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So, then we are going to have a quick look at the difference between the Roman Mythology and the Greek Mythology.
The First Difference
The origin of the two systems of Mythology: The archaic Romans did not have myths. Until their poets began to borrow from Greek models in the later part of the Republic, the Romans had no sequential narratives about their gods.
世俗气味。原为古意大利一女神的朱诺( Juno),同希腊女神赫拉合成一体,成为 朱庇特的妻子,秀丽端庄之外又平添里一 种峨眉善妒的品质。密涅瓦(Minerva) 原来既非智慧女神,又非朱庇特之女,然 而经过希腊工匠们的艺术加工后,这位意 大利工艺女神却变得同雅典娜相貌雷同起 来。 此外,天灾人祸,也使无所适从的 罗马人有神必求,有仙必拜。公元前五世 纪末一次大饥荒年间,罗马人求救于
(Ⅱ) In fact, the Mythology is an important document for the history and religion.
(Ⅲ) It also has great impact on other areas such as the science, technology, art (especially for the paintings and the sculptures), and the literature.
(Ⅳ) As the Mythology, it has an attraction for us to access to and to learn.
(Ⅲ) It also has great impact on other areas such as the science, technology, art (especially for the paintings and the sculptures), and the literature.
在世界文艺史上,特别是欧美近代文 艺史上,希腊神话,以及由此脱胎出来的罗 马神话,曾经发挥了重大作用。希腊艺术, 史诗,悲剧,雕刻和绘画,无不采用神话为 题材,这一事实对近代和现代文坛巨匠的选 材倾向颇有影响。
希腊和罗马神话在欧美文学史上巨上 具有深远的影响。因此有人讲,不懂得希腊 和罗马神话,就在相当的程度上失去了欣赏 和了解欧美文艺的机缘。这种讲法决不过分 。所以,对于一个学习英语的人来说,了解 一点神话故事知识是非常必要的。
这种精灵称为“神”。 神开辟天地,主宰宇宙万物;自然界 各种变化,都是神的意志。在古希腊人的 想象中,神的相貌秉性,思想感情以及举 止言谈,都同他们自己大体相似。于是, 自然的力量,自然界的现象,都被他们赋 予了一定的人格和一定的形象。仰望给世 界带来生命和光明的太阳,他们的头脑里 就摹画出一幅年轻英俊的太阳神的想象;
望见夜空高悬的明月,想象中就浮现出一 位婀娜多姿、娇柔秀丽的月亮女神。滋润 万物生长的大地,被他们尊为“地母”;执 掌珍花瑶草的百草仙子,被他们视为地母 的女儿和助手。万顷波涛,有海神坐镇; 阴森地府,是冥王主持。有挑动干戈的“战 神”,有播种爱情的“爱神”。狂啸的北风 被 他们称为玻里亚斯(Boreas);轻秀的南 风被他们称为泽弗洛斯(Zehhyrus),众神 之上,又有一位最高的天神,就象他们自
However, it has a great significance for us foreign language learners to have an accurate knowledge of the Roman and Greek Mythology.
(Ⅰ) As two great civilized ancient countries, Rome and Greek are treasured with their splendid culture and traditions which are intimately connected with the Roman and Greek Mythology.
The First Difference
The origin of the two systems of Mythology: The archaic Romans did not have myths. Until their poets began to borrow from Greek models in the later part of the Republic, the Romans had no sequential narratives about their gods.
(Ⅳ) As the Mythology, it has an attraction for us to access to and to learn.
(一) 古希腊人是秉性聪慧,颇具头脑的民族。他们 四处游荡,细心观察,对大自然的雄伟壮丽和风云 变幻,充满了赞美、惊叹而茫然不解的复杂心情。 静谧的夜空里,鸟兽虫鱼繁衍。昼夜交替,四季 循环;一粒松子长成参天大树,涓涓细流汇成奔 腾的江河‥‥‥在几千年前,他们就开始对大自然 这些现象进行思考,并且朦胧地意识到,似乎天地 之间,万物之上,有一种超人的精灵存在。他们把
However, it has a great significance for us foreign language learners to have an accurate knowledge of the Roman and Greek Mythology.
