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ladies and gentlemen.
i'm so glad ou're here.
i'll be talking about life toda.
life goes b so fast.
e shouldn't aste an time.
e should all lead olorful lives.
i have four golden rules.
i ant to share them ith ou.
follo these tips and ou'll have a olorful life. first,fous on qualit.
make qualit our life goal.
make qualit our alling ard.
do our best ever da.
do everthing to the best of our abilit.
fous on being a qualit person.
opportunit ill find ou.
suess ill follo ou.
ou'll earn respet and have a great reputation.
seond,treat people ell.
love to greet them and meet them.
love to interat and be ith people.
value people and relationships.
value time ith friends and famil.
give and share to reall live.
people are the seret to hapinness. people are the ke to a olorful life.
e must alas treat them right.
third,ou must treat our bod right,too. ou an't enjo life ithout good health. being health leads to a olorful life.
ou'll have more energ.
ou'll attrat more people to ourself.
ou'll also add more ears to our life. everone must exerise regularl.
everone must eat nutritiousl.
maintain good health ontinuousl.
fourth,love deepl and have passion.
mit totall to hat ou love.
mit 100% to our relationships and areer. have a passion for living.
have a passion for learning.
be fearless and tr ne things ever da.
love people ith all our heart.
love learning and knoledge ith all our soul.
be passionate ever single da.
in onlusion,remember the four golden rules.
sa these four simple ords.
sa,"qualit,people,health and passion" ever da.
tr to slo don and relax.
appreiate the little things in life.
appreiate the beaut all around ou.
ou an have a onderful life.
ou an have a olorful life.
just follo the suggestions here toda.
thirt ollege students aross the ountr attended the tenth 21st entur up national english speaking ontest in beijing on april
10. eventuall, xia peng, from nanjing universit as named the hampion. the seond and third plaes ent to zhang jing, a sophomore from hina foreign affairs universit, and zhang a xu, from hong kong poltehni universit, respetivel. more than 1000 ollege students in beijing are luk birds to listen to the speehes on the spot in friendship hotel.
just make to it the finals, the had to get past 60 others speaking on the impat of globalization on traditional hinese values . that as at the semi-final on april 8-
9. hat ill hinese ollege students think about the impat? eah ontestant had his on take on the subjet. xia summed up globalization b saing: it s just ontroversial and hard to sa hether it is good or bad. xia took the old all of his it, nanjing, as a metaphor. he spoke about the onflit over hether to protet the old alls or tear them don to represent the
onflit of ideas. he suggested that people protet the all as a valuable reli hile tearing don the intangible alls of their minds that prevent muniation. hile some other students are more fousing on the impat of globalization on famil relations, attitudes toards love, and job-hunting.
over the past 10 ears, the national english speaking petition has given ontestants a hane to speak on a variet of topis losel related to their lives. hinese students bee more open-minded and reeive various ideas and thinking over the deade. diversit bees more obvious on ampus, students have
more opportunities to express and sho themselves. it s not an eas task for the ontestants to in through the fiere petition. oning to their passion, hard ork and persistene, the finall sueeded in the ontest.
liu xin, the first hampion of the national ontest, is no an anhorperson of tv-
9. realling the passion of stud on ampus, she sai
d: hen ou ant to express our idea b a foreign language ithout finding a right a, ou re reall upset. then ou have to enourage ourself, and after a long term of bitterness, suddenl ou find ou get the right a ith jo. ith the hampion title in 21st entur up, liu attended the international publi speaking petition in london in ma96 afterard and got the
first prize historiall.
the inner in 201X surprised the audiene, sine she ame from aounting major instead of english major. gu qiubei, then 22 ears old, as a senior in shanghai foreign studies universit. hile being asked hether she had some good methods to learn english, she sai
d: learn english ith passion and enthusiasm. attrated b the greatness of english language, gu even hanged her major from aounting to english in her postgraduate stud. the most important issue in english learning proess she pointed out is personal interests. onl people interested in english benefit a lot from the learning methods and those ith passion ill finall ahieve their dreams.
