


L 9—10



()1. A. am B. is C. can D. are ()2. A. Italy B. German C. English D. America ()3. A. teacher B. student C. school D. enigeer ()4. A. Mr. B. Mrs. C. Miss D. Ms.()5. A. short B. tall C. long D. funny


1. old(反义词)

2. clean (反义词)

3. hot (反义词)

4. fat(反义词)

5. he’s (完全形式)

6. what is (缩略形式)


()name _______ Robert. I ______ a student. I ______ Italian.

A. is, are, is , am, am , are, am

()2. Sophie isn’t a teacher. _______ a keyboard operator.

A. Her

B. She’s

C. His

()3. Is it a German car ______ ______ Japanese car

A. and, a

B. or, an , a

()4. Lily is a student. brother is a teacher.

A. Her’s

B. He’s

C. Her

D. His



2. 托尼今天好吗

3. 看看那个护士,她真矮啊。

4. 那个机械师是忙还是懒的

5. 那个女人是哪国的她是瑞典人。



( C )1. A. am B. is C. can D. are ( B )2. A. Italy B. German C. English D. America ( C )3. A. teacher B. student C. school D. enigeer ( A )4. A. Mr. B. Mrs. C. Miss D. Ms.( D )5. A. short B. tall C. long D. funny


1. old(反义词)new

2. clean (反义词)dirty

3. hot (反义词)cold

4. fat(反义词)thin

5. he’s (完全形式)he is

6. what is (缩略形式)what’s


( B )name _______ Robert. I ______ a student. I ______ Italian.

A. is, are, is , am, am , are, am

( B )2. Sophie isn’t a teacher. _______ a keyboard operator.

A. Her

B. She’s

C. His

( C )3. Is it a German car ______ ______ Japanese car

A. and, a

B. or, an , a

( C )4. Lily is a student. brother is a teacher.

A. Her’s

B. He’s

C. Her

D. His



Nice to meet you.

2. 托尼今天好吗

How is Tony today

3. 看看那个护士,她真矮啊。

Look at that nurse, she is very short.

4. 那个机械师是忙还是懒的

Is that mechanic busy or lazy

5. 那个女人是哪国的她是瑞典人。

What nationality is that woman She is Swedish.


新概念英语第一册全 册测试题

新概念英语第一册综合测试题 一、根据要求变换: 1、I(宾格) __________ 2、dish(复数) __________ 3、sit(现在分词) __________ 5、tall(反义词) __________ 6、young(反义词) __________ 7、white(反义词) __________ 8、she(物主代词) __________ 9、desk(同义词) __________ 10、housewife(复数) __________ 11、children(单数) __________12、swim(现在分词) __________13、up(反义词) __________ 14、is not(缩略式) _________ 15、left(反义词) __________ 二、按要求改写下面的句子:) 1. There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句) ___________________________________ 2. There is a knife in the box.(改为复句) ___________________________________________ 3. There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问) ___________________________________ 4 .The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________ 5. Mr. Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________ 三、用a、some.或any填空:(每题1分,共5分) 1、I have _______new bike. 2、There is ______milk in the glass. 3、Is there ________bread in the kitchen. 4、I want __ ___coffee. 5、There is ________apple on the table.


