



[ i ] [ e ] [ ? ] [ ? ] [ ? ] [? ] [ u ]

1. [ i ]



[ i ] e i y ey


e -

jacket excited

i -

big bit fit fish kid pig minute sister

y -

happy heav y

ey -

mon ey


A big pig (inthe big ship)

2. [ e ]



[ e ] a e u ea


a -


e -

bed egg ten pen leg red bell dress desk elephant telephone u -

bury 埋葬

ea -

sweater breakfast bread head ready dead weather


I have ten pens.

Let’s have a rest.

The hen has elephant legs.

There is atelephone on the desk.

There is a red dress on thebed.

3. [ ? ]

【发音规则】舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高,舌位比[ e ]更低,双唇平伸,成扁平形。


[ ? ]a


a -

ant a pple b a d b a g bl a ck c a t c a p f a n f a t g a s m a n m a p fl a g h a n

d p a nda h a ppy


The fat man with a big bag on his back looks happy.

4. [ ? ]



[ ? ] a o e or er ur


a –

cinema again dictionary

o -

p o lice t o night t o morrow t o gether mem o rize

e -

s e ver a l coll e ct

or -

doct or

er -

sist er butt er

ur -

s ur prise Sat ur day


Give me asurprise.

5. [ ?]



[ ? ]: o u ou


o -

son does money some other worry

u -

b u s

c u p s u n g u n n u t

d u ck j u mp m u st

ou -

t ou ch c ou ntry


Her son iscoming.

6. [ ?]



[ ? ] a o


a -

w a nt wh a t w a tch

o -

f o x d o

g p o t s

h o p st o p m o p d o ctor cl o ck h o spital h o bby h o liday

c o mic c o ffee


I saw afox and a dog in a pot near the shop

7. [ u]



[ u ]: o u oo ou


o -


u -

p u t b u ll b u llet p u sh

oo -

b oo k w oo d

c oo k h oo k f oo t

ou -

sh ou ld c ou ld


You shouldput the book on the wood



1. [ i ] A. money B. minute C. jacket D. sheep

2. [ e ] A. many B. want C. desk D. breakfast

3. [ ? ] A. watch B. black C. stamp D. hand

4. [ ? ] A. again B. ready C.t o night D. sist er

5. [ ? ] A. must B. worry C. country D. hospital

6. [ ? ] A. sh o p B. sh ou ld C. sh or t D. c o ffee

7. [ u ] A. group B. should C. p u sh D. h oo k

答案: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. A


1. [ ? ]

m__p(地图)__pple(苹果)r__bbit(兔子)h__nd (手)

2. [ e ]

m__ny(许多)n__xt(然后)h__lp(帮助)h____d (头) 3. [ i ]

f__sh(鱼)happ__(高兴的)jack__t(夹克)b__g (大的) 4. [ ? ]

w__nt(需要)st__p(停止)w__tch(手表)cl__ck (表) 5. [ ? ]

s__n(儿子)c____ntry(国家)t____ch(触摸)j__mp (跳) 6. [ u ]

b____k(书)sh____ld(应该)w__lf(狼)p__t (放) 7. [ ? ]



《英语语音》课程标准 课程名称:英语语音 课程类别:专业基础课 教学学时:36 课程学分:2 先行课程:英语语音 适用专业:英语专业 参考教材:《英语语音》上海外语教育出版社2008年3月(主编:汪文珍 一、课程性质 《英语语音》是英语专业的必修课。语音教学是英语教学的首要任务,本课程从英语元音和辅音学习入手,进一步讲解和操练单词重音、句子重音、强读式和弱读式、节奏、停顿和语调,同时注重实际训练,通过学习英、美语言朗读材料,帮助学生形成语感,提高英美语音和语调的水平,感受英美语言和语调所表达的微妙感情及其诗情画意的魅力。 本教程以课堂实际训练为主,适当讲解有关理论,并在理论的指导下进一步加强实践。学生通过本课程的学习,能把语音学习提高到一个新的高度。为其他相关学科的学习奠定坚实的基础。 二、课程目标 (一)知识目标 1、了解英语语音的基本理论和基本朗读技巧。 2、学习英语元音、辅音音素的读音和常见字母组合的发音。

