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11.C。unless引导时间状语从句,从句用过 去将来时,主句用一般过去时。 saving
C.had saved
B.was saving
D.have saved
强调在吃饭的过程中“一直为对方留着位子”, 应该用过去进行时。
)8.—Do you know our city of Xi’an at all?
—No,not at all.You see,this is the first time I________here. B.had been
D.have been
8.D。It / This is the first / last time(that)sb have / has done为固定句型。
( )9.I ________ to help you to do homework but I couldn't spare any time.I was writing a composition last night and I'll finish it today. A.wanted B.had wanted C.have wanted D.have been wanting 9.B。第一空:had wanted表“原打算……”。 第二空:用过去进行时表过去特定时间里一直 持续的动作。
)4.The BBC news is usually not difficult
to ________, but it’s often too hard to________. A.pick up; be understand B.pick up; understand
10.B。过去进行时表过去某个时间段存在 的状态或正在发生的动作。
)11.He was planning to go abroad but his
parents ________ that they wouldn't agree unless he could borrow money from the bank by himself. A.were deciding C.decided B.have decided D.will decide
)10.—I didn't go to Mary's party last night
because my car broke down. —You could have borrowed mine.I ________ it. A.hadn't used C.didn't use B.wasn't using D.wouldn't use
)2.This Monday morning I was informed I
________ as one of the three exchange students from our college.
A.had been choosing
C.had been chosen
B.was chosen
D.was choosing
2.C。choose 的动作发生在过去的过去,应 用过去完成时。此处又表示被动,故用过去 完成时的被动语态。
)3.The pianist planed to give a concert on
March 8 but the date ________ because of his illness. A.was postponing B.was postponed C.had been postponed D.was being postponed 3.B。日期被推迟,应用被动语态;这里表示 picked; understand picked; be understood 4.B。在表语形容词后用不定式的主动形式 表示被动含义。
)5.If a computer crashes, you will lose the
files you ________ if you don’t save it early enough. A.are working on on
)7.—Hi,Susan,where were you at lunch
time? I________ a seat for you in the coffee —Oh,sorry to miss you.My political science class ran longer than usual.
C.will work on
D.worked on
5.A。结合语境可知道此处应该用现在进行 时。
)6.I understand it’s not your fault, but
the airline________ they would deliver my
baggage yesterday. A.promises C.promised B.has promised D.had promised
Directions:For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. ( )1.Although many measures ________ taken, the world’s economy is still going down. A.were B.have been C.will be D.are 1.B。表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影 响,所以用现在完成时;take与measures之间 构成动宾关系,所以要用被动语态。