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PSI 的电子传递过程和 PSII 是相似的。但是 PSI 的 荧光信号比较低,无法象 PSII 那样能够作为植物逆 境胁迫的指示。
光照水平、有效水分水 平、营养物水平、高温、冻 害、杀虫剂、除草剂、污染 物水平、重金属、病虫害等 等环境因子都会直接或间 接影响植物 CO2 同化作用, 进而影响植物健康。
—植物逆境生理生态研究方法专题系列 7
Abstracdt:本文结合世界各国植物逆境生理方面的科研工作,概述了叶绿素荧光的产生过程, 详细介绍了叶绿素荧光参数定义、叶绿素荧光淬灭过程及其相关参数定义、 “Puddle Model”和“Lake Model”之间的具体区别、氮素营养缺乏胁迫的快速 测量方法、电子传递速率(ETR)的测量意义、OJIP 荧光动力学曲线及 PI 在植 物逆境胁迫研究中的应用!这些内容对我们加深理解叶绿素荧光测量技术的原 理、如何更好地设置测量参数和深入研究植物逆境生理胁迫都具有广泛的参考意 义。
In addition, protons created from PSII functions, the splitting of water, and the reaction in the cytochrome b6f complex, enter the thylakoid lumen and are used by an ATP pump in the thylakoid membrane in the presence of ATP synthase, to create ATP from ADP. Both ATP and NADPH are used as energy sources to drive the Calvin Benson Cycle oHale Waihona Puke carbon fixation.
如果您需要了解更多更深入的信息,请参考本文的参考文献以及关注我们澳作公司提供的 “植物逆境生理生态研究方法专题系列”!
Tips:光合作用过程概述! 高等植物和藻类细胞
接受的光能,首先到达天线 色素系统,然后由天线色素 分析相互传递直到光反应 中心,从而转化为可利用的 化学能。这一电子传递能量 的过程也叫做电荷分离。
The following is a generalized description of the photosynthesis light reaction and the value of chlorophyll fluorescence in photosystem II. For more specific information please refer to papers cited in this discussion or contact Aozuo China for more information.
It is in PSII that oxygen evolution and the splitting of water occurs. To reduce the PSII reaction center an electron is pulled from the water splitting complex.
PSI goes through a similar process to PSII, however, the low fluorescent signal of PSI does not vary with plant stress or with various photosynthetic functions as it does with PSII. Therefore PSII is of primary interest. Factors such as light levels, light quality, water availability, nutrient availability, heat, cold, herbicides, pesticides, pollution, heavy metals, disease, and genetic make up can all have an impact on CO2 assimilation, plant health and condition. They also are reflected in the fluorescence signal in PSII. Therefore, by using a chlorophyll fluorometer one can quantify the impact of these factors on plants to improve breeding and production programs, and to better understand plant functions.
两者的最大区别在于 所有的光反应中心是否共 享天线色素系统!
Competing models of energy capture and transfer exist. In the “puddle model” of Photosystem PS II each reaction center possesses its own independent antenna system. In the “lake model” of Photo-system PS II reaction centers are connected by shared antenna. The “lake model” is considered more realistic for terrestrial plants.
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植物吸收的光能,主要 分为 3 个部分,光化学作用、 光保护性的热扩散、叶绿素 荧光。
经过暗适应的植物叶 片,突然暴露在光照条件下 的瞬间,荧光值会迅速上升 达到峰值,然后逐渐降低, 直到出现 CO2 同化过程时 达到稳态。
经过多年的研究,叶绿 素荧光被用来指示植物的 健康状况和光合作用过程。
这些过程包括水的氧 化、电荷分离、电子传递、 光保护机制、叶黄素循环、 类囊体膜的酸化以及气孔 导度和气体交换等。
The next step is a cytochrome b6f complex. Eventually this complex supplies an electron to reduce PSI. PSI then goes through a somewhat similar process to PSII, and eventually produces NADPH.
大量科研结果证明:碳 同化过程与叶绿素荧光值 显著相关
The most prominent pigments that absorb this energy are chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b. Other accessory pigments may be involved such as carotenoids, or phycobilins in cyanobacteria, or bacteriochlorophyll in some bacteria.
