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Progress in Veterinary Medicine



(1.中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所 兽医生物技术国家重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;


摘 要:基因工程疫苗的研究发展日新月异,已从理论研究进入到实际生产应用,成为生物制品产业发展的一种趋势。近年来我国在兽用基因工程疫苗研发领域取得了很大进展,一些亚单位、活载体、基因缺失以及采用反向遗传操作技术制备的禽流感疫苗等兽用基因工程疫苗已经商品化,论文对我国兽用基因工程疫苗研发现状进行综述并提出相应发展策略。






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Clinical Strategies for T Cell Immune Reconstitution

YIN Fan,LI Jiang,LI Yu-gu

(College o f Veterinary Medicine,Sou th China Ag ricu lture University,Guang z hou,Guang dong,510642,China)

A bstract:T cell deficiencies have been associated w ith thy mic atro phy and often occur in infections,autoim-m une diseases,chem o/radio therapy as w ell as aging of the imm une sy stem.Currently,several strateg ies fo r reversal of thy mic atro phy and T cell reco nstitutio n a re being tested in the clinic,such as,using inter-leukin-7,interleukin-15,interleukin-12,ke ratino cy te grow th facto r,grow th ho rmone,ghrelin,Flt3L, sex ho rmone inhibitors and T-cell precurso rs etc.In this paper,the effects of these facto rs on T cell im mune reconstitution w ere reviewed.

Key words:T cell;IL-7;KGF;G H;sex ho rm one
