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1.1 缩略词的准确。缩略词是指由主干单词的第一个字母所构成。这是人们在长期的商务使用过程中逐渐演变的结果。
By confirmed, irrevocable L/C without recourse in favour of COSCO for the total value of the contracted goods in poundssterling, payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents to the Bank of China in the port of loading.
L/C 是letter of credit 的缩写,COSCO 是China Ocean Shipping Co.的缩写。
其他如:CMT = cut-make-trim 剪裁、缝边、镶边的加工费;SHINC = Sunday and Holiday Included 包括星期天和节假日;
PDPR = per day or pro rata 每天?不足一天按比例计算;CCIB = the China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国商品检验局。
(1)国家名称往往可以缩写,街道名称中的Road, Street 等最好不要缩写,如:
中华人民共和国贵州省贵阳市营盘路8 号6 幢713 号,邮政编码:55003Building 6, Suite 713 8 Yingpan Road Guiyang, Guizhou 550032 PRC(2)表示“午前”、“午后”的缩写a.m.和 p.m.不能和o’clock, in the morning, in the afternoon 等连用。“正午点”、“午夜点”应写成noon, midnight,不要写成12 a.m., 12 p.m.。
(3)表示长度、面积、体积、容积、重量等的单位名称,在商务合同中一般不用缩写,只有在列表中与数字直接放在一起时才使用缩写,且缩写无单复数之分:ft = foot, feet;
yd = yard, yards; oz = ounce, ounces(4)月份名和星期名最好不要缩写,除非是在列表时为了节省空间。
1.2 同义词连用的准确。在商务合同中,经常用成双成对的同义词,同义词之间用and 或or 连接。成对用同义词是为了避免诉讼时双方律师钻词义间的细微差别大做文章。因而在做英语翻译时一定要注意。我们知道“term”和“condition”是同义词,都表示“条件、条款”,但它们在合同中就经常连用,例如:
The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:
修改―― amendments to or alterations of ;效力―― force and effect ;履行――fulfill or perform;提供――furnish and provide ;解释―― interpretation or construction ;达成―― make and enter into ;无效――null and void;秘密――secret and confidential;可转让――transferable or assignable。
1.3 复合词的准确。商务合同中常用到的是here、there 或where 与in、on、after、of 等介词结合构成的复合词。在合同中使用这些词,可避免重复,做到准确、简洁、严密,反映出契约性行文正式、严肃、古板的文体特征。这类复合词中的“here”应理解为“this”,“ there”应理解为“that”,“ where”应理解为“which”。因此,hereof = of this ,herewith = withthis 关于此点; hereafter = after this time; in the future 自此以后,将来;hereby = by means of this 以此方式;herein = in this place于此处;hereinafter = below or in this document 在下文;hereto = to this 由是,由此;thereinafter = in that part 在下部分;thereupon= as a result of that 于是,因此;therefor = for that object 为此,因之;whereas = considering that 考虑到,鉴于;whereof = ofwhat 所谈的事;whereby = by which 借以;whereupon = after which 然后。如:
The Licensee shall keep books and records in sufficient detail to enable the royalties payable hereunder to the determined , and,