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Unit 31.选词填空response 反应,响应transform 使改观,使变形focus 焦点重点,集中于...analyze 分析,剖析est imate 估计,估算 competitive 竞争性强的,有竞争力的compensate 补偿,弥补adopt 采用采纳收养typical 典型的有代表的regulate 调整校准调节1.To make our companies_ competitive in the market, we have to be more creative andproductive.2. People are beginning to realize that to_ transform nature at. will is the bi ggestmistake that manhas ever made.3.It is difficult to conclude what a(n) typical_ student does in his spare timebecause every studenthas different interests.4. A month ago I wrote to the store complaining about its bad service, but I haven' tgotten a(n) - response yet5. Some of your suggestions have been adoptedbut others have been turned down asthey are not workable.6.A11 of a sudden, he lost his interest in engineering, and_ focused his attention onlearning a foreign language.7. If a company decreaseshealth benefits for its employees, they should increasesalaries to compensate the workers.8. I failed to pass the exam although I had worked very hard. I should analyzethecauses of my failure.9. When you do

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yoga, try to regulate_ your breathing. Don; t breathe too fast and makesure you breathe only through your nose.10. It was difficult to_ estimate how many people had been wounded in the ear thquake.2.15 选10preferred 提出,提升require 要求undergraduate 大学生大学的accountable 可解释的可说明的acquire 获得得到.tranmits 传输传送indi spensable 不可或缺的creativity 创造性,创造力 referred 提及,针对seeks 寻找,追求post 邮件,张贴,快速行进connectivity 连通性transform 改变改观There have been increased demands for higher education to provide students with bettercoursess and more opportunities. To deal with this (1) complex issue, colleges anuniversities are turning to the Internet for quick(2)access tts rich educationalresources. Now the Internet has been accepted asthe, (3) preferred technology to manyother methods in colleges and universities. Many teachers now routinely (4)post theirteaching materials online. A growing number of schools offer at least some (5) coursesover the Internet. There are two different models of making use of the Internet forhigher education. The first model (6) undergraduate toimprove existing courses byusing the Internet.This model provides high- speed Internet (7)connectivity to allstudents, faculty, and staff. While this model usess the Internet, it doesn';


t(8) require many changes, and it keeps most existing insti tutional struc tures unchanged.i different, more revolutionary model regards the Internet as (9) indispensable to animportant change in hi gher education, for it is believed that the Internet can(10) transform teacher- -centered instruction into student- -centered learning. This, as aresult, will bring about basic change to our university education.1

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