



日本PSE认证介绍来源于《网络》1、简介PSE 认证是日本强制性安全认证,用以证明电机电子产品已通过日本电气和原料安全法(DENAN Law) 或国际IEC标准的安全标准测试。


其中,165种A类产品应取得菱形的PSE 标志,333种B类产品应取得圆形PSE标志。

从2001年4月1日起“电气产品控制法(DENTORL)” 已正式更名为“电气产品安全法(DENAN)”。







日本DENAN将电气电子产品分为两类:特定电气产品(specified products),包括115种产品;非特定电气产品(non-specified products),包括338种产品。





小日本PSE 认证

小日本PSE 认证

本的技术要求。目前,在中国, CQC 是唯一有授权可以进 行 PSE 认证的发证机构,企业也可以直接向日本的机构
我国 PSE 认证申请流程图
图 1
提出申请,比如 lQA 。
第二,企业申请 PSE 认证的电气产品,其关键零部
件必须有 PSE 认证,如果没有,则必须进行随机测试。因 此企业需要对产品的关键零部件进行严格把关,熟悉十
7) 产品尺寸图、总装图及各部分的尺寸图;
8) 制造商出具的授权证明(适用时) ;
PSE 认证检测是采用《电气用品的技术基准省令》里 的第二项基准,即日本工业标准 (lIS) 。 国外制造商的电气产品在进入日本市场时,既可直 接选择日本 lIS 标准,也可采用 IECEE-CB 体系的 IEC
(9) 电子应用机械器具:额定电压、额定功率、额定
(10) 其他交流用电气机械器具:额定电压、额定容
在我国, PSE 认证申请可以向 CQC 提出,也可以向
3) 现场检查时核对《工厂检查调查表》的信息。
日本的合格评定机构 lQA 提出 O 流程大致为:申请提出、
PSE 证书的要求
合格评定、 PSE 证书发放。现在同内企业一般直接向 CQC


3. 法定业务的整体流程........................................................................................................................13
3.1. 不同业态的《电安法》备案手续流程图 .............................................................................13 3.2. 业务的备案等.........................................................................................................................17
所属机构 社团法人商业机械和情报 系统产业协会(JBMIA) 财团法人家电制品协会 (AEHA) 社团法人日本电池工业会 (BAJ) 一般社团法人电子情报技 术产业协会(JEITA) 一般财团法人电气安全环 境研究所(JET) 社团法人日本配线器具工 业会(JEWA) 一般财团法人日本品质保 证机构(JQA) 社团法人日本冷冻空调工 业会(JRAIA) TÜV Rheinland Japan 株式 会社(TUV-RJ) 社团法人日本电球工业会 (JELMA)
2.2.1 什么是电气用品?.........................................................................................................4 2.2.2 关于特定电气用品与非特定电气用品 .........................................................................5 2.2.3 流通前监管.....................................................................................................................5 2.2.4 关于流通后的监管.........................................................................................................7 2.3. 产品流通后的监管措施......................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 试买测试....................................................................................................................... 11 2.3.2 重大产品事故报告、公布制度................................................................................... 11 2.3.3 长期使用产品的安全检查与标识制度 .......................................................................12 2.3.4 对于违反《电安法》法令行为的应对措施 ...............................................................12






























电气用品安全法(电安法)Denan Law依据日本经济产业省(METI)制定5.限流器6.小形单相变压器及放电灯用镇流器7.小形交流电动机8.交流用电气机械器材及便携式发电机法令中,特定电气用品有112种,属于强制性认证范围,需获取菱形PSE认证,特定电气用品以外的电气产品有340种,属非强制产品,可申请圆形PSE或是日本的S-Mark,从而证明产品符合日本的要求。

此产品属第八类产品,作为交流用电子器具的产品,PSE证书家庭机器用变压器(Other householdappliance transformers)此产品属第六类产品,作为变压器考虑,其产品表现特性为AC-AC的产品,PSE证书的有效期为7年消费电力等的许容差6.电压变动后的工作性能7.二重绝缘构造8.漏电流9.表示构造绝缘性能3.二次电压的变动特性4.正常温升5.异常温度6.机械强度试验1mA0.1M欧(Strain relief test) (Annex II)温度保险丝溶断)3.部品及付属品4.消费电力等的许容差(Annex III)5.杂音的强度(EMI)(Annex IV)6.电压变动后的工作性能(+/-10%)7.二重绝缘构造8.漏电流(小于1mA)9.表示(具体指定的产品)二次电压的变动特性(Load:120%,No Load:150%)Annex VI)6.机械强度试验(落下试验)7.产品参数表(Annex VII)No Load:+/-20%---30V , Load:90%以上)正常温升测试(Annex I)3.异常温升后需做绝缘抵抗测试Thank You!。



(n=339) (copier, TV, AV products, …)
Self-verification of Conformity assessment is required.
• Retention of the test record is mandatory. (3 years)
4. TUV Rheinland Hong Kong (TUV RHK)
5. TUV Rheinland Taiwan (TUV RT)
6. China Quality Certification Centre (CQC:中国质量认证中心)
7. Electrosuisse
Technical Requirements
country difference details : http://www.jetro.go.jp/jpn/regulations/guidebook/pdf/free/denan-soui2002jul-e.pdf
Option-1 (省令1
National Standard
(Japan Unique)
Option-2 (省令2
Harmonized Standard
(IEC Equivalent)
Technical Requirements by Ministerial Ordinance (1962:No.85 + amendments) < Schedule 8 >
Manufacturer / Importer of Japan

























电气产品技术基准省令1 电气产品安全法(1961年法律第234号。




离地面距离适合以下空间距离的测定,对容器外施加30N,容器内施加2N的力进行测定(单位mm)15V以下 1 0.5 1 0.550V截止 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 2150V截止 2.5 1.5 2 1.5 3300V截止 3 2 2.5 2 48.绝缘厚度适合以下容器外部0.8mm以上内部0.3mm以上绝缘带0.4mm以上,无砂眼如果是耐电压,耐热材料,耐伤材料的话,厚度不需要问(规定试验要求确认)9.连接部分通常使用状态下不要发生松弛有效螺纹,确保金属2个,合成金属5个以上导线在三股以上拧成的话要用焊锡焊接10.容器内部配线适合以下即使以2N的力接触高温部位也无异常用2N的力,可动部位不发生振动现象以2N的接触引擎部位无损伤可动部位可以承受弯曲试验(往返1000回,断线率30%)连接部位来回拔5次后,有5N以上的保持力11.电线的贯通部位12.来拽电线,来回插入,给连接部位施加力,套管不掉下来(30N小于自重*3小于100N,能够承受15S)13.器具间的电线,要设立短络,过电流,低络等保护装置(附表61(3)14.导管中的导电部位,在连接金属部位的时候,不能和金属部位的导电部位有接触15.屋外使用器械,充电部位不能浸入水,水中的部分要有防水构造16.由于吸湿在燃烧和触电部位需要有防湿处理17.由于温度上升,过电流,过负荷等可能会发生危险,要设立保护装置(保护装置通常状态下不运转)18.超过150V的器械要连接地线,(二重绝缘。




















