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环保和社会影响/Environment & Social Benefits
曼地亚根系发达,能够保持水土流失,建立四川盆地边缘丘区到 山地的生态屏障;
Taxus Media with extensive root system, can preserve water and soil resources, and improve ecosystem around the verge of Sichuan Basin.
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
为什么不用野生资源?/ Why not extract wild resources?
珍稀濒危植物,严禁砍伐使用. Rare species of plant. 人工培育野生品种时间漫长,代价高昂. High cost for cultivating wild plants 曼地亚具有更高的植株利用率,经济价值高. High economic value of Taxus Media.
国际市场:2004年60 亿美元. World market: USD 6 billion
国内市场:2004年15.69亿元人民币. Domestic market: RMB 1.5 billion
行业发展趋势---在国内处于S曲线的上升初期,前景广阔. Market trend--domestic demand is rising.
The planting of Taxus Media can increase the income of local communities in the mountain area.
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
商 业 计 划 书
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
融资计划/ Investment Required
公司募集资金计划-----1419万元人民币; Funds required = RMB 14.19 m; 建设时间:主要集中在2006年—09年间,投入资金,抢占优质种苗资源; Investment Period: to purchase young trees in 2006-2009; 基础设施投入:抢占土地资源,同时进行房屋,水利设施等建设投入, 办公设备等; Capital Expenidures in Infrastructure:For land resoures. 其他:每年的人工费,种植,施肥,管理费等; Other expenditure of overhead
发 展 目 标 和 计 划 / Goals and Development Plan
1000-mu production base,1000-ton output, RBM 10-million revenue
2007年内建立千亩曼地亚红豆杉种植基地,2010年起年供原料 一千吨以上,年销售收入千万元以上.
行业和市场/ Market and Industry
Raw materials for pharmaceutical factories which provide medicines fighting against cancer.
市场规模---60亿美元 VS 16亿人民币 Market size—USD 6 billion VS RMB 1.6 billion
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
紫杉醇的历史/ The history of paclitaxel
1960年,发现紫杉醇. Paclitaxel was discovered by US Scientists in 1960. 1983年,首次抗癌临床试验. First time applied in hospital experiment for fighting cancer.
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
曼地亚红豆杉的历史/ The history of Taxus Media
来源国外---是一种人工培育的品种,在加拿大和美国栽培选育,已发展到10 多个品系,其中由Hicksii选育的Taxus media cv Hicksii品系是美国食品及 药物管理局(FDA)批准可以用作提取"紫杉醇"的红豆杉之一. Cultivated in US and Canada and developed into more than 10 species. Taxus media cv Hicksii, one breed out of Hicksii, has been approved by FDA as one of the origins of Paclitaxel through extraction. 紫杉醇含量高----整株含量万分之三以上,是野生红豆杉树 皮含量的3-10倍. Content of Paclitaxel is 300PPM, 3-10 times as much as wild taxus. 国内资源---1996年,国家林业局引进,并委托四川省林科院 进行引种栽培实验工作. Introduced by State Forestry Administration in 1996.
Long life cycle of product.
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
供不应求----国内原料市场/ Domestic Market
目前红豆杉原料客户主要为紫杉醇提取企业,大型制药企业以及一些初级加工 厂. Customers mainly include large pharmaceutical firms. 原料市场供应严重不足:进口原料价高,供应严重不足,而国内种植企业目前还 没有批量供应原料的能力. Serious shortage in supply of raw material.
主要用途:提取抗癌药物紫杉醇的 主要原料,目前尚无替代产品. Key raw material to extract Paclitaxel (prominent ingredient in cancer-fighting medication), no replacement in the market currently.
良好的抗癌效果可以改善人类健康,保护濒危物种,实现可持续 发展;
Fight against cancer, conservation of natural diversity, and accomplishment of sustainable development.
潜在需求----目前还有许多企业的紫杉醇提取生产车间正 在建设中,未来需求巨大. Great market potential- large numbers of firms extracting Palictaxel are in development
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
需求上升----- NPI公司的Franke认为,他对制药公司发展紫杉醇疗法的新剂型和给 药系统持乐观态度.更多耐受性更好的新剂型将为紫杉醇带来更大的癌症治疗范 围. Market demand is rising. 生命周期长-----癌症学是一个较为保守的领域,新的疗法并不容易被接受.癌症 药物具有很长的生命力.
2004年底,紫杉醇进入医保目 录 By end of 2004, Paclitaxel was approved to be covered by medical insurance.
1991年,施贵宝开始开发和生 产紫杉醇,并开始临床应用. First produced by Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) and applied in hospital.
绿化观赏价值/ Esthetics Value
曼地亚红豆杉属红豆杉科常绿针叶灌木, 结相思豆般的红豆,具有很强的绿化观 赏价值. Taxus Media turns out green all the year around with beautiful and elegant gestures.
种植技术:利用环保农药,肥料等核心技术. Planting Techniques: utilization of environmental protection pesticides and fertilizers.
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
主要内容/ Table of Contents
一,产品和技术/ Product and Technology 二,环保和社会影响/ Environment & Social Benefits 三,行业和市场/ Industry and Market 四,发展目标和计划/ Goals & Development Plan 五,融资和财务计划/ Investment And Financial Analysis 六,公司介绍/ Company Profile
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
技术说明/ Specifications
生长条件:海拔460--2000米,以年最低温度不低于-25摄氏度,最高气温不超过+43摄 氏度,排水良好的砂壤土的亚热带山区最佳. Environment Requirement:460-2000 meters above sea level, no less than -25°C. 繁殖技术:多用扦插繁殖,成活率较高,根据不同等级的种苗,分别可以达到70-95%以上; Breed: 70-95% of young plants survive. 生长速度和紫杉醇含量:实测年生长10--60厘米,紫杉醇含量万分之三以上. Growth Speed: 10-60cm per year.
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
市场前景/ Market Forecast
Good prospect of industry development.
Sichuan Wonderful Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
产品和技术/ Product&Technology
主要产品:人工种植的曼地 亚红豆杉.红豆杉科红豆杉 属,天然杂交品种. Main Products: Taxus Media