hen hief of global media giant via sumner redstone gave a speeh in tsinghua universit on his autobiograph a passion to
in, he as asked hat made him to restart his areer at the age of 60, the 81-ear-old media toon sai
d: firstl, there s a self-driving fore in m deep heart, hih keeps m passion to sueed and surpass others; seondl, i don t think i m too old to leave ork, atuall i love m ork ver muh.
some of the ontestants have ahieved their dreams as redstone; still others are on the a to their dream. ith a passion to in, ou ill overe obstales and sueed at the end.
i m studing in a it that s famous for its alls. people ho visit m it are amazed at the imposing sight of its alls, espeiall hen silhouetted against the setting sun ith gold, shining streaks. the old, raked briks are overed ith lihens and the alls are eather-beaten guards standing still for enturies.
our anestors liked to build alls. the built alls in beijing, xi an, nanjing and man other ities, and the built
the great all, hih snakes aross half our ountr. the built
alls to protet against enemies and evil spirits. this
tradition has survived to this d
a: e still have man parks and shools alled off from the publi.
for a long time, alls ere one of the most natural things in the orld to me.
m pereptions, hoever, hanged after i made a hiking trip to the eastern suburbs of m it. m lassmates and i ere alking ith some foreign students. as e alked out of the it, e found ourselves flanked b tall trees, hih formed a ide anop above our heads. suddenl one foreign student asked me, here is the entrane to the eastern suburbs?
e re alread in the eastern suburbs, i replied. he seemed taken abak, i thought ou hinese had alls for everthing. his remark set of
f a heated debate. at one point, he likened our alled ities to jails , hile i insisted that the eastern suburbs ere one of the man plaes in hina that had no alls.
that debate had no inners, but i did learn a lot from
this student. for instane, he told me that some major universities like oxford and ambridge ere not surrounded b alls. i have to admit that e do have man alls in hina, and as e develop our ountr, e must look arefull at them and deide hether the are phsial or intangible. e ill keep some alls but tear don those that impede our development.
let me give another example.
a ear ago, hen i as orking on a term paper, i needed a book on business la and found a op in the la shool librar. hoever, the librarian oldl rejeted m request to borro it, saing, ou an t borro this book, ou re not a student here. in
the end, i had to spend 200 uan to bu a op. meanhile, the op
in the la shool gathered dust on the shelf.
at the beginning of this semester, i heard that m
universit had started to think of unifing its libraries and linking them to libraries at other universities, so m experiene ouldn t be repeated. barriers ould be replaed b bridges. an inter-librar loan sstem ould give us aess to
books from an librar. ith globalization and hina integrated into the orld, i believe man of these intangible alls ill be knoked don.
i kno that globalization is a ontroversial issue, and it
is hard to sa hether it is good or bad. but one thing is for sure: it dras our attention to hina s tangible and intangible alls and fores us to examine their role in the modern orld.
and ho about the anient alls of mine and other ities? should e tear them don? definitel not. m it, like beijing and other ities, is atuall making a great effort to preserve the alls. these alls attrat historians, arhaeologists, and man shoolhildren ho are tring to stud our histor and ultural heritage. alls have bee bridges to our past and to the rest
of the orld. if the anient builders of these alls ere still alive toda, the ould be proud to see suh great hanges in the role of their alls. the are no bridges that link east and est,
south and north, and all ountriesof the orld. our ultural heritage ill survive globalization.
thirt ollege students aross the ountr attended the tenth 21st entur up national english speaking ontest in beijing on april
10. eventuall, xia peng, from nanjing universit as named the hampion. the seond and third plaes ent to zhang jing, a sophomore from hina foreign affairs universit, and zhang a xu, from hong kong poltehni universit, respetivel. more than 1000 ollege students in beijing are luk birds to listen to the speehes on the spot in friendship hotel.