一、电气安全防护用品的种类电气安全防护用品根据其功能和作用可分为以下几类:1. 绝缘用品:如绝缘手套、绝缘胶布、绝缘垫等。



气 用 品的 技 术 基 准 则 给 出 了 P E认 证 所 依 据技 S
术 基准 的具体 要求 。 ( ( 电气 用 品技 术 基 准 省令 将 认 证技 术标 准 分 为 “ 1 ”和 “ 2项 ” “ 1 ”是 E本 国 内 第 项 第 :第 项 l 的传统 技术 标 准 ,即 电气用 品 的技 术 基准 》 “ ; 第 2项 ”是参 照 相关 ⅢC标 准及 加 上 日本 国家 差异 调
— —
CO p r O n n lsso o t n ie e c sf0 t e n t n I a d r So ia m a i n a d a ay i f mp r t f r n e r m h a i a n a d f s i a d o St Chn

— —
訇 出
日本 电气安全标 准 《 电气用 品的技术基准》解读
与 中国国家标 准重要 差异 的比较与分析
徐蓓蓓’ ,孙 文 蒲健飞’ ,马菁菁’ ,温志英’
I er et i nt pr aton ofJapanes s andar t e t d‘echni caIr f ence orel e er f ect i rcaI oduct ' pr s
此通常 日本国外机构都倾向于采用 “ 2 标准, 第 项”
对 输往 日本 的电气 产品进行 检测和 认证 。但 日本对
令 》和 两 个 经 济 产 业 省 令 ,即 :《 气 用 品 安全 法 ( 电
实施 规则 》和 ( 《 电气用 品技 术基准 省令》组 成 。
其 中 , 电 气 用 品安 全 法 实施 令 )对 电气 用 )
国 UL标 准 等 电 气 安全 标 准 体 系有 很 多差 异 ,形



2001RI法 ,同时日本还取消了T标志,政府不再直接颁发证书,而是授权第三方 认证机构进行产品的符合性评估测试。
新法规将产品分为“特定电器及材料类”和“非特定电器及材料类” 。其中“特定电器及材料类”共包括112种产品;“非特定电器及材料 类”包括340种产品。进入日本市场的“特定电器及材料类”产品必须 取得第三方认证,标示PSE(菱形)标志;“非特定电器及材料类” 产品则须做自我宣称或申请第三方认证,标示PSE(圆形)标志。
1995年,日本颁布了新的产品取缔法,新法规不再遵循错误方责 任原则,而采用了欧洲和北美的一贯做法(过错方责任原则), 规定了产品安全责任方为产品制造商、进口商、分销商等。
2001年4月1日之前,日本的电器及材料控制法(DENTORI)将控 制产品分为A、B两大类,其中,A类包括165种产品,主要有电源 线、熔断器、开关、变压器、镇流器等;B类包括333种产品,主 要有灯饰、家用电器、办公设备等。A类产品必须取得政府强制性 认证,即T标志,而该标志只能由MITI(日本通产省)颁发。B类 产品的符合性则须做自我宣称或申请第三方认证,例如可标示德 国莱茵TUV的S标志。
新法分类产品的数量减少了,更多的产品被归入“无分类产品”中, 不再受DENAN制约,而部分原先归入“A类”产品现已归入“特定电 器及材料类”。
CQC作为中国境内惟一申请日本PSE认证授权的认证机构,于2007年2 月,将申请材料正式递交到了日本经济产业省。
同年3月,日本经济产业省派出日本NITE机构评审专家PSE现场评审工 作组对CQC进行了为期三天的现场审核,评审专家对CQC的规范化运 作和严谨的工作态度表示非常赞叹,对工程师的技术水平和专业素养 给与极高的评价,并认为CQC是世界一流的认证机构,现场评审更是 没有发现任何不符合项或观察项,最终以“零缺陷”的结论通过了对 CQC的审查。






主要内容1. 安全标准电气用品安全法规定了电气用品必须符合的安全标准,这些标准包括但不限于电气安全、机械安全、环境安全、无害性等方面的要求。


2. 认证程序为了保证电气用品的安全性,法规规定了电气用品需要通过认证程序进行检验、测试和审查。



3. 责任追溯针对电气用品的质量问题和安全事故,电气用品安全法规定了责任追溯的机制。


4. 处罚措施电气用品安全法规定了对违反法规的责任单位和个人的处罚措施。










日本PSE认证中的EMC标准及检测要求标准应日本认证中的标准及检测要求工业和信息化部电子第五研究所易春郑庆川摘要概述日本认证制度及检测标准体系;介绍认证中的要求及相关标准;详细解读、 ? 、最新版本与对应的标准的差异,以及在实际检测中的要求和应用。

关键词认证;检测; ;? ; .. , ? , . . ;; ; ? ;录像机,本振基波限值放宽为 / 。




第一对应于的某些条款和说明,如果与日本国内销项标准是日本本国制定的标准,日本本土的认证检测机售的产品无关或暂时未给出具体限值,该标准则直接删构多采用该项标准;第二项标准即标准,是基于 /除相关内容,便于实际操作时参考的标准体系。

对于我国的检测机构和生产企业来测试要求及注意事项说,部分多是基于标准来做检测和设计,本与在测试条件、测试设备、文在此详细分析常见的几个新版标准与相应标测试布置及测试项目上并无实质性差异,但对于检测机准的差异,期望对相关检测机构和企业有所帮助构来说,在测试中需要注意相关频率点上的限值变化及频率范围的规定,否则会直接影响到相关样品测试结果与: : 的判定。


另外需要注意的是认证中声音和电视广播接收机及有关要求进行辐射功率测试的产品,如广播卫星传输的声音设备无线电骚扰限值和测量方法》现行的版本是和电视接收机调谐单元, 只对 ~有 , 代表日本年号,对应公元年,该限值要求,故测试报告和限值表格中仅需要出现相应的版本对应采用的国际标准为 :: 。


