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带来的效果 引起了投资者 费者 其他 业人士的广泛关注, 是 文
研究 题的初衷
文 研究的是苏宁 商 次战略转型 程中,创 其商业模式 其 效的
影响 文采 规范研究和案例研究相结合 规范研究 要Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu前人 提出的相
关理论和 得的研究 果的基础 ,研究商业模式创 的 施路 然 文
苏宁 商的商业模式创 其 效 案例分析研究 2012 -2013 苏宁
统零 业的版 ,直接压缩了 统零 企业的生 空间 而党的十八大和
2014 中央 济 作
都 时提出 要提高 商业模式创 和科学 术
创 的 视程度, 表明了商业模式创 在 动
济升 起到了战略性
意 在 的背 之 , 多 统企业纷纷开始 局转型,尤 人瞩目的是
统零 业的 头苏宁 商 团 限公 ,其大刀阔斧的商业模式转型 其
企业商业模式创新及其 效研究 ——基于苏宁云商的案例分析
A Dissertation Submitted to Nanjing University of Finance and Economics For the Academic Degree of Master of Professional Accounting
商 002024.SZ 一系列转型标志性
研究 象, 用 研究法,通
算累 非 常收益率 CAR 值 来分析 的 场 效 苏宁 出 EXPO 超


的建立 都带来了 面的 场 ,但
是最直接的 苏宁 商更
没 带来明显 的 场 效, 用 务分析
法结合商务模式评 方法, 比苏宁和竞 手 美电器 股 限公 ,发 苏
宁大刀阔斧的 革商业模式,在短期内面临 痛, 效 明显,其带来的长期效
检验,但总体转型 联网综合 服务商的战略方向是值得肯定的
最 , 文总结了相关研究结论,结合研究结论,提出商业模式创 的几点

零 业发展的几点建
关键词 苏宁 商 商业模式创
场效 务效
I 万方数据
Under the rapid development of internet technology , a group of industry and companies based on the Internet business model innovation are obtaining the market share in alarming rate, they create and provide value for customers in totally different from traditional enterprise, such as Alibaba, Jingdong, a large number of the Internet e-commerce companies rising up, gradually changed the traditional retail industry, and directly compressed the living space of traditional retail business.The party's Eighteenth session of the National People's Congress and the central economic work conference in 2014 both proposed to increase the attention of business model innovation and scientific and technological innovation, suggesting that a business model innovation have a strategic significance in promoting China's economic upgrading. In this background,many traditional businesses have started transformation, especially in China was the traditional retailing giant SUNING COMMERCE GROUP CO.,LTD., its aggressive business model transformation and the effect has caused the extensive concern of investor, consumers and other professionals, it is also in this paper, we study the purpose of the topic.
This paper studies the SUNING’s business model innovation's influence on its performance in this process of the strategic transformation. This paper take the combination of normative analysis and case study. Normative research mainly research on business model innovation path on the basis of relevant theories and research results. Then this paper focus on SUNING’s business case analysis of business model innovation and its performance research. This paper take a series of landmark events in transformation of SUNING (002024 .SZ)in 2012-2013 as the research object, using event study method, through calculating cumulative abnormal returns(CAR) to analyze the capital market performance of the event.Results showed that, “launched EXPO super store”,“online same price”,“the establishment of the open platform” has brought positive market reactions, except market performance of“SUNING changing the business name”not obvious. Besides, compare SUNING and competitor GOME, combined business model evaluation method with the method of financial analysis, found that SUNING sweeping change business model, and does not bring good financial performance in the short run.Its long-term effects have yet to
School of Accounting
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics December 2014
随着 联网 术的快 发展,一批基 联网的商业模式创 业 企业
惊人的 度 领了 场份额, 们通
统企业 一 的的手段 户提供
值,创 自身 值 阿 巴巴 东等 多电子商务企业的壮大, 改 了