初二下_选词填空 2

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初二下 选词填空
school speak student come live teacher write but kid Chinese think English
Mr. Smith is my new friend. He from Paris, France. He’s a French of a middle school. His students all like him very much. He can some Chinese, not much. He wants to learn more, so he goes to classes every week. He likes and working in China very much. He the Chinese people are very friendly(友好的). He has two , Maria and Tom. They are students, but they go to different(不同的) . They have some pen pals and they often to the pen pals. They also have many Chinese friends at school and they play games after class.

friend around difference outside good able other ticket excite watch popular play
You know __ ____ the world people enjoy sports. Sports are __ ___ for people in
seasons. People can do sports inside or ________ the room. Some people like to watch _____ ____ people play sports games. They buy __ ______ or turn on their TV sets to __ _____ the games. Some sports are so __ ___ that people all enjoy them. Football is very ____ ___ in the world . People often become good _________ after a game.

anything robot spend factory fly able housework answer other work space science
In one hundred years everyone will carry a small computer. And the computer will give people the to all their questions. We will all have at our home. So we’ll be
to let robots do most of the . While making a telephone call, we’ll also be able to see the people on the end at the same time.
A lot of people will live and work under sea or in because there will be big towns and
there. Robots will do most of the work, and people will just two or three days a week. They’ll be able to to the moon in a spaceship and their holidays there.

 move shop excite hard easy live kind question problem other from enjoy
New York, London, Paris and other cities are places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different of museums, plays and film. You can also go to center to buy things all over the world.
But there are serious in big cities too. The cost of living is high, and there are too many people in some places of big cities, every year many people to big cities because of the chances to find jobs, to study at schools, and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people can’t find work or a good places to live in. Also, it is to keep the cities safe and cl

ean if there’re too many people in a small space.
Some people living in big cities, do not. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the problem of there
show seem minute study cold listen style woman strange wear girl warm
 Henry is a fifteen-year-old boy. He in a middle school. He often watches TV and likes the trendy hair . His parents and teachers tell him not to do so, but he doesn’t to them..
 One Sunday afternoon his mother bought a beautiful shirt for him and he loved it very much. The next morning it was
outside. But he wanted to it to his classmates and put it on. That evening he caught a bad cold. He was brought to a hospital. The doctor looked him over and told him to be in hospital. A nurse brought him to a ward (房). He felt but couldn’t ask her why.
 About ten later the nurse came back with a red face. “I’m sorry, Henry,” said the woman. “I didn’t know you were a boy because you too long hair.”
 Then she brought him to a men’s ward. This time the patients began to look at each other. They to ask , “Why has she brought a girl to our ward?”
