPhone1,1_1.1.3_4A93_Restore.ipsw iPhone(1.1.2/3B48b) iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw iPhone(1.1.1/3A109a) iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw iPhone(1.0.2/1C28) iPhone1,1_1.0.2_1C28_Restore.ipsw iPhone(1.0.1/1C25) iPhone1,1_1.0.1_1C25_Restore.ipsw iPhone(1.0/1A543a) iPhone1,1_1.0_1A543a_Restore.ipswiPod Touch 4GiPod Touch 4G(4.2.1/8C148) iPod4,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 4G(4.1/8B117) iPod4,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipswiPod Touch 3GiPod Touch 3G(4.2.1/8C148) iPod3,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 3G(4.1/8B117) iPod3,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 3G(4.0.2/8A400) iPod3,1_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 3G(4.0/8A293) iPod3,1 4.0 8A293 Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 3G(3.1.3/7E18) iPod3,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 3G(3.1.2/7D11) iPod3,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 3G(3.1.1/7C145) iPod3,1_3.1.1_7C145_Restore.ipswiPod Touch 2GiPod Touch 2G(4.2.1/8C148) iPod2,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(4.1/8B117)iPod2,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(4.0.2/8A400) iPod2,1_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(4.0/8A293) iPod2,1 4.0_8A293 Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(3.1.3/7E18) iPod2,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(3.1.2/7D11) iPod2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(3.1.1/7C145) iPod2,1_3.1.1_7C145_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(3.0/7A341) iPod2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(2.2.1/5H11a) iPod2,1_2.2.1_5H11a_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(2.2/5G77a) iPod2,1_2.2_5G77a_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 2G(2.1.1/5F138) iPod2,1_2.1.1_5F138_Restore.ipswiPod Touch 1GiPod Touch 1G(3.1.3/7E18) iPod1,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipswiPod Touch 1G(3.1.2/7D11) iPod1,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(3.1.1/7C145) iPod1,1_3.1.1_7C145_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(3.0/7A341) iPod1,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(2.2.1/5H11) iPod1,1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(2.2/5G77) iPod1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipswiPod Touch 1G(2.1/5F137) iPod1,1_2.1_5F137_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(2.0.2/5C1) iPod1,1_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(2.0.1/5B108) iPod1,1_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(2.0/5A347) iPod1,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(1.1.5/4B1) iPod1,1_1.1.5_4B1_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(1.1.4/4A102) iPod1,1_1.1.4_4A102_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(1.1.3/4A93) iPod1,1_1.1.3_4A93_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(1.1.2/3B48b) iPod1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(1.1.1/3A110a) iPod1,1_1.1.1_3A110a_Restore.ipsw iPod Touch 1G(1.1/3A101a) iPod1,1_1.1_3A101a_Restore.ipswiPodShuffle 3G(132/1.1) iPod_132.1.1.ipswShuffle 2G(133/1.0.4) iPod_133.1.0.4.ipswShuffle 2G(131/1.0.4) iPod_131.1.0.4.ipswShuffle 2G(130/1.0.4) iPod_130.1.0.4.ipswShuffle 1G(129/1.1.5) iPod_129.1.1.5.ipswShuffle 1G(128/1.1.5) iPod_128.1.1.5.ipsw Nano 5G(34/1.0.2 34A20020) iPod_1.0.2_34A20020.ipswNano 4G(31/1.0.4) iPod_31.1.0.4.ipswNano 3G(26/1.1.3) iPod_26.1.1.3.ipswNano 2G(29/1.1.3) iPod_29.1.1.3.ipswNano 2G(19/1.1.3) iPod_19.1.1.3.ipswNano 1G(17/1.3.1) iPod_17.1.3.1.ipswNano 1G(14/1.3.1) iPod_14.1.3.1.ipswMini 2G(7/1.4.1) iPod_7.1.4.1.ipswMini 1G(6/1.4.1) iPod_6.1.4.1.ipswMini 1G(3/1.4.1) iPod_3.1.4.1.ipswClassic 3G(160 GB)(35/2.0.4) iPod_35.2.0.4.ipswClassic 2G(33/2.0.1) iPod_33.2.0.1.ipswClassic(24/1.1.2) iPod_24.1.1.2.ipsw5G(20/1.3) iPod_20.1.3.ipsw5G(13/1.3) iPod_13.1.3.ipsw5.5G(25/1.3) iPod_25.1.3.ipsw4G Phone/Color( iPod_5.1.2.1.ipsw 4G Photo/Color(11/1.2.1) iPod_11.1.2.1.ipsw 4G(4/3.1.1) iPod_4.3.1.1.ipsw 4G(10/3.1.1) iPod_10.3.1.1.ipsw 3G(2/2.3) iPod_2.2.3.ipsw 1G/2G(1/1.5) iPod_1.1.5.ipsw。
SINAMICS Intelligent Operator Panel (IOP) 固件和软件更新指

