French wine 中英文介绍

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Wine Culture
——France: Wine kingdom
Huang Pengfei 1201,Business Admin
French red wine
The wine can be used with any vegetables, but the French people, wine is used in conjunction with life!
Leabharlann Baidu
Exuding the fragrance of melted tannins
(Thank you ) Merci
AOC为最高级别,然后依次为VDQS,VDP,VDT。每个等级因 每个产区的不同又再细分为其它的级别。
葡萄酒里面含有一种叫“多酚”的物质,这是一种强 力的抗氧化剂,它对阻碍胆固醇氧化有很好的效果,同时 可以减慢血液凝结的速度。减少动脉硬化,降低心脏病发 作的几率,进而预防心脏病。
第四步 饮酒,在酒入口之前,先在酒杯里深深闻一下,体验一下酒的幽香,此时吞入一 红酒,让其在口中多留片刻,在舌头上打个滚,让感官充分体验红酒,在咽下去,立刻一股 香索绕其中。
法国红酒分为四个等级: AOC (法定产区)Appellation d‘ Origine Controlee; VDQS (优良产区)Vins Delimite de Qualite Superieure; VDP (地区餐酒)Vin De Pays; VDT (日常餐酒)Vins De Table;
第二步 醒酒,一支好的红酒经常都是尘封了多年的,这时就需要“唤醒”这支酒,将酒倒 醒酒器中稍待十分钟,醒酒器让酒和空气充分接触,这样红酒就能充分氧化,浓郁的香味就 露出来了。
第三步 观酒,红酒斟酒时与酒杯横置,酒不溢出为标准。光线充足将红酒杯横置在白纸上 看边缘,层次分明的多为新酒,颜色均匀的是有点岁数了,要是微微有点棕色,有可能是一 陈年佳酿。
10 large producing areas of the French wine
• • • • • • • • • • Bordeaux(波尔多) Rhone Valley(罗纳河谷) Burgundy(勃艮第 ) Champagne(香槟区 ) Beaujolais(薄若莱 ) Loire Valley( 卢瓦河谷 ) Alsace( 阿尔萨斯 ) South-West(西南产区 ) Provence(普罗旺斯 ) Languedoc-Roussillon (朗格多克-鲁西荣 )
很多人认为喝葡萄酒是一件享受快乐的事 ,也有的人 认为适当的喝葡萄酒对身体有一定的好处。血液凝块是心 脏病发作和引发老年人中风的主要原因之一。
每天适当少量的喝点葡萄酒 ,患心脏病的几率能降低 50%。饮用适量的葡萄酒是对身体健康有益的,但却不可 过量,否则就会对肝脏造成损害。
Opening a bottle of French red wine, Like opening a book . Full, plump, Thick, fragrant,
The White
红酒的入口之道 ]
第一步 酒温,一般红酒在饮用时的温度是18至21摄氏度之间,这样的温度下,各种年份 红酒都会处在最佳状态下。
——Ander·L· Simon(法国美酒作家)
French wine history
French wine is regarded as the best wine in the world. It is so loved by people that it is regarded as a symbol of French romance as French perfume and fashion are, more importantly, it has the unique history and culture. Speaking of the origin of French red wine, it can be traced back to the first century AD. The first grapes planted in the Rhone valley of southern France. The long history of traditional viticulture and brewing process creates a noble French red wine. The French strive for perfection in winemaking methods to stimulate the most gorgeous vitality of French wine. French red wine, because of its strict production process, as well as the unique natural conditions, has become the king of red wine since its birth. After thousands of years of evolution, the red wine has gradually integrated into the life of French people and become a part of the French food culture.