(一)教学重点:国际音标、音位和音标的概念 (二)教学难点:对音位学的认识 三、主要教学内容 (一)主要内容:国际音标、语音音标对照表、英国标准音 (二)主要内容:音位和音位学,字母、音位和音标 四、考核知识、技能点 国际音标、音标 第二章单元音教学学时数:4 第一节发音器官 一、教学目的及要求:结合英语语音发音器官图向学生介绍英语语音发音过程中应灵活使用到的发音器官或部位。 二、教学重点与难点 (一)教学重点:如何正确运用发音器官 (二)教学难点:对发音器官图的辨识 三、主要教学内容 (一)主要内容:发音器官及其相应的名称 (二)主要内容:舌位图 四、考核知识、技能点 发音器官图、舌位图 第二节前元音

英语语音练习题 一

英语音标发音表 英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。对于初学者来说,若采用集中教学,要学会48个音素的发音并区别开。国际音标(英语语音) 一、元音 1、单元音 (1)前元音 [i:] [i] [e] [?] (2)中元音 [?] [?:] [?] (3)后元音 [u:] [u] [?:] [?] [a:] 2、双元音 (1)开合双元音 [ei] [ai] [?i] [?u] [au] (2) 集中双元音 [i?] [ε?] [u?] 二、辅音 1、爆破音 (1)清辅音 [p] [t] [k] (2)浊辅音 [b] [d] [g] 2、摩擦音 (1)清辅音 [f] [s] [?] [θ] [h] (2)浊辅音 [v] [z] [?] [e] 3、破擦音 (1)清辅音 [t?] [tr] [ts] (2)浊辅音 [d?] [dr] [dz] 4、鼻音(浊辅音) [m] [n] [?] 5、舌则音(浊辅音)[l] [r] 6、半元音(浊辅音) [w] [j] 一、语音单选(从A、B、C、D中找出划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项) 1、 exist [ ] A.exit B.example C.expect D.excellent 2、 gram [ ] A.Radium B.graduation C.radioactive D.uranium 3、peace [ ] A.breast B.theatre C.beach D.ocean 4、shock [ ] A.polonium B.devote C.honour D.discover 5、debt [ ] A.habit B.above C.club D.climb


元音发音规则表: 1.单元音/i:/ see me be she need read meal eat seat deep keep 开音节中的e/i:/ me be she ee /i:/ see sleep deep feet need ea /i:/ read eat meal seat 2.单元音 /i/ in it is fit pin bit kiss sick miss fish rich lid 闭音节中的i /i/ if, his, film(闭音节指以辅音结尾的音节) 闭音节中的y /i/ sympathy, syllable, system, gym 位于词尾的y /i/ city, pity, willingly, possibility 3.单元音 /e/ get let bed pen best rest wet never better best 闭音节中的e /e/ bed, peg, set, tell ea /e/ dead, heaven, feather 4.单元音/?e/ hat cat rat cap map fat man thank stamp fact 闭音节中的 a / ?e / bad, lad, rat, cab 5.单元音 /a:/ heart arm darn farm cart fast car dark barn pass ar /a:/ arm, ark, lard, dark, car, card, hard, harm 6.单元音 / ? / lot got job shop soft song top hot box pot lock 闭音节中的o / ? / hot, got, not, lost, on, soft 7./ ?:/ tall fall wall Paul Maud walk call yawn thought or / ?:/ or, sport, bored, horse, more, before a(+ll或lk) / ?:/ all, fall, talk, walk aw / ?:/ law, paw, draw, flaw, claw 8.单元音 /u/ cook book look put good full foot would u /u/ put, full, pull, push, sugar, cushion oo /u/ good, took, wood, wool, stood, bedroom ou /u/ could, would, should 9.单元音 /u:/ too soon rule boot fool school soup cool lose new oo /u:/ fool, booth, room, food ou /u:/ soup, you, group o /u:/ do, to, who 10./ ?/ cup bus gun hut sung duck lung luck cut stuck 闭音节中的u /?/ but, hunt, sun, duck, luck 闭音节中的o /?/ son, once, colour, other, money ou /?/ rough, enough, touch, cousin, young 11.单元音 /?:/ shirt hunt burn girl bird nurse work worm curse er /?:/ herd, verb, mercy ir /?:/ thirty, shirt, third, fir ur /?:/ turn, church, burn, nurse, curse or /?:/ word, work, world, worse ear /?:/ heard, earth, search 12.单元音 /?/ ago about asleep above again among mother brother 许多元音在非重读章节中读成/?/,所以/?/的拼写形式多种多样。如:about, sofa, doctor, colour, figure 13.双元音 /ei/ May pay way day same hay great gain pain spade a /ei/ save, face, pale ay /ei/ day, pay, may ai /ei/ wait, fail, strait ea /ei/ break, great 14.双元音 /?u/ no go so hole hope road home slow load foe soul