Judging from the Matching game, most of us can not clarify the Roman Gods and the Greek Gods correctly. Actually, many students are confused by the Roman mythology and the Greek mythology for their similarities.
己族有族长,国有国君一样。这位天神就 是无所不能,无所不知的主神“宙斯”。他 们还觉得,众神应该住在不同于凡世的神 的世界里。于是,矗立在希腊北方色萨利 和马其顿之间的那座雄壮巍峨、高耸入云 的奥林匹斯山(Olympus)的山颠,就成了 主神宙斯同众神欢聚的天堂。
希腊神话故事在诞生几千年后,仍然只 是民间口头文学。在荷马的史诗和赫希俄 得(Hesiod)的作品中,都提到吟游诗人 在民间咏唱神话故事,这是有关神话故事 的最早的文字记载。 荷马史诗: 《伊利亚特》(Illiad) 《奥得赛》(Odyssey)
Match the Gods on the left with Rome or Greece on the right
Cupid Venus Aurora Zeus Apollo Mars
Judging from the Matching game, most of us can not clarify the Roman Gods and the Greek Gods correctly. Actually, many students are confused by the Roman mythology and the Greek mythology for their similarities.
The Second Difference
The different ideas about the Gods: The Roman model involved a very different way of defining and thinking about the gods than we are familiar with from Greece. The archaic Roman "mythology", at least concerning the gods, was made up not of narratives, but rather of interlocking and complex interrelations between and among gods and humans.
(Ⅱ) In fact, the Mythology is an important document for the history and religion.
(Ⅰ) As two great civilized ancient countries, Rome and Greek are treasured with their splendid culture and traditions which are intimately connected with the Roman and Greek Mythology.
Publishing information
《希腊罗马神话》,常耀信 编写并注 释,北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1981
Learn to read mythologies Develop reading skills while reading Greek and Roman mythologies Learn about the impact of Greek and Roman mythology Learn some words in the book Learn to search resource for better comprehension of the material
就宗教而言,罗马人最初的信仰是朴 素的,例如部落主神的象征是光和闪电,他 们称之为朱庇特,他们的神仙多是有灵无形 的。 古罗马人是一个开朗放达的民族,对 于外来的信仰,只要无害于他们的生存,无 损于他们自己的 脱拉斯康国王们,雇佣大批希腊和爱脱拉 斯康的工匠和艺术家,来装饰他们新建起 的寺庙和殿堂。由于这些艺术家是以希腊 神话为蓝本进行绘画和雕塑的,结果罗马 和希腊两种神谱当中相似的神仙在艺术再 现中融合为一了。于是,原来据说隐身在 光和闪电中的朱庇特,变成了一位面色红 棕,满腮胡须,外表酷似宙斯的天神,这 位原来神圣尊贵的罗马主神身上,突然散 发出了希腊主神的
The Second Difference
The different ideas about the Gods: The Roman model involved a very different way of defining and thinking about the gods than we are familiar with from Greece. The archaic Roman "mythology", at least concerning the gods, was made up not of narratives, but rather of interlocking and complex interrelations between and among gods and humans.
希腊的五谷女神得米特(Demeter),随 着时间的流逝,逐渐把她同当地的色列斯 (Ceres)联接为一体。 这样,两个民族,两种的文化的交 往日深,两种宗教系统渐渐糅为一体。罗 马人朴素的有灵无形的信仰,逐步过渡到 人神同形同性的希腊神话体系。罗马神话 当中本地成分和外来成分相互补充,相互 衬托,又经过罗马诗人和艺术家代代加工 ,终于成为一个有机整体。希腊神话故事 的丰硕果实被移到罗马神话故事的树干上 了。