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1. 来自Univ. of Calgary CREWS的免费地震研究软件(基于MATLAB)
source: /Samples/EduSoftware/
This software is intended to accompany the textbook Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology with algorithms in Matlab (NMES) by Gary F. Margrave (IMG:/AboutCREWES/Faculty/margrave/margrave258.jpg)
软件包 software link:
数据 data link:
2. 免费地震处理软件, USP, 以前AMOCO的软件
3. Quantitative Seismic Interpretation的免费MATLAB程序, 来自: Stanford的SRB实验室
Quantitative Seismic Interpretation
by : Avseth, Mukerji, and Mavko
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
来自: Stanford的SRB实验室
MATLAB 开放程序, 可以计算AVO response, rock property, Gassmann's equation, fluid property, Elastic impedance等, 非常方便.
4. Geoscience Data Repository,可以免费下载
5. 来自Stanford的免费小波变换的软件, WAVELAB
Source (网址):
Stanford U.
这个基于MATLAB的软件可以做小波变换, 时频分析等处理, 其中很多程序例子可以做绘出下面这本书的图例.
A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing by Stephane Mallat.
Current Release
David Donoho,
Mark Reynold Duncan
Xiaoming Huo
Ofer Levi
Major Contributions from
Jon Buckheit
Maureen Clerc
Jerome Kalifa
Stephane Mallat
Thomas Yu
发布者: blueocean 来自精准石油论坛
6. 加州理工学院推出的 curvelet
加州理工学院推出的 curvelet 可以用于地震资料的去噪. (朋友:小波专家Joe推荐) 网址:
matlab 和 c++的开放程序:
如果是作为研究用途, 可以免费获得帐号和密码, 下载前先注册.
文章: /papers.html
This image is a denoising experiment using the curvelet transform. The original image is a synthetic noise-free seismogram simulated from a one-dimensional velocity model, courtesy of Felix Herrmann and Eric Verschuur.
(IMG:/images/more_images/seismic_c.jpg) ...................(1).............................(2).................................(3).............................. .. (4)
Image (1) is a zoom-in. In real life, however, seismic data is corrupted by noise. In Image (2), we simulate degradation by adding gaussian white noise with standard deviation equal to one tenth of the total intensity, PSNR = 20.0 dB. Image (3) is the result of standard translation-invariant wavelet thresholding (see WaveLab), PSNR = 30.8 dB. Image (4) is the result of curvelet thresholding, PSNR = 37.6 dB.
发布者: othello 来自精准石油论坛
7. Geophysical software and algorithms
发信站: 精准石油论坛() 发布者: sandstone 本文链接:
/index.php?showtopic=769&view=findpost&p=1500 /
In 2004, the editors of the journal GEOPHYSICS decided to create a new section, "Geophysical software and algorithms". Papers that appear in that section of the journal include source code, which will be available online at . The papers will generally not include the source code themselves, but only a pointer to a URL. It is intended that these URL's should continue working into the indefinite future.
On an experimental basis, the site is also being used to distribute public datasets of interest to researchers in exploration geophysics.
发布者: sandstone 来自精准石油论坛 GEOPHYSICS source-code archive
发布者: cced 来自精准石油论坛
8. S-Transform: Time-frequency decomposition
In 1996, Stockwell published one paper about s-transform. S-transform can be considered as pseudo-continous wavelet transform. The normal CWT is transformed to (time, scale) domain, while S-transform is transformed to (time, frequency) domain. On the other hand, s-transform is very similar to Short Window Fourier Transform. The difference is the frequency dependent window length. The kernel basis of s-transform is scaled and frequency dependent Morlet wavelet.
Here is the Stockwell's webiste:
There're a bunch of information about s-transform.
The first s-tranform paper is:
The matlab codes are:
Contribution by Robert G. Stockwell
9. SU 与 SEPLib 之比较 (免费地震处理软件, 强烈推荐)
SU 与 SEPLib是很著名的免费地震处理软件.
SU 主要的源程序为C, CWP的John Stockwell 为维护员
SEPLib 为Fortran, SEP的Robert Clapp为维护员
SU 下载: /cwpcodes/
SEPLib 下载:/software/septour.html
大家首先下载说明书, 然后下载安装.
从软件的续加自己的模块程序来说, SU更简单一些, 并加上比较优秀的绘图程序, 所以大家更多的应用SU.
我自己开始编写的程序都是基于SU的模块, 后来该用SEPLib来编写源程序, 比较二者而言, 从本人的角度来看, SU 和SEPLib的原理基本一致.
SEPLib 的优点是可以很容易的处理三维问题, 并简单的和MPI一起编写并行程序, 我也曾经尝试过结合SU和MPI的编写.
发布者: blueocean 来自精准石油论坛
10. MPI 高性能计算并行编程
对于运行3维地震偏移或地震属性计算时, MPI的优越性尽现无疑.
如果想了解MPI, 请看以下网址
MPI 入门介绍(英文) by John Burkardt , Florida State University
4天的Powerpoint style PDF file by John Burkardt , Florida State University /~burkardt/pdf/mpi_day1.pdf
高性能计算并行编程技术-MPI 并行程序设计 (都志辉, 清华大学出版社, 2001), 入门书, 基本上是英文说明的翻译.
C和MPI的source codes
C++和MPI的source codes
FORTRAN77和MPI的source codes
FORTRAN90和MPI的source codes
发布者: blueocean 来自精准石油论坛
11. MATLAB三维显示地震数据, 开放小工具
Update Author: Eike Rietsch
Original Author: Robert Barsch
这个开放MABLAB三维绘图小工具, 非常好用, 可进行SLICE, CONTOUR, 等交互功能.
12. Madagascar 新的地震数据处理开源软件包, BEG, UT, Austin
Admin: Sergey Fomel & Paul Sava
发布者: othello 来自精准石油论坛
13. SeisLab, 开放MATLAB程序包, 可以处理地震数据, 操作测井数据
Author: Eike Rietsch
14. 免费时频分析MATLAB软件包
来源: /
The toolbox contains numerous algorithms which implements various kind of time-frequency analysis with a special emphasis on quadratic energy distributions of the Cohen and affine classes, along with their version enhanced by the reassignment method. The toolbox also includes signal generation procedures, processing/post-processing routines (with display utilities) and a number of demonstrations.
大约有100个子程序, 可进行各类时频分析.
The TFTB has been developed by François Auger, Olivier Lemoine, Paulo Gonçalves and Patrick Flandrin under the auspices of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) within its GdR Information, Signal et Images. Parts of the Toolbox have also been written at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Rice University with the support of the NSF. We would like to thank the people who helped in various ways.
发布者: blueocean 来自精准石油论坛
15. SeismicLab, 免费MATLAB地震数据处理软件包
by Mauricio D. Sacchi (Associate Professor, Univ. of Alberta)
http://www-geo.phys.ualberta.ca/saig/b/SeismicLab/ 这是另一个MATLAB免费地震数据处理软件包
来自Univ. of Calgary CREWS的免费地震研究软件(基于MATLAB) /index.php?showtopic=2279
SeisLab, 开放MATLAB程序包, 可以处理地震数据, 操作测井数据/index.php?showtopic=7045。
