安捷伦函数信号发生器Agilent 33120A的性能与使用说明
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安捷伦函数信号发生器Agile nt 33120A 得性能与使用说明
安捷伦函数信号发生器33120A 就是数字式函数信号发生器。
其内部永久存储着正弦波、方波、三角波、噪声、锯齿波、sin(x)/x 、负锯齿波、指数上升波、指数下降波、心电波,共10种函数信号。
其中,正弦波、方波得频率范围为100μHz-15MHz,幅值范围为100mV P -P -10V P-P 。
函数信号发生器有一个HP -IB(I EEE-488)接口与一个RS-232接口,计算机通过接口可遥控函数信号发生器,在计算机中使用HP BA SIC 语言程序或C 语言程序,能产生12bit 40Msa /s 得任意波形,通过接口写入函数信号发生器,函数信号发生器有四个可存储16000点得任意波形存储器。
其具体得性能指标与基本操作方法见本节后摘录自“Agi le nt 33120A Fu ncti on Ge ne rator Us er Gu ide ”得内容。
⒈ 信号源显示电压与实际输出电压
若实际信号源得内阻为零,则 信号源输出端一旦短路或负载电阻过小,信号源就会因功率过 载而损坏。
实际信号源一般都在其输出端串接一个电阻R s , 使信号源既使短路,在短时间内也不会因功率过载而损坏,由
此使信号源得保护电路有时间实现对信号源输出电路进行保护, 同时发出过载警告。
称信号源输出端串接电阻Rs 为信号源内阻。
由于有了信号源内阻R s ,如图1,信号源输出端得电压,
即负载电阻RL上得电压,就是信号源得电源E s 在信号源内阻R s 与负载电阻R L上得分压,即V o ≠Es 。
信号源内设置了两个负载电阻值,开机时默认为R LD =50Ω,通过操作可修改为R L D→∞。
在信号源开机默认为R LD =50Ω时,信号源内部得电压源输出得电压为E s ,信号源显示屏上显示得电压就是
即信号源显示屏上显示得电压与负载上得到得实际电压不一样,Vo ≠VDispl ay 。
在实际使用时,当信号源得负载电阻,即电路得输入电阻R L 与50Ω可比时,信号源宜取RLD =50Ω状态,这时V o ≠VDisplay ,但就是V Displ ay 比较接近Vo 。
信号源得负载电阻,即电路得输入电阻R L >>50Ω时,信号源宜取R LD →∞状态,这时V o≠V D isplay ,但就是VDispl ay 比较接近Vo。
⒉ 关于本信号源得具体性能指标与基本操作使用方法
以下关于本信号源得具体性能指标与基本操作使用方法摘自“A gilent 33120A Functio n G enera tor User Gu ide ”。
图1 信号源
Agilent 33120A Function Generator User Guide Specifications
operation outside of18℃ to28℃ range(1-year specification)、
2ﻩ100mVpp – 20Vppamplitude into open-circuit load、
3ﻩOffset ≤ 2 Xpeak-to-peak amplitude、
4Forsquare wave outputs,add2% of output amplitude additional error、
5Trigger sourceignored when External Gateisselected、
6ﻩTimeto changeparameter and output thenew signal、
7ﻩModulation or sweep off、
8ﻩTimesfor 5-digit and 12-digit numbers、
9ﻩFor4800 baud,multiply the download timesbytwo; For 2400 baud,multiplythe download times by four, etc、
10Timefor 5-digitnumbers、For 12-digit numbers, multiplythe 5-digitnumbersby two、
Th e Front
①Function/Modulation keys②Menuoperation keys
③Waveform modify keys④Single/Internal Trigger key(Burst and Sweep only)
⑤Recall/Storeinstrument state key⑥Enter Number key
⑦Shift/Localkey⑧Enter Number“Units”key
Quick Start
Oneofthe first thingsyou willwant to do with your functiongenerator istobee acquainted with itsfront panel、Wehavewrittenthe exercises in this chapterto prepare the function generator for useand help you getfamiliar with someofthefront-paneloperations、
Thefront panel has tworows ofkeysto selectvarious functionsand operations、Mostkeys have a shifted functionprintedi
n blue above the key、To performa shiftedfunction, pr
Shift annunciator will turn on)、Then, pressthe keythathas th edesired label above it、For example, to selecttheAM (amplitude m
odulation)function, press
(the s
of the key)
you acci
dentally p
press it
to turn off the Shift
eysalso h
ave a numbe
r printed in green next to the
key、To enable thenumber mode,(theNumannunciatorwill turn on)、Then,pressthe keys thathave the desired numbers printednext to them、For example,to select the number “10”,pre
(next to the keys)、If youaccidentallypressjust presstoturn offthe Numannunciator、
To set theoutput frequency
At power-on, the functiongeneratoroutputs a sine wave at 1k Hz withamplitudeof100 mVpeak-to-peak (into a50Ω termination)、The following stepsshowyou how to change the frequency to 1、2 MHz、
1Enablethefrequency modifymode、
Thedisplayedfrequencyis either the power-onvalue or the pr evious frequency selected、When you change functions, the same frequency isusedif the presentvalue is valid for the new function、