由于现行对应的与我国国目前执行的版本是 ? ,对应国际标准为现行的国标和/ 等标准相比较为滞后,故与我 : 。









1. 主要家用电器的J标准主要家用电器的J标准文本及其对应IEC标准见下表:产品名称J标准JIS C标准文本对应IEC标准通用安全要求J60335-1(3版-H14)无,有别纸IEC 60335-1:1991+A1:1994+A2:1999J60335-1(4版-H20)JIS C 9335-1:2003IEC 60335-1:2001真空吸尘器J60335-2-2(H20)JIS C 9335-2-2:2004IEC 60335-2-2:2002电熨斗J60335-2-3(H20)JIS C 9335-2-3:2004IEC 60335-2-3:2002离心脱水机J60335-2-4(H20)JIS C 9335-2-4:2004IEC 60335-2-4:2002洗碗机J60335-2-5(H20)JIS C 9335-2-5:2004IEC 60335-2-5:2002固定灶具、烤架、烤炉J60335-2-6(H20)JIS C 9335-2-6:2004IEC 60335-2-6:2002洗衣机J60335-2-7(H20)JIS C 9335-2-7:2004IEC 60335-2-7:2002电动剃须刀、电发剪J60335-2-8(H20)JIS C 9335-2-8:2004IEC 60335-2-8:2002烤面包机、烤箱J60335-2-9(H20)JIS C 9335-2-9:2004IEC 60335-2-9:2002滚筒式干衣机J60335-2-11(H20)JIS C 9335-2-11:2004IEC 60335-2-11:2002电热板J60335-2-12(H20)JIS C 9335-2-12:2005IEC 60335-2-12:2002深煎锅、浅平底锅J60335-2-13(H20)JIS C 9335-2-13:2006IEC 60335-2-13:2002厨房机械(榨汁机、搅拌器等)J60335-2-14(H20)JIS C 9335-2-14:2005IEC 60335-2-14:2002液体加热器(电水壶、电咖啡壶、电饭锅等)J60335-2-15(H20)JIS C 9335-2-15:2004IEC 60335-2-15:2002电热毯等柔性加热器J60335-2-17(H20)JIS C 9335-2-17:2005IEC 60335-2-15:2002储水式电热水器J60335-2-21(H20)JIS C 9335-2-21:2005IEC 60335-2-21:2002皮肤及毛发护理器具J60335-2-23(H20)JIS C 9335-2-23:2005IEC 60335-2-23:2003电冰箱、制冰机J60335-2-24(H20)JIS C 9335-2-24:2005IEC 60335-2-24:2003微波炉J60335-2-25(H20)JIS C 9335-2-25:2003IEC 60335-2-25:2002房间电暖器J60335-2-30(H20)JIS C 9335-2-30:2006IEC 60335-2-30:2002吸油烟机J60335-2-31(H20)JIS C 9335-2-31:2005IEC 60335-2-31:2002电动机-压缩机J60335-2-34(H20)JIS C 9335-2-34:2004IEC 60335-2-34:2002快热式电热水器J60335-2-35(H20)JIS C 9335-2-35:2005IEC 60335-2-35:2002空调、除湿机、电动热泵J60335-2-40(H20)JIS C 9335-2-40:2004IEC 60335-2-40:2002干衣机、毛巾架J60335-2-43(H20)JIS C 9335-2-43:2005IEC 60335-2-43:2002空气净化器J60335-2-65(H20)JIS C 9335-2-65:2004IEC 60335-2-65:2002电风扇J60335-2-80(H20)JIS C 9335-2-80:2006IEC 60335-2-80:2002无线电骚扰(噪声强度)J55014-1(H20)无,有别纸CISPR 14-1:1993+A1:1996遥控要求J1000(H14)无,有别纸――长期使用产品标示J2000(H20)无,有别纸防止事故发生的安全标准J3000(H21)无,有别纸有关J标准与对应IEC标准的差异可参见以下报告:日本电气用品安全法:(第2项标准)技术要求与国际标准的差异(H14版,英文)2. 长期使用产品标示(J2000)长期使用产品标示要求始于2008年5月1日经济产业省颁布的《电气产品技术基准省令修正案》(2008年METI第34号省令)。









1. 主要家用电器的J标准主要家用电器的J标准文本及其对应IEC标准见下表:产品名称J标准JIS C标准文本对应IEC标准通用安全要求J60335-1(3版-H14)无,有别纸IEC60335-1:1991+A1:1994+A2:1999J60335-1(4版-H20)JIS C 9335-1:2003IEC 60335-1:2001真空吸尘器J60335-2-2(H20)JIS C 9335-2-2:2004IEC60335-2-2:2002电熨斗J60335-2-3(H20)JIS C 9335-2-3:2004IEC 60335-2-3:2002离心脱水机J60335-2-4(H20)JIS C 9335-2-4:2004IEC60335-2-4:2002洗碗机J60335-2-5(H20)JIS C 9335-2-5:2004IEC 60335-2-5:2002固定灶具、烤架、烤炉J60335-2-6(H20)JIS C 9335-2-6:2004IEC 60335-2-6:2002洗衣机J60335-2-7(H20)JIS C 9335-2-7:2004IEC 60335-2-7:2002电动剃须刀、电发剪J60335-2-8(H20)JIS C 9335-2-8:2004IEC 60335-2-8:2002烤面包机、烤箱J60335-2-9(H20)JIS C 9335-2-9:2004IEC 60335-2-9:2002滚筒式干衣机J60335-2-11(H20)JIS C 9335-2-11:2004IEC 60335-2-11:2002电热板J60335-2-12(H20)JIS C 9335-2-12:2005IEC60335-2-12:2002深煎锅、浅平底锅J60335-2-13(H20)JIS C 9335-2-13:2006IEC 60335-2-13:2002厨房机械(榨汁机、搅拌器等)J60335-2-14(H20)JIS C9335-2-14:2005IEC 60335-2-14:2002液体加热器(电水壶、电咖啡壶、电饭锅等)J60335-2-15(H20)JIS C9335-2-15:2004IEC 60335-2-15:2002电热毯等柔性加热器J60335-2-17(H20)JIS C 9335-2-17:2005IEC 60335-2-15:2002储水式电热水器J60335-2-21(H20)JIS C 9335-2-21:2005IEC 60335-2-21:2002皮肤及毛发护理器具J60335-2-23(H20)JIS C 9335-2-23:2005IEC 60335-2-23:2003电冰箱、制冰机J60335-2-24(H20)JIS C 9335-2-24:2005IEC 60335-2-24:2003微波炉J60335-2-25(H20)JIS C 9335-2-25:2003IEC60335-2-25:2002房间电暖器J60335-2-30(H20)JIS C 9335-2-30:2006IEC60335-2-30:2002吸油烟机J60335-2-31(H20)JIS C 9335-2-31:2005IEC60335-2-31:2002电动机-压缩机J60335-2-34(H20)JIS C 9335-2-34:2004IEC60335-2-34:2002快热式电热水器J60335-2-35(H20)JIS C 9335-2-35:2005IEC60335-2-35:2002空调、除湿机、电动热泵J60335-2-40(H20)JIS C 9335-2-40:2004IEC 60335-2-40:2002干衣机、毛巾架J60335-2-43(H20)JIS C 9335-2-43:2005IEC60335-2-43:2002空气净化器J60335-2-65(H20)JIS C 9335-2-65:2004IEC60335-2-65:2002电风扇J60335-2-80(H20)JIS C 9335-2-80:2006IEC60335-2-80:2002无线电骚扰(噪声强度)J55014-1(H20)无,有别纸CISPR14-1:1993+A1:1996遥控要求J1000(H14)无,有别纸——长期使用产品标示J2000(H20)无,有别纸防止事故发生的安全标准J3000(H21)无,有别纸有关J标准与对应IEC标准的差异可参见以下报告:日本电气用品安全法:(第2项标准)技术要求与国际标准的差异(H14版,英文)2. 长期使用产品标示(J2000)长期使用产品标示要求始于2008年5月1日经济产业省颁布的《电气产品技术基准省令修正案》(2008年METI第34号省令)。