新概念英语第一册1—15课综合测试题 说明:卷面总分120分,答题时间60分钟,60分及格。姓名________一、单词翻译(30分): 1请写出对应的英文翻译 1、短裙__________ 2、你的__________ 3、出租车_________ 4、谢谢_________ 5、女孩__________ 6、谁的__________ 7、鸡蛋__________ 8、书架__________ 9、橙子__________10、打扰一下__________ 11、图画__________12、看见__________13、书__________14冰淇淋__________15、伞__________ 2请写出对应的中文翻译 16、postman__________17、what__________18、father__________19、clean_________ 20、policewoman__________ 21、little_________ 22、milk________23、Danish__________ 24、Japanese________ 25、housework__________26、keyboard_________ 27、big___________ 28、Korean_________29、mini car___________30、make__________31、case__________ 二、根据要求变换(30分): 1、I(宾格) __________ 2、dish(复数) __________ 3、sit down(反义词) __________ 5、happ (反义词) __________ 6、young(反义词) __________7、white(反义词) __________ 8、she(名词性物主代词) ________ 9、study (复数) __________ 10、housewife(复数) __________ 11、children(单数) __________12、tomato(复数) __________13、upstairs(反义词) __________ 14、wives(单数)_________ 15、lazy(反义词) __________ 三、按要求改写下面的句子:(10分) 1.These are watches .(改为单数句子)_______________________________________________ 2.Whose shirt is that?(改为复数句子)______________________________________________ 3.My coat is blue.(对划线部分提问)________________________________________________ 4.This is my pencil.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)___________________________________ 5.Mr. Zhang is an English teacher.(对画线部分提问)__________________________________ 四、用.am, is, are填空:(每题1分,共5分) 1、I _______a new student . 2、That ______an engineer. 3、________they tourists?. 4、We _____good friends. 5、What ____ your name?. 五、用所给词的相应形式填空:(每题1分,共5分) 1、Let_____(we) go now,will____(you). 2、I am doing ______ (I)homework,and they are doing ______(they). 3、_____(she) is _____(he) mother. 4、--What is _____(you) job? --____ am a teacher. 5、Please pass _____(I) the black case,thank ____( you) very much. 六、用恰当的词填空(10分): 1. Those girls aren’t Chinese. They come from Germany. They’re ___________. 2. That is my English magazine. Give it to __________, please.

新概念英语1 lesson99-100知识点

Lesson 99-100 一.单词讲解 1.slip 1)v.滑倒,滑了一跤 slip in the mud 滑倒在辽泥泞中slip on the stairs 从楼梯上滑倒eg.I slipped on the ice 我在冰上滑到了 2)v.滑落 eg.The pen slipped from my hand 钢笔从我的手中滑落。 3)溜走 eg.He slipped out of the room. 他偷偷的溜出房间 slip away/off 不辞而别 4)n.疏忽,错误 A slip of the pen 笔误 a slip of tongue 口误 2.fall 1)v.落下,跌倒 eg. She fell into the river yesterday. 她昨天掉进河里去了。 Leaves fall in autumn. 秋天叶子 2)v.下降 eg.The temperature will fall tomorrow 明天的气温将下降。 与fall相关的短语 fall across 偶然碰到…. 与….邂逅fall asleep 入睡 fall in love with….爱上某人 3.downstairs adv.楼下(反义词upstairs) go downstairs 下楼去come downstairs 下楼来 1 walk downstairs 走下楼be downstairs 在楼下

5.hurt 1)v.伤 eg.It hurt my back. 它伤了我的背。 2)v. 伤害感情(心灵上或思想上的伤害) eg.I feel hurt . 我感到受了伤害 3)v.疼痛 eg.Does it hurt? 痛吗 6.back 1)n.背,背部 lie on one’s back 面朝天地躺着/摔倒fall on one’s back 面朝天地躺着 eg.I back hurts . 我的背部痛 2)n.背面 the back of hand 手背 3)n.后面,后部 eg.There are two students at the back of the classroom. 教室的后面有2名学生 4)adv.在后,向后stand back 向后站 回原处go back to …回到…. come back to….回来到…. put these book back 把书放回原处 7.stand up 起立,站起来sit down 坐下 stand on one’s head 倒立stand on one’s own feet 独立,不依赖别人,自食其力stand behind 做…后盾,支持…. stand up to….经受住,勇敢面对 stand well with 与…和睦相处 8.help 1)v.帮助 2 eg.Can I help you?(餐馆:您要吃点什么?商店:您要买点么?)


一、选出适当的词填入句子,使句子意思完整,用A、B或C表示,将答案填在答题纸上。 1. I am your father’s ________. I am your grandmother. a) sister b) daughter c) mother 2. The boy is in _______ room. a) the his b) you c) his 3. We finish ________ our homework, and then go to bed. a) do b) doing c) to do 4. Would you like to _______ a cup of coffee? a) eat b) have c) having 5. Tony’s grandfather ________ from Beijing. a) come b) comes c) is coming 6. We go to school from Monday ________ Friday. a) to b) on c) of 7. There______ an apple and three peaches in the basket. a) have b) be c) is 8. He is going to ____ hard next year. a) studies b) study c) study 9. Look! The man _______ across the river. a) swims b) is swimming c) is swimming 10. Where ________ my sister’s trousers? a) is b) are c) does 11. Don’t look _______ the window. Look _____ me.


