

Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

Section A (1a-1c) 测试卷

班级:_________ 姓名:_________



1. He tried ______ (climb) the mountain, but he failed.

____ (give) up.

2.Yu Gong kept ______ (try) and didn’t _

3. But what could Yu Gong do instead of ______ (move) the mountains.

4. Do you find a good way _______ (solve) the problem?

5. My mother always tells me not to give up ______ (work) hard.



( ) 1. Once upon a time, an old man tried ______ the mountains.

A not move

B not to move

C moving

D to move

( ) 2. Zhang Lan is ill. Let me go to the meeting instead ________.

A of she

B of her

C off she

D off her

( ) 3. When I walked past the park, I saw some old people ______ Chinese Taiji.

A do

B did

C doing

D are doing

( ) 4.I’ll phone you as soon as I ______.

A get to home

B got to home

C get home

D got home

( ) 5. You can’t cross the street now. You have to wait ______ the traffic lights turn green.

A when

B after

C until

D while

( )6. They tried _________the mountain away in their life.

A. to finish moving

B. to finish taking

C. finishing to move

D. finishing to take



Where would they _____ _____ _____ _____ and stone _____ the mountains?


第二学期期中质量调研 八年级英语试题 (考试范围: 至牛津初中英语8下 Unit4) 注意事项:1.本试卷共10页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。 2.请将答案全部填写在第7—10页的答题纸上,在1—6页上答题无效。 第一卷(共63分) 一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1. Which sign didn’t the woman notice? A B C 2. What does David need? A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 5. What is the woman worried? A. It will be too hot. B. They will leave too early. C. There will be too many people if they don’t leave early. 6. How much did the woman pay for all those things? A. 25 yuan. B. 18 yuan. C. 32 yuan.

7. What does Betty spend her money on now? A. Clothes. B. Shoes. C. Books. 8. Who thinks diving is more exciting? A. Diana. B. Betty. C. Ricky. 9. Why is the woman against the plan? A. Because the plan is necessary. B. Because the shoe factory will bring a lot of money. C. Because the environment will be harmed(损伤). 10. What does the woman mean? A. She has enough notes for both of them. B. She has another pen for him. C. She herself has no more pens. B) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间来选择你认为最合适的答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11—12小题。 11. Where is the man going? A. To the city library. B. To the railway station. C. To the new park. 12. Why can’t the man find his place? A. This is his first time to come here. B. He has a wrong map. C. Things have changed a lot. 听第二段对话,完成信息记录表第13—15小题。 13. A. Two B. Three C. Four 14. A. at 5:00 B. at 4:30 C. at 5:30 15. A. near the door B. next to the window C. by the flower table 听第三段独白,回答第16—20小题 16. Why is a bicycle sometimes better than a car in the town? A. It has a basket at the front. B. It is much cheaper than a car. C. It is often faster than a car. 17. Who can the speaker take to school and the library by bicycle? A. Her little son. B. Her little daughter. C. Her husband. 18. In which season does the speaker use her bike most? A. In summer. B. In winter. C. In autumn. 19. When does the speaker’s husband use the bicycle? A. When he goes for a picnic. B. When he goes to his office.


八年级下册英语期中测试卷带答案 PartII笔试部分 四.选择题。(25分) ()16.Therewillbe_______pollutioninthefuture intheworld. A.more B.many C.fewer D.few []17.Kidswon’tgotoschool.Theywillstudy_____home______compu ters. A.in,in B.at,on C.at,by D.at;from []18Peoplewilllive______200yearsoldinthefuture. A./ B.be C.tobe D.in ()19.WhatdoyouthinkMikewillbe___fiveyears A.after B.in C.for D.before []20.---Willtherebefewertrees---__________. A.Yes,therewill. B.Yes,theywill. C.No,therearen’t. D.No,theywon’t. []21.YangLiweiisafamousChinese__________.

A.scientist https://www.360docs.net/doc/a69435431.html,puterprogrammer C.astronaut D.engineer []22Therewere_________peopleinthepark. A.hundredsof B.twohundredsof C.twohundreds D.twohundredof []23.He_________knowwhereherhouseis. A.maybe B.maybe C.may D.mustbe []24.Hedoesn’thaveanymoney,_________. A.too B.also C.either D.neither []25.Ithinkyoushould______somemoney______yourfriends. A.borrow;for B.borrow;from C.lend;from D.borrow;to []26.Myfriendhasthesamehaircut_______Ido. A.as B.like C.seem D.lookslike []27.Don’trun________shout________theparty. A.and;at B.or;in C.and;in D.or;at