SINAMICSIntelligent Operator Panel (IOP)Firmware and Software Update InstructionsEdition: August 2016Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Page Siemens AG 2016Content1.Firmware and Software Update Instructions 3 1.1Limitations 3 1.2Important Notes 3 1.3Support of different SINAMICS IOP Hardware versions 3 1.4Software Downloads for SINAMICS IOP 4 1.5Extracting the software 4 1.6Update process 5 2IOP USB-Driver - Installation Steps 92.1Driver Installation 9 3Service & Support 113.1Tips & Tricks 11 3.2FAQs 11 3.3Documentation 111. Firmware and Software Update Instructions1.1 LimitationsThe following limitations apply to the Firmware and Software Update of theSINAMICS Intelligent Operator Panel (IOP):1. The IOP (6SL3255-0AA00-4JA_) should only be connected to a standard USB port on the PC.2. This version of the IOP Updater is compatible with the Windows XP and Windows 7 32 bit and64 bit operating systems.3. You need Admin rights on your PC account to install the USB-driver for the update procedure.4. The IOP Updater must be started from a local drive.5. Your Windows must provide .NET from version Important NotesWith the Firmware V1.6.x a new IOP USB-Driver is provided. This driver must be installed before the firmware update can be performed. The firmware update driver installation procedure detailed in chapter 2 ”IOP USB-Driver Installation Steps”.Caution:During the firmware update the IOP and a SINAMICS Control Unit may not be simultaneously connected via USB to the PC.1.3 Support of different SINAMICS IOP Hardware versionsIOP-Order-No. IOP-Version SupportedIOP-FirmwareSupported USBInterfaceSupported Operating SystemEnvironment for Upgrading the IOP6SL3255-0AA00-4JA0 A02 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1 Windows XPA03 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1 Windows XPA04 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1 Windows XPA05 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1 Windows XPA06 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32 Bit B01 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32 Bit B02 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32 Bit6SL3255-0AA00-4JA1 A01 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32 BitB01 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32/ 64 BitC01 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32/ 64 BitD01 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32/ 64 BitD02 V1.1 – V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32/ 64 Bit6SL3255-0AA00-4JC1 A01 V1.5.1 - V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32/ 64 BitB01 V1.5.1 - V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32/ 64 BitB02 V1.5.1 - V1.6.x USB V1.1/ V2.0 Windows XP, Windows 7 32/ 64 Bit The IOP currently does not Support USB V3.0. This can be identified by the blue connector.Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Page Siemens AG 20161.4 Software Downloads for SINAMICS IOPThe SINAMICS IOP Upgrades and Language Packages are available on the Internet:/WW/view/en/672732661.5 Extracting the softwareTo extract the files, the following procedure should be performed:No. Instructions1. Download the required file to anappropriate folder on your local drive.2. Navigate to the folder containing the zipped update file on your local drive.3. Extract the update files.Note:When extracting the zipped files it is essential that the "All files/folders in archive" option is selected.Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Page Siemens AG 20161.6 Update processTo update the IOP, the following procedure should be performed:No. Instructions1. Navigate to the folder to which theupdate files have been extracted.2. Double-click the “IOPUpdater.exe”file.3. Follow the instructions on screen.4. If the USB driver is present thefollowing screen is displayed:NOTE:If the driver is not installed, please note the instructions in chapter 2 “IOP USB-Driver – Installation Steps”.5. Start the update process byselecting the icon “Update IOP”6. After each part of the Updateprocess the User is prompted by the onscreen instructions. First the Format is performed then the IOP Firmware is Updated.7. Next the user is prompted connectthe IOP in Mass Storage Mode (the IOP will be blank as the File System has been Formatted).8. After connecting the IOP in MassStorage Mode and clicking “OK” the following is displayed. Select “Yes” if your IOP is mounted on the stated Drive.Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Page Siemens AG 20169. The following screen allows theselection and download of optional Wizards.Hint: The Basic Wizard is already installed. Choose “?” to get more information.The optional Wizards can be downloaded from the Siemens Online Support Portal from IOP V1.6:https://support.industry.siemens.co m/cs/ww/en/view/67273266Detailed information about the optional Wizards can be found in the Operating Instructions Manual “Intelligent Operator Panel (IOP)”: https://support.industry.siemens.co m/cs/ww/en/view/101920450Download the needed Wizards from our Support Portal to an appropriate folder on your local drive. Navigate to the folder containing the zipped Wizard files on your local drive.Extract the Wizard files.Note:When extracting the zipped files it is essential that the "All files/folders in archive" option is selected.Opens two windows, one todownload from your local folder, the other to copy the contents of the unzipped downloaded folder into the other opened window with 32 character foldernames(…\IOP_Update_Vxxx\efs\wizards)Target folder “efs\wizards” within the IOP-Updater folder structure (Example based on V1.5.x):10. The following screen allows theselection of the requested languages and the supported parameter sets (firmware version V3.x or V4.x; choose “?” to get more information).11. The following is displayed when theFile System is being copied.12. Once the process ends the followingscreen is displayed.Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Page Siemens AG 20162 IOP USB-Driver - Installation StepsThis chapter includes the installation steps for installing the IOP USB-Driver. Admin rights are needed to install a Device Driver. It is not necessary to have the IOP connected to install the IOP Driver.2.1 Driver InstallationNo. Instructions1. Navigate to the folder to which theupdate files have been extracted.2. Double click “IOPUpdater.exe”. The screen opposite shows that the IOP Driver is already installed. However, you can select Force Driver Re-install to install the IOP Driver again.3.Select Install IOP Driver , and screen opposite is displayed.Select ”Install this driver software anyway”.4. The IOP-Updater informes about the running installation process.5. After installation is completed thefollowing screen should beNo. Instructionsdisplayed.SINAMICS IOPTechnische Änderungen vorbehalten.Page Siemens AG 2016 Subject to change without prior notice. 11 of 11 3 Service & Support3.1 Tips & TricksProblemTitle IOP shows ablank screenIf you get a blank screen when you plug your IOP into a Drive, this means the FW Update did not work properly. Start the update process.Another reason for a blank screen can be you have no files on your IOP. This can be quickly determined by pluggin the IOP into the USB port and looking at the IOP device as a Drive. If it is blank then no files exist on the IOP, please run “IOPUpdater.exe” again.IOP shows “Consistencycheck error”This means that the IOP Update of the Firmware has not work properly, please run IOPUpdater.exe again. This could be related to the following FAQ’s.3.2 FAQsSIOS-IDTitle 67273266Which IOP version supports which SINAMICS Control Unit and/or SINAMICS firmware version? 56293000 Is there a SINAMICS IOP (V1.1) Firmware USB Update problem?More FAQs concerning IOP you can find here:/WW/view/en/30563514/133000 (use search item “IOP”)3.3 DocumentationSIOS-IDTitle 109736312German: Operating Instructions Intelligent Operator Panel (IOP), 02/2016, FW V1.6 SP2 109736312English: Operating Instructions Intelligent Operator Panel (IOP), 02/2016, FW V1.6 SP2。
ioLogik E1200 Series (E1210) 固件发布说明书

Firmware for ioLogik E1200 Series (E1210) Release NotesSupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Added SNMP Trap Community Setting to the web console.• Added a note on the password settings page that passwords are limited to 16 characters.• Fixed DHCP lease time did not ask for extension when half of the lease time elapsed.• Closed IP forwarding function (Port 0).• Closed UDP Port 161 when SNMP agent is disabled.• Fixed RESTful API header case-sensitive issue.• Fixed invalid token issue on login page when using Firefox.EnhancementsN/AioLogik E1210-T, ioLogik E1210• Added OPTIONS method for RESTful API.• Added quick access URI for RESTful API.New FeaturesN/A• This version of the firmware only works with ioSearch v2.0 or later versions.• To prevent system failure, only update the next or the previous released firmware version to prevent from system failure.Supported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Fixed file transfer problems when using the Chrome browser (e.g., firmware update, configuration import or export).EnhancementsN/AioLogik E1210, ioLogik E1210-T• Added the EtherNet/IP protocol.• Added RESTful API.• Added new registers for the Modbus/TCP protocol.• Added new OIDs for the SNMP protocol.• Modbus, EtherNet/IP, and RESTful services can be disabled (enabled by default).• Added sending heartbeat to port 9500 of MX-AOPC UA Server after the heartbeat function is enabled.• Increased password length from 8 to 16 characters.• Added a function to check special characters to prevent Cross-Site Scripting.• Passwords are now sent using the POST method instead of the GET method.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsN/AioLogik E1210, ioLogik E1210-T• Improved protocol efficiency for the ioLogik 2500 Series.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Unable to disable the P2P heartbeat interval.• When the P2P client heartbeat is larger than 256 the time interval is incorrect.EnhancementsN/AioLogik E1210, ioLogik E1210-T• Supports ioLogik 2500 expansion mode.