英语语音语调大赛练习资料-2008级 Choice A 与Choice B 代表的是英式发音 Choice C 与Choice D代表的是美式发音 Choice A–Mr. Brown Speaking: We tend to think of the sweep of history of stretching across many months and years before culminating in decisive moments that we call history. But sometimes the reality is that the defining moments of history come suddenly, and without warning, and the task of leadership then is to define them, to shape them and to move forward into the new world they demand. An economic hurricane has swept the world, creating a crisis of credit and a crisis of confidence. History has brought us now to a point where change is essential. And we are summoned not just to manage our times but to transform them. And our task is to rebuild prosperity and security in a wholly different economic world where competition is no longer just local but it is global, and where banks are no longer national but they are international.(144 words) Choice B–Mrs. Rowling Speaking: You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above the price of rubies. The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification I ever earned. (155 words) Choice C–Mr. Gates Speaking I left campus knowing little about the millions of young people cheated out of educational opportunities here in this country. And I knew nothing about the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries. It took me decades to find out. You graduates came to Harvard at a different time. You know more about the world's inequities than the classes that came before. In your years here, I hope you've had a chance to think about how – in this age of accelerating technology – we can finally take on these inequities, and we can solve them. Imagine, just for the sake of discussion, that you had a few hours a week and a few dollars a month to donate to a cause –and you wanted to spend that time and money where it would have the greatest impact in saving and improving lives. Where would you spend it? (151 words) Choice D–Mr. Obama Speaking


一、选择题 1.Which has the different sound of the letter group ‘igh’ from the other words? A.high B.night C.weight D.right 2.If I had one million dollars, I’d give it away to ______________/′medik?l/ research. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 3.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.oranges boxes families B.maps books bags C.age take made D.but sun use 4.选出下列字母中都含有相同音素 ......的一组字母:________。 A.Ff; Ll; Hh B.Gg;Tt; Zz . C.Bb; Dd; Jj D.Aa;Kk; Xx 5.There is__________ “s”and __________ “u”in the “sun”. A.a;an. B.an; a C.an; an D.a;a 6.In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others? A.produce B.product C.promise 7.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others? A.reflect B.percent C.expert 8.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A.many grammar B.coffee wheel C.youth thumb 9.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Scientists found that dinosaurs all died of disease. B.Disneyland was created by Walt Disney. C.Believe me, we come in peace. D.How is the man dealing with trouble? 10.In the following words , which underlined letter has different sound from the others? A.medium B.secret C.recall 11.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.G B.A C.J D.K 12.下列单词中元音字母a 的发音与其他三个不同的是________。 A.thanks B.jacket C.map D.name 13.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds? A.location examination B.exchange exhibition C.treasure spread 14.You’ll / feIl / in the fin al exam if you don’t work harder . A.fill B.fall C.full D.fail 15.Health is more important than__________/welθ/. A.with B.wealth C.whether D.weather 16.People have learned a lot from _______ / sa??n't?f?k / studies. A.science B.scientific


(上册)知识小结 英语语音中共有20个元音,其中包括上册所学12个单元音,单元音又按长短音的不同分为短元音和长元音。 【短元音】-- 共7个:/?/ /?/ /i/ /u/ /?/ /e/ /?/ (1)/?/——a 例:dad, apple, hand, fan (2)/i/——i,y,e 例:pig, big, six, sit (3)/e/——e,ea 例:nest, elephant, egg, desk (4)/?/——er,or 例:river, actor, dinner, sister, brother, (5)/?/——o,a 例:clock,doctor,top, sorry,what (6)/?/——u,o,ou 例:mum, come,summer,bus,love (7)/u/——oo,u 例:book,cook,look,bull,put 【长元音】-- 共5个:/i:/ /?:/ /a:/ /u:/ /?:/ (1)/i:/——ea,ee,eo 例:sea,read,feet,bee, week,people (2)/?:/——or,al 例:corner,forty,tall,walk (3)/a:/——a,ar 例:dance, afternoon, star, party (4)/u:/——u,oo,ou,ui 例:ruler, blue, fool, room, fruit (5)/?:/——ir,ur,er,ear 例:girl,purple,person,learn 辅音字母的读音规则 1. c 在字母e,i,y前读/s/,例:city,circle,cell 其余情况下读/k/,例:cat,club,cap 2. g 在字母e,i,y前读/d?/,例:gym,angel,magic 其余情况下读/g/,例:bag,game,goat