小学英语一年级入学测 试试卷 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

+.0小学一年级英语入学测试题 一、默写26个大小写字母。 二、情景反应。 1、你想知道别人的名字,你应该问:( ) A. Sorry, I don’t know. is your name? 2、下午好,用英语怎么说() A. Good morning. afternoon. 3.老师问你:这是什么?老师要怎么说呢。() ’s this B. What’s that? 4.有个同学对你说,How are you 你应该怎么回答() A. Fine ,thank you. B. I am 6 year. 5.早上碰到老师,你应该怎么说() morning. B. Good afternoon. 二,英汉互译。 1、这是一支铅笔。() A. This’s a pencil. ’s a desk. 2. What color is it?( ) A.这是什么花? B.这是什么颜色? do you do( ) A.你在做什么? B.这是什么?

is the weather -----It’s hot. ( ) A.今天天气怎么样?今天很热。 B.今天天气怎么样?今天很凉。 5. 请关门。( ) close the door. open the door. 三、判断题,如果单词与图画一致请在括号内画“√”,不一致画“×”。 eleven ( ) plane ( ) girl ( ) ball ( ) bus ( ) computer ( ) toys ( ) box ( ) 四、找朋友。将单词与相应的图片连起来。 dress T-shirt skirt shoe sock Car chair picture shorts bus 五、按要求在四线格里正确书写下列单词。 Window sock chair table room Sweater table lamp plane computer


八年级英语下册期末考试题及答案(人教版) 一、单项选择: ( ) 1. Mo Yan is one of most popular writers in the world. He was honest boy when he was child. A. a; a B. a; an C. the; a D. the; an ( ) 2.I’m a teenager and I don’t play with soft toys any longer. A. no longer; / B. no; longer C. / ; no longer D. no; any longer ( ) 3. ---How long your uncle this personal computer ? --- Since ten years ago. He wants to buy a new one. A. have; had B. has; bought C. have ; bought D. has; had ( ) 4. Hurry up! The piano concert for five minutes. A. had begun B. has been on C. has begun D. began ( ) 5. --- Long time no see your father! Where has he ? --- He has Beijing for a month. He’ll be back next week. A. been; been in B. gone; been C. been; been to D. gone; gone to ( ) 6. My mother used to the song “Where’s time going?” . Now she is used to it. A. hating; listen B. hated; listened to C. hate; listening to D. hating; listening ( ) 7. The cleaner in Zhengzhou said, “ things we do, environment we’ll have” . A. More; better B. The more; the better C. Fewer ; The less D. The fewer; better ( ) 8. Yu Gong didn’t need to move the mountains, He could think of ways to solve his problem . A. other B. another C. others D. else ( ) 9. Mr Green isn’t here, He with his family home in England . A. have been B.has been C.has gone back D.have gone ( ) 10. Kate was ill last week . But she is to go to school today. A. good enough B.enough well C.well enough D.enough good


Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Liu Jing’s mother is very kind and she often speaks _______ a kind way. A. for B. by C. in D. of ( )22. Her own twelve pictures sold very well, _______ to friends and family. A. usually B. Mostly C. Hardly D. recently ( )23. I don’t like this house with only two small bedrooms. Let’s ask for _______. A. one B. another C. the other D. others ( )24. —Susan, I went to the 31st International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin. —Really? I have _______ heard about it. A. already B. ever C. never D. yet ( )25. I forgot to take the _______ with me to Portugal, so I didn’t take any photos. A. camera B. alarm C. report D. record ( )26. Sally is interested in English. Her teacher encouraged her _______ it well. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned ( )27. —Linda, is that man your English teacher Mr. Huang? —No, it can’t be him. He _______ Beijing for training. A. has gone to B. has been to C. was in D. goes to ( )28. About _______ of the students in that village go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. A. two fifth B. two fifths C. second five D. second fives ( )29. The car is five years old but is in almost _______ condition. A. poor B. perfect C. serious D. typical ( )30. As soon as the iPhone 6 came out, _______ people couldn’t wait to buy one. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( )31. I got there early so that I _______ others’ ideas about the plan before the meeting began. A. introduced B. protected C. collected D. controlled ( )32. When I left the hospital, the doctor said to me, “Don’t be worried. You’ll be all right in _______ days.” A. a couple of B. a kind of C. a piece of D. a bit of ( )33. —What is the best time of day for us _______ you? —Oh, any time is OK. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visited ( )34. Health experts _______ that lots of people would have flu this winter because the weather is unusual. A. discussed B. promised C. feared D. advised ( )35.—I haven’t been to the Bird’s Nest. What about you? —_______. I am planning to go there this weekend. A. Me too B. Me neither C. So did I D. Neither did I Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 When I was young, I liked climbing mountains with my father. When we walked together,