just make to it the finals, the had to get past 60 others speaking on the impat of globalization on traditional hinese values . that as at the semi-final on april 8-
9. hat ill hinese ollege students think about the impat? eah ontestant had his on take on the subjet. xia summed up globalization b saing: it s just ontroversial and hard to sa hether it is good or bad. xia took the old all of his it, nanjing, as a metaphor. he spoke about the onflit over hether to protet the old alls or tear them don to represent the
onflit of ideas. he suggested that people protet the all as a
valuable reli hile tearing don the intangible alls of their minds that prevent muniation. hile some other students are more fousing on the impat of globalization on famil relations, attitudes toards love, and job-hunting.
over the past 10 ears, the national english speaking petition has given ontestants a hane to speak on a variet of topis losel related to their lives. hinese students bee more open-minded and reeive various ideas and thinking over the deade. diversit bees more obvious on ampus, students have
more opportunities to express and sho themselves. it s not an eas task for the ontestants to in through the fiere petition. oning to their passion, hard ork and persistene, the finall sueeded in the ontest.
liu xin, the first hampion of the national ontest, is no an anhorperson of tv-
9. realling the passion of stud on ampus, she sai
d: hen ou ant to express our idea b a foreign language ithout finding a right a, ou re reall upset. then ou have to enourage ourself, and after a long term of bitterness,
suddenl ou find ou get the right a ith jo. ith the hampion
title in 21st entur up, liu attended the international publi speaking petition in london in ma96 afterard and got the
first prize historiall.
the inner in 201X surprised the audiene, sine she ame from aounting major instead of english major. gu qiubei, then 22 ears old, as a senior in shanghai foreign studies universit. hile being asked hether she had some good methods to learn english, she sai
d: learn english ith passion and enthusiasm. attrated b the greatness of english language, gu even hanged her major from aounting to english in her postgraduate stud. the most important issue in english learning proess she pointed out is personal interests. onl people interested in english benefit a lot from the learning methods and those ith passion ill finall ahieve their dreams.
hen hief of global media giant via sumner redstone gave a speeh in tsinghua universit on his autobiograph a passion to in, he as asked hat made him to restart his areer at the age of 60, the 81-ear-old media toon sai
d: firstl, there s a self-driving fore in m deep heart, hih keeps m passion to sueed and surpass others; seondl, i don t think i m too old to leave ork, atuall i love m ork ver muh.
some of the ontestants have ahieved their dreams as redstone; still others are on the a to their dream. ith a passion to in, ou ill overe obstales and sueed at the end.
i m studing in a it that s famous for its alls. people ho visit m it are amazed at the imposing sight of its alls, espeiall hen silhouetted against the setting sun ith gold, shining streaks. the old, raked briks are overed ith lihens and the alls are eather-beaten guards standing still for enturies.
our anestors liked to build alls. the built alls in beijing, xi an, nanjing and man other ities, and the built the great all, hih snakes aross half our ountr. the built
alls to protet against enemies and evil spirits. this
tradition has survived to this d
a: e still have man parks and shools alled off from the publi.
for a long time, alls ere one of the most natural things in the orld to me.
m pereptions, hoever, hanged after i made a hiking trip to the eastern suburbs of m it. m lassmates and i ere alking ith some foreign students. as e alked out of the it, e found ourselves flanked b tall trees, hih formed a ide anop above our heads. suddenl one foreign student asked me, here is the entrane to the eastern suburbs?
e re alread in the eastern suburbs, i replied. he seemed taken abak, i thought ou hinese had alls for everthing. his remark set of
f a heated debate. at one point, he likened our
alled ities to jails , hile i insisted that the eastern suburbs ere one of the man plaes in hina that had no alls.
that debate had no inners, but i did learn a lot from
this student. for instane, he told me that some major universities like oxford and ambridge ere not surrounded b alls. i have to admit that e do have man alls in hina, and as e develop our ountr, e must look arefull at them and deide hether the are phsial or intangible. e ill keep some alls but tear don those that impede our development.