A类特定产品B类非特定产品不适合PSE认证产品:PC、Monitor、Printer、Server Computer、StoragePSE认证1. 法律基础2001年4月1日,《电气用品安全法》(日文英文)(简称《电安法》或DENAN法)取代原《电气用品取缔法》,要求管制产品加贴PSE标志,并且加强了对进口商的惩罚措施。































日本经济产业省(METI )在认可第三方认证机构的认证范围时,会在授权认证的产品旁注明使用的是“第1项”还是“第2项”标准,一般日本国外机构都倾向于J标准。




在2002年3月18日第一次公布的J标准中,J60335系列标准为H14版本;而到2009年9月11日,METI网站上的J标准进行了更新,此时J60335系列标准为H20 版本,另外除了电气安全、EMC和遥控标准外,增加了长期使用产品标示和防止事故发生安全标准。

1. 主要家用电器的J标准主要家用电器的J标准文本及其对应IEC标准见下表:产品名称J标准JIS C标准文本对应IEC标准通用安全要求J60335-1(3 版-H14)无,有别纸IEC 60335-1:1991+A1:1994+A2:1999J60335-1(4 版-H20)JIS C 9335-1:2003IEC 60335-1:2001真空吸尘器J60335-2-2(H20)JIS C 9335-2-2:2004IEC 60335-2-2:2002电熨斗J60335-2-3(H20)JIS C 9335-2-3:2004IEC 60335-2-3:2002离心脱水机J60335-2-4(H20)JIS C 9335-2-4:2004IEC 60335-2-4:2002洗碗机J60335-2-5(H20)JIS C 9335-2-5:2004IEC 60335-2-5:2002固定灶具、烤架、烤炉J60335-2-6(H20)JIS C 9335-2-6:2004IEC 60335-2-6:2002洗衣机J60335-2-7(H20)JIS C 9335-2-7:2004IEC 60335-2-7:2002电动剃须刀、电发剪J60335-2-8(H20)JIS C 9335-2-8:2004IEC 60335-2-8:2002烤面包机、烤箱J60335-2-9(H20)JIS C 9335-2-9:2004IEC 60335-2-9:2002滚筒式干衣机J60335-2-11(H20)JIS C 9335-2-11:2004IEC 60335-2-11:2002电热板J60335-2-12(H20)JIS C 9335-2-12:2005IEC 60335-2-12:2002深煎锅、浅平底锅J60335-2-13(H20)JIS C 9335-2-13:2006IEC 60335-2-13:2002厨房机械(榨汁机、搅拌器等)J60335-2-14(H20)JIS C 9335-2-14:2005IEC 60335-2-14:2002液体加热器(电水壶、电咖啡壶、电饭锅等)J60335-2-15(H20)JIS C 9335-2-15:2004IEC 60335-2-15:2002电热毯等柔性加热器J60335-2-17(H20)JIS C 9335-2-17:2005IEC 60335-2-15:2002储水式电热水器J60335-2-21(H20)JIS C 9335-2-21:2005IEC 60335-2-21:2002皮肤及毛发护理器具J60335-2-23(H20)JIS C 9335-2-23:2005IEC 60335-2-23:2003电冰箱、制冰机J60335-2-24(H20)JIS C 9335-2-24:2005IEC 60335-2-24:2003微波炉J60335-2-25(H20)JIS C 9335-2-25:2003IEC 60335-2-25:2002房间电暖器J60335-2-30(H20)JIS C 9335-2-30:2006IEC 60335-2-30:2002吸油烟机J60335-2-31(H20)JIS C 9335-2-31:2005IEC 60335-2-31:2002电动机-压缩机J60335-2-34(H20)JIS C 9335-2-34:2004IEC 60335-2-34:2002快热式电热水器J60335-2-35(H20)JIS C 9335-2-35:2005IEC 60335-2-35:2002空调、除湿机、电动热泵J60335-2-40(H20)JIS C 9335-2-40:2004IEC 60335-2-40:2002干衣机、毛巾架J60335-2-43(H20)JIS C 9335-2-43:2005IEC 60335-2-43:2002空气净化器J60335-2-65(H20)JIS C 9335-2-65:2004IEC 60335-2-65:2002电风扇J60335-2-80(H20)JIS C 9335-2-80:2006IEC 60335-2-80:2002无线电骚扰(噪声强度)J55014-1(H20)无,有别纸CISPR 14-1:1993+A1:1996遥控要求J1000(H14)无,有别纸长期使用产品标示J2000(H20)无,有别纸防止事故发生的安全标准J3000(H21)无,有别纸有关J标准与对应IEC标准的差异可参见以下报告:日本电气用品安全法:(第2项标准)技术要求与国际标准的差异(H14版,英文)2. 长期使用产品标示(J2000)长期使用产品标示要求始于2008年5月1日经济产业省颁布的《电气产品技术基准省令修正案》(2008年METI第34号省令)。