• Supports setting an initial value for a counter.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• The counter storage is deleted when the power fails.EnhancementsN/AioLogik E1210-T, ioLogik E1210• Supports SNMP protocol.• Added P2P heartbeat function.New FeaturesN/A• This version of firmware only works with ioSearch v1.5 or later versions.• Use the web console when upgrading the firmware from v1.0 to v1.10.Supported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Ensured that the system works properly after unstable power conditions.N/AEnhancementsN/AioLogik E1210, ioLogik E1210-TN/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved firmware upgrading speed.• Removed Modbus/TCP ID checking mechanism.N/AEnhancementsN/AioLogik E1210, ioLogik E1210-T• Added "Locating I/O" function in General Settings.• Added Modbus address function code=0x08 for “ECHO” function.• Counter overflow status displayed in Channel Settings can be cleared manually.New FeaturesN/A• This version of the firmware only works with ioSearch v1.5 or later versions.• Use the web console when upgrading the firmware from v1.0 to v1.9.。
Q8n-4K 产品版本号1.03 固件更新指南说明书

Q8n-4K Firmware Update GuideCopyright(C) 2022 ZOOM CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved.Proper display is not possible on grayscale devices.Introduction■Item to prepare■Firmware update process1. Download the firmware update file.2. Extract the ZIP file.3. Copy the extracted firmware update file to a microSD card.4. Update the firmware.5. Confirm that the firmware has been updated correctly.Q8n-4KWindows or macOS computerwith Internet accessmicroSD cardSupported recording media microSDHC: 4 GB – 32 GB microSDXC: 64 GB – 512 GBAlways format microSD cards on the Q8n-4K after purchasing them new or using them witha different device.Updating the FirmwareThis guide explains firmware update to version 1.03 as an example.1.Download the firmware update file.Download the ZIP file that contains the firmware update file from the Q8n-4K download page.On Windows2.Extract the ZIP fileSelect the folder that contains the downloaded ZIP file. Click ① “Compressed Folder Tools” and then click ② “Extract all”. This extracts the ZIP file.3.Copy the firmware update file to a microSD card.Copy the “Q8N4K_FW.BIN” file to a microSD card.Firmware update file Copy the firmware update fileto a microSD card.On macOS2. Extract the ZIP file.After downloading, open the ① “Downloads” folder which appears at the right end of the Dock by default. Then, click ②. Downloaded files will be shown.3. Copy the firmware update file to a microSD card.Copy the “Q8N4K_FW.BIN” file to a microSD card.Copy the firmware update file to a microSD card.The following procedures are the same on both Windows and macOS.4.Charge the battery enough or connect an AC adapter.NOTEThe firmware update is not possible if the remaining battery power is low.5.Insert the microSD card into the Q8n-4K.6.Turn the power on while pressing7.Press to select “YES✓”.This opens a final confirmation screen.Firmware update? Ver.1.02Ver.1.038.Press to select “YES✓”.After updating, the Completion Screen opens.NOTEDuring the firmware update, do not turn the power off or remove the microSD card.9.After the firmware update completes, turn the power off.NOTEIn the unlikely event that firmware update should fail, follow the procedures from the beginning again to update the firmware.Confirming that the firmware has been updated correctlyCheck the firmware versions used by the Q8n-4K.1.Presson the Recording Screen.The SETTINGS Screen opens.2.Press on the SETTINGS Screen.3. Check the firmware version.・Copying or reprinting this manual in part or in whole without permission is prohibited.・Windows® is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft® Corporation.・macOS® is a trademark or registered trademark of Apple Inc.・microSDXC logos are trademarks.・Other product names, registered trademarks and company names in this document are the property of their respective companies.・All trademarks and registered trademarks in this document are for identification purposes only and are not intended to infringe on the copyrights of their respective owners.・The illustrations in these instructions might differ from actual screens.©2022 ZOOM CORPORATION Z2I-4745-01。

在日渐消沉的盒子行业,由开博尔领衔“64位处理器+Android5.1”的一股全新力量拔地而起,打破行业僵局,这款型号为开博尔F8的盒子新品将会给我们带来怎么样的惊艳体验呢?下面我们一起来了解下这款跨时代产品!一、参数介绍开博尔F8搭载了全新的64位八核RK3368超级之芯,基于A53先进架构,整机性能相当于普通电视盒子的400%,且内置安卓5.1系统,支持4K、HDMI2.0、H.265硬解与16G超大闪存,下面是开博尔F8的详细参数:关于瑞芯微RK3368:瑞芯微RK3368处理器采用28nm工艺制程,八核64Bit ARM Cortex-A53架构,运行频率为1.5GHz,内置Mali-G6110GPU,可以实现与PC同级别的图形处理性能。
关于安卓5.1系统:Android5.1支持ART环境默认运行,可以加速应用安装、开启和运行的速度,另外64位Android 5.1系统兼容64位/32位应用,在保证超快感体验的同时,保证了网络机顶盒在未来很久一段时间内不为过时。