新概念英语(一) 01-72课阶段性测试 Name______ Point_________ Date 一、写单词(共20题,每题0.5分,共10分) _ ___(获胜者) ____(使人激动的) ____(原谅) ____(国籍)(女衬衫) ____(时髦的) ____(地毯) _ ___(助手) ____(花园) ____(沿着)(蜂蜜)(上等的) ____(丈夫) ____(乳品店) ____(疲乏的) ____(厨房)(新鲜的)(谈话)(气候)(茶壶) 二、把下列名词变成复数(共10题,每题1分,共10分) man_______ dress__________ employee__________ watch______ woman__________ housewife_________ child________ tooth__________ potato_________ wife________ 三、写出下列词的反义词或者对应词(共10题,每题1分,共10分) big______ fat_______ young ______ short _______ mother_______ brother______ cold________ open ________ tall ________ late________ 四、写出下列词的现在分词(共10题,每题1分,共10分) make______ live_______ shave________ listen______

run________ sit______ go_______ wait_______ wash ________ swim________ 五、选择填空(共20题,每题1分,共20分) 1、——How do you do? ——_________? A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. How do you do? D. Thank you very much. 2、——He’s going to telephone five o’clock . A. at B. on C. in D. for 3、——__________! Are you Mr. Chen? ——No, I am not . ——__________. A. Hello; good B. Sorry; excuse me C. Hello; ok D. Excuse me; sorry 4、_______is a fine day today. A. That B. This C. It D. Today 5、The airplane is flying _____the sky . A. on B. of C. out D. over 6、——_______is that young man? ——He’s my brother. A. Who B. Which C. Where D. Whose 7、We were the office Monday. A. at, in B. in, on C. on, on D. in, in 8、They ______ over the bridge now . A. walk B. walking C. are walking D. is walking 9、Can she type this letter ___me ? A. of B. at C. for D. in 10、I usually go to school _____7 o’clock _____the morning . A. in; at B. at; in C. on; in D. at; on 11、We usually stay _____home _____ Sundays. A. in; on B. on; at C. for; at D. at; on 12、My father often goes to work ___car.


一、翻译下列短语。(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. a large crowd of 2. pay atte nti on to 3. as usual 4. look up 5. in twenty minutes ' s time 6. get a good salary 7. keep order 8. a friend of mine 9. take part in 10. ask for a lift 二、用下列词的适当形式填空。(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. The bridge (build) by pris oners of war in 194 2. 2. So far, we (not have) a reply. 3. While he (write) on the blackboard, the childre n were talki ng. 4. We advise them (stay) at home. 5. The children ran away after they ______________ (break) the window. 6. She said that she ______________ (see) you tomorrow. 7. The man is a very (experie nee) expert in Chin ese history. 8. The Gree nwood boys will give (perform) all over the coun try. 9. The (luck) boy survived from the disastrous earthquake. 10. (recen t), I have made great progress in En glish. 三、单项选择。(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1. Last summer he went to Italy. He was Italy last summer. A. at B. to C. in D. on 2. The waiter lent him a book. He _______________ a book from the waiter. A. lent B. borrowed C. took D. stole 3. , have you see n Harry in the past few days. A. On the way B. By the way C. In the way D. In this way 4. ______ do you surf the Internet ? Once a mon th. A. How long B. How soo n C. How ofte n D. How far 5. Joe ______________ Bill in the match and fin ally _______________ the champi on ship. A. beat, won B. won, beat C. beat, beat D. won, won 6. I was wet all through a stormy ni ght. A. at B. in C. for D. on


