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1、The earliest form of literature in Anglo-Saxon period was oral.

2、Anglo-Saxon 代表作《Beowulf》“national epic of the Anglo-Saxons”特征:alliteration

3、Religious poet Caedmon,story in Bible

4、The first great book in prose散文in English is 《Anglo-Saxon Chronicle》(AD1 to 1154)

5、Anglo- Norman period, French Latin and English, 重要形式metrical romance(源自法国文学) 关于love or knight adventure 或两者都有。最出名素材Legend of King Arthur 和round table knights. 代表作:《Sir Gawain and the Green Knight》

6、Preparation of Renaissance, Hundred Y ears' War,, the War of Roses. 先锋代表作《Piers Plowman》(by William Langland)著名人物Geoffrey Chaucer, 代表作《The Canterbury Tales》.风格satirical and narrative

7、同时期,a collection of the legends of King Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory(法翻英)

8、John Wyclif 翻译Bible(拉丁翻英)《Wyclif Bible》

9、一种folk literature 叫ballad(民谣)

10、Geoffrey Chaucer,(1340-1400), 受早期意大利文艺复习影响,《The House of Fame》《The Parliament of Fouls》《Troilus and Criseyde》《The Legend of Good Women》,死后第一个第一个葬在“Poet's Corner" 的诗人。特点:heroic couplet

11、文艺复兴到英国大概16世纪,the Tudors,English merchant class, agrarian revolution, clothing industry, the geographical exploration and trade expansion, reformation. 主要事情separate the English Church from Rome.

12、William Caxton 引进印刷术

13、文艺复兴时期三种文学:poetry, prose and drama

14、Drama 起源于宗教,miracle plays,morality plays(《Everyman》

15、Drama黄金时期伊丽莎白一世,appeal to all classes in society

16、Dramatists, "University Wits", 七个成员,代表Christopher Marlowe(先于Shakespeare)其成就Elizabethan tragedy, using blank verse.代表作《The tragical History of Doctor Faustus》德国传说,献身魔鬼。

17、Ben Jonson的喜剧,《Every Man in His Humor》,《V olpone》假死贪婪, 《The Silence Woman》, 《The Alchemist》and 《Bartholomew Fairs》他的To Celia 情诗

18、Shakespeare,17th, 第一部剧《A comedy of Errors》historical drama《Titus Andronicus》《Henry 4th》narrative poems 《V enus and Adonis》and《The Rape of Lucrece》.其他《Midsummer Night's Dream》《Much Ado About Nothing》四大悲剧《Hamlet》《Othello》《King Lear》《Macbeth》最后一篇《The Tempest》

19、文艺复兴初期,lyric poetry 代表《Thomas Wyatt》和《Earl of Surrey》sonnet 和blank verse 的引进,Wyatt开创新世界,人成为诗歌主题

20、Sonnet的代表人物Sidney(第一个写完十四行诗系列,sonnet sequence组诗,示爱) 和Shakespeare(不仅示爱,还affection for his young friend,搞基??XD)

21、同时期,Edmund Spense r,,当时最有名,The Fairie Queene ,combining Arthur legend with religious and Platonic idealism and political commentary

22、Prose散文,Sir Thomas Mor e, early humanist, 代表作《Utopia》,对话形式,prose包括religious writing

Translation the Authorized V ersion of the Bible, King James

prose fiction 《Euphues》by John Lyly , English novel 的起源.realistic prose, adventures of Jack Wilton by Nashe

short essay.

23、Francis Bacon(1561-1626) English philosopher,writer and statesman ;a philosophical treatise 《Instauratio Magma》,上篇为《The advancement of Learning》下篇为《Novum Organum》观点human nature, not as it ought to be, but as it is.

24、17th Anglican Church 与Puritans 的矛盾以及revolution,人物John Webster,其作品revenge tragedy,《The White Devil》《The Duchess of Malfi》另一人Middleton,最佳喜剧作者,描写gamblers. Prostitutes,decayed soldiers and other beings of its underworld. 两个剧作家Beaumont 和Fletcher ,作品《The Maid's Tragedy》

25、诗歌的两个学派,Cavalier poets(受Ben Jonson影响)特点:for the aristocratic (贵族)simple and graceful in structure and finely polished in style,代表人物Herrick, Lovelace and Suckling metaphysical school(形而上学,受John Donne 影响)特点:learned imagery and striking metaphors and comparisons,也对数学、科学、地理有兴趣。

26、John Milton, 支持Puritans,关注liberty, idealism and self-sacrifice代表作《Paradise Lost》它的诗歌特点:一是puritan strain 二是classical strain

27、18th the Age of Reason, prose 特征: uncomplicated and clear sentence, 而poetry 特征:neat and reasonable heroic couplet 主导地位didactic and satirical(说教讽刺)

28、John Dryden, 代表作《Absalom and Archistophel》political satire, 英国第一个桂冠诗the title poet laureate of England 同时,也写heroic tragedy 和critical essay

29、Heroic couplet的典型、巅峰人物Alexander Pope “best technician in English verse"《The Rape of the Lock》(他最好的诗歌)《The Dunciad3》

30、18世纪中期,poet of sentiment, 关注穷人生活,nature become an independent theme 代表人物:James Thomson, James Collins, Edward Y oung and Thomas Gray(著名情诗《Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard》)。

31、理性时代向Romanic movement 过渡期代表:William Cowper和Robert Burns.

32、Modern prose and the rise of journalism, 18th, periodicals,期刊包括news-sheet 和journals。代表Sir Richard Steele 的《The Tatler》和他与Joseph Addison合写的《Spectator》。期刊的发展推动了creative writing和criticism,著名作家代表:Defo e,Swift,Fielding和Smollett.

33、18世纪prose writers 代表Jonathan Swift,《Gulliver's Travels》,《A Modest Proposal》Samuel Johnson,James Boswell《Johnson's Biography》

34、18世纪Restoration drama in both comedy and tragedy 不再主流,悲剧方面,模仿French classical drama, 主题是Greek and Roman 喜剧方面,sentimentality 和morality 。18世纪中叶,代表人物Oliver Goldsmith用sentimental comedy表示不满,代表作《The Good Natured Man》and《She Stoops to Conquer》Richard Brinsley Sheridan,代表作《The School for Scandal》and 《The Critic》, 以混用长词出名。

35、浪漫主义运动18世纪到19世纪中,pro-Romantic 有graveyard poetry 以及the novel of sentiment.

36、The beginning of Romantic movement was marked by the publication of Lyrical Ballads of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge. 关键词nature 作为诗歌源泉,看重emotion 和