英语语音训练材料 英语音标构成(共48个,元音20个,辅音28个): 一、元音 前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ ? ] [ i: ] 音标特征:前元音舌位高不圆唇长元音 发音要诀:舌前部抬得最高,牙齿近乎全合。舌尖抵下齿。 舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起,但比汉语普通话“i”音稍低, 没有摩擦。 嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平行. 做微笑状,发[ i: ]长音。 注意:“:”是长音符号,长元音往往比它相应的短元音长两倍以上。 发音组合: e ee ea ie ei 代表单词:m e h e w e e ven b ee f ee l br ee ze d ee p fr ee s ea t b ea t l ea d t ea ea t r ea son gr ie f bel ie ve ach ie ve rec ei ve conc ei ve [ i ] 音标特征: 前元音半高音扁平唇短元音 发音要诀: 舌前部比[i:]稍低,比[e]高,舌尖抵下齿,嘴唇扁平分开。

牙床也开得稍大一些比[ i:]稍宽,比[ e ]窄。 上下齿之间的距离大约可以容纳一个小指尖。 使下颚稍稍下垂,舌前部也随之稍稍下降,即可发出短促[ i ]音。发音组合: i 代表单词: s i t b i t k i ck p i ck w i sh 音标对比: [ i: ] [ i ] s ea t s i t b ea t b i t sh ee p sh i p [ e ] 音标特征:前元音半高音不圆唇短元音 发音要诀:舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起, 舌后接近硬颚, 比[ i:] 低。 牙床也开得半开半合,比[ i:] 宽,整体做微笑状。 上下齿之间的距离大约相当于一个食指尖。 发音组合: e ea a 代表单词:p e n t e n b e st b e g e gg n e t br ea d h ea ven m a rry a ny m a ny 音标对比:[ i ] [ e ] s i t s e t l i ft l e ft d i d d ea d [?] 音标特征: 前元音低舌音不圆唇短元音 发音要诀: 舌前部最低,双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平行 牙床开的最大。软颚升起, 唇自然开放 上下齿之间的距离大约相当于一个食指加中指。 发音组合: a 代表单词: c a p m a p b a d m a d b a nk th a nk l a mp 音标对比: [e] [?] b e g b a g m e t m a t


英语语音练习题 一、语音单选(从A、B、C、D中找出划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项) 1、exist [] A.exit B.example C.expect D.excellent 2、gram[] A.radium B.graduation C.radioactive D.uranium 3、peace [] A.breast B.theatre C.beach D.ocean 4、shock []A.polonium B.devote C.honour D.discover 5、debt [] A.habit B.above C.club D.climb 6、effect [] A.determination B.debt C.endless D.bent 7、institute [] A.bury B.minute C.hurry D.human 8、disappoint[] A.devote B.Poland C.go D.shock 9、bench[] A.object B.height C.effect D.delay 10、thought[] A.paperwork B.perform C.forgive D.professor 11、succeed[] A.breath B.niece C.heaven D.prepare 12、mineral[] A.builder B.guide C.peaceful D.huge 13、false [] A.all B.also C.talk D.walk 14、graduation[] A.radioactive B.uranium C.radium D.courage 15、fever [] A.sickness B.warship C.seize D.Planet 16、strait[] A.great B.breathe C.bath D.branch 17、bear [] A.beer B.pear C.fire D.dear 18、beach[] A.head B.great C.break D.seaman 19、life [] A.liter B.biscuit C.coastline D.disaster 20、bench[] A.stomach B.watch C.moustache D.ache


ai,ay,a+e 发长元音/ei/ ee,ea发长元音/i:/ i+e,igh发长元音/ai/ o+e,oo,发长元音/ou/ u+e,ui,发长元音/u:/ th/ch/sh/wh发不同的音.(我打不出来) y有时发/ai/,有时发/i/ bl/sl/fl/st/fr/br/pr/str/st也发不同的音. 一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母读音例词 a 在开音节中[ei] name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中[?] bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中[i:] he these me Chinese 在闭音节中[e] bed let pen desk yes egg i 在开音节中[ai] bike fly drive time nice kite 在闭音节中fish big drink sit milk swim o 在开音节中[?u] those close go hoe home no 在闭音节中[C] clock not box shop sock u 在开音节中[ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday 在闭音节中[∧] bus cup jump much lunch 在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler super 二、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音 元音字母读音例词 a在[w]音后面[C] want what watch wash quality a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前[α:] after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father i在-nd -ld和gh前[ai] find child light high o在-st -ld前[ou] most postcard old cold