新概念1-30课测试卷 I..辨音:将下列每组单词中划线部分不合群的单词挑出来。(10’) 1. A. whose B. brother C. son D. colour 2. A. perhaps B. catch C. same D. black 3. A. officer B. white C. his D. tourist 4. A. green B. girl C. dog D. orange 5. A. customs B. sister C. case D. passport II.单项选择: 选出最佳选项(30’) 11. _____ shirt is that ? A. What B. Whose C. Which D. When 12.---Is this your dress? ---No, this is _____ dress. A. Mary’s B. Marys C. Mary’ D. Marys’ 13. Paul is here. That is _____coat . A. he B. him C. she D. his 14. She is a teacher. ______ name is Kate. A. She B. Her C. she D. Hers 15. This is Helen . This is ______ dog. A. Helen B. Helen’ c. Helens’ D. Helen’s 16.______ is the sky? --- It’s blue. A. What colour B. What C. Which D. How 17.This is ________. A. book B. a book C. books D. a books 18. --- What colour are your dresses? ----- _________________. A. My dress is yellow B. My dresses is yellow C. My dresses are yellow D. My dress are yellow 19. These are __________. A. blue pen B. blue pens C. red pen D. a red pen 20._______ does Helen come from? She comes from Canada. A. Which B. Why C. Where D. How 1


Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 Text How did Jane receive a letter from a stranger? My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster. New words and expressions 生词和短语 Dream [dri:m] v. 做梦,梦想 age [e?d?] n. 年龄 channel [?t??nl] n. 海峡 throw [θr??] v. 扔,抛★dream v. 做梦, 梦想 Have a good/sweat dream!祝你做个好梦! She is daydreaming.她做白日梦 daydream : 思想开小差 dream of doing something : 梦想 I dreamed of flying in the sky. I dreamed of finding the gold. / I dream of be a good teacher. ★age n. 年龄 teengager : 十几岁的人 adolenscent n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期) ★channel n. 海峡 ★throw v. 扔, 抛(threw,thrown)throw away 扔掉 参考译文: 我的女儿简从未想过会接到荷兰一位同龄姑娘的来信。去年,当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子,又将瓶子扔进了大海。此后她就再没去想那只瓶子。但10个月以后,她收到了荷兰一位姑娘的来信。现在这两位姑娘定期通信了。然而她们还是决定利用邮局。这样会稍微多花点钱,但肯定是快得多了。


新概念英语第一册 课文 1 对不起! 1.Excuse me! 对不起 2.Yes? 什么事? 3. Is this your handbag?这是您的手提包吗? 4.Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。 5. Is this your handbag?这是您的手提包吗? 6.Yes, it is.是的,是我的。 7.Thank you very much.非常感谢! 课文 3 对不起,先生。 8. My coat and my umbrella please. 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 9. Here is my ticket.这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。 10. Thank you, sir. 谢谢,先生。 11. Number five. 是 5号。 12. Here's your umbrella and your coat. 这是您的伞和大衣 13. This is not my umbrella. 这不是我的伞。 14. Sorry sir.对不起,先生。 15. Is this your umbrella? 这把伞是您的吗? 16. No, it isn't. 不,不是! 17. Is this it? 这把是吗? 18. Yes, it is. 是,是这把 19. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 课文 5 很高兴见到你。 20. Good morning. 早上好。 21. Good morning, Mr. Blake. 早上好,布莱克先生。 22. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 这位是索菲娅 . 杜邦小姐。 23. Sophie is a new student. 索菲娅是个新学生。 24. She is French. 她是法国人。 25. Sophie, this is Hans. 索菲娅,这位是汉斯。 26. He is German. 他是德国人。 27. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 28. And this is Naoko. 这位是直子。 29. She's Japanese. 她是日本人。 30. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 31. And this is Chang-woo. 这位是昌宇。 32. He's Korean. 他是韩国人。 33. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 34. And this is Luming. 这位是鲁明。 35. He is Chinese. 他是中国人。 36. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 37. And this is Xiaohui. 这位是晓惠。 38. She's Chinese, too. 她也是中国人。 39. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 课文 7 你是教师吗? 40. I am a new student. 我是个新学生, 41. My name's Robert. 我的名字叫罗伯特。 42. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 43.My name's Sophie. 我的名字叫索菲娅。 44.Are you French? 你是法国人吗?