Light energy utilized in photosynthesis by higher plants and algae cells is collected first by an antenna pigment system and transferred to reaction centers where light quanta are converted to chemical energy by chlorophylls in a protein environment. Electron transfer takes place in the reaction center when a chlorophyll molecule transfers an electron to a neighboring pigment molecule. Pigments and protein involved in this primary electron transfer define the reaction center. This initial electron transfer is also called charge separation.
After charge separation, electrons flow to other nearby plastoquinone molecules in the thylakoid membrane by oxidation reduction reactions. They act as energy transfer molecules in electron transport chain.
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Tips:“沼泽模型(Puddle Model)”“湖泊模型(Lake Model)”的区别!
Light energy absorbed initially by the antenna and transferred to the reaction centers is channeled by a number of different processes including photochemistry, photo-protective heat dissipation, other heat dissipation and about 3%-9% of the light energy absorbed by chlorophyll pigments is re-emitted as fluorescence. The emission peak is of a longer wavelength than the excitation energy. This effect was first observed more than 100 years ago, when N.J.C. Müller (1874) by visually using colored glass filters. He also noted that fluorescence changes that occur in green leaves are correlated with photosynthetic assimilation. Lack of appropriate technical equipment prevented a more detailed investigation of this phenomenon. The light energy drives photosynthetic electron transport through PSII and PSI leading to the oxidation of water, oxygen evolution, the reduction of NADP+ to NADPH, membrane proton transport and ATP synthesis.
通过叶绿素荧光仪测 量 PSII 的荧光信号可以作 为这些逆境胁迫的指示参 数!
Reaction centers are of two types, Photosystem II (PSII), and Photosystem I (PSI). both are located in the thylakoid membrane of a chloroplast of higher plants. In bacteria they are in a membrane surrounding the cytoplasm or in more intricate constructs. All plants the produce oxygen have both types of reaction centers.
Tips:两种光反应中心类型 光系统 1 和光系统 2!
所有的植物都具有两 种类型的光反应中心,但会 因为植物类型等不同而处 于植物叶绿体不同的位置!
光反应中心 2 吸收了光 能后,依次经过光化学反应 (将水光解)、电子传递、 光合磷酸化(PSI)等过程。 在这个过程中PSII的电子传 递导致水分子的裂解(氧 化)、而PSI的电子传递导 致NADP+的还原!
光照水平、有效水分水 平、营养物水平、高温、冻 害、杀虫剂、除草剂、污染 物水平、重金属、病虫害等 等环境因子都会直接或间 接影响植物 CO2 同化作用, 进而影响植物健康。
—植物逆境生理生态研究方法专题系列 7
Abstracdt:本文结合世界各国植物逆境生理方面的科研工作,概述了叶绿素荧光的产生过程, 详细介绍了叶绿素荧光参数定义、叶绿素荧光淬灭过程及其相关参数定义、 “Puddle Model”和“Lake Model”之间的具体区别、氮素营养缺乏胁迫的快速 测量方法、电子传递速率(ETR)的测量意义、OJIP 荧光动力学曲线及 PI 在植 物逆境胁迫研究中的应用!这些内容对我们加深理解叶绿素荧光测量技术的原 理、如何更好地设置测量参数和深入研究植物逆境生理胁迫都具有广泛的参考意 义。
In addition, protons created from PSII functions, the splitting of water, and the reaction in the cytochrome b6f complex, enter the thylakoid lumen and are used by an ATP pump in the thylakoid membrane in the presence of ATP synthase, to create ATP from ADP. Both ATP and NADPH are used as energy sources to drive the Calvin Benson Cycle oHale Waihona Puke carbon fixation.
如果您需要了解更多更深入的信息,请参考本文的参考文献以及关注我们澳作公司提供的 “植物逆境生理生态研究方法专题系列”!
Tips:光合作用过程概述! 高等植物和藻类细胞
接受的光能,首先到达天线 色素系统,然后由天线色素 分析相互传递直到光反应 中心,从而转化为可利用的 化学能。这一电子传递能量 的过程也叫做电荷分离。
The following is a generalized description of the photosynthesis light reaction and the value of chlorophyll fluorescence in photosystem II. For more specific information please refer to papers cited in this discussion or contact Aozuo China for more information.
It is in PSII that oxygen evolution and the splitting of water occurs. To reduce the PSII reaction center an electron is pulled from the water splitting complex.