日本 电气用品安全法

日本 电气用品安全法

This English translation of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act has been prepared up to the revisions of Act No.87of2005Effective May1,2006in compliance with the Standard Bilingual Dictionary March2007edition.This is an unofficial translation.Only the original Japanese texts of laws and regulations have legal effect,and the translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of Japanese laws and regulations.The Government of Japan shall not be responsible for the accuracy,reliability or currency of the legislative material provided in this Website,or for any consequence resulting from use of the information in this Website.For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute,users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette.Electrical Appliances and Material Safety Act Act No.234of November16,1961Final revision:Act No.87of July26,2005Chapter1General Provisions Articles1and2Chapter2Notification of Business,etc.Articles3to7Chapter3Conformity Assessment of Electrical Appliances and Materials,etc.Articles8to26Chapter4Restriction of Sale,etc.Articles27and28Chapter5Registration of Conformity Assessment Bodies,etc.Section1Registration of Conformity Assessment Bodies Articles29to32Section2Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies Articles33to 42-2Section3Foreign Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies Articles42-3and 42-4Chapter5-2Order for the Prevention of Hazards,etc.Article42-5Chapter6Miscellaneous Provisions Articles43to56Chapter7Penal Provisions Articles57-61Supplementary ProvisionsChapter1General ProvisionsArticle1PurposeThe purpose of this Act is to regulate the manufacture,sale,etc.of Electrical Appliances and Materials and to foster voluntary activities by private businesses to ensure the safety of Electrical Appliances and Materials so as to prevent hazards and disturbances resulting from Electrical Appliances and Materials.Article2Definitions1The term"Electrical Appliances and Materials"as used in this Act shall mean the following:i Parts of electrical facilities for general use meaning electrical facilities forgeneral use as prescribed in Article38,paragraph1of the Electricity UtilitiesIndustry Act Act No.170of1964and machines,appliances,and materials used in connection thereto,as specified by a Cabinet Orderii Portable power generators,specified by a Cabinet Order2The term"Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials"as used in this Act shall mean Electrical Appliances and Materials which are especially likely to cause hazards or disturbances because of their structure,methods of use,or other conditions of use,as specified by a Cabinet Order.Chapter2Notification of Business,etc.Article3Notification of BusinessAll persons engaged in manufacturing or importing Electrical Appliances and Materials shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of the following items in accordance with the Electrical Appliance and Material classification specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry within30 days from the commencement of such business.i Name or trade name and address,and in the case of a juridical person,nameof the representative;ii Classification of the Electrical Appliance and Material product type specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry;iii The name and location of the plant or workplace where said ElectricalAppliances and Materials are manufactured in the case of persons engaged in importing Electrical Appliances and Materials,the name or trade name and address of the manufacturer of the Electrical Appliances and Materials.Article4Succession1When a person who has given a notification set forth in the preceding Articlehereinafter referred to as a"Notifying Supplier"assigns the whole of the business to which such notification pertains to another person,or when there is a succession,merger or company split limited to those resulting in the succession ofthe whole of the business to which the notification pertains involving the Notifying Supplier,the person who acquires the whole of the business of theNotifying Supplier,the successor or in the case of multiple successors,one successor selected by unanimous agreement of all successors,the juridical personsurviving the merger or newly established as a result of the merger,or the juridical person that succeeds to the whole business as a result of the company split shall succeed to the position of the Notifying Supplier.2Any person who has succeeded to the position of a Notifying Supplier pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph shall notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of such succession,without delay,together with documentation evidencing such fact.Article5Notification of ChangeIn the case of any change in the matters set forth in the items of Article3,the Notifying Supplier shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of the change without delay;provided,however,that this shall not apply to a change in minor details as specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article6Notification of Permanent Cessation of BusinessWhen a Notifying Supplier permanently ceases the business to which the notification pertains,it shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of such cessation without delay.Article7Provision of Information Pertaining to Notified MattersAny person may request that the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry provide information pertaining to the matters listed in Article3,items1and2.Chapter3Conformity Assessment of Electrical Appliances and Materials,etc.Article8Obligation to Comply with Standards,etc.1A Notifying Supplier,when manufacturing or importing Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to a notification given pursuant to the provision of Article3hereinafter referred to as the"Product Type Specified in theNotification"shall comply with the technical standards specified by an Ordinanceof the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry hereinafter referred to as the"Technical Standards";provided,however,that this shall not apply in the following cases:i When the approval of the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry has beenobtained for the manufacture or import of Electrical Appliances and Materials to be used for a specific application;ii When the manufacture or import is for experimental purposes.2A Notifying Supplier shall conduct an assessment of the Electrical Appliances and Materials set forth in the preceding paragraph which are manufactured orimported by the Notifying Supplier excluding Electrical Appliances and Materials manufactured or imported through the application of the proviso of the precedingparagraph pursuant to the an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry and shall prepare and keep a record of the assessment.Article9Conformity Inspection of Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials1When the Electrical Appliances and Materials that are set forth in paragraph1 of the preceding Article and manufactured or imported by a Notifying Supplier excluding Electrical Appliances and Materials manufactured or imported throughapplication of the proviso of said paragraph are Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials,the Notifying Supplier shall,before their sale,have them inspectedwith respect to the following items hereinafter referred to as a"ConformityInspection"by a body registered by the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry pursuant to the provision of the following paragraph,and shall obtain and maintain the certificate set forth in said paragraph;provided,however,that the foregoing shall not apply in the case where the certificate set forth in said paragraph pertaining to item2has already been obtained and maintained for a Specified Electrical Appliance and Material of the same product type as said Specified Electrical Appliance and Material and the period specified by a Cabinet Order for each Specified Electrical Appliance and Material,calculated from the day on which said certificate was obtained,has not yet lapsed,or in the case where documentation specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry as the equivalent of the certificate set forth in said paragraph is maintained.i Said Specified Electrical Appliances and Materialsii The test-use Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials and assessment facilities and other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry,which are in the Notifying Supplier s plant or workplace pertaining to said Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials2The registered body set forth in the preceding paragraph shall conduct aConformity Assessment of the matters listed in the items of said paragraph by the method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry, and when these matters comply with the Technical Standards and other standards specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry relating to the assessment facilities set forth in item2of said paragraph and