2Enterthemagnitude of the desired frequency、
Press oruse the knobandarrow keys tochangethenumber、
Notice thattheNum annunciator turnsonand “ENTER NUM”flashes on the display, indic r mode isenabled、
To cancel the numbermode, press、
3Setthe units to the desired value、
The units are selectedusing the arrowkeyson therightside of the frontpanel、As soonasyou select the units, the function generator outputs the waveform with the displayed frequency、Toturn off the flashing digit, move thecursor to the left ofthe displayusing the arrow keys、
T o set t h
e outpu t
a mpli tude
At p ower-
on ,
the functi on g
ener at
or output s a sin
e wave
with ampl i
tude of
100 mV peak-t
o-peak (into a 50_ ter minatio n)、
The followi n
g ste ps sh ow you h ow to chan ge the am plitude t o 50 m Vrms 、
1 En able t he a mpli tud e mo dif y mo de、 P rT he dis pla yed a mpli tu de is ei ther the pow er-on v alu e or the previou s ampli tude selected 、 Whe n yo u cha ng e func tion s, the same amplitud e is used if the prese nt va lue is valid for the new functi on、
2 En the desired a mplitude 、
Press or use the knob and arrow ke ys t o chan ge the numbe r、
Notice th at the Num an nunciator turn s o n an d “E NT ER N UM” fl ashe s on t he display, i nd icat mode is en abled 、
To cance l the number mode, p ress 、
3 Se nits to the desi red value 、
Pres s (kHz /mVrms )
The uni ts are select ed usi ng the ar row keys on the ri ght side o f th e front pan el 、 A s soon as you selec t the un its, th e function ge nera tor outputs th e w avefo rm wi th the disp layed ampl itu de 、 To tur n off th e fla sh ing digit , m ove th e cur sor t o the lef t o f th e displa y u sing t he arro w To se t a dc o ff set vo lt age
A t powe r-on, the functi on genera tor outputs a sine wa ve w ith a dc offset vo ltage of 0 v ol ts (in to a 50Ω terminati on)、 The fo llow in g s teps show you ho w to change the of fset to –1、5 mVdc 、 1 Enab of fset m od ify m ode 、 Pr essThe disp layed off set voltage i s ei the r the powe r-on va lue or the previ ous o ffset s elected 、 When you c hang e funct ion s, t he sam e off se t is use d if t he pre se nt fu nct ion 、
2 En ter t he m agnitude of th e d es ired of fse t、
or u se the k n
ob a n
d arr ow
k ey s
change t he number 、
ot ice
that the Num
annun ciator tur ns
on and
flashes on the d is pl ay, indicati ng that the numbe r mode is enab led 、 N ot ice th atogg les th e di splayed val ue b etw een + and – 、
T o cance l the nu mber m、 3 S e t o the desired valu e、 Pr ess (kH z/mVr ms)
At th is point , the f uncti on gen er ator o ut puts the wav eform with th e d isp layed off set 、 Notice tha t the Off set ann unciat or t urns on , in dica ting that the wav efo rm is b eing output wi th a n off se t、 The annu nciator will turn on when t he offse t i s any value o ther than 0 volts 、 To turn off th e fla shing dig it , move the c urso r to th e lef t of the dis play usi ng t he arr w keys
To set the du ty cycle
Appli es onl y to squa re wave s、 At power-o n, the duty cy cle for s quare wa ve s is 50%、 Y ou can adjust th e du ty cycle for a sq uare waveform from 20% to 80%, in increments of 1% (for frequen cie s abov e 5 MHz, the range i s 40% to 60%)、 The following st eps show you ho w to chan ge t he d uty cycl e to 45%、
