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It’s a private matter. She wants to talk about some private matter with me. •②n.麻烦事
It doesn’t matter.用于回答I am sorry. It matters( to ….).与…有关系. Does it matter? 有关系吗? What’s the matter?=what’s wrong? What’s the matter with …?(you, him, her…) as a matter of fact =in fact 事实上,实际上 As a matter of fact, I’m a jobless man now. As a matter of fact, they have nothing now.
• big shot 权贵之人,大亨,大人物,大腕 • He is a big shot. • big-shot(大腕级的) lawyers
little & small
• little更多用于修饰有感情色彩的东西,有“可爱 的”意思。
• She has a little son. • She has the sweetest little smiles. • 强调数量时还有“少”的意思,如: • There is little water on the desk. • small指体积,空间小,物理量值的小 • small eyes • a small room
• ①adj.困乏的 • Jack always has lots of work to do and he feels
tired. • ②adj. 厌烦的 be tired of sth /doing sth • If you are tired of driving, let me know please. • The poor student is tired of his study. • tired out =completely tired 筋疲力尽 • tireless adj. [’taɪəlɪs] 1. 不倦的;不疲倦的;不厌倦的;

empty the bag/box/bottle/room
• emptiness ['emptinis] n. 空虚, 无知, 空腹 • I feel I am in emptiness. 我觉得我很空虚。 • But I'll fill the emptiness. 但我要填补空
• It is a world of emptiness. 那是一个空虚 的世界。
• care-careful-careless-carelessness
full adj. 满的
• The box/bottle is full/empty. • be full of sth. 某物充满了… • The classroom is full of students. • The family is full of love. • The bottles are full of milk. • The house is full of the smell of flowers. • (屋子里充满了花香) • I’m full. (我饱了)
为”、“使……变成”等含义。例如:shorten(使缩 短), darken(使黑,变黑),deepen(加深,使深), broaden(加宽),sharpen(削尖),sweeten(使变 甜),thicken(使变厚),quicken(加快),soften (使软化)blacken(使变黑),harden(变硬、硬化), weaken(变弱),fasten(使固定),widen(变宽)。 • 接在少数名词后面构成“小”称名词。例如:chicken (小鸡),kitten(小猫)等。
large & big
• large仅指物理量值的大,主要指体积、面积、形状、数 量方面的大,修饰人时指个子大。small的反义词。
• Look at that large woman in white. • big所表示的大,主要指不仅体积大而且很重,在修饰人
时,主要指大人物,但个子未必高大。 • She’s very big in the filmdom. • 她在电影界中是个响当当的人物。(指不仅成功,而且具
• over:越过,垂直上方,不接触表面 • in:在…里面,物体里面 in the box/office • to:往,向,表示去向方向 • into:进入…里面,从外到里进入的过程 • out of:在…外,从里面出来 • across:横穿[在物体表面横穿]
• through:从里面(中间)穿过go through the gate.
③ adj. 正确的 反义词:wrong [rɔŋ] He gets the right answer
There be句型 用来表示某地存在某物
• 句型的结构:
– 1)There is + 可数名词单数/不可数名词 + 介词短语. – 2)There are + 可数名词复数 + 介词短语.
– 介词短语= 介词 + 名词 – 介词包括:in (在…里面), on (在…上面)…
– 例句: – There is a bottle on the table. – There is some water in the glass. – There are two shirts on the bed.
• on:在…上面,接触物体表面on the table/desk/floor/wall
• 1)adj. 钝的, 生硬的, 直率的
blunt stone/pencil/knife The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree. She is blunt about her personal life. •2)vt. 把…弄钝, 减弱 We would blunt the offensive and beat the enemy.
孜孜不倦的 • a tireless worker/teacher/student/mother
-less 后缀 suf.
• hope---hopeless 不抱希望的, 绝望的 • job---jobless 没有工作的;失业的 • care---careless 粗心的, 草率的 • home---homeless 无家可归的 • help---helpless 无助的, 无保护的 • meaning---meaningless 毫无意义的;毫无目的的
He has to light the match fist
Vocabulary study
Children (child)
the only child
Infant [‘infənt]
Orphan [‘ɔrfən]
•①n. 事情,事件
between her parents. • among 在…中间(两者以上)They walked
among the crowds
• 指体积小 little 含小而 可爱之意
• small eyes a small room
• a little boy my little brother
① adj. 渴的,口干的 We are tired and thirsty. Are you thirsty?
② adj. (工地等)干旱的 a dry and thirsty land 干旱的土地 dry---wet ③ adj. 渴望的,渴求的(for / after) The students there are thirsty for knowledge. 那里的学生有强烈的求知欲
• pencil sharpener
• 3)n.夏普 • Brother Sharp 犀利哥
• 前缀en-和后缀-en尽管词缀形式相同,但两者的构词功能 迥然不同,前者仅用作动词词缀,而后者可作动词、形容 词及名词词缀.
• 后缀-en的构词功能 • 接在某些形容词后面构成动词,有“做”、“使”、“成
• ①adj. 轻的 • The box is so light that I can lift it by
myself. • A light sleeper a light punishment
②n.灯 Turn on/off the light .
③v.点燃 Light a cigarette. Light a candle.
①adj. 重的 the box is heavy. Heavy smoker/heavy drinker, heavy rain, heavy hearted(心事重重)
• ①adj. 关着的 closed • The door/window is closed. • ②v.关 • Close/shut the door pls. Open ①adj.开着的the door/shop is open. ②v.打开 open your mouth
A man is lost in a forest on a cold night. Luckily, he sees a cabin in the distance. Inside, he finds a candle, an oil lamp, paper and logs in a fireplace. He only has one match. What should he light first?
empty adj. 空的
• 1) adj. 空的, 空洞的, 空虚的, 寂寞的
• an empty room 空房间 间
• The room is empty.
• Give me the empty box.
• =Give the _____________. (改写上面的 句子)
• 2) v. 倒空,把…腾出来
• under:在……下面A book is under the desk. • beside:在……旁边He walked toward to
Helen and sat down beside her. • near:在……附近A tree is near the house. • between:在……两者之间The girl sits
Good night! Welcome!
What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?
Who isn't your sister and isn't your brother, but is still a child of your mother and father?
• 1)adj. 尖的, 锋利的, 精确的 (形容人时)灵敏的, 机警的; 人的头脑、眼睛等敏锐的, 灵敏的, 敏捷的
• The pencil/knife is sharp. • Your eyes are sharp. • The policewoman is very sharp. (这个女警察特厉害。) • 2) vt. & vi.(使)变得锋利;削尖, 磨快 • sharpen a pencil/knife
• Mum 妈妈(儿语)Dad 爸爸(儿语)
•① adj. 好的,可以all right = OK
----Are you all right? -----yes. We are all right now.
② adj.右边的; n. 右边
my right eye 我的右眼 my right hand 我的右手 on the right 在右边 反义词:left