other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry,it may issue to the Notifying Supplier a certificate to that effect pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article10Labeling1When a Notifying Supplier has performed its obligations pursuant to theprovision of Article8,paragraph2in the case of Specified Electrical Appliancesand Materials,Article8,paragraph2and Article9,paragraph1concerning compliance with the Technical Standards for Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to the notification,it may affix labeling to said Electrical Appliances and Materials by the methods specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.2Except where a Notifying Supplier affixes,pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph,labeling to the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to the notification,no person shall affix labeling set forth in said paragraph or any other labeling similar thereto to the Electrical Appliances and Materials.Article11Order for ImprovementWhen the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry finds that a Notifying Supplier has violated the provision of Article8,paragraph1,he/she may order the Notifying Supplier to take the necessary measures to improve the method of manufacturing,importing or assessing Electrical Appliances and Materials,or methods of performing other work.Article12Prohibition of LabelingIn the cases listed in the following items,the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry may prohibit,pursuant to the provision of Article10,paragraph1,a Notifying Supplier from affixing labeling to the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to a notification prescribed in those items for a specified period of less than one year.i Where the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertainingto the notification that were manufactured or imported by the Notifying Supplierexcluding those manufactured or imported through the application of the provisoof Article8,paragraph1does not comply with the Technical Standards,and when the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry finds such prohibition especially necessary to prevent hazards or disturbances:Product type pertaining to the notification,to which said Electrical Appliances and Materials that do not conform to said Technical Standards belongii In the case of a violation of Article8,paragraph2or Article9,paragraph1 with respect to the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to the notification,which were manufactured or imported by the Notifying Supplier:Product type pertaining to the notification,to which the Electrical Appliances and Materials pertaining to said violation belongiii In the case of a violation of an order made pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article with respect to the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to the notification,which were manufactured or imported by the Notifying Supplier:Product type pertaining to the notification,to whichthe Electrical Appliances and Materials pertaining to said violation belongArticle13Deleted.Article14Deleted.Article15Deleted.Article16Deleted.Article17Deleted.Article18Deleted.Article19Deleted.Article20Deleted.Article21Deleted.Article22Deleted.Article23Deleted.Article24Deleted.Article25Deleted.Article26Deleted.Chapter4Restriction of Sale,etc.Article27Restriction of Sale1Any person engaged in manufacturing,importing,or selling Electrical Appliances and Materials shall neither sell nor display for the purpose of sale the Electrical Appliances and Materials unless the labeling set forth in Article10, paragraph1is affixed to the Electrical Appliances and Materials.2The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply if the person prescribed in said paragraph falls under any of the following items:i When the person has obtained the approval of the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry in the case of the sale or display for the purpose of sale of the Electrical Appliances and Materials to be used for a specific application;ii When the person sells or displays for the purpose of sale the Electrical Appliances and Materials pertaining to the approval set forth in Article8, paragraph1,item1.Article28Restriction of Use1Electric utility supply business operators prescribed in Article2,paragraph1, item10of the Electricity Utilities Industry Act,persons who install electrical facilities for private use as prescribed in Article38,paragraph4of said Act,Electrical Engineers prescribed in Article2,paragraph4of the Electrical EngineersAct Act No.139of1960,Qualified Electrical Engineering Specialists prescribed in Article3,paragraph3of said Act,and Certified Electrical Engineers prescribed in Article3,paragraph4of said Act shall not use Electrical Appliances and Materials in any work for installing or modifying electrical facilities prescribed in Article2,paragraph1,item16of the Electricity Utilities Industry Act unless the labeling set forth in Article10,paragraph1is affixed to them.2Any person engaged in manufacturing products that are manufactured using Electrical Appliances and Materials as parts or accessories,which are specified by a Cabinet Order,shall not use Electrical Appliances and Materials in manufacturing such products unless the labeling set forth in Article10,paragraph 1is affixed to them.3The provision of paragraph2of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the cases set forth in the preceding two paragraphs.Chapter5Registration of Conformity Assessment Bodies,etc.Section1Registration of Conformity Assessment BodiesArticle29Registration1The registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1shall be carried out based on an application made by a person who intends to conduct a Conformity Assessment for each classification of the Specified Electrical Appliances and Materialshereinafter referred to as the"Classification of Specified Electrical Appliances andMaterials specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.2Where the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry has received an application pursuant to the preceding paragraph,when he/she finds it necessary,he/she may have the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation hereinafter referred toas the"NITE"conduct the necessary investigation to determine whether or not said application conforms to the items of Article31,paragraph1.Article30DisqualificationAny person who falls under any of the following items shall not be able to obtain the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1.i Any person who has violated this Act or a disposition pursuant to this Act,hasbeen punished by a fine or more severe punishment,and as to which two years has not passed since such person completed punishment or since it became unnecessary for such person to serve out such punishmentii Any person with respect to which two years has not passed since his/her registration has been rescinded pursuant to the provision of Article41or Article 42-4,paragraph1iii Any juridical person an officer of which who is engaged in its business falls under any of the preceding two itemsArticle31Standards for Registration1The Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry shall grant registration to any person who applies for registration pursuant to Article29,paragraph1hereinafter referred to as the"Applicant"in this paragraph if the Applicant conforms with all of the following items.In this case,the procedures necessary for registration shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.i The Applicant conforms to the standards set by the International Organizationfor Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission for bodies that certify products.ii The Applicant does not fall under any of the following as a person controlled by a Notifying Supplier which manufactures or imports Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials and with respect to which a Conformity Inspection isrequired pursuant to the provision of Article9,paragraph1hereinafter referred to as a"Supplier Subject to Conformity Inspection"in this item and Article37, paragraph2a In the case where the Applicant is a business corporation,the Supplier whichMay Apply for a Conformity Assessment shall be the parent juridical person ofthe Applicant meaning the parent juridical person prescribed in Article879, paragraph1of the Corporate Act Act No.86of2005b More than half of the officers or employees of the Applicant in the case of anequity company which means an equity company prescribed in Article575,paragraph1of the Corporation Act,officers in charge of its business are officers or employees of the Supplier which May Apply for a ConformityAssessment including those who have been officers or employees of the Supplier which May Apply for a Conformity Assessment in the past two years.c The Applicant for a juridical person,an officer having representation powerthereof is an officer or employee of a Supplier which May Apply for aConformity Assessment including those who were officers or employees of said Supplier which May