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王 昕


摘 要:综述了绿色火炸药及其生产工艺、销毁以及回收利用方面具有“绿色”特征的改进和应用研究成果。绿色火炸药包括洁净固体推进剂、无铅双基推进剂、T P E发射药、无毒发射药、无铅点火药和起爆药。绿色制造技术包括N2O5作硝化剂的含能硝基化合物化学合成,过硝酸盐作硝化剂、微生物作催化剂的生物合成技术,连续化柔性制造技术,基于双螺杆混合成型火炸药生产技术,火炸药生产中挥发性污染物的安全消除技术和纳米复合含能材料的Sol-G el制备技术。绿色销毁和回收利用技术包括销毁产品的熔盐氧化技术、摧毁含含能化合物废水的光催化技术以及火炸药的回收再利用(R3)技术。评述了上述火炸药及相关技术的最新状况和发展方向,附参考文献25篇。关键词:应用化学;绿色火炸药;制造工艺;销毁;回收利用

中图分类号:T J55;T Q564 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-7812(2006)05-0067-05

Development and Application of Green Propellants and Explosives

and Related Technologies

W A N G Xin

(No rt h Institute for Scientific a nd T echnical I nfo rm atio n,CNG C,Beijing100089,China)

Abstract:T he impr ov ed a nd applied resear ch achiev ements with gr een char acter istics about g reen pro pellants and ex plosiv es,r elated pr ocessing techno lo gies,demilitar ization r ecycle recov er and r euse ar e summarized.Gr een pro-pellant s a nd explosiv es include clean r ocket pr opellants,lead-fr ee double base pr opellants,T PE based gun pr opel-lants,no ntox ic g un pr opellants and heav y metal-fr ee ig nitio n ag ent s and pr imar y ex plosiv es.T he gr een pr ocessing techno log ies include chemical sy ntheses o f nit ro-energ etic compounds using dinitr o gen pentodide as nitr atio n ag ent, biosy nt hesis of nitr amines using pero x ynitr ate as a nitr atio n ag ent and micr oo rg anisms as cat aly zer,continuo us and flex ible manufact ur ing techno lo gies,the pr ocessing o f pr opellants and ex plo sives fo rmulatio ns based o n tw in screw ex trusio n,clo sed loo p and safely pr ocessing technique to eliminate energ etic emissio ns pr oduced in manufactur e of energ etic for mulat ion and Sol-G el pro cess to prepare nanoenerg etics.G reen techno lo gies to demilitar ize pr opellants and ex plosiv es include molten salt ox idatio n technolog y for demilit arizat ion pr o ducts,pho tocata ly zing pr ocess t o destr uct w aste w ater co ntaining ener get ic compounds,tr eatment technolog ies for r ecy cle,reco ver and r euse(R3) of pr opellants and explosiv es.T he cur rent situatio n and tr end o f abov e mentio ned pr opellants and explosiv es and related techno log ies are r eviewed w ith25r efer ences.

Key words:applied chemist ry;g reen pro pella nt s and explosiv es;manufacture technolog y;demilitariza tio n;R3

引 言


收稿日期:2006-03-31; 修回日期:2006-05-19





Chinese Journal of Explosives&Propellants
