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1. 来自Univ. of Calgary CREWS的免费地震研究软件(基于MATLAB)

source: /Samples/EduSoftware/

This software is intended to accompany the textbook Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology with algorithms in Matlab (NMES) by Gary F. Margrave (IMG:/AboutCREWES/Faculty/margrave/margrave258.jpg)



软件包 software link:


数据 data link:


2. 免费地震处理软件, USP, 以前AMOCO的软件


3. Quantitative Seismic Interpretation的免费MATLAB程序, 来自: Stanford的SRB实验室



Quantitative Seismic Interpretation

by : Avseth, Mukerji, and Mavko

Cambridge University Press, 2005.

来自: Stanford的SRB实验室


MATLAB 开放程序, 可以计算AVO response, rock property, Gassmann's equation, fluid property, Elastic impedance等, 非常方便.





4. Geoscience Data Repository,可以免费下载




5. 来自Stanford的免费小波变换的软件, WAVELAB


Source (网址):


Stanford U.

这个基于MATLAB的软件可以做小波变换, 时频分析等处理, 其中很多程序例子可以做绘出下面这本书的图例.

A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing by Stephane Mallat.

Current Release

David Donoho,

Mark Reynold Duncan

Xiaoming Huo

Ofer Levi

Major Contributions from

Jon Buckheit

Maureen Clerc

Jerome Kalifa

Stephane Mallat

Thomas Yu

发布者: blueocean 来自精准石油论坛

6. 加州理工学院推出的 curvelet


加州理工学院推出的 curvelet 可以用于地震资料的去噪. (朋友:小波专家Joe推荐) 网址:

matlab 和 c++的开放程序:


如果是作为研究用途, 可以免费获得帐号和密码, 下载前先注册.

文章: /papers.html




This image is a denoising experiment using the curvelet transform. The original image is a synthetic noise-free seismogram simulated from a one-dimensional velocity model, courtesy of Felix Herrmann and Eric Verschuur.




(IMG:/images/more_images/seismic_c.jpg) ...................(1).............................(2).................................(3).............................. .. (4)

Image (1) is a zoom-in. In real life, however, seismic data is corrupted by noise. In Image (2), we simulate degradation by adding gaussian white noise with standard deviation equal to one tenth of the total intensity, PSNR = 20.0 dB. Image (3) is the result of standard translation-invariant wavelet thresholding (see WaveLab), PSNR = 30.8 dB. Image (4) is the result of curvelet thresholding, PSNR = 37.6 dB.

发布者: othello 来自精准石油论坛

7. Geophysical software and algorithms


发信站: 精准石油论坛() 发布者: sandstone 本文链接:

/index.php?showtopic=769&view=findpost&p=1500 /

In 2004, the editors of the journal GEOPHYSICS decided to create a new section, "Geophysical software and algorithms". Papers that appear in that section of the journal include source code, which will be available online at . The papers will generally not include the source code themselves, but only a pointer to a URL. It is intended that these URL's should continue working into the indefinite future.