Apply for a Conformity Assessment in the past two years.2The registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1shall be completed bydescribing the following matters in the Registration Record for Conformity Assessment Bodies.i Date of registration and registration numberii Name or trade name and address of the registered person as well as the name of the representative for a juridical personiii Classification of Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials on which the registered person conducts a Conformity Assessmentiv Name and location of the office where the registered person conducts aConformity AssessmentArticle32Renewal of Registration1If the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1is not renewed at such interval as specified by a Cabinet Order,which specified interval shall not be less than three years,then the registration shall cease to be effective at the time of expiration of the period.2The provisions of the preceding three Articles shall apply mutatis mutandis to the renewal of registration set forth in the preceding paragraph.Section2Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment BodiesArticle33Obligation to Conduct a Conformity Assessment1When any body that has obtained the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1limited to those that have obtained registration in terms of conducting a Conformity Assessment at a place of business located in Japan; hereinafter referred to as the"Domestic Registered Conformity AssessmentBodies"is requested to conduct a Conformity Assessment,it shall conduct theConformity Assessment without delay except when there are justifiable grounds.2Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies shall conduct Conformity Assessments in a fair manner by a method that conforms to the Technical Standards.Article34Change of Place of BusinessWhen a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body intends to change the location of its place of business where it conducts Conformity Assessments,it shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of such change of location at least two weeks prior to the date of change.Article35Rules of Operation1Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies shall establish the rules ofoperation of Conformity Assessments hereinafter referred to as the"Rules ofOperation"and shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of them prior to the commencement of the operation of the Conformity Assessment.The same shall apply to the cases where they intend to change the Rules of Operation.2The Rules of Operation shall prescribe the method of conducting the Conformity Assessment,the method of calculating the fees relating to the Conformity Assessment,and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article36Suspension or Abolition of OperationWhen a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body intends to suspend or abolish the whole or part of its operation of a Conformity Assessment,it shall notifythe Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of such in advance,pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article37Preparation and Inspection of Financial Statements,etc.1Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies shall prepare an inventory of property,balance sheet and profit and loss statement or income and expenditureaccount statement as well as an operating statement including electromagnetic records in the case where these documents are prepared in the form of anelectromagnetic record records prepared by electronic methods,magnetic methods or any other methods that cannot be recognized by human perception,which are used for information processing by computer;hereinafter the same shall apply inthis Article,or in the case where electromagnetic records are prepared by way of those in paper form;hereinafter referred to as"Financial Statements,etc."in thenext paragraph and Article60,item2within three months from the end of each business year and shall keep them in the place of business for five years2Suppliers which May Apply for a Conformity Assessment and other interested persons may make the following requests at any time within the business hours of Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies;provided,however,that they shall pay fees set by the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies to make a request set forth in item2or4.i When Financial Statements,etc.have been prepared in writing,a requestfor inspection or a copy of documentsii A request for a copy or extract of the documents set forth in the preceding itemiii When Financial Statements,etc.have been prepared in the form of anelectromagnetic record,a request for inspection or a copy of those which indicate matters recorded in the electromagnetic record by a method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industryiv A request for the provision of matters recorded in the electromagnetic recordset forth in the preceding paragraph by an electromagnetic method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry,or a request for the issuance of documents in which said matters are describedArticle38Deleted.Article39Deleted.Article40Order for ComplianceWhen the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry finds that a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has come to not comply with any of the items of Article31,paragraph1,he/she may order it to take the necessary measures to comply with such item.Article40-2Order for ImprovementWhen the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry finds that a Domestic Registered Conformity Inspection Body is in violation of the provisions of Article33, he/she may order it to conduct a Conformity Inspection or to take necessary measures to improve its methods for conducting a Conformity Inspection or its methods for performing its other business operations.Article41Rescission of Registration,etc.When a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body falls under any of the following items,the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry may rescind the registration thereof or may order the suspension of the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment for a specified period.i When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has come to fallunder Article30,item1or3ii When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has violated the provision of Article33,Article34,Article35,paragraph1,Article36,Article37, paragraph1,or Article42iii When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has refused a request made pursuant to the provision of any item of Article37,paragraph2 without any justifiable groundsiv When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has violated an order pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two Articlesv When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has obtained the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph by wrongful means.Article42Description in Books1Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies shall prepare books and describe therein the matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry relating to the Conformity Assessment.2Books set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be kept pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article42-2Execution of the Conformity Assessment by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry1The Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry may him/herself conduct the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment when there is no person who is able to obtain the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1,when a notification of suspension or abolition of the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment has been given pursuant to Article36,when the Minister has,pursuant to the provision of Article41,rescinded the registration set forth in said paragraph or ordered a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body to suspend the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment,when it has become difficult for a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body to conduct the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment due to a natural disaster or other reason,or other cases when the Minister finds it necessary.2The Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry may,when he/she finds it necessary in the case set forth in the preceding paragraph,have the NationalInstitute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology hereinafter referred to asthe"AIST"or the NITE conduct the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment.3The succession of the operation of a Conformity Assessment and any other necessary matters in the case where the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry him/herself conducts or has the AIST or the NITE conduct the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.Section3Foreign Registered Conformity Assessment BodiesArticle42-3Obligation to a Conduct Conformity Assessment,etc.。