开博尔 K730i播放机 说明书

硬盘U 盘
以上设置完成后,启动播放机后,播放机会自动搜索局域网上的 UPNP媒体服务器(例如:安装了
“Windows Media Player 11"的电脑),并分别显示文件名称在相应的<电影><音乐><图片>列表中。
6、诊断:点击 开始→运行→输入 \\本机IP地址 或\\本计算机名字弹出。

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H1283固件结构H1283 硬件环境256M Flash ROM + 256M DDR RAM软件主系统为Busybox嵌入式Linux系统官方固件核心采用quashfs压缩格式,49.5M,不支持直接写入,但同时挂载usr/local/etc,为yaffs格式,可读写40M空间。
~# df -hFilesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on/dev/root 49.5M 49.5M 0 100% //dev/mtdblock/2 40.0M 1.3M 38.7M 3% /usr/local/etc/dev/rd/0 40.0k 40.0k 0 100% /mnt/rd/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 1.8T 1.8T 31.4G 98% /tmp/usbmounts/sda1~#mount/dev/root on / type squashfs (ro)none on /dev type devfs (rw)none on /proc type proc (rw,nodiratime)devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)none on /sys type sysfs (rw)none on /tmp type ramfs (rw)/dev/mtdblock/2 on /usr/local/etc type yaffs (rw,noatime)/dev/rd/0 on /mnt/rd type vfat (rw,nodiratime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1)/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 on /tmp/usbmounts/sda1 type ufsd (rw,nodiratime,nls=utf8,uid=0,gid=0,fmask=0,dmask=0,sparse)系统支持无盘和内置硬盘工作模式。
ZClone Xi (ZXi) 软件更新说明说明书

Software Update InstructionsZClone® Xi (ZXi)Software Update Instructions (Includes Firmware Update)1.0 IntroductionThe latest ZXi software, manual, and readme file (which contains the software release notes) can always be found on the ZXi support page at: /knowledge/zclonexi . The ZXi v1.1 software release contains both a software and firmware update.2.0 RequirementsTo perform the software and firmware updates, the following are required:The ZXi:▪ Connected to a network with Internet access (for updating “FROM NETWORK), or▪ With a USB flash drive formatted NTFS or exFAT (for updating “FROM USB DRIVE ).3.0 Software UpdateThere are two methods available to update the ZXi software:A. FROM NETWORK – Via the Internet through a network connection.B. FROM USB DRIVE – Via software file download onto a USB drive flash.3.1 Software Update From Network – Via the InternetThe ZXi software can be installed/updated by connecting the ZXi to a network with Internetaccess.1.Connect the ZXi to a network with Internet access. Set the proxy settings (IP settings) ifnecessary. Attach a network cable to the back of the ZXi.2. From the main menu on the ZXi, tap the down arrow twice then tap the SoftwareUpdates icon. A screen will appear showing the current version of software installedtowards the top of the screen.3. Select From Network . The ZXi will check for a newer version on the web. If one is found,it will display the version on the screen and theUpdate icon will be selectable.4. Tap the Update icon to begin the update. A confirmation screen will appear. Tap Yes tocontinue the update.5.Do not interrupt the update process. It may take several minutes. Once completed, a‘Successful’ screen will appear.6. Reboot the ZXi by turning the unit off then back on using the Power button in front ofthe unit.7. Verify the software version at the top of the ‘Software Updates’ screen.8. When finished, go to section 4.0 Firmware Update and perform a firmware update.3.2 Software Update From USB Drive – Via software downloadThe latest software can also be downloaded from Logicube’s website and be placed onto a USB flash drive.Download the latest software from the ZXi product support page at:/knowledge/zclonexi1. Download the zip file from the download page.2. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to the root of the USB flash drive (thefile must not be in any folder). Do not connect the USB flash drive yet. The ZXi willdisplay a message when to connect the USB drive. If the computer being used to extract the contents of the downloaded zipfile has the software WinZip, or other third party zip software, pleasereview Section of the ZXi User’s Manual before proceeding.3.From the main screen, tap the Software Updates icon. 4.Select From USB Drive. The ZXi will prompt for the USB drive to be connected to USB_1 (the front USB port). 5.Connect the USB drive to USB_1. ZXi will then check for the version of the software on the USB drive and will display that version on the box next to the selected location. 6. Tap the Update icon to begin the update. A confirmation screen will appear. Tap Yes tocontinue the update. Do not interrupt the update process. It may take several minutes.Once completed, a ‘Successful’ screen will appear.7. Reboot the ZXi by turning the unit off then back on using the Power button in front ofthe unit.8. Verify the software version at the top of the ‘Software Updates’ screen. 