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I •用所给的名词的适当形式填空

1.Look! There are a lot of ______________ (leaf) on the grou nd.

2.There are a few _____________ (people) in the room.

3.I want two ________ (glass) of _________ (milk).

4.I have a lot of _____________ (money) in my pocket.

5.People wear shoes on their _____________ (foot).

6.The _______ (woman) teachers are playing basketball

7.There are some _____________ (dumpling) on the plate.

8.Tom is at the ______________ (doctor).

9・ Can you tell us the differences between buildings and _____________ (house).

10. The first room is the ______________ (teacher) office.

I L Those ________ (child) are playing football outside.

12.The doctor has saved a lot of ____________ (life).

13.There are five _____________ (pear) trees in the yard.

14.This isn' t my book, but my ______________ (brother).

15.There are some ____________ (sheep) in the field

II •用适当的反身代词填空:

1.__________________________ Jim and Li Lei are teaching _______________________ French.

2.“ What shall I do next? ” WeiHua asked _______ .

3.1think we can do the work by ______ ・

4."Help _______ to some fruit.v Mother said to the childre n.

5.Jim enjoyed _______ at the party yesterday.

6・ Look, the cat is washing her face ____ •


1.How many floors _____ t he building _______ ? (have)

2. ______ he ________ (live) in Harbin? Yes he does.

3. Thev to work here two years ago. (come)

4. Light faster than sourd・(travel).

5.——What thev now? (do)

・・・・They (make) some cakes・

6.——Where Li Lei?

——Her her a moment ago (be).

7. What you vesterdav eveninp when

I called you? (do)

& We ________ a big party next month (have).

9.Listen! Someone _______ a song. (sing)

10.While We _______ TV, there was a knock on the door, (watch)

II・ We _____ many trees dicring the last 3 years・

12.She often ________ a blue skirt last yea匚(wear)

13.Spring in China _______ from February to April, (last)

14.The old woman _______ worried because she couldn,t find the address, (look) 15.He said he _______ come here early, (can)

16.If you stay in bed, you ______ better. (feel)

17.By the end of last month, we ________ 300 new words- (learn)

18.She" 11 _______ (send) you an E-mail as soon as she _______ (arrive) in Sydney・

19.He _______ up smoking last yea匚(give)

=He _______ for about a year, (not smoke)

20.______ you ever _______ to the summer Palace? (be)

21.By the time they __________ (get) there, the bus

_______ already ________ (leave).

22.There _______ an important meeling next day. (be)

23.She ______ just ________ (go) out.

24.She _______ swimming to skating last year, (prefer)

25.It _______ (rain) hard when I _________ (go) to school yesterda y.

26.It _______ (take) me 1 hours __________ (do) my homework last night.

27.Here ______ (come)a bus.

2& The factory _______ for 10 years. (open)

29. Let" s _________ (hurry). The teacher ________ (wait) for us at the gate.


1.Mr. Green left America two months ago.

Mr. Green ________________________ from America for two weeks・

2.The old doctor died five years ago.

The old doctor _____________________ for five years.

3.The meeting stopped a few minutes ago.

The meeting has ________________ f or a few minutes・

4.1borrowed a book from the libraiy a week ago.

A week _______________ since I boiTOwed the book.

5.I want to know when I must start・

I want to know _________________________ .

6.He has got something important that he wants to tell us. He has got something important

______________________________________________ ・

7.His father said to him, "Listen to the teacher carefully.n His father told him ________________________________ the teacher carefully.

8.He is so strong that he can carry the heavy box・

He is strong ____________________ the heavy box. 9.The boy is Kale' s brolhe匚His name is Jim.

The boy ______________________ i s Kate,s brother.

10.1saw that the boy was making a model plane.

I saw the boy __________ a model plane・