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电器用品安全法讲习会〔概要编〕讲义2000年12月电气安全环境研究所 JET电气制品安全中心目录1 电气用品取缔法的修改经过--------------------------------------------------------P. 22 电气用品取缔法到电气用品安全法------------------------------------------------P. 23 电安法的修改概要-------------------------------------------------------------------P. 24 有关电安法修改的经过措置(过度期措施)--------------------------------------P. 55 政令(施行令)的修改内容--------------------------------------------------------P. 96 通商产业省令的修改(今后的展望)----------------------------------------------P.117 有关电气用品安全法的Q&A-------------------------------------------------------P.16品种一览表特定电气用品 (111品种)特定以外的电气用品 (343品种)1 电气用品取缔法的修改经过电气用品取缔法(以下简称为「电安法」),虽然为了对应急增的电气用品而产生的火灾,在1961年制定的,然而业者安全意识的渗透下成品的安全性显著的提高,其事故原因也从过去的产品起因到了使用者的误使用占过半的情况。


2 电气用品取缔法到电气用品安全法由上述经过,在1999年8月6日公布「有关通商产业省关系的基准、认证制度等的整理及合理化法律」(以下简称为「整理合理化法」),重新研究包括电取法的11种法律。


整理合理化法的电安法的修改要旨如下﹔1)事前规制的合理化废止制造事业登录,刑事认可制度,→申请,自己确认(政府直接规制的最小限化)2)活用民间业者的检查等业务能力废止限定于公益法人的指定试验机关制度,→导入政府认定的民间第三者检查机关制度(导入竞争原理于检查等业务)3)充实以安全水准的确保等为目的的事后措置跟着事前规制的合理化,→强化回收命令,法人重罚等罚则3 电安法的修改概要(1)法律名称变更(2)法律的目的变更〔电安法第1条〕民间的自主活动被采纳于安全规制体系,法律的目的变更为「本法律规制电气用品的制造,销售等,并且为了确保电气用品的安全性,促进民间企业者的自主活动,以期防止电气用品来产生的危险及障碍为目的。

(追加划线部位)(3)在电取法,政府直接处理的制造业者登录,型式认可等的安全性的事前检核,转移为「申报」及「业者的自己确认 + 第三者机关的确认」。

1)业者申报(电安法第3条)废止对甲种电气用品制造业者施行的事业开始前的「制造业者登录(或外国制造业者登录)」,在国内制造或进口电安法的特定电气用品(政令规定:111品种 ≒ 甲种电气用品)者,须于事业开始日后30日以内办理「有关事业开始的申报」。


申报事项﹔根据电气用品的区分(通商产业省令规定),a 姓名(法人时以代表者名),名称,地址b 型式区分(通商产业省令规定)c 制造工厂,事业场的名称,所在地同样适用于特定电气用品以外的电气用品(政令规定:343品种 ≒ 乙种电气用品)的制造进口业者。


2)检查义务(电安法第8条)在电取法规定乙种电气用品制造业者必须适合技术基准以外,和甲种电气用品制造业者需处理的同样,明文化下列事项a 检查实施义务b 检查记录作成义务c 检查记录保存义务3)适合性检查(电安法第9 条)虽然废止有关甲种电气用品施行的制造开始前的「型式认可试验」,「型式认可」,特定电气用品时申报业者需「业者自己确认」,并且新追加,必须从通商产业大臣认定(海外者是「承认」)的复数之「认定(承认)检查机关」中,以申报业者的责任下选定检查机关,接受其检查机关的「基准适合性检查」,取得并且保存「基准适合性检查证明书」。

适合性检查有两种,a LOT检查(销售品为对象的检查)b SAMPLE + 检查设备等的检查(原来的型式认可试验 + 工厂检查)〔基准适合性检查证明书〕(电安法第9条第2项)认定(承认)检查机关施行检查(检查方法等以通商产业省令规定),适合者发给基准适合性检查证明书(记载内容等以通商产业省令规定)。


(5)表示及销售限制1)表示义务(电安法第10条)申报业者对申报型式的电气用品,履行作成、保存基准适合义务及检查记录的义务,并且对特定电气用品取得基准适合性检查证明书时,得于该电气用品附上国家规定的「所定的表示(通商产业省令规定:预定为PS-E mark)」。



也就是说,按照上记(5) 2)「销售的限制」,不得销售。




1)制造、进口、销售业者销售没附上所定表示的电气用品时2)申报业者制造、进口或销售不适合技术上的基准的电气用品时(8)认定检查机关(电安法第31条等)电取法的「指定试验机关」,要求指定要件为「依据民法第34条规定设立的法人= 公益法人」,不过电安法并没有此条件,若满足国家的认定基准,株式会社等营利法人也可以成为认定检查机关。



* 外国检查机关的承认要件等,也准用对认定检查机关的规定。


1)配合实际经济提高罚金(例)表示义务违反 电取法:10万日币以下的罚金 电安法:1年以下的徒刑或100万日币以下的罚金 (可并科)2)为了确保消费者的安全直接影响大的表示禁止或违反危险防止命令者,导入法人重课(罚金1亿日币以下)。

以上的修改概要以电安法与电取法的新旧对照比较(请参照附件P1, P2)4 有关电安法修改的经过措置(过度期措施)(1)于2000年4月1日以后可以申请适合性检查机关的认定(承认)及申报业务规定。




(整理合理化附则第45条第3项)* :型式认可(承认)的申请大部分在指定试验机关(JET等)实施。

4) 于施行前申请型式试验,施行后合格时,从型式试验合格日的10日以内申 请型式认可(承认),就按照电取法规定处理。

(整理合理化附则第45条第3项)* :型式认可(承认)的申请大部分在指定试验机关(JET等)实施。

试验申请2001/4/1(施行日)1)的事例 合格 申请 处理2)的事例 判定合否 合格4)的事例 10日以内申请 处理 4/103)的事例 合格 申请 处理﹔型式试验的流程 ﹔型式认可(承认)的流程(3)业者申报1)甲种电气用品的登录制造业者及进口业者于施行时,以电取法取得型式认可或以上述(2) 1) 3) 4)申请型式中时,对该当型式区分的电气用品,认为已办理电安法的「业者申报」。



(整理合理法附则第46条第2项)2001/4/1(施行日)〔1)的事例〕 认可 认可 认为已办理新法的「业者申报」〔2〕的事例〕申报(4)在甲种电气用品(特定电气用品)的型式认可有效期间内的适合性检查的处理于施行时已经取得型式认可者,或以上述(2) 1) 3) 4)取得认可者,在电取法规定的型式认可有效期间内,认为于电安法「接受适合性检查的检查、发给证明书而保存」。

(整理合理法附则第47条第1项)〔直流电源装置的事例〕 2001/4/1(施行日) 1998/11/1 2003/10/31认可 到期 2001/5/1 2006/4/30认可 到期*: 中间认为「接受适合性检查的检查、发给证明书而保存」。

〔直流电源装置的事例〕 ? 到期后的事例 2001/4/1(施行日) 1998/11/1 2003/10/31认可 到期到期后继续制造时,(*)(*):必须接受适合性检查,取得及保存证明书(5)外国登录制造业者的型式承认品的处理于施行时,已经取得型式承认,或依据上述(2) 1) 3) 4)取得承认者,在电取法规定的型式承认有效期间内,或施行后5年(根据品种依据政令最长10年)的任一较短期间至,不关电安法的表示义务、销售限制、使用限制,按照电取法的规定可以制造、销售。