期末测试卷 时间:120分钟满分:120分 姓名:分数: 听力部分 (25分) 一、听力。 第一节听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。对话读两遍。(5分) 1.M:Rose,why didn't you come to school yesterday? W:I had a sore throat.I went to a doctor yesterday. 2.M:Did you put up the signs just now? W:No,I handed out some notices. 3.M:Mom,could you help me solve this math problem? W:Sorry,dear.I'm not good at math.Why not ask your dad for help?He is watching TV. 4.M:Anna,what's the highest mountain in the world? W:Qomolangma.I think it's also the most dangerous mountain in the world. 5.M:What are you drawing now,Helen? W:Oh,I'm drawing some plants that pandas like to eat. (C)1.What was the matter with Rose? A.She had a cold. B.She had a toothache. C.She had a sore throat. (A)2.What did the girl do just now? A.She handed out the notices. B.She put up the signs. C.She gave out the food. (B)3.Where are they talking? A.At school. B.At home. C.At a cinema.


最新人教版八年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案 (2016-2017学年度第二学期,标准配套试题,含期中,期末试题) Unit 1What's the matter单元测试题 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(15分) (B )21.—Bob's head feels very hot now. —Maybe he has ________ fever.Please take him to see ________ doctor. A.a;/B.a;a C.the;/D.the;a ( A )22.He can't walk because there's something wrong with his ________. A.feet B.arms C.ears D.hands ( D )23.________ her surprise,Peter turned down her invitation. A.From B.Of C.With D.To ( D )24.—Did you take your ________ at home,Linda? —Yes.I have a low fever.It's nothing serious. A.trouble B.situation C.matter D.temperature ( A )25.—I cut myself just now. —Well,you ________ put some medicine on the cut. A.should B.shouldn't C.can't D.mustn't ( C )26.The climber hurt himself ________ the mountain. A.climb B.to climb C.climbing D.climbed ( C )27.—What do you think of your classmate Li Gang? —I know what you ________.I don't like him either. A.control B.remember C.mean D.follow ( D )28.The movie star was really tired,but the reporters kept on ________ him questions. A.asks B.asked C.to ask D.asking ( D )https://www.360docs.net/doc/a69435431.html,st month,the old woman ________ from the bike and hurt her head. A.lay down B.put down C.turned down D.fell down ( A )30.—Who did Cathy go swimming with last Sunday? —Nobody.She went swimming by ________. A.herself B.itself C.himself D.yourself ( D )31.—Doctor,I feel bad.I ________ all day. —I think you have the flu. A.risk B.breathe C.worry D.cough ( D )32.—Did you read the story? —Of course.It was ________ interesting ________ I read it twice. A.too;to B.too;that C.such;that D.so;that ( A )33.—How does Jane go to school? —She ________ ride a bike to school,but now she ________ going there by bus. A.used to;is used to B.used to;used to C.is used to;used to D.is used to;is used to ( B )34.No matter how hard it is,don't ________.It will be better in the future. A.make up B.give up C.put up D.take up ( B )35.—________? —I have a toothache. A.How do you like it B.What's the matter


八年级下8-9单元测试卷 Unit 8 to Unit 9 说明:1.本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。2.选择题请将其标号填入题前的括号内,非选择题在相应空白处作答。3.全卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共70分) 一、听力理解(每小题1分,共20分) ㈠单句理解。听句子,选出与所听到的句子内容相同或相近的句子。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. A. I began to study English four years ago. B. I've been studying English for two years. C. I am going to study English. ( )2. A. Tom has ever been to the zoo. B. Tom didn't go to the zoo last year. C. Tom went to the park last year. ( )3. A. Jim has ever been to the Water World. B. Jim has never been to the Water World. C. Jim went to the Water World yesterday. ( )4. A. We went to an amusement park last year. B. We will go to an interesting park. C. We are going to go to an amusement park. ( )5. A. Both of them have been to the Space Museum. B. Neither of them has been to the Space Museum. C. They have ever been to the Space Museum. ㈡对话理解。听对话,将四位教师及其所去的地方连线。对话读两遍。(4分) ㈢对话理解。听对话及对话后所给的5个问题,选择正确的答案。对话及问题读两遍。(5分) ( )10. A. He went to the park. B. He went to the zoo. C. He went to school.