2017年江苏省初中英语听力口语自动化考试训练材料 第一部分朗读短文 用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文 1(新) Everybody thinks I have a real gift for painting. However, I once did not like art lessons because I could not draw very well. One day, I was playing with some paint as usual in Ms Lou’s art lesson. I mixed the paint with water. As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper. Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it. The paint began to run, so I blew harder. The paint ran in all directions and made a very interesting picture! “That’s a very good picture, Sandy.” Ms Luo encouraged me to keep trying. Since then, I have been crazy about crayons and paints. 2(新) Winter is my favourite season. It is very cold and everyone has to wear thick warm clothes, but I always enjoy the winter here in Harbin. The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy. Everything is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen. During this season, you cannot see beautiful flowers or green trees, but the land is quiet and beautiful. My friends and I love playing outside in winter. It is exciting to have


英语语音训练-长元音 【发音规则】嘴张大,舌身放平,舌尖离开下齿,舌后部微微打起,下巴放低,轻松发音。 以下这些字母及组合发这个音: [ a: ] a ar al au ear uar 单词: a - f a st cl a ss gl a ss b a sket f a ther r a ther ar - b ar k c ar d f ar m p ar k st ar p ar ty g ar den al - h al f c al m au - l au gh ear - h ear t uar - g uar d守卫;警戒 短语/句子: rather fast a large garden in my heart The car is rather smart. 2. [ ?: ] 【发音规则】舌后缩,舌后部略抬高,双唇收的又圆又小,并向前突出。 以下这些字母及组合发这个音: [ ?: ] a ar or al au aw our oor 单词: a - w a ter ar - w ar or - f or h or se sh or t f or ty sp or t m or e al -b al l f al l w al l t al l au - au tumn aw - l aw our - f our teen oor - d oor fl oor 短语/句子: chalk and blackboard John bought a door. There are four more balls by the wall. Her daughter put some salt in the water. 3. [ ?: ] 【发音规则】舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起,双唇向两旁伸开,上下齿微微张开,嘴成扁平型。 以下这些字母及组合发这个音: [ ?: ] e ea ir or ur era 单词: e - t e rm


Unit 1 Basic Concepts: Syllables, Stress & Rhythm Listening Exercise 1 When we learn to speak English, we are learning a new way of listening and speaking. The purpose of this textbook is to try to make your ears sharper for the sounds of English and the way the sounds are organized; to help you get familiar with pitch movements of English utterances and the message it conveys; and to help you improve your English pronunciation and intonation. When you can hear English properly you will be able to improve your spoken English. Listening Exercise 2 In words with two or more syllables in English, one of the syllables will receive more stress than the others. Look up these words in the dictionary and you will see a mark indicating stress in front of this syllable. People often have difficulty understanding these words if the stress is wrong because a word is considered mispronounced if the wrong syllable stress is used. Correct stress is, therefore, as important as correct sounds. Listening Exercise 3 Listen to the following words and underline the primary stress of each word. Example: soft ware Sun day 1.blueprint 2.driveway 3.motorboat 4.textbook 5.beefsteak 6.notebook 7.greenhouse 8.forestfire 9.football 10.paperback Listening Exercise 4 Listen to the pitch change on the long stressed syllables of the following words. Underline the stressed syllable of each of the words. Example: air plane ( 2 ) 1. receive ( ) 2.dictionary ( ) 3.understand ( ) 4. because ( ) 5. considered ( ) 6. mispronounced ( ) 7. correct ( ) 8.important ( ) 9.timetable ( ) 10.textbook ( ) Listening Exercise 5 Listen to the following sentences. Decide how many syllables are in each sentence. Example: They worked all night ( 4 )


语音练习 找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。 ()1. A. big B. six C. nice D. miss ()2. A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch ()3. A. sorry B. brother C. some D. does ()4. A.yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday ()5. A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near ()6. A. map B. stamp C. face D. cat ()7. A. three B. those C. their D. these ()8. A. food B. foot C. book D. good ()9. A. not B. no C. ink D. ant ()10.A. names B. apples C. faces D. balls 找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。 () 1. A. banana B. cap C. glass D. father () 2.A. happy B. any C. hurry D. yellow () 3.A. much B. bus C. mug D. ruler () 4.A. seat B. see C. the D. evening () 5.A. pen B. great C. desk D. leg ()6. A. her B. worker C. doctor D. sister ()7. A. near B. pear C. year D. dear ()8. A. food B. cook C. room D. school ()9. A. many B. get C. any D. hat ()10. A. seat B. read C. sweater D. mean