9.When finished, go to section 4.0 Firmware Update and perform a firmware update.4.0 Firmware UpdateZXi software releases may contain a firmware update. This section provides instructions on how to check if a firmware update is required, and how to perform the firmware update.1.After the software is updated on the ZXi, from the main menu, tap the down arrow twice then tap theSoftware Updates icon.2.Tap the “Firmware Update” tab. One of two screens will appear:a.FIRMWARE UPGRADE AVAILABE– Tap the Update icon. A message will appear: “FIRMWAREUPDATE COULD TAKE UP TO A FEW MINUTES TO COMPLETE; PLEASE DO NOT INTERRUPTPOWER DURING THIS TIME. ON COMPLETION THE UNIT WILL AUTO-RESTART AND CONFIRMTHE UPDATE.” Tap the OK icon to start the firmware update process.b.FIRMWARE UPGRADE NOT AVAILABLE –This message will appear if the device does not requirea firmware update. No further action is necessary if this message appears.。
TViX Xroid A1 产品说明书

产品参数 ................................................................................................................................ 7
2 各部分名称.................................................................................. 8
TVIX 附件 .............................................................................................................................. 9
硬盘安装与更换 ................................................................................................................... 10
系统和个人设置 ................................................................................................................... 18
视频/音频设置...................................................................................................................... 20
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=============================================================== 1 系统更新和优化原生整合截至2011年07月的所有重要更新,升级更新DirectX运行库为最新版,更好的支持3D游戏;增加WIN漂亮壁纸和风格主题;升级更新声卡,显卡及网卡驱动,支持更多笔记本、台式机,智能解压安装相应驱动;增加常用软件为最新或最稳定版本;PE系统采用自由天空2010.12.30发布的WINPE迷你版,内核为Windows 2003(×86)简体中文企业版,内置了当今流行SRS驱动,支持intel最新的P67/H67以及AMD的880M芯片组;WinPE环境内置工具(程序)如下:⑴、DiskGenius3.43分区及数据恢复⑵、GHOST映像浏览器⑶、NT系统引导修复⑷、安装PE到硬盘⑸、恢复XP到C盘(支持隐藏分区)⑹、手动GHOST⑺、自动恢复XP到C盘⑻、自动将硬盘分四区并恢复XP到C盘等等……=============================================================== 软件安装器自带可选软件列表├─全部软件│├─[√] 好压HAOZIP 2.2 官方中文版│├─[√] 宽带拨号连接│├─[√] 个人资料转移到D盘│├─[√] 一键GHOST V2010.01.02去广告版│├─[√] 搜狗浏览器V2.2 官方正式版(双核浏览器)│├─[√] 腾讯QQ2011 官网正式版(安装在D盘)│├─[√] 迅雷(Thunder)去广告专用链增强版(最稳定的版本)│├─[√] PPTV网络电影2.7.0 正式版│├─[√] Office 2003 SP3 简体中文三合一完美版│├─[√] 极品五笔输入法7.13 专业版│├─[√] 搜狗拼音输入法5.2 官方版│├─[√] ACDSee.5.0 经典版│├─[√] 酷狗音乐盒2011正式版│├─[√] 维护人员工具│├─[√] 右键添上“显示/隐藏系统文件”│├─[√] 恢复系统默认HOSTS文件│└─金山毒霸2011增强免费版(注:安装文件只放在桌面,不预先安装,如不喜欢可以直接删除。
RS9116 n-Link 与 i.MX6 Wandboard 的使用指南说明书

AN1283: Using RS9116N with i.MX6 WandboardVersion 1.810/12/2020AN1283: Using RS9116N with i.MX6 WandboardVersion 1.8 Table of Contents1RS9116 n-Link Evaluation Kit Contents (4)2RS9116 n-Link EVK-Overview (5)2.1The RS9116 n-Link™ (5)2.2Solution Highlights (5)2.3Hardware Details (5)3RS9116 n-Link Hardware Requirements (7)4RS9116 n-Link Software Requirements (8)5RS9116 n-Link - Preparing a Bootable SD Card for Wandboard Solo (9)5.1Download the image file from the following link : (9)6RS9116 n-Link Assembly and Accessing Wandboard (11)6.1Assembling Wandboard with Silicon Labs EVK (11)6.2Accessing Wandboard using SSH (11)7Steps to Connect RS9116 STA to Access Point (12)8RS9116 n-Link Reference Materials (21)9RS9116 n-Link Troubleshooting (22)About this DocumentThis document describes how to setup the RS9116 Module's Evaluation Kit(EVK) to evaluate Silicon Labs' RS9116 based ultra-low-power, single spatial stream, single-band (2.4 GHz) 802.11n + BT 5.0 modules in n-Link TM mode.1 RS9116 n-Link Evaluation Kit ContentsRS9116 Evaluation Kit includes following:1. RS9116 Module Evaluation Board (IO Base Board)2. Wireless daughter card3. SDIO Adaptor Cable4. Micro USB connectorFigure 1: Evaluation Kit Contents*2 RS9116 n-Link EVK-OverviewSilicon Labs' RS9116 family of SoCs and modules provide a comprehensive multi-protocol wireless connectivity solution including 802.11bgn (2.4 GHz) and Bluetooth 5.2.1 The RS9116 n-Link™The n-Link™ products provide single band Wi-Fi (2.4GHz, 802.11bgn 1x1) connectivity and also Bluetooth 5.0 in systems which have 32/64-bit host processor/microcontroller running Linux OS. These products can be interfaced over interfaces like SDIO and USB bus to host processor/microcontroller where generic TCP/IP network stacks, Wireless stack/profiles running.2.2 Solution Highlights•Wi-Fi connectivity (802.11bgn) support with multiple operating modes such as Wi-Fi Client, Wi-Fi AP, Simultaneous Wi-Fi Client & AP.•Bluetooth 5.0 support - Bluetooth classic and BLE 5.0, dual mode support•Wi-Fi + BT/BLE Concurrent mode (Co-existence) mode support•Operates in industrial (-40°C to +85°C) temperature range.