新概念英语第一册1—50课综合测试题 姓名________ 一、单词翻译: 1、能够_____able__ 2、老板____boss______ 3、要求____request______ 4、蛋糕_____cake_____ 5、喜欢____like______ 6、想_____think____ 7、鸡蛋_egg_________ 8、香蕉___banana_______ 9、橙子__arange________10、苹果___apple_______ 11、黑板____blackboard______12、肉______meat____13、牛肉_____beef_____14鸡____chicken______15、告诉_____tell_____ 16、西红柿____potato______17、梨____pear______18、葡萄_________19、桃子___peach____20、下雨____rain______ 21、country___国家_______22、weather_____天气_____23、spring_____春天_____24、untidy___不整洁______ 25、empty___空_______ 26、letter___信______ 27、walk____走______ 28、jump_____跳_____ 29、March____5月____ 30、homework___家务_______31、vase___花瓶______ 32、sugar____糖_______ 33、July___7月______ 34、August_____8月______35、September_____11月_____36、October_____10月_____ 37、kettle_____水壶_____38、handwriting____书写______39、biscuit___饼干_____40、England____英国______ 二、根据要求变换: 1、I(宾格) ____me______ 2、dish(复数) ___dishes_______ 3、sit(现在分词) __sitting________ 5、tall(反义词) __________ 6、young(反义词) __old________ 7、white(反义词) __black________ 8、she(物主代词) __him________ 9、desk(同义词) ___table_______ 10、housewife(复数) ____housewives______ 11、children(单数) __child________12、swim(现在分词) _swimming_________13、up(反义词) ____down______ 14、is not(缩略式) __is’t_______ 15、left(反义词) __right________ 三、按要求改写下面的句子:) 1.There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句)_there aren’t any watches on the table __________________________________ 2.There is a knife in the box.(改为复句)____there are some knives in the box_______________________________________ 3.There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问)____is therr an apple in the fridge


Lesson 15 Good News The secretary already left. I knew that my turn had come. 'Mr. Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice. 'Don't interrupt,' he said. New words and expressions 生词和短语 1.secretary ['sekr?t?ri] n. 秘书(secret['si:krit]) 私人秘书? 2.nervous [?n?rv?s] adj. 精神紧张的; 3.afford [??f?rd] v. 负担得起; 4.weak [wik] adj. 弱的; 5.interrupt [??nt??r?pt] v. 插话,打断 参考译文: 秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 “不要打断我的话,”他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入。

1.The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. 2.I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 3.He did not look up from his desk when I entered. 4.After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. 5.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. 6.Twenty people had already left. 7.I knew that my turn had come. 8.'Mr. Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice. 9.'Don't interrupt,' he said. 10.T hen he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!


新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson99【课文】 ANDY: Ow! LUCY: What's the matter, Andy? ANDY: I slipped and fell downstairs. LUCY: Have you hurt yourself? ANDY: Yes, I have. I think that I've hurt my back. LUCY: Try and stand up. Can you stand up? Here. Let me help you. ANDY: I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm afraid that I can't get up. LUCY: I think that the doctor had better see you. I'll phone Dr. Carter. LUCY: The doctor says that he will come at once. I'm sure that you need an X-ray, Andy. 【课文翻译】 安迪:啊哟! 露西:怎么了,安迪? 安迪:我滑了一跤,从楼梯上摔下来了。 露西:你摔伤了没有? 安迪:是啊,摔伤了。我想我把背摔坏了。 露西:试试站起来。你能站起来吗?来,让我帮你。

安迪:对不起,露西,恐怕我站不起来。 露西:我想请医生来给你看一下。我去给卡特医生打电话。 露西:医生说他马上就来。安迪,我看你需要做一次X光透视。 【生词】 ow int. 哎哟 slip v. 滑倒,滑了一脚 fall (fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒 downstairs adv. 下楼 hurt (hurt, hurt) v. 伤,伤害,疼痛 back n. 背 stand up 起立,站起来 help v. 协助 at once 立即 sure adj. 一定的,确信的 X-ray n. X光透视 【知识点讲解】 1. 今天我们要接触到宾语从句的基本形式,请大家看课文中出现的这些句子: I think that I've hurt my back. (我想+我伤了我的背。I think + that + ...) I'm afraid that I can't get up.