1 音节(Syllables ) 英语中一个元音构成一个音节,一个元音加上一个或一个以上的辅音也只构成一个音节。 如:I /ai/ , it /it/, ,bite /bait/, thrift/ θrift / 2 重读音节Stressed syllables 单音节词都有一个重读音节,但不标出重音符号。 双音节或多音节词有一个音节的元音比其它音节的元音长而响亮,这个长而响亮的音节称为重读音节.有些多音节词中除了主重音(Primary Stress),还可以有次重音(Secondary Stress)。重音符号表在重读音节的左上角,次重音符号标在左下角。 3.元音字母在重读开音节和重读闭音节中读法: (1)、开音节:有两种开音节。一种叫做绝对开音节,就是元音字母后没有辅音字母,例如no,me.另一种叫做相对开音节,就是在元音字母后面有辅音字母(辅音字母r除外)还有一个无声的字母e,note use face等,在重读开音节中元音字母都读他们字母表的音 (2)闭音节:元音字母后面有辅音字母(r除外)时,这个元音字母构成的音节叫做闭音节。 bad lamp thank yes sit hot mother sun (3)-r音节: 元音字母与辅音字母-r结合,构ar, or, ir, er, ur音节。 car horse girl her nurse (4)-re:元音字母与-re结合,构成are ere ire ore ure音节。 are读作/??/ care dare ere读作/??/, /??/ here there ire读作/a??/ fire tire(疲倦) ore读作/?:/ more wore ure读作/j??/ pure(纯碎) cure(医治) 4 英语单词重音可遵循以下规律: 1 )双音节词作为名词,重音在第一个音节;作为动词,重音在第二个音节。 ?名词动词 'Record ['rek??d] re'cord[ri'k?:d] 'Object ['?bd?ikt] ob'ject [?b'd?ekt] 2) 复合名词重音一般在第一个音节上 'Blackboard 'Handbag 'Bookstore 'classroom 复合动词重音一般在第二个音节上 Short'change ill-'treat 3 )有些复合词有双重重音 'Arm'chair 'kind'hearted 'four-'footed 'Second-'handed 4 )少数复合词重音在第二音节 What'ever who'ever your'self through'out


中学生练习纯正英语发音实战方法中学生练习纯正英语发音实战方法 首先是材料准备: 大家可以找一本合适的语音书或者VOA听力材料,不论英音或美音,讲的越详细越好。 其次是练习的实战方法: 大家要清楚发音的形成不是一朝一夕的,很多人的发音已经定型,如果不下苦功要突破是很难的。所以请勿急于求成,要稳扎稳打、 脚踏实地。 第一、不可操之过急,先细心听录音,很多也可以在线收听的比如VOABBC等,建议开口模仿前认真听上几次。多听几次有助于了解 正确的语音。 第二、开口后一定大声,把自己的'声音用复读机或者其他录音 设备录下来,与录音或者MP3中的原声对比。对比一下自己的发音 和录音中的有何区别。 第三、不要急于求成。很多人觉得一次就要学习多少,这个一个错误的概念。要循序渐进,慢慢来,刚开始每天只练那么一个音标 或至多两个。然后再慢慢增加。请记住,要质不要量。 第四、在练习中偶尔会遇到音位实实在在找不准的情况(如R,L 等,是很多人常犯愁的,这很正常,太多人有过这样的困惑),这时 你可以先把它暂时放一放,先练其它。闲下来的时间,细品其音位,这样可以节省时间。 第五、练习中要不断对比原音,不断纠正。

第六、.在全部音标练完一遍后,建议重新回头再一个一个细心 练一次。隔一段时间再回头看你的发音,你会用一种全新的眼光, 这样容易发现问题,并及时改正。 第七、在音标纠正后,练短语或句子时,要注重意群SENSEGROUP,如:IPUTITONTHETABLE。 第一意群:IPUTIT,第二意群:ONTHETABLE。 这样练习有助你的发音节奏,亦有助于自己的阅读。 第八、一定要大声,练时不可干喊,学会用腹部大声练习,在一天3个小时练下来(建议分两次或三次进行),你会感觉很累,嘴很麻,这很正常,你正在进步。 第九、最后,请一定细心对比录音,不可急。 一开始,你会很枯燥,且觉得进步慢。 但请一定要有耐心。Bepatience! 在你的付出之后,终有一天,你会惊奇地发现,别人都在夸自己:你的发音是怎么练的,怎么这么好!