let me give another example.
a ear ago, hen i as orking on a term paper, i needed a book on business la and found a op in the la shool librar. hoever, the librarian oldl rejeted m request to borro it, saing, ou an t borro this book, ou re not a student here. in the end, i had to spend 200 uan to bu a op. meanhile, the op in the la shool gathered dust on the shelf.
at the beginning of this semester, i heard that m universit had started to think of unifing its libraries and linking them to libraries at other universities, so m experiene ouldn t be repeated. barriers ould be replaed b bridges. an inter-librar loan sstem ould give us aess to books from an librar. ith globalization and hina integrated into the orld, i believe man of these intangible alls ill be knoked don.
i kno that globalization is a ontroversial issue, and it
is hard to sa hether it is good or bad. but one thing is for sure: it dras our attention to hina s tangible and intangible alls and fores us to examine their role in the modern orld.
and ho about the anient alls of mine and other ities? should e tear them don? definitel not. m it, like beijing and other ities, is atuall making a great effort to preserve the alls. these alls attrat historians, arhaeologists, and man shoolhildren ho are tring to stud our histor and ultural heritage. alls have bee bridges to our past and to the rest
of the orld. if the anient builders of these alls ere still alive toda, the ould be proud to see suh great hanges in the role of their alls. the are no bridges that link east and est, south and north, and all ountries of the orld. our ultural heritage ill survive globalization.
thirt ollege students aross the ountr attended the tenth 21st entur up national english speaking ontest in beijing on april
10. eventuall, xia peng, from nanjing universit as named the hampion. the seond and third plaes ent to zhang jing, a
sophomore from hina foreign affairs universit, and zhang a xu, from hong kong poltehni universit, respetivel. more than 1000 ollege students in beijing are luk birds to listen to the speehes on the spot in friendship hotel.
just make to it the finals, the had to get past 60 others s peaking on “the impat of globalization on traditional
hinese values”. that as at the semi-final on april 8-
9. hat ill hinese ollege students think about the impat? eah ontestant had his on take on the subjet. xia summed up globalization b saing: “it’s jus t ontroversial and hard to
sa hether it is good or bad.” xia took the old all of his it, nanjing, as a metaphor. he spoke about the onflit over hether to protet the old alls or tear them don to represent the
onflit of ideas. he suggested that people protet the all as a valuable reli hile tearing don the “intangible alls” of
their minds that prevent muniation. hile some other students are more fousing on the impat of globalization on famil relations, attitudes toards love, and job-hunting.
over the past 10 ears, the national english speaking petition has given ontestants a hane to speak on a variet of topis losel related to their lives. hinese students bee more open-minded and reeive various ideas and thinking over the deade. diversit bees more obvious on ampus, students have
more opportunities to express and sho themselves. it’s not
an eas task for the ontestants to in through the fiere petition. oning to their passion, hard ork and persistene, the finall sueeded in the ontest.
liu xin, the first hampion of the national ontest, is no an anhorperson of tv-
9. realling the passion of stud on ampus, she sai
d: “hen ou ant to express our idea b a foreign language ithout finding a right a, ou’re reall upset. then ou have to enourage ourself, and after a long term of bitterness, suddenl ou find ou get the right a ith jo.” ith the hampion title in 21st entur up, liu attended the international publi speaking petition in london in ma96 afterard and got the
first prize historiall.
the inner in xx surprised the audiene, sine she ame from aounting major instead of english major. gu qiubei, then 22 ears old, as a senior in shanghai foreign studies universit. hile being asked hether she had some good methods to learn english, she sai
d: “learn english ith passion and enthusiasm.” attrated b the greatness of english language, gu even hanged her major from aounting to english in her postgraduate stud. the most important issue in english learning proess she pointed out is personal interests. onl people interested in english benefit
a lot from the learning methods and those ith passion ill
finall ahieve their dreams.