1. Hi! Tony. Your mother is waiting _____the bus stop . A. for B. at C. on D. to 答案:B 在车站用AT,在英语里面,在地点上的较小的某一点用at,较大地点用in, in Wuhan City, in China ... 2. - _____was the weather like there yesterday ? – It rainy . A. How , was B. What , was C. How , is D. What , is 答案:B ,like 是介词,那么用疑问代词what,这也是固定表达句式。 3. Tom is very short . So he sits _____the classroom . A. in front B. in front of C. in the front of D. front of 答案:C,in the front of 表示在某物内部的前面,in front of 在某物的前面。 4. Thank you for _____us so good ideas . A. give B. to give C. giving D. gives 答案:C,thank sb for doing sth , for 是介词,那么后面用动名词doing. 5. _____some water in the cup . A. There are B. There have C. There is D. There has 答案:C,不可数名词用单数谓语。 6. I found a liitle boy _____in the corner . A. to cry B. cries C. crying D. cry 答案:C,find sb doing sth,发现某人正在做某事。 7. – How about _____camels(骆驼)in Egypt ? A. riding B. having C. taking D. bring 答案:A,how about doing sth ? 向某人提出建议做某事 8. Tom borrowed an interesting book _____me last week . A. to B. of C. from D. for


Lesson15Good news佳音 What was the good news? The secretary told me that Mr.Harmsworth would see me.I felt very nervous when I went into his office.He did not look up from his desk when I entered.After I had sat down,he said that business was very bad.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left.I knew that my turn had come. 'Mr.Harmsworth,'I said in a weak voice. 'Don't interrupt,'he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! 参考译文 秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 “不要打断我的话,”他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000英镑的额外收入。 【New words and expressions】(5) 1secretary['sekr?t?ri,-teri]n.秘书 2nervous['n?:v?s]a.精神紧张的 3afford[?'f?:d]v.负担得起 4weak[wi:k]a.弱的 5interrupt[?int?'r?pt]v.插话,打断 secretary['sekr?t?ri]n.秘书 该词的词根是secret(秘密) secret['si:krit]n.秘密 tell a secret告诉一个秘密 keep a secret保守秘密 the secret of success成功的秘密 an open secret一个公开的秘密 in secret秘密地 secret adj.秘密地,保密的,不公开的 a secret marriage一次秘密的婚礼 a secret document一份秘密的文件 secretary n.秘书,书记


【前10分钟】检查和复习。10’ Lesson 99 - Ow! Lesson 100 - He/She/They say(s) that... 一、教学重点1、词汇:可以接that引导的宾语从句的动词或短语。 2、句型:that引导的宾语从句(名词性从句)。 I’m afraid/sorry/sure (that)... I think/believe (that)... He/She says (that)... They say (that)... 二、教学步骤【第一节课】 1、引入话题(详见右框)。2’ 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。2’ 3、生词解读,纠正发音(详见课本)。5’ 4、提出问题:Must Andy do to see the doctor? 看一遍视频,解答问题。3’ 5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。25’ 6、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。3’ 【第二节课】 1、角色扮演,朗读课文。10’ 2、总结可以接that引导的宾语从句的动词或短语(详见下文)。5’ 3、根据Lesson 99图片和例句作对话练习(详见课本)。15’ 4、做204页的改写句子练习。10’ 5、绕口令。10’ 【第三节课】1、做204页的仿写句子练习。10’ 2、听写Lesson 99的单词,记忆法指点。10’ 3、听一首英文歌曲。7’ 4、背课文比赛。20’ 5、总结本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。2’ 6、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。1’ 三、精讲课文 1、Ow! 语气词“哎哟”。 2、-What's the matter? -I slipped and fell downstairs. slip-slipped-slipped fall downstairs 从楼梯上摔下来。注意downstairs是个副词,前面不用介词。 4、-Have you hurt yourself? -Yes, I have. I think (that) I've hurt my back. 现在完成时。 【回顾】宾语从句:I think (that)... = I believe (that)... 我想…hurt oneself 或者hurt one’s back/head/neck/waist/arm/hand/finger/wrist/leg/foot/toe/ankle... 例句:He hurt his waist when he lifted that heavy box. My back hurts.(疼,不及物动词) 5、Try and stand up. Can you stand up? try and do sth. = try to do sth.(不定式) 试着做某事。类似的动词:come,go 6、Here. 这儿,来,来这儿。 7、Let me help you. 【回顾】Let祈使句。Let me do sth. 让我做某事。例句:Let me give you a hand. Let sb.(宾格) do sth. 让某人做某事。例句:Let him do it. 8、I'm afraid (that) I can't get up. 【回顾Lesson 75/77】宾语从句:我恐怕…造句:I’m afraid (that) he can’t arrive on time. I’m afraid (that) it will rain tomorrow. get up 起床→起来= stand up