PSI goes through a similar process to PSII, however, the low fluorescent signal of PSI does not vary with plant stress or with various photosynthetic functions as it does with PSII. Therefore PSII is of primary interest. Factors such as light levels, light quality, water availability, nutrient availability, heat, cold, herbicides, pesticides, pollution, heavy metals, disease, and genetic make up can all have an impact on CO2 assimilation, plant health and condition. They also are reflected in the fluorescence signal in PSII. Therefore, by using a chlorophyll fluorometer one can quantify the impact of these factors on plants to improve breeding and production programs, and to better understand plant functions.
两者的最大区别在于 所有的光反应中心是否共 享天线色素系统!
Competing models of energy capture and transfer exist. In the “puddle model” of Photosystem PS II each reaction center possesses its own independent antenna system. In the “lake model” of Photo-system PS II reaction centers are connected by shared antenna. The “lake model” is considered more realistic for terrestrial plants.
HTTP: // Email: sales@ TEL: (010) 82675321 82675322 82675323 FAX: (010)82623152
植物吸收的光能,主要 分为 3 个部分,光化学作用、 光保护性的热扩散、叶绿素 荧光。
经过暗适应的植物叶 片,突然暴露在光照条件下 的瞬间,荧光值会迅速上升 达到峰值,然后逐渐降低, 直到出现 CO2 同化过程时 达到稳态。
经过多年的研究,叶绿 素荧光被用来指示植物的 健康状况和光合作用过程。
这些过程包括水的氧 化、电荷分离、电子传递、 光保护机制、叶黄素循环、 类囊体膜的酸化以及气孔 导度和气体交换等。
The next step is a cytochrome b6f complex. Eventually this complex supplies an electron to reduce PSI. PSI then goes through a somewhat similar process to PSII, and eventually produces NADPH.
大量科研结果证明:碳 同化过程与叶绿素荧光值 显著相关
The most prominent pigments that absorb this energy are chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b. Other accessory pigments may be involved such as carotenoids, or phycobilins in cyanobacteria, or bacteriochlorophyll in some bacteria.
Light energy utilized in photosynthesis by higher plants and algae cells is collected first by an antenna pigment system and transferred to reaction centers where light quanta are converted to chemical energy by chlorophylls in a protein environment. Electron transfer takes place in the reaction center when a chlorophyll molecule transfers an electron to a neighboring pigment molecule. Pigments and protein involved in this primary electron transfer define the reaction center. This initial electron transfer is also called charge separation.
After charge separation, electrons flow to other nearby plastoquinone molecules in the thylakoid membrane by oxidation reduction reactions. They act as energy transfer molecules in electron transport chain.
HTTP: // Email: sales@ TEL: (010) 82675321 82675322 82675323 FAX: (010)82623152
Tips:“沼泽模型(Puddle Model)”“湖泊模型(Lake Model)”的区别!
Light energy absorbed initially by the antenna and transferred to the reaction centers is channeled by a number of different processes including photochemistry, photo-protective heat dissipation, other heat dissipation and about 3%-9% of the light energy absorbed by chlorophyll pigments is re-emitted as fluorescence. The emission peak is of a longer wavelength than the excitation energy. This effect was first observed more than 100 years ago, when N.J.C. Müller (1874) by visually using colored glass filters. He also noted that fluorescence changes that occur in green leaves are correlated with photosynthetic assimilation. Lack of appropriate technical equipment prevented a more detailed investigation of this phenomenon. The light energy drives photosynthetic electron transport through PSII and PSI leading to the oxidation of water, oxygen evolution, the reduction of NADP+ to NADPH, membrane proton transport and ATP synthesis.
通过叶绿素荧光仪测 量 PSII 的荧光信号可以作 为这些逆境胁迫的指示参 数!
Reaction centers are of two types, Photosystem II (PSII), and Photosystem I (PSI). both are located in the thylakoid membrane of a chloroplast of higher plants. In bacteria they are in a membrane surrounding the cytoplasm or in more intricate constructs. All plants the produce oxygen have both types of reaction centers.
Tips:两种光反应中心类型 光系统 1 和光系统 2!
所有的植物都具有两 种类型的光反应中心,但会 因为植物类型等不同而处 于植物叶绿体不同的位置!
光反应中心 2 吸收了光 能后,依次经过光化学反应 (将水光解)、电子传递、 光合磷酸化(PSI)等过程。 在这个过程中PSII的电子传 递导致水分子的裂解(氧 化)、而PSI的电子传递导 致NADP+的还原!