1 Select t he square wav e fu nc tion 、 Pres s
Notice that the a nnu nci ator t urns on , indic ating t hat t he square w ave func ti on is enabl ed 、
e m od ify mod e、 Press Th e displ ayed d uty cy cle is eit he r t he p ower-on val ue or the previous v al ue se lected 、
This me ssage a pp ear s on th e displ ay f or ap proxim ate ly 10 seco nd s、 Re peat t his step as neede d、
3 En le 、
Press or use t he kno b and ar row k eys to c hange t
he nu mber 、
Notice that t he Num ann unc ia tor t urn s on and “E NTE R NUM” f las hes on the disp lay, ind ic ating th at th e numb er mod e is e na b
To cance
e numbe
r mode, pr
aveform wit
h thed
To output astored arbitrarywaveform
Thereare five built-in arbitrarywaveforms stored innon-volatile memoryfor your use、You can output these waveforms di rectly from non-volatilememory、The followingsteps showyou howto outputan“exponentialrise”waveform frommemor y、
Shift Arb List 1 Display thelist of arbitrarywaveforms、
Thelist containsthe fivebuilt-inarbitrary waveforms(sinc,negative ramp,exponential rise, exponentialfall, andcardiac)、The list may also containup to fouruser-defined arbitrarywaveform names、The first choice on this l
This message appearson the displayforapproximately10seconds、Repeatthis step as needed、
2 Move across to the EXP_RISE choice、
3Select and output the displayedarbitrarywaveform、
Notice that the Arb annunciator turnson, indicatingthat theoutput is an arbitrary waveform、The waveform is output usingthe presen tsettingsfor frequency,amplitude, and offset unless youchange them、
The selectedwaveform isnow assigned to the key、Wheneveryou press thiskey,the selected arbitrarywaveform is output、
Tooutput a dcvoltage
In addition togenerating waveforms, you can also outputadc voltagein the range±5Vdc (intoa 50Ω termination)、Thefollowing ste psshow utput+155 mVdc、
1 Pressthekeyand holdit down for more than 2second
T o ent er the dc v olta ge mo de, press th
key or an
y k e
y in t he
to p
row of f
u ncti o
n keys a nd
h o
ld it down
for mor e
than 2
seconds 、 The
displaye d
vol tage
i s ei ther th e power-on va lu e or the pr evious offse t volt age select ed 、
ed voltage 、
Press or use the knob and ar row keys t o cha nge the nu mber 、
Notice th at t he Num annunciato r t urns o n an d “EN TER NUM” fla shes on t he displa y, mber mod e is enable d、
To cance l the n umber mo de, p r、
3 ts to the de sired va lue、
Pre ss (kHz/mVrms )
At t hi s point, the funct ion g ener ator outpu ts the disp layed dc voltag e、 Notice th at th e Offset annu nc iato r turns on (al l ot her an nuncia tor s are of f), indic ati ng tha t a dc vol ta ge is b eing o utput 、 The an nun ci ato r will turn on when the of fset is any v alue other than 0 volts 、
T o store the in strum ent state
Y ou c an store up to th ree dif ferent ins trum ent states in non -volatil e memory 、 This enables you to r ec all the e nt ir e i nstrumen t configurati on with just a few key p re sses from the front panel 、 T he fol low ing steps s ho w you how t o st ore and re ca ll a state 、
1 Set up th e fu ncti on gene rator to the d esi red c onfiguratio n、
The stat e stor ag e feature “re me mbe rs” the fu ncti on , freq uency, amplitud e, dc of fset, duty cyc le, as w ell as any modul at ion par ameter s、
2 Tu re st ora ge mode 、