•Choice of several module package (with and without antenna) options depending on system requirements.•Co-existence of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth protocols with single radio managed by an internal intelligent arbitration manager.•Ultra-low power consumption with multiple power modes to reduce the system energy consumption.•Leading edge RF performance providing the best power and performance, showing robustness and reliability in wide range of applications and power scenarios.•Suitable for high throughput applications where software stack runs on the host processor utilizing the networking stack of OS such as Linux.•OneBox™ software package developed by Silicon Labs allows for the same hardware design to operate in Wi-Fi station with Bluetooth Classic and LE.2.3 Hardware DetailsThis section describes the RS9116 EVK's various components and headers.The OneBox-Hosted software for the n-Link™ modules supports SDIO & USB interfaces to connect to the Host.Figure 2: RS9116 EVBOption Feature Name Description1 Power USB It is used to supply power to the EVB. While using USB interface, connecting powerUSB is optional as power drawn from USB itself.2 USB It is the port for USB interface used to communicate with host.3 SDIO/SPI It is the common port for both SDIO and SPI interface, used to communicate withhost.. Note: In nLink only SDIO is supported.4 Measurement It is a provision to measure current consumption of chip using ammeter or DigitalMulti meter.5 3.3V/1.8V Voltageselection It is a provision to select the operating voltage of chip. User need to set this to either 3.3V or 1.8V selection.6 Reset Switch Provision to reset chip7 Power save GPIO’s These are GPIO’s which need to be connected appropriately to the host, while usingGPIO handshake in ULP or WOWLAN. Please refer TRM for more details.8 Onboard antenna/Internal AntennaThis is an onboard antenna used for wireless communications9 External Antenna UFLconnectorProvision given to connect external antenna as per the requirement.10 RS9116 SOC Chip number will be printed on top of SOC which has below information included init.M/N:M7DB6RS9116-CC0-2FCC ID:KFS-M7DBN6For details refer to RS9116 Product BriefRS9116 SB (2.4 GHz) EVKWandboard Solo (I.MX6-SD) with power supply (not included in EVK Kit)SKU: WB-IMX6S-BWClick here for SpecificationsEthernet cable (not included in Kit)SDIO connector2 x Micro A/B-type USB CableAccess point (2.4GHz)802.11 b/g/n compliant Wi-Fi APLinux PC1. Wandboard image to flash on sd card (Provided by Silicon Labs). Refer to section "EVK2.0Preparing a bootableSD Card for Wandboard Solo with Silicon Labs RS9116 Wireless EVK"2. Win32DiskImager.exe (image flashing tool) - this can be downloaded directly from Internet. (For example :https:///projects/sfnet_win32diskimager/downloads/Archive/Win32DiskImager-0.9.5-install.exe/ )3. "SSH" tool installed on remote/development PC (to access Wandboard) - this can be downloaded via commandline utility (For Ubuntu/Debian : apt-get install ssh) (For Fedora/CentOS : yum install ssh or dnf install ssh) also it is up and running. This can be verified by "service ssh status" and to restart "service ssh restart"5 RS9116 n-Link - Preparing a Bootable SD Card for Wandboard SoloRS9116 n-Link EVB evaluation using ARM platform (Wandboard-SOLO Linux) with Linux Image downloaded from Silicon Labs website along with EVK (Evaluation Kit).5.1 Download the image file from the following link:https:///sh/ot09zanu5jqddop/AAAE-xWRXcd0Rm6X0981OuEGa?dl=0You will need to sign an SLA in order to access the driver source package, to sign an SLA please get in contact with your Area Sales Representative/Distributor.Steps to Flash SD Card on Linux PC1. Copy/Download the image to your local folder in your PC. Enter the below commands to load / flash the image onsd card.2. Check if the sd card detected or not.# fdisk -lDevice Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type/dev/sdb1 8192 15126527 15118336 7.2G b W95 FAT32Formatting the SD card:1. For windows, user can use multiple applications such as SDFormatter.exe to format the sd card.2. For Linux, user can enter the below command, to erase partition table / labels on micro SD card :# sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb1 bs=8192Example :sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb1 bs=81923. Copy the image using the command :#. sudo dd if=NameOfImageToWrite.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=4MExample :# sudo dd if=n-Link_evk_xxxx.