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hang hung song sung bang
当齿龈鼻音/n/ 出现在软颚音/k/ ,/g/前时,它就 变成软颚鼻音 / N /. bank sank drank thank rank ink sink wink link sunk monk drunk monkey ankle uncle anchor longer longest stronger strongest younger finger anger angry hunger angle single England language singular linger
bury kind fun

Bed bad Said sad Steel still Sock sort Dot daughter Duck dark Love laugh Good goose Would wound Foot food Pull pool
is a way. Please keep quiet for a while when we are all listening to the old worker. Willie is waiting for Walter to go swimming in West Lake.
[w] & [v] wan-van
/N/ Place the back of your tongue up against your
soft palate. Voice the sound, sending air through your nasal passage: /N/.
sing ring thing king wing ping-pong sang rang
Write down the phonetic symbols for each letter or
word. 标出音标,再朗读。 H J W Z C G N L women did pretty says said story any aunt town could foot smell
a fine needle
a nice tune
nine nights
seven men
men and women
need a nurse a friend of mine nine coins
Lend him money, and he will never return it. What a romantic night!
voiced sound.
we walk wood work away reward
when white
who and what wait a week weed the wheat when and where walk a while
Where there's a will, there
a. object (noun) b. object (verb)
a. increase (noun) b. increase (verb) a. survey (noun) b. survey (verb) a. project (noun) b. project (verb)
Handle the object carefully. Do you object to the change?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
reason resent fish selfish less careless land island refer reference tune fortune full careful author authority object(n) object(v) park particular
Listening Exercise –
the reduced vowels
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
fort comfort lace necklace romance Roman rite table ward fort cable late favourite comfortable forward effort educable chocolate
Tasks for today
1.鼻音、舌边音 、半元音 2. 单词重音 3. 句子重音
* Nasal consonants (鼻音):3
[m] [n] [N ] * Lateral consonant (舌边音):1 [l] * Glides (滑音):2 [w] [ j]
breath is forced out with voice.
yet yard yours you year
tune cure suit few
a new suit
in New York
a year in the new unit
a yellow yolk /jəuk/
The lips are rounded and pushed forward, and then blow out with a

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
some deerpark parent purify face digest(n.) social ford man dry
depart parental pursue surface digest(v.) society Oxford boatman sundry
1. Stop sinning/singing.别再犯罪/唱歌。 2. He ran/rang home. 他跑/打电话回家。 3. I think they will ban/bang it. 我想他们 会取缔/ 砰的关上它。 4. She’s a terrible sinner/singer. 她是个可怕的罪人/歌手。Y14.MP3 (01’30’’)
Student A
Student B
a. permit (noun) b. permit (verb)
a. insult (noun) b. insult (verb)
We need a permit to park here. Please permit us to part here.
meal [mi:l]称模糊音。发模糊音 时,舌端紧抵上齿龈,舌前下陷, 舌后上抬,舌面形成凹陷,气流 在此凹陷中产生共鸣。 meal fill well girl awful apple field milk else
/l/ 不发音:calm
calf half talk walk folk yolk(蛋黄) could would should
sing a song
hang the ring
a long string
a young singer an angry monkey
/NiN/ singing ringing hanging banging bringing stringing
N g/ longer longest stronger strongest younger finger anger angry hunger angle single England language singular linger
7. 8. 9.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
progress production profit pronounce necessity necessary protest (n.) protest (v.) valid validity table profitable man Englishman prefer preference photo photography full handful
moon, me, meal
family, woman, remember,
aim team lamb harm warm
time-timer come-comer firm –firmer dim-dimmer
nose, night, now, noun,near finish, funny strange stranger arrange lounge danger ginger longitude (经度) men mean can horn soon tune son
wale- vale wet-vet west-vest whale-veil wane-vain wheel-veal went-vent worse-verse wine-vine
Word stress
Listening Exercise –
the stressed syllable
Lend him money, and he will never return it. What a romantic night!
‘n’ is silent in the following words: damn hymn solemn autumn condemn
/n-l/ knock –lock known –loan snow-slow snip-slip number-
a polite girl
a blind lion
live and learn
an awful child
a lame calf
love and help
The front of the tongue is raised towards the hard palate and the
They sell produce at the market. Cars produce a lot of smog.
The two parties signed a contract. They contract(承包) the project to a building company. We have made a lot of progress. It’s time to progress to the next item.

In English there are two types of [l]
sound: the clear [l] and the dark [l].
[l]出现在元音前,如let [let],
last [la:st] 称为清晰[l];发清晰的 [l]音时,舌端紧抵上齿龈,舌前 向硬颚抬起,气流从舌的一侧或 两侧逸出, 声带震动。 leave let last long look lose believe color follow
That sounds like an insult. Don’t insult the visitors.
a. produce (noun) b. produce (verb)
a. contract (noun) b. contract (verb) a. progress (noun) b. progress (verb)
Compare /n/ with /N/
Ton-tongue sin-sing win-wing kin-king tan-tang ban-bang bun-bung pin-ping thin-thing Done-dung
Listen and mark the word you hear