小学一年级入学考试试题集锦 (2)

良山学校崇贤校区一年级入学考试面试题 一、学生试题 1.你的名字,家长姓名,工作单位,家里电话号码是多少? 2.在哪个幼儿园读书,学过哪些课,最喜欢学什么,为什么? 3.说一件你最高兴(或最伤心)的事。 你能试着数一百个数吗?数数看? 你会唱首歌吗?试试看?你还会什么,说一说? 你能背一首儿歌吗? 你知道报警的电话号码吗? 如果不小心把同伴的铅笔碰到地上了,你会说什么? 看见小朋友需要帮助,你会怎么办? 10. 10+8=? 11. 老师说:8个小朋友玩捉迷藏,已抓住4个还剩几个? 12. ()+3=7 5+()=9 8-()=2 你认识这几个拼音码? dà jiā hé huā huǒ chē wū yā yǔ yī xīɡuā zhī 家里只剩下一个苹果你想这个苹果给谁吃? 妈妈、自己还是一人一半? 15、在幼儿园的时候,你经常一个人玩还是愿意和小朋友一起玩? (评分标准:看说话是否流利,表达是否完整,知识性及思想是否健康、普通话是否标准。)家长试题 1 孩子平时都是谁来照顾?(不只靠老人管教孩子)

2 孩子应该吃点苦”这句话你是怎么理解的?(舍得孩子吃苦) 3 下班以后你经常做些什么事?(没有不良嗜好) 4 你家是否有家族病史,遗传病,或其他传染性疾病? 5 在生活中你是否不讲脏话,经常使用文明用语呢? 6 以下规定你能做到哪些?(请打√) 能理解和接受学校教育观、教学观和管理要求等() 能积极配合学校教育,不把教育要求、责任全部推给学校() 通情达理,不胡搅蛮缠,不干涉学校教育() 不溺爱孩子,舍得孩子吃苦,不给孩子乱花钱,任由孩子发展() 孩子不只和老人生活在一起,不只靠老人管教孩子,接送孩子() 家庭健全,和谐,父母没有不良嗜好() 有较高的文化素养,有比较先进的家庭教育观() 7 在教育孩子的问题上与老师产生歧义,你如何解决此类问题? 8 在孩子的教育问题上,你怎样理解老师、学校、家长和社会之间的关系? 9 家长晚上来接孩子时,电瓶车应停在哪里? 10 课间时间小孩子在操场上玩耍,不小心摔坏受伤了,你认为是谁的责任?怎样处理是合理的? 11 在学校看见老师时应该怎样? 12 在学校操场上看见地面上有一片垃圾你该怎么办? 13 当你的孩子在学校受了委屈,回家告诉你,你会怎么做? 14 当你知道你的孩子在学习上碰到困难时,你会怎么做? 15在寒假和暑假期间,你是怎样安排你的孩子让他的生活更有意义和丰富多彩?(如何安排孩子的暑假生活?