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=4M4. unmount the device# umount /dev/sdb1Steps to Flash SD Card on Windows PC1. Download a software(Win32DiskImager.exe) to flash the image on to sd card.2. After download, double click on "Win32DiskImager.exe". A window will pop-up:3. Select the image file from local PC.4. Click "Write"5. It will take a while to flash the image on sd card. Once, flashed - a pop up will appear.6. Click OK.7. Remove the sd card from sd card reader and insert it on Wandboard.6 RS9116 n-Link Assembly and Accessing Wandboard6.1 Assembling Wandboard with Silicon Labs EVK6.2 Accessing Wandboard using SSHConnect the 9116 EVK using the SDIO or USB connector. Then, power up the Wandboard using power adapter. Procedure to Login the wand board console:1. Connect a LAN cable to the Wandboard and the Linux PC.2. Open the Terminal in Linux PC and give the IP of the Linux pc in the subnet of 192.168.50.X(Ex:ifconfig eth0192.168.50.20).3. Check the Ping to If ping s successful, Login to the Wandboard console using ssh.(By default, IP address of the WandBoard is192.168.50.10).ssh -X **************.50.10password :temppwd7 Steps to Connect RS9116 STA to Access Point1. After booting up the platform, run the script as shown below2. Check for available options using help "sudo rsi help"3. Now start the script using "sudo rsi start". It will load our driver and create Wi-Fi interface.4. Check for the different AP nearby using "sudo rsi scan"A)Open securityB)WPA2 Security6. Ping to the AP or URL(default it will ping to AP IP address. If the AP is connected to internet You can give theURL) using "sudo rsi ping"7. Run the TCP and UDP Throughput using "sudo rsi throughput"A)TCP TrafficB)UDP Traffic8. Upgrading firmware. Enter the command "sudo rsi upgrade-firmware".Quick Note : When user hits the command "sudo rsi upgrade-firmware", RS9116 EVK will try to connect to Access Point where "firmware" file is present. User needs to enter the IP of PC and part to the firmware file along with file name and hit "Enter". New firmware is copied to Wandboard and platform reboots automatically with new firmware. User needs to login again to the platform using ssh9. Coex functionalityEnter the command "sudo rsi coex" to observe the coex functionality. As soon as the user enter this command, RS9116 EVK will try to connect to Access point (will ask for AP credentials) once entered it will connect to AccessAN1283: Using RS9116N with i.MX6 WandboardVersion 1.8 point and then start BLE scanning, two pop up windows will appear on the console (1. running BLE scan results 2.ping to AP) simultaneously. (Note : Hit enter to ping to AP IP or enter URL to ping)10. For Connected standby power use the "sudo rsi standby-power".11. The drivers will be loaded, and any nearby access points will be scanned. The scan results will be displayed, andwill prompt to connect to AP (refer Step 5). Provide only "ssid" for Open Security, and both "ssid" and "password"for WPA2 security. Once connected successfully, the device will enter into power save mode.12. Remove all the driver modules using "sudo rsi stop"NOTE:If you are running the commands in sequence, on issuing certain commands such as "rsi connect" or "rsi_coex", you will be asked if you want to continue access with the same AP, or if you want to connect to a new AP. To connect to a new AP, type "yes", else type "no".AN1283: Using RS9116N with i.MX6 WandboardVersion 1.88 RS9116 n-Link Reference MaterialsFor Technical Reference Manuals, and other collaterals, please refer to our Technical Resource Search site. Toolchains for Wandboard may be downloaded from Wandboard site: i.MX 6 Solo Tools & Software.If you wish to use your own platform, please refer to the following documentation for evaluation of RS9116 EVK: UG452: RS9116N EVK Software User's Guide.9 RS9116 n-Link TroubleshootingCheck whether RS9116 EVK is detected:Please make sure RS9116 EVK is detected on Wandboard by typing "dmesg" logs. To verify detection, the user can check cat /sys/bus/sdio/devices/mmcxxx/vendor. If the command output is 0x041b, that means module is detected. In driver logs (dmesg), user will notify a print "mmcX: new high speed SDIO card at address fffd" in console logs in case of SDIO interface and command output for USB interface will be "1618:9116" using "lsusb" command.Version 1.8 。
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/file/f948e5e76# /file/f98b0014a1# /file/f94cfded93# /file/f98b2b91fc#
2010-1-24 2010-1-24 2010-1-24 2011-1-27
下载说明 无需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 无需解压,把压缩包文件放在U盘根目录就可(版本020) 需解压,进入文件夹,把压缩包放在U盘的根目录下(版本018) 需解压,把flashbin文件夹放在U盘根目录就可(版本020) 无需解压,把压缩包文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把flashbin文件夹放在U盘根目录就可(版本020) 需解压,把flashbin文件夹放在U盘根目录就可(版本020) 无需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可 需解压,把文件放在U盘根目录就可
/file/f9d21e3be8# /file/f9e563e735# /file/f9dc3da809# /file/f988c30121#
2010-1-24 2010-1-24 2010-1-24 2010-1-24 2010-1-24
/file/f9f0603a6f# /file/f997e49c29# /file/f9d99fed0b#