Easter Day 复活节

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fasting, prayer and sacrifice—and ends with Holy Week, which includes Holy Thursday (the celebration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his 12 Apostles), Good Friday (on which Jesus’ death is observed), and Easter Sunday. 假期涵盖了“基督的受难”,一系列的事件和节日自齐斋节开始为期40 天的禁食,祷告和献祭并以圣周结束,包括耶稣升天节(庆祝耶稣和他的 12使徒最后的晚餐),耶稣受难日(目睹耶稣的死亡),和复活节。
Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In the New
Testament of the Bible, the event is said to have occurred three
days after Jesus was பைடு நூலகம்rucified by the Romans and died in
roughly 30 A.D. 复活节是基督教的节日,庆祝耶稣基督从死里复活的信仰。在《圣经》 的新约中,据说这件事发生在公元30年左右,耶稣被罗马人钉死。 The holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ,” a series of events and holidays that begins with Lent—a 40-day period of
• 在东正教基督教中,复活节仪式以大斋节开始,大斋节开始于星期一(复活节前40天,不包括星期日)。大斋 节的最后一周被称为“棕榈周”,它的最后一个星期是星期六,也就是棕枝主日的前一天。
• 许多教堂在复活节前的最后几个小时(神圣的星期六)举行复活节守夜仪式。
• In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Easter rituals start with the Great Lent, which begins on Clean Monday (40 days prior to Easter, not including Sundays). The last week of Great Lent is referred to as Palm Week, and it ends with Lazarus Saturday, the day before Palm Sunday.
celebration on the Judeo-Christian calendar. 据说耶稣的被捕和处决是在犹太人庆祝逾越节期间发生的,复活节假期通常与犹太-基督教日历 上的庆祝活动密切相关。
Easter Traditions 复活节习俗
• The Sunday immediately prior to Easter is called Palm Sunday, and it commemorates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, when followers laid palm leaves across the road to greet him.
death, and became the basis for the Christian ritual of Holy Communion, which
remains a fundamental part of Christian religious services. 这些仪式象征着他即将以死亡献祭,成为基督教圣餐礼的基础,而这仍然是基督教信仰服侍的基 本组成部分。 As Jesus’ arrest and execution were said to have occurred during the Jewish observance of Passover, the Easter holiday is often close to the former
Easter, with bunnies, baby chicks, and eggs amidst the
resurrection of Jesus Christ - what do they have to do with
each other? Before we tell the story of Easter, let's listen to the words of the kids,What's their opinions about Easter? 复活节,在耶稣基督的复活中,有兔子、小鸡和彩蛋,它们之间有什么关 联?在我们讲述复活节的故事之前,让我们听听孩子们的话语, 他们对复 活节有什么看法?
essentially the foundation upon which the Christian religions are built. Hence, Easter
is a very significant date on the Christian calendar. 耶稣的复活,正如《圣经新约》中所描述的,是基督教所建立的基础。因此,复活节是基督教日历上一个 非常重要的日子。 According to the New Testament, Jesus w as arrested by the Roman authorities, essentially because he claimed to be the “Son of God,” some historians believe that the Romans may have viewed him as a threat to the empire. 根据新约,耶稣被罗马当局逮捕,主要是因为他声称自己是“上帝之子”,一些历史学家认为罗马人可能 以他为帝国的威胁。 He was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect in the province of Judea from 26 to 36 A.D. Jesus’ death by crucifixion, marked by the Christian holiday Good Friday (the Friday before Easter), and subsequent resurrection three days later is
。 “ 永 恒 的 生 命 ” , 这 意 味 着 那 些 信 徒 将 在 死 后 被 迎 入 “ 天 国 ”
Passover and Easter 逾越节和复活节
Notably, Easter is also associated with the Jew ish holiday of Passover, as w ell
said, by the authors of the gospels, to prove that he was the living son of God. 他在朱迪亚被罗马长官彼拉多判处死刑, 自公元26至36年间,耶稣被钉死在十字架上,被基督教作为耶稣受 难日(复活节前的星期五), 随后三天之后复活,证明他是神的儿子。 In varying w ays, all four of the gospels in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) state that those who believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection are given “the gift of eternal life,” meaning that those of faith will be welcomed into the “Kingdom of Heaven” upon their earthly death. 所有新约的四部福音书(马太,马可,路加,约翰),从不同方面陈述:那些相信耶稣的死亡和复活的人将被给予
as the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, as described in the Old Testament.
These links are clearly seen in the Last Supper, which occurred the night before Jesus’ arrest and the sufferings Jesus endured following his arrest. 值得注意的是,复活节也与犹太人的逾越节有关,也与《旧约》中描述的犹太人的离开埃及有关。 这些关联在《最后的晚餐》中清晰可见,在耶稣被捕前的一晚,以及他被捕后所遭受的苦难。 The Last Supper was essentially a Passover feast. However, the New Testament
复活节和其他相关的庆祝活动,比如圣灰星期三和圣枝主日,都被认为是 “可移动的节日”,不过,在西方的基督教中,复活节总是在3月22日到4月 25日之间的一个星期日。
Religious Tradition 复活节的宗教传统
The resurrection of Jesus, as described in the New Testament of the Bible, is
• 复活节前的星期日称为棕枝主日,它是为了纪念耶稣到达耶路撒冷,当信徒们将棕榈叶放在马路对面迎接 他的时候。
• Many churches begin the Easter observance in the late hours of the day before (Holy Saturday) in a religious service called the Easter Vigil.
When Is Easter?
Easter 2018 occurs on Sunday, April 1. However, Easter falls on a different date each year.
Easter Sunday and related celebrations, such as Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday, are considered “moveable feasts,” although, in western Christianity, which follows the Gregorian calendar, Easter always falls on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th.
describes it as being given new significance by Jesus: He identified the matzah (or bread) he shared with his 12 apostles as his “body” and the cup of wine they drank as his “blood.” 最后的晚餐基本上是逾越节的筵席。然而,《新约》将其描述为耶稣所给予的新意义:他确定了 他和12个门徒们分享的无酵饼(或面包) 象征着他的“身体”和他们喝的那杯红酒 象征着他的 “血”。 These rituals would come to symbolize the sacrifice he was about to make in