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毕业论文(设计) **** 届 ***** 专业 ******** 班级

题目上市公司资产剥离的动因及其绩效分析姓名****** 学号*********

指导教师 ****** 职称讲师

二О一三年五月 *****日






Motivation and performance analysis of listing Corporation of asset divestiture

By:xuyafei Supervisor : Lecturer,Li Fengtuan


A divestiture to shrinking capital operation mode, and the expansion of M & A transactions instead, divestiture represents a strategic contraction enterprises, it does not always mean business failure, most of the time it is also a reasonable choice of enterprise development strategy.The enterprise through the stripping of asset shrinkage and through mergers and acquisitions of assets to expand its operation principle is the same, is the relocation of business combination and allocation of economic resources of the enterprise, its aim is to realize the best operation scale enterprises, in order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, and ultimately increase the profitability of enterprises.According to its business objectives or strategic need for simple stripping of its assets, so it has important value for the correct understanding and evaluation of assets stripping.

This paper first introduces the definition of assets, on the basis of the analysis for the listed company assets, from after-hours stock assets, adjust product structure, optimize the asset structure, improve financial structure, etc. It analyses the reasons of the assets of enterprise, then analyzes the stripping of influence on enterprise performance. Finally this paper hold its timing, rational choice of assets etc. Puts forward the countermeasures of enterprise

assets. The innovation of this paper lies in that the system analysis of the influence the performance of the listed company assets, improve the diversification of the ice off objects.

Key words

Listed company; Asset stripping; Stripping factor


一、资产剥离概述 ....................................- 1 - (一)资产剥离的定义和动机..........................- 1 - (二)国内外资产剥离研究现状........................- 3 -

二、上市公司进行资产剥离的动因 .......................- 4 -

三、上市公司资产剥离后绩效分析........................- 8 - (一)资产剥离对绩效产生的影响......................- 8 - (二)资产剥离对上市公司长期绩效的影响..............- 9 - 四、完善上市公司资产剥离的对策........................- 12 -

(一)准确把握资产剥离的时机.......................- 12 - (二)理智选择适合剥离的资产........................- 13 - (三)科学确定剥离资产的价值.......................- 13 - (四)重视资产剥离的后期管理.......................- 14 - 致谢.................................................- 15 - 参考文献..............................................- 16 -
