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On the first day of the new term, I met my new headmaster at the school gate. “Follow me, please!”he said. He had a quiet, kind voice. He took me into my new classroom and left. In front of me, thirty pairs of eyes looked at me. I knew he had told the students that I was blind. I could almost feel the question behind their eyes: “Blind” I felt the answer too: “If she’s blind, this should be good!” I heard quiet voices in a corner of the classroom. For a moment, I felt afraid. I knew at once that I had to be strong.

“Class,” I said as loudly as I could. “I may be blind. But I am not foolish. Take those naughty smiles off your faces, and stop talking, please!” Of course, I could not see their faces; I just guessed that some of them were smiling. The class were quiet. They were very surprised. I knew that I had done the right thing.

As the days went by, the students had more surprises. I could smell when the children were eating sweets. I could easily hear combs going through hair, students passing messages, and so on. Once I found a girl passing a message to a friend. I took the message to the teachers’ room. A teacher read it to me. On one side it said, “Do you think she can see” On the other it said, “I think so. She always knows what we’re doing.”

Soon the students stopped being naughty, and started to work hard. Before long, they brought in photos of their families for me to look at. I knew then they were my friends. I also knew they had forgotten that I could not see.

1. The students brought their photos for the writer to look at ______.

A. to interest her

B. to cure(治愈) her illness

C. to make friends with her

D. to annoy her

2. The underlined word “naughty” means ______ .

A. 挑衅

B. 调皮

C. 不在乎

D. 怀疑

3. In the new teacher’s class, the students often ______.

A. exchanged sweets

B. combed their hair

C. wrote letters

D. read letters

4. We can infer that ______________________________ in this passage.(原创)

A. the students in school welcomed the teacher at first

B. the students were surprised for the first time because the writer seemed to know everything

C. the writer was a nice teacher who was good with the students

D. the writer said she must be strong because the headmaster left her alone

5. What’s the main purpose of this passage? (原创)

A. The author was not good with his classmates.

B. It’s helpful of the headmaster and teachers to help the author overcome all the difficulites

C. No matter how tough the life is ,be strong and be brave.

D. Being blind does not mean being foolish

参考答案1--5 DBBDC


1. 时态复习:现在进行时,现在完成时(九全Unit 13)


1.We are trying to save the earth. 我们正在尽力拯救地球。

2. No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health. 没有科学研究表明鲨鱼鳍对健康有利。


( )1. —I can't find Tara. Where is she?

—She ______the piano in the music room.

A. plays

B. is playing

C. was playing

D. played

( )2. I heard that the book The Kite Runner is very good. But it's a pity that I______ it so far.

A. don't read

B. doesn't read

C. didn't read

D. haven't read

2. 时态复习:被动语态(九Unit 13)


1. The air is badly polluted. 空气被严重污染了。

2. It was considered the biggest clean­up project this city have ever had. 它被认作是这个城市已经拥有的最大的清洁工程。


( )3. A report______ to us on how to get on well with our classmates last Monday.

A. is given

B. was giving

C. will be given

D. was given

( )4. Some students in this school______ abroad as exchange students every year.

A. send

B. sent