文华学校八年级英语下测试二 一.根据首字母写单词。 1.My stereo is out of s_________ 2.Those jackets are o________ 3.M________ you should buy a book. 4.I need some m_______ to buy gifts for my uncle. 5.They have a p_____ ,and they need your help. 6.The Mp4 is i______ and she can buy one. 7.Travelling on a bus is very c_____ and cheap. 8.Don’t a ______ with him.He won’t listen to you. 9.How can I get more money?—You can get a p_____ job. 10.Look ,my clothes are more p___ than theirs. 二.选择填空 1.Mrs Smith gets up early every day ____ Sunday. A besides B except C with 2.Did you see anybody _______? A else B other C more 3.I want my uncle _____ a new computer for my birthday. A buying B to buy C bought 4.The desk is too heavy.You should _____ John ____ help. A ask ,for B asked, for C asking, for 5.My grandparents _____ about 2500 yuan for my school education each year. A spend B take C pay 6.I don’t know what to do about it. Can you give me some__ A advice B questions C problems 7.Even though I am right, I don’t want to ___ her. A play with B talk C argue with 8.They are _____ my classmates’ clothes. A the same as B as the same C as same 9.They are brothers.They______. A get on well B get on C go on well 10.My watch doesn’t work.I don’t know what’s____ it. A about wrong B wrong with C matter with 11.I don’t know how to remember new words.Can you give me_____? A an advice B any advices C some advice 12.Maybe you should ______ A call up him B call his up C call them up 13.Mrs Johnson won’t go to the party ,I won’t____ A too B either C also 14.When you lose your way in the city, you_ the policemen_help. A ask,for B look ,for C find ,out 15.I could give you a ticket ___ a football game. A of B to C at 16.How did Susan get so much money? ---He ____ it____his best friend. A borrowed, from B borrows, for C borrow, to 17.His sister wants him ___ her a key ring. A buy B buys C to buy 18.She looks very sad, I want to help her, but I just don’t know__ to do. A how B what C when 19.The whole class went on a school trip______ George. A except B without C not 20.Your hair clip is _______ my sister’s. A same as B as the same C the same as 三.用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1.I can’t find the station .What _____ I ____(do)? 2.I’m sorry I didn’t finish ________(do) my homework. 3.What time _____Peter ____(get) up this morning? 4.Could you please ______(pass)me the Mp3? 5.Mr White isn’t used to _______(drink) milk. 6.We____ (need) to buy some more fish,Daddy! 7.Dont’ lit the students____(suffer) from lots of homework. 8.The students have to _____(get) there earlier than seven 9.We’d like you ______(play) football with us. 10.I’m very upset and don’t know what_____(do) 四.句型变化。 1.What’s wrong with it?==_____ ______ ______ with it? 2.We should help him with writing letters.变否定句 We ________ ______ him with writing letters. 3.They should buy some new clothes.提问 ______ ______ they buy? 4.John needs some help.一般疑问句 ______John ______ _____ help? 5.Maybe it is a bird.==It _______ _______ a bird. 6.The picture cost me 10 dollars.== I ________ 10 dollars ______ the picture. 7. My sister is too young to join the army.== My sister _______ old ______ to join the army. 8. He borrowed a bike from me.== I _______ a bike _______ him. 9. What else do you want?== What _______ _________ would you ______? 10.He taught English himself. ==He ______ English _____ _____. 五.汉译英。 1.我需要一些钱给我母亲买礼物。 I need some money ___________________ my mother. 2.他习惯于靠自己完成作业。 He is ____________ his homework ___________. 3.他在寻找失落的书。 He is ___________the ________ book. 4.也许你能吃一顿烧烤。 ________ you could have a _________ 5.我们应该与人和睦相处。 We ___ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______. 六.完形填空。 Men and women have the exact same view of a best friend-a person who is always there for you.As one man put it,“To me,a best friend is 1 that you call if you’te on the road and get a flat tire(轮胎瘪了)at 3:00a.m.and you’ve been told it’s four hours 2 a tow track(拖车)can be sent.Your friends says, “Tell me exactly 3 you are,and I’ll come and get you.’’’ You never have to 4 yourself to best friends because they really ,really know who your are. 5 best friends, you can be who you are.You can cry too hard or laugh too loud and never 6 what they’ll think of you. They give you what you 7 from a parent and don’t always get. Best friends love you because they want to ,not because they 8 to. And for many people ,a best friend become the brother or sister they’d 9 Wanted, but never had. Best friends are the 10 choose.


八年级下英语测试(附答案) Class: ______ Name: ______ Marks: _________ (满分100 分) I .单项选择—(15分) 从下列各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ()1--Mum, I thi nk rm _______ to get back to school. --Not really, my dear. You'd better stay at home for ano ther day or two. A. so well B. so good C. well eno ugh D. good eno ugh ()2. The stude nts are ______ young people betwee n the age of sixtee n and twen ty. A. most B. almost C. mostly D. almostly ( )3. She told us ____ story that we all forgot about the time. A. such an interesting B. such i n teresti ng C. so an in terest ing D. a so in terest ing ( )4. After a long walk, I felt very hot and I really wan ted to drink A. cold something B. something cold C. nothing cold D. cold anything ( )5. Jack, your bedroom is in a terrible mess. Please . A. tidy it up B. take it off C. make it up D. put it away ( )6. Mr Li is one of teachers in our school. We all like him very much. A. humorous B. more humorous C. the most humorous D. much more humorous ( )7. I think ________ is really hard ______ us to climb such a high mountain. A. this; to B. it; to C. this; for D. it; for ( )8. —Mike, why are you so excited? —Oh, Jack asked me _____ on a trip to Mount Tai with him. A. went B. goes C. to go D. going ()9. — ________ did the carto on book cost you? —Five dollars. A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How ofte n ( )10. Jim has an _______ hobby. He is _______ in collect ing coins and no tes. A. i nterested; in teresti ng B. in teresti ng; in terest ing C. in terested; in terested D. i nteresti ng; in terested ( )11. —Does your gran dfather take exercise every day? —Yes. He always _____ 30 minutes taking a walk after supper. A. spe nds B. takes C. costs D. pays ()12. Our teacher let us write a ________ com-position to describe our experiences at the summer camp. A. six-h un dreds-word B. six-h un dreds-words C. six-h un dred-words D. six-h un dred-word ( )13. The magazin _______ be Lucy ' s, for we can find her name on it. A. can 't B. must C. couldn 't D. might
