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1.—Is this dictionary Ming's?—Yes. Please remember it to him when you finish the words.

A. to return; to look up

B. to return; looking up

C. returning; to look up

D. returning; looking up

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:一这本字典是明的吗?一是的,请记当你查阅完这些单词把字典还给他。remember to do sth:记得去做某事,该事情还没有做; remember doing sth记得曾经做过某事,该事情已经做了。finish doing sht完成做某事。结合句意,可知归还的动词还没有做,故选B。

2.Our teacher often advises us the habit of making notes while reading.

A. to develop

B. develop

C. to developing

D. developing

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:我们的老师经常建议我们培养在阅读时做笔记的习惯。Advise sbto do sth建议某人做某事,所以选A。

3. You should ask Bob ________ his own clothes. He is ten years old now.

A. wash

B. washes

C. washing

D. to wash

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:你应该要求鲍勃洗自己的衣服。他现在已经十岁了。ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事,所以选D。

4.I still like those good old songs I often listened to _______myself in my spare time.

A. enjoy

B. enjoying

C. to enjoy

D. enjoyed

【答案】 C


结构为:主语为I,谓语动词是like,宾语those good old songs,因此句子主干部分就是I still like those good old songs而I often listened to做先行词songs的后置定语,songs做介词to 的宾语,因此省略了关系代词that。本题to enjoy myself in my spare time属于不定式做目的状语。也就是I still like those good old songs( I often listened to )enjoy myself in my spare time,故选C。

5.Mount Xiaolei is not far away from here, but it will still take us a few hours there by bike.

A. getting

B. to get

C. got

D. get

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词辨析。句意:小雷山离这儿不远,但是骑车还是要花我们几小时到那儿。做某事花某人多长时间的结构是:It takes sb. some time to do sth,即:前用it作形式主语,后用带to的不定式作真实的主语。故选B。

6.—Mario, your mobile phone is ringing.

—Wait a minute. It's dangerous for us ______ it while crossing the street.

A. answering

B. to answer

C. answer

D. answered

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:马里奥,你的手机响了。--等一下。在穿过马路时接电话是危险的。A. answering 动名词或者现在分词;B. to answer 动词不定式; C. answer 动词原形; D. answered动词过去式。在it is +形容词for sb to do sth,句式中it代替动词不定式做形式主语,结合句意,故选B。

【点评】考查固定的句型it's+adj +for sb to do sth。

7.—Do you know anyone can repair the bike?—Yes. You can ask the man Peter for help.

A. which; call

B. that; to calling

C. that; called

D. which; calls

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:—你认识能修理自行车的什么人吗?--是的,你可以向那个叫彼得的人请求帮助。定语从句用来充当句中定语的成分,被修饰的名词叫先行词,连接主从句的是关系词。关系词分:1关系代词:who , whom , whose , which , that 。2 关系副词:where,when why 等。一般的who 用于指代人的先行词,which 用来指代物的先行词,that 既可指认又可指物。关系代词在从句中作主语、宾语。但在下列情况下一般只用that而不用which :

先行词本身是all , everything , something , nothing , anything等不定代词时,先行词已有序数词或形容词的最高级或the last, the only等作定语时,先行词既有人又有物时。根据先行