Pre ssT hre e memory locati ons (numbe red 1, 2, and 3) a re ava ila ble to store ins trum ent configu rations 、 The instrumen t configura tion is s tored in no n-volatile mem ory and is r em embe red when power has be en o ff 、
This message appears on the display for approximately 10 seconds、Repeat this stepasneeded、
3 Store theinstrument stateinmemory location“2”、
Press or use the knob and arrowkeys to change the number、
Use the up and down arrow keys to select the memory location、
store oper
again o
r let th
edisplay time-outafter 10seconds、
4 Srumentstate、
The instrument stateisnow stored、To recall thestored state,turn to thenext page、
To verifythat the state was stored properly,you can turnthe power off before recalling the state、
5Recall the storedinstrument state、
To recall thestored state, youmust usethe samememory location used previously tostore the state、Use the up and downarrow keys tochangethe displa
To cancelthe restore operation,pragain、
This message appearson the display forapproximately 10 seconds、Repeat thisstep asneeded、
6 Resnstrumentstate、
The function generatorshould now be configured in the same state aswhenyou storedthesetupontheprevious page、
Whenpower is turned off,thefunction generator automatically stor esits state in memorylocation “0”、Youcan recall thepower-downstat e,but youcannot storethe state tolocation “0” from the frontpane l、
Use the POWERONENABLEmand in the SYS MENU to automatically recall the power-downstate when power isturnedon、See c hapter 3 for moreinformation on using the front-panelmenus、
A: Modulation MENU
1: AM SHAPE Selects the shapeofthe AMmodulating waveform、
2:AM SOURCEEnables or disables theinternal AM modulating source、3:FMSHAPESelects the shape of the FMmodulatingwaveform、4: BURST CNT Setsthenumberofcycles perburst(1 to 50,000cycles)、
5: BURSTRATE Sets the burst rate in Hz foraninternal burst source、
6: BURST PHASSetsthe starting phase angle of a burst (-360 to+360degrees)、
7:BURST SRQSelects aninternal or external gate source for burstmodulation、
8: FSK FREQSets the FSK“hop” frequency、
9:FSK RATE Selects the internalFSK ratebetween the carrierand FSKfrequency、
10:FSKSRCSelects an internalorexternal source for theFSK rate、
1: STARTFSets thestart frequency in Hzfor sweeping、
2: STOP F Sets the stop frequency in Hzfor sweeping、
3:SWP TIME Sets the repetition rate in seconds forsweeping、4: SWP MODE Selects linearorlogarithmic sweeping、
1: NEW ARB Initiates a new arb waveformorloadsthe selected arb waveform、
2: POINTS Setsthe number of pointsin a new arb waveform (8 to 16,000 points)、
3:LINE EDIT Performsa linear interpolationbetween two points inthearb waveform、
4: POINT EDIT Edits the individual points of the selected arb waveform、5: INVERTInverts the selectedarbwaveform bychangingthesign ofeach point、
6:SAVE AS Savesthe current arb waveform innon-volatile memory、7: DELETE Deletes the selectedarb waveform fromnon-volatile memory、
*The mands enclosed insquare brackets( []) are “hidden”untilyou make a selection fromthe NEWARBmand to initiate a new edit session、
3D:System MENU
1: OUT TERMSelectsthe output termination (50_or high impedance)、2:POWER ON Enables ordisables automatic power-upin power-do
wnstate “0”、
3: ERROR Retrieveserrors fromthe error queue (up to20 errors)、4:TEST Performs a plete self-test、
5:MA Enables or disablesamaseparator between digits on the display、
6:REVISION Displaysthe functiongenerator’sfirmwarerevision codes、
E: Input/OutputMENU
