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毕业设计教师信息管理系统设计与实现系别:机电信息学院专学业生名姓称:计算机科学与技术名:Xxx 学号:xxxxxxxx 指导教师姓名、职称:xxxxxxxx完成日期2013年12 月24 日教师信息管理系统设计与实现摘要教师管理系统设计与实现是典型的信息管理系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面.对于前者要求建立数据一致性和完整性强,数据安全性好的数据库.而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。在学校,教师信息管理权限主要包括管理员权限和教师权限。显然如果以人工的方式对其管理将耗费大量的人力、物力,本系统以此作为开发的目

标,用以减轻教师管理人员的负担。本次毕业设计的内容是设计并且实现一个基于web技术的教师信息管理系统,故而系统主要以j2EE作为开发基础,用myeclipse作为开发工具,以MYSQL作为数据库,以Macromedia公司的Dreamweaver作为界面美化工具,使用JA V A语言开发,页面采取JSP动态页面开发技术。该系统共分为两大平台:教师操作平台和管理员操作平台。其功能主要有:实现对所有教师个人信息的管理的功能,提供基本的添加,删除,修改和查询等功能。可以对教师基本信息,教学工作量及教师科研信息等实现方便的管理和统计。该系统界面简单、操作方便,容易维护。关键词:教师信息管理系统;JA V A ;JSP Teachers’ information management system design and implementation ABSTRACT Teachers’ information management system design and implementation is a typical

management information system, two aspects of its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front end the application procedure development. Regarding the former request establishment data consistency and integrity, and data security database. For the latter request application procedure function is complete, easy to use and so on characteristics. In the school, the teacher information management including teacher information, obviously artificial manner if its management will spend a lot of manpower, material resources, the development of this system as a target, to reduce the burden of teachers management. The contents of this graduation project is to design and implement a based on the teacher information management system based on Web, MyEclipse as a development tool, MYSQL as the database,

using Macromedia’s Dreamweaver as the interface landscaping tools, the use of JA V A language development, take the development technology of JSP dynamic web page. The functions of the system are: the achievement of all teachers personal information management functions and the provision of basic insertion , deletion, modification and enquiry functions. It also facilitate the management and statistics of teachers’information, including basic information , workload,working information and so system has a simple interface, easy operation, easy maintenance. Keywords: Teacher information management system;JA V A ;JSP 目录摘要....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。ABSTRACT ............................................... ...... 错误!未定义书签。 1 绪

....... 1 2 系统的开发环境.............................................................. 2JSP技术简介. (2)

MyEclipse简介 (4)

SQL Server 简介 (5)

Tomcat简介 (5)

3需求分析与可行性研究 (7)


7 可行性研究 (7)

技术可行性分析................................................... 7 经济可行性. (7)