hen hief of global media giant via sumner redstone gave a speeh in tsinghua universit on his autobiograph a passion to in, he as asked hat made him to restart his areer at the age
of 60, the 81-ear-old media toon sai
d: “firstl, there’s a self-driving fore in m deep heart, hih keeps m passion to sueed and surpass others; seondl, i don’t think i’m too old to leave ork, atuall i love m ork
ver muh.”
some of the ontestants have ahieved their dreams as redstone; still others are on the a to their dream. ith a passion to in, ou ill overe obstales and sueed at the end.
i’m studing in a it that’s famous for its alls. people ho visit m it are amazed at the imposing sight of its alls, espeiall hen silhouetted against the setting sun ith gold, shining streaks. the old, raked briks are overed ith lihens and the alls are eather-beaten guards standing still for enturies.
our anestors liked to build alls. the built alls in beijing, xi’an, nanjing and man other ities, and the built
the great all, hih snakes aross half our ountr. the built
alls to protet against enemies and evil spirits. this
tradition has survived to this d
a: e still have man parks and shools alled off from the publi.
for a long time, alls ere one of the most natural things
in the orld to me.
m pereptions, hoever, hanged after i made a hiking trip
to the eastern suburbs of m it. m lassmates and i ere alking
ith some foreign students. as e alked out of the it, e found ourselves flanked b tall trees, hih formed a ide anop above
our heads. suddenl one foreign student asked me, “here is
the entrane to the eastern suburbs?”
“e’re alread in the eastern suburbs,” i replied. he seemed taken abak, “i thought ou hinese had alls for everthing.” his remark set off a heated debate. at one point, he likened our alled ities to “jails”, hile i insisted that the eastern suburbs ere one of the man plaes in hina that had no alls.
that debate had no inners, but i did learn a lot from
this student. for instane, he told me that some major universities like oxford and ambridge ere not surrounded b alls. i have to admit that e do have man alls in hina, and as e develop our ountr, e must look arefull at them and deide hether the are phsial or intangible. e ill keep some alls but tear don those that impede our development.
let me give another example.
a ear ago, hen i as orking on a term paper, i needed a book on business la and found a op in the la shool librar. hoever, the librarian oldl rejeted m request to borro it, saing, “ou an’t borro this book, ou’re not a student here.” in the end, i had to spend 200 uan to bu a op. meanhile, the op in the la shool gathered dust on the shelf.
at the beginning of this semester, i heard that m universit had started to think of unifing its libraries and linking them to libraries at other universities, so m experiene ouldn’t be repeated. barriers ould be replaed b bridges. an inter-librar loan sstem ould give us aess to books from an librar. ith globalization and hina integrated into the orld, i believe man of these intangible alls ill be knoked don.
i kno that globalization is a ontroversial issue, and it is hard to sa hether it is good or bad. but one thing is for sure: it dras our attention to hina’s tangible an d
intangible alls and fores us to examine their role in the modern orld.
and ho about the anient alls of mine and other ities? should e tear them don? definitel not. m it, like beijing and other ities, is atuall making a great effort to preserve the alls. these alls attrat historians, arhaeologists, and man shoolhildren ho are tring to stud our histor and ultural
heritage. alls have bee bridges to our past and to the rest
of the orld. if the anient builders of these alls ere still alive toda, the ould be proud to see suh great hanges in the role of their alls. the are no bridges that link east and est, south and north, and all ountries of the orld. our ultural heritage ill survive globalization.
hello, ladies and gentlemen:
i′m uangzixuan,i′m five ear old,i′m from baoshan.i
like monke, i like ello. i love m dadd momm end m teaher. i love m famil.
iloveenglish.englishlanguageisnoused everhere in the orld. it has bee the most mon language on internet and for international trade. learning english makes me onfident and brings me great pleasure.
the orld of english muniation,passion, fling dream。

as long as ou ork hard,the dream there is hope,the future ill be realized。

