1: HPIB ADDR SetstheGPIB bus address (0to 30)、
2: INTERFACE Selects the GPIB or RS-232interface、
3: BAUD RATESelects the baudrate for RS-232 operation、
4: PARITY Selects even,odd,or no parity for RS-232operation、
5: LANGUAGE Verifies the interface language: SCPI、
F: CalibrationMENU *
1:SECUREDThe function generatorissecuredagainstcalibration; enter code to unsecure、
1:UNSECURED The function generatoris unsecured for calibration; enter code tosecure、
2: CALIBRATEPerformsindividualcalibrations;must be UNS ECURED、
3:CAL COUNT Readsthe totalnumber of timesthe function gen erator has been calibrated、
4: MESSAGEReads thecalibration string (up to 11 characters) enteredfromremote、
* The mands enclosed insquare brackets ([ ] ) are “hidden” unless thefunction generator is UNSECUREDfor calibration、
Three Step During Menu Use
This section isastep-by-steptutorial whichshowsyou how to usethefront-panel menu、We remend thatyou spend a few minuteswith this tutorial toget fortable withthe structureand operation ofthe menu before attempting verification, calibration, oradjustments、
The menu isorganized in a top-downtree structure with three levels (menus,mands, and parameters)、Youmove downor up the menu tree toget fromonelevelto the next、Each of the threelevels has severalhorizontal choices which you can view by movingleft or right 、
T he men u i s organized in a top-do wn tree structure with t hre e levels 、
* To tu rn on the men u, pr ss Sh ift M enu O n/Of f 、
* To turn off the men u, p Sh ift Menu On/Of f 、
* To execute a menu mand , pre ss Enter 、
e last me nu mand that was execute d, pre ss S hift Reca ll Men u 、
* To tu menu at any time wi th out sav ing c hange s, pre s Shift C ancel 、
Messag es Displ aye d Durin g Menu Use
TO P OF MENU Yo u pre ss ed w hile on the “M ENUS” le vel; this is the top lev el of
To t urn off th e m en u, 、 To move acros s the choic es on
a lev el , pr es s or 、 To mo ve down a leve l, pr ess 、
MEN US You are on the “MENU S” le vel 、 Press or to v iew th e choices 、
MAN DS Yo u are on t he “MAND S” le ve l、 Press or to view the m and c hoic es within the selec ted men u g roup 、
PARAME TER You ar e o n th e “PA RAMETER” level 、 P ress or to v iew a nd edit the par ame ter fo r t he selec ted mand 、
MENU BOT TO M You press ed while on the “PA RA METER” lev el; th is is the b otto m leve l of th e men u and y ou ca nnot go any lower 、 To turn off the menu, pr ess
、 To move up a level,
pr es s 、
ENTERED The c hange m ade on t he “PARAM ETER” level is saved 、 This i s di sp layed after you p (Menu En ter) to exe cute th e m and 、
MIN VA LUE The valu e y ou sp eci fied on th e “PARAME TER” leve l i s too small for the se lecte d mand 、 Th e min im um valu e all ow ed is displ ayed fo r you to e dit 、
Shift Menu On/Off Shift Menu On/Off Enter
MAX VALUE T he value you spec ified on the “PARAMETER” level is t oo large for the select ed mand 、 T he ma ximum v al ue allo wed is disp la ye d for you to edit 、
EX ITING Yo u w ill se e th is m essag e if you turn off t he me nu by pressing
o r
、 You d id not ed i
t any value s on
ER” lev el
an d cha ng es w ere N OT sa
ved 、
NO T ENTER ED You will se e t his messa ge if y ou t urn off the menu by press ing 、 Y ou did some
ed iting of para met ers bu t the ch anges were NOT save d、 P ress (M enu Ent er) t o sav e c hang es made on the “PARA MET ER” le vel、。