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词尾加 s:只用于表示具有生 命的名词或表示度量的名词.
of所有格 名词+of+名词 ,无生命的物体
1. 书的颜色 The colour of the book
2. 教室的门 The door of the classroom
3. Lesson 10的 The new words of lesson
3. damage: v. 损坏
• e.g. Who damaged my car?
• e.g. The accident did a lot of damage to the
1. break/ broken 损坏,伤害(程度轻) 2. damage 损坏,破坏(程度中等) 3. destroy 毁坏,损毁(程度深)
• 4. shock: 震惊
• e.g. I was shocked at the news of her death.
• He was shocked to hear his child’s swearing.
5. allow: v, 允许
• e.g. My mother does not allow me to use the computer.
6. v. 损坏
7. n. 琴键
8. n.(乐器的)弦
9 . V. 使不悦或生气,震惊
10.v. 允许,让 11. v. 触摸
__a_l_l_o_w____ __t_o_u_c_h____
• 它所修饰的名词之前,要有表示数量的限定词,如:a, three, some, many, no, any, a few等,以便表达整体 中的一部分,如:
• He is a friend of my father’s. • Have you ever read any stories of William Tom’s? • We have already learned a few songs of Justin
1. 我父亲的一个朋友 A friend of my father’s
The road was being widened by them.
现在完成时:has/have been +p.p. eg. He has played basketball for 3 hours.
The basketball has been played by him for 3 hours.
New words and expressions
1. musical: adj. 音乐的 musical box Guitar is a very popular
musical instrument among the youth. musician: 音乐家 e.g. She’s a fine musician.
key university

1. n.爵士音乐
2. adj. 音乐的

描 -单词过关
3. n. 乐器 4. n. 古钢琴
___________in_ strument _c_l_a_v_i_c_h_o_r_d
5. adv. 最近
一般将来时 Will/shall+be done The work will be finished tomorrow.
过去将来时 Would/should+be done
He said that the work would be finished next week.
1.It was made in Germany in 1681.
• Watch the video then read after it.
Key structure---被动语态

主动变被动的步骤: 1.宾语(原句)变主语 2.根据相应时态改写成be+p.p. 3.by+主语(原句)
一般现在时:am/is/are +p.p. eg. People make history.
12. 属于
___b_el_o_n_g___ 13
Which kind of musical instrument do you know?
saxophon e
Lesson 10 Not for jazz
Fill in the blanks
New words and expressions
jazz n. 爵士音乐
musical adj. 音乐的 instrument n. 乐器 clavichord n. 古钢琴 recently adv. 最近 damage v. 损坏 key n. 琴键 string n. (乐器的)弦 shock v. 使不悦或生气,震惊 allow v. 允许,让 touch v.触摸
You will be allowed to enter the room.
现在进行时:am/is/are being +p.p. eg. They are building a new railway
A new railway is being built by them.
过去进行时:was/were being +p.p. eg. They were widening the road.
2. Tables are made of wood.
3.This kind of paper is made from_rags(破
4.Paper can be made out from bamboo
5. Beer is made from Barley (小麦).
6.This kind of radio is made in
= one of my father’s friends
eg. He is one of my friends.
He is a friend of mine.
6. try to do 尽力去做某事 ,努力想达到目的 try doing 尝试,试着做某事 ,只是试着去做,没 有说十分想成功,作到的意思. 试比较:
cure pain.
• 音乐让人放松。 • Music makes people feel
• 2. recently: adv. in recent days, 最近
• Have you seen him recently?
• Shanghai has greatly developed its economy recently.
It is being repaired these days. He was being punished when I came in.
现在完成时 Have/has+been done The work has been finished.
过去完成时 Had+been done
The work had been finished by the end of yesterday.
2.belong to 属于(无被动)
happen 发生
3.too 太,过头(贬)
eg. You think too much.
You work too hard.
5.a friend of my father’s(双重所有格)
eg. The paper is made from the wood.
be made by sb. 被某人制造
eg. This cake is made by my sister.
根据句子意思,用of, from, in by 填空
1.Stamp is made of paper.
History is made by people.
一般过去时:was/were+p.p. eg. They completed the building last year. The building was completed by them last year.
一般将来时:will be+p.p. eg. They will allow you to enter the room.
We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damagedby a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck thekeys too hard and two of the strings were broken . My father was - shocked . Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father's.
时态 一般现在时 一般过去时
被动语态 am/is/are+done was/were+done
例句 It is called an apple. This bike was bought last month.
现在进行时 过去进行时
Am/is/are+being done
Was/were+being done
他努力想爬上那棵树. He tried to climb that tree.
He tried climbing that tree.
(1) ’s所有格 ’s /s’ 1.有生命的物体 Tom’s; Tom and Jack’共有 Tom’s and Jack’s 非共有 2.时间:today’s newspaper 3.距离:five minutes’ walk 4.城镇,国家:the country’s plan
• We don’t allow smoking in this room.
• 6. touch: 触摸
• He touched me on the arm! • touch: move, 感动 • e.g. Her sad story touched our
hearts .
• get in touch with sb 与某 人保持联系
Pop music Rock music Classic music Hip hop R&B Jazz Soft music Folk music
流行乐 摇滚乐 古典乐 嘻哈乐 说唱乐 爵士乐 轻音乐 民乐
• 音乐是疗伤的好药。 • Music is a good medicine to
• She tried to get in touch with him, but he didn’t answer the phone.
7 key n. 琴键 ① n. 琴键 ② n. 钥匙,答案 key to the door 门钥匙
Do you know the key to the question? ③ adj. 关键的
be made in+时间 表示制作于某时 +地点 表示产地
be made of (a material) 仍能看出原材料
Task: 找出 所有含被动 语态的句子 ,试着变成 主动语态
eg. The tea pot is made of silver
be made from (one or a number of materials)