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First and foremost, i would to thank you sir/madam for giving methis oppurt un ity to in troduce myself to you

I am a quick lear ner and have ability to get along with all types of

people. I try my best to adapt to differe nt situati on in the compa ny. I always show loyalty to the companythat I worked for and I amdependable.' malso a team player, I ' mdedicated, self-motivated and I like to complete assig nments on time.

I don' t banish anything from my life because from everything we can learn someth in g. I am always look ing for new inno vati on s. I am not only a hardwoker but also a heart worker.

My computer skills include Microsoft Office -- Word, Excel,

PowerPoi nt -- Systems An alysis and Desig n with an accurate typ ing speed of


Going forward I want to work in a challenging Managementrole within the sameindustry and your organization is one in which I believe I could settle down and make a real contribution.


Good morning. It ' s a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to

prese nt myself. My n ame is xx, and I am a can didate for the positi on of foreig n trade assista nt.

I am dilige nt ,amicable ,aggressive and resp on sible.

In Aug.20xx, I beg in work for a private en terprise as foreig n trade

assistant in Shanghai Saisi Footwear Co., Ltd. In this company, I am

responsibility for Receiving and sending letters abroad, Receiving the

visitors and Maintaining old customers and developing new customers. And I have developed a new client of Middle East and some domestic customers by myself.

In the past two years, I have learned all kinds of information about

the PPE products, and I am familiar with the PPE market. I hope that I

can have the opport un ity to serve your compa ny with my kno wledge. I look forward to beco ming part of the Actio n team. Thank you.


First of all, I would like to tha nk you for giving methis opport uni ty.

It ' s my pleasure to introduce myself. My name is Ayub Pasha, born in

Raichur and bought up in Ban galore

My hobbies are listening to music, thinking, and playing cricket and chess

I pride myself in being a hardworker and a results-oriented person

with very high integrity. In addition, I have excellent interpersonal


I have total 7 years of experie nee in sales & marketi ng. I am

currently working in HDFC BANK as a senior sales officer. My duty is to

han dle daily sales activities. I have the ability to man age people and

lead from the front;I always have a positive attitude towards my work and people around me.

with 7 years experience in the industry and I believe my strengths

and skills make me a perfect fit for this positi on.

I believe that I ' m able to become a part of a team and also to lead

the team. It ' s my belief that I could easily settle down and make a

con tributi on to the compa ny.


Good morning. It ' s a pleasure for me present myself. My name